4. Wythis loiteingl Why not, hasten c'Ti beonland to flîl tbe lac of the departiug, Year I Say,, you, January, no1 oliëng back I1A po-întedIto yu seia ost fo ~ even bforeofheorder o ~nue ver ts. known YT an, since Man as esa notapeardthere in for younu ~ Bn~ ~nauro f Ccapmgoravsidisg.December is processio tategnitman whep the fret momnt f t imne be- gan; and you come (ýneat. Corne next b To What 9i To abuse, 'l mu.iaa as ob eosport-of briinies squanil- ~ derrs u and oninthe arth iToI te______ b oecoedwihmuiean aa SF UaDCI and tue vdangor of the bE, onur CA ~~~ FOR~~ 1III[ c bea_ nannese and an ofnet , FO OUGINS mllon, nevcry !and, before the FOR TRPID IY!& etting of the Sun? I ~ ~~~~~ in-OSTPTO Wa.l this the- sdmof thie ~ T~EC~?LXIO hve husfatcnue? P'rnibat is silhs pohmoyopuyeof hf that is tuh in he repratryhalls of theu- accue? !-ave youIo tainngt ~URW8101 H~DA.~L corag, enuneand buoying hope- _________________________lu the labomatorie s of thie beigbt U~ristr~ oIc~tr ad Cnsyaner atons ni human liisory filed nith ~---1o~1ov ioc ~Is StasSnaulght but apprehensions of evil iowanvilo iaey ba aSTOLOU'aadmessages of woci? In the pli- pilae or appretiesip of the leu-! PO TyO'uNG, v . ed eteentagtigeuped )FEICJIN Twn hal ~ here no hinmion that this n orld var owiii fbe tound t-ýrm Sa Z,>teis soMthing esiesa poor norld Ypln. Noil. ca!jjta aS asdenOditutand a dyîng orld, nihereoften une VI.TEDniNANRT, 11 rog i i ighif l it not talkenl ino cmsieatincat this couid rTOI~oaEY GRADATE Y og and tumble as it is, is not il.outri Vee n~yCoMe". Olies ta absolutely destitute of light aad earo!Mr.Wulïm~,tpn!tL ara.C altai armtb aud a fsir supply of ail __________________________ he onitinsof happinesa, no that Ilit ailtr,~icia~ oais iapointrent, andswretchdme, to. tbrni iSacl. ~-~tals. Ingf ad ight b 1e a gruatdaIore 'd ho~~~M. WMrwý71;at ~eea a. i always kuon nhen1j navi are nicî leu ea ftcte tioniug in the I~4~a~woçd, schol v eue he onbsand t'Il( EoWnAzvmLz, pOI, euau. Fromthe datenmbe aan ~LD ~ALISTet iltrUnfirst t orth bhis anill to,-bathe ~AierIt Toune~Jou îar Atonian'uld, unmindful O! ib ewoght, 'Iylln~i eoa fM.uro optftetiinn fta nhich should le 's 7b e 7i',Lr iT. adterccabaorigois V!LIA W.Vixaa J, . . GLUÂ*r-;ÏSchol ofthc unusen hba ia- 7Yark St~i'or1 ,. doncilspe etWolksIfI d nian1 -. . . tisrmolrm er!y mrrai ot Y 1,1, oueas'w, lout o! i ve lgarue-- ryStraynad aXeenArng Itu universal well eing. Honi -he q miititaasnoen, d11 lnon.Whati TOHM BAD OFHEARIU ae !dsod Dhtnlus, is it trange that I biter or hold An~filet Si ent for r iai frea o! ýback, as younay'! I ;xpense or rlsk, No payrnautin di One i, compclled tococdnia Ml Mann & Cou, 07 ParMI n, en anut aded o . fnhtn r U s. A have ccophsbed, li et abr .iu.scd,.al.tt...Tbugb.n.can M Anot edaim pueetion. ne igbSt b ins, isnîasc yteMytytud We =%In h sne tMnufcer mue leaves Ctatuancpare to bel tyethaîg h "l aentbuieg rîaCASdmethe moment yofl ppcar- 'y.11'luxet liniaydncfc.cage eilavsecî toen-suado Iodewy. Our InotraAese etu eqn~. Mrin MaioNwvrk.iffi~. uc laves avebLenu niiten in- tot-os sd asinte. ,c. .SA. numerable atouesof en livWs l ive S of tue reormedi and of tu-, mudeoer. nboneerbeedth nameske wàih grasteltougbt, as ~~TLY EOUR D log as they livd. Y yu mue ýEý_YcomeTon, SJanuary EWeUno t got riefor aur întprcsting ok luet alongnihutyo.Ifyo o o 5 iuventivon (rr inprment and ir wq ai ad e enot eatyfit to be Iî yo fe aropnonast waha t aforevýer in sncb otpni.Coeon. pnoaby a ntbl. s aka.eca av ilihyu nnygoodci heran'dt Hlghostrefhreces tualshed MARION & MARICON ttpn-obong the- musie and to keeCpI ClvEI ehNTea Enlsa Ordusts , thebele in tune tinougbourtute L's!~et~ Àaaelstlbniuaeil'u nisir Wvul SueyufleacaiOfl ASOt SaniOrdan wnl try.I YORK 1151" 'TWO.ON. DL Sn. ai Canadian NOytIi-Vest. if orneatead Regal at' ana. -tion ni 1) m. Ss8katch 0wan1 maie çavec1 xje quarec s-sec SNiuePiSe, No. 16Robinsn;ld in retary, M. J. Holman;ý TreasuLre, Philip EdnaVr'ds Chaplain, Abn ivagg;: Guande, Wikcr lMIhî and C.Btick ; Committeemen, JHemb anock Gorg BookinIg, G. EniadsT. UHnman, S. Pc- G. dnads AuitosWm-. Lneý and Go. Hacock.NenijtonLdg nu-l be ait hom'e to ah isitinîg bretbcn onJan.12, 19097,nin Brýo. Joôbn P'tb'ick, D.D., nl i. ctali offers. Are PAS MJXED OFTEN. SoMc rearab citoes are be- inlg toldabuttown ard nd amng the country people comling in of this Rheunatismand IÇiney trouble. Hereý is the ie and drcin foý,r taking i t1 x b y ,sha<1k i ngv;well a bttieon-hifounce FUiEx as al' do)s e oaa ,e aspoonfuilLi1after miealt-s and at bdie No change needLbe iade in4ui aater. This mixtre hbas a pculiar tonic e4ff*acUt upo ýn tede ys ,u- ý,,; cleansing the clogged-up pores of the pma- tive tsuefocngte inest sift and sriifrom tîhe bodthe une àýacid and othe poion.uswast matter eveicoing na iumatinm Bl1ad d er and -Uriaary tro)ubles in a short while dreds 'of cais for the ingre diens pince th-e first noeet in the r.ew-ýs p-,er s lastCOcto be r Cstated that1 tJe peuple who once try it "Svea! Là- it, 'especially thune \vho bance Urnary and Kidney trouble and ý2Ufîfer ith huaim AI! the druggists iiitîsneigb-ý bobo ay they can suppiythe- at ho, 1) The,ýrec is s a id to b e iio b ati- ter bodcasigageý-nt or system1n Ltro nieî; ownand certainly none 1More harmless or simpe tou ue. COBOURG. Dr. HnrTllugh, M-ý.A., iformer! edior and prpriCor o! Cobonrg, dnofCobon,,rg jld Boyý,s'Asc iaio, dmnitesa fitting rebuke ý 1 toa iîter uin the Cobiourg WVvo rld hast niki tJhis nýise: "-1beieve this Mn Chaâtterto'n frelived in Tor'on.to. woil aarch tile lise for t race ofis cnrbuintoan of thegrand hanitis of is fre ct;forlhe is a "Toronto Old Boy," yoju k în.I aetu say tobm that theCobou(g Ld Bys and G"irlsh'bave nyrbe bn'~bto thei den ol toru. benmy sucesr)nisour Peidnand 31bentyr Mn. Ukcnias Myor, ne doac 10from our fun1de to this optla isicpin as a proof eîo! ot oo nhanddeiet Ilp. A-,in aohrdrcin abonýýinIg a ia n god niihl, ïfor ev oral years nwutookdonin the beet or rtuoeontiutea tathe Sccees oM rivai, migbt fen more reb It's but a short time sinpc tY benefitd and cnred o! lamWea jond! aching banks. nnînary and kid- reason forit is ooth's Kidney P ille1 arc a'nenbbendo! eetab, mi- gradientsjusving a pupli a ation, on the --kidueýy tsu htbig qnick help. Mirs. P.S. Acumbrack o!fiberty St.,Bonianvile, nt., enys:"M backi-, bad be ck n ederfo con ong ltime. A bevybann downnpain 1had sthdars h smnall o!it and enuedannd M.yJ sides and into y boldrs 1 nias so mesk and languid that I coulid scarmcehy ttenïd to thne dt of Ghbuse I nond havetoueave kiducys audater nnl get op in, tem ning (Jmore ire aud dec ont than befegongtorbcd, The urine painiytle ! the dis-c dies I adtred and Uo ylenin o Bunh'sKideyPila trogh at]ý Pharmay. ITbegan theinuse, thy oresaneacborand tecen ymtomnd o!s kidcyltoubnle. i nul gladly 1-obdPby dtale. Mie 5 ens Foni hapýackes aLocsal0tive a receut eonalne takee these,- they h.ad an o-pportunity to bringi on a výote- this Year, but made no0 effort to tak'" advantageoftei- Uation, Sinýce the by,,,-law came into force, the Wn bas been going iA busy and;prosperous way miuch the sanie as in thIe pst ad bsbeen, in sevralrepecsa more pleasant pace than ever in1which to livs Desiteth talk of br tims fer, of our merchiants have expeýrinCed anyli dimIiIiutioi n trade. On the othe ba- ud, wecouI l nme one proin nt imwh(ose tuo'wVer for this year will De over tbirty per cent.greaer tanz in 1907, an ev- erau!others wbo Lav e had n ery gras- fyîg ncrass. No sooner ias there aieighing than fariners bc- gan to ihock no onf rom long dis-ta'nce'-s, as of y0r, o take ad'-- vaïntaIge of the vwidce choice and goo values oýffere.(d by cr enterprîiing merbans.Ilf some faýrmer.s had Saturday, it sas Motun accoxintof uny shxinkage in the accommoda- ttofor there bas been none, but be cs f thae nsal ag crowd. For their good sense in this respect h oteeerT s de-' serveceit Therrcent rcrsof thePoic Co'urt sowthbat corne liquor ili.î susld,Ibut rnensabsam Foýr the six mon hapriýr te dhe lst 4f M,'ay, the CoutyConnAt or- n1-y ppe redinno' lesa hn or teen cimmia rse tosinte Polic-e Court; for the pim;t sevenri monthahas not once ýbeen called upo. Treare bre in Orilhia nWhere the pincb' of pcovert'y nl bei fit this Chîsmatie; buit meie har of, noneý o)f the ha,'roniing destitul- tion that is -'the podef str-ngý drink, and of wplch;there mere sev- eral distresing cases a year.ago. Tbe real estate mnaiket bas been fIIrm and bik uligoperations lwere proccuted it1lm1tu-L pereccdcntcd Vvgr up to the last m-omnt and prx'ogre-sa are1-to be se on every ý aid.-No, Oillia cannot trtflybcuoedas anixapi ORONO. Mr. W. H Chapmaniahed a MissAmyFosteri1d MissCoop andne' s.s Mn. crcyBronn, Prt anby bite,-,h wasa -cilIlnon wool1 !sMaanranWUsines a o a number oA yeans in this vilage bseIlcted offIcers for u1909 , o-ý ESinPeed and Hair Caoce Out ci Buchs-ded SOreS Deuem oped-AII TrantFiid UtM A T RIA L (0 F CTUR- ,u'lA 1 PROVED_-.SUC CESSFUL lsevlerçe attqck of itamaorheumna- tismi. 1I was takezi very ilii ïndwas oo Lîa 1 ihfvr didnot Feavef- n cf Mmoe mnh IcMA ltsnv o- untari!y, thepanasSitee. y aki pelad an th h~b fverlayedl havc it t!Mlmte ormy hair, which cae ut ir bunches2. 1 as had thrno ky rgýàbed acreson Myac,-too t'le so eand oeet-eUast eould have ied t'he f irst ine sa rryseif hinaa mirror. JI bad tefl guidtlnd y ppitenvr.or Whenfwa aube t ge ons ohf ail y fien a n re=madisand ail 6a. th ime aD0I.1 iaeyeant ITC e u nt. t, e a ï-~, 2 , .J-1-,', T~~~~ dÂÂCCItCKf, îtizn L MLnSqu i'aai L lgnbtilnmilcsîe s eo!WaP-c, ua tom iineango, b ensIul Jacksfol.. li Exireme ("O"ii Ag" to the U&i flf -aJ 4.~g~ -Uni out to, n g th; it Iatin. 1 lal a ler le5ttzr, mir. P, il ar w Q- nd feili Lave forl.asIWou] fi2rin a -idencbne tts Aurayahi4 it improvedlmyphepu sl yo ur DLeg'stfora re ern-Aii bonîs W. res. '~.J. Hake n D. T.Aln reectd Tra, CorH . , H. Hooec d 2nd om., Wm . 12r. ;3'dCr. Jh py I. v T. . Cbapm n 6tiCoy.,Rbent Cooper; ren, M.f M.eTcke,- Canvtb, m. Bnrct; aTdctes, fiiiTuesd-ay -evcning ilet ;at the annul "eev' uppe""n"at 1thei cd a most eaborate display. Reepve Hughe occni he eatofboo W. irbet ndJ. A oKen ou hýs righit adlcft. AtLh te end o! the table sat the Vic-Chair-- ma, M. T. Sritbsupotc b enNecatl, nd e-ev F. B. Lovekin on thýe ohn ENDURANCE. 2 Tim.2: 3y O0 od i in Tbyprsecestnd Ourselves to TheIie y ,ýýiebd: We fomiard mov atTby omau Into the bataLeid. The m iho arnthir dailyb- ,rcýd Whenec hidden dangers Hl The path o! ati and bardship tread, And do not fean to die. And mnany n )io for ealtb and fame Attempt th01( ihtto cib Spenid ail ther atrcgtb ta reacbi Mhir aim, A nd cl ,,1at mnanboo's primec. And ne' scrl From h We nl n om)n ThonDi hast called te cis!ip nl not fiee-: fron tie coufiict swecrve fierce it be. May eants in--1 e11BOWNANVILLE. Weare ahnayc gla-d v bean o! t',- bonne Ente rp d. ons Cdmaiobte cbureniste meauso! doing a greatdlao!goodY ofed A he const lentin ! esc- iatons! Caniid ap Corecio J. Tu.noe obug ias ap-. pointgdaem e rng o!te xecu,,- i f visitng bs-paent, m. Dnd Mc. J. IT.NnCobneaf Bonrimyaile riCd' aeo.at nag e n dipue. Crof C-1Lourt1aned Martpin $9740 "iicafn- a niho e day' tri l S imp-, lsnt ,fzetor pantif.toLier oiesen(s IL . Buh ad Tos L'osngae finite ring for the mayor-!ï ity O! Pcon Hope. My sn Lon' Wet Draru iendel- 0nsb it sc cees.u ba ss eamned heoo. 'tenr. A.H.NceviLe, Sccmeayas- gaee ustafredl ah as iek prvdince xveat eaqn t l Nec S'b Indepe)ndetsa. sbcip o! Danigton are ision N-ýo. 1, lF. C. br mn); AWabter Rikad, WibArthur yWeulb1F 02,A. .Cles,(h -'loniýden, (haJ na) T. P ,nicn. N. ,A.I Ubaiman)- j. T. Rundle Wood C. . -batings BCAnn. lNo. 5 Hd. J. cm. No. 6, A. E5j, Oh o e ,i muan); Gý. riof ,L. T. W.ý J. Lanemai,s dMii a nsd y obutr!..ta etofand f the aSympnltoa ans tfgbtn Cureà i tonce by the U! Mors SyR U P - El 1 May