r CUPRENT TOPICS. lu Great Britain th-e nnemploy- taet question je far more sericus ced threatening thonu in this coun- try. \Vit ustad du commerce are steadily reviviag, factories are îccpening their doors, aud m&jiy, cf tbe unemployed bae aiege te ~iIre4aben meav il e trobla fn rf, d1rsw upon. lei En'ýgland( aud &cot,- 's pet te> a ilou ttofheysa. auzb as 2~izslna-u Maga.Irwua Diateo aS or nd tbe dictreý,- se eau a-id ne iieamkbl surea bs eeuh n. curins veýry uîarked imiprovement ie indus- vZ_ý trial conditions jeý loeked for hy the hect jugs uLondonr, Glasgow yet Ctir'a aIl 71ver Pill rare sudl eehr eo rai,uns cf oýqaalj. valuaia lu Conti l P t n ,1 ring aud pre- ~o.tu~ibs unrie om 1!utwhlOtheyPW ao Unemplc.yed a cd n mlybehasve '~jctve~ndeeultetabo0 4f ~i~hth0eyowy been held, sud corneý lio ibas ai- g, Và rt.sdy occumred. T!he demiand for work or relief that ii made upon ~$netby wuldealoopnlelaatoborWb hei govemninent will ou spp td il& M e11frombastOresigepsl L-3oi the socialiste and by the labor' jtîba lunFOmIanlyway obthbey v',1 nt'O ';a wil party. IUnder tbe uue-mployed workman - btbbaao soanlies ba brol'rer st, ývhicb rvie for the estab- ""-akougrrA Our OaPillaocurait wbiie Ilishment cf labor e_,cbanges, the di- Ifftlo L Over Piarn very email and rect supply cf womk ou puliun ~~~~~01 /est aie ur two piSaiea dose,. rfrisdS u ~'eyaa tie vgeaiesd onot gs.îpa dertakîcgs, famcolonies nr ~nrebthyherget1ectonpeas5iWho the British local goveýrumtboard, OÂ B fIGI go, EZaw roa presided over by John Bournsex- Pul~i1 liL pcnded nearly $1,400,0W0 la «st, er oessL,..s ~ ' The numbor cf applicants in Eeg- A. E TscLAJGHIN. land and Walee wae 90,000, aur ini- i IaristrSolîcitor anud Counieyancer. crease over that of the previeus Beka llockr King -Street, twelvemonth. This year therewl vIl.onay te b1aB at i'eaaoa- Pab1o rates. 48-iyr. doubtiese be auother, Increase la the applications fer aid or employ- POD E R T YOTJNGa V. S. nient, aud the govemrnent, je ai- 1N" ,FJi 11 îîoSEv'S IILOOR. ready grappling with the problern. Uo>i1te Towu Hall Entrenr,. where ha'iti ha fonnd frosu 8 a.in. te Mm. Burns, s former trade union p.m.n! gh çaIla at residenra, direct-.. I~opeltesDllISbd. 7-yleader, bas littie faîtb in the orale- amy farm coloey, and s for public SIPON&BLAIR. work hie wonld net undertake it D.B 13, i~N K. C., CHAS P. [vol t ie o t icves 1BLA Àit , fLarristers, Solicitors, Notarles. irl ogv relief,fo ti etc, ,Morris Block, up-stalrs. Kînc large wactc cf the taxpay".rc' mon- Streat, Ilwsnl. Sbolicitors fer lmeý Obitario Ban~k. Private menoya ioan- cy. Contracte for s number cf ~ d t hine bave been given ont, it ap- J3..HaI.wod5 .D.C.M pears, oinuwhat lu advance cf the 'rANILE _XET timo or-iginaily planncd, but the ,'~.D MDLIS,1T of 'rrnity UL chipe are needed aud would bave tvrly, Toronto; For 1er A tn% b uit inay ae Flfiii n su urgeon atMi.OsceI een boutý iàay ae tîioac e . lue'. ____________________________ It je probable that, the goem- TOTIIOSE HARDOFHLARIN' mient, as a st resort, will activeiy -- pirnote ernigmat;en cf adait sud An efficient aid sent for trial free of nble-bodied worlî:men. Last year, expeuse or rIFk. No paymentiluad- cnt cf the fond at hic diýspecal, Mr. vanti 1 ao contmact. Address C. W. Bures used $250,000 in promoting TYlemrrÀn & CO,, 107 Park Row, New emigration, auJ next wiuitcm hie ray ,YorkOitY, U 1,. A. 20 8 me find himecýfîf conctraincd te 'ncreýase - the expendi(!ture, je that direc!tioni. TheP gove\nn bas, been sevceely critcîzd fo stmnlaingaduit erni- ni soatn: tu hsadit W~bolcitb&usisaoMaafacurei, ngland je tee,) poor sud exbsnsted iy of baviuýg thoir l'itent business tnnapsactet te support bier native male popula- bYIlxPtrts. Preriiaryadvice frac, Charges modrat. Qe lventor's Adviser sent upon tien. But, whatcvcr rnay bc tbonght requei. Mrloumsyioa, New york 14(0e fldg, -4ouireal~ andWah tnD.C., U.ii.A. cf the prospects cf land, tax sel ctber reforme, s condition con1 mont 'I ~~tà; thel goî erment, sud it miust des] îilh1 wQTth it under existing iaws sud ie- stitutione. Bmitish emigration ~A~ W SU S A nicane immîigration for other 00en-j tes, sud corne ef them have their isoacel the primary cause of kidaey own poverty and ucem-pîcyment- trouble. W'hen the batik aches or becorues troubles. The prob lern is thus se nwueak i la a wa ruiag that the kidueys are.] - liable tbeoeaffected. international eue,- and soonei or 11-1 the'arig check the Baokacha later a cenference te consider 't &nd i3pa ofu auy 1chances of further will be snmrned. If yoo d1on't, secrion)s complications arae ___ very tp tn, a rise sud the first thing you know)i youi 'rîi have Drepsy, Diahetes or Education bas becu defined s IBihtsDiseasse, the threeý moat deadly 'tehroon vlpin fal furims cf Kidtney Trouble,.tehroiu eootctc i M.amsBryant, Arichat, N.S., n'as the faculties." That man whery trulevit hbis batik au used Do.n'. aealbcpycclsdmna KJiuey Pilla, ho writes:-" I cannot ssy-fal hspyil n4re-.1 1monî muciabot the benefit 1 received aller faculties brongbt te full aud bar- 3iing tbhreo boxes of Doau'a Kidney Pill, me. rnions Jet elcpriient, howver, je I1'sgral troubled 'rîth an acbiug peau" acrose tiser;,amail of mny back. I could net noa commen individual. Some of g- o le îvrk auJ- miy batik 'ras so weak 1 the bmsiuiest men cf bistory bave we'uld bave0 te a it down. It woulJ. go aw$iy 1a ibmd mne ois for a ion' da-ys but n'ould aln'ays returu. hdwteesiuknbde 1 n'vas dvsdte try Doan's Kidney Publs sorne of the world'c greateet ath- aud I m-'2 'staa v 1haycompýlataly cue me.' letes have bad the nicntality of chil- Pric, r)0 cd>bts par box or 3 boxes for et2 al a r or mailod direct on dron. But betwoen these extremaes M .tîpto ricep by Tho Dosun Kidney Fuli thora is a, golden nîcean t bc h ally rnaler tuings or lie lue wuîe- er may prove hjmself incapable ho- cause cof tise lack of a littbe self- study auJ training, There are lrg eployers of men who, look- ing at a yonng mnaus gaît in tise wtetnoilJd ecîde against blitalu a moment cauec i veu ouiSui or T-i 1u p" r a Fa shioned No seam No seam in the leé in thse fooi i the, 9oe ITeur deaàlèr iii1 supply Y04. 12 SÇ41 write Wt1 Fn m a nz peme t.D Theme re moýnutains on)n thehe t-oubiel" The voice came flrom, ___________ ad ali box, Ilike a trunk, in oe baud, and a I b'-îgIigt-co)Iored uta-L i~rela anda bunle cfsticks ude Lesr~ o b a3ae.r esIe ýhwed bita br poor Rosa Marn W!O3 et b e agtrber . ~ May,trobbetes.feok *i85i~aedy te Joli t d riyjuhic bande, and tie 0.38 0.og o i su rOnoi ~lfn~f ead,"Wei, eh, hebas met itb li Moler Barber Colfege, Car. QUeeg nd dne had Spadima Ave,., Toronto. Ontario 8 a v ery a 'idnt, I1e, u thinknerbpe1 eucr e. lack of mîasteýry over biis own mrrove-T meouts. It ie by ne mecns a siiap juidg- mcrt, based ou pre'udioe, eltichr. ln the mere gait of a mannakg Lis way tbrougb a street the uait cf his brain may be easredby bis-, movements. Tee enobttr(ý gauge of a rnusjudgmen11t! ta thatevidenced by hua wF 1l"h starts across a busytoruhfr ur a crowded crossing,. lu this .-. tory of corne of the great tinker oi the worlcl etorios he be~tl of how absolutelyucnc u:f"Te sut h physicai enviroum_ýent tby ouldid ýip fii n ,ecome when pursiug a iniiad(risad ir a jeep thought. 'But thi t o, ~ eel-akdcut r;iûd indicates awakes rthr Mtheýr says sucd han rounded streug[h aud cpabi tfialv ontrctdun .ty. Only a few yearsý agoPof Curie in France dicvrd htPNDO)RA' OVEN EXAC' rare chemical sbtne aim When you scea It stirred the siniiewrdte its! !epths. But ec2ietitt; hh wý Curie wab unpreparued frthe dan 5 gers cf Paris streets arid aru Jewn and kiiled Ly a caj. U0f ho littie value j agreat b1)inna body that caunot keep it frosn ý pby, sical destruction? 'l È 0n, ToronoMn'0 rLt;reaG, Wnri "Oct a move on you," is oue cf 'Z the colioquial bits cf advice hand ____________________ ed te the young mani,ýi who desires __________ te accomplish semiiitbing in if e. Th'e infereuce ie toat before mov- ~ jJ ( iuig the young man spa11 know ho% Y UN tu meve. But beforo bie may havcFO K achance te make au aggreceive, ef L fective meve ,iu business, hie muet' kuow bow te move down te hie plat .e CURING ROSA MAY. of busiuess preeerving a whole skia. Ou the merning when Bessie Nor- If hie shail be rudewn by a strceve ton was six years old ehe camne car at a crossing just before P-idowu te breakfast te fiud a long box ting there the greater movemeut is ailP tied urp in piukç paper, witb a impossiblc. "Get yourself to _t sring tbat was like a littie gold er," sbeuld ho au impelliug m >t'; , c haîn. The box etoo(d on the table L3Bessies plate,. and there was a Ân men. Leidt b 'al()ej ardo it, witb coine writing. Bec on auy occasion. Learu t tin ce could read print, if the words and act until brain and muscle u r< voire not too long, but she had uot as one and iu'eparable. Ou-iy in yet learned te read writing; ce she this way may a man key himself te vau te b-er mother with the card 1-i,'hest fficenc 1y. id asked bier te read it. lgbes effcieny. 'It says, 'For Bessie, witb best wiebes for mauy happy birtbdays,'" BREAIJE IELPFORsaid mother, aud then sbe belped L.ï,'EAïît Li-E.RlllOÙ iint-e the gold string and take off Druggsts ury Lovil ae L theug piuk paper. Dr gSplendidry1, oepo rts from Whed at< last tLe box was open, tlre app eared Cie meet beautýiful1 Llyme Ucrs paerdol ibtat PBessie bad iever ïCit' thepoison germin te ai r ceeuShe hdloeygolec ar tiiece germetu 1their *wa(tework bl.ue auýd lber cheeke like buhrc aud estryc tem. hc fret s, ad nitb ber were 9ail kinde cf breatb of Hfiyome1i air kjilis r a,ic- 1beautiful dresses. There was a .ýlight ta1rrbai peicon.ik one for parties', wîtb a bat to This makec' the atir you are match, aud a plain dark blue cailor hi eatbiug inward beljpful, it goec, suit for every-day wear, and. two on its w,ýay tbrough the air passages,-, dainty white oce te drese up in in biouchial tubes and longs hrgdtbe afteruoou. Eacb one bac? a bat 'ith gemdsroünowr tba t go with- it, aud there were alec caunot be recisted, it soothes and lots of daiuty lace underclothos, beals the wounded and iufiamed aud, twe baud-bage and a parasol. membrane.1 Bessie was se happy that she That is why llyomei iese iïnstant- could bardly wait te eat ber break- y helpful for any distrece cf thiefast. Ac soon as it waý over she Lreatbiug organe, colde, (croup,) took the beautiful doîl, whichse bronchitis, asthma or dreýided ha' Lýd nameci Rosa May, aundwn puieumnonia, they are the germn life with bier te the bouse cf lber play- that Hyomei kills.maeNeieBkr who lived next Complte gurautudeufit 1 door. AI]. that day the two played Sold _by Jury & Loveli.ý Talk tetgthr.t0Rs a under tbe tbreurabiout -it. trees, aud in the afternioon -theY gave a party, beuause you sec, it DEN1~ABK'SSERVATS. ws Rosa May'c birthday just as DENLAIRKq SEVANT» mach as it was Bescie's. Becaiseof ystm Fw ~Many other days tbey- played te- Rave rouble. gether, tee, and RsaMaaiae biad the beet of care, aud wae takenl lu Deumnark few boosewivee have iLto the bouse aud put te bcd at trouble witb t heir servants, A the right heur. But at last there s, stem bas been perfectcd which came a day wben a baud came guarantees a hoeewife bouet auJ înarching by, playiug beautifullY, good serva nts, as well as independ- wbile Beecie' was, dressing Rosa ence aud fair treatmeunt teoslie 3May, She ran eut te tbe fence, auJ cmploy-ed. Wbfen i yu oa n then followed a littie way down the ct.taiul,ýeiemploý1mcnelt shýe goos te a ereet, aud wbeu she came hack bier pelîceetatin auJgets bockwbicbmotber called bier in tesupr d tesifis t be god oarater au por RsaMaywa*t fergotten., '1 ikiii "Oh,, can yen 1" cricd Bessie. "Arc yen s doctor?" The young man laughed. "Yes,' Le sait], "I thick I can cure thîs pa- tetif yen will let me operate jus]. as I think bet." "Oh, yes, siri2' crieJ Bessie. "Yen cau, if yen wiib cuoly cure ResMay!1" The youug man took eut a littîn- pair cf sciscers, anid then opeuned his box aud fonnd some smoeth, stiff! white cardboard. Then hie teck roor Rosa May sn uct lber head rîght off ! Bessie almeet cried right eut at this, but the yonng mac was snîiiing so pleasantly that che did net. fie tcok the cardboard sud cut ont a new bead, jost like thse clJ ene, sud then with s littie glue from bis box ho faetened j]. on te Rosa May's body, ce yen could hardiy sec the place. Next there carne eut of tbe wouderful box s bundIe of little tubes of paint whicb lie rnixed in a small china pan, and in s few minutes the new fa-e bad 1 1wo big bine eyeesud a rosebud rnuuth anJ coîiy, goiden bair'sud a pair of pick cheekc juet as-os idlay bad had at first. _By thie time Bessie n'as sebaqppy thsaÉ4suie asdancngu sddoa sudJ wh e ey nmac cit doff eue atmi sud botb bege-- of Rosa May che dici net mm.-d at ail, because ehe knew lie wouid make uew oaec as good as the others bad been at first.' AuJ hoe Jid, se that n nue wobd eî er bave known- that Ros May had cier ]îad any accident or been sick. Bessie thanked him over auJ over again. She aeked bim if be was go- ing tý doctor corne one elcc, and he isuighcd sud said ne, bee was go- iug te paint a picture. As lie turn- el away hie said, "Xen must be ce refui net to leave Ros May eut a]. uight again, for young objîdrea like hiem take cold, sud sornetimes yen can't get s doctor who keows bon' te cure theta."-Youtbý*s Cern- pa nîcu. For In anadOhie. The Kind You Have Always Buh I3ears thse Signature of TUE FRTENCH NAVY. Seven Ounnery Accidents Wîth.in Twu lfears. Tise numnber of Jlicasters in the Frencis navy withiu the last tbree years, begnnuiug with the is cf the cubtamines Farfadet in Juiy, 1905, aud cnbmiuatiug in tise fatal gun accident witis tise bas of tisir- teen lives on board tise Admirai La touche-Treville, je attracting ev- eiyoue>'s attention. Iu Apmil, 190W, tise premature ex- plosion of a sheil in the training shîp Couronne killed four e u îseuuded several otisers. Tise court ofj euquimy'-did net Jiccover the cause of tise accident, n'bicbivas genorally attributcd, however, to the "B" powdcr. InsMarcis, 1907, tlise battlesbip Ions n'as blewn unp, nitb a lose 3of lot' live's. Tise court of ennrynas unalbie te deterine tise cause of the disaster. lu August, 1907, a gun exploded iý the Couronne, kiiing four auJ wcuingý1i eigist. Cause undicev- eredl. In Februamy, 1908, tise breecis of a gun n'as bbowu eut in the croiser Peýscartes auJ five mec wereý killed. Besuits cf euquiry net eveaicd. iu tise camne mentis four mon were kibi- ecd by a sîmýilar mnysteiene accident î i tise Joanne d'Arc. lu Auguet, 1908S, anothor explo-1 sien, tise third iu two yeams, occur-' 14 re the cCoru~,nine mon be- Tise Temrpe eays tisat these acci- ldents aire a sigu of tise comiplote fîa-hguir cf Fronich naval material.1 nipet, Vancouver. St John, N.B., Hlamilton. Calgary. JAD3 GIVEN UP ALL HOPE OF LIVING. H-eart Tirouble Ouretd býy MILBIJRN'S HEART AND NERVE PIfLL8 Mrs. Audrew Sa-voy, Graftan'e, 7.B., writes: In the year of 1905 1 'ras takcen sock and did nt think I couid Oive any length of trne. My trouble 'ras with lmy heart and people toid me that nothing oouid ho doue for a case litre mine, 1 consuited the very best dootors but thoy coold do mie no good. For seven 'reoks I couýid barly cros3s the floor, 1 had n pain, but -,Nas so caïc nobody Iu the worid eau beliovle how 1 felt. 1 bat given up ail bopes of livinig and bad givea rny little girl to my sist er-hu- law, One day a friaud came to Seo me, aud call. ing me by namo, said, 1'Lizzie, if 1 'rerc you 1 would try a dose of Miiburu's Heart anuid Nerva PILS as tbey are good for beart trouble.' My husband got mre a box, but for two dais ii was net feeling any bott er. but ou the fourth day my busband s 'rj, believe tho'o palls arc doinig yenu goori.' 1 was able to say 'Yes, I fe01 a gooll. Leal botter this moning.' He aaid, WellIwill get yenu another box right away.' 1I tank t wo boxes andthiree doses ont of the third one, sud I1n'as perfectly,'rail aud bave net 1been sick glace thon. 1 wîLl nover beovwjtborut tbem i Liamy lhome for Ced kaows if it, had not beeu for il.d bas ea ad Ne la Pu, T'r lonu baebeen livo non'. T!ïo T. M\iibumn o. s"2or ui 'tel ut your> yop f'ao ur'~~ihio as ehter il la ~i p ~bb1y utmeb M'aW rcatte a specialty cf ppioatop ro ecîdin other baude. ~igbat rte~Oceefuruished. ~ f ivl & i~rbao1c i geers, Oraduatoi e rthe ro1Irr~j5euaiof EPCIIhisng, £c 'ioa Asscule, t ,wEn'lr Waler WrsAs, i Sent icv nes The Fenc ,Naal Arileýry Com ity cfEgiluniaistllr a city of ail the Britisb!, app1ianuesý. Iii Boston,_ Mas, c f the cbildren admnitted to the echIools, 45 per cenýt, had neyver ceeu hecouintry, 20 pe-r cent. 'did not ,know tatcews gaveo a pig, ýd 5 per (eîut.co lo nt dîstinguisb by smane ;between the cooeyelw grcea. nwlblue. O1ld Ricly-" ldo t wisb hyen fer a so-Llw Ir. " ý Yenag Man- "NYen bsxen't auy ether gcoed position yena could give a fellow, bave yen]" Sait Rheum on Hands WINTER ECZEMA It is weil kno-wn t 'hat cold wateï agg9avaes eczema, and wiîh many cold weather as h saine effect and t'bey sufler f rom eczema oSt sait rheum on the handsanad chspping and cracking ni the skia. Tisera is no trearment s0egeffetive and Sc Iastingly beneficial 10 thse skia as Dr. Chase&s Ointrment. which heals up îh0 -aw. flang itclun*ýig soeas ansd laves thea skia soitl, eet and velvety. Dr. A. W. Chase'a Ointmnent la aiso wonderfuily success!uI as a cure fi chilisiains, whicis for man pcople inake thE wiater a season 10 be dr:aea. By appIyin- thse ointmecnt freely tise dreadfud îtciing aad. tnging ib relieved aienost immand;ately and itî raguuîlruse pïeevents '111c fetura of ti3isanaoyin? troubla. 60 cents a ,.box, ;ý il dealera ci Edinanson, Bates & Ce., Toroato. Mr. 3. H. Anderson, Chapm an, We3t tuwleIfid Ce,, N. B., wites:- - For tan winies I1'was trouisled wfis eczenz on my heaja and cracking of tise skia, whicli Ma rypWld. No treatasent 2seemed b bU o1nfitu 1i usad D,. Cisas&cs Oinîae*it It broughitu- iediat reief, teck eut isÈsre nffes sikened tisa sida and inade a roniplatp B%'I.Id WàR e six yezu go'