JuRtY& #eID u IT IS DO] JURYz lae ;chi Mif TTT AL TEC. 24. 908.1fl qvïInn SATG LOCAL OPTION COUNCIL C' ,INGWES a.m.t csI Jfes ..40am Mayor-J. J. Masrn. pi.lasee...i~ Reeve-L . A. W.I oÊ, ~.j . 'e.~4 . Counci-J, H Cryderman, Jas. D8y- 44i man, F, H. Ma son1, J. B. Mitchell, C", Lov~~. 1e ~ Rehder, G. j. Rowe A large varie3ty of Christmas cakes at T'hojs Tod's. Try one ~ Rep a It: -'Shio 'a Cre WMlialwayt3 'EM NT~ cUre m ly coughsaa cid, Miss E.E. Zlavcraft visited her -TO- mother at IBrookilin Friday. ,~Have youa rend SeottÎ& Allin's advt, ~ inthi IsueIf flot, do suq at one. UUtJ3JJiU.~ Laies'furrufs. atoles ard mufs of aIl inds aýt Cotich, JoýhLstonr & Cryder. RUSH TIIURSDAY mauVs, 'TENOO ofThe brand new store_ with the branid of quaity-D Luttroil, baker and con- opphig Doue, Early fe nr Th~e Day. 0 A tiew popular soag-A Little -HoDp ofGold, 25-Is belng suag 'n Canada, s-pecials will be given Se E. M. Scurrah's adpt. Mr. and mrs. Geo. Coraish And y shoîppers. daughter Leta, Salem, have baen vii,- a..~-o! tat fsctntin tag relative la Oshawa. ec3to.regular ce Special value in bibles Pt 1P C Trebil- e gve f ree with oe,,, cock's. The one dollar bibe has the tiao 0 erfumesod thumb index aud tuck fastener. ceaewill be given iif -ou waint fresh, plUMp and tender 1h each cf tle frst 12 poultry for ý our Xmas orSýunday dinner ~u.he wesd aIsioo order early frum Scett& Aillia, phione441, M1rs. Rd. fBaiiey rnd Miss Bailey have 1 O dCram a hefin n e tu Toronito to spenid Christmass I Cemwe knuw o!.with er granddaugher 11ro. Frank twili be giver, to eaeh E vans 1. pie purchaslng 2 bottles Our ehbaving sets, emçkers' sets,brush, ste, W Wv have the bea3t comb and mirror sets, etc, are unidoubt- iaet. edly the best values ever shown la town. ýe set, aFîde. 89 Hair Jury & LoVeli. 3worth fromi $150 to Fany oode, hvýmn houýîka, purses, 128 each. adtenwa tye fclnasfor sel! a whole taWleful of93 e P C Trebilcock's. ýnd urnamental articles S1e our up-to-date kitcheu cabinets m,m 25e10Sc ah IWit, lerchsflour sifler, sugar chest Do -,,t f1ail to corne ad eead co)ffeýe canleterd, -Aiso canis- lors Ifor e,,eiykind of01spicesi. %Wiliiams other brgaîns la &Son asEdcsome BPronze Ccb,ýn Johnuston & Cryderinan are g ,Cses, pcr. hwn some ivery; fine Atraka n Puses etc , ubna oats also a big: stock uft la.dies' fur-ltaed cuats ila blacks aad i-t for men. oosn better vaine an, wbhere. asutetin oU 1 hmkes ani.-(.C'fristmas gif c-a a nie box fuli (À the latest aLnd ~rvi opes, Corne in aad see hGv pretty he Lovel are. Prices raeevr low, 15c andf 5 ndOJ u S pwiards Grand Central. àfld ~C Mpiin Cawker à Son's Turkeys ivereý ________________fattenued bv notesdfeeders and have * ben buught espoeially for their own E TEST EYES csoes They are well fed and wlli * le lenlydrasd.You wili do well lu NE P)ROPERLYj leave vour eÉariy. Caîl or phone No 64, jIf the frlnd bu whon V you are goin g aind LOVELL I to glve3 a Christmnas Box is a_ ammker, doago, ew Yor, h I h ivehm a presçent that he will be I o!amokra' eeds-pipes la cace8, tu)bacG cýu(ouchs, cigar car'es, citgar holders, cigars, 10 la àa box, cigars, 25 IrlaPa box-fineat goods made, Let us S Dld yen ever play the game calld "Specualation'-' It wili give you more tuti-,an 1you hve had for maay a long dav. Thie price le 25e but we wlll give a packagge fee 1 the first 1,2 peuple g Grocriec uMt ïpru orahi brih2te 0 ov )ýer on Thursday Dec land ,C-areliilly maïethor per)l.lme la the ýbest on the Nxyearth Wardenship of the UïtedCounties uf Northumherland Iected.Darham cornes teu Durhtam. Five caddae,Îoiut.>.Col. John Hughes, Clsîrke; Mn.r. S Given., reeve usekeper u Du- o!MiIibrwooi; A A. Powers, J. Hicfaon mse -eeper Dur- and B. S Dickianý, Reeve of Hope, eep lu close toueh 1ar.e lu the field. Ail are guod men and & A1,LIN'Spuilrep sýhould fil! the Chair with advantagea lu Neverin , hemselves and the Couatl es- Guide. Store Neyelu he Sun as a.Farm -journalf is written P ve we e e bl or b, ý c hepractical every, day ftarme-r. It 'isaut filird wiîh long esa or doui. Values as we are fui tzheories, but gives la p]lain, every 2to tillera of the soiu. In thia par. 31intfuly supplied ft cularteSu is wthut nqal. 2.Lpd k7inde o! god Ycw uugt bu rea-d i1reu Vrl , he reniewîng for Ti STATESMANS, order' ~,t Look over our tho Weeýkiy Sunn teFarme.r's butînE'sr nape , both paýpers ue 3year, unî $î75., CM Cawviker & Sonà'La peffnngDay Crrranta...... 253 have on exhiibition hundreds ut Turkel ,s .23 iheides env amoaunt ut Ge3ese, Duavcl<s Currats sd Chickzenüs;10 (ehoxce yuung catIe- ~ri rautl. 25o,1,second toLu nne;'outhdtown and Leicester -ýI ... 20c lambs; choitce prrk, veal, etc.Thi .uoc ancy baconistind lard ned rio commlent. -- It "s an establtsbed fart that they keep? .nd 2lod the hlghest grades. Almnde Obera mmergau in UpperBc r is ia d Grnohe vllae i a ouneinvaliey 2,76) feet abcoe ae level. Passion Pi1aýs per. P.2c per lb formed by viliagers every 10 'ersare .... 35c atnddb,-thousauds ut Enropean xil, an COr. aud Amenicn vsitr.,Bowçmaavi-lle is uggies and Waggous. Iu be beadquartera for hungry unaiy h of De mber IamofferM, t ...m C> m 1 mn,,il,,.u,,,, M k .1 coulry as wiIel as bbr ohut bhc entire concluent saud Europe, C Juin eaei, haeenwoopiened hie ua il o rie(:C. P. U. et sandbank L. Local news on inner page, IXmas Pusteards et Grand centrai. Other Bowmenvilie n eon innei page. Best 25e and 40e tea ever offered ai Murdoch's. Oronlo, Oshawa, and Port Hope new un laner pages. Get a pair of boots free. Read Reid & Pearn's adyt. 812.00 baya a guud kitchea cabinet ai order '- our' Chrisîmnas cake from El Luttreil. Phune 97. le cream la bulk or la bricks tc oirder et Thos Tod'a. Butter wu-appers, plain or pririted, ai TimSTATESIajÂN office. Mi---,;Porence Morris is hume trois Toronto Normai Sehool. Repeat ilb :-"Silîoh'z Cure wlil alwaya cure ýmy congbua 5nd cuido," if vou want voar hens ba,1ev eggs gel Davica' fooud at Murdoch's. Upr-Ight piano and goud organ for sale. Apply lu M. D. Willlaais & Son. Try the homemede hiumbugs, peanut crisp and maplce ream et Thos Tod's. Large stock ut boxes of sbaiunery for Chrlstmnas,trom2Ocup. PC Treblcoek. Bowiavile Woman's Inistitute mneetin iiYilho ,wibbdr-awn for Deer- ber. Mr. George W, MerGiLl Is hume (rtra Toronto Unive-rsit v for Crsmsbi Idays. Fresh bomernade maple cream. hum- bugs, and peanut crisp at D - 1I .uttrell'«0 new store. if i;ou wanb aew, fresb anid carefuily seiected grocenies order theni trom Scott & Allia, Phone 44!. Sec tbc fancv boxes uf Ganong's and Lowneyi2's chucolates eat Thos Tod's. Speal %f or Xmao. Miss PearI Osborne, B. A,, utWest- minter Coliege teachlng staff, Toronatu, la hume for Chrisimtras. Xmea Belis-We are propared lu supplyy quentiby ut red Xmas BeIls at veer' close prices Jury & LoveLiý, C M Cawýtker & Son pay c-ash for their fpculiry, Iu tac, they pay cash for ai 1beir stock, sud seli on smaall miargîi. Mr. W. E. Petbhlk, gyeneraI agent for The Sovereiga Lite Assurafnce CoMPany, favored us wlth e flue Caien- dar. 'Nubtng is hetter than Pa goud houa. P C Trebilcock e'ives yuua a splendid sel- eio.LeathLer hound houatet 0, Sbuop eaýriy, Ohristmas ýpreseýnts for smokers-if you pet thiem here, YOU wili he sablsffled and HE will ho pIeased with his present, Grand Central. Rev, H. R. Weir, pestur outhbb Dis- ciples' Churcb, wa@ aled 'houele s -week oni aùeoliut of the iiness ut bis tatherat Warren, Ohio. It will do you good and us bu) if you sec our display ut poultrv, @tu, fr.Uatr ltlF pncbioe lb meani- s busine's sud that laS wbeat ïe ar e tr. CMCwe&Sn Augthe list ôut saccea3stfulgradu- ates ufthebcProvincial Mudel. Sehouls are Mîsýes Hazejl L Cerscaddea, Cadmus- Lile Davis, Liffurd; Ainie B-. vîE Couch, Jubrison & Cyemnbv laid aside fftyLaRdies' and Cht'idreaà's Cuats tu be soid at one-tbirdi off the reg- nier pice, This la a great bergala as Ihese are ail new couas Ibis sasun. -Citîzes s-Lmpuathize deeply witb Rev, El R. Weir, pastor outhbecDisciplesi Chueli labb detb t is father wboi passed saway early Tuf3ýday murang et Warren, Ohio, fuiio-wing su ouperatio-n forapedits Mr, Jek Edsell secured Srd prîza on black minorca, hep- et Guelph Wlnter Fair. T.he poultry eýx hibit was cuansia- ered, seccnd best ta America oniv heing, auirpassed hv Madisun Square Gar,cib Show, New York. Azian we bave for yourn-npection an' immense stock out lo'Vpiclure hooks, doit carniages, boys;' and girls' aleigba, eec We can't-begilu b oell syu-about them here. Just corne in and s" for yoursel. GadCnrl Mrs. LllifSt hmaw hasý beenapedln wsoe weeka with ber Mlondaty for humle accompeaiu y e sua Mmr. larrv ýI uLIlfe5 who cmeduwn Manfacureaf'armerý"a, Alnd il neding help o! eny keskilied or uinskllled, are requested tu apply directI bu bbc "TPoronto Frcc EmplGyment~ Bureau", 71 Victoria St, Toronto. OUr poulbrvu uuht tro Mesdames! We1ev Ra A1len, Chrîs Cox, C Axfordj R, Hobbs, John Sandercork, Jenai Samba, Ru h Gibson, John Moris (Le3jkard), Elles Berry, W R Cule, Iýaec tJlutk. John Ccron .John Lord and Joh Brck, CaCwker &Son. bu te Rnxbddedisric la1877 the Me RonTaS-In Manverp, rDec, 15 Marigarel oeoe wf f Samuel kMcYobertL. aged 7E years. RETD)-At Port Hlope, iUeo 16, Chiarlotte a Reldi, eldeit daughter of t' e late Editor Georgý Wilson of iThe Guide. GaEN2WAY-11t Cry StI îCtiy, Vran, DcCi Annie Elizabeth, foirî dcaughter uf the lat( Hon Thos Grceeuaway. THIWÂrES-ln aa e.ltFloienoe Mary, danghnter o'f Mr. a1ed MVrs. Wm.lThwaitebs agedý 7 y ears, iý on it s, 5 da y s. 08OEoN-In Bwmavile, e.2ist, Ja Wlnniiifred, ifnant dauighter of M r. a nd M rs. Il Cecil Osborne, aged 4 mUonI,t 21 eldays. IZANTaS,,-At Braýntfordt, Dec 15, ofpnuoi wile of W, G. Ebbnto, Soeay.rane Verlt y Piqw cOu. formrer1y of alrin MoM~nv0nDeceýmber lOýth, ai the resi- (ýtee of lier brother, Mr A. A. MeMllrtry 481 Churuh St., ot, Ctherýine cMu(!hrtrY !daug7hter of Lthe late James IMU"trrY. Itr ed ËN'ýeztonville. Lest We I-orgePt E. R. 80UNSALL Designer aed Dealer le MoIcnuments ,Tahieti,, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marbie B1OWMANVILLE, ON~T The Typewriter Cdi,,imte of Canada, to better provide for the largfe and cntnl ciereatsing cdemand for ex- pert shortt,nIL wrtrsiyp is aad bookkeeýpers skilled in modernbusiness mthods 1 annrounees th de opening of the R E MI NGCTO N BUISINESS S. W. Corner of CleeSre and Spadiria Avellue, ora, Brand Noliw Sor e We are now inu our new stor-jut alitie esto! our former premises and on h south side ojf Kilng Street. We w"ant you to Peau and See what- a flue ,tore we have. We are iu a botter position than ever Ito cater to vour wauts, You Cari have Confi- dence in the purity and quality of otir confections as we represent chocolate mak- ers with wIorld-wide reputa- tions, such as Lowney, Patber- son, Tobler, Webb,Rbe- Son and McCormaick, In homernade candies we have mnaple crearn, hurnbugs ami peanaut Crisp. Pastry anid Cakem. Eat with a towo-fold pur- pose-en joyment and nou-rishl- ment. You wiil flud iboth o! these iu our bread, cakes and pies. Go as deep as you like int the menits of our bak-ing and you'1l find them t-,:exelent for taste, for wvholesomeniess s6 . 1 1 MISS Nellie (740-1d !iS home from pet- erboro Normal hol Repeat ài>- "Shblohg 'Ïzur il lwy cure jmy coughe ced coilds," Xmas Cards and CalendarsExquis- ite designe. Grand Central. Free boots, rend what Reid & Pearn are offeriaz - Don's.nmiss having a guless, Mr,. Rich1ard Alle3n la receýiinig con- gratulations on maialing his 741h birth- day on Friday Dec. 1i& What better Chrlstmas presentcacEn youe give y our boy or girl than a seasoni's ticket for the skating rinki? Some very cholce figu,,res la bronze at Jury & Loveli's. &and at price that m'Ill make lb easy for Yon to buy, Try to see C M Cawkeýr & sonî's grea't Fowl and Freali Meat displav befo-re two o'elock on Saturday Dec 19)th. Mr. Isaac Wilson; Editor of The Seatinel-Star, Cobourg, has been dan- gerously sick with erysipelas but is re- icoverfiag nlcely. aLd fiSh Out,11ai kida kelcoaînb ont]b2 auýd. D oatfrget tha-t wo are tb h peuple. We buv for cash ibu sve un daoa This gives sbb aaaeu t iEofwe co ýst for unr stck' W e .weLr tbe !Coaýt bul t tbcQai Special blon'd of Indift and C eî li!ntesfo'r 25 a lb Maa(y te'li us ib is impossible lu, get a good tee for 25e s . lb Wve aMade e turtune pu.rchese o! an extra fine Ceci-on surd a high grad!e budia tees short lieeuthat will eniab'e us lu sei aur ,tpecl ibiead o! India snd Ceioa tea for 125c, elb for some time bu corne Thiesees wcr euffered luus u s et a,80e a lb but by buying s rilerger qauivwe ýoîtbem et e, prîce wbicb enables us bu sou bbem aI 125e, WC would like you bu Itry a lb uf1t i'aspeilbiead. Cof tees"feeiý IhruughouithIis disneýt vonp wiIfl flnd Maýny wbu use Tait'sspacie,-l blend oàvo eeand bave duýne su for veara. Tere are'lt 0 5ecF. Î, bt unîl yo bveInedTeit'Rs you cannot say ýthat yon bhave Second Floor. U.G w! 0We carrybblagi and beat Pselecle3d stck 1,0 Don" of china in West Dnrbsýhm. Here o 0-,wbUl19!nd m t ilfr$ e usefal Xruas gifla e Cash Price paid for !Par F.The ffinealm sune Tedy M P'lr,',',~ etriiohinnvwas on fire..é gulsed h blze before nuch damage GRAND CARNiVAL, The first fancyr dreas cairnivalg of the season wii u hld i te katling riilk, Bowmanvlleon aesa'~ Dec 29 Prizes wjll be6 off ciredîfor: BE!st costumod ladt', gents, girl undter 15 3,rs, boys uder 15,yoar8, group 0f -4 -'ris urider 5 esand comte co.stumer. For arilrsese buis. eem the date and o--;3there. fl OUSE TO REN -Frae buse 1--ai $5 ramonth, with stable, on1 OdeiliStreet. Apply totM, A. JAm ES.5 1-tf- P IjýANO FOR SALE-135 CObus Ode]!SB w anil.05 .L ectter ano 56t of seLIarnes A pply to W. M. IVYe!,CnteStreel, Bowman- ville.50-4wt flOU E FO SAL-On he south sîideOf Hieg street, Bo;wmanvilEe. SIX rouestble godlut, Apply to U.CG. M. If OUSE FOU SALE-Two storey, kitiehenl, fnLrnacýýe, bard and sFGt water ; tlrge! lot. For fiii informaition apply to GE J ïowzE,i Bowmanille ý50-tf ý_]OUSE TO, LET'-Theý dwelilig f itiitetdon CnesinStree, at present occoupild Mr firam W. Burk, immed1Giate possession if requircd. Apply o l-oesavý. Bowmfanv1lle.50t CITOVES FOR SAL-E-Souveni'r steel I k~range, oi-y been, used two "oth ';lo Radint omebeaerla gond conditin.Ms n~e sehd at Once. Apply to Mas H W BURK. ai Mis FarblrnsElgin St. Bwwmanville. 10-il Rom rglserddue to Caýive .aB T,i, caf'ilregrister iOo; a nrha fGrae ow wlth cal! ai side andia half-JferseyCOnw mi ýrenewedl, Will 5311 ai reasonabe riCeýsS F sTSeugogStBwavle. 5-t C -AT 1 LE STRAYED-Fýrom lot 11, con , Dalingoua red stéer cmn year:s wîthright ear spl,anddehonel eie ýomlng three yeare ýwiih elton rlgh 6car. Anky informnation ie-adtng toC.ibeir recovery will be rewarded by MaRo CLCT, Bowman- ville, phone No 139, ring 3. 50.3w ne, et Niebullqarsd tsevleeti ofutChina,ý fr pe tsta ti ( 0 lhnp7) For Ladies. Netý Waists Silk WTaists, Musliu Waists Lustre Waims SilkSkirts H-eatherbloom Skirts xoren Skirts PSwêenSIt Mul rs, Gauntiets Silk Muffiers collars Tics GAoIS in Kid, and Mocha Cashmere ciede .F,-'k or WooI bce W-ool Searfa Faseinaturs S-1k, Inital, Embroidered LMen Husieryplin and Emabroidered Table Cuvý,ersaLand Niapkins lu SThe 9People's Grocery * ~ TAIT'S Xmas Shopping m~ N12eerbuthe bisýory o!fIisstoe av la bebter Condition bu serve tha publjIc. Eve l cilonpulrehase et Talt's bsbeen Pruvcc reit!abie qaaliitv before ilb la taken labo otocký Cn id n c iur grocenls Isthe foux ut Our brond guaraîte Vu tekeck any -i I tht suuldnulpr-ve -equel tu yuur expec This roectonutQu-ait'. is une r'enssua WbyL peup-,le bv rceie tTa'secuil, Ovsters is. lv40pece tee sets, pretv cdeairna la lue.Reguar nice86.0, wiletbey S97 piece Dinuen Sets,ngia prc sei or 88.00x. wili ho ples3sed lu baye o cmcal] ead cl rm Produce. fui- .. .~ i~ *. .~< Tray Co Tee Cloblis Sideboard Cvr Quail k esn arele Ladies'Couata Chlidren, WToo lToques Bootees Infan tees Kid Mill Ficture IHdkts InItal dkfs WoolMiî Kid Gioves White Thibet Mluffs K-nitbed Jackets For Men aciod Boys, 811k Tics Klid Gloves Mouha Gioves Si1k Liucd Gjoves Fur luned Glovez MOIl Gloves )Yanoy Shirts Wool Shirts Un der w e Lr Nighb Go,wns Pyjamas AidilHdkA, Linen Hdkfs- Swveaters Cardgans Fur (Colar ceaps Toquesý, S ~ 1AON& SN Nexcdort Standard Bank,Bo 0muWile Fnee sbed rootu ut Central Livery yerds anytini, -See Our Displ'ayof Xmasr %oods Useful as well as suitabie for young or od GCranld Display of Sesnal oods at ....Popuflar rce.. STORE NEWS. lade Plea an rd Profitabl-e. webe cry Drty Powder atil15cu a a. -Eee au cý-c-ntans 1 lb netweigbt ut guud reilale baing W Yba s putup expresslyfo ibis stoc end viI!l do tîlO work equl luAua, klng powder. MNbu use il now who urenypaid as b,ýIgh si50c, s lb-,for hueing ýpuwder. Tr a cenut o Tait's speclal the uexb uneyen require beking pcWder. Choice Red Salmon 1Sc a eau. We bve scured hren fut huco,, ,rd Suei- cîs edtl'ynwbc we are seiiin ' ii,8e aa, 1 LbZ, epn uI filue andi ccompares teof ably wj, h ï,ra ndà s Ulg or20e. We bve assez kinde Eaic13p 1e Freits. Caretuliy selecied, fruits; for Xmas uukug We e a very ffine se!Leeblun of newfrts a what 3 ou ,reýqjirce b nure good resuits, Choiýce new r-Isins............ ihý for 25C Ch e ecurrians. ,...._.. ....83,- lb for 125e Etafancy craî ,...,.2 lb or 25e Chulice figa., .................. î , f or 25e Sinaraisins............2..lb for 25e Chuico OCrange Peel.........20e a lb Oboice Citron Peel........80e- a lb Seedei raiusis 16 oz paeeet.........5e- Des................ ..Blho5 ---------------- Notices of Births, 2 5 cents; INarriages, 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cent», each iu- sertion. When funeorai cards are p3rinted ai this office. insertion firoc BOÏ. N MAUiED BURNs-MÂNELL-Atthe EectIOry Bwmn ville. Dec 15sth, by Rcev. W. E. Camrail, B A, Wiliam Bnrns and Ros., aneli bothoif BOw manville. Rý-NAPI'--DAVTIDSON- At thê etoitrs- age, EuiIsILjlleii, Nov.91th by 11ev. J. A, Jewell, B. A., Mr. Lewis Daniel Knapp, Caýrjrihî, and Mi8ssEthiel Davideot, Wib township WIIITE - ANDIREWS-Atý Brïghton, Dec.bh Iby Rey. W. B, EbersDýc Mr. PalierBejamn- in Ades Bowmnanlile, ceId Miss Jennie White, of colborne. BÂnocs<WoopayAt ee home 0f he bride's grndfather, Mr. WVm. Woodley, by 11ev, . i. Reai, Dec. 16, Mi% Fred Sanalersoni Babecok, Tor-onto. aA~ Miss Sva May Butterisa3 Wooccdley, of LleIdsay HoLaea~-Roeas-At te realdene ofih bride's father. Mr. CaIto ,'gersountVerno»t Dc. 15th by 11ev. J. A Jewel. B. A , Mr, e Hlolmaes, Walhalla. Norîh [aot and MisB Maýbel F. Rogers, Osbaw. 1 eýV , . . ý,lý