TM 1. and, if there ïs, rbeing glm will lot EASY TO mix TIHIS. condition of dthe werr-whether hes;lp t e ESappy Adbrigh an - sh be mid, wfor wîow ThL ï re girl. oi wanlt, tob"euiu cmn epl oei h ril r ild to ltr.avel-1 eon the _____________ m stts41ep with ehair, plenYof taken fron anen Yrkdailypprlcltramwaca crs if thy are un-ý a, i he roo. Se aast o ot gr îl a smpl prscipto, lh etin heiý,ý î,1,g!t; hihismrk1ý- Tak~ ~metin or Thn.Belevig heind ev l ti o nscn. -essid obeapastvernid frc o hedos a of eh m ufnd pires t laughter ilche kidoey bladrdiuks vmnd o oeit ~<r ~ irdalyliu.Thait is tHe ny rc agmet i acenbfrh onrlo hi riaefrue n ible to îqaea MvanriReliqgîouswyt lî n teo ay c a eeof Bitspdicr:tiafrmrigeAtrthtte _________________ ale o crngin bcaty.FluidE!tlautd yandelon, one-haifcan dispoce of on-third of it t- cune CmpondKargonune eUt the husbnd's consent. eHo ta oeh good is of Gon l more than faithin Baedekyr one opudSrphraa- Adg -vso heaeaefon. -III.Johnil.It;takea mantohetly. One 10« reason that rligiob mas o cnnee mk 1a% idknomV< IN211Ait F01P 1CiRED- i], treounc. ShAk e 0 unina tn totwelvyelys. a iet slite omn sta ehv httoadtoae u yr ACHilE. boltieand tbke in tpaspooMu! dos-I tPs en crs. a rabbIit abïouitsvca ý 1'"o,1 )lma.v s tiif (' aveihn iw alo pu, ne f c unaftePr eacb meal and againrat bel- squiro or hare about eht amid for a long tiu maiben customed to' peatîug titforlalto ,blhi;leo n then) aIl otie reedes îm. fox-,about outentosite ca. thiuking oe t àfrointhe xx rog end; ms oeo nhen!ipcetxeenoc nus - iesnnrie m catosruewihth esscu forisedc sn t s (VipeThes dii cms.p î d-1li grr Voli suceeedin ro~vng b<oi<e, wl i ed rpgarding thS ran iin an omergency is astoishn stc> ; w e dbavesetitun itephlo-igtfleecu hepu),rci t ftoescodp Qo viici pèclQostt t lttiogre-come, wu ivrasmcbafft aop1 fr ls pactce;we aveac-ca. Te gavet dffiuit iuelp tho tipe of thoeingees in vinegar <iiqus amm allhardnileeand catn be milesin six hours. Iighmiles in, >oiiifol is; maue;we avea eo le to tle liionltife Hinsd then ligittiy stroeeiteafoe-otidut a smali cot fo anc PY unhour is an ordinary fcnt. quir!edte habi t ofthiking of faith ikg pi.t an elgin as nbiyamte fcedadt eaeîssigo utng the iîead, strourng up anddoùmixu sud god preript-lion pf,ýl r cortie The BritishEmpire outsid eh opinion, informulred ndt a efornelthoneputinc. rûnndthe temples, renu l bmixtonure isouid beput up if'amked toIUnited Kingdor only contains Sorre b thse ayewhe th reson Let the definitions, the descrip- found. If there is no one to) do do sL. !o fnut bttd thxvile 8,500,000 of people of British de- ferid to trs itcîfnthen ignr- tien, the cymbols frlgintk1his, however, cip a anlîuck'-rcb4eîf 1 thie paecaiptienis of)ten prescaib- sceut that is to Say, only OnO in fac trwthe n lav wes tgotere f be selvs.Le eryn an!1vînegar and lay it across the cc inaheematîc afluilo rs nit forty of its total population. fewc nho souht to kcea onothexressf bieselowvehs. eowepn ysoecdwt A ona n plendid recutsho Ucold, sec no In a paper read before the Char- îngOo kowede, enerwi- isneed is not some forrnof ex- of t0o handkerchief becomnep dry r-asonwhiy i vi o oa ue- t rg n îuSociety it wns1 accept spganwnwoecipu enon ad nam lip t aainkiclnny and urinary stated that there nere now 47.3,000 staemets f te rligons bis needl is tonfand by the actnun tn apply it to the foe-tîubee and ekhe, as it bas fener ugricultural laborers ini Eng- alies tat tey udt ivepersnult é f iviîg, b1p atival expei- head uitilthe pain bas diiiippueara peoular actonupon the ýkidiieyl-land tban there n ere fifty y eas aun uetioning sse lnt e those hil once, that the religions way of lif Ud.A cup of bot tea taken in cn- tutre.lasigteeoti-ago sopioîcalsteie ntsreard y elstbbsch ms aifat ,neinwibti vi ofoud orau ogaelud helpingtyepnito The ru dern bullt iet viperce tie institutions upon wbih ét,ù Lon tiie m'et serviceable. beneficial. One muet lie down, of 1 dmîe roitebo h era<e ftae ossi ucs chers liv4. 00 Do not worry over the forand ourte, sa!fnulie and parte matter vwohi inAut590 yards; of four at haîf the Onece mn gave the came blind ai ieth1oter- se Gt h o_____casescke< nd s-,(-ng.Thse istnc; or kill a man auFtir ipas-- leiac t tedotrns f faet tho great fuet, 0%t S hai-ù! 'r oua reopprsilbo tuciceai make ingtbrughthe- trunkof,Àa thick' iolni athyalto gave to feudal mmes thav tci r'of tue TUE MIGITY VDown:UT no mustape àin giînit a trial. mmo. overtods;,thy kuew net t al hetand the burden beirer, ta lO-.ithot osnga cingle animal, tfi,-ý kpr- Hotnto1,1on1sThep1oA S >recently drove a m, ot ithe quarrel was about, but< A I OE 1NIJSdl GN ii 'd lI1A TI aN. ifUick f 11,000 shoop from nMamnu- Lueing told that they imuet defend ta iiing for the good of ai is the -M-o-na, thtwyextraordiaary and- - lgiluQuee-nsland, te Narrubri, in tho faith or be tecrnally damued isecret cffading ailthegoad in Ife, perfect Stomach touic, xvUilrelievce ithopnus oet icwlcge Whh iconbWaea itac o,0 iey defended tue faits, they paid 1Steadiy reach out for the best in, dyspepsia in twenty.four heurs.k,-uhWlsaditneo90 thi d au!i î'uunted that tbeyife and your religion %AIii)3f1rmu R n ur 'ie aud is guaîam-ad c y YouMMiore fLeara. ntîilos. iad pesfemd thir duties for l'e- late ittîf tbrough ipeinc. Jury & Level te the rendors ef'1-1 lphu icryf ains o teirdresses iin te ot \ili Wen mcon ar sik teydoi et) heStatesmnan te cur.e tbe most thae tons oni sbmck b1 auew by-l1mwpas cd b1 ,tlîe în BuP oinonirnem rrliginneed pthologi<a dlluiin te iifl cases of dymppin, if taken; p eiketgwui p, in tHi nicuiy Aof onac, i i Auctria, thu'lan a uiebok is a journey. If-q neeod the rigbtlifetbnti'aeaigt ietos oi stekdna5,ee fudrapnlyc ~xmmfn yen d bad a illion copies eAee dwoid lewrongý, wben aa neîd ur M onatlts ntii y curece-aImsuillav e roncps i i. -~.1-..~- l--h.- eu t usdt aebenkeu 10 The mur 7 Vtyn v has ogiad he isbeen- in usýe r oer30 Imarn, Lias brue the sgnmatnre of aDsbas bWnn iade Under bisper- ont o o Queto dee;youLaitthisI ati Catrai A, miS ubstituto fora tr 01,,r gorec, Drops" and Sopt)ehing Syrupsm. ItisPesn.I contain neithr Opium Morphnfr eother Nrol substanc,5 l A e lsgîxrateeC. l dsrysWr and alys1'vehes.I crs irhoaad1id Codlae 3I1releves Tpeiehg Trubles, cures constlpatioul and Flatuiency. IL sniaethFodrgutsth oiach ad Bwespgvî7ng healtý!hy rndnaurl iep que chudldns Pnacea-The ilItcer's Erieud. CENUIN ALWAY IUse For Ove'r Qycars The- symptome cs f une cbd pois- cning are many auiv\aaied. Df r mon, epeially thatform called by the suffrcîis «iinus"There 1inp, a1dlu evoro casesu thJIck- enugf the arterial wis msn palpitation uaudotetruls jTetreatrueu-t et te un aei exeos andof gent arc, muclhie hectîO otu onditions are ýcuusedi j ~ - bàa xescfsmtigi thel froio for-ming if'possýible, nbich is cf~ ~ ~~\"Iy coreCebotrwy r Muet h o g it(aid f if l' euy ormed, The teuonntse sronýgly advo-1 cateci yPr. Aexndr aig, the great Egiciauiort n this subjeet, iL lrgely negutiven. Ho suys if yoîu doe net tke mny une I s-i -I in Ai __cud' vn wlinet Ia,,- bait se firom it, and 10h xiii net ho pudt te0-the nbter cf gettingý incliined te omp that bis liet1 cf tule friie sdsergn oînen bt stre1onsbut àt had 1ufres fim une acbdtroublesj muet lend a carefuýIl !>lf a1t1de i1f Ilbey n ondoîain elef Folr oadinary caes tere are t-brc mes wAii'ilh shicdi hostrictlyJ .I kpt : Live x ery tem-pe-ýraey, eut iin il gea t mdriotuene aI Tlîech s ind hob ptactive b1 hîtiug and ,i1undant friction,1 and the more exercice in the open air the(,btter. For persons obl!-)ig-, cd e lx ea sede](ntary lttî mattr cfope airexericeis a i ial îxeif beyn old eeptheir uni aîd lon h abou aIt,ýe point.i THE LAUGH TONIC. T1iiere i- ne -nîr eanîtiful toube thuýen gond, baaylaugitea,. Il in- fate lu lugead bs1amagi off oc uponthe ~1steru Gg loti WeasTbe u nrd t ioateSAtbranO lie is oîicing. - gs.ol opIfh the itsStSoiiruucos !lmefr u o INP sk Tëe or ý, r,,,dgto ith e The coronatc ion ob ,peetd teans thut the entertIVuinment wasai Because Thon hast eaoued m he rpeee tei 'so î eut as a grand finae Icf bisý Tby lesM oruringin P a y OU NMUST MEEOURBouO FâmAGAZINE BAaInSc W otnd00,o ~7 paono t-corne te the en-id (cf bis !eQrct Beor7e ordiipifor next year. It nonls forty juges <faeca SitzbcageuisnUe of te few TFhe icla "cf siig cthelsdd j offersichdin a heIadSUmaieade botriod icals, It cntisas, yo-t ucmue ymyIyctocre ohm u ibwdl show yu ow te aemoyo your Critna uying. Lik stars bu the firmameIint -s-i- nto.Asoomi i h ol teetaaac netyc eoThàim neeig anda Moon-avng rcaogue l FeUEE ing, fon1utecWstee i ccddta eeu hudbv Ty pbenei t ulmenssa ut Anitailiasnuiobemn, wV0aise tue usei of it after lim, and etho iReenofeve onpy,3AsrPlcewok 1 T y g o o u es a u m e o y e m i- elnu g e to tu - A s tri mn u n b ii y , s n k à I Sw t a il! is g og e e nu s Eftt- 1L _ _ _ __d ing lis orseerl C r s ceoî'inimmkiugige in theNv,________=,4________________J___ Hav bagiîene th das tut is ivbng us a cressng le eeràbuOffors cfn-CilMpid empleon t are puet. Veu.the Young man 'efnsed beracaueHeU Mace wccrby essnso sauet ef gretee prporiontelose nus honeet eennugote rueonzemin cf iudividunliy, and Yeuganohe.Thel are mualy surpil-i Adagbt by hetsea<'bins i t ffces temoninà ny battie wams thut hlmckedJ the abiciyAtSdethredeofron1 iiuteriil th!ILat ie coin c uit h lgbue c îtn dres tho capture cf the iRedax, whcre xvork witb creit. Al hon asfit îîulee tt oi xeî ex ado l a pk ofrx. vin)e, o thad-ce tofcesnom io st toevOei'y forlho declared, rab teuho a street liar te the lnds, tdey 5"cm telex luiinî-teon Ithepier. v-ien cam We weicnie nith feelings o-ld tciyto mn.scavenger. istu aua iu ene'tease se eifInsntcl noce Stutitice prexo that nerly tnci-Needless s te saiy 1ho get t ihejob. ppele anîd the norld tutis botYitlnîy. itecoio. O-n touan nne hudired Àad ibids cf tue lettrps Carind by the Senon the - ýoInngdandy nhe nsed the ý,:il. ' nîne. w~~M orlds postal soruicce a-ýre n wuitten, "te1ep-ond moneyAut tho rate cf iThe iqiiciîy a=d1uitcfto TOMCIE QECE sent te, and rend by LIsb snpeak ,ooT(1( nepstuestMetiu ies1inreneslunuohe na Uc1 uy lbors cf Ieo und cf dnty 1l.00di _____eps ___sc is ý1 ' -Through-4 ('F lita - uscre e44breet- -eek and i bicbci lv ' lecaair f -1 îy Te mi Mar. Popinjy fuliling -ou LUI happy. n~~~~ear sied petticoats and jackts., nes"is dki~ a Te, robe in lt- animet f eut Ieaunfuefr'vea7,77lSo-I1 c',te1hii iiciuaî1nd1 tj1eue oinith kinictS nise. oeue fer every 963.jthe soldier, tue Ylbeurîcani, he nmi- o aests cl tiedu b bii Yeuuoissc ii wnuclI aI ib. Ilu Egldand SVPWu les abune1 berinun, the nt cAslab<rea aud ,rin,,tîcq iî'n nuhrp t Me Iani Ilaned u liuypi cuiîi Tho cod u, tat e may net in four ;cf the ppolation bs t1lae- ail bo i euexpos-od te nnyadcn ic herlecs Ill te te ie aebt usdrt wavocr, co)ur n bute 0et 02fceSavingc the elemeuts nmiiifîîd l r.inta îniorc oipesn Thut ligbt nhicb forever shah Bank, lu Iroland one in ton, adThomýas,'Ecetîbiýo 011ia truc and atbîdîoîdthifccriftee chine' in Seotia.d ue bu cleven. j fr'ithfrfiend. Tceonce pain, re- te1ae oiîg he uen ei a ham , ed1 iilgint~-h AdR ihthe signe cf Thy faîca F'nder tic Aîîctriau poor ian' Love eolds. daes Mnnds. c cliani,, ieti'Caxi stila u Gi ap . 0tlcutlutaoets u One Tbousand Nbnednex eay rmui sîxYyemrs od S w nt It-,lmago and overcoîraenai ,adduiîtethîe'strI r- MisPkis'EcemeMa Nine. TMASO. ld te a pensioIn oI te eue third -it busne equal. Thoefoe, t à w b ea cd ringrl nl'inpii ~ btthore ae ln-esnhc ENASX theaoset perday nbich ho bas' cbould bave a place b inà!oblee nn s ncic (mi, b lmoeI round loquenc is tacherouiti*place.If Gamthuret, Ont., 1908. eaaned durig bis woaking cinys. mibue,s aud those take-nona jorter o ches. Ther kii-rsdth not 1011 ndsb e popltei qestion, p î lu SontbGreonlaud the celer cf neî . , lu <I loxi, 1the kuîee, acit, arîc ho due xiiti the ai iconwhich a womau ics ho Ltiei'- pou erjfuýl legslu ten. The Foeecf Il dige sti on. -In diges- round 1ur bnddenotes the social AHiPt C 1STO MS. lieuxy indigo -tockiug is V thIxhil ei:bas Priaet sk 'nn tien) isý a cormmon abîment and fe' _____are_____________t!_ cfae em riil. Tt is a moc i-te r h rxiei ue 'dé-tciia taessincompeilait and Often the oucalonot pOSSby have ad51 e'yritlL. [tncrn snfferig uttendng il is most se-1 l lYdou er gloat. o 'ev nUtîîîe c- îns I aksa i hut egulit- aer .beit1ter Cûico---a1 MU: han ie cents andc x oei n oos ir uLie P k vere. Tvey-kbt ered!iIliands are cf sncb a niture cth ____________________________ M ii 1 l 1 1 - - __- ---- 1 nllCcordîîîgh detons.Tbev roc- tify thejirregulaaction cf the -ste- mach and restere healthy action. For mauy eas tbey bave been a stardard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and, are lîighhy esteeru- ed for theba qunhihie-s. Baaacine ,are tI lize'Cdin u cop- ()aagoutlhe Ws 'oe tAf- aiea. A deidiou s din adassann food. Fragrant, titosand ecoanoical. TUi excellent COUo maitans hesystem in robust healt, au enales t) 0resist winers etrmecoil SoU! by Groces auJ Strekeepers ii is.b, udj iAl Tns. if thel- lie eut clf thie bolton atî= cf progreýsetheir ci ilm'iiMOI11 roîniii-torvous unchauge.-'The Arun sland ' n hIeest cat ~~~~Iý I enctesubjeet cf a actývi iclumie b> 1rM. J. hM. Sxuge. are sthli r puiitie, andc 'i r tceou these isande liesaa imost permasoua canctea. s ill io bîcethis snplo hlixboe ah i aitis u vnwî, to eliîî if tue ut-iti(- bjnt îtu, d'- îlffe' 5i,~ lu ut nir, i a. risumt~ tisi,' e5~ U ri<Žr Ai. r guvro ans~ Irai- naoa si w1 Cata elogu.i sepo seuof Cie Un(" ers, son iht lscn feunl iej ci r Gian Letuc orColssa cote: S r etsei. Writet-day and name your dmoe, a o *ic Dar.h& IunerSeed Co,,Lmtd London, 0Ont. 4 j v "canruifulySay that 1 beleve that but for th'e use of your Emiulon I, would1 long since have past ork ouldnot vwalk upAhillwitout coughing very hliard." F~ls, aJd mh imore was \Wwlitn byàMr.G. SV.EHower- wedouilk to send you a fMl coyof bisletr or y('u1 btionyone of dte nîan1y ipros that is e uhe mItLrnghein .1deviaiin rpa~o 0ntewol. xe nta "d -'-ubor o ideas (oSCOpToiT LdoWeso- --W+Uju4u--ý--ý,L----I,-.ý-ý,-ý-t- -19--1