j tirn is ai general tentiency on the part (cfîcitice te specia1liy obser"ve the quaaiity cf thle tenon anti so- prano sections. What the citic is iooking for is the quaiity cf balance iu the tons cf the different sc- tions cf a choir, la mccl ciroruces the tenon anti the soprano sectionsý are weaker in power voca u terance than the altos antibss Tiere ici that iteai balanice in ai coraiiowc ne p)r ep onde r ance c-f vocali powser in cas secti on over bqaance; anti if it is not thers:, ap - pria,ýite -it accortiing toe rstegree rn wiich it existe. An abeolute necessity in gooti choral singing is purity cf intonia tien. This meanc, simply, "sing- îng in tuas." Oas voiceson section may sing a ebade jos1r inpitci tiran another; ntvi t tsfre-qusntid Jba-ppene whýiietey r atîut te ing paism asgs o c-ause tire voice basateenyt nese c, f pitch rin a choir i'; anun is ~ ~ ýn posiivey ha-oîin ingieS ptr1eclic 1ininatc. y tb'irreusunant accurac"y anti prompt- t onso hae ice o ot sure, enetttk;wtutta choir iv ,îi netcno saemgevis Againt >ere CrouIliir ereto tebeginn-cing anieaU cf aprae Unaiit aplesttirt! onal pro- gresin etes re rgininanti ont, Ingoot chrus sining ai r ~roices tend o hnrry, otherstend to TENBERI H mety. if recuits in raggednes of hujd o eople go ,V fîit'n a questïon cff FOOD ryh, hc1':aa t rliac. \_n or rlesmsr VA U ,gt onysNe hisar iasMri re vrk~oigteracon.r Perfacion Cram Sods. ceson and uii il, hsefrfomhaaheidg 1,1dig propeýrLies of Caad'schiea wea eiannpbdy!fcrlîss ht fth hoetrouble is c floue. Chy a re usatas eCA3 W.lin~ad fnse i ~e-Ucb~ omv eu likeroas bee andbrea. Ciion nd aar iitv nay 0 oh i mny csse Te gr taidbyacousbc s smrtny ndsu.Tj eu pari of every mj, odcoa inm ~nct n 'tcporîysru Mocrney's Bsjikaeprsn adsaîg us r erglt u oee packed as hey coreppigrttr cf rfnmet in hoa lteteknes nd ki bo fomth oesn ir stathug t~y ar ssutal Iw~~prpely 3.et tihmithre po boxs fal feteknin. B ha Iteatobesf eivn tuemuicl lrasng oresons tacecopes head & ANDY C00. L NMJTED ut hm h foecnoi fg- hscorsnss the melcci~~~~ÏIl iuea cla h e ighpeieya logcaîtese f h Pex ispi e d. oid syit-r, a -itnatefo fnse"pha-secan eouins j_____________________________________igo h et u odm oi uttrAi.Lse chra sngngwhc dccflt tirc i.ral) -o cor~ists * . . ar fo exclle tetg atîaui 'Ieci1 i iursoracoalca-nuc tin addcai IMPOTANE 0 orin araony Bu sice he hoc poitio ina sngi flw o brath chir as henlte p uses~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ arÀh setaIotba îaigo unigacnr h~ xel~~ dtin A epe xoiino leVlesaig nd eco-i , C, ShtJ1 bepaisiiee n e p;o, n pesr uhag a inlthfinceasa and ecr1.e'c rifai poîrt cf xîew. GOOD SOLO SIN( Esefaihgoi hrssîgAlpet tmp) h Seeto Choir ie <Concudet fromiastweek. ~ asirige geeral har'lenisil o Xrsi e tnti thà Mende 1ssa T b bl or jutî'g jutiiab eifth drn.is f ai Te ua lity a t xerseloul pow tainf rom ti hoi the utotraoiy fmsile r] tioaJexresin equreituA p r f Age oiesllut e otl1 euywhc eee te b he 'atfobtirwrete exelen :nsans f hi i te ffce i cors m ing:efee o cate ssný t. Bt t; hetheir ppr0judfies r ps musIca strucure. Ati Dr.Vogt'sman Hink aCaruso and a Plai, n r clnacs tbstesneoespeeecs at arsei otbeatflexalli jl Icon in a bod(y (cf choralý&ists would rvalue in cbýori'l art, fi cmthe point thraic l-cca at i oi whais icalietdi emtîo"lreliir;wreck the gcod peronance cf a cf iie)v the exuile Se'rSationr, as person c te ocais, tA1-,t i-', (f mîsawihprecilselye-CX choral work ýby dstroingthe cour the pra ipedrfume cf tei i fiietesne os prssstietetcfte otia vr muiy f oce hetneclo nt1mc)roeorte iady ccetbi ua nsictvrepwef baefor nhronefudain suple, s tisbyaseod on c te hru i n pra btthtma,-.w pase i nohe f h _U geitchcoa rtdmne as-. afwwrsaottoohrb îpsint ug trlo eashtc es scfedItteefcmntc ni Idu a osfeiai ultî~ i hyesnr u cdb h ukuneldcssdLseth frtfalf h. gbte1ntesd inaurl gttrl teaneJ.fo a1s-c[nucaic nd ataIet e sbo i f(j Mixetichoir, tiin, arethe oîy Ifi bas that, Cit hasthe priayImn pol a, Ote (hi n ral rfe- c fintthy hveth pope hrrcoe bauy nd alnc c tospuit it Nw li ciardeiv'y f ià inca ecelene"Lete fonuatin i th mai bae; o ,f inonaion prcicen i atack te'- te pintti ord-is ot n Ikîni cfvoi0 oe pefe cause secntil, th fou voies, o- 'erfetion i nimiy nct i.ino 1liy Oe ft gita-apeaigvoe;nt o prao, ltbugh teor ntibas, pras forndShaiig<-anig) Igisei haateisis f h Mr-î aetwsae1uel1ife gil'a it I olitibeaniie lanesc nucaro nipr es1b-horjatsaiit oute1g'n on& ed sexes. lal bg,ý ba nyt itafrteit b eouIAne. ndsictmc--eece 0o thleei o principlesn cfte rtcaepreiî a c et ý excelle c ind chora art ufdi encoent cf a chous t ora igînheItîa eie tin fchrl uiandsa uetu oTCAneRMS iïl. udeFINEoD. arisa lywaye, then, ipprea te risacte tradiiofalfohe of te or toroa hadtvr obeathraipcf aoran (nte if y e are an cngrat- ron rred i rlstat eing motltamrliais Engifor tir iiaîtyp tns sotiohotmuhe inda-inctp r- eec.Fr ' tor speaingpeole tat s, he H'i-isaeuv e rialI tieg freescfcweir ad iatiof n st e c;oir itjeadelight- panui is ug delan raori. l gnerl a i a tmpe spereti oner je musiae, alku, aif cul- si-y qahîy ii o calhe1 Cîty, ssung by a '; n2 torie, strnctrahly vjewetexisemaeneeuhn -hrlat uttll anTe, ial tee i ng-tiahortecooa se. eciaties ati ria areccl cmot1, flentant seid. alace e yne entofora mpleu, tesreoftilrat un meîilniic)-onm; corus refolicc os saoheAeuiieilgoiLag has of adraon c "Be-fostacc ati w th mre "lou ictri s Wal cni etic he. on îi o te h at.,, . c _,c nucl u e UIve ai pi- bng unte aisereani- Compare, LaLter," ci-, 'Tire Hoiy Ily cuttiagl c iaunmeci onra i-y asq trie ý u 1gro p voararces. ±eynay ustorc- phrase cf scora. -"Fes ti-ustiet in !isir, but tbc(,y ans not ai-t, anti are G(MI," or tie StcctoHiipIie ii!7ty namusicai. Tireonly phrase, "Let us break ltirurboneaiely aisýtic vocalist is tire acuter" cf tirhe ssiir" ooti onùe v iho iras by carîefuil training. choral cînging demnande chai-acter- acquireti whatis culîcti a "iih istie eloquonce in tiersimre oral canntilenu" anti -wbo singe witb a 'ie, la IntMe phrases fi-ar tire perfeet legato tye "MJessiair" just quotet, sachir mat Tires are general considerations be uttereti witir the caame tini- for critic al apreatsion. I atta atory realieni as they Wooîd ire ut few wmonte on epecial quultiec in tsi-et in plain speech-apdorationI gocd solo ingiag Furet, tire tons -wirere adoration is requir(àeui cr must hire"purt in uit muet not ant dinto where irey ai-e de-ureaj mane tby ggijings or mandes. Wiat, for special in-:iisgs cf tire breatir. IL shoulti OODIýq'-FILE' Tney suf- yeo, pins :-la. ( I a iîe file ofý ar, anE:r 1 Foe-)it'unle RHaïrbor, Nfleir, Nov.3.I uue vio fayougmui . ihïi ujnii~zn or PDeerember, tIhatý pett ergeeal tÈhe crdt" ~-a-fPa ce," Sdtigi- "II ufferet for over twnty years I Due, bH1. C ug sapie sas, Mi Qi-kess, ani ate Gode Sienf-, b (Chrlton lw-e conluîn dctrsani akngihirrac EtIboln, is ano;hr ceciy metiine, mte p m mm I xaswbeeiaJiar :Kineen is ,ýthe star se- 1 1iurable . IriS 1unab1e4tJi v0rkl o.Among the spe'-il articIcs, V, e mýI îwae persuadti te b uy ox-thtentitijti"The -Bank,-Robbers' cf~~~~~~ DotsKte us oMY emesi," by Fritz Gravs sreas gratani happy suýrprise I at net I tirring as a story cf atrentune. It taken baîf a 'box ýwben I e7xperiene- is illutratet by'nrany pictures. Mn. et gi-eut relief. Seren boxes caret John R. Meatier rsriews tire me- me. That iras in 1900q, anti I ai thotis in an article entitled "The still curet. I woult net be witbout Spook Detective," wbîcb is illus- DtisKitniey Pille for- any nîcnsy. trateti by photographe especîally Tair, twenty yeýýars: younger tban poset for thie article. "The Uni- belons I took tireni." versal anti Inîrortai Dcli " byî Dodt's Kitney Pille cure the Louice CassEvluans, is a chrmrng altr impurities out cf tire bicot. Tirat's wbytbey 7 cure ieuaie ilITERAR',INy _NOT É,ES. Fuiiic f goot tiriage ie sirs DTecei- ber (insas Number) of "Rotý anti Gun sud Mvotcr Sports in Ca-' nad," ubhehel iy W. J. Taylor, ~rtWoostokOnt. A spscialiy iràitea a Pnt inflaey illustantet ac- 001111t uf the tp taken in tirewos 1)y tirs Premiier andfSr yc-Gn eralcf ew runswick, epene an oxeetionllygooti numbrer. Sports- mlen may irbe recommencld o tir neil wutten anti informative articleý on tire Impoýrtance cf Taxi 'ny Piysical Cuýlture ut Homie is tirjej ilay,,eti aaoag the ctlirac il] cf Notiring Sericus,," m nakes0tirsai r-,es, Tire ,Boiremian,Dpoit Nw! be cear anti fes-tat is, S it hoit net coinUaslif it were impedtiby some!) obstacle in thre moath anti ae if it (aibhn suezdet by, the tirroat. reeCnCJd, goisolo ls(naî ts. 'Avoai s i-t) e i ;uerI lneem!nt in iagig)utan miusi cal 1pitic1. Agaiïn,1 the at taters brethiuet -r i-( bel y aumoiaety1i ate the me- lordjo eti ~ ~ ~ 1 "me" vce"trt i the perte e pres rrlth ar nt thi pu r irifl dpeti Jeo- taio ae p ssio n . -i i j-îie;'u fine soofiing, lictenfor pure e ant miieatns oise Egato tion ant i rfIneimseIos Tes Ie r te oi ulfe al wle o!wh pua rticandprei tPr.cfsloeigig Cce yu syc upn emhyia efcin tazzle astont ~nt surpise; ut atoni cirent ai s urprieofare not the~~~~ai aUz o atdnjfr hehert -A strong short story by John G. Nfeibai-tit, entitîsti "Tire Epic Mjati- An Alwaye Reay Pill.-o tiros ir- Scot," is oesof tirheatigfeu-[cfregular ,habýit metCicinasis cf lit- tures cf Tire OuitingMagazine for tie concera, bat tie rsieut major- Deceirber. -Tirere ari-sxCtheri ity cf men are net cf regular habit. shor stories in tins big issue cf Tire worvy anti curescf business Outing, among thein bbing "Tire prerent -il aniî out cf itirsiegu GýlazsBi" by Etýila SaitnlaitycfdliteCoures dyppia, il i Baircoek. A t-us story cf stîrrrng gesion, liver anti kidusy troubles atrenture is tiat by W. T. Burres, as a protest Tire run-town system "River Aiventurig in Perm." A temn s a corrpectve ant ire is harming article is that by 11er- înons ete iran Planrle'sVege- bae I-tK.J0b wo write about table Pis. Thecy arýe simple ini "Bu-de W7iti a IHandicap. Clifouatheirecompostion anti eauire taken, Joirason wnitee cf a "Nevatia Towrn by tirs most teilicateiy oetttd fret cfr a ceisof articles biy anl ex>pert on 'a sbetwihcn tire Siit cf the iNorth willb, out iosfine veï,scs, every lias.appeal- ing with strong force toe every icer of the wild but attractivenri couaLry. These areý but samipies cf tirs mayygoot t'iigeielig it erryphse of sport in Canada The iutaioeare specia]l i notab - ýle ani atratiein bisfine Christ- 1? I k n rirS 2,gi. e et, nervous sstein, m Des-ne IIood ta old eine. Cirre Ontr, au Deilflf M't ,st raSa Wori7, des- gyumorLuca ad1(fcs of.UW ue Reesss esail-'ed isTout, dMedcin 0 , 1n'Verli, Wts' M r, éSe, Ot etirtor, hassomriepkaithinst a d es, The i-uUngIcuMtb g r panyP iblhen, 3âand 27ïV- - 3ls Steet Cw York O~~ Thp Nepgmcee'of Au ngmpc Cause ofthe Wrsck. A d eepaý,t ch f i-cm î' 1Bunketon AS "We, the jury, bave tieitettaAt Etiwart Findia!y cmete bis deýathý onu Nov. 23,190,-ecus fd,,ath bank, by ýetenglgne fte ;i- tire verdict returnet by a jury en- Bowanviie onTbursday, toenci- q i-e io t case fth-e deat-h of onc Mon)rday, Nov. 23, nbe wo fs C.P. R.frihscmtoeert -V