BoWMrAN'VILLE STATION. OG EAST G iG NV EST tMail,....8.58 asm. Iuixpress .. . .440 a, ý!ixp1ess". .10.10 ,ILcl 71 Local.,...8.3M p., IPssner.148 p.n S5413 ,. I ...... 7.44 ll....9.58 panm 1 tDaïly. Ji7Ry & LovELL, Town Agents. SSpectacles that ISatisfy vs- Spectacles Worry They Both Cost Vou About the Same Then Why Not flet The Best. Somie people have the impress- ion that because we go to, go much trouble in looking after every littie detail in. fitting spectacles, and 'be- cause we have a private 'room es- peeially fitted up withl expensive appliances for assisting us to ar- rive at proper conclusions in fittîng epectacles that we must of necessity charge a littie more for our goods. The reverse, however, is the case. We do a very large optical bsns-in our varions branches bezauise mle are ini a position te give every Clustùlmer absolute Satisfaction. We bay for our various stores aRt one trne and iu this way are able to get the best quality of fram- es and lexises at about the samne price rnauy dealers pay for second quality. We understaud our business ý.i yon get the beÉefit of our yecars of experience and large p1.wý tpays te corne te us for spec. tacles and eye glasses. JURY & LOVELI, T'he safe, satisfactory Druî,ggists and Opticians, th,3 October sale at Nicho'Ils' 1afr a Neektle worth 25c, dur- 5C inog October sale of ties nt 1 ý!Ill buy a 25c back comb dur- 5 C ing Qeteber sale at Nicholis'. Oc ilI buy 3 pair men's wooien Rocks durinz October sale at wiil buy a 10e box of Big 3 Shae 'x a IktînD duringr October sale nt 5 wi buya 10e bull dog eomb cuý juig October sale at Nieholis'. 15cwiI buý- an ash stfîer during aItheè October- sale Inow on at Mr. T 0. Jewell spent Sulnday i Torouto * U 1 b il y a 25o jardinoe r-i'Mn James W.,Buuney, Port Artisun, i ~Ocleber sale ai icolb ' -la! armer Bowmanilile bey and rspnres-, I Ij outative of tise Copeîand-Cbatterson Ce, T.oreuto, was a paîsenger on tise 111- IIL ~fated Iroquois, a Manitonlin mail boat * and was burned te tbe water's edge TUE. FIST BRAN rTie passengers were ail rescuod. is tsthîn.'s-y ~ JC. Rockwell's Sunny Sottb Cern- pan-y-colored peopie-appearedfoth ,~ ~ "~ second tino in Iis town on Saturday tAtt wa cosidredthefinest tbîng on V tise pmonec cie yte trick nlding on themon1?ce b th noal Indian was ~cerlainly worîhy ofmention, aswas Salso the relier skating. The slnging ot Sthe plantation songé by the cempanv, Clen-Lgh-Duslle ~and tise jokes took ffei w1ah tise andi GuoorierdWolrp~oî nce. It Isgenerally conceded Ibat and 5oid erwl Ib tis year's pregran was ahead ot the proviens one. I hW~¶&Krs. Frank C. Trebilcockz (fenmerly Sot ,~ Miss M Sparling) received tor tise fiirst __________________________time sInce ber retumu te Toronto Frîday afternonnd evcning aI ber brme in Spadina avenue. She wa,, wsaing GETTlh(î READY FOR XMfAS, DreFden silk and lace. The floral dec- - orations were carted ont in the dnawing C. . Cwke & en re aklg teirroom with palmeternus, and.Vellow and 1uual preparatieus for their Chistismas îecrsnhmmadi h e bu-siness and bave alreadv bougist the room with red c irnatiens and smIlax followin.g stock for their holiday trade. iMr.3. Artisur Laug' ýlin penred boa, as- slsted by Mms. Fred W. Trebtîeck, Mns Fîve steors from Mn j Arthsur Werny. Herbent Sntis, Miss CU Sparling, Miss Foutr steers lrom tise fine iserd ef Margaret Trebtlcock et Bowmanvîlle, Messrs Samuel Affin & Sons. and Miss Milicent Spaling -Toronto Five cisice boitons and steers fron m tr the noto-d fedor Mr Themas Jackson. Tise people eft tiis vicinlty do net ap- Two stters trom Mnr William Werry. pear te bave any difficulty iu deciding, 'whose roputation fer leeding chiece as le tise proper place te go ton spectacle- qte for C, M. Cawker, was esta blIsbed nare. Il Is doubtînlIfi any tewn lu .er ty years age. and very lew Canada, ,even lhree limes tise size et Christmases have paSsed since tisu onBwmanviloe, can Soast et se pertectlv wilisoul sone et bis feeding Sbeing au equipped opticai parlier as Jury & among tise number. Lovel - Eyeny Instrument et sclentific blesares Cawkem & Soni will aise isaye werth Is used by tism ont enable thon tisir usual dfisplay et ail kinds ei te givo tise best possible nesuits lu tisir Pelr. lu tact, over.thlng te tempt eptical work, and hi s net an unlrequeult Oeur Ippetite fonrlise season Farmers, occurrence te have people came long brlng thonx your choice peuitryv, and distances te gel the adva*nîages et the get the bigisest pnice iu cash , they wiiI canotai examinaiions wbich aIl cuton- give it le yen. Victoria buildings, ers receivo free ef chiarge attise hands Bowmanvile6. oethIis old establisbed fimn, odng te fheact tim. ismas thse OOltlKid Ym Haïe Alwa>s Bought 4-tO 01 4 ' f, - fFreshi eut flowers to-.daaThsod.f Th best tea te drink is Hdd'deal j DRESSMAKING i 1 S M -D-r. J *. omers, 'Toronto-, spent buf- 'day at home. Miss Eva Donnelly, pînt satin wlth plnk rosebuds. Miss Clara Donnelly, white sllk and baby Irish lace Mr. H. H. Tedgham, Toronto, was home over sunday. Wýr. Milton Elliott h' s returnied from a trip te the Northiwesî- Mrls Al. Todgham, 7'oronto, la vîsit- i li Mn W. J. Todgh&m. Mrs. W. C. Wells, white point d'esprit over cern coter sllk, dlamonds. See notice of M. D. Williams? reai estate and furniture sale Nov, 7. Attend the sale of real estate and fur- niture at M. D. WVllllams', Nov. 7. S Mr. Chas. M. Hays, Queen's College, Kingston, was home over Sunda-v. Miss Graee Trewln has returned from a week's visit with Torento fiende. Ladies'furn mIls, stoles and muifs of ail kinds at Couch,,Johnston & Cryder. man's, Mns. J. O. LaBelte bas been viaiting her brother Mr. W. T. Greenaway, Port Hope. Miss Eva O. Tnewin le attending the Provincial Sunday Sehool convention ln Orillia. Mrs. Herbent Denison and son Hart- tey, Toronto, la vlsiting at her unele's ,Mr, Ueo. Power. * Dr. and Mns. L. E. Reid, Toronto, have been in town a few day s, guehs oef Mrs. J. H. Reid. Miss Ethel Tabb has returned from a -pleasant vîsit with ber sister Mýrs Jehv4 *Coi, Stettler, Alta. *Pleas3ed te see Mrs P C T'rebiliock 1 able to drive ont alter sevenal weeks'E illiness Inofa tý pheld lever. r Mr David Eillott and a party ofl triends motored from Toronto and spent ' Sunday with hls brother Mr. J. C. Elllott.8 Mr. E. G. W. Bell, accountant Bank of Montreal. was in Toronto Monday assisttn,-, luthe Inspection ef their 1 branches there.0 Mrs. C. W. Hughan bas returned ho me te Lndsay after a short visit witb ber parents Mr. and Mns. John Somnens and other relatives. Mr. R. H. Harding, Thorndale, rep- I resenting Tise Canadian Datryman and Fa;rming Worid, was in town Friday and gave us a. lriendly eall. MrE. Wm. IBrtttain Who bas been i V- ltlng relatives ai Strathroy and VWyom-a ing. is now vtiting ber sister Ms.R, H. Osiborne, Musker'on, M lob.h Mr Mn. SE. Salis,, Peterboro, Districtd IManager ef the Cana<aLieAsrrac iCompany, and Mr. J. Ê-. Robson. agent, t Oshawa, were ln town Wednesday One by one thse garden and lawn r lences disappear. Mrs. R. H Turner F bas removed the front fence of the lot on whlch Chiel Rlch, Jarvîs resides, Centre St, Mr. and Mrs. James Bishnp, Mn aflld Mrs T Guy Bi'hop, Toronto, came toe Bowmanyilte Sunday in their automo-1( bile and were guests of Mr. R, T. Step-S hons, Beach%,A'e. 'Mr, Jamies Motiev, London, Mr. and t Mne, T. A. Best and Miss Mlary Best,v Orono, Mrs. C. W fii-ghan sind dangh- , ter Pear!, Lindsay were Snnday guists D of Mr. Thos. Jackson. b Mrs. (1ev.) W. H. Mentgomery lefI on Wednesday noon for ber mhome ln i Massey, alter spendtng three montb v vlîitlng her parents. Mr, and Mrs. J .L. ni P. Gordanier, Morven, -Yapanee ai Beaver. P Mr. James MeLean and Miss Jennie MeLean have retunned from there w months spent on their farm nean Edmon- 81 ton, Alta. Tboy visited many former H report ail prosporous and happy. s Mr. Samuel Nortbeott, Solina, breught Ir te Finkie & Aekerman's Evaporator an i immense load of apples on Friday, many ofthtom Spios with some defet- ai a dent, a slight bruise or wormy. i These apples were sold ai 25e per cwt. se Mrs , E.Xniht ad sG.,,deste h MrsW.R.Kngh an snsdeîr through this journal to slncerelv tbank Ti citizons, neighbors and friends tor their t great klndness, expressions of sympaihv ai and gifts of flowens during the illnesa and aller the deatb of husband and father. v Fresis Cruilens daiîy at Thos. Tod's. LadIes' band satehels I-,'a liser at C. TIrebiýcoc.kns. 'Mr. T, E. Bigginbatham Is viEil biR hrnther at Millon. Splendid opportun ity te buy bousebe furnnitune, etc, aI Williams' sale Nov. Pair scissers tosI in J3ewianviil Finder please, leave a t STATESUAtê.ifflc Don't fonget lise grand concert lnti Methodist chuncb Nov 6. Réserve ti date. Steamship tickets te England over a bines are seld ai Jury & Lovell's Dru Store. Cholce eonlecîione6ry, sweet potate pepcorn-guaranteed te pep-at F. 1 Great neduilns ln buibs ai Mn: doeh's. Mulet be sold, Soiue less tis a hall pnice. Geod qnalilv stationery at P. Trebilcock's. Ask for Linen Lawi Itexcels. A ntcb treat is in store for Ibose wb attend thse concrt ii tise Methodiî churcis Nov. 6, Sweet ehestnuts, peanuts, Brazit nuti almonds, filbents, etc, for Halloween i F. A. fladdy's, Ladies' and childnen'a coats, isundred of tbem jugt receiveci ai Coueb, John sien & Cnydenman's. The Vinegar and Fruit Works a Whitby was paniialty dostroyed by fir Monday. Loss 8200. Would Bowmanvilie support a: .0.1A. hockeyv team Ibis winter? W have tise material for an Intermodiat team Who found it? Battenbnrg tabi cover and centre pie3co was 1test in Bow ManvÎ1tte aWfw woksago, Piea&seleav aI STATES-MAN office. the finest popcorn, sweet petatees an( specil lines ef coýnfectionory fer Hatlow eon at F. A. Hadd.y's, Football game Fïnida,ý alernion oi High scheol groundsat I 4'clock, B H.8 vs. Wbitby.- Ail interestodlu fotbal shouid see this game. Coeh, Jobniston & Cryderman havi - uch a superb stock eto ladie,' coats tisa ladies lrem other townQ are induced t( come bene te buv thoîn coats. Bowmanville Women's institute wii neel in the Couneil Boom, on Saturday )ct, 31 fit 8 P,. m.Lot Ibis Se a ri3 neetinz for ati tise memibors and lhei Uionds. Cali and cee the new knit baud cal for boys and mon. 'l'he best winter cal yet invontèd, 5Oc. 75c, 81.00, and $1.25, T'ho Mason CloIhing Ce are tise sole agents for BowmanDvitle, Alter Shave Lotion-Seme people baye trouble wlth nougisness and ton. dernes§, p Iboksin alter sisaving - jelr &Lovell' 1 aCream Pt Y!glÇtq aures bIls trouble Mr. Alex Taylor expecîs te mn lthse rink agaîn Ibis winten ai the Drill Shed Hle Intends enîargtng tise be amea and installing a botter iighting system tisai last yoar, Rave Yeu over seen Busy Man's Mag. Azinc? ý If net, yen should Suy the Nov. embtim number aithe1 book store onr send Oce te Mýaclean Pubtishing Ce., 10 Front St , Toronto Thene wit be a speclal meeting in hoi Salvaln .Ammy Barnacks next Vednesday night Novemiber 4th, aI 8 'd-ock. Cakýe and cofie will be senved, )en't forgeÈ the date. Comne and ring yonr frtend. New is tho lime to bus' yenr under- woar. The Maison Ciolbiing Ce bave a ery large stock of Mens' and Boys' underwear, fieece-lined, and weool, boavy and iight wetgbt, Woolsey, Standfield's, Penman 's, Watson's, Hewson's. Steamer Argyle begininx next May dili go mbt commissiion again on norlh no renote catiing ai Cobourg, Fort H-ope, -Newcastle.- Bnwmanvilla, -Osis- iwa, and Wbilby. About 85000 wllt be ipnt in fitiing it in first-elasa condition :om stem te stera. This was decideti i Toronto this week. The Higis School football leam have i'ranged for a game et bail with Whitby nriday aflernoon ai 4 o'elock on tise ;hoot campus. The boys of the B.H.S lae a fast team ibis tenm and, Whitby viil have "Ce ge sema"-ý te bal-thora rhîs will probably Se thse tast game on he local grounds thîs season se tmm eut td cheer our boys te viecery. A LindsaY despaic s sans: Lindsay and icteria Couuly were honered yosterday >a visilt rom Lord Mitne3r, lte Hlgh ,ommissioner and Governor of South finca during tise wan. Lord Mimner ame te see bis friend, Col Sam. Hugh- ýaudfamil.y. 1iss.taywas necossanilv 1sif. Lord Milner arrived ou Ibe P.R trai to aI doen andleft at two. ýurrÊg bis stay ln lown thse distinguish- t visiter was tise pnivate guest of Coiý àm. Hughes Hava' Studio wlndow is a constant GALEDONIN MILLS Highest Price Paid ~ Vé For Any Quanâtity of Oood lbarley "~înMackavtimimE ~,uI OWM)=NVILLE e e e Every page of Ibis pns r appeols t3 aon North Elgin St. and la preparosi te tise reader. do dr-essmaking and ail kinds of plain Best 25e and 40e te a j-ver ffee td aR wigt_ _ _ - 44-tt Murdocb's. Orone and Os3hawa nÀews appear on HUNTERs'Sp ý IAL an inner page. $12 00 buys a good kitchen cabIne,ý tatLýeaves Toronto via Uri IRail. 'NW1ilîams & Son's, Way system 9 p M,ý (,and 31st If y OU want Your lhens te îay eggs (ulm n. ochart co g-et Davies' food at Murdcch'si. mdte>frN topptng alali poInts. Returxgn, elleaves Nonsb A flt uneOf Ganong's G. R. choc. B1y 9 p m. Nov, rd l4th (Pull Olates just anived at ThoF, Tod's. man, Coach and B aj gage accommod- Uiprigit Plane and god org&n for tien) runnfng throngb te Toronto, stop- sale, Apply le M. D. WUans&Sonp i aonst ladlarnlv- Pe yen want te bu17anî12Ce home? in ooto 6.30 a m. connecttng with Come tme'M. D. Williams' sleSaurayattrins ciiaisoleavesCallandor kTov. 7. 6P 11-Nov, 10, Il -12Î 10, 141eor Toronto Tisepuret clverhouxy in10 l wih Baggage-arsfor different sections, pails, also in glass and 111n1the etmb nd 1 orno Fnhr In FA.Haddy's mtion frin rn Trunk Agents, or F. A adres J.D .cDc;uat-d, DIstrict -Pab- Lest week an unusually ilarge:i rn sneAet eotJur.y &Lovell, ber of papers were onderoed te be set te gntýS. absent Irtende. This encouýragesa us. Some readers nequost a gýood story. A Ay1.A? WVe stant a steny this week Il1you i.k 4e YÉAyM . te read stenies,read the. ope intg chaipter. For the larges as,,ortmet t and besi Bu1siness men a nd olhers me"t in the value in gieves, go te The MaenCoth- onclRoom on Thurpday evenIng iug Ca. They are sihow7ing a greait alter pae.eînswzne ouite ûconý range 50c to 8.50. sider tsaadisbilt c tantiu3g a 'Durham county election returns frou 1ng M'ýen's Chnîrstian Association in 1901 -and 1904 are given on an tunirer tistwn r nv casle w,.,',v7ted pag toenbleeadrsto compare ro- te tisecai.Mr. J. H. H. Jury ex- suits wlth the returus of Ibis contez t I ertr Tise now volume et 'St. Nicholas is t! bave a serial stDery of ad7rture b, SBradley Gilman, 1"A son aCI the Ds Tt wiIl bogin in-'tise Nvme-nm Sýec our u-odt ielncabineýt witb fleur eesfleur siter, sarchest and tea and coffee cantatercs, aIse ca:,nis- tors fer every k-ind of spicos3. Wèlliamg & Son ~'Cnadan oules"an ed-itenlal fren i ast wsek's Guardian, aqppeals te us as a true portrait. HAw dooes il appeal to yen ? Read il on an Inaide p age. Turn te Il now, lest you lorget. Our efforts te publis geed! papers ane 'appneeialed for oun presert subseniboirs are erderlng these pa pers ent te absent menibers of their lamtly. Scancely a daypasses that Ibis is net doue Miss Etta Camp1bell wbo teacises la rToronto, whese inoliser lives at T¶ rone, bas a we'Itwnitten essay in Ibis week's Christian Guardiatn on ' Supremnacy o:f Wordsworth over Tennyýson as a Nature Durnng-Mr. Jnry's recent visit to England ho was abie te make arrange- monts wIis sorne of tise est English, manufacturers that wilt plat.e lis fir lu R 4ttQr po8itlon than -- vem te give custmers the best possible value in the differont linos of g-ocde tbey handle, 3 A new senial tory is Seguu n I hi issue. We bave net mun a stor3 foi Som seeyars, but as long evealngc are Ihare and many readers likle a geod story we are goîng k10 publîis a stony tis place of se many agricitilînral articles for a few Montbs. Btter moad tho firsi A lok tbrongis lie isandsome cases, at Jury 9& Loveit's Drng Store will repa.Y Yen if 3 ou are Iooking fer gilts bfor weddings, lrthidayF, etc. They pcurse tiseir gooda froni tise mnul-1 facturers afnd ceau inthîs way give yon1 better value for 'your moniey tisan yen witl finld elFewbere. Çoucis, Jehnston & Cryderman have beugbt for cash, as usual, a fine stock of men's and bej s' everceapta from tise Most up-le-date and reliable makers, and they bave 1ne besitab-Ion ili a savng that their oveýrcoats ,aI 8$8 00 $10 00, $11.00, $1250, 1, $1500 and 818.00) cannaI bo beaten anywfisre. Tise Veilod Propisei'eBatllIs a papular social 4unctien iseld annualy in st. Louts, Mo. T1he 81s1 cetebration wa3, beld Oct e6 wisen. acco3rdlng tûecustem, a popular you-, lady eto the audlince is called forth wilhout proviens intimation by tbe Veiled Propisel and crewned Queen of the Court, MAiss Donotisy Sbap- teigb being t aechoice for honors titis yisan, in the presen-ce of 4000 guests. rn- cludtng W. H. Taft, Pres1dental Nom- lies and bis, entourage. Ovor 20 coi- umns efthtie Globe Demeral arefiled by the report and In tise guest lisI wo notice the nanes efthîrea former Bo-w. manvible ladies who costumnes are -thius COAL AND T1JLE FOR SALE. Tise udntg aprepared 1tofiarn nisis tisefarmners e! Dalingtop wlis ail kinds et ceai ansEali sizes eft tue at luw- est pnIces ai DJarfington Station, Pann- ens roqniring same witi do wehtol la and seo their superler grades eft ie and ceai Seobre purcbasing. S EvEntso>s, 48-If Darlingten. THANKSGIVING DAY EXCURSIONS Retnrn tickets wilei sued 1aI single fare, via Grand Trnunk Raitway Svaîem,I between ait stations in Canada, aise te Detroit and Port Huron, Micis., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspen- sien Bridge, N Y. Going getng Nov. 6-7-8-9. RetuuIlm irit No-, lOtis, 19î08 Pull information trom any Grand Trunk Agoni. Jury & Lovetl, Agents. ALTOTION SALES TuESrDÂv, NOV. 8-MT. Josephs Gee. 1Beavon St ,Newcastle, wili seli bypane- tion bis bouse turisiings and bouse,- hold effeets, Sale at 1 o'eloek. Seo buis L. A,.W, TOLE auctioneor FRIDA-i Nov. 6--Mrs. T. E. B. Henry, wllI sl!it li of bon useiseld fumiis- ln -icluding lumniture, pla, carpets, dishes, etc. Salea atI p. n. JAMES BïSI1oP, AUCtOneer, SATURDÂY,, Nov. 7tb1'-M. D). Willam s, Bowmanville3, wilIlsolu1alil et is neal esýtate. one brick bounse on Qusen t, ose trame bouse on Quieen Sm. e, brick bouse witis 2 acres land, Ciniton St,, four lots on King St., near Bs-nk et Menîreal; aise ail bis bàousehold tumnittire This wivll Se a vory large sale and we weuld advise ceming eanl1y. sale aI 12 3o. Mr. Willams bas purchased a manciing business lu Alberta and mueit lbave for tisere aI once, se tisaI evenytiing must Se sold. Tise real ostale will Se offered for sale at 2 30 p mi Tern"is madle kowo day ef sale. On ail auasof!'$15an under cas;-,ever that ameun-t 4 mos. credit on appnoved notes wit bco gIven L. A W TOLIe, au.ciIonen, -- BcOck's. . land rias nùyvffd-tntn-*w- 1 T"!.,a lh.n ïuecu us w twn îooking over the grourd, O anduonclded that if Pa guarantee of $170a-, ear for fi eyears were- piedged, ilt would0 be prDor to organize4 a blranekh A'e, r. W. F stearus s mdea trLgspeech in >,aver ndi ,t stated that hie was utorz Lb he !- Duha Rbber C('. tg sayL tha't they(3 s9 wold give flnaia s8stnce Mesr P. Trebi]cck, John Efiotz, F. A llad- Sdv, A E. Lovefli, J. B Mitchell, _H M. M'itchell, M. A James and A. R13,(2am-_ o erOn, B. A_, anoi others expressed fa1 n erable views, but several oý,bjctiÈons1 were raïsed and it was decied cto dler7 action to obtaiýn Infernion frnm cother1 townas regardiï-g the ucei or falliure3 of branches etbise pand tn encra- t ien. Mýessrs. JUry Ello t, Camerorn and R M. Mitchellý were appolnted a conml1tt9p_ te obtain what information 1they cean on the q1uestion. f Notices of Births, 25 Mets Brniage, 50 cents; DeatlLs, 50 eits, eaoh la- &ertilon. When fuineral cards arc BOUN Soucu.,ý-I 83owmanviîîe," 'Oer 25th Johnr j Itrý i7eorjç e nishb,'ason. IHorpYn-În oshawa, Ôcet. '>lst, 10 r. ansi JMirs, Wmr, EHopper, a daugbter. MÂRTIN--in Oshawa, Oct 151h, i0Mr,. and IM.Frai t Mart,, a daughter. KEELE-MA5N-I0Toronto, -Oct 1H. hy Rev. Geo, Doherty, cousin of the bride, Charlotte Miarie,diaughter of Mr. nnd Mrs Thomas M,,sso. and ChasH..Keer Jfs-nEast Whitby, Oct, 101'h, Alime Lewis, beioved wife of John Johl u ber 70(h year, uliabelove-d îfe of Samuel Cald ,weil, aged 7' ear,Mthr8fyr ilad Caldwel "Lest We porget E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in MouetTablets, Markers, etc., lu Granite and Mý,arbie BOWvMANV-ILLE, ' ONT C 00K WANT1ED-A plain cook by N_,ovemnber Igt, Apply to Mns. D. B. Stan'- soN' Silver St., Bowmanville. 41l-tf Y ORKSHlRES FOR SALE CHEEAP -janry and Mrisows in farrow, l- clueml n ypre-ner T J CLBow- miianville, Boax 158. 4?-4w TT'OUSE FOR SALE-OnGeD ot J- ie of King street, Bowmanyille, six romrs, stable, good lot. Apply to D. G. M. GÂALBRAIFH, BOWManVille, 3ssti F PAR*MFOR SALE-One hundred acres ini lois350and 51, con ;, tow,ýnship cf Dar1ingto3; good frame hanse wlth siate roof, banikbarn 45 x 11()ft. Applv on premlîes tùr L VantNest, or toMs Eane,16Ahl S-t, East, Obw.41-41w TFTOUSE FOR ýSALE-On the south .1 _. sid, of King Street, Bowmnan-vllle, nine roomsa and hathroom, new Feasse urnace, Electrie hgLit, sitabl1e, ail convenlences under cover, quarter acre land, Apply t0 D. G M. CGÂLaRÂrrE, Bwan3le3-tf ~ARE AND FOAL FOR SALE- .VkDra7ught mare 7 yea-rs o1ci and foal 41 inonte. -o 1 - 'arn ', pr etl oud Apply tb J. D. SrEv1,14 box 1,Bwavie or: on premnises, lot 16.c. 1, Darlingtonl. D ESIR14L.E PPOPERTY IN BOW- M ANVILLE FOR SALE-On Concession St., Enss, comnprislng ilacres of land with 4ý acres of good orchard. Brick honse, 9 roims. bath room, beated with Hecla furnace in good condition. N~ew barn 28 X-.48 on brick founda- tion, silo and windmill sud wstering trough iu 1stalis. o enssiy10Ms .1.RiR on the p remises, or adiress, Box 312. Bowmau. VIOR%-Euâ& a LDRITH.= Barristers, Solicitors, Notartes Publie WILLIàAM W. VIeme, DL. G. M. GÂLDEÂXTE. (formerly or Bowmanville.> 7 ork 5.,.Toronto. Tihe practice formerly carrled on by Mr. Galbret1th in Bowmanville wlll be contluued by thse uew firm. Mr. Galbraiths vili be lu Bowr manville every Saturday and aliao durlng thse weIfreqilred.2-t BO9WMANJVILLE MARUETSý, OCtrrecd .c usa FLOUa, P I 0O1Stss....- 0oe,001 W r-qAu,Fail, bush. .CO(, i0 90 ' 871 n Sprîng......00,,0 1 821 n Redi'FVe....0 00 t 0871 l Goose q000t! 082 B AraiP,, y #ush, 1N7o . O48 nîO058 1'rS. Wire ".......... IOo P 'i P fs, ........... IO00"10 73 BUOKIEHAT ........001 0 52i Pze s, lackeoye e bush..WOe0O1"0 (Y0 S Sals '11OJO te O 85 Blue n Î) 00 te O 75 CILOVER Sn......... 5 00 6 00 TliMOTIIVS3EED .., ,200W 8 75 BU VTER, best tablei- b, ý. O0 0 t' O22 Effls, 1dofZ ý........... 0 U0 01920 POvTTOEs, e _sh ..., C!00 O 45 9AY, U'tcn......... ý.., . 70c 8 00 Sea, ji ~ ls iî e> H v AwaL 1:t -4 ---i g b Toielet Sets i We hlave juasti mponted a crate of new 1011et, sets shipped te us direct from the Engiish Potterles, and, we thlnk they are werthy of your notice. L iltheare iu all colors, styles and pat terns to matc anyroom, or to suit any taste. T.he prices areright too, raniging frein $2.50 te S110 Cor n and Se them. Phone 65. The Popular Grocer. Wighest Price pald for Farni Produce.