f. A. FIADDY'S chinaHll Goo You eian',t have good results with poor stock. Qa lît s the test of Figs! ligs ,Figs! CCooking fige regular Se per1l for 5C erlb. TheseK are not the eom- mon 5e kind, Extra eoieLaver Fige egla 15C per lb, for 10c; regular 20e per lb for 15z, Currants, Raisins an d Peels 3 ILS good currants 2e 2'9 Ibe ehoice Carrants 25 2 Iba very besi Ourrants 2 àe 8 ibe very èeet Raisins 25e 2 Ibej very -be;3t Sultanas 2 V, 2q pkgs seeded RaDisins 2 e 3 lbs D)ates 25c Orange and Le-mon Peels, good 15p, Orange and Lemon Peals, best 20e- Citron Peel 25c Mixed Peels 2e 5 Extracts ! Extracts1 All flavors bottle. o!f Extraets 10e per1 Godiitues, Ibs for 25 l~eMixtures, par lb. 15e, Fine MùtOrer worth40e tod 2 e A.'agE assoiarmt lo! Candies f rom 10e 10o 40oe pes lb, and at speelal priies for Ohlrituias, Nuts, Oranges, Grapes irn great 1 Conc, ENFIEJ-D apd Xa Tree will ba ethodist Church here Fr iun rnc.c.I1uag, ±uuui Prof. BOeh, ilne, isEhlVan- Netsoraomiss MrlnGibson, mezz-sopanoEnnishllen maie Quar- 'tet te;, Rnadnge b, Mr Fred R.Foe and Dr Slemonln Admissolin-Adults O0c. Cildren 10c, Do not suifer from sick hieadache a moment lne.It je n.ot Lnece8ssry. Carter's 1itîle Liver Pille will cure yout Dose onoe lttle pili!Smal price. Smali dose. s1mall pli]. MAPLE GROVE r.and Mrs. Eruest Folcy and dauhtr ilda isite er brother Mr Alex Wlisand aiao attenlded "11e Silver Wdigof 'Ar. anid Mrs. -W G. Runidie, Btedrecentl.. ViSitors: Mi<s SrtiZimblttwn. wHib MissCaeUa; MiSF; Eva San- ders, townu, vsiedbr cuiMiss SirliÀe Snowde.o; Mr and Mrs S8nw deni, Jr, and dauzbter Eduna at Mr Wm Pitrs;Miss Olive Biekeli ilth ber cousifns lai town ...Decislon Day will observed uext Snbbatb wheu a goýod crowd les expeeed... 11eûv A S LousIley, Nor way H7ouse, will bew-,ith us on Sun- d'ayý, Dec 20,... Division meets Wedues- dsy- eveuiing ilntend of! Monday inext .Sveral from bere attended the conysution at Tyrone, Werms fc upon the vltality of chlii dren and enidiEuger their lives. A slm- pie and effective cure le Mother Gra-ves,' Worm E.emutr T'Y ROYNE. IA very îintreetiug and profitble maeetinig of the W. M. Ii. was held a the Parsnag Tnedayweek.Recport col the Braneh mee-ti ng beld iu Bowmau-i ville iast Jane wvas abiy .given by Mi8ss Farreli l edn *1b xeineo a Mite Box", was reudored, after whlch the President, Miss Virtue) distributed sorne mite boxeýs, expressing very gre4t hopes that they would be the mcans of deeping the iuterest of the membere lu their lese fouartunate brothers ana Ss- tors Maich aîppreciation v, as expressed to Mise Spence for hoer hospltal4ty.. Mre Wm MeLanghiit, Oshawa, visited ber daugiter Mrs Milton J W erry. , . Rej' R ýSSpence suad Mise Speuce were lu Norwood tbis week on acconut o! thse Ilînees of a Sster from Mýianitoba, wbo le visiting there. Two KINDe OF HEADACHE Bilions or sick resui11ts f rom slIuggikh liver action aud constipation aud is qulekît over- orne bv use of Dr. Chase'e Kldney Lit;er Pille. Ner.ývons beadache is aiisally accempauied by weakneee, leep- leenese aud exhaustion and le due toaa ran-dJown nervone esystem Thoroagis «ture le obtaineci by buldinag up thüe system with Dr. Cbase'a Nerve Food. NEW%,CASTLE Miss LMinnie fuL)eraýl o! tise1 Charlcote , -. ..M r ta tbo Northwest d tain ber Ita Mrs îor 19 imvlrs iFred miands Mr au ndàrs 'V l BmtEnfield, eptint S1un1CIY at W .Crhwiu's ...rI Albert Staiuton le on jury Pt Cobourg ',thîs week. WHIERE TIIE BILE iSeNEEDLD. Bihi- loueuoss-too mIch binlathe blcood. Constipation-too )ýlttie bile in the in.teýs tinesý H When the liver le awakened to action by Dr. Càase's Kldnety Liver Pille ItflUets the bile f rom the blocd and1 poue t m te itetins.Th(-"resUit le a 'lasigof the system, purer, ýblood, better appetite, lmproved diges- tion1 ïnew vigor and good heaiLtî, SOLINA. Solina Brancih Wome1's LIseltnIte meet ThasdayafteuoonDeclotise 2.80 p aat thse borne os'rsi A L Pasce Subjcts: "B1eet Boo)kI!have read durlng the YearC" by mrs S shrtreýge; "Sel- ection and care of fowl for the tablej" by Mrs Thos Pascoe; ",Pastry aind Pud- dings" by MIrs Thos Baker. Ail ladies Co"rdlally lnvited, Mr J no Baker le takîing a yeariiing steer to exhIbit at tise Fat Stock Show at Guelph,. MrINorman Reynolds le aCcompanylug hm .-.. Mr R Pasree and wife, Eufield,vstehr...r aud Mrs W Werry visited at Mîr Johnl Lane's,' 'Pleasaut Vlew Farm,", Bow-1 mauill. . Seeli eetings are stili lu progrzese at E'lcad. -. ..Recv&AM Irwln, B D, -Newcastle, preaches here Sua -. Mr HR(GiArgue selle hie farm stck1 Manýýday next,... Officers and tea'Chersy eieeted at Eidad Sabbats Scbisol Supt. B G Seea P M; Asst Supt, W ChamsI Wcrr; SeyFrauk lin Vice; Aset Seey, Nrman Ecynloiçis; Lt1rarlau, Caec Vice; Asst Llb, Sidney Laue; Treas, A L Paeeoje; teachers, Mise Nora Wry Mrs S 8bîortrldge, M\isses Rilda Wt-t laLe, Edith Vie, aud A L Pascoe aud S E Werryr. HÂAMPTON. MIes Burns, Janetville, bas retuarued borne alt1er a pleasant visit here..-.Mrs John L)le, Bowmauaville, ýiiaited MrsI Teos Elliott...Capt qRHR Butbas moved to St Mjary S. ... Mir N W Brown, Toronto, spent Sunday et home,_ý.. Chaýsse Co have started îmaking butter and those lu need of a giit-edged article will camne here for it,... scarlet fever le abatinzanad sehool bas reopened .... Mrs E Hetins le at- teudlnig tise Womeê,'H Institute Conven- tion at Guelph . _Mies Ida J Allun is wlth friende nluIoronto. - -.Au addition to the plant o! thse Hampton Butter & (2heese Faetory has recent'ly been eom- pleted, and tiese eeson's butter makiug was begun Lst week everytbiug belng now lu perfýe-ct runvilng order for thse wlnter monthE. About two zone o! milk was taken lun ou tie openlng day and a goodsuply e promieed for the next few mon!ths. Lit le nteuded to manu- facture bath butter and eheese vext simime3r as the inidividual patrons may desire ee1.A doIl! H &YDON. - 'isr ib ln vested you ever Mr and Mrs A Glee Trrvii- itted hie nohe. . '01r ,d -s Iltnt Eniikililen Sýuudaved at Psmse Who b n een m îs14iYgafrindc hmre, .has rkAturned hm.. . . SeVerairom 1ereat- te4dTs',roie E L1.ndiSul convenLtion, the ~ ~ ~ ~~ - deere bigMsssACeepjeri and G~~cand YMrCAvr...Re HSSpence gave us a ci ia iC:us sunday afte8rnoon. Pleased to sec thle smliling face of, T R Kikpatickand bridle who sundayed w'ib bis sister M-\rs Jobn Penfonnd A ni-iumber fs-om hiere alttended Thagnk- offiering -services, in the MIethçodiqt church, Bowmuanville, SInnday-...Miss M'1e1 W1%alters bas retuirned after a pleasant visit with friendis in Osaa. .- vral from hiere attended the, convention at Tyrone . . ._.Miss Millie Jacksons has been ,eiig-,gedl as teiÀchier for 10.-..E ben- ezr W M S met Tuieslay atron Lar!ge attendance, goodprgrm Laymen's Missionary mieeting lai bn ezer cbunrch Fridlay evefinig. tr. J. J. Mason anid Mr. John Elliott wl preachi., More ýcaý,sso! slck boiI'adachIe, blaons- neess, constipationr,ceiau be cuirFd in lese time, with lees medîcine aud for lese mjoney, by usiag Csrter' Littie Liver FIIIÂY, ec. 1-Mr IsaciCarce, lot 18 con 5, Darlington, ai! of bisefarm b toc t. ï mplýements etc.ae, at 1pIDm, See bus.JAMESBsoactner loit 2! cou. 6,Daiogîton,7vho siig np faiing, wid seli al of bis f atým stock,! iplements. etc. saleatA ù c'clsar Se" l, L A. W seii 10 acre? Cof sadn tme elm anidbrwod in -1 acra lots. See, bile.Sale nuol 5ce sharp. ..A.%, TOLE nutioner. WEST DURHAM FARMERS' COLLEGE short termes at Ontario Agricultural College are becoming increasinigly pop- u.lar. All cannot go to Guelphs to taire a long or short course, so the Goverui- mient selecte lectureres every year to carry a college to the people. AIl inter- ested is agricultural pursuits are inii-tedl to take a half-day course if they caunote, attend more sessions. Farmers shouild show their appreciation of thesec meet- ings by going with their sons and other farm help to enijoy their lectur es. It le impossible ta att e ndc a Farmiers' Institute session wzsthont advantage. Tise WlsesIt can learul somlething andc as iiuterchiange whio knc lees finfc erumieut men wh( 1wiiu cost auued. VvrrsL1t wili b3 DREç SDAKING, to dIO ail kinds of d resý makingz at home orgo out by the5 dayv. Orders Ieft at Mrs Fred Lylo'sp, Scug;o , Bow- m;anilie, wili be o:rompty ttnddto. TO THE FARM4RS' WIVLS. Bring , cur poul!try t b M.Cake &'il n d ge3t the cashfor it. They ipay the h ïigh-st proice for fftebeest quallty and > want al cil ~o ~ rn- Wytake due billb when ycu caii get the cash? Busines3pe w#oUl rýitLier have cash and i0ac a tciiccuut on t. edr ,goods. Cash For Farmi Produce The uudersigned le1 prepared t0 buy ail goo farmp.ro("I 'l n' .r.eEgs 1~iigPe;es, D-ied Appies, ec The big-he8t price wil1bep0idfor!,good, ft weildresodstok, ry Icked, wlt!I he-td, wlngs auid fý,st on and undrawn, et the cýame oltsadTmeac t SouItb of SedadBawz owavll dg 2n JAMES McO0NNAUF-IE West Durham Farmers 1A seîies co' meetinýgs unde-r the auspic- eo!Weet Durham Farmetrs' lnstitutes lhi eid et these places ondates asid hont mntond KENDAL, WednelSday Dec. 15IG, 8t 2 p,mr ln Forestersý' Ra,1 )Rono, Wde Da Dec 16 at 7.30 P m ln Council R(oorn, BOWMNVL-74 bursday Dec. 17 at 2 pýM. lu Council Roori. HAMPON, hnrsay Ds. 1 at7.80 pn ml luTown Rail. hespeakýers and thoir subjeets are: GO)VEltNMEPNT DEDLEGATLüN. MF. DUNOAN ANnsnson, Orillia. SUn- i JTE(TS-Soil Cuitivation ard Rotation of Cropa; Claver as a Fertilizer-; Care and Apication of 5lanUre; Caitle R"aising for Profit; Breeding Rleavy Rorses:; Hoe Breeding and Fecding;' Ventilating Stoca Stables; Farmiug as au Occupa. tion; Lueehold Conveniences aud Sur- DR. J. STANDISIS, Walkerton. SuB- JEOT-HOrsda Breeding; Bec! Cattie; Unsundeselu orss;Training the À WORD TO FARMERS REGARDING IPROVEMENTS Perfection lu any Une o! work lesesl- dom reached bers below, but we are cecteiniy aiming eýtraight for thîs mark In creamery wOrit. Wit'h ztis end lu view wec have pla-ined extensive repaire, additions and Imp.r(ôvemerne whleh wil necessitate elosiug thie Creýarery from n-ow untlabu Mth WVe appreelate tise, confidenc aud p atronage whieh é.ncbi a large propor- by XMAS BlETS FOR I Let Us H1elp Yvou to Deü1deý ve i m preaciýate n ow a gif .1 th,% t eomes fron because he wiIl know thiat yoti have been trying him, Neckwear Tielateeit Enoveities in ise u i the new sha-pes u she,2e 4e Underwear Hewvsoni, Watsouk, 30Cto '$2 50 prgr iMufflers See thse Phoecnix Muffier, Coiors, Navy, -Biack, W bite, Sk.....'...ý50C 'We îbave isad 8 ipmas !Way'e Sitk Squares, ai1 c7ýonor, 2.5u to $1.50 Shirts A Lnew sbflrncut o! the~ shirt-pain, wide stripe. atel......... Mcchp, Kid, Dog-skil unlined, sl-lefec ile.fur-linied.... .. 6 Fine -Lawu Hgandker 8 elIrish Linets He Exeldan, faney borderf Silk - nitanad plat, eolored......... â5e, 50c, - Other Lines That We fHave: Lonng Robes fiath ' Vroes SýmIok"ingJakt Fancy Veste Rats caps Umbrellas Fançy 1 Rose Arm1ets Garfrers Scat f Pi ns Cuif Links Collre Cafte Colla r and Cuff Bo)xes Isuspenders (In Fanci Boxes) Remember that the great "Progrese Brand" Clothing Sale isstily on, and thaL we are giving greater bargains than ever. ~*roes' ueBila taken as cash T heflason Clothing Coe CLOTRarN AND Fu2uinaeCR GENTLEMEN ANýD TFîEiR SONS. --a'-,% A esâa-- à a .~ a -~ A ,~A E,