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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1908, p. 7

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m &il stations taCaad, ise f idge3, N Y join Mec 2 o~h and 25th, 1908, re- )ýc iJ1s, 19$, and an is, 19 ing untîl Jmln ,thb 1909j -FARE AND ONE THIRD ýOng Dec 121st to Dec 25th, 19,'S inguntîl j7an th, 19.Aýfso cing Dec 28 h, P)9)8, tû J, ri1st, EeturniLng until Jan 5til, 190"9. Vst to ceri af a POU tb H)so ic ze wih ab ve wviIlct b go-d szagc o" trains, No i or No 4. l!r tonaLd tick;ets from any rrank Ageut. T, Agents, Bowmanville, or ?EAL 1817, -0 - Departmrent. âi Office, Montreýal -0o- IJ, A. PULIELLAN, TUPIIIDS' (C111RISfMAS -eaf of g nin 1is ; I ucku la gardno wys srevs - nit a2 r akof ic thons c art s t runirig j ,g furnms;on DePo Mr. il rartU H(Agai The rsideîce f MrandMes.i- Luter rghlOsiaùa, Was th beamonfu0 seene5of joy ahd festri ityc DeC ,te goldn suied ding of Mr. Ma'rin 1 . Argaî l- lr Toxvnsbip, ne nNecsl, 'Yd' Canda it i r'aretsira8ont buo wreunted in marnigeàat he Jon etlaud aRecor f, er psur aut hs mriage rem any, piu a ditonVo te highnd ontracting p(rnpis in185 srvieMa.dand! were . aresentIf ut thagoldenu cfeddig T1 aia Maynd, oh Lane andr Wm. Badtty. Mr. alil u rs LterAral the bonredges uru'nddb ther aelaives Vote nu1 mer !of txen 4atuan 5, bang the scta figues n te godensuroùningIL ing Vo rde and Mg, r. Thom,1iýý ial May nard wsr allV the char. 11e cugratlated the agonedlcople (dto c tieir ttaumen V t1bmýheir. prcu bfe1 l,-yand disinct ýio,> aud rel Yd ti geTi chagsinihw sirneatappy aty odfftrearsLu Mnic. JaesCorushread an Cnisee h, neic, preentepdMn. ad Ar. arinH.Agalu ggapus ci.omthe four o ns r of thaýe iMrp copl, wloliv e in aiob u wbo .acu,d 1ý!no be preent, Parnd Miss erie-rgaî of Oshw,rand- Mr Jamýes ,ornisb, fa.d i Sle angiofte addrssith U liarty Drh.s.Frncomb, cfNcaa, eq cae ih r dMerb»s MayrtiI i r ailns their ai tbysican o very humo. roon eaîf of te both ile Avn bs wifeere in fine spinits. stmciis the wrksof the vi- tal fune.tions and wio it gets out cf ur1der tJic wlioieytec1Cous 1.In sympthy.The spinis Ilugo '!ho psil.The finrst ure buuld ho tVo îenerl usefor yep a bs uvn Vhem, a Ieading plae in miedicine, trial w iii attcs t their le TheLue nie rghmnBo- Me have jut ]earned o c e dth cfanr l , esnent f BowmSanvil er may fienlds xirmme bter by tat nueas sL(ew mr 1i.e d a ftcr1 guinýg tVo, lPortlandGO egon, neni- psxmyeis ag. 11cr an wthutSayin od, ThC a bce ~Cýcoa than Aeiiosdrinik uand fo.Frag4rant,nl alte's etrni naem ToaBE Nature' Provision For Keepin~ MaealthIY and ar Cerelsvegtabes nd eatsupply ishnmt Yet fUit -- thoughi a veryitie oodvae-as p frovdt bel -Il. tl eear o efc Carefulivetato ba hn Live, Kiney, Bo -Js nd kin1. ef ded isuea ate d puys and he fuit uice sw"tirtbmupt mor vgorusactiontus keeplg Uihe wb-ole b c1ean and ealhy But ewpopieeat ercough ifruit. Realzlngthis ater svera yeathe pers Int sucha way that the Mrd cinal ai i mabotxre2.'ipc.d trenre ded vluhi toicsan mAde tinebnto ot alt al tion, l3iiiousnes aud !towach Trou bles. Miut as Naturecite-bu morepropt ad efecive. ad Ceaersat50e a oxsumboxefre 32 50-tris ie ox 2-.- rit-oyve JohnN. B, foudIaoxCofZam- Buk th!e groaIt si elr baluu.lie says :-"Zam-B)uk easedý tie pain und smunrinli ealed the crck, ad made nmy fhan(sque sot.Findling it 50 go, I kept a soupy anyand havesic prcvod iàt-, raliy wonderful boler. It ue cu[tsse, or burns equ- ally wehand I woid nVMie 110W Lo be itliout a supply."ý Mr. Twr sol n ftio u- amnds bo are giad they hourad cf Za-Buýk. Theriýe is po skin diseu-se t -'-ilnoV rolieve 'and cr.Its fns-- id i wrkbosonVh fam o n hiome onuvee tbrioul indbe toti.Eeyhm for, îue. A iIe ,ZamBuEIk rbe eeual n tho baunds un,,d faýc e h- Vieskn sftand free from cas If yuhaea eut, a ris, o basý defied ailodiaryrmeis bcei.Thnnut builssu e tisu eil by oel just as a brick- lyrla- s row u fter row ofbrcs Then it cuývons thie xound wt e heathy!) skin, anci the cure is eL-- fected !1 Zam-Buk iýs'ise ac-ure For pls it gives spedy rlief aýnd ends Vie thnobhing, buruing pains. 5m diseuses, suci as sozemu, &Y M l- cors, arhers rus, ruhe nduV bloo-posonetc, cunotresist its, pwe2IfuIl heahiug ,,virtueCs. Pureiy egetable, it is an1 idealcomina (in)f poWen anid purity.5ea o f 1aildruggists and Stores, 0or psi froc froua Za-Bujk Co.-,To- !burful u!nd dangeruus subsitutes. NEWTOiNVILLIE. <Cnowded ulustissu. Mn. R tihira-l a wus down froml tunues b rnefom Brantfrd ce(r Wod'ubuse ,on RUing kst. Mrs. W. H ewreCbug sited relatives banc. W. J. (uvesismaking prna-- Viors Vo~tur bissuwnihh Large numbers of young flks visited Kciedal anrniveýrsary services in th-eMehit Churcli. S.ý 0. E. annual supper and con- cert passed offscesfly School Report for Novenlber. Nms in oder cf mnirt; Sr.I V.-Eý. Mitchell, A. Penwar- den, W. lB'ra gg, V. Milisonl, Il. Payne. Jr. I.E elnA. Nesbit1', E. Bragg, A1. Grabam. Se. 111-G. Stlonm, A. Bas- sett, C. stapleton, J. Nesbitt. i J.111-1. Cowaîn, _M. Ba"st M. MKeuieG. lcCulflough, F. Sr.11.F.Nesbitti O. St.apleton, E. Sapletoi, 1F. Gibbs, N. MýCul-i lotîliN. oldway E.Joules, E.ý Stark. Jr. 11.-E. Bunner, R. ERobinson, Wý. Lockbiart, _A. okaR LOCAL LOYALTY. If you a patriot, wouild be- F1rom in arrow elfshnssbe, firee And relp the place ini mhich -you dwell; Be noV alured by spray and foam, BuLIt letCbyouLIr C ash'b e spenLa Lhom'In WI lfinyou witli localmecat And so) yocur conhfýidence dcae Thiey ý!o in you an in-terest feel; And youin l there scesssae To hoeAt home attention give Apd peadyour dollars Where you ive. Inis as in aIlI other thýinLgs, You reap at lngth a's you have spwn ; A.nd ta hhfrmyurdain springs Cothrols at lenagthb what is yourï own;: Tbrougli every change of time and Decal wîtb thle mn wýýhere you re- side. WOR TATWEAKEN S. Bot'sKdney Pus Have Dom,~ Great-Seviefr People M'ho M fany Buwmnauville people work every day in some strained Unnat- ai positionl, Lendingcotalyve a desk, ridý.iug ooltiggoso carsý, bend,,ing oe ev os woklitigecha, pullinig, al these sristend tô wear,.vweakenl ;and inýjure thie kineyunil theyý Laubshndin their work ffiter:- neys, puit new srnghinba d bakslowmaniville cuIre's provet it.. Thoýs. Brown, of Cnr St., Bow,ý-i mauville, Ont, says: Y" believe' Booth's Ridley PPis to be a remedly dL excptionlmenit in uckyre- glai-tiig the kidnleys. T had sier- cd wýith mcdsmpos fkidneyý tobeand ibad tried a numnber ofi diferet rmedeswithout muchl relief The uriiine was bgileolor- cd and contained a quantity cf ýse-! dienlf sn ike atuire. The kinysecýretions wold bcme ir- ragular and freqiient if I wuld_I cotract a sight cold, bihwas; ver ofen.Booth's Kidney iPilîs cy; Icmecdtheir ulsean foun tbm tVobneft m.Thoi, urine quicIy cleared and the kid-ý Y ey s lcr;tions w;e ro euld Bu0b' Kduey Pu ji su lohelpedý m, rbeumatsm andj fuel thlat 1 eauý conscîentiusly recomend thtem a's ai, idel remnedy." Sold byDeles.Prc 50 cents. The R1. T. Bodýtb Ld, Fort, Erie, Ont., Soie CaVad1ian Agents-. As Cinitmasuppoacbsand you prepane youn giLti ist, nesole iTo buy ixno preset tha)tyoea- noV ufford, To givec no present that yen' would) To ~O sao oboy ascf syu a strenigtlifoso thnat when ciChrist-- mas cornes you wn' le "just tirt-Il Vo death." To mtake up you r md as fAn as possi;ble wht ou wnto uyan albout how much you eaui spend, beoeyou enter ashp To keep your temperawys To obuserve tie law of suiitability in givîug of presents ; why send the p ors f your friends a ffty-ýeiit peetand amotbreýak yoursel1f buy spending amn dllrsfor a gft frte womnan whmse hf e is a regulr cewuk of luuems h T,) remenaber tu antkn cane exered(,ý in Ve ehoice ojf a gift is an eiec of love on thie pI prt. of thi ýd onar '. To be bappu as you eau and make othens as lipytas you eau. To remember your sick-or sonr- rWowf riend. To realize th-at it is useless o ex- PMct a merry Crîtmsi youiav Vfaetheý New Year in a financial condition vriguo akuty To try, wvheu buying the doîl for you)1r owu hlittle girl, Vo geV one that somn-e poor child eauilhug V o its To rmme ha blrnneyer forget their eryChistmas, days, aud it is wortb ia sacPrifice Vto make tlemsefil of joy""tht i11 after yastho e memr'y cf Vlim shuil be aprciospsssingilding al their eildhood. To heur in mî d dnyrls siglit of teefcs Tia,ýt te kyoeofClisass giin, oVgtting; fthat gnrst is, !a1cse xbnit is foced; lithu han- that Ciristmus wvill lho truly-fhappy o us just hin proport ion 1t1hut w-ýýe bning happiness to others ; thait tie veyfrtChrîstmflas gifts of ahl were( laid utthe feePt of a chUld cf the poon. C'11RI11STMAJ_ýSREEBACS To send noj proscathtat miglit as Tiere are inumnenable tiings suit- Well becblemd ut once R. JR.-1able and acceptable VA Ve womnan 'S"Reveand URecnprocae." ho keeps bus.Table inon, ike To rnmmber tiat hs sbop girl fine la(ce, makes a beautiful yet ser- is humaut andi noV a machine. vueable gift, andi towels, scanfs, To do your shopping a.s eunîy as for bureau anidebarcurtaun1s, possible. r ugs, plictuires, lumps andi a drop hili t once sgctte selves,. To tViese muy hbced sewing chair, trus for Vietable ~1 service, bock sevsodcunsle-- stc,ehuing disli for summnen use, I baskets of aildscitincarpet f. ~sweeper as u buis hn and eut glass, a pi,,ece cf Vie ncw, le geeater than morne people ima- "ls"pewo, punch l l vss gife. Do you realize this? brnze, cusiions or new covers fuH it le a mite Voîok on pils onrVie olsi nes, kitchenabinet, bathw henuorrhods as mneey an annyance, for roo acewsreseldendon quîlt, theý a-re ýserions and dageosial.ll arid in thir chironlo or agavtdform r omn tipesi blanke, seo-- bri c en u distress and Vhs ruinuation of srbefreoeigwinonele bhal01. don nonuViecou-ici for- 'fory Tecueof piles is ver er re n fwns" Amto ii pr diferet cass, but there is ulwys lhif and îritbregur Ùrsamen t tliwogh cure iateP a pronistmhas gift il tic in Vhs ue 0f Dr. Cas s Ontnn. shape of uneo f the patent pans in! Ut is Vhsonly abs1olue nd urnedwiiVmoattre.Paoo- cure for eeyfonmi ef Ilching lehggasudpin pa osreeay and Pnotrudiugdpiles. lias eu; oheusande hanv0. lai gifýts VuV i omo tha uneof lasV-ý Mn D M&Vca. aedni l bimg pesreadvalue. NS, ries-"oryersI astroubled F'or VLie neally personal gifts, vhthu ledn.prtu ipiles atidlcould plotgrpis o noVtaî a cre Iwould be Plaidoff f he amiya deg wwNkfr weeksTwo boxe r.ChaSe ptrsl etiot ikxus Ointmente phely oured me," -impttaim, fancy upron, fne stockins Ad reordp6A C1nrs; Oc. a box ut1a1ldeal- -, o' btc jwlr.Foi ors, or Edmanson Bates &eCeO, Torot-yune mn e f ea o ysoenms fo shopping bag, a suit erty sik scarf or one muade f nom o ne? printed chfonsý. For dme yungergi, engramed visiting Cards;" Shoe0trees; acok in'g sýet consisting of apron, sleeves and cap; idingi habit or gymnas- iumi sit ,]ersehooleblmpn penuintcushionl, etc. ;bthrg boît beke ebroider-y for pti ,out, kniitted or rchtdlaeV trim a skirt 1ruffle, fnycorsýetcov- er and binribbons. For a mlaid or m,1an, bieside peýr. fumeq, fin toAesoap. bath, hair and leai! brushes, muicure imple-1 ap'air of glove's, finesttiney i)eýce of good jwlr ancy boit On Coullar nilun ubrela. To anypssbembrs- ment Vie thoughtful house-mother will b1asea few eTru uirsev for- ic ne d guest orbea cd tavelen.Tli~n ay hboos kercief, acalendar, knitted bed Socles, sik scarf or ceniuoid soap box. - LE-EA THIE HELP FO rCATARLIR DnuigiSts Jury & Loveil are Having It's Ve oiongemsiii theai leu braeatotuat eates and feed(s these genms un tir w Vowor 1 nD ritoy themii. Thefrs Varrnu pison. Th1;sis mukes tue( air yo 'arve breuhiu inard oîpulit gues ou! its wuy inougili theairpusgs bronchal tubsYandltungsl earge cunnot h rcsiste, it ohe n membrane. (l Cian This byomii-;s 50instant- 1ty beipful for aucy dsresof Vie 1 rethîinq orgaus, aods. croup, pueumonitey are, thue gnu iLe tint lyumei kilîs. S S o l d( " Juj t r y & L" o v o l . T i k V ot themn abouit it, LEGND 0FSATACLAUS Tjie"rs gre u ip ia custom in ii i Vian countibos ofdgiving prosentsin secret on the' Vigil of t Ncols 11n Italy it wuýs cllsiVi Zpatu wbiih nus in Suiiasoeh- caue cgifts wreput ntohoos Vo) sur-prise pcoope he he sou put them 0f ouin Vemrig lu munyFreo2liones--e boudos sei o pac Iscir sille stocking ut the ocf Vie rooým of Vie Mte Ahhess, rcommending1 iemselvosut Vie sanme turneto St. dessed as ia aisb on iu vsmusasir a nsmidfîL lih stwoigs liung up. Tussoemu of Vie boy ihp came to ha kept hîeIe itiluc cureansieeroony n Ve fest c Is AReeyWtotA CO0L D S, And A- i Affection 0f The TURMOAT and LUNOS. CZZUgha nd cudo ne nt cal for a mihnuterecital of syniptoms s as hey are known to everyone, but their daners arc, Ferîous afctosOF the thjroat, the bsngs anid the ,bronchLiiltub-s, are, icin te bgn nnl but coghsyad cold. Tuet much stress cannoti be laid upen the admonitonlVo i prsn afete y the insdjos arlerstaigesof toat and luqg diese sQalra Ao takehold at oneceMWi cause Gmany years cof suffering, alin uthne enrd thut eribescourgueof onu - Dr.Woo'sN-rway Pîne Srpi noV Sl-as a Cure foerCes ptn but forafe titihttary tadta resutiii, ta isae V obns ih lunrg heaing virtues(if teNojrvway pinle tres w ithohr..absorbent, expctorwantand soothingmecis of recogn!ized w-r1, arl la abso!Lotey arles prompt nd sf.Sgrat fhas lh2en h sasuess of hs wooerfl rniey, t is onlly niatural tha t numeouspersnsLave tr"Iet imitate il- Dontbe umbgge mbtaking anythinLg but PDr. W ld.'liut up uilayellom wrapeir; brepins trocsstire trade niark; lery VIII.and aftwrd b !Queen Elizabeoth, was in adiern furni aridon by theDth i America and lecarne in the end the sýecuairizedc1ermony westili use hèreo(À Santa Casa pro 1îressed tin Du1tch or Germanîn winter clte fthie kxenhcnu We wish you a mnerry Cbrlistmnas Wbile the loy bls el rng, 5, ibhappiest bearts and scices Plraisç eweour lHeavenly Ring. L&t iusjoin in ltbesong of anigels WiVh its "eae n arbgoo-d Whýile thie star wbiCh asshnefi ages cur herts and our bosoms tbrim. MUay the peDfacewbc pseskox edge AU bearts tisi Christmas Vide Fil ful, and is oyous m(esage, Fn e u itus abide.

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