A Sensi'ble ehritmas Gift E OF THE. most perplexing uestions of the yeir is whait to buy )GasaIod it that will be sure to please and at the same time bu modierate in price. If you are Eelecting something for mother, 'wife, sse or friend, and wvant to contribute a large amount of pleasure at a .8mali ex- pense-if von wunt something that wvill plel se a woman three hundred and sixty-five days a ypar -nothing will more ful!ly meelt t'ais requiremea t than a latest improvelIissôli Carpet Sweep'er, a Jardinere Stand, an Easy Cha-ýir of some kind. a nice Picture, Parlor Tabie, a Couch, Music Cabinet or some other nseful piýece of furniture. Our stock is complete and -we askç you to corne in and looik at our disp ay, L-d NORI & SODN, FURNITURE DEALERS ANI) FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone Io B3ranch Stores. Orono anid Hampton Xmas Opening SWTR1JDRYt DECEIVI3ER l2th, 19088 No store in Bowmanville has ever been able to make such a display of the folowing Xmas Goods as ,wT wiil show you this year and the best feature is that every article is mark- ed at so low a vrIe- that better value cannot be f rnnd anywhere, Every article is marked in plain figures. Wo ,,ae fot asharned tolet everyone knowour prices. We buy for our 8 big stores direct frorn the factory and give you the profit the Wholesale bouseluSually gets, England, FranceGan, United States, Japain, China, Austria and Canada's leacling factores ail ccontribute- to our immense stock. Free Goods. Worth of Presents. cri ho g;otacutamers on aur Xmaqs epen. See p r n il: ars tI anîhen 'CO!lni Xrnas Suggestions. Drc iofo use-Pin Ibiq sheýat up iu sarne )nient place lu the home anti a-k eech member f amïly ,ta piaec their i:. iialq opposite the art- bey wauld likeo for Xrnas. Taits will save yen fworry astU) what t,)ghe 3auj everyone will )methiag they reaily want. u,a au ko.ýdak spectacles nd sauýer iopera glasses tt purses - stand hantibaga UigIase imusic rails rush inusie boîtiers brush faucy stands r:y brUshïý -s:naaers' sots Mirron shaving sets mirrar razOrs t brush faner china usb travelling cases Mg caIses müaicure cases cases post card albums perfumnes shavIng brushes Case ho t water baille Bronze figure for mnantel or table, Gilett's razors, faii£ev ,glass ,frnit dsefauey glass ect-eivers. glove aurd hantkerchief cases, cuif! ):lr &se, ru?, omb anti mrror cmas, al 'est uorice3-ac jti-, r& Loie Finiest Cut Glass. Alargea coi', c choice Cut Glassware framCanaa~sloadng inufacturers bas been' aýdedta auir stocbCis year. Ail the lateï;îpatteras ai verreaoabepuices A ïDeliceions Cup of Tea. MIanv words>aI praise we-re ,giveun us eiardlnz the te& served ait aur big opeui'iug a vear, ago. We wiil try andi please the ladies jus! as mueh Ibis resur. Camea ati enjoy it wlth vour frIends L t is free ta *ail who eaul at our store Dec 12. Our Entire Prern ises, Front store, opIleal noom,, work rorm snd large store rooru la rean are aIl filti with Xmas suggestions that wili givA vou ideas when sou, are readc, ta purchase your Xmqs gifts. Don't Stay Away 'Becauise You Do not Want To Buy Corne Anyway 'We will urge 2o no eta uchs.That is a m alter of choice with yen, but wea wilI give aveu tNo hundreti present i aay Ou the day of aur open- lng tao e who purehtse gootis ta tte value of $2; 00 or over. Noý prattout will be wanth lotýs than 50c, so a ha:, better coa prepaned 10 punchiase If yen speewhai ý ou Wal. e will set -,aun rpunchlas. os a$Ido un, T 1 XLasi e-f enw-ih. lamREMEMBER IHE DAT E 7a.mIlam >aturday, Decemnber I:2th. andJR&LOEL Established, 1856 And Always Up-To=Date. OWMWANIVILLE, DEC. 4, 1908. Iy visitin.g Princpal W, C. Allun of PuIblie Sehools antd Mrs. Alliai. n tker Goods, Seul, Mo0rocco, etc. rseqs EHand Bazçs, MUsie Rails anid 8,4~ This lino of goads bas re- àd oZuuicarefal attention and 1 prlr-, lll be fonnd extremely low 'e ýv entire lune direct fromn UlfectuierF. Corne and seee for Mouday Dec 2S is Nomination Da) i for mayoa, reeves. deputy-reoves nad co)uncîllors. Wednesda- is aninuai Pubic Sehool meetings, Toilet Cases No matter what 3ou desire in tiiis iine vau eau got the best possible value and the largest variety ai this store. W e are showing hundlredg of dollars worth;. thîs is anaither line where Our cuistamers 1get the wholesalers profits a8 we import these gaods direct from the maunfa ctur- ors giving you. the wholesei. 9house's profit. Corne and seea ur display oU Saturday Dec 12. Jury & Loyel, A Perfect Fairyland rerUEect Druggi5ts and Opticians AunURl meeting of Ontario Agricul- lurai anti Experîm-ental Union at the Caleg, ueibDe. 7 8nd9.Grand prga. Single fare on railwrays frmDc 5t 4 A Cupi of Tea ? Mauy wve rt ta ow if woaIre going ta Ferve la ath ~ladies, Whr, ,'68, of course, a >d-,hc very. best we cian pro- cure. Ili fielsanIwe of ou lady Cue'tam- ors taîkecl for man- aNs abouùthie defliclousuests of t4(3tes w,3 aerved last opeuning; day Camle anti tril or]s'at- urday, îDec. 12, t is free to al. Jury &Loveil. A Creditable Undertakig it k lo "Wlns thTe siz. cf Baw- mauvil'e" that eaubastI of a Drugl Storve eqîlalb% tair., & Lovelî's, anti this year Il is partlaularly wefl soceked i lnd attractive. T:hey have benu telling us of some 3cf their *plans for Xmas and Du reader of this pnanan ahoulii fai ta ,ai M~ARRIE D -JÂCuesO-Fay-At St GeCorge's Cburch, Osh awna, Dec 5th, by Rev J H Talbot, Herbert Jackson and Myrtie F'ry, ail af Oshawa. FÂi-F,&iR-At St. Gregorv's Jurh Osh- awa, November ltS,, by Rev. Fat1her ie John Joseph Pair and _Emma Feýr, batýh of Oshawa. WEIN STEIN- THoMPÏON--At St. George's ReetGry, Oshawa, Nov 26. by Rev, j.- R. Talbot, Miss Ida Thompson and Mr. Peter Weinstein, bath of Cedardale. MqCKNIGHT-GABI-At the »ectoryý,, on Tues- day Dec 8th, by 1ev W E Carroll, 1B A, Thomas Jonathan McKnight and Miidred Priscilia Gabb, both cf Darlingtot, GRws'IN-Coox-On3 Nov. Soi by Rev. H. T. Lewis, Miss Carnie Callender Cook, Oshawa, an d Mr. Herbert Grffua, Winnllpeg, DII D PanRnTE-ln Pontypool, Nov, 29), SmlE. Porter, aged 29 years and 8, mos. MARfT1-na-uWwaahtowvnshi). 1Huron 0ounny, Dec. 4th. JaLmes ?1artn, agei172 yeaia, Formecrly cf South Darling3' on. Bohrs-a oelrsAmlassa Fuleor,Prvdne "Lest We Forget E.R OUNSAL.L, Deine ud Desier ln MouetTablets, Markers; Pe., in Gnrj anad larblie BOWMÂANVILLE, ONT DA O FOR SALE-$55.C0 buvs a H OUEKEPERWANrED- At once . Tharough capable womLaný. Apply MaIs G C HAiNES3 Church St, 13owman-,ille.492w FOR SALE-Pair bobsleighs, nearly F ew, cuiter and set af single barness. Aýppiy tu W. M, IvEs, Centre Street, Bowmau- ville, 5-4wt SIERVANT WANTED-Girl to) as- kJs st.in generafi house work. Famiiy, of thr'ee MrsowLwi, Centre and Concession Sireets, liowmenviie. One that Cali sjeep aet1h01me nights3 preferrec], 4-f -1TOUSE FORSA EO the sonth Il sde o! Kiang street, Bowmauviiie. six rooms, stable, god lot. Appty ta D. G. M. GALBUAITE, BOWManIVille33t IITANTED--TECHER, Protestant, for S. S. No. 19, Darlilgton, B3aker's, saiary four hundred dollars.' Stale iieliiýca- tion sund experien1ce. Send testilmaiais. J. J. SMIH, uulklllen, Ont. 60 1W NOTICE TO PATRONS A mleeting of the patrons of the Hamni)( cheeseF.,ictory wtl be heid in the'Toin iHall, H'Maitp. ilfor Wedýnesa,eoaeb r 3 te past sau' uies Hlamptou, Dc ,10 W, R, ALLIN, 5c -S w Secret rety,!1 DARLINGTON COUNGIL Regular meeting Saturday, INov. 8 Ail mnembcrs present. J. W. McLqugli. lin, Reevo, lu chair Afler routine LeývI BrunI coplaiued awter biglm-j propenly daxumeti hcausing ljue o bis ciller Wootler Jas. Reatllie appiieti 'for bonus for-wiue fonice. Reforred ta Cauilior Woodflov. Aller reproenD- tations the cleuk wss insýrueteti ta cor-I rect an terroriluL'ceal iratecofS.". 823 Some aceounts woro presoýntetiantra id i.,r ta next meeîing, ConeIlWor i- son ipa'ti Tressurer $8 for planik. Bj l- ia wspass;et provldling for holding Municipal eleetions. A('countsè were paýs etianti orders granled an the Treas urîer as fllws-.Farueli. shaëp Carnag-es $3; 'Jaîs. Short, da 10"; E. StevenIs. dag tai remitteti'2, 2 J. ou- raw, bridge irons, $1,75; E. vv alter, do $5;J. W. Vixtue, bonus on wile folice, $8255: J. CuUtis do., 883.18; C. Powe, d. $856;M. ltobbhinsdo, 83.75; B.~~~ ~~ G.Cuniedo 3;J meus, do, $630; G F nido $8 12; J. MeC- calfe, do, I89.45; R. Aunger, do, $19 87; E Strutt, roadt tagravel pîl, $2; J. -Met- cale, ravl 2;L VI. Courlice, do. E8.1); J Oke, do, $9.90; F. W. Allun, do, 871;A. Arnot, cedatr, $5; IMc- CleIsu & ;ýCa, $17-01; G. A. Sîep'-ens, ce4dar, -77-SM-uIsYIIEsfppJrt of Fred. 8; j.- R. W Iudatt. diggiîog grave fon Gibbs U'n 1 0 _ohsuea It PaN 8 t0 ad vertize, Teacher wvar,-ed--see advt. Ladies, See ac Ir cook book off er in th is paper. Read this Par er, then maili t ta a dis- tant friend. Address8ed env-.elope anti blsnký fori t enolosed tibis, wý ,ek Forty hundre homes will recelve a COPY of ibis eek's isýsue of -.A. Ja mes & Son!s' Pprpers. No extra chiarge jta advertisers. Mu.R, .!R.Turner and Mss Mbel Borlanld 1ha9ve gole taý Port Elgin and will spetdihe bawiuter ivith Re3v. sud Mis, J. W. Coolley andi other fledsla Western Ontarlo. Mn, l3aLmuel SnUcb, StetiePr Ata and Miss Eva oe, eieieRt Alta., arrived h ereTusa evin and are vlsiing tbeinsse MsJr~ Gilbert sud other rets Messrs. John Elîlot A , and J. J. Mason atteudedti te Bu-slnesc4 Men's Banquet al Newcte Fniday lighlt andi addressed the rsml f 0mn M 3ams Riekarïd W~ hlmaItws suit the gvnst) miin be largely cesd NOTICE TO ;SI<ATERS, 31r Aleox Taylor, Maniager of the skating rink, anuounices to thie public th c follaWiug : Gents' tickets 'c'3.00; ladies 2.5 Famîiespurhasng ~'o $0wrth af ticetsala Wd 8~~dicout.Chltiren under 15 vears 8.0AlternioonD tickets from 4 to 5.30 P m$1,25, providing enaugli are sol t ta ako it Wvorth lopen- ing rjnk. Skating lot gaauedfor mîore th". 44 nights eoaci Weekï. Rigls roservedt'O 0holti any niglit frspcSi doiuî,gs.Ail tickeis solti subjeet ta runes of mngemnt, Tic-kets for sale at the rink. BUOMN Coacee-lo Orono, Nov, 30, ta no Mr , George Cornish, a su, UH4DR.,peso-rn Oshawa, Deca2nud, to Mn rand Mrs Robt iHendenson, î a deughter. Dowrqa-In Osbawa4 niarDec th, ta Mn and 'Mrs David Morris, ai daugbier. BrniassNee Dalingon tatonDec. 7, ta Mrn nd Mrs Chas H uresason. CLARK -Ou Dec Stb, the wtfe cl Josephi T. Clrk. Editor Satur(daY NiObt, 66* Holand A ve, Tornto.,aSson, r hogott isdset you will l fnd maxy DAI....OSbor5 who use Tait's speia bOnd c)f cOffee and have done .lfr5 so for 3 ears. There are lo)ts Of 25c coffees but untîl Speciais. * yu hvetnid ait's you canno(-t sa3 that you have used thie best, Chinaù o4 piee tea sets, pretty eslqgns lu c ia Denartment plnk adblie. Riegulan puice $6,00,ý while they M lasi for $3 50. ~' 4 onl 97 plee Dinner Sets, reg-ula I c Second IUiiijtji,$12.00, wiliseilifor 88 00. We carry the la-rgest and best selected stock 10 oni-Y 10 plece Toilet Sets, regular8250ta, of china in West Darham. Here you wlll findmany soi'. for $2 00. * usefuil Xblas gifts. We will be pleased ta have you caiL and ex - amine our stock. Cash Prîce pald for Farm Produce. The opular ArhieTai I WHÎEN 'WE -TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY and LOVELL Graduattes of: Chicago, N ew York, Derci and Torauto Optical Colieges1 Barristers, Solcitors, Ngtaries Public WILLIAM W. V1CExans. D. G. aM. GALBRAITH. (formerly oi Bawmanviiie,l 77 'York St., Tarontü. The practice fanmeriy carried! on by 4r. Galbraith lini3owman2viIIe will be on nedby the new firm. Mr. Galbraith wUll be in Bow inanvIlie every Saturday ,and misa during thu week if requIred. 22-tf PROOD MARE FOR SALE-A 1200 ,..Ibobrood mare, 12 yeens aid, safely in 'Ëoai, a regulan and good breeder; bas been uscd onfrm Alsa a Jersey cow just renewed, irood and quiet Tnjuqinre et 9STAjyMAN ofjpe. 49-tf H -OUSE FOR SALE-Or, the South 1â-side of King Street, Bowman-viile, ]nine moins and bathnoam, new pease Furnace, Eleecrie light, stable, alil cnvenieuces under cae,"urter acre Iland. Âpply ta D. G M. GAaAxBoawmanliile.8-t C ATTLE STRAYED-From lot 11, con 3, Darllngton, a red steer coming 3 years wîth nilht ear Split, and deha1 ýrned heffer aing ibree years with spili on rgter Any Information le.adlng to their recoveny wiii be rewarded by Ma ROufCOLLACOTT, BoWmafn- vile, pone No 139, ring q 50-3w1 Wm. TENNANT, V. S., 1jOOItRYGRADUATE 0FJ Onarioa Veterinary Caliege. Office In rear af Mr. Wi1iams, furuituire store. Galle angswered day or nilht. ph1one 53. I1.1 TEIRABLE PRO)PERTY IN BOWV- mIA MANVILLE FOR SALE-Oni Concession St., lest, comprising il acres af land gwîih41 acres of gocd orchiard. Brick bouse, 9 raoms, * oindition . Newvbarn 28 x 48 ou brick foundan- tton, siio an d windmiili and watering troughui stpalIs. For termsný apply to Mas, . R . KNIGIHT on tLie pirmises, oir address. Box 342, Bowman- ville, P. O. 48-4w Bargains in Buggies and Waggons exDurig hemotb of December 1 amn cfferng -xetoaly gocd bargains la buggies and waggons. One second baud buggy -,35; one second band buggy $40; one newv buggy $65: one uew buggy $75; two farm waggous, oniy j65 eacb. These are genutue bargatus andi mu.et beseen ta be apprecieted Parties wanvt lug bugg-ies repaired and patnted shouid brIog theur lu now. Ail work!gaaraniteed. Carnîage works, o anie F 100 aces ý3nonth bel! lot 1. concession B,1 Broken Front. înwuship r f Clarke, wti 1dw1eling. g Ond buildings, good water, welli feuced. Is b)elng sold t,, winjd p ET OE F tlie late ABHAAM BEAN,. '7Tcbe ighest Or! auy tender not neeessariy ,ceepted, Tender s wil be received up te Decemnber 15ib, 1908.i Term-On-tbrd ashbalance nmorigage, bearnug itees t 4 per cent per auun, or a discount o! 3 per cenýton aht cash, sales. Appiy ta G, HFI ÇNPort 1Hope, G Il BEAN, Can- ~AR.jFOR SALE,-LOt 0, con 1, JJCarkei. near Lthe vilage o! NePwtonvile- I S]eOut, Dsplay of Xmias Goods usefulý as well as suitablo for yong orot Grand Display of Seasonabie Goods at get-Popillar Prices. , For- Ladies, -Net Waists SiIk Waists Muslu Waists Lustre Waists Si1k Skirts Hleatherbioom Skirts Moreen Skirts Sateen Skirts Fur SCarfS, Ruffs Muffs Gauntlets Silk Mufflers Collars Tics Gioves in Kid, aind Mocha Cashmecre Suede 811k or Waol Y Ic olScarfs Fascinalors - Siik, Initial, Hôsiery. plain anti Emnbroidered Table Covers anti Napkins ta match Doy] es Tray Clo'Is Tea, Clot"hs Dressers Sideboard Covers Qulis in Marseillos tint Haneycomb -Damask Towels Table rVover-s, Chen- îile, Tapestr,--T anti Damask Blankets Tiedlowus Ladies' C1-ats Children. Wrýool Toques Wool E-loods Booatees Kid Mlitts IiilHdkfs Wool SeýarfS Wooi MIittg Whl Ubct Mutffs anti Searf s KnittodTi ackets For ïMe-n and EBoyS5è Sik Ties ifandikerchiefs Scarf s Kcid Gloves Mlocha Gloves Silk Lineti Glves Pur ined Gloves Wvool Gloces Parcy Shirts Wool Shirts Underwear Night Gowns Pyjmas Initial EIkfs, Linon EHdk fs, sweaters Cardigans Fur Collars ,Sot Rlats CJaps M; itts LIqua Next door to Standard lhank. omnil Free shed,, room at CentralfLiLvery yards nnytim~eý VILLE. GWi gaie 9 *The PepesGoerTATS Th9eople's Grocery TA TS STORE NIEWS. Xmnas Shopping made ples5anit and Profita-ble * Grceres.Tait's Special Blaking * . Neyer il, the isto£y of this store haverwe hee ib-tter conditionl ta serVe tha pubîf c.Eerati c le uprchase at Taîs has been proved ta b Powder.-Ct I15c, a cani relabl liîv before It is taken into Fstock. Ech an 'tlss1bnewlgtogo ~ .~,, Confidence la Our groconles is the foundation rellable bakingpodrttisutpepesifr 0, Of aur b-Rd guaranîe ta take bacit sny -purhse issre ati illdo itew q unlt uy kn thtsolnat rive equal ta lotir expeetation_ýs, ocau M ueit 110w who umuypiia T ii Thî prt Ctinf Qua li t v ,n isOec one reason why 60 maly high as 50e a lb for bakinjgpowder. Try îa eau naf I OPI J ~pbuv graeeries t Talt's exclusively, TlîsSpcilthenx im c1eu~ebk IjOysters ~2 Doui't fonget that w,-,are the fish people. Prices We buf for cash to save on discounts. This gives us the advautaZeof1lOwer cost for aur Stock. We 10-2r thýe Casi but not the Qtlality, Teas Seaiblenti of 1ndia sud Ceylon toaii for, 25e a lb Ma-ny tel us It la impossible ta g et a goati tea for 2f eS lb -.We mRde a fotunate purchase o1 an. eixtra fine Ceý 'rI R ad h grade Inldia, tea a short liea-,o tIhalwill as eus ta selilaur speclal blond of Judia and Cei'lon tes for 25e s lb for some time to comea These tens were offereOt t us ta SeIl at 80e a lb but by buylng s angerquantity we gaI them at a pnîce Whlch enab!es us ta,'sOu i hem at 2,;;.We wouid like youta try a lb cf T'ait's soeelal bleond. Coffees Svecial blond of coffee at ?5e a lb em -P %.nice iKea Saimlon 18e a cari. e3,1, saimon wieh wea re a li a', 8SC a ceau. It opens out finea nti c% omaresfvublwhrsd F elling c-,,for 2 0e. We lha.v e othLcr I il q1ds - 0, 13 c ud20e a eau, Csu?.efulliy Pgeeteti fruits fou Xmars oodg Wc have a, verv fine selection of new; fruit's, just whsat rou rqi- oinsure goati resuits, Choîce new rasns......i b for 25lc Choice new currauts............. ý lb for 25e Extra faney curnanes....... .,-)lb fan 25e Choice fige..... .......... 5 lb for 25t Sultana raisins................. lb fan 25o Chaice Lemon iPooel.......200era lb Choice Orange Peeol.... ....... 20e a lb Choice Citron Peel..............80 a lb 1,