~ .s c -?i Yar aller year yourufilei r rom r ~ bilions headache, indigestion, constiç Lic. enating with Iooseness of the boer 'r c ies. deapondency and il! temper,w r Bn8ht* disease of thekdrc. M.on can break this chain oi boâ - ' ~vre A. We Cha. They cure biliousness trnd cossstipç j,,,. 1 'II t..' III reaof their direct anid specifie actio t àn-f% "i l l ii l f liver, ensuring thse fitering of thse bile1 j G v ud lu .EFJAKA e11 blood, where i is poison,an sin A thse intesines whcrc it is xsccssary to a lij I fion ?,id regulate the bowels. Th Medicine is backed by, the skili and int No roor n l the home deserves more attention than the bath the famnous Reccipt Book author, A.N room beanse vour boalth May depend upon the qua1ity of the 1 M. D. One pili a dose, 25 cie. a b plumbing. Our Pot ce beautiful and Sanitary lloom, Phone No 66 elaîn Enarnclledl Fixtures are moder. You are invited to visit our 'Show I Opoit ~ P0* ri~ Why sufer? hen you ceau be ecured < any forsu of Itchling, Bleedinýý and Protrud- ing Piles, or any other SKIN Diseasýe, sucis Ecz.ýma, Sait PesOid Sores, Bariber's E S R.ah, Shing"es;, Pimples, cracs-ted Lip)s Rig Worm, Burns, etc, by thei use of ark's Vegetable Ointtment., -- Wh ph isa pre! -ve eiecomvound Dre ed epcilfor PILES -and SKIN dieaýss.Ask your druggist for Sa!np.e. lrBox Z5 Cents. For Sale'by F. R1, KRRSRLAKE and ail firstelass rggss Accept no Ssubstitute. Tlis 1egetable compouni GREEN IN CLH ~DR. ? PRISVS'GJOrTA-BLE O INTMENT-.k *v * about the kind of 4. -:Furniture:- youa are going to buy. Corne in to our store and see tho 4'bright new designs,. a elomplete a8sortment in aail 'grades of 4'tuniture and our prices make buayinag easy.4 4' Parlor Suites, liewest Patterns. ........$80( Î* i;ed Room SitesQ from ...-.........12.00 vp. LwMORRIZINS&Se"*DN9 * IJ owmanillo. Branches: Orono and Hamnpton. 4 The noyal13aink of Canadla ) PROGRIESS 0F Six VEARS. Capital & Reserve Depoits Total Ai.%ets ( 1908 $8,290,000 $35M000,000 $49,00 010w Manager Bowinanville, Ont., Braneh. ~i I I TI-ANKSGIVINU DAY. Retnrn tickets at sinsgle fare betweeu al stations in Canada. Good going Nov. 6, 7, 8, 9 neturs lirait Nov, loth, 1908. SPORTSMEN DaiL sntil and Including Nov. 3rd. Re turn tickets t single fare toalal points lu Hlunt- ing District. Return lmit Dec. 5th. or until close of Naigation, if zarliejr, to pointe reached by Steamers. TO WESTERN CANADA Thie atracuive route la via Uhicago and St, Paul, Minneap)olis or Duluth %Scare ccpy of tisüe table ent'ited "~New Rouite to W'ïiaipeg anS( Western Canada via rChiecago" from J. D. MCOoBÂLO, Ditrict Passenger Agent, Tr.t Returu tickets et îingle fare f'd.i- m1anivllle to Toronto on account of Sheffield Choir Concerts. Good going, Nýov, 5, (, 7,.-ne tarn imnit, 1"ov, th, 19)08, Fuilinomto adtkesro an Grand Trnak Agent. JURY & LOVELL, OP. & T, Aigents, Bawmauville 1 KNOWLEDIGE AND SKILL IN DAIRY I ING, There are two Most valuable posses- sions which no search-*warrant can get et, whieh ne executian cau take awav, and which no reverse af fortune en dostroy; tbev are wbat a man puts Into nia braln-KNOWLEDGE; and Into is hands-SKILL." Tisese favars together with many years experience lu creamor-v work, on.- abIe us ta put "Quality" luto aur pro d ut bel ore tise brand gaes on, The Orono "Quaiity "brandi creain.. ory butter ham ied andarp tation for what tbe branud mples, and la naw ecagerly sought ailter by tise arR. est dealer- fl stise Province. ciutn s .u the fact tisat wo bave b)een enabled ta steadly increase thse price paid to patrons. For Otolber cream w exPect ta pIuy not iess than 25e per lb fat, wbile a furtiser advance ,will ho made for November cream. You wili mahe no mistako wbatover in patzroz:izing the ORONO CREAMý11Y, dealers or Edmassson, Bates ê& Co., Mr. Jos. S. Hnbbard, Sr., Raglar SMy wife was a great suffcrcr f, hedache, and biiioueness, but Dr. Kidney-Liver PuIs bave made o>f bh creahsr;e. 'These oid troubles bav- di'sa.Pcaried !or wbich we tbank Dr. MINISTERS -A Leagzue concert Ni Rev. John Gatrbi ~trlscconference at Trei aicia- President Fred ;k~Epwortls League C .5401Friday. Rev. H. B Kex (ce preach the Epwor sary sermons Nov. Ladies of St. Jol Il ing thoir Thanki3, day Nov 13. Rose Don't miss the E Pation by cert Frid ry, No, on 011the Picon, Mir C L. e rons the and others will itu in, it i.stO MrR.(Rv) ssd dige- great acceptance, hsgrat Methodist ehnrch1 setyof dist Church lu t: MV. Chase, Cawkor ro'CX, at a'î The Epworth L Too~dist churcli wiii bà an, Ont., ou Frlday ecvenlne i once E.nery, Picta ronikas soloist, and 1 r a nsw is in store for tbos eî-e Rev. 1. W. TOtt CLýC.,- day last exchange -, .J. ai. e BOWMAN VILLE, OCT. 29, 1908 scadden, w forcible speà IIORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETlING aboUnd Ww: 1wbieh man3 The anual m]Pi-eeting of Bownianviile ment of oth Roricuturl Sciety wIiI ho heid ln His appeal1 the Po'ice office on Fridav Nov. 6 at 8 conferonceo -, -m, fqr electi-,n of officers and general SPonse..Pi busiess.The annu R JAVIS . BABuR, and social 41.2w Presidont Socretary, Foreign M Paul'$ chun rooxù Tuesd BOWLING rmeeting,. il Saturda-Y two rlnks of bcrwlers came up from Port Hope -to have a frleudi-Y gaSe wlrh local players Aftor playing a few ends rain camne on aýbrtptly end igthe sport. Players were lîe p -PortHp 3.IU.i WV J. Bal A Mitchell G. A. Beamisis M. A Jamecs E. E. Suider ýW B. MoMurtry J WV Bal skip John Lyle skip R E. Southby Carl B. Kent R Giliies Ricis Osborne W. E. Bernish Mlai. W C. King D MeMulin, sklp) Jas Deymlan, skip- PEINALTY 00 HURRIED EATNG--HU.r- ried eating and lack fcf proper chewing of the food a.re among the most common causes of indigestion and derangomnents of the 'liver and kidneys. Relief and cure are most quickly obtained by use of Dr. Chase s Kidney-Liver Pulis, wbiob- are unique in havlng a direct and combined action on kidneys, liver and baweis. WEDDING BELLS. GOARD-DARK. A versy pretty autusun wedding was soiemni/td on wedneEday Oct, 21 nt 2 p su. at teho)mo of MIr. and Mru. john Dark, Wickiow.ý, whecn their eldest dLaughter, Muiss BarieMandie Dark, was unitedlu marriage to NMr James Goard, ai Vancouver, B. C. The cere- mony was porformed by Rev. Wm. Higgs, pastor of the Methadist church, lu the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The bride, who was given away by lier father, was prettil 'v attired lu a princess gown of white silk muil trimmed with bebe Irish and 'Valenciennes lace, and carried a sbower bouquet of Richmond roses, lier only ornament being a peari neckiace, the izif tof the groom. She was attended by ber sibter, Miss flose Dark, who wore a princess gown of pale bine silk muli and carried white rases. The groom, was supported by Mr. T. A, Dark of Toronto. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a handsome goid brace- let, and to thse groosussusn, solid gold cuif links. Tise bride was the recîpient of many beautiful and useful gits from ber numerous friends. Af ter a bounti- fui wedding breakfasit thse happy couple loft for New York and othor American cilles, the bride travelling lu a suit of navy bine cioth, smartly talared. 'On their return Mr. aud Mrs Goard wil reside la Toronto f or the winter montiss, after wbIch they wil make their home ln Vanconver. Mr. Goard's many friends lu Bowman ville and vlclnlty jolii ln beavrtiest congra2tulations. STe,-LES-JouNSTON On Wodnesday, Oct. 14th, a very pretty bouse wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Jobn- stan, Main Street, Waiton,- Ontario, wisen their second yanngest daugbter, Caroline, Superinteiadent Indian Hos- pital Lizard, Point Hemerve, Rossburu, Man,, aud Charles H. Staples, Rossbnrn, Man., son of Mr. Alex. Stapies, Tyrone, were made man and wlfe The bride iooked cbarming lu a gawn of embroid- ered net aver white silk carr-ing a bouq. uet of white rases and maideu bair feru. Miss Ferguson plased the weddlng mardi as,,tie bridai partv entered the drawing raom, thse bride ieaninx au the arm of ber father. The eremany was performed by Rev. A. MeNab lu tise presence of relatives and Intimate friends. After partaking af a daiuty luncheoia the happy couple loft amid showers ai rîce far Toronto, Bowxnan- ville, and ather points east. Thse brides going away dress was a tailored suit of grey. broadcioth with sllk and lace blouse and bat to match and mink atole. Amou.g those from -a distance were. Mrs. Milison and son, Cie vand, Ohio, Harry L. Stapies, Bank of Toronto, Rassburn, Man., WIII and Alec Stapies, Tyrone. The presonts were numerous and beau- fui. Tise3 grouim's presen; te lis bride was au elegant broadotis coat Mr. and Mrs. tapIes wil ho at hotte at I ossbunuaiter Navember l5th Theïr frlends lu Darliigtou wish thema ahappy l and praspeous marrled lMe. Wben goine away from home, or at aniy change of habitatIon, lie Is a wlse man who numbjers amoug bis belon- insa battie af Dr, J. D. helg~ Dysý1entery cordial. Change 0ofiood, and water lu ,ome stranige place wbere thnere aîre no doctors, may bring on an attack of dysenitery. Ho thon bas a standard remedy at hanid with whlcb ta cope wlvth thse disorder, anid fý-.oni ïrmUd ho eau auccessfuliy 5fight the alIment and snbdue iL. GERAIM, C, C. LYin. Many friends, af Mr and Mrs. Fred Lyle sympathize with them lu tüedeatis oi their anlv obiid Gerald Charles Christian, a .brlght iittle feliaw o! two years and twenty days, wbo died on Tuesda Ct. 20 aftor a few davs iilness from choiera iniantum. Tisefunerai ou I hursdav aiternoon frosu the famiiy residence, Scngog Street was largeiy attended. Rev. T. W. JoIllie conduût- ed the service. Mrs. (Rev.) Garbutt and Mliss Stella Mascon sang 'Sctter Sceds ai KinesB" and "l'il be a Sun- beam,"' The beautifual floral offrings were expressive of tise deep sympathy of relatives and friends lu the loss of thoir little son: Wreathes: Mamma aud Papa, Mrs. Thos, Legge; spra3 s, Mr. and Mrs. W. McRe.1 noids aud Myrtie and A'Edra, Mrs John Clarke, Miss EditIs Richards and T H. Knighit; cross, employ ees of thse foundry, Mrs. and Miss Gaud, MrYs. Frank Mason and Miss White; bouquet, Miss Lizzie Painton, Tise bearers woe John Mayer, Oscar Pingie, Arthur TFucer, Norman Bot- treil. If we knew the baby fingers, Pressed agalat th~e widow pane Wontd be cold and stiff tomorrow Never trouble us again- Would the bright eyes of our darllng Catch the frown upon our brow - Would the prints 0frosy fingers Vex ne then as they do now ? Ah! those lîttie ice-cold fingers How tney point our mmeries back To the hasty words and actions, Strewn along our backward track 1 How those littie hands remind us., As in snowy grace they lie Not ta scatter thorus--bnt roses- For our reapIng by and by. Mr. and Mra. Lyle wiab ta thank their many frieuds, especially thse empioyees of thse foudry, for their kindncîs and s.ý mpathsc la their sudden bereaveorent. WIIITBY PRESBYTERY. Wh'iitby Presbytery met iu tise Presby. teran'.psurhOchawa, Tuesday, 20th Inat. Moderator J H Bo',riaxd, Columu- bus, prosided aud re!id Pea. 103. Rev Dr. Abrahamu off ered prayer. Rev. Dr. Lyle. Hamilton, delivored au inspiriing address onithe Forward Mlssionary àlovement. Committee sot befotre the~ j ebrcis the raisin g 0of $500.000 a y ear for geHme Work and T 50oi ', ayear to, weekly offerinz for Missions in evory congrog-ation. 25c. per family per week wonld ralso tIse ontire sum. Wbtbyý Pres;byter.r's share la $11G60. A com-ï mnittee was appointed to deal with the question. Mr. Brown Is chairman 11ev. Dr Abrahnm moved a vote af tbaksto Is spakr, hiiswas car- rieni. Rev , Dr McTavilh, Toronto, and MIr. Gordon, Manager of Dominion ban,-, %Wýhftbv, wore present roprosont- ing tise churchles cemnmittee on Evan- Mcflurtry & Go, Limiïted. Bring US Your-Produce. Bowmanville, geoiim. Rev. J.lHodges said tho Pras- FOR SALE-FRAME RESIDENCE by tory was most fortunate ln having $ 10F and acre of excellent garden with about with it the representatives of both tbese * £1f f O bearing appie trees. WiII be sold at real committees. BaCk of the Mlsslonary mf ,* ,, -JAMBEi. fouanahmenOeiStse problem, and the probleim of giving ~ ~ ______ Spirit of Evangelism, Is a very good salary for a young person 1 Bis Honor, Judge MeInt3cre, was iunder 20 t0 receve. Severai of Our preen an sokeonbeaifo!theBord shortisand araduates of îast year are IIONORARY G RA D UAT E 0F prset ndspkeonboal o te oad now enjoying tbf. salary. Perhaps we Otario Veterinary Coliege. Office in of Knox Colloge for increasei givings eau help you to reelve this amount. r0fr. Williams. furniture store. Ca to thbat Institution.Ou new catalogue expan.Cn n nwered day orni-ht. Phonem5. U1. Af ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I te1otn uies rsytr d bf aSs shasend to W . L Alte rotin buines Prsbyeryad- SHAW, Centrai Hùsiness College, Tor- journed to meet in Pickering, Jan. 8, OiO 1909 -Ref.m.r................... ...........~. r ADRS................... .......... ROYAL. MAIL 5TEAflERS. !~ * ~ 4 ~ 4M rutreai to Liverpool _________iIVictorian ............ ..sals Nov. 5. inicrease Your Salary Proper C'rssean . ...... .....salis Nov. 1,1 MADE BY Preparation does it Attend Montreal to Glasgow Gramnpian ý..... .. "_9Nov, 7, f o -in......... salls No,,I SHOE col T Christmias Salling. BRA PTN.1,. / St. John Halifax BRANPTONunirian salis Nov, 28 TORONTO, 01NT, Victorian salie Dec. 1 Dec 5 and the time to commence ss right now. Grampian salis Dec. 12 ----busneus cdrede ave pstuentzed th I.Rates and full Information from- lege wtthln One year, Whiat does thisA prove P We giy8 the best.^ Nothing else Mi.A.Jm , wouid saiisfy us; nothing cfiqe sbould sa'sf y AlnLn gnBwavll Von. Ail graduates read? v secure, cemp luy.-_____________ ________________1_3 FOUR SPECIALS meut. Write for catalogue.Picpl C Or, yonge & Alexander St.. Toroiito u 1l fiAfi I fil Di Williams side lae. 82..00 Williamns blacher .......2.00 Williams congress. ....2.00( Canadian kip blueher .. 2.25 We have a great mrany otheri linos ranging from 81.15 to 83. The Largesf ýtStock in Town. Bowmnvile, . Ontario A. . IR. IanIQ Lo SteaMerS, To LIVHRPOOL Fjrom Ort. 16, Rmpress of Ireiand Oct. 24, Lake Erie Oct 20, Empres. of Britaýi Oct. 16 No v. 7, Latke ManItoba Oct 21 RATES8:- Accordlng to steamer- F'irst ciass $-72.50 uD, Second cias, $4,101P thlrd class 027,5ý0 and $28.75. Comnplete sali- 1lng llst just issued, write to or cal on neareet ickt ngent for Ccpy. F or full partîcisiarp 'apply to S, J. SIHA FP W. Pasa. Agt., 71 Yonge street, Toronto, or , 80 WMAN VILLE ÂGE).. FS, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS Fuore Pnom MOSTREÂL PORTILAND Dominions, Oc.24 *Virgtntan Oct.i, Keusîgtou, Nov. Canda-, Nov. 14 12ec l First Clasa rate 071.50 anSduwards; :Second Cias. 01.50 andS npwavrda ccrento.tam MODERATE RATE SERVICE To Liverpiol 045,00 To London 02.10 additional Third Class to LIverpool. Londoniderry k3e!fast, Glasgow $27,50. F1or ai' informnation appiy to M.A. JA MES, Agent, Dr, Spi