Jb aaý ,0JO a year in advance;,f- $1,50 to Unitedi States. BOWLMÂNVILLE, ONTARJO, TATU1-SDAY, J &N UA1R 14, 1909 VOLUME, LV, No 2 M. A. JAMES & SOINS, Proprietors. Th~ Jaes Paers XiLSit 1Thirty-five Hundred oesWeky Jollltou & Cryderman, will from to.day sel' al Ladies' and Missels' Coats at ene--Third Off the regular price. ThiÈs a rare chancei to get a New -Up-to-date Coat for very littie money -also- alil kiuds ofPrsand'Fur-Lined Coats at greatly reduiced prices. Couch Johnston & Crydierman Grocers' Due Bih takenag ah THE BURNS' PRICE 1.5 LOWEST. Rubber Bargains Just Recei.ved men's Jersey eboth(h!rnt Men'a Rubbers, ail sizes------C5e Ladies' Overshoes inie Jersey $ 1.251 J'OC-key Bos MePersu' LibtnngHitch andj Qother populaIir styles., Tan orBIO Men's f Unl ockcy vwlt-b ankie d c, os~d L adies,'S t yies Anukh- supports, god ......... 25c, Skate straps, good------0 Hocke-y laces,ra id.,.. O Winter Comfort Ladies' Overgaiters, colors, Ladies' Choice FeIt Boots Ladies' lieuse lppr Chldren'a Stippers. Men's OutýDOor Com rnfoi Hîeavy Feit Styles Rubbers and Sheep 'Moecasine Rubbers wlth Leather Legs FeltiîLled 'Liglit BQots Our heavy rubbers are the old reliabie "Gerr tý". We are tak- i ng no chaces wÎthany new PBrand good leokes iseaan A l-3va zr Tc Ail BANK 0FP MONTREAL Capital 4,000 Rest - Total Assets $1 2,000,000 $ 183,169,159 0Savings an he-a'l Office, Mnra -a- for aniy Magazine or! NeWispaper pubiishedi1 liii Il! LOW-EST PRICES LADI-Es, o eao(,h month, Peloubets Select otsfor 199 1.00 Tl T.ALLEN, Blg '20 Boklatore. Quaflity First la some uînes of business price may well be the great talklng- point> Those whe eau bay best and seli bew- es,,t have semething iuteirestiute say te the public. IN THIE DRUG BUSINEbS ii's different. ult regardiese e! price should be thel main factor, and 't leý hgee what yen bily here la une of drugs and medicines wffli be o!~ ~~~~h rsh uladpislsed wîll samequaitycan eer-be beugt for c CI, TEE ýQIXALYTY DlauGgI5T5 HOW ERCHA.NISMA HL THE1 The West End lieuse have Issued a MIî paze sheet that has been freelv c ir- cniated witbin hthe m ,agameaof BGw- mianville anucn thoir annual Je- Unry sale. The heavy a3erts%7 caâmpalga. carried on, durieg thAs slaek trae sasevbyThe WestEnd Hous-e --rd âhe atacIn te ffeýr eUt cf.i tewun buýers te oatti place by the! wVide( pnI3eity givenapaeul gn nlneý bargaîn, openis nup fte question .- o! hew al flmmmayinoidleütally beneýfit the ten 'wle perbape ekigpïimeiïy Or ir ewu aeea.Tefiini refer- red te w7flne dýoiibt reap the benefit o! t.heir owu entiempise, but tLeme can be ne deubt but that other merchants wîl1 gan tra de and advutage by the c,m-> piastaýrtedsund cammled on by the WetEud Heuse, lu thîs way the -whole town wiIl be the gainer by euei ffi m , sud wheu the genemai condi tion o!, dUlîneas of trade at this seafsoni s conu- Bidemed, the benefit i, s net lacoursîderabl'e. IîERSLAIKE The West End Diug- gist bas the soie agencv for a pep7ralkio e! CAd Liver 011 orlglnated b,; the Mlerrlt Cem lCe) cf e w Y o 1 r, Tbisfis a ceînbin(tlon o! ypo. i, Quinlno and Pe-pein. 11, ls selentiiieahiy pre3- pared, se ýts te be toler- ated O.v elicttOm- a.Ch 1 Persens lqwhe Iid orlnary CU4 Li;er Oil Eui.siGns, uauseating Pan take thi8 prepara. tewihgoed resits. R Isau idealttouicand o~dbreaker, The îprie is 40c for i bottlueor qbotisfer 1 0) A3K ABOU1l r IT AT F, R. Kerslake's The West End Drugglst. ODD VELLOWS DINE. IGIonPRAISE FOR FI17NE Wonu, A new epech la Odd!ellûows' instal- lainceremeuy was auaugurated Wed nesday ight- when District Depaty Grn aster Frankr Proer and tearn !rom Phobenix Ledge N-o, M2 Oshawva, lnstalled the UeW (offiCers e!f Florence6 Nightir-gale Lodge N, 66, I0.O.O.,,a a niauner neyer before wiYjtnessed lan the anaiso!Of delosinlaBowman- ville.Iü- rl gaiyn eea tieni and supreme stsa to ethe veterauns e wOrnF1U-,euce Niginlgale over 201 ugcdsiný. hïetr ceerony with acôpnlgfoor- work o! an a-ttractivechracerwas ariedtrough withouit tie Iuse o! a ,pitdritual Or withe'ut a hitch or errer and won unstiuted pra-jise !rom aIl who wejre fortunîate eneugh te be i the ledgeroom, The team per-sonneilwa:.DGM Frank Procter with hsi Atn Grand officers: Grand Warden-R-obt. Sproale; Grand Marsal-J,. Ralleran; Grad FnanialSec-WThocmpson; Grand Recordîng 1Sec--PercyArod Grand Treasurer -Thýorn1as Knox; Gr-and Gaardin-J Batchiard, The oclear, reaidy, ipesv ine in hchthe cha;rgeýs were deliv-ere el)icited warrn commeadation frenI pre vio S D.D. G. M's aud oth)er rmemibers Ihe new oflicers of Florence Ngtn ýgaleLodge No. 66ý are:- L P. G-re .Foley; Recordîng SUc.-J. J. MJasenl; Finauncial Sec.---arry Alliai; Tr-easiirer-MUarkus Mayer; -Ward!eni-W J. JefferyV; Coud cterJohnMClntyre; ChapLin-Richiard Allen; R.S..-T. WesleyOa er L.S. S-Jos, Dillng; B. . N G.larry Bice; \, B. S. V. G.-E. A. Lovel Organist Ceu Os'lbne; MarhalWilertJ. EHoar; Propeýrty Oom'imittee-FV. F.Moris W. . JffeyW. Edger'; Finance-, O.Je-well, EL. Bice, J, Allia, (Geo.1A. Stepiens~ Sickand isitng ommte-.H AndrsnJ. 11a,11 F O. Pethlick, 'R. Allen, F. A. ladF. rdn W. Ed- Adorunntwsmatieafter inIstal-ý lation to D. LaUttrell'ýs new r estaurntî wýhere two hours we-4re spIelt by about 100O Ilem 1bers in ejyogtebivalves, and 'good hueer. ïDr. Dtxitît î wSes cair- Gran Materof Ontarlo, Mr"U, n ProcorMayr-elet . JMason), MIr E. M Cla-pp ornt Ldg o.-î71 ; on i S left - 3Mayor-elect B. IH Juames, OshawNa; Bey. L. S. ighlt B ÀA.1B D., Bih ton., Mýr. E BBoasai, Editýr -M. A. jamnes. A futli round o! s>peechies waýs prpsdand ail dnly 'h-onered, the principal speakeurs being Bey. Bros T WV Joi11 liffe ndLS 'Wight, Mayors PR1-R James and -J J Mason, lF proctOrý PF O Pethick, J Butcharc1, J C Devitt, MA i Janîes and othejrsý. So weýmre alveni BOWMANVJLLE'S IMAYOR AND iMAYORESS. mR, JOhN J. rMAsON. TUE DIAYORAL ADDRESS At the inaugurral mneetinig, o the To-,n Counceil on Monday feeoon, Mayor Masoni read this address: To the Coumcil, of the Corporation oJ the Towvn of Bowrnancý ville. GTENTLEMýEN :-Be!fore taking up mat- ters of business which will engage our1 att-3ntion dlurinig the year, -permît me te congratulate each o! yen on your elec- tien, To be selected by the electers freon among such a large Est of gentle- mnen of high standing in the tewn who peritiýted thmeir inames to be pflaced la J nomination, is oertai.nly ne smnall honer. 1 rnay aIse take adv7antage e! this op- portuanity te thaak the electeors throngh you for t h e hour conferred upon mysel! la placiug me in this important position. Itbis neot my in tention te out1ine aay particular prograrnfer the year's busi- niess, ï. do net knew that there la any.U mnaterial advantage la deing se.Mat ters o! impertanc-e will be brQuight te yeu ntie'frorn time te time as the1 consieratofo!them may'seem ays abè èel confiidenit tha-t Ceeryt1il1g whichray ;,e introdued wili receive' yerbesi ttfen1tiona nd iudgrnent, iî believe it te be the du-ty of every niera- ber o! this Boardt te neio, ofly ttenýid careu-clly te ail matters of! ordinaýry bus- iness whîch milay ceme before n, bait eatch miember should devote considerable time and theught la endeavorinig tei devise ways and means o! promoting the ïinteresta ,o! the tewn. 1 would much prefer that any suggesti'ons fr imprevernent she(-uld grow naturallyout o! a general combined progressivee ffert, than by trying te follew and work eut atty particular schemes. As the Local Option By-law was the miain issuelounecion ie )recent election, it may net be out o! Place te say that it will becorneo ur duty aftüer the law cornes into force on the f[irst o! May next, te see that it is properly en - forced1, aad 1 arn satisfled that the Oeun-. --il will be a uniit 4in its deterination te, DURHAM OLD BOYS IN TORONTC. FLEASANýT EXETigVE GATHERXNG. ThoeiewYear wasvushered la mýs dell jg hfu 1lv b1)y t'he Du)-orbhau ln 's' t'en cf -Mrs. Thoàc seh, h first s(ocial Inaction of the year was; prtiepeîed là bu aarme etoering j uer beautifalresidence 73 Rxbercughi As&e Tooo, Frlay evenig.1he ate Mm. ~ ~ U Cawl wsfr v ears thP abl su hlhhye8steemeýd City Solicitor o! l'rnesdtek a 1iveir I, ntereet in; Ceuny. hie Ineresti is stVI retanedl aunmtaod by hie mach eSteýemfed widcrw who takes a hindly ineret l Tcrntos urbniOýd PBeys end she Mr and Mmn RyCO'Hara, Mr and Mme W allae iMassNU and Mr& T YelIow- lees r, M.sfd MrsM hi te, MmS Hughes, lMis Scott, msdMsE ahntn ,Ur sud lýl W Crpig Mr udMme j D) Kleace, lierDr and lMms Talling, Dr oggîn, Dr and Nrs F W MArlWe, -r su r JJCplai r u Mtls Wkett, Dr WandmeFmnk T"eb Prlieck, Dr j UdNMr s llt, m 1'W StsrkDr: J T Giimour ýand Mm'Ur mos aad msy othiers L'Cffee, dl cy e- remet ud iceceam .weme s"rved and regaied nil presen-,t, aadi a reahly delightlnl program of seng sud litematt ,wae ablv, sustainecd by Mm sud Hrs G Yonng luinduos, -Mr J D Keahiewhois alwsve ale sdtviliï lu-- ougMr, MRS. JOHN J. MASON, seei that thait thï is dty wvill be per- !orrnied. 11, the meautime I think tIhat theerpai voie e! the people should be takeni as'a mandate te their represea- tatives and efficilals te see that the pres-. eut license law i la fu11observed, L desire te impress on each Commrittee the importance and necessity o! pranctis- iug the meest rigid econom--y in the ex- pendfiture e! the people's irneney. The fixed, charges everwhc we have ne control are se larger t1hat eüvery niunce-ï essary expense mue,-t be avoided te pre- veut haviug te levy a, larger tax ratte than le desirable. To this end 1I would1 recommend that the Ohairman o! eachl cemmittee shah mke it a mie te censuit bis fulliccernrnittee i l ah atters, giving every itemi- caref-ni and complete consid- eration before any exnendituLre la under- takenrrc mad , sô that at the end o!f the year w'e shaîl be able te s'ay that for every dollar expenýded thle town bas baqs rejeiyed fual value, andI that ýnet an uanetýcessary copper bas beeni spent, Whe1 have perf.ct conifidence ln the officiaIs e! the t&c,'n, st-ili I thinkj thait each Ohaiiirmanii (and other members 02 comttees for ta mter, heuld give eeuhtinie te bis dprieete becomue mla with et leat ail gener- ai~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ s matr etîigteeo ethati eahmeniber rnay b1qlfe d tesuggest cagsthalt 1wiPll edte greater efft'ic- W ithout th!e slihtest desire or in)clin- ation t enictte t ny e! the commit. te'es, Ishah consider itmy riglt te be made cqnindina ageneral Nway with ail mnatters pertaining lte the Irraso the town. 1. shaht be pleased te meet with aay conmuttee wheunever possible e! every miember o! the COcncil. 1 hope that harmony will mark .al ouir deliberations during the yarand thatIý through 'Our united efforts the ixn- tere'ste ! Of rnanvi illbe greatlýy adyanced dmuring orternio! ojffi3e, Mayor, THE LAT£ BEY. D. O. CROSSLEY, PASTORPASESAWAY AT Frem WkibCronicle-Ga.;zettc. WThit-by lias not, sustained a grea terj ShoLck ,foer sonie tinte thanb!Y thje snddeun andIc uneaxpýecddeath e-arly Fliday moning o! Bey, !D . O rssethei beloved pester e! the 'Method!st Tabe3r-! nal. r rossley had been 111 but a !eW days, and ne ene thoughtasbisn.1 neeýs e! a serions nature,,Ile preached las,,t S-)nj«ay lreming in the Tabernacle as usual, aise at Ihnonds lu the a teu- noon. At the evening servie he was !rdtepauise dumîng the sernieun aud, rest a, !e)w minutes lu the Ret'y e- t Lnn efisedbiseon it stmegth and vigor.' MLoudaly lie was quite iii with acold bujt got upilu mthe afte-mnoon ndvot,ýç for Lo ption, . Re returned iuni Q- iately te bed Plurisy was soon d ii g- cl ei- the enrm ot suc! wvardsand severa 7 it "Vas reporte(l t Let the Propemrty1 ite numne At hie chanige prop-o) ,d carne peaceflIly îihts cannot be Sco,ýuIldont ith- tuesas 11 any i oaflt ! te powýïer!nl r er pro!oundfly ,, . V 1 by tlbedehath f Mr, . knlew' thle late pastor- ~ test, Retoojk Life rex 1t e;i (1\.lù it reautmnach!-îr oda everyone. fle was a wre-ee (ino service for Others. Ris indoxu'. itable spirit ke)pt his cllicate physiquï, to its tasks whenles courage and pluck would have, been vanq-uisheùd. Tho poor and needy hsaveý losit in Mr, (!rosley a friend, indleed. Oniy God Rnwa that MUr. Croýssley id 'for aud gave to' those oini distress. Du,-ring the late Local Option e î-ý paig!1 one of the most an~ive workeç theD one citizen, perhaps, who had -he subjectinost ather-w CMr ros iy : He spared flot him;elf. le wrote aý id preachledl and. canivassed and planuOd for theo local option cause. And thouý,gh the bat'utie was neot won this time, his work wus not ini vain. Daniel Oliver Orossley- was born aýt King,ý Ont., Dec. 24, 1818. He was the third son of ?Mdr, N. P. Orossley. He seudi.ed for the irnlnistr y of the Mýethomd- ist Episcopal Church at Alb)ert College., WaS probationer on tho charges of Brai-rptont, Nl and Oakville wa ord.aied by Bishop Richardson lin 1874; spenit thiree years in evanigelistic work;? had been pastor at Trenton, Bigh.tona) Oampbellford, Deseronto, Newburg, Belleville Tabe)ýrnaclIe, 1Napanee Wet,, 1Peterboro, (Chiarlotte S,,)Bowinn- viLe arid Whitby. mrX.OreSsley-was on of the Whitby district, and had fôrmer-ý ly b)een chairman of the Bowmauvillé diïstrict. Mr. (Jrossley married Miss Annie Lloyd, King, who with a son and daughter, Misq Ethel survive. JLe-v. -1.T. cOssey,' the famoua evanlgel'st, 0on l srviving brother, wiýtlà bis co-worker -Mr. Runter, wa8 holding meetings in Lan)sing, ic. sd reath- ed here Saturday eveni.ng. -Mr, Parker Crossley, merchant, Brace8bridge, QIilUy Son o! deceased, also cieSaturday, M EMORIAL SERVICE. Sund.ay merning a me(mor.ial service wazs heinl the tabernacle. The body o! theI dead pastor lay in a beautiful oak, casket iii front o! t he desk, The pulpit and choir l!ft were) draped in black, and il ronind the plat! ormimeet beat!iful floral tiue were arranged, Besides numerous private off eringS, there were floral designis !rom the Officiai Board, S3unday School, Ep vo-rth Leaigue, Ladies' Aïd, Almond's cî~h o! %7heilhe had been paýstor. l'heécliurch was crowdled, a-l dîoi tist church wvithidrew the lïrtrin service that its pe eemight atît i merjnorial service. Rev. R. me-Callocli, Oe ,Pei dctof Con1fereuc, preside Lý î is. H-ymn 601. PraYer--Rev. . c O.Bell. picker1 ý1 g. eyes shail bjelitc.-hox Scipur eadingPSnlm 91 1i1hee 4: 1M te end-Rev, S, T, Tuoker, Cyreen- wood. Adress-Presidlent o! onf rne Hyrnu ii621, Adldresses b)y Revs, D)r. baan (Presbyteriali), aid Rv.W. B. Tighe, Rym.i.. 16 0. Addresýses by Rv J. P. Wilson, B.. !Lindsaly, anid 1Bey. IL. M. ýannin1ge Peterbero. IIYmn11117, Adrdresses by By.E, E. owr MJyrtie, W, B. Tuocker, B.D., Oshawa; BeDr.,ae hty Benedictien by Rev. Roger ,A ElÎnj Erookiu. Monay ornng brefservice was lield at taile holuse, and thenl the rerniie weire cnvý3eed t Te station en route te King, whereite en wa ae a ntunîber of imemlbers o! the -ýOfficiai Bord o! the Ohuarch acýomnpanying the remains. L ET'S BHA VE MOR0 L B T S. Cou cil leý to con-sid er th-e trewn ibt Itbis aburuing questioLi t1-uly. Tt soltion, Scores o!fitzeshave a real giev'aniceoOn the distribution o! street1 iehý aild11 o is thétiLuc tc mnnnidkw sa