-Iru our ays Feilsd wa Eniriyy uedU,1r4trrtl ' Ome day me ntied thet uritl bande. ie bnmy e sle se god fr ithlag 1or A, et., haJ. k Man k Hppy With heyTiny utBeae fIe 'Finds ERis Joy in IihTogt "LîghtJi s 5;'A n for the rgh7 eo end glcdnss fr te rgt in We tt'i a bout t e n south"! andruh"unSn" mere hondanvebve beircler da s sions, and ideals. bceryliesnspûessed f som iothîe Oserionnosoflfeuong noe hn e iport of ivts car land F~r ? o s cal:i of.themw perbape', aligh heard ut tb ,trne lires rcas a chn ful becatusei lic lix i cg eprds nuwhat yocla n -netcure i h eot lbe crifite nd trin fomth bloo and systm th poions nois nd i F 11CLte il mat u hilcb c FsenoS olVRhnmtimbu mimerns oher ieses. F ma lriona breio ostt Frict c ur rae er or einras r byyea Forthe.rogres -,fthe w, ' MAKE T TO1S~IF. j PIRI ASRLutD There is so aouch i b matism <Nt no us uLut h herc i u cgb -o wta ae.'Par 1 The~~~~ folwinPd < C, hgl ortecas o whiichweae npreia vb t ïo f ieî Fo testent t d nddae Get lion ay o~. ~rmay For jhe-oyso as('lpryr SQ Wodoadtiwe-tc ctandp nr lie Lad 0bgin me or I could eerhave 1borner !bh eu ainny ed me,' bo-t my 'riendaIhourly eg- nearl tir boi ara reie.h eptu terey deadlias come"" lý'M' cioe." W a ,;hi truc beamc and, M)go caming and Aer-icking )rit leasetepi Five bo e l~r~tale"CrdHx <Jý1 witlssoiI, zore ,uana ro o 1 uta ' s' 1Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~-- - -"' l"-uýo o 'u u er" a , "--L, 1---- '-'-' --'--IP- u'-', a -1ry -bad -sp 11,s1that-a Cuicr Onmetandrbbdhlm ln orma rnaItural, in 50con-lihand noble thonghts. a t scetint d nh odF 'te fior etue' ---. -ýtsiroiili iai throghy itirI. Icd ts MvUry aiuted Orrcumstenced ltatcap Nosatte r; q-iow us te icmy ndmaysa Ilofroas mju'omis OLord of Hos4. vuethank TbeeS famy fidbrngais a btu of 'ri -ie"t Futatrs" Te thwl;or fmoreIput hgm to bed n ioin n1 curd.Youhae y prmosin~te Are there -uthen rno differones ito, ud in upon hsef OrhoedrîgisSsay they WiiFor "the writng on the mal,"peac Icmmenoed te tka holAnYauaer tnls nulih this becpans ybo sroaf r l e qal apyadIT ln om ktoupon. we bataieithesr supply the ingredlient orAForrespoefaduty's cpi!, IcM, but Ims sonbd ltat ip as Mes. JAM$EWC fered as nmy baby didy aw ouugAutefwebrwkirarpocf thoCtiua teMdis.imii uey bVest l Tue differences are nb ot do(,vodi, iehl Where d e Csp.e n ix te posripio redytotke For wbat yet =Vma oetohi and gladiy recomend theCucura 'wshere xre areaccsomdtolok suchit\ uioUne ïThe chiniae ofif car rendors nsk thcm1For Whestops we nextmuet take, hrngdte wholecounry arcain Entepsontqeol r Itmeiefo teyae gdsr t alfor them. This man is feaorednot very Cl.nlas boe gien ns; ail the cFor the home 'id (chilkir,' nk tckng butt i edrfUm ue.By Mher Marréeosatnonfi snfrigmlhskadîes s.ly.FanliFr h mrîn oo o'a kK nes,"Fuit-a--tireýs" curud Mrs. Fenwick xvhcn 1Uic dcessi h Donfahue, 20S r!nn t. oomcnen oh as salarger buse than w40y-miii be lightif brehem 0seek cnlroth o'rae o adms onsdte md., Sp.10, 1900.,l Pnsbt becanse hbpnuictehgt;n nn sis0achs I RIt D ELLOWsF. OLr1fMbtm (nkTe."ritetrs,'rdMseikibnai icfied r ie -e------huart to happinoe.c This man i awWayOur gioom if hure T. WATKîON. for your roul.25c. eand 500. ta bot dealers or sn otado ho ilindsabi oynou in thingsut inonu Fase in igb tbonghts. Ti is t d1, theian fra ingte!- And Bî;1zeadsPr rteadz The beatn akes ifs own ciae!iitbi wo bte r-TodyeennJn 0icA'S FIRsI PoITICAL RAVENS RElisF O Gentiy amear the face ith Cuticura natures ide from itaW sanefid sonelitios, their thnking lende Youbya ube o OdFeiosfo' ûointment, th- great SIn Curehbudo 1its fotig gleams on Cuindyda s isosof the ligbt that liesun- Phoenix Lodge, Oshai a, iie i IIU.s. U1JllasugRylPiî a netru. Wshof t Onfentnfverih tpoionsand inrfregchanging beayond Our WcALosA m ur ntario Lodge, ...F-, Picker, , M IO(B-,-James . Hughes, Toronto.> proach et E;i-mndBrs minutes mlth Ou ur. Sc adhtYncnmk pgo~yndcryntraigday apil nght. The For the Ipiurse of initalhing the A[Tbr1Il i Waeran onine obaneth ace No CoUý! Vlc b eýtnsrva-tîe 1hadthonghý,lt itl hogon h itoio h hng and eenig. At other fîmestuse day, if 'uyou ii; or you mymiiiuno ifb gt'atu 1s on ndvsios "mas ice _aîî o fine, thea misaie hot ater and Cufonra loup fSba 19 gnil arthand rceer intoa ih peenial ýptingPof hife ar1,e; instalin rmn pasieig TlTDD' IL ofn nSln.I msamr u aecotna pordt ïng the fonas cf feu ïas3nl agrpoeraseabie..Tr wqeA rmaU n a TenmeA n c sa r~~aeva e atefree clais ceti iveimif the eople aSoolina of ratonss fle lr, 1r Mir, veIteomTI;i Cure., dole PrepaIl.Ce j'copi maar ,AIa to' d wals h deesteih-ae tlreghu ii erdPoarDre& ee.up our duhilires îmitn de gloî of?,fnd the ossetial vns that r- .-.D.Bnk.postmasercteTeîs 1oir the "ebl efrmes"f0inictehai axmhhanisabut lne u type. rope for bisIlfatalï, ApaniaiPcareer heaî'ts cmiberme theda re ahe asons ndîiciifodesC. The ir 1F. S-JonSrvesoî Cadi liadn Âftcr Dootold Whi ean Mr. Jaes MeFeotyp as e. A iaaoprssdinfl pý neye bsnigrfj 1 Thoy are cakherg-n---av fo îigntand tnîrh ie opentou Treas W. D.eRogeurs. l c imt f hiroUmm. And tsc ne; the nnyilbed onidy Uto the Ri. s.N .DSiponCili t. ln canidpatefr Plienmyf-]iîghim a(i ie ste netof lA àî îr i Ltat the ek ieelui, and the inincere. L .N .A. BoyenLccttBi FacTnieoaethýer mas aeache2r in Souie.. estoie n ado;anhao ~~ onlt th- hiddea source Yof y aid Tuy h nasipe esgejR.V . G_. 1 rkisiens itul ritdtoIl-t ho afteriuoom efîateEmrs min ILiI è7N c IIIIi , - , gt. 1tsat tcie heant makes its owa lu!jL.s.. .P.OLary oQeJn (pcai)Mr. eeters, su ha indîîced biento Elizaeh ia sesntda e1 - 1 Th ourife des pendena on hs!mate; but îrbèta diffrucen1 if Vn.(y.fLr. CalsUoe-1smsfrbre 5"badthe lion i isda" nnd measetla ENIR'I.BtSI "rat tbins of living Theigber Ch Ane tilsPuertsiau ieni' fii n anacescke cofetc. -a(idls.Mkuie if rois Diua efoîieOty anprsemabdy NiESS OOLLE011, Yoge aad te GerrdSratOaaneur i; ion may gro!M. Joytand stPe:iigth"nould gain tho unchanging zv atrwiefr1) fitret iec tes and apilerations, re ih ptias- '? 6"ny P prE s ,asiejr l' -b at h vollh brios and tattceons.gAd- onces.îrmig,tdi meHo oo Orna W.Il.Sl'iW, readeu. -________________ ______ _______ al iere urp½ed nho midigh w-s o c o~c' i~ 'it'LS- t ir.~ ad itn-a crc c - o ar . ot jthu oces ae oon adifliypas 0 tincendgmeskAS.T! uhodma aThceury hdbenbrucfrariai te rodc eltyato tinis1nyuathe. ofho o r e hs.indd hr sn 1rRiie àPr o s a p, 'f i ha fa 1i. el iO ls1tem etncn',J o TO1 OaNiA-,N ANIm fx ~ ~Olans irt taotsýGHý LeTite î m'fofDd'aiuyPis Mceters. SOME BIOi Tbsehaserdate-davloPeut pro h u uf aterg. îf ts Poa-a t -tuy!0ins A teî Cote baPA dmaiteM. eetrOrab odbui SedntenusfAsrl I i ii Dliin îerl Ilcilgs ~ix Ilsadsofgayae nbib Caaha reeofcao isaia anahe i geton n , ma yaoao rib' ies.T e n ua j ~ t tuehosafelsîiîugiofeeaesrwtrmndaebvae bfashMy ionbl gakîg i-ea ord I ocos e WntY kuAHo c 5 c ohdfrîer engifedvpouigsm e Wie nef c ac aesen i ln ht ibon can betbheadedT a Unn. jInoth ts eigt i gi as FeRUARnY(sOd. A1GtN. nfbsiam1îî, I fhgink mÉA cn ugto 0 one lseyîe fe ties , :o For1_s î;sýt- î ý for failWor macleceZ, -cn s. OC. mc n cîi id ocri nrhgt o h aada ner, th of to r paiorafrs of Eynhn n aîe abui, iot smi Lci h' ol1s agea se orTiee s ae o bgls s -nl orlief Icoud ot ctuu- Fbun ube-fsldan eiaduigtepa frytoofsyiplda 8oueag Inhrhn ofisn~wibîgeujatrt,îgcna.a o eqis u te ra h a hng , fx ol onan oî uaudMtr prsi Cnd n fi ftemhdmr gto h pitoiispc.nn BCora thihl ihplc ntewoko oec tegett lupfopths nd there na (mno-c fa Pf:I tnisheYtap ncs.fenge f4orcs Tndmold ee artiedin homon- nnOntri atd n rtileonthoeMFeeer, he eeingetone TE IFFRECE mon vith oibnckedonva1wchng dc ifs spI 't. Me ki)(,(lthi A St Busineueaess is1 1san puý Ceutal . M C.A Bildng.Torato robs tan a eonig oes.ati noîîdbekotaioe y Hudson Bain' FPSPY100actrsh btWMC kentaise 1dtinofueeto thnupetiounnc10,'>', vlag a Thene is o gn o rvagtedeayrc Iwlouldb omakfonmîy ie r tebate o h aeconons s o ertd isahmiet 1a'm among brides 1f0 eliminate tdehenface çosyiting tat I îoid -fâ.llf"My jCatnien nint pl nd or n I th aniiltonofth ag P "u vlag, y on %If 1 [) - F, pi» i rself f to i un in lag fu -Hmonts a (of Mn.w "M oF-festm! rmianca may.tus:;opruisr oesi ra1d a sistored andl liaia Tire hîtte i oungters sbaHlFdt trige isrmnclnsednths scason pentetl itoth cas romlog outch baiia i bgby f-tuc.Ifovenono ad e sýouI--nd the roubl ges ifiutned torualifcton him. of Mte. 1on h udec(sotd"tdppoa,---__________ nenng se0ssiohn f'lun aîîcPola indmhib as nnd metig f tenlpie"Cubof en "Boys, cîet m ekimei ieîs vîtehed n n n hr, i lituth sldHono eniualllefaid Ic da scofittu byMn B. rtrn icreaseda tihi boidth speuuke fý"CC ar. a woom pu! pu A lm surnc. mr iisionculn wacl Atope r.Ibo ej areclsan m-fo comarqaliWa eacsoaccoaaba cita ad ei ndfelgrteuYTa'or iboba epettadine ree one t emotdTHIG1) ZM "Tomy my ncyo lte hi gmu apaaoveelotearcedesanditfteionan zdteirUO roircncing, t eso be meien biepl "by tlo asoahsffngllaea morning " askodthe feaher. Thre is arevivalof embniden1d onfin suy! a i u odffnnim n, and mdb i m an etbsistune a retnaiî 10mateet applas.ae orenyterbeùcvgoaign ma ron tp.I jetgo t th satoniiPs, bhack scuhenmoatinopula bd ndeurs, utîîn'ss illustrtinis of e-aitnte"a ag(M somlu c (i1î1kse, îna'enî,"lrapiicd the pontant part in ormauonting th hin ine. Aparîtl, lbabi00o , n. Brgiod ho t thai n sp lo ngr Siin ag te snasss MteaweeO -s lfr e 1,nîu-'s. _M\ lipurpesekldacnetrd oupik cfe reburnipgs ce pote. sta in f0 0 T yo ff " Ga y shraîv is, s ff, M cit dep h o yibl uti g a r dd y sg tiras ail rig t. Ptase ms rsionitedi J e p d el y m n tro c nn S u Arch id do m a ithe c l es t u ainyp de . 60 en abo litifi, o n-figrteGonndhembMeoidenena-berna, aarcnfash-ld h ioýuabe for tu ronuýý1is. ito ip n hek.Tee nahe u in s, luer" Materir- ÀanetrWîorolf intomsif. îi n otfnuh h or sy tal elr r dosn1Bts&C. into l],- l"ýý111 raid ng ihealth auI n e veoxlery c i,(! a îtSond " W e ismy bo ,a i cnionsu t c a imes ___ _____ (% ab__ Y_ _ lu._ _____ n g aus .h, n on i n tiho uten n s tomes Tjor o n . Bolt-see a (e orcfuerosareI seen mant- uqsor uen tekiag moaey from csi-mei uc ia ihC atha o ersno h emn r&c eaTynoDgyC. - ' gee Uetie oneendes cstnte, utth nm eesevrymar, oranandchld e ieroulfrd ot s te fu." m hicInisbbean, "f yo nishfofNSi-wilea hU e A Md. es utunadmu. 1 s ivn of tuLe » rans4-aeamlohaAetpure youromn 1glif ." buniYsgcozera andtoreMr.irAieBh-uttl-l wa aup.- pa s urtn[cahr, o.a î,îco;ai*- a.bd m nluadshapes frcopied frocirpntcaiasfiagormîgof 10 dgree strPgor eh'ohd ' Doyonbdev ma s ae f eaof t e tei s e seDrmCeaea inmiî.I fer s ec,îý i 1css i',Ne ry cietl s uetM n n. Sai p e N t ah o N es Odas ainthiiW -1 le Cecienwo m s oreng a mcatei n oter sosaa TCd-Îedctrfald eliu Araf Vdus leaire utmUlte csc toe rofbe ithsafiy an homesaliîm- diitsw(ifmciFsdrhsttliey u4e that o n r a o t c f rý"c ,ïisa t i h o l dl c e r ny, r p kl> M Qf e to-ri 'ny Mcau iesled Iknm"diseu d w LuhopuMela era' lae. Cr. Oce puso mr ia nt canteohtu h w n P .5lcîi o l-',T-aI ofs tràr.- typa ecuiidlruw & ermi p chiticaimadmeeting endodet f" Mo lceed y c .