S Boaus are, lating g i fte ohv the follawirg inew ba,_oks, Weboýfti ..........41111 5k Fily onte Whe.........1,21. and many others Ailboesconai fnewhite line1n ft.inish paper, boxesC XmjasPýst Cards and View Cards, the finest selectian A 2Et-20 The Leadlng Bookaore. ~ 'Ieal lPeninzsula"- s the ideal range for a small kicen. ItïSbu1t- t economnize Space, ande ) -i1,1ai the canv-enientces af the t% best steel ranges with the added, ~. advaixtage of bigcs-rn "Ideal Peinsulars" have a È ~drap aven door --low warmlnîg closet-adjustable dampe- reniovable grate bars--day- light oven-and a perfectly ventiiated aven. n'e 'da Peninsular" bumrs étherwaod or coal, Gand the grate bars can be changed in hall a minuite. Ak youir da so ou the "P>eninsular" lUne of Ranges oýrwrite lis for ires illn-strate.d caitalLogue. 6 lare Bros. & C-,. MLl4ed, Preston, Ont. W. H. DUNSTAN- BOWManvlle - --~----- -Don't Stop= s iZ I4 utthe entranc,,e or be f sailified wi taksng a laok in the windaw but f K~im~ rcame right in you are * Y~1JIw lI me and we are here f / ~ ~oïhQîw gaads 'and give f - .. ask ta see ,air Rattan *e Chairs at $298. * * Dor't farget, *e Ke UndetakiG el aspocia brat)afauruin essad alwaysre0 celvs pesana stthtin di or 'K'3 Wedo3 not akaný y extra chrg or dEt c î6Dfiaptn BranchO, on129 F. WE WANT VOUR SEflD. We have just p-rchased a new'u-a-ae.ed Cleanier and are now ,-ïprepared zta handie ail if e of ver and Grass ced leaned or nunleaned and ta pay the higbecst marloet WlE4 WANf YOURAIlN Wîe are als i the inarket as usuL1 for'all kinds of coarse Grisucli as B,-arley, Buckwheat, Oats, Peas, Rye and Goose, WheLAt ail of which we are prepared ta store and buy at store. hanse Up tawn, our elevatar at Gz. T.,R Statiain[or ta buy if- stored at thbe Public leVatar, Part Darlingtan. WE ARE STILL LELLINUG OAL, U U.75 per ton at JHarbor & G., T. I. Station and $7.25 per ton cîelivered ta aial parts of the town. Pea Coal $1.00 per, tan leas -5 nsPer ton 0ff for Spot CaSh. Carrying in baskts xtra Wealso have slni behn ola 5~ ,ýt Uriarbo)r Çcr aio nd $6.00 Up town, usual lîneî, lu W'foad, (Charcoal, Cdemeni, Lumber, Shingles I ~ (e'Llund wood)R-Fi nkt and As-phait Roafintg, Doors, * Sashà. 1ý>k!ndS and Mudna pca attention ta planing an4 i mtchg salng an,.d drcss3ing lumbe-r, i ~ ~~Kg St., East, Bo',.~ji T he Chrî;siMas concert givea UndIer t1e 1aspicezs cf the Lmdies' Aid on Dec 17 w1as quite sccsa PRsde Mrs J~~~~~~~~ý;; G agadvra- ii' h hi the ~ ~ ~ ~ t patrhii ai abeprsn An, exellpragnram was gvelcou>- sslgof eboruses. urete.sls rdîIngs odialogues _ ïedialogule given b 21 boys and gir's was mucbli appreciated, ever4aae ivi Srpart, lxign st ïle...Lisr Jn 7 for A grand pragýram la beiag pre3pared andï a good ftrne is expected. Corenen enjcy a" New àYear's treai. The weilzroïvnstngeigprer t aiian ombinod witb other Ltantes anid a most i:perfect nervine, 'ara found, ta C2artes-'s Iran Plilla, wkhstrengthexi theo nerves and body, &,nd Imprave the blood AUd comnplexion ENNISKILLEN. Mesers 'Lorne aucd Byon bMcLaughi- Wi vîited1 at Blacit stoc.,.M and Mrs Richard MeNel, TyrùL1e, speni Sunday' ut àMr Jno cowling's .... .Gkad tasee Miss tMergaret St4ewart home again. Mr anid Mr8 Wm Stainton recently attended a wedding at St Catharines .Mr and Mrs Peara. Port Ferry Sunday ed a., Mr J no Pye's.. .. Mr Peter Werrv, lyroe, at Mr Rnry Werry's .Themusic gvenbyEnfield chair Suaciay e2vening was tboroDUghIy apprie- itate. Tbey wiul be we,,lcome agaIin .. Seve3ral fram bere attended the Xmas entrtaù. at aiEnfield lFrlday night and speaK inL-hlghest te-rma of il«'... Mr' and MArs Henry W-erry ndé Miss Razel Pascoe ýv 'iited at Mr Wrigbt's,1 Black - stock, ovar Suoday.Si, r d Mrs HLrr Roer!atede he wedfding -of There ,,s no oeartîie la the une a mediine tht gives so large a reur for tbe money a8a goad ç:orousstren)gth - ing pis .ster, sueb ns Carter's Smat. Weed and Belladonna Backache Pias- tara MAPLE GROVE Visîtorsý: Mr and Mrs W Werry, Sauina, visitad Mrs S Cale; Mrs J A Bell, Wixi- nipeg, Is vlsitîng ber brother Mr C Ax- ford; Mr and Mrs Albert Jones, tawn,at Mr R R, SievenF; Mi Clarence Rlail, Ebenazer, visiied bis sister Miss Irena Hall.... Mr Chester Power atanded the faneraI cf bis sister-in lawv Mrs W G Ranton, Brantford ...Miss Lola and Mrt Leslie Snowdon bave returned from visitlng relatives li Toronta. . ... Glad ta sae so many frcm Bawmanvllle, thty wiIi be weleome any time-,.A large coxgregation greated Rev A J Lousley, missionary from NorwayRousa. Sunday -...Mr T J Cale was tha exhibitor of over 60 bîrds ai Collingwood fair last waek wbera be captured a, fine lot af ptiz-es-... Farmer Pathmck would be verv mucb cbliged If the persan or persanis wbo stole a bag and a bal ai chop fiom bis barn would ratura tha baga la bis mail box. TYRONE. Merry Xmas ta evarybod...Mrs Zacb Pallard, Oshawa, calfei ou friands enroute ta Lifford ta sea ber bramher 'William Brlsbiu who ls sufferixig fram a stroke of paralysIs... - Rev H-- S SpanIce was luBobcaygeon rtetv Ms Spenee la visIting la Norwvocd.Miss Etta Campbell, Taronto, is home fat the Chrstastde . .A mlber ai Tyrone axid Long Sauli friands3 surprised Mr and Mrs Arthur Stock Friday wben tbey met at their home annd Spent a pleasani social eveningp.. .. -MissMai Hoaper le holldaying ai borne.. -_.At tbe close cf the Public sebool Mondav Mis Benson, the principal, was seasotnablv ramemblered wben Miss Mabel W7igbt read a nicals warded addrass anid VMasteri Lamne Sanders, on bebaîf of the puplil, 1praeated ber wiib a fiva o'cloek tlea set to show their apprciaxtîin('f tbe kiDly1 ixtarest sh? hbs alwa s takae n tlier weifr e ... The affne evinig aia sacial gaiherfing af the youag peopl ai-,thLe horme of MrUPan Clurtis, Miss Beason ras a'gal peati srp e hen Miss tîîiite JIili bande b 1eýr beautilul mooc budcopies ai Ska1kespý)ere, Wordswortb. MissýBenso)napp opriate- I.- and iaUeh!Dnglythna both pupïia and vau1ng peo-pla for tbetr kind raemel- brace Te basi wisbles ad a large (rcl18 of frinds ollaw MiSsa esnfromi A Woaîs5ypty t'cvndsourgd syu ot,' ae ilcvypyslo barden? ý, i kuo11'i doH ý"torsihl? i lcao thisa for!'yu anti will if you w-ihl ssist ime. M! yron lleed do(Àj "stovwrite for a frea box o "f the ,remedy hih "sben laced in my.ý handis ta be g.iven away Perliaps this onebo wll cureyuitbs ocso forotr. If so, I sbahll be hnppy andi you iï,ii be cured 'or 2,, (thie cost of a pos.tage tap) our lteshL'd coudf- detiaxliy.Write toda ifr nyfr,- tre-it- mient. MIÉlS. F. E URI.Wnsr Ont. Charies rMcOullou--band M >JS M lleaey' iTorolIto, are hom7efrhlddy...,M MAr D Peae otPry " tM Smlitb ürecnly iaded a cr wýthgri at BroakIlu.. . Mr and Mis S BrRY vislted atTMr NrmnE Wih'Bak mientvwas weil attended Fridav night The perfaectibl.lity wltb wblch the diff- erent entertainerso rendiered their selec- tions Ith effk--ica.ywon Imucýh apas 1A fuller report will be oundesehr Proceeds $30, Those unharppy persans whoý suf fer from nerv,,ousaess and .dyssepsia siild useI Cae' Little Nerve Pluls, which are ad expresslv for sleepless, uer. vou, dspetiasuferesPrice25 cts. COURTICE. Vlsitors: Miss Irene Wordei,ý accom panied by ber coliege friend Miss Gillet, Whlîby, are home for the holidaýs; Miss Rilda Rurdie, Hampton, la visitixig friends here; Mliss Vera Pennington, Bowmxiçile, undawed with hier sIster Mrs Hi F Osborne; Mr John Guy, Col- u us, sent Sur day witb bis sister _Mrs Rua-seli Langmaid ...Rev A J Lou,-sley gave twa splendïd sermons Sudvreferrlng uo their work at Nor- wa - Hanse .... A very pretty but quiet wedd-îing was solemnized at the Parson. age Wedneaday evening whien Mis iLouiE.a Thompsan and Mr David Cronk, MananGrajveý, were unItIe e l hoy .1.The %bclos of Courtice had sueh A bard -ub up at the mueetiîng cf 8 O T Tuesdav evenîng tatome of tàem have tkenta hvn off their mous- taces hiningitmay -make them look To discernaaid dal immadiately ,witb causes 3ancd avercamie them, rather than ta battle with eff ecta 'afie the diseuse bas secuired a, lodgmebnt, is the ief atm af the Lmdcical îmaxi, iaid 'Blckle's Anti-Conîsumptive_ Syrup la the resuit of patient study along this p articular lina. At the first appearance aio a cold the S3 rup wi]i be fauad a raost efficient remedy, arresting davdl- apment and speedilv heallug the affectad parts, so that the aliment dis- appears. SOLINA. Divi*sion intends baving a manster bsket social ,lan 14th with talent from, 1Trone, Courtice, South Darlington and othur places ...Mr Il G Argue'a sale was largely attexided and prices ware satllctaatry. . .. Lov-al Crusaders, Tan- ton, commanded by Mra Robt Taylor, snili vIîit Seauna brigade Wadnesday aiternoon Dec 301h ...Fraxids af Mrs (Rev) T H P Anderson sympathise with lier in the desth afilher father, .. . Recent visitors. Mr T Sbortridge arnd son Allan, Manitoba, witb bis parents; Mrs Van- Camp and Mis Millie Fenfound, Cour- tice, at J T Rîundie's; Mr j NevIlle, Winnpegat r S blhortridge's; Mr ,nd mrs Joan Reynolds at Mr Narman E W0rlght's, lahtok .,Officers eleet ai aun DvisonNo 40, S cf T are: WI P, Ri'-, esse ;W A, Miss Rilda WestIlke; R S, W Sry;A'R S, Miss Minnie Baker; F S, B G Steicens; TIreas, j T Rundie; Chap), F Vice; Con, Cecil Pasceoe- ;A Con], iss Ida Vire; I Sent, Miss Edi)a Taylor; O Sent, Ciarence Vice'ý P W P, Mrs S hatrdg;Organ- ilît, Iisi nReynolda; D G W P, R C Scott. - AMPTON.ý Fi&mers' Instituite meeting Tbursday avening was attended by about fif Lv. President Thas Baker very ffcenl occupâid the chaiir. The addieS by Dr. Standish mon the sym)pýrmsaL)d dis- esses cf cattie and horses ,,and the cure was mach appreciïated by thote! preFenit.. .Rev And Mlrs T H P Ander- son were cailed oCaaan atwcek by th e sudden dea-th af ber fathier. Oar people syýMPathize wltbý them lu their bereavement.. . TbeWoasMiio ary Society had lntereatinigmetn Last weeý3k tt the borneo if rs Georre Kersiake.Mrs J Itersiake js qu t e 111....,Misa Litta Ruse isLbomneifor thea hol* NI.r J clatwortby veryv aceptably occupied tlie pulpit SunIday maraing, and lin the absence cf. the pas- Mr Albert WashiDgt'ou gave a very practiAldiscourse in the eveniing.. Mr Jas Ward bas been sick. . _ Remrem ber the League entertalnmnut on %Dec ...Mr and MIrs Osborne,, Hope, re-g countI. vis; ted ber aulit Mysrs U Bwe ..1 The Legae wiil givýe a Xras enter-1 taiiment'lTupsdav evaniîng Dec 29 at 88 p m. Good prograim eonsistlag cf1 raadings, recitations and muslc by sien- [Or and Jnlr.-members AdImissionn Mrà:Wes J 3ltrBA., odtc Coliegiate, and Mîr and Mrs A Salter a nd dauelhter Marlon, Toronto, araý h Lolidaying with their fatha r Mr R. Salter ....Mr and Mrs Wmî Adams leave this week ta spead the hiolda¶s with their daugbter Mrs W A Ki;rby, Detroit ....Mr and Mrs Wlliï Cook and fam Ily are spending Xmas ln the citvy.. Miss Florence O'Brien, 0 L C, Whitby, and Mr Chester O'Brien, Baptist College, Wood,tock, are home for the holidays Mra Milton J Werry and daughte rs,_ T.vrone,- and Mr A W McLaugblln, Innýerkip's, are with thoir mother Mrs Wm McLru:ghix .... .Miss Vera Park, Toronto University, and Miss Gretaï Ellis, Normal 'Scbool, Toronto, are borne . ...Fred Carswall, Trinity Caliege, Port Hope, Ia witb bis father Mr H T C arsweii ... Mr Witt Harding la vIsIting bis parents Slmcoe St .1.. Mr Nevton, 1Manning. S P S, Turanto, la witb bis m-other Mr Wm Manning... « M r Lthear Stainton is visïitngz relatives la Exeýter ...Mr E McTaggart, Toronto,, la witb bis parents.... Mr Raie, Toronto, was recent guest at Mr R MeTaggart's... The MiÎsses King, -Wastmount. ara spending Xmas lxi Roechestar and willl after tour the Southarn States ...Mr and Mra F W Wh; atiey, Mamie and Dona4ld arc,-,bouda-, lngwlth city rela- tives .. .. hMr Howvard Coedy, Chatbam, IS witb his father ... , Mr and Mns Smith, Draytôn, and Miss Smlàtb, Toronto., are guests of thaîr daughter Mrs A Gorne ..,Mr F Staiter, Queen's College, Kingaton, la witb bis father, Mir A J Staltar.,... Mr Luther H Kirby, Victoria Collega, Toronxto, la bore.&r A Hogarth, London, is bolidaying ,witb bis mather .... Mr Roy Beninett, MLteMas- ter College, Torontà, witb bis parents, Park Rond. ... Dr Bon F O Naît, North Bay. la spendinq, the bolîdays at home -.. «Miss Ailce Oiver and Mr -Russell Whlte, Broakîla, Sundayed nt W H Klrby's, Westmount..Mr and Mrs Wilton White have raturned from a six weekq' holiday ai Nortb Bav ...Mrs Will Natt was la the city recentv .. Mr and Mrs W E Souch spent Xmas ai Orono ..-.. Mr Roy liecher is vislting bis sîster Lamna ai Berlin. ... Mr Loo Gray, Business Callege, Peterboro, la apend- lig the balidaSs ai borne...Messrs Victor Pye and Rupert Morrow, Tor- onto,"are ai borne...-. Mr Russell Gay, Mrs Frank Gay and son Ronald, Win- nipeg, Man, were recent guests cf Mr Geo Morrow.. Mrs Benj Cook le viait. ing friands ai**Smiths 1'alto...Mis Lottie Richards,- Ellioti Business Cal- lege, Toronto, la, visiting ber sistar-Mrs D Arnot.... Mlr Ernest Riakson, Me- Master UniVersitY, Toronto: la home for the bolïday s.... Miss Daraîhy Luke la spanding a fe-w weeks lin Imneal ...Last Sunday waaFiabsarved as IXmas Sunday lu the Presbyterian- Cburch,i wben Rev Jas Hcdýgcs, B A praachied apprapriate sa3rmanrs. Ttxe chair li chiarge LAfN'r Edwin .J Pull fnrnlisbad speeillziae. -,,r Robt Renderson, sang a polo very acceptably at the even- ing service . ... Sans ai England gave a banquet te a llmited numbar ai their frierds ai M1r D hi Tad's parlera Thurs- day evaning. Mr Tod pravided an excellent supper, a good progyram was furnlshad and a v7ery -eaIjo-,.ýable eveaiag spant.. . .Xmas services in Simece St Meibodiat cburcb wera worthy af the avent and thiose who jcnt ributed ta the excýellent ogr n.Rev IRT Lewis, B A, P~o gave a sln address n "Christ and the o l "sdMr ,George W HleChoîrmaster %nd Organlst, and bis chiïr rished a m sical 7Vlca cf a hi.gb characeter. Thýýe iuwing w?,as beatifl oferorysolo. At the afier- Xmas carols, and Mrc S J Coulrtid B A, gavea sitale ddrss hatwan mLuch- praise T'he eveniipg servi'ce was lJarge- lv atteaded end cf great interest. Mrs Wý A H1are alid Miss M Liesn duel3 andic the formef-r a sol.Th n the:Ms weree ered ita031- rendared. F1?, Vy prog-rarn wereditbud. hr Osbawna wsoan notherpage. SLEEP-NATURE'S CGRItIAT xsrEa Whiie yo Yu sleep nNatue is;restcrlng ihe cells aLnd tIssua wasted durixig ibe bouts of wakefulness Yau eau, lires longer witbout foodian you eau wiîbout sleep and persibtent sleep1iessn-ulsul ,- îy points ta nervous coliapseo Dr. Cbase's Nerve Food curesalpeses by building up the nervouds sîstem and lis bexiefits ai-e therefore lasting, XMAS GIFIS FOR MEU We wishi our mnany Patrons a very Merryf Christmas and a Prosperous New Vear Make >ouargetmn friand's happy by giving them gis that te wrill appreciate. The latest nave!tles i Ties, in ailt the uew abapes axoid d AAû,25,4 75c, O81O0 $1.50 Underwear WoolSey, Stanfieids. PCeamaxi, H-ewsan, Watsoni, 89c tau 25.)par garj-j meut. Sea the Phoenix Mluffier. Co1lcrs, We bave had 8 shipm txisa Wo ' Muffiars, ail co!ors ............. 50, 811k Squares, all coflors, 25et, 85 CoraGreenBlu~.Ttn colora, col shit-lanwid srîeboxed separ% uanlined, siik-liid iee-lekh' lilled. fur-lined. ..........5C ca 2., Hllnd kerchi efS 6 Fine bawn a deeifbeau~ tif Ully b ,xd....... 5 Raih-shLinen aM-ci beaui-fupi, bxd.........7Me Silk-Initaaud plain, white a eolored...... ;e,50c, 75r, sud ý81,00 Other LUnes That We [lave: Loungkling Robes Bath Robes S oing 'Jackets Faney Vosta Hata Caps Umbrellas Faucv î Bose Armlets Garters Scat f Pins Cuif Links Cailars Osifs Collar and Cuif Boxes Suspenders (Ill Fancy Boxes) Open evyery night nutil after Xmas. Grocers9 Due-BuSla taken as cash -The îflason Cohn o CLOTHIIaiAND FURNISuzINSiFOR QNLME N TwiURs, Cash For Farm Produce The undersigned Ia prepared ta buv ail gacd farm produca, znamely: Eggs, Btter, Poiutrv, Dreissed lHog,- Beans, floiliog Peas, Dried Apples, etc. The blgbaýst pr ice will be paid for gaad, fat, wa,7ii-dressed stock, dry pieked, witn bead-,, wlngs and feet on and uindrawn, ai the same ai i stand--TemperanceSit, Sautb aif Standard Baukl, Bowmanville 49 2mLu JAMES bMCCONNAuRIE THE MBAN WHO SEUKES Ta the man Who famokes, no more ac- ceptable presant eau ha sent 'ban a'box af good cigare. W. J. Banell bas the, 1finemt stockaif clgarselu town Hale"poi onily the hast brands auzd keepa tbern lin perfect condition, Your cigar imorey, will gaiexcellent valýuaai hia store inl conactan i' Pebic'sBarber Shop.ý He bas fine lcs nboe i10,2,5aand 50sellyput up for Ursmspres-1 enta. 1-2 CHRI SIMAS ME AI S AT H UM E'S. FOR YOUNG MIEN, It la net difflecuittaIv)decidap91 ant for a youug man if yau takcç ai ibe table we baRve dv tedto special lina. JurN & LoveI,ý F1INEST CUT GiLASS.' We are Sbowin- >anme exceptionally prett ', wdesigxsis t ecpinlvclose pricep. Jury & Loveli. Smcokers' Sets, ShavingSes Rszars, Shavix"ilI.ge and Brubes, Cuf and Collar lixeS, TravellinCa-Uses'and Nerekîle Boxes, Miliia rI Brubes, etc. ai Jury & Love3l1's. Xmas Specials Eve-.Y persan waU they eau el for iheir n ibe- place wbere yen c(au 8 b aicarranits. 5 lb goadrIsn for,-,, -. ;Ib, tabie raisins . tIl n ix - - - - As usual. bis custim6rs bave been baill.e extrad.., f.w well pzovlded witb bigb qnality m-eats8lbdats.... for the Christmas trade by MIr. Alex. 15 1lbcooi_ is H,.ume, the peaple's Lbutcher. Hua cex- 2 lb table sg fr lbition wîll ba raady an1 SaturVdav aDý will incjude a ver.y chOjce dit ly fas8 lb pkg date-s....... gao meis s te cahiy afors. be8 lins pesa or eabbage dlsplay wVll Incleude drasýsed beaf, eoc 2 pkgs macaroni ... kina o puîjy.8 pkgs ebocalIate puddin lamb ad k a nd il2 ca n i!,o:... Doun't fluta eaU 2and selec't xour, Christ- mas meat early. Mr lume dasires-t Orders aroecoi tbliak tbc public for their generaus p at-i- msPoüuItry-nd ify ronage dQuring the year aud hopas y vn w1l)gmte pck1 providing high elass meats ta mierta oe7 coutinuane ai the LSameý 7. Be ,'hs. wisbes ail a very Merr v Chris in-as anad a Happy and Ptospercus Newv Year. Secnd. doar west cf Cou ýas as muci, m gai .I r ýr .a-"jý .4h i f ~M Rubbers 'FOR LADIES Ladies' Plain, croquet first quality. . 60e. Mens' plain Rubbers, first quality . ...,.. 7 5c. Mens' heavy Rubbers, ail first quality 1 buukie 0145. 2 buekie $1 85 Boys' 1 buekie $1.15. ad4, second s but god hônesi stoçk4 perpair..........ý-ý-1ý.. I. 8 i2 DOORS EAST 0F CiHE .BENNIET HBO USE ]FOR MEN A. fine assortmenut of "6PERFTJMES"ý made by the celebrated Dafort & Cie, Paris, France, înfancy boxes anad baskets, just 'the thing to Sweeten yOur friends. Prices 15, 18, 25, 35, and 50 centS, 8ome oi these gý-oads sold arigetially for $160 eaeh. Note te differenca lu înprica. n'a.BefIF NS Rubbers FORý BOYS AND GIR! S We stili have a few very fine ecats for ladies which we are saeriflcing ai $p2.00 each. Warin comfartable garments. We wil! sav-e money for yu- bybuin yaur Dry Gooýds, Boots & Shoes and Clathing from us, A speelal line of '"Bcd Comafarters, regular $2 50 far $1.00, Thiese have been sl-ightly damaged Iby water. THE WONDERFULL CHEAP AMAN 1 lb Thfe <OIdIBatnk Bildcirng,Bonavl I.- Mr ,tandMr S Vanstoîne, Wibvs ie freds bere .. r, H Wakele, Hapavlslted at l sto'sCM E Glswrtb ha rewxed home froma Torat . .M NI r Siemon t sc nSudy at. clover Éthresh.- ig lathe order af the da; la tis vicinit M.. and sors jas Méounjoy, Ennis killev, SUndayeýd with frienda.MrS Geo Avery is quite sick. Peevisb, pale, resýt.rS, and ici ] Moter ravs'Worm Extarminator will relie atbemt and reatre healîh, le e , 1 .