Il i tt j k TERMS' :-$l.0O Fer Annum .OuR ToWN AND COtINTY FIEnT; TEWRDATRWD M. A. JAMES, & SONSI rpreo InAivne BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, THUTRSDAY, DECEMBER 3e 1908 VOLUME IV o.4 Johnston &Cryderman Find they have too mauy Ladies' Coats in some lines and have laid out about LPFDIES' ýNID CM1LDRE'NS COc\TS which th.-y will sell at That3i3J per Cent :i;irpio -Tht aone third below the rglrpie Grocers' Due- Bis taken as Cash. 5 Worry E. about- the.kindwof t * _____________-:Furniture:- 4 44yon are gong to buy. Corne in to our store and sec the iture R phol'p Lcew designs, a eomnplete assortmnent In 5.11 gracies Of ~ , and our prices make baying easy. lor Suites, newest pattern .........$18.00 JRoomSButes from ............ 612.00 UP, 4 RMTURE DE.ALIURS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, - fBowmanvulle. Branches: Orono and Hampton, -Fine Footwear, S * We are receiving our Fali Goods and itýwill pay you 4 O to cail and inspeet our Unes before buying elsewh ere. Inl the Finer Unoes we. have the celebrated Dolly Varden and Foot Rite w4ich are leaders in.their lune. Our Staple Shoes are the best on the mxarket. We have sole control of the Dayfoot Brand for-, thil3 vicinity. 4 S* Every pair guaranteed. * We handie The Solid Leather Brand of LBoots for 4 O Dyq and Girls. The Maltase :Cross Rubbers- are hard. tS beý't. We have them in every style and size. 4 eid & Pearn, * OLEANEST STOCK IN TOWN. The Burns' Price. IS LOWEST Quality Considered, Every Time. A WARM DRY FOOT. Here's where to secure it- Our Knockabout Rtib- bers, t eliabie German - Men's 75c. Boys' 50o Ladies' 55c. Men's Overshoes $1.25. Top Boots $3.25. Our Heavy Rubbors (for sox), Exciusiveiy Ger- man miade this season, the Old Reliabie kind, al pat- terus, close prices. (We are not experim enting with any new good lookers this sea- son.) ' ____ Our Feit and Feit »iined Boots and Shoes I the bill. Every pattern- of proved utility. (Rubbers to fit al heels and widths) Fancy alippers in variety. Good dependabie boots for bad weather. German Sehool Boots bet.. ter than ever, McCready's Top, Boots, grains and eplits Leather Lined Boots, Look in at Ou±r Fo ui Winalows. THUE B3urn-ois euo LIrIITED. Oshawa, iiain Four Corners. ARE YOU? Iooking for ploas1îxg, sensible and suitable Xmaas Gif ts for Sour friende? We haveflot boughit 80 many aof the faney, almost useless, but pretty gooda as we have sometimes. Oirgoods for this Xmas are use- mfui, clegant and pleasing. We have a fine Of Purses whlch will please aLnmake a useful gift for a friend of any agýe or sex. Our Ebonîy Goode arte ail imported and we are therefore prepared te show Sou values xnot surpassed by anyone. In maniceure goods Our Étock is well assorted, ,as also lu brishes; of TPhe mlihary sets are AI. ln Ebony mirrors our values are the best ever off ored here. Other goods we have will please you, such as Perfumes, Pictures Tollet Cases, Glove Cases, TicUnases, Sha 7ing Cases, etc. It pays to buy froru F. R.Kerslake, The West End Druggist. I'BANK QF' EstabIished 1817 Capital - $14,400,000 Rest -611,000,000 Total Assets - $6,O,7 savings Bank Departmnent. hea4 Office, Montreal J. A. MeOLELLAN, Manager. Bowmanville Branch. ONLY 21 - DAYS XMAS, -AND- NvITOHBLL'S PHARMACI le now a -av bazaar containlnx suit- able and elegant giffte-for altI sud Young. The genuine ebony ware we eau gave yau rom 20 to 25% ase we im- port aur goode direct ahoug wibb fifty othar ding stores, sud cause- quntly eau seli yen al Unes a! bbc very bciit quallbv at ceeper prices tban bbe oadnary dealers. Dou't forget we can cave you mOneye. Sec Our Big LUne Rod'k M. Mitchell & Go., -.TEE QuàLITy DRuUSI&Ts Phono 92af For nlght caill1 Bowman ville Ph. 92 ~gb. J ONT&RIO PROVINOIAL FAIR $b2.75 TO GUELPHI and return Fr0111Bownianvilic Good going Dec. 5tl to Dec. llth Return limit Dec. 14th, 1908. The attrac.tive Route to Manitoba, Sa sketchewan and Alberta is via Chicago and St. Pauil, Minne- apolis or Duluth Pull information and tickets from &fly Grand Trunik Agent. JURIY & LOVELL, O.P. &,T. Agents, B!Wmallvtlle, nrfarnr, .,41i1.. ..L.... 0.. Dy MrJohn Elliott, B. A., of Bawmanvîlle 111gb Sehool, sud athers. Admission ta supper 25c. Prograru fiee. Only gen- tlemen invited. Came sud have a social sud Instructive evenlng. Geo. P. Rick- ard, W. H. Jackson, E H. Joli, com- mib'tec, 1The Boss' Progrees Guild o! St. Paul's church wae fortunate lu securlng bbc popular Canadian authorese, Mrs. Jean Blewcbb of Toronto, ta give an evcning's program. The church was' well fllled Frlday evenlng sud ail were greatly pleated bo sec tbc kindly face a! ber wbase wrIbings bave given so much plaue ta hundrede a! peaple. The reecis given were 1 The Preacher Down at Cales", "The Woclng O' Katie"l, 1Old Pashioned Folk" sud "Kenmare" -an Irlshwomau's tboughts of ber, native home In the Emcrald .,Ile. Al ber selections appealcd strangly ta bhc fluer feelings of ber bearers. The mus- ical part af-tbe prograin coneisted o! solos by Mr, B M. Mitcheli, Mrs. C A. Cawker sud Miss Tamblyn; organ solo, Mr. T.- H. Follick, M. A, vIollu solo, Capt, A. E. McLaughlln, sud bwo h'rnus led b y tbc Boys' Gnild. The pas2tor 11ev. ilugh Munroe, B. A , oc- cupied the chair. The League lu tbc Methodiet echoal roam Tuesday evcning was o! special interest. The meeting was in charge of Mr. F. R. Foley sud Misî Niba Dey- mn. The chaire were arrauged in tbc shape of a Maltese cross sud afler dev- otional exercises bbc presideut, Mr E A Loveil, explained tbc origlu of the emblin. The officecrelo the League sang a chorus 'Count yonr Bhesiugs" thc rest of the Leaguers joiulng in tbc chorus. The tapie for bbc evening was ",Gratitude sud baw bo show lb." The rail c.811 of officers waàs called, each re- spandlng by givlng- a short paper cx. pressing gratitude for the wark i n bis or ber special departmeut o! League work. Rev j Gar butt spake a fcw well choscu words b 7 way o! summary a! ber wbiéh each section o! bbc cross sang a verse of 'Take my life sud let lb Le" lb beîug causecration service. Alter inglng "rseGotI irom wbom ail blessinge fow" bbc pastor closed with bbc bene8- diction. fTbankoffering services at Janetvilit Methodîit church on Suinda-v reallze $150 .R13V J F Chapman, B A, Ponty pool, preached mornlng and ev-eaing and addressed childreu's service in thE aiternoon. WHEN WE TEST BES IT 15 D014E PROPERLY. Jury fà L ov elii Op ti:c al P i i f e Ia1J. Two opticians are ini constat atten,,danrcsOne-agraduated fîom the Chî-àcago New Yrrk and D, troit Optical Colleges hel oie there wes an, Optical Colloge in Canada, and you get the ad- vantage of bis years of exparieiwe. The other is a graduate of the two b(,,t Canadian Coileges, and hans aiea taken lu a fll coui se of lectures of the lead- lng American Colleges. you run no risits wkien oon deal at jury & Lovell's. OET THE CHRISTMAS HABIT Only thîceeweeks taohrIiïstmas. Here is a happy idea. Bowmanville mer- chants are ready and want a.11 of youi to] get the Ohristmnas habit at once. Hloli- dlay trade will soon be on in goad. ear- nest. W a a word for thie merchants, and clerks, We ail kunow what a busy the clerks have ut Ohristm&s. 0ýâW -yaur good-will towards men ini a catical manner by niaking the clerks' JMINISTERS AND CEHURCHESý Major Sîmça will lecture in the S. . Barreke andy eýening on -'Araund the World with the Salvatian Army. You are lnyited- Lt will be good. Temperance was the subjeet taugbt la ail Sunday Sehoolq Sunday. At tho close of the tcachiug session lu thi Methodiet Sumday Sehool a short ad- dres an the subjeet was givanl by Mr. J J Masan, sud Miss Hafzel Merceî sang a solo very nlcely. Next Sundaya the Church of Christ Rev. H. R. Weir wlll preach lu the mornlng on ..The Gooduess of Gofi' andin the evenlng on "'What amn 1 warth ?" The choir will reuder special musie at the eveuing serVie snd the public is cordlally Iuvlted. The religions cenens taken of Whltby towu gives the population as fo]îows. MiethoadisLS 780; Aniglican (j.0; Presby- terian 381; Roman ( athohle 208; Baptiste,j 199; Hlebre6ws 33; Brethren 17; Christian Church 2; Friands 2; Salvation Army 1; Mennionite 1; Na preference 50. Total 2279. Rev. J. Garbutt preached a very helpfni sermon Suuday niorning frain the words 'Ebeuezer-Hitherto bath the Laord helped ïus". Ris evenlng euh- jeet wass"The Chureh snd Socialistu".1 Bath sermons were timely dealing with pertinent subje2ts that are confrontI-,!g the people af coday Salvation Army Barracks is hescb of lively revival meetings. briil't asud instructive with mu -le and slnglng. Major Nettie Simneu, the lady revivalilt, le the leader. She bas a cosmopolita experience, havIng been a pIonc ter A afficer lu France, Swlîzerlan saud Quebec Province. CitIzens are lnvited te attend the meetings Rev. J. F Chapman, B A , Pantypool, reeelved a urianîmous invitation to re- turn for the fourth year, but deelined, belig desirous of tra'nsferrlng te the Leundo2s Conference. H1e has since ac, cepted an iniltation te I1ldertou, near London. Rev. J. E. Mllyard, the present pastar at liderton, bas Accepted an invitation to Tweed, Bay of Qintte Confterenue. .Tbe menu for the tea te be served In~ the- Japanese Tes Room by thc ladies of the Disciple church at their Xmas sale on Frldsy sfternoou snd evenlng cf thîs week is as follows: Boston Baked Beans Sandwiches' Bread, and batter Cake . Coffee Enropean plan. Nothing over rive cents Next Snnday IF; Thank offering day lu the Methadiet chnrch, Bawmanvillc Rev. R. P. Bowles, M.A., D.D., Prof- essor of Homileticelu Victoria Univer- sly nden of the ableet nulpiteers In Cndwill proach at bot- srvce The choir la preparlng special music sud the day le being loaked forward te as one of the best in the history of the church. A Thankoffering of -81000 le aeked for by» the' Board. Publiecocr- dialiy Invited toalal services. On Frlday oomrnencing at three o'clock the ladies of the Disciple church wlll hold a Xmas sale lu the Sunday Sehoal room. Fancy snd useful articles o! al hinde suitable for Xmas zlfts willl be offerefi for sale at prices whlch yon cannot afford ta ig nare. Tes on the Enrapean plan, uathlng over~five cents, wlll be served iu thc Japanese Tes Room by dalnty-maids lu native costume. You wiIl be eorry If you miss thîs sale. No admission will be charged. A social evenîng ouf the Laymen's Mlsslonars Movement will be held lu Sunday Sehool room of the Methodlist chureh, Newcastle, on Friday evenlng, Dec 4.' An oyster supper wIllbe served at 7 p. m.,, after which an excellent West Durhami Farmers A seriCS af meetings un11der tOUic~SPiC- es Of West Durhamt Farmers' Instltites will ioe held at theso places on dvates ai-d hours mentionIed:» KENIDAL, Wednesdaï Dec. 16~, ~ OOoNO, Wednesday Dec. 16 at 7' P lu in Couneil Rooma. BOWMANVILLE, ThursAty Dec. 17 at 2 P.-In Council Rpomr HAMPTON~, Thursdaýy Dec. 17 at 7.80 p mn in Town Hall. 'lhle speakers and thoir subjects are: GOVERISMENT DELEc*ÂTION. JEOTS-SailCltaio and Rotation of Crops; Claver -a a ettîlizer,- Cure andI Application of ,eaiDure; Cattle flalsing for Profit; Breeding Heavy Horses; Hog Breeding !sud Feln Ventilatrng Stock Stables; Farrning as au Occupa. tion; HoGusehol!d Coniveiiien.ces and Sur- rourdings. DR. j. STANDISM,WlkroS. JETS-ilorSe BreediDg; Beoi Catti Bacon Bog Industry; Diseakses o! Cattle; Ujnsoundness lu Hýorses; Trainlig the Ynlung Morse MASOIRS AT PETERBORO. Bawmanville Masous fig ured prami- entiy at the Lodge of instructionx at Peterboro on WedneÉday, under the MasterA.O H. Long af Port Hope wbo' chartered a special train to take ýDthe bietirren fram outeide towns. Jerneajeei Lodge No 81, G R 0, put on the Secôh4 Degîe lu excellent forin, Worshbipfùl4 Master J Howard McMurtry wue in the chair and tbbc foliawing officers toak part: S W, Frank HKydd; J W, PF Marris;- SD,C0B Kent:, JD, Fred J Mitchell; I G, Major W C King. Other Bowmauvile bretbren present were: R WBro, E P.Bounsall, PD D G M., W Bro. T H- Spry (Mayor), W Bro, John Lyle, I P M, Dr G C Bonnycaqtl, and bbc brethren John P Folley, T Gates, Jule Raenigk, -Fred Ha i , W J Bragg, J R Finkie. Gus Baunsail, J A MoCielian, Jas Morraw, Aiex Christie, Alex Hume and T Wesley Oawker. Messie Gea A Stephens, W G Rundie, Fred Fitzgerald and W Caldwell jaiued, bbc, party. Between 400 sud 500 Masons were prasent and the brethien repart a splendid meeting sud a vcry enjoyablo outing. The Peterbora bîethren won hlghest praise for their fraternal wel-1 Wýéhat isCatarrh? A Dý,angerous Diseuse ATecting Thou'Lsand--s of People.-, It is an infllammnation of the mnucous mlembrane, and may affect the nose, hroat, stomacb, bowels, or bladder. NZASAL CATARRIT1 is mostecommýion, ofteni coming on sogrdal that it hàas a firm bold before it issupctd Catarrh is aggravated by co](I-, but depends- on impure blood. 7Wben chronic it is abeto (d evelop intocou- sumptioni, It is therefore very serionis. The true remiedy for catarrh ie Hood's, Sarsaparillai, because it, purifies thef blIood> and removes thle Cause, eff ecting'I radical and permanentý cures. Begin treatmiint at once with. SoIl by druggists everywhere. 100 Doses One Dollar. Prepared by 1, J. OOD CO.,.Lowell, Mass., OfTrot bas started thons- en the easy' way ta independone and sUeeg. Le t US s-tveyau ethe r-t Bs .Write for any tIns. ta speud the next six montîs with us. Enter Address W. H. SHAW, Prin- l~ Toronto. - ,p i ) YOUR COURSE lest resnits il taken at aur ola d.tan rBsn es a liish- ed and thoroughiy reltalle Sceeol. Wlnter termnbegi.s JanI. 4th, (ICaa las-uc free, British Amnericani Business College [Are Von Goilng to Business College? We teachi real bus- iniess, and as much ln three months as you will get i-1 six mon ths at auother sehtool. The Kenne-dy School is a mdrie busi- ness colleg-e. Write today for Our Ilgne KENNEDY SCHOOL Adelaide St.,e,, TORONTO. I w w aona naw wiil alea be of service tothe - storekeepere. They have made great 3 Iba best currauts.........5 preparatians this vear ta anuticipate ail 8 Ibe excellent rai-s......... 25C your wants lu Cb4Ïstmas gif te. Goode 500 lbs aset seasan'e, raisins, 5 lbs. .. 5 are now on display, .fresh and briglit. 3 lbs tisbîe raisins...... ..... ..... 250 Go and make yonr selections. Now i lb ynixed peel ....... ......... 25e their staffs are able ta- give yon, every 3 bottles extracte.......s5 attention and ta help you lu ovcry way 3 lb dates. .ý............25e they can to get exactly -what you want. 2 lb cookiarigp......... ....... 2513 They will hold the goode if necossary. 2 tins condensed mi!lk.... ....... 25r, Try it anid you will nat ba sorry. 8 tins pesoa........... ...........Me 3 tins cabbagé ...... ........... _25c 8 fiavors jelly ..........25e 8 pk chacolate -pudI....-....--25c UNCLE TOMS CABIN. Leave your order early for ponlitry as we have in excellent huPe comlng lu. (Prom Tho Ottawa frocPress) The prescaitation ofU le om's Thos. Vh i te. 1Cabnat the Grand Opera Iiause,Ottawn, Second doar west of Couch, J ohrston& Nov. 2(3, proved a great attraction, Cry'-1gniaju evory seat beinig cuied. ihoold stary of the black man's fighL for frced- om le' put ou lu exe-illent style, tbbc characters of Unele Tom, George and iner WmOpn Eif'zs i drrs. Aunt ChIce, Topbv and Little Eva are ail ably presented in Arrange now to attend theii - mosi; imitable mauner. Tfhe scenery le pretty and mobt appropriate, sudtbe ELLIOT MUSIC excellent, many items rcceivlug '7-77 rounds o! applause. la the second set a cake waik lu which four coupled par-TROO.OT ticipute. -was put on in regular tioon Thi e ORNdsTO,ay NiTot fa-shion sud proved thoîoughiy e'JO, - in the Dominion. Nearly ail eollýess1 able. Tie flight of George Rlarisaud ta le tIc est lut elaimingtole so does lut bbé fight for libert - vlu the rocky paEs make thera so. tiet'our catalogue. Read lb are scènes funl cf excitement sud welî from cover tecover. Bee for yours;eif)'sbat port aye . T e c arac er f U cle this college is doing and the advautages lb Tom, taken by Mir. James M. Bradiord, W. J. EiIhot, P1rincýipal. le sbrang, while Tapsy sud Little Eva Cor. Tango & Alexauder Sts, Toroato are deligbtfulhv taken b-y Miss Emma ________________ Russell sud Little Edua respectively. Topsy, the coon who neyer vv as boru , by bier inimitable manuere ot the nogîces, evoked mnch applause. The plav lo in five actesud between cachi igIlclssýp ci l u s nmîuetreîsy ae c elltral B usiness introduced Bowmanvilllo Opera Hanse Dc .Pa iHl tP1n( R. M. Mibcheli's Drug Store 1 Ucol l. Yi ALLt -ri ,__u I-U. ý 1 r