HOCKEY MATCH The hkocýkey season copened hoeeFri- day nLght wbenWhV ltb,'ýs fasttintermod- lte 0 HA. team clashodi sticks wit aur lcal boys. IL was (expected i tat itltby was g-Oiug ta mtke a "ak away a!f it as toir lnoup lias bocri pra("clalyh ie samle for severai- ears and theoY have beeu ina0. flA compan' for 'iv e carq, witereas te Bowmanavill e players hinae ver piaved togoýtiter or taken part la an 0.H.A. gme. T-ii weg quite anu danaoin Whitbv' favor. NI, F. C Sagitorune, West Torentc, one !fte beet refereesin te associatIon, kitandled Lite a o tte -aifcto f bayth toe aad spectatore. The ie was lu fine conditijon, anid tram te qstart botit toame went inLa o wln. Bowmanvilllo was te firet ta score, Hooper doin i,-te ssiCk after fIve inrutes piay. Tiis seomed ta waýk8 upRBlanchtard &Coe, as thev soon put twaj zoals paet Citartran giing ithem te lead bv one goal. Rushes wiere madeoan bth sides and thc goalkeepers weso clled lupon ta o r2icve sev;er&l limes, Roy Jones scored te s-cond goal for the localis lortly before half ime from; a cýross-offili front cf Whiby's goal, thus matklG; the score 2-2 No fusther scoslng was doue in titis haîf Alter tite resthinterval botit teirsi came back etrong Cmîainwas. indulged ln by bath sido3s, but the for.; wasds woýr-, e oinl their shooting. Litnos' was accidentally bit ilte facel haviig -ta retire fromite gamo for some tmae aiug a Wý ittby man wlth hlm. This seemaed Io weaîen te local eam mnore titan Whitby as te lîatte3r were pressîngghbard on te DBowmanville de- fenco. but te fine wosk vo! Rowe and Joues kept Lhem from nscoring Whýitby made a final rui-h in whlch Lte wholo team, wlitLte exception ofcite goaal- kceper, trokz part and snceceeded ln soigLte winning goal. WFýith five mainutes left Bnwmaniviile Lied hard ta even te seore , but te game enided 8.2 in Wiitby's favor. Hlome lessons, as sometîmes enf.osced, sasSir James Crlchton Brown@, are an invention cf the evo ne, Parents a-ud toachers, riAd te artIecon îmuer AIf ý ou are tro)ub1ed with Eczem'% or any other skln EC ZEM disea e, tr'. the ret kin food whlch has been Care,ý iailyyfrepared by Dr. Sars after seý ral months of F tidv ýand exporience Uan eindisoases. IHohas mnade it so active upron the i, or sres ht when once applied it WiIl taka- awav ail redneses and m i i nl dlseaeed ekin ritssua and put thoein Into a healthy, smoth 5ondition. DR, SPARK'S VEGETABLE 0OINTMENT Whleh le a puraly vegotabloc ampound(, ihïgighyeomeddfur aIl sin dis- caRseýsuscb ais Old Soi ea,,Pixnpie Icchinesc, lEuning and Cold Sores, Barber'si inlageboes25c. F~o, sae by F. R. KERSLAKE Latd al ire-ls Druggists. vl"bis £&Mowidl s gya luinclor. CIIINA ilALI SPECIALS FU Tolt opper box- i('3 cake Peals g, od 3 tinsfor Uorns ~cad ' Info To atesg)ood 3 tins for 10esconfly 0o Salmon Uns 2 ins PalrL,ý mps only 10 b it pr imes 3 olly $1 50 la] y $2,y $225]a 2 cny 23 0QO]ar i only $L00 la 1 Only $ 50 la] 1 cul y ý 1 Complote Stock of L GROCERY esi 8c or 92 for,. .. .. . ... f e ach taoffer at thsrie 4 will clear at tho fllowng4 mps for....11 each. amps for........ i1.85 each + ýmps3 for ........82.35 ach ,mps for . .35eaeh ýmp for......4,35 oach amp foir 85.3ah ehice goeis GROCERY ý?4 V= U =D ntStopn - the otrance or be satisfled iwith takln g a look lu the- winidow buit came right ln you are 1weleome and we Are boraFe to sýhow goods and givec prices and --V will not bore you ta buy. Juet ask ta sec aur Rattan hThe Queen ocfFrts are the sourec f ï the chiief irigredient of TitoTorouto News says: Very roftern "Tory 'Toronto" doos flot mix Up parti- eau pouLies witit civic affaire Ms., T. Ur quhart le a Lîberal, 'and was gîvan a third term. .-Lest yeas, out a!f ive mombers compoing te fulil Board o! Contrai, fous weso Liberal And ane Conservative. Titis yearte numhors stand: T7nsee Liberals, two Conserva- tîve% Ms Olives was a Liberal, vet ho was re-elected Mayos on New Year's Day by probably te largest majaslty oves given ta ans' mail far a public office lu Canada. 0f1te total twenty- titree membors o! Council, including elgiýtten aldermen, four Controllers and te Mai as, thirteen are Liberals and ton Conservatives. Ail hree aldermen fram Ward Tiree, te wealth- lest ward a!fte cls', are Liberals. Thýe old.fashlaued cauintsv siaging scboitool ospelling-MAtcl taI 50 yo 7arS and more aga, and te] at ter espe lalils, in West Durhtam, was Lte favorite asena of local 1cîrî ihg and tit, winter entetainentJ! rauv a coun3tr Fide, have a]Lsnst êntirely dsperd Perliaýpe cuit'ry)n foU o ro ay cari pî as correctis as id their fatiterS and mothers, and mucit bette ttan te averae esideun lu I*s' or town but it le certain L2e. dOotaLgeL' as mucit fun oiito!1iheir Lknowiedgeofo uhgah as d iv, the c mrs' ýfol.k of-a goeraîlanï aga î I hon evo3nug afte velng itrougliaout titelonýg wtrwassen lu these battîce oves te wards, te raýed agaînet that o! anotiter, aithe contet aroued as muait interest;i îl iocallty as a hockey ma'tch deus ta ay Editars are itum!an and appreclate ai jkîud expression ]ust like otiesr epe We do o ua1pbi ï ilrte nice oiin tiat corne La thi office-we, dou't like ta publistao muait aboiuîourselves. iecaUse wo dû o uaLiDert maav para grapli luthesoe olumnn%, te!avFre uaL Lte lese valutable ta us andi holp toaon. couragei us la greater effort antci bettes service lu btittai!of aur tupwards of IwenLy thGusan"d readers alilCDaeute worid. We welcome expressions fromn ans' o! aur Intesesteti readers at ail LImes. We like La know witat thiey hrik cf aur work. If Lies'cnsugs auy popular imptro)vemeint ttat we cari make we want La knaw IL If we h'ave saiiooeL thtiat appeals La lte good we desîr every aonc cf aur roa.ders La feel thattitislehi or heu papes andti t act accordlngly. Hevnssake edo't t t'Lainsuct an, bcdv-nlessyau ailauempt-v enal- bin lu a seves e %win-ter c iraloe." NMean- inQr tiat people prefer ta sead te frir- clous about te falles and fibles cf ituman nature Tihe oung mani, am o, ani Fame aider ones. , prefes the ligbt stars' papes, teeus oatew !rothv te(-cheap love sceLnos, whiid shoulti appeai anis' ta ite uomaulic street girl.- Mon o! wosth, o!ctasactor, o! enterprise, succeseful business (men, mehnefarmers. professianal mien. do urit oWbintheir ilîutal pabulum anti wiri their suces by f-eei-dl nud nousiubiig theri inde ou sucit rnbbiait Hereaa ie sio curb t t tits ondtin a yutitThe inteects o! it ctîtirn reua doelpei.Thev are rit edua ferilu L ueýr sris -e. Th itai tacierscapbleo!developiug their ,,0de ta i-v ta guasp te sclid, Lt deep, Lite iigitor L itînge ita lace ,a imi or w7oman iteati sud sitoulýdors abjovo titeir fllwsN) med(iocre te jmïjrq,,e(ntý Thei weli davelonetâi parag-raphs are more iiàlewingma news frcm ",)"o'bojSs and girls far Iromn the lomeianld of Durhsm. Mr. .Josepbt Cale, Red Deer, Alta , Ii for- wardibis 1 ordor for 1909 papera, writes: 'rha paý,t year bas been onue of' generai prosperlty for Aibertat. The crops were 1ail gcod tiron1giout ihe province and thero is a reildy market for overything that the fairmers have ta sou.L We had a fine summüer and de Ilghtfllfa)), aed thc e eather. bas been very pleasant up to thie presenrt Lt le sonma coider and twe ha-ve just got c'ur freýt eleghing, This le the Uirne of ye5ar when tie aaby-man who fancles ho bas P. griav. ance againt ite ýprîinter sends along- lis -dn'twVant ýour paper aflYlonger. " This paper acos rnot get many aunch is- sives, but an occasional one cores- always tbrongh tho P.0 , ot couirse,ý if te man ives ouly next door. Auother species of baby-mani ete publie mani wha bas had lis doEe of newspaper criticlsm for some action of his that bas Dot been approved by the people and the editor said so. t lealright asl long as favorable comment appears. Dut iççhent otherwlse "ýStop miy paper" le the revenge ho infficts. Suait baby acte make aree smule, Advlceofo groat mon. succeseful busi- ness mon and athers has been freely glven and pabllshed. Tho latest we notice ie from Lard Stratheonîla Cana- dian Comnmiss-lier to Great Brïtain: "Tell %ouv 5youug mon and y0aun- women readere ta keop persever.nceo before them evory momnent o!1 their ilves anid ta procood slOwly and Eurelv. OP. partunity comes tafomre more frequonit. ly than taotherp. Titere are ver-,y few whomLt doesïnot viit at ail. qubv gat to be ready for iL. If ýouj are not prepared, that's ýrour fault. Work steadfly for lmprovement, but don'ti efforts and don.'t vait for your friendsml o t, e"dO ýOrOr BOWM.ANýVILLE COUNIL. The inaug ural meeting o!fte Tow Councîl wae heid lunte Council Citamt- ber Monday forenoan.- Mayor J J. Mason readth ie Mavoral address, witich wiil bo fouritilu ful lu another col)umu. Th ho fliowiug imombers took te de- ciaration o! offle-Mlayor-J J. MaonqD; Iteve-L., A. W. Tole; Councilors3 -J. H,~ Cryerman, Jas. Deýman, F. H. Niasan, J B. Mitchell, F, C. Ptt P. C. Trebilcocki. Clerk LyIe reat te returus <fite municip-al eloctioris aud local option vote, i4ttiug tat 42 is te ajority oves te hreofif! isevote. TIteiawgdraft of standing con- miýttees was ao~d iefirstinlueach beiug chaïimanii FINNCEF.M. Mason, Trebilcool PetIlick coe, ,Petitîck. CEnzTRrat-Crs., der mani, Tsebileock, Tale Fuan ,& WýATER.--De marnýin, Crydorman,, Tale. POIE LF .MaoCryderman, FocuRELEr -ethekMitchell, F. Crydemanpethick, F. H. lasori. -riPetitick. F. G. Loscombe and( F. W. Coucit Rsked pe(rmnissIon taceuL down trees RWerretil leR. &Se.1Commitreo witb power ta act, Granits cf $10 oach wero g îven Litýe Sickz Citidren's ositiand Muskok)a Sauïtarinm, C'ouncîl ajortt 8 p. m.- At te eveIÀing session ditairMan of o! te finance commltoepresented report recommouedinýg pPs Ment o! fol. iwlng cunS MaïCeIolan & Ca, çaal, wood, etc.. $79 06 Elctrie Ligh Co,. service. ...... 2a 15 A. Peînuîugta), 'rO.on fOuonc- 175 Bell Tel, Ca., 6 tuas. service.,, 0(j Clerk's ativa nco.............. ýý - 12 50, A. T'ait. grocesies......... .. 8 771 MûuniUipal W.Orld, supplies....94 F G Lüscombe, bih otlg... 15 Pritig udAdorisnwL.î 0 47 5o Cierk's acet. Lelepitne up- lies 5 ou Total..............188 Permuission ,wasigivon ta.purcliase lumber for Eèase Lino sund Barber's Ci colbideges and 800J yds o! etone ta bo laidj on Outaria Street. Cie! 5fU Fise Dopartmenit duiy pue seniteti repart of tires for pee,ýt year. AppoiDtmonets-Dr J C. Devitt, 111gb etcoa Trusee;- A Barber and J. G Manung, iiuditars-E; Hars' Aluin, Board (f HeaItit; Dr. A. 8S Tllley. itealtit ofies hie! Jarvis, sanît-ars' inspecter. LclOtion b,is1w was given iLs Sud A resolution, ré, botter sewage sys- ternIn jýtawris <as siguedand fouwvardied tas PremierWhny Theoccoiue iliars wauted ta kDewl îho lttwu Stood se te urchase cfj ed to prosent fuil repart cf sanie at iet THE WEST END HOUSE. Jsanuery Clesrin -k?91 Stock must be reduLced 10,000 beýforo stock taking. Ti&i is the w,.ay we intend to do it. You will ftnd everything juFýt as advert-ised. *2 2PER CENT Disý SDry Goods Departmnent. i E and directors sioulu un eionulmEu.very mjan shouki ho a worker and accept office with a determination ta ronder te best possible servJeceon Ite Board It wl]Iboa yar o! work. New grounds mnst ha ftted and fenced, new buildings planned and erected, and other neeesý easy iwork will demand attention and tbougziht. The prosîdont and wiorklng board bhould be convenient as practie able ta Bawmanvill o s as ta bo oasilv and. ofton on tho ground for counsel asd co.operatian Evor3 hody attend the anuai meetinig, FARM BUILDINGSBURNEI A serlous conflagratian took place early Thursday marn-ng when Mr Litho Buttery, who ivejusr Inorth o! town lost ail o! hieoutbuiliulge, somo stock etc. How it originated le a mvs- tery as thora was no aile in or niear the oast barn where te fire itarted that mocrnug Mr. Buttery weul. out &bout 6.310 ta feed hiestock, whioh were in the stables under Lte west baru), and had fcd the liasses and cows and milked two f i te latter, when his little son ,Wha wae out with hlm CaIied ta hie fatiter that thero, was a lot a! steam cong out of the east barn, Lookîng ta seo what ho meanit Mr. Buttery found thbt ît was an flie Negihors sushed ta hie assistance and mast o! his stock and impiemonts were saved, but al of bis sOaSOIIS grain, which had not yot boernarketed, hie winter's feed, hiay, straw and sOoce. besides tùwa fat pige, Lhre caives and somne poultsy, being It was a bitter eold mning and Loa far away from tewater suppiv to se- celve any help fsom nie tawn rire brig- ade, Mr. Buttory bougitt the farm about thrse ears ago, from Ms Edward Beliman, Loas over $2000, parfstycav- ored by finsusaràco. It ile a vers' serions lose at any season of te seas but espec- iaiiy now at te beglnnin g o! winter të be Ieft wthout building-s or eed for hie stock. 3,75 , 2.75 450,, ' 1 3.50. 500 , Nett Blouses 3-75 for 2,50; 4 501 for 4.00. for 3.00; 6.00 PiSaney and plain Pibbon 35e and 40e, sale price ............ .............25o Ladies' Golf Jackets ........... ..half price Ladies' Sbawle and Faseinatars at haîf prioe Ladies' lace silk Ties andi Searfs at hlai prîce. Ltdies' Hauti Bags as,............ hal! price 10 p:.ces Flanuelettes Ibe andi 16e sale prico 12 pieces Flannelettes 14e sale price ..... le 10 91 le 12Îe aud 13e sale pràiee 18 pieces wbite, eream, 1c~, sale prîce . « 9-e Laces and Insertions, reg. 7e, 8e, 10,3 and l2jýe sal prco,...........Sea yd. 20 picees Wrapporettos, 15c, sale prices9e a yd 20 doz. Taweis, regular 30e anid 35c, sale 1prieo.. . ... ý................le Ladies' Under-,vecar,3c and 25e Sale prico 22e Chldren's Tniderwvear, iW0, 35<c, and 40c, sale 10/4 Shaker Ii9ne', .O sale price .-.79e 11/4 , .5saie prîCo 98e Mor.enc ndrek rtrg -$1 W., sale prico ,ý.10 SikUnderekirte, reg 6 00 sale price. 3.00 ~Wole 113e25e, à30e andti3,sale p,-ce Ise a pai r. Woolen Hase 81, 9, andi 91-, sleprce i18e a 12jeFactary Cotton, salepre.....e 8c ,, , 6ec scount O i e' unsig BAK!NG POW DER The onily Baking Powder Royal CGrape Cream of Tartar. SMakes the food finer, more healthful. LNQ AIum-No Lime Phiospha tes Prices in Our posted Bis to Youi.... tr*y&CLmtd ~EDon't Overlook Our 81 âlLN, iF.,Se 1 A S T TH NIC1 ýMr. L K ar, Aylier, la vleltig a' uradvesîlsng is aL ot (, La o i I, F A. H P.d dy'. goco3 n su and nu umore.Fer r xîog pade, fne wrMulg pps Weatvertîse ta,0ng iuLe orsîre oIdJexccIsior boxed sta'ionLery!, go ta P wlicre ,'ou can se id -exaMme sud ý Ireillok Mn b lwnulea1ader, think iar oui-sel!'rTe Dawspn News, ueprling a brU- We rdisv on une jadgmeof !arpt.latfunotion at Gvrint osel roue" witeu once tbev geL iI3Slde a soretietetyLae làag iegeY, La deefor themneelves wliteiior or nM -anà ssT. vaa Seiff d 1r we renýdes a satisfactars' dru, evie JR - .Elbeckweli known La aurileid- -in re csosw ael" -os 1 were àdaiirg wiLh us aveu- a quarter o! &. celrago Our cstm r are stf- Ail cases o! weak or lame back, 'bicih. ache, ritouwatle'm, wi!l FIAi relief its wearing aile o! CarLer't3 Soeat We3ed anti Beledonja BachacIte PInseous, Price '25 cents Trs'Lem A messaige La ite editor o! itfbis j na from Ms. and Mrss Geo RIce ul -nton, on receip of! newe o!fte LclOto vitary was :-"nr)p, 1ipHrrah for Bowmnvilc I ren' weprond o!titeg ai two el. 'e.Cong-rat, ulations La ail io epeaîc eol S<T GA'NDHELN.A men a!f so'tîn ite iflm'tonsd teil- iuLite raw BIoýII res f zer'ýinA ni ait rhou iL ~dîficnl ~ t iagie ,ithin 0 cornes almost Im ei th ie uicWrS, iteal antigradualu , a now velvetys' kin bfl ahevy inncaiload? Isroui-pn riies meanta dilate omei have ,iea isorge, t but eredCvt (ls Wy lot end itue painland lstoptP doto's iih? 1 I can(do this for -you andý will if you wii qs2iSLtIme. Ail youLIneed do10is ta Write for afrea box1ofthe ( mdywbchhas been pia(À inmyhafi ta be gvnaa.Fras thlis one boex wiii cule yo-it basdou s for1 olheS. if O, .1 shahbe1h1 pyIan .ou ili C cuedfor2cthcstfa postage - p) jYurltter 1S held conf hatice cfApplic ation for D-ivorce, Notie ih le rebjy give n ttlýu , Luaee oIf 0he City Oa i Toro Iitoin heOuIylVok aiprovilice Of (nai.mridwoa,~ appýIiy 1,a Ile Parliamlent (if CaalLiat hp ie eat Eeeiùn there'f lor aia i divorf e ramnm y husardciW illiam M(Quoti( fttc hwnoÉ C-', borne ithe ccunty oSnort i rn nd Proývinçe aO trafrie.ou Ille lgroond Of cret.desertion alauitcry 1I)ated atTorant. in ithe Prov in cf SOtr the3 eighth day Of Dcemý,be r,19. Ii Branld few Sbtore We are now in aur new store- met a littie West of Our former premises and on the south aide o! King stret. We want yoüu to eall and see whej± afine"storE, we bave. We a in a better position than ever ta cater to vour wants. IIolkl'ay S weetS. YoU teau have confi- deeluin tho purity -ind 0'nzlity of aur confections as woe rcpresent ehocolate mak- ors with wiorld-wilderpu- tions, Sueli as Lowney. Pater. son, Tabler, _Webb, llobertý- sonil and MeCorie, Lu I ho.memade candies we haire m aple oreani, hum-bugs and, Plastry and Ok~ Etwiîhl a two.-fol'd pr posc ~ ojyctand n3Urih ment. Yotz WIiî flu oh~ -k1epu'iu i i I 1000 Remuante of ail kiud o! goods at about hlai!prIce. 50e Drees Goode, sleprie .....35è a yd. 75e, , , $', , ,.........49e a y $61,001 1,25, 1,950 and 2 GO Drese Goode at 25 per cent discount . $4.01) and 4.50 Dress Sitirte, sale price $3.00 $2 50 and 2.75 Misses Drese Skirts sale pricei 81.25 1.40 blaek TLustre Blouses, sale price ..81.00 2.2 5, ,, , ,7 , j,, 50 3 00 blaek and white silik blouse--, sale prneu 2.5 7c Faetory Catton, salepr--"" ---.«q 5e White Hlandkerhiefs, sale pie 1 for 10e 18e and 20o !, - --,2.5 ce, 25, 35 &40c ,, ,, ..8 for s5ie Men's M.iLLe, reg 60e and 75e, sale price ..50oe, 40e C hidren's Toques, sale price ... ...25c Mc, lino Tray Clotheg, cale prico .... -.....24e, Carpet. Squares and Ruge 20 '/I ... discount Manufacturere seconds lu eloth 35 ',diseouut niapkins $1 7r, 38 in. whiteo reaS, black Taffeta 81 19) 2,00, 40 in blacek Taffeta..-........... 1 35 2-25, 36 ilu ,...........165 white eream and blaeý,k Japan Taffeta 75e for................8e Wliole range o! colore lu India Silk 30ec for 21c 45e an O.ubleached Table Linon for..34c 6ce ,, ,, ,, .. 42e 6e 'oche'l, ,, ..42e $12i5 , , . 73c M3 00 Ruffe and Stoles, sale priée .,25CO 16 5 ,, .12 50 15 CIO , ,. lG 14 00 , , *..1050 100 , , .. 8 25 Muf! g, Caps, Guant1ls, etc. at similar prices 2 only Ladies' fur-ined Coats $7.5MC for $55.00G 1 onlY Men's , , 90.0C0 for 69.00 1 only Meu,'s , , 75 00 for 60.00 1 anly Men's , , 65 00 for 5000 IWmaCoat $2.5 G 00 ,, . 150 i on , 6500....., 50 00 Men 0 Suitsemad Overcoats, reg $20 00, for. ,15a 17 andiS18,.11800 15 00 . l. 1100 14 00 ... 10 - Boys Ovescoats anid Suits at cost puce. Also gre t-t sluheîn Meu's Pante. - inyCuoking RZaisins;, reg 10e, 31 ibe f'or 25e, ,, package ,, 15ec, 2 fo0r ...23eC Choice Prunes, reg. 2 for 25e, fori3 for.... .25e CvMo ing Fige, c xtra ehoiceý, 6 for.....25C 1 can oaci coru., peas, tomaLaez, 3 for .... 2 15ce VnCamp park and beaus, reg. 20eOc for.. 15ec Bl&ak, green or mixed teas, reg 30c for . 22ec- -------------- ,ýý 1 lu