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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1908, p. 5

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- ~. I B O W M A V W LEDEC . 8, 1V 08., Sevaral hounds baye beau losit this ~ Fall-can it be possible that thay bave Mr Franke L. Gleeson repnresenting *IaoLean Publtshiing Co., Toronto, gave us e cati Tuesday. lthe young man wbo borrowed the an6 weeks ego froin Mrs. F. L. naugz's, Concession St , pleascetrenuit. Miss Annle Kelîs, Millbrook, wblle lîorseback ridine was Ihrown frm lier borise and kieked inl th, head wllh sncb leribIe fore. tht et 2final h-ex 11e waa .despaiçd of Dr. Bin)gheam, Toronto, was wlred and i removed eý piece of bone off the braiit. Incicationis arei now more favorable for her reccvery. Mns John Grieves, Newcastle,- waî guest of Mrs I Tabb When you write Mn. Proclen ebont milk, mention Ibis paper. Mn. Jesse Huat reenîiv bought froLi Mr. Jas. fHeal the 5-acre field on Scagog street, aonth. ___ Several good faims are idvenîi<sed. 100 acre fan 1le wanted, Seo A. B Chaffin's advt. Bowmanville is pessibly thae eepest place ia Canada 10 buy dnygoods end men's lothlng. Mns Fowler now occuples the brick reuldance necenîly vecateti by Mr. Geo, H Linton, Centre St. Dîrecton H. J. Knight Is training bis choir for Annlversary Day, Doc. 6, on some fine naw enthemi. Misses Frances E. Conley and Ethel L VanNest have been inviledti 1 recîte and sing respectiVely et Enfield Dec 16 Advertisers have ceptnred Ibis pper ag'eln Ibis week. Papers thet enter thrty-six hundred homes appeal 10 tbeni. 'ownles Big PREENIN NE 1 2 Puilman ars -Wil appeen et- PeRA fOUSE, BOWMANVILLE b ldlesday D ec. 9th Wedllosday L iMight25e 35ea- d Oc Tickets on Sale at Mitcheil's Drug Store, Mrs I Tabb viý-ited friends in Whitbye ,,Mr. Alex. Stuat t John, N. B., vislted et Mn. Richard Jarvis'. Mnr. H. Gondonr Mitcheil, Royal Banký Toronto, spent Suay et home. Mrs F. WV Lee, Enuil,3illon, spent the week-end with Mrs. L. Paterson. Jacanese novelties and fancy china for Xmas presents et P. C. Trebilcock's, Messrs. Lawry Cryderman and Chas, Mason vislted fi iends luin hwaSunlay. Mrs -jean Blewett, Toronto, waF getof Mrs. Win, Canu whlle in town, Mr. Gordon S. Jury, McMmaster Uni ver-s'>ty, Toronto, was home over Sun. day, M'fisses Edua C and Eva M4 MeGiIl srënt the wveek end with friends in Pori Hope. M1iss Mande Rundie, Bethesda, ii visiting ber cous in Mrs. H H. Gray, Belleville. Mrs. (Rev 17T Jolliffe ettended th( funenal of Mn Geo Fletcher, a relative at Alliston M1oaday. Mr and Mrs. Oswald Pollard, Tor onto, spent Sunday at bis father's, Mr S. Pollard, Registrar. Mrs W. R. Goodwin wlil neceive on Thurgiday, Dec. 3, and flot eanunt> further announcement. Mrs. S. Hughes, Lindsa ,is herz called b,-r the lincîss ana death of hel brother Mr. H. W. Burk. M1r.Geo. H. BiElkeli wes i l oton Sundety visiting âis sister, Mrs. GeHI Buxton, who is very 10w. Newspapen adlvertlsing gives e great er selling force per dollar than an. other fonni of advertisin--, Mnrs (Rev ) Geo. Robinon , Port Perny is vlsîting hier daughter Mrs, (Rev.) J Garbuatt et the parsonage. Special favor asked-mention thti paper when you enswer an adventise ment inutin lawritinz or it persohi. Musiciens, especially singers, wil thank us for publishing Dir. Logan' splendid article on Choral Music It thii peper See our up-to-date kitehen cabinetf with fîour chest, flour slfter, sugarechesi 'nd tea and coffee canulatrs, elso canis- ns for every kind of spi1ces. Williami Son A worthy ettorney-at-law ln Denver Coloredo, sent us for publication thë excellent article in Ibis issue on Tli Dlsgrace of Belng Useful. How doei il appeal to you, reader ? Couch, Johitîton & Cryderman arE 8howing some very fine Astrakan and Bokbaran coats, elso a big stock oi ladies' fur-lined coats lu blacks anc colos-no better velue an3 where This Is the tume of y ear whien evers home should have a bottle of jury &9 Lovell's Cream of Violets, tt e one rem- 1edy that exceli; ail others for rougbnesE 3 f the face and hands. Mr, Henry Montgomer. ,Enniskilen lefI lest week for Londonderry, Ireland, rto vîsît frieudsInla is native place. Hi )salled fnom St John by the Allan Liae "Tunisien",,anti was booked by M A. James, Allen LUne agent. A cough remeody .of exceptionel marli and whleh is sold lu large3 boties for 25e is called Tamerac Cordial. Il if menufactured 'by the old estab'lis1aad fin of Jury & LoveIl. Their namea1i elww a eguarantee as to quallty. Mrs W, C. Kinig very hepply enter' talnid about 41f ty friends et an afier. noon tee- on Satunday et ber residence Beech Ave, AIl the guests had a- yen social and pleesant lime. Mis. J H H. Jury, Mrs -Thos. Tod, Miss, Wiadatt, Mra. W. , 1.McMurtry. Mrs. Clarence Meath and Mrs, Clarence Mason assist- ,ed in the tee noomn, Read -The. Man Who Wlns" poem~ Try the homemede humbugs aI Thos. Tod's. Best 25e and 40o tee ever offered ai Murdoch's. $12,00 buys a good kitehen cabinet et Williams & Son~s Homemade peanut crlsp and maple creani aI Thos, Tod's Western Bank Sold-Read the 3.col- umn article un Ibis issue. Teacher wanted-good sebool foi baginnerwho waats 10 study. If sou went yoar liens 10 ley eggs get Davies' food aI Murdoch's, Upright piano and good organ for sale, Apply to M. D. Williams & Son A 25ct. box of statlonery makes a gond pregeal. Get il et P. C. Trebil, cock's. Onlon skia writing pads, negular 15c, only 10Ce Seturday at Nicholîs'. -Ask for Onion Skin Ladies, it wlll pav you to 1 ee the fancy neck frîlling that Nîcholîs has just put on sale. Beautiful genuine seal and morcco nandbago, etce, et vary low prices et Jury & Loveli's. Annuel meeting of Ontario Agrieul- Mils yrîe MReynolds Is prepared te do all !Inids of dres-maklng et home5 Or go onut b-- tha day. Orders lef t et Mis Fred Lyle-'s, Seugog, St., Bow- znanvilie, vwilI be pnomptly ettended 10. Phone 18813. 48-3w. Wateh your 0, valope an2d blank form la next paper. counîies Counicir ,maeîs et cobourz Tuiesda-,,Dec&8 Air R T Stephen,-s bas returaed fromn trip to ienBak Durham OldByssocton u tive meets at PrinuciPal ,". Seott's, 576 Chuirch St., Toronto, Frda velling. Méerbers of the C,.OC.F. arei ed to attend the reguler meigi A.O F. Haitll deDc 8, fori1 nomination and electian of offiers;. r.and Mrs. John Lt-,e enîert.alned et dinner a nUniber of frlends et Pleas- ant View FaýrM ¶ 1sd 7,lucelebration -of thil 22ad aovrsr f thoir rmer- Mage. Mrs. Laite was essis3t.ed 'bý,y sister 'Miss13Syer. Chief Jarvis wont otto rk, Monday lnight anti bouh laW Balsdoa. the sectio nman vwho Il 1s alleged negelected to Jýlght the temrps On thenaight of the C. P R. wîeck (Nl'ov. 228 ) wbe ren m,3D osi their lives. He appeared beflore Pofiee Meg-q istrate Horsey Tuesday mons.r!jinan waEýrernanad for ti_ýal unýtil Mond,.ay next He gave $5e00bonisfor!appeer- ence. Warrant;us out for akr Notices of Birtils, 25 cents; 1912 Agea, 50 ceita; Den;t us, 50octgt, eaoh ln- sertion. Whcen funeCriil arda arc DrIUnied at this offie. lnsertion fre -r DRyMAN-lu Dowmanville, Dec 1, to Mr anti ~r- James Dcymaa, n son. LANSTeaAy-In Clarke, NZov 241hl, to Mr anti 1Mrs Gen A Langstaif, a son. 1ALLEýN-At 514 Basi Flftb St, Brooklyn, New Yrk, Nov 10fth-io Mr anti Mm J ames F Allen, a tiaugbtcr, (Etina Lcuise) iy BRANTON-BLAIRý--III Oaa.Nov 261h by et Rev W B Taeker, Frederick Branýton and Mahel, danghter of Mr Wmn Blair, ail ofOsa wa. CAN-WRIG4T-At the Mýetbnodift Parsonae le Port Perry, Nov lîth, by Rev R4 H Leitcl, Mr Wm J Cane, Mativers, and MAiss Cypha Wrightr, Galoway township. GRgENWOOD-MOPPATT. At the Methodisi [Parsonage, BOWManViiie, Nov 25th, b)y jRe 'John Garbutt. Geoge Aibert renod Pontypool, and Elizabeth Moffat, Rirb.y. 8LywooD-Lywo(OD-At the Cambrldge treet Methodist Parsonage, Lindsay, Nov 2,,~e sJ P Wilson, B A, Jo)hn Cari Lywood, Carl wrlght, andi Miss Stella Lywoodi, Lindsay. DÂv-At Oshawa, Nov 28 h, Charie3 Davy, a.gj8 Syears. Burtx-In Bowmanyille, NTov 10l, HiramWsY rd Burk, aged43 Jears. -QMPBLL-At Cobourg, Nov 29, jas Nlýsoni Sà Campiïbeli, merchant, aged 79ý years, MoaRow-In D)arlingLon, Nov 25th, Sarail Smith, reliet-of the late Robt Morrow, ageti 73 years. d WAGSTAF-IO N'ewVCaStle, v'9bJaeF )f Milligan, beloved wife of Mr Wm Wagstaff, d ageti 51 years. MÂYNAti-At The Homesteati, Brook1iua.Nov 24th. Sarah An Nicholîs, wif e0f John May- Y nard, aged 65 year. 11 SBRAoÂnOOT-At St Louis, Mo" Nov 22. Wm J -Broatifoot, L D3 S. son of the laie Alexander s adoo of Hope township, aged 49 years. MTNON-At Colorado Springs, Colo Nov 10 Charles F Munson. formerly of Darrington' *Brother of Mrs Jamieg Eliiott. Bownmviiie. IslisirE-At Centreville, No)v 26, 1E-lizabeth Douglas, reliet of the laie William Isbister, 1 ageti 71 y ears, Sister of Mrs Notien, Newtonl vilie * ALTEs-In orest, Dec lot, George À. Wailters, D P1. S, sot) of the late Thomnas Wai. ti ra,Liradoay. ageti 38 years. Brother of hMre. Drý.> J. C. Devltt, Bowmanviie. r 'Sinii-At the residence of ber son in-law, i Dr c- HIBurnham, 32 St Joseph sreet, Torontlo, Mary Ana Bennett, widow 0f the lie FHon, Sidoy SFbCobourg, inh ber84tb year In. 9 terred t tPort Eope. "Lest We Frget 0 E, R. 8OUNSAIL, Designer and Denier la » Mouments, Tableti, Marker.s, etc., la Granite and Marbie B1OWMANVILLE. ONT t TALIAN CHAIN LOST-With pin, .b eads and crosses. Finfler pisase return to, être Faîkner, % Mrs F L Bragg, Concession St. and get rewarti. 49 1w QEaVANT WANTED-Girl to as- KYJs at in gencral bouse work. Family of tbree. Mrs FowLEs, Centre andi Concession Strecis, Bowmanvilie. One thet eau sicep at home nights prefcrrcd. 18-tf. JJ -vOUSE FOR SALE-On the soudi 1- side of King street, Bowmanville, six; rooms, stable, gooti lt. Appiy to P3. G. M., GALBRAITH, Bowm-Ianiile, MA-t fiOUND LOST-On Nov 8LSh. A white bond, 8 Monitbs Olt, witb brown spiot on bîp. Fluder wilI be rewardiei SF re- turning same to ALBEET CoxOtieliC St, BOW. manville. 4s-sxw C Y.REAT DANE DOGS WANTED- ~AA yonng maie andi female. musi be per:- fect specimens, solidi blue color, wcii bred andi rg.tered. DEAN KNICaNRBOCXU~R, Manager, Belgmrec Farm, Charlotte, N. Y, 49-3 w B ROOD MARE 'FOR SALE-A 1200l Isbrood mare, 12 vears nid. satfe in foal, a regniar andi goond breeder; bas been uatif ou farm. AMo a Jersey eow inst reneweti, gooti and quiet. Inquire ai S7ATE8MAN office. 49-If Jaaua!y 4th, 1909 Apply wlth particlars 1,) W H W OOD, Secretary-Treasurer, Base Linie. Bowmauivllle. 49-If MUEFOR SALE-on the South !d fKing Street,' Bowmanville, inue Irooms andi batbroom, new Pease Furnace, Electil light, stable, ail convenlences nuder cover, quarter acre land. Apply to D. G x. GALBRAlln, Bowmauville.5-t D E-SIRABLE POET'NBW St., East, comprislng il acres of lanti1U witb 4ý acreus of gond orcharti. Brick bouse, 5 rooms, 1,1th room, heateti witbh Fecla furuae in god c ,dition. Newilhem 2 X 48 on brick, fo.unda., >il, silo and wiudimill anti waicrînig irough ta et1. For terma aPipIY t MaS. W. BH. KNIGHT o i he rmses, or addtress, Bx32 omn P, 0.48-4w mTENNANT, V. Sey,ý U O,0NORARY GRADUATE 0F 1-.-Ontario ¶eteriniary Coliege. Office la rear of Mr. IWllliams, furniture store. Calis anawcreti day or ig&,ht. Phonie 58. 10-1 Bargaîns in Buggies ,tid Waggons. DudnglL the month of! December 1cm nffriug exccptjionýally geond bargaina lii buggies ant waggonis. Oniescod aud buggy iu ne1 second heurt inbuggy $40; nue cwbuggy $5 c0.e ncw tbugy $75;two farm agg e nly $55ca. TInese arc enulueargains anti muII b e seito be apprù cietet.i. Pe is weut- igbgesreýpaIrti anti paintet i sbulid briug tbcii.mi ow. Al work goiaranteci. WILLIAM EDGEa, Carlag Wrks, !BowIranvIllle. '49-4wl POThe 'People's Groct TA Xmnas Shopr. Neyer la the his4ory of Ibis sitore bave wa heen lit better conditiojn to serve tha publIc.' Every arti- Cle vYon purchase i tTaft'c bas been proved 10 hc reliable quelitv beSore it is taken fmb stock Confidence lit our grcocies is the foundation of our broad guarantee to take ba ny purchase that shioulduot prnve equiai 1 o u;r exupetations. This protection of Quiallîr is one rasn w many People buv grocenies et Talt's exclusively Oysters and fisit cf alM] d kp constaatly oa han-d. Don't forget thaýt we are the fish people. Prices We buî for cash 10 seve on discoants. This givýes us thti advautae eof lower -ost for oui stoc-k; Wc, oi-wer thýe t Cou but net 1the Quailitr, Special blerd rf India and Ceyloa tees for 25e e lb Meny tell ns Its -I mpOssible 1 get a goid tea for 25e sa lb We matde a forturete purchase of an extra ice Ce ion ant ihigïe grade indle teeehort limie ago thet wili enïabje us t 1 sdI ur epecial blentd of India and G'erbao tea for 25c,,e lb for some lime 10 coule, lb but by buying e langer quanîlty we got them et e pnice wbicb -enables us to saîl therniet 25c. WC wouîd like you 10, try a lb cf rait's special blend, Coffees Spécial blend of coffeeata 25e e lb. Throngliout this disnect you wlli find meny Who use TaIt's special blenti of coffee and have donc so for v-ears. Thare are lots of 25o coffees but unlil yenu have tried Teit's sou cannol sa3 that you have used the3 best China Departmlent Second Floor. We carry lte largeit and beýsl selectcd stock of china in %West Durham. Here y ou will find meny useful XMUs guifs, e e TvlA IT'S Th dT'5 STORE NEV ýpin9 Made Pleasant anc,- The Pepular Gr ocer. Tait's Spec ?eople'sGrey 'ial Baking Powder at 15e a cao, 1Eýeh cen couitelais 1 lb niet wceight cf good %ree) bakin g powder that is1 tu xrsl o Ibis store and wcou do the work eqUR Y 10 eny alg- bih s 0ee b orbain pwdrTry a cet Tai's Speell ite -next lime you requirebaking, Choice Red Salînon I8c a cam W e haivei, c-ured a b r -,2d 0f on! colce d So c- e<, slmn hihwe rcý eiiat' a cýn. It ope u Eu ie snd compare s avouvwith ban1ds selliug fer 20e.c, hv ohr ticit j, 8 -.nd 202e a cu. Wc have a ven fi ne salection o ne frits, juil whet 37rGU ire 1i Fure good resulis,. Choica5 new raisins,.... ý........ P lb for 25e Oboice new carrants.... .. -.... 8ý1lb for 25e Extra f.anicy cuirranmts......... 2 lb for-, 25e Choice figs ý.............. lb for 25e Sultane raisins_............ lb for 25e Chroice Lemon Peel........20o oa lb Choice Orange Peel ..........2e e lb Choice Citron Pýei.........0e a lb S)edad raisins, 16 oz peekat..... ....... ý15e AO onh 40pkeceteu, sets, pretly desîgs lit oind bnius ine. gular price$5,00,while hey lest for 13 50. 4 ronly 97 pieu!- innRSets, reaie pice 8ï12 u0, wiLi sal for 8 00. 10 only 10 piecce Toillt Sets, raulr 2.0 10 seu for $2 00. WVe will be pleesed 10 have -vou, cali antiu ex- amine Our stock. 8 ish Price paid for Farm Produce, krehie Phone 65 a' Skiln Soft and Cle ar. The kind gent!emen admire. The kzind ladies long for, The kid that i produced by Cream of Violets. Thls elegant toilet lotion com- bines ail the essentiels of a true skln food, It nourishes, cools and beautifies the skia. It is Dot Sticky-. 1 t la not Greasy. The original and only genu- Ine Cream of Violets is sold only byus 250, for a large boulie. JURY & LOVELL, The Druggists and Opticians. Ag-entq for ali steamsbf p MUes to WIIEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY and LOVELL Graduates of . Chego, New York, Detrcit F LARM FOR SALE BY TENDER- Ju 100 acres nortb haîf loi 1, concession B, Proken Front. township cf Clarke, withio quarter of a mile 0fNeto.viile station, Brick dweliing. gond buildings, good water, wcl fenced. Is belng soiti to wlnt up ESTA TE OF' ibe laie ABRAHAM BEAN. The higheàt or ai jy tender not neeesarlly accepieti. Tenders, wiIi be received up to December 1ith, 1901. Terme-One-ibirti cash, balance on mortgagc, bcaring interet ai 4 per cent per aanum, or a discount of 8 par cent on ail cash Sales. Apply to H HAWKINs ' Port Hope, G H BEAN, Can- ton, Executors. 47-iw* 'FARM FOR SALE-Lot fl, con I, Clarkc, icar thaý viil3'ge of Newtouville- 48 acres more or Icîs. Tho bous"e l, within 5 min ies waik ofe Post Office, schiocl, two churobes, bankai:)dother places of bu8iness. Ali wbat Is gencrally known as the Tororto anti Kingaton r oati ruas acrosa the place it will be offereti lun one or two lots to suit the bayer, for tbere are buildings, a well of gond water, aiso excellent orchartau;' cach side of road-190 barrots of beptJ kiotid of winter apples v ere put up ibis season. The plae la woatierfully sbcltcred front the nortb, uo-rthi-west andi nortb casi wluds. En.j citire of T I? H WÂrrS, on premises, or Clarkte, 47-45w ACRE FARM FOîç SALE- 5J'himaplc Lane Farm. conisistiing of w0 acres, monre or)lesa. beîug the soutb balt of the nlortbhbaif of loi24, cneso .Drigo situaitetiorle baîf mile fro"mPo Ofceat sebool, Thiis farm haa neyer been te,3teti anti tsah igh taite9 of ultivatilon. Soutsa afirst- clisa ioam On the preiies aire a bn ae stabllng in irsti dassis condtioe, t'o fraie stables, an open sbeti, antiframre drlvln.g ibeti, il stoîey f ramne bouse, two eyer fiiing vells, onie new cemeni ciatera, orchai;rti of wiiiter fruit4ale gond bearinig cndtinai iniso uso'itivru wl ýiit b reteioasc &Iong ,IfA~ Isla, 1909ý. bFr fnirther particulars; apply. to HG ARGuE, Solina, P, O, 49 Yw SOMVE SPECIALS:ý THIS WEEK AT S, W. 1-MASOIv & SON>S" Black Silk Underskirts, regular $5,00, this week....- $3U5 1 Black Sateen Underskirts (&pecIaI) regular 1.25, this ,eweek ..................................98e Healherbloom Underskirts, extraspeejal............2 00 1 piece Naývy Wool Dress Goods, 54 ln. wide, regular 75e a yd,, this week ......................... '5 1 plece Navy Wool Dress Goods, 54 in. wide, regular 85e a ydythisweek ................ ..........55e 1-piece Black Wool Dress Goods, 54 in. wide, regular $100 a yd , this week ...................... 48c 1 piece 8 i34 Twilled Heavy Cotton Sheeting, regular 25c ayd this week....................., 1 piece 8,'/4 Twilled ETTeavy Cotton Sheeting, regular Oce a )-d., this week..... ........ ........ A9 c Ipilece 40 iia. Piilow Cotton, regular 17a, this week 13c 200 yds. Liglit Ground Prints and Gin ghams, regrilar 12ic a yd.,,t-0s week...................... 0e 20 pieees Wrapperette, good patterns, regular l2-ýe a yd.,this week .........................10e 75 yds. White Fancy Stripe Mnslins, regular 12ýc a yd, this week............................... 9c 150 yds. Dress Goods, assorted, reguir 50e arid 60c a yd. this week................. ....... 25e Boys' Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers, sizes 1 te , i regnlar 2ý5e to 50c. ehoice eaeh ...........25e 1 doz only Men's «eavy Tweed Working Shirts, reulr 1"5, tiseek, eac..........78c Blankets, Ti Downs and Quilts at sperlal prÎed. Opeued Qut This Week-New WItbîe-wear Comprising Blouses, Skirts, Niglit Gowns, Corset Covers, and Drawers. Ladies' & Misses Coats==At Sacrifice Prices. Ail of the balance of our Ladies' and Mlisses' oasat the folloWing redueed prices for quiek sale:ý_ 1ý1ý $3.75 Coat's for $2 75 $50Coa'ts for $3M9 6.,;0 Coats for 4 75 7.50 Coats for 5,715 8.00 Coats for -6ý00 8.50 Coats for 6.5' 0 9.00 Coats for 6 75' 9.75 Coats for 7 .500 10.75 C oats for 7./5 J1 75 Coats for M52 $17S0Catsfor 'Il-"50 NewGoods Sutitable for ma 1ft arriving Daily Uro-ers' Du!e BUistk! s Cas I .W.11ASO &JON HNeX door 10 Standard Bank. Bawmanvlle Enea shad rooni at Central Liveryyarsntme tÈ 1 rUNCLE TOM'AS CABIN Direct from -' the East with an~ Ail New Big Company 4 J *11pý a,

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