You can czasili cure tha;t heaiac.qhe liOWMANVTLLII, JAN. 29, 1909 fjhamois Vt5 for Mon or women'sLLAU -"Ij55 weatourHead pCrics Jur Lvl7 oa n esnl oa wA D ,~~ p wersu szo adprcds t ur Local and Personal. - r aryNwo as raturnodl toi Our Cold Tablets for a Uodii tho3 Stock Food of ail kindéi at Murdoch's. his home lu EngIanjd. hea. Aquik cre a urecur. Jry MrsW. . Ies s lsiingfrindolu Allin-Baxter wedding on Insida Mirs. Williamr Jackson, Oshawa, vis- &Love!!, Oolborn!e. page. lted relatives beo Tuesdav. As soon as~ the ffirt signas of a colt., C1 W.$LaPr oe a 12,00 buys a'good kItchen cabinet at Rey, R. H. La3Itc-h was guE3,t of Mr. Bo v -a , j1 4 appear, take a dose of Our LPxtive twnMndy WiIllams & Son's. and Mrs. L. A, Tole over 8uudav. ATDA CQt4, TabiGts, Ju.ry & LOVefi. OtroLIstu wime lTo- Repeat it t-"Shlo' Onia wiii alwaya Miss Mande Sxivester. Ltndsay, la S -uR A When A ur had's wron,--; noh areý ý%ý o Febar 06 Mueiy oongbs and aolds."l vrtngbr hoýr aiuut %jrs. L1., ai of Hada~ afrs Jry oet CIGoW Jmsi istn Learn on the Remington vit the Rom- Wý C, T. V. mucets; Tiuscly Eb. Wrong.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yorSrgi fhoed~esdr uNwYr r.Ington Business Ce ee, Torontre, nt 2 p m. la i te Met'nodîsOt boro Our TsiacCordiAl 1on r'ea-ua.vy .0t V1e th esa t ghiuohs Cure w1li t0wa- TbOfr 18 a demand for eggs. Cat at Have youl ordered vOur 1909ý paperFs away the worst cough and eae uaoycujs~dcls"~Mur doch's for, Davies Pouitry Food, yet? This ie the lasI ae u nay Gred rnd ict ons i~ c Ina goo a a A Save 3m oney by ordering your grocer- M ,and M rs, Joh ni W ke i , Ca-, n . l C X & M R I ' of Vioets fod~ thetîssus au~ ait'sthe t rocerles tA Ta'it'e-special Januamy sale. fLington, have been visitingbsrohr OiiPcue roun o ot Ih fae. R ba n prfeci Mss E elv Bo nsai la~islingro l Scott & Allia are offe ing bargains luinm a oln ikn, U oranges on Saturday at lc each-. Try at We thank aIl frienid wvho have sent jury Mleyprund Sl nvb is? at gued near Liuday dozen. us niew Fubserîbers wben renewing 1naitçr the splndd ovr Jury & Lo~li Misa Poell, Whitb, la gucato! Mra. 8850 Cabinet Photos for 88.00 for twe thýeir own subscriptiov. Pcue hr ilb h xr trc Theo'~a lt ! Wnte aeadci s . RFoI~ ~t reocoul. weks nl. So smpes uH~ Bargaîns iu orange, gý,reat suap iru lion by Me&r S-~d & i Sser,JTlà yet. Preare youself taface th Nico s eXot ,T 'xcan orages for le window. iCe, sweet MeXiCan orngeb ou Satur- aPd Dutbcoedawhaefis-a stomma wit a g'ohav(hs ?n-eC',o Suda a Scott & Allin'ür.W .KigtadMzl day at Scott & A t'.le each. li, emery -urepct,< ector fromi Jurly &Le's.Urgtpiano -ad good organ for Kniught bave been vIsiing finonde in 17. Ha Knigbt li baving 2 speciats Toeintending 10l visit Euirope shoild sale Apptyl zoM DI WVilllamas &SOn' Lndsay. for Sturday l' I package sieeded rais.-A idi catiaI Jr? Lovll' andinqure ood tengraphers and Remainglton Mrs. Wm. Werry sotina, le visiting ls7c eî 8 ah neusl abot seashl rtc' daescf ailng tpists gel the pick o! the good positions. be itrMe onVnetadohrmon 9e per,±<n, regular 13c. etc Teyroreou ai seashp ins. Miss Jessie Bingham recentty visited relatives, JamesiPublishing Blouge bas receuîly 1O Gentvbu toruglvdos urSlm~be boterMr H B Bugam Bs- Fresh homemade maple cream, hm- Put intO stoc-k a good sorbes o! budsinessQ CIr achandLîvr oui tOe p te ve , ne bugs, and peanuulerisp at D Luttrell"s eiivelopeo. No bn',iness man eau afford restorileg its functions, t. fuil nOmit s te hn iue neoe u Dosoe 5p i actîivitz andi isuvring oa appete and Mms. Gea. P, Feeland, Toronto. new store. luetberta ,1ite8PvcesndDcy r 75p.m goad digestfion.Jr aei spentSiiunay with hem father Mr. R. Ifrsiganebaatee tng r paper. ___________________ 13- -s Jan.eetn an7 aIagn atein Jh Loee rrmsi for West .AtN Ja.2 tsocial viMNrs, J. -1Masons hou LTHs oumeines~PP ] Purs of a-Il hinde seiling off at and Don'l miss it, Durhama arr: Ausýoin l.or, Backstoc)k; Oaa -Neai" Enniskilleri, to Mr, anid rýls. <q GOCU bcelow cost aÈ Oouch, Johuston & Cry- If you wanî a firstass incubator, ~s atnoBwa~il ihps WlimOe agtr derrauNewPaster. who wil ilely ORIýT Clayke, Jan. 219t, to Mr, and mrs. WIIN E ES EVS enan'~cait on P. Murdoch. Qulte new-a succeed Jamfes Tburg-ýess, res:iguei2, APer orris, a daugliter. ndtora < MHjWETS YSDoui't mfsq the Faturdavp bargaRins gresl bargaiu. cfteAlnLCeJh atro tea," pera -,o BUNEti: MrOsn~wburne, an on. ,t I15 DONE PROPERLY Ibig ofered.i 1iy T, H.1 lKnlghl at the Mir. Il A Bonurýier cfhinkla Lino arej eirger ve aswlrs. AoYse-I Bwnirlie o, .aar aothdt Il Model Groce~~~~~. Tcronto, was lui towund, and gave ea rbthv n etd<Std"M odMSF Jhn oysnve, anu ugter. i JURY auJà LOVELL Now la, our chance to el nice sw et us a fnendl!v catI1, Mea ande purea Johd Moyst adoudous tes f Cicag, Nw Yrk, etrti exicanaugsfri each on Satur- Do't failtc 10 50urc somüe o! theu greal tea lu the worid. AIl gocers sl 551-i'NT-f &aa a.ltt uGralduae IfaniagTorot OIea york eit aleges 1l2 ý,gJ_ýn nuh rýd, eUR day. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' b.Msn rv tCuh outn&Cye-~ glretno oraViti byRev J.HF.Talbot, Mies Ev'eiyneetad enhuret, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ yýj ar;_1igheftoCu- andvbrau $ngts oe raJnay u -3 p, 1_, lu ihe G-EAOLY-At 1702 W arren Ave. ç4eat t]c, cilrtto r B Masotn. gcm ed d[.isin rogular 18eu IJo n lutî o0,;AI]mmesadtm ahot Jan, ist by Rev J. L. Grenweil, -We T-tOUSE FOR SALE-Oui the south If -ou wantlt ezgs ct t Murdoh's par lb for 7;eusmon l9 for 1c f r lb .Gy omryo saa n r Il~~~r ai e fKn teeBwavlllm iena are reqiuesa,ed tu attct1d Repoýn M-, ss Mabel Winplf red, daugitter of Mr. L_ I m'oins anid bathroom, new Pease F'urnae. jilat reeeivbig another -bag lo--Frwrn aafnewiigppeo rv inovention at C Guepb jwiil Seadiy, botit of Seatt el WashingtonSeec Electrie lgtstable, ail convenlenices noder Davies' pauttry Food and exceisior boxe i ,tatiouery, go, to p ire givon. PEREMAN-Fos-an-At l'Gien Rodsun" My. ce coequartu acre land. Appiy te D. &M tic, flec. 31, by Rev. E. E. Howard, Tenin2on OALRAIBIl...manvllle. 3-tf Couch, Johuston & Cryderman are C Trebileock, Linon lnwn la a leader Witcox & aMoi' uving , taikin g" ieea.Oiaa n M, ayEyug gîvngon.tirdof treprce I ttLa- urig irirabek skngrae oucb, Picttires proved a ag ttrcto Qt est daugitter of J. G. Foster, Esq. iea' nd iseloth coaIe. Johnston rdra ae setliog off a tihe Opera House Fiiday and battdy PAScoS-ABliTON-At thre homne of thle brideù's ' Don lot miss the barga irs at the Model lot ai Dresaï, Mpteile at about balf! rtightE. irhe Picturý wero vr nepanta.JSî yRe.JAJWe.B.AW Noieo ppiainfo ioc.Grocery for! ýaturdny. Can salmon 9,- prico. NeiSaturdav igitt lu- additionpý t te Sarnir Jane (J ennie), youngest danghter ci mri% Grain,s Noie1 erh'Le hal ataMcni e in, mogýif 181c; package raisins Qeeded rilsins for, 7ý,!eý canned 1sal- pitures MeOSars. Hlo arc and >anýdera, J ohni S. Ashton, P. M., Enfleld. of tire Çty of Toronto ln tire 0ounity f York, 7,ie, reýgutar 1c each. o o c 8e a ieIii .u DUel coedan, wl e DVSNHLÂaI saa a.aot anurvne rotro iare omu ia- toycaty eat Uev.ý pather Cioe, Mr Ja'mes Davison and Mis horse up .4nd Provinc ofnev Rntarna, marrie woa, aitî thOhtý specialty Sec ad Annije Rolland, bot of Jqhawa. apply to tire i'arliament of Canada at tihe next mE adConyReiaSak*tKng' M iGrcr, ee session thereDf for a if or divorce fromn MY Miss C rscadden, Keudal, Miss Laura yonr order. M . C.yrigl Bapon a stored at husbanrd Williamn 1uQnoid of thre towni o! Col. Mitcheill Newtonvilie, spoul the week. ll ayt elapsto le Il-,; cal heue by tire auriden ilinaeas Af hemdrt bocrne in tire cownty of Nortbunmberland and1 1 tl ay ozt-1psto fevoa-, PiGA-nW)dViJï Oh Li( Province of 0tarjo, farmer. on the gronnd of n IM . .Elots are read , To ahl good Rumn ,toîi Eo> m W ent Youngr ufio MrGÂMt Wodie, Ja tih Dvi tcruie1ty deseýrtïin and adultery Tw-,o mild cases of smallpox have de- -typists positionsý, are assaured Rox.ring. aconatl ieBxko! Molitreal,. 1avle Dated at Toronto In the Provin ce of itro "' - .Cc ý&ýf -CWN11Jn 0ti the elth day of December, I1508. ntro veboped !in Port Hope and Miyorý Qiddy ton Business Colgoloe pdnWIOudreta perktion-5 foppen-ï wNI eeboo a.2tt Psb li At 66.75 dlctisTuîda. D. rimose Tronoreflet of the lateJamneî ow4 aged 3 yea,& ton deliv LAU3A .1UOD basudant-,aaht ovcia-Trno.a xeln eeyasitdb r etrad iirypr A former reaidnt cf Clarke. lntemntttn e 'MS dWill be found aie:flL* eeyfýiidteoeaiuTe mýINewcastle. Sen our lup-to-date kitchera cabinets for siclr healdcho. Carîer's Liti itiOd tie operan iti Thxe,ý-, then man er Kain- lsa a.21,WlimA ak wýth flour chesî, fiant ifl er, ,ugar cheat Livor Pilla. 'lThousanda o! ILtters frcom -5d i niseiy sucef xeeeilt 68~er lie 55 yroSmnl, 25 days a lr anrd tea andA eoe canstars, also canie- people Who have -ae them prove this Ofoainh: rnsceeu ueey SYE--nOsbawa Jan. 15th, WilimJh lors for (,eey kinid of spies Williams !acl. Try thfs repct aye.lubs Mr cr NoIffsntl7IGafc trIw JAxES-At Torgnto, on Saturday, Jan. 231dU & Su M an lia. ewi Wod wre 0 ie niade clear by brother or Sila% James of Toronto. and Wii MnTr and Mre. A. A, Gamsby. Maple Port HTope esterday att8nling- the 'iîhe frosts sud snows iam James, of Newtonbrook, iniris 77th yea r., Saab 1 Aveue Oono, aunounice the marniage wedding o! Miýsa Louisa JackFon to Mr. "rIaeîtt lw.-dya tGiMA 2 oeor d oot, mtna üîbi -iyduheLlinGrrdThomas Woodley, Bowmauvitie- -Mill- ja 5 lr , hetdnhe o! Dri. te tiri oL. dcaug , soiln ofSerto kRpotr Wha baye tire groceries, dry gon,1s, Biogham. Atani Uns tarma e. RNekcarstle. ame rokRpalr boots and shoos, broad, druga, SaaiarI- KLS-ID MihiitroCok, Jan 23m, Toa r. , Iiicard Esq ,ewcasîie.A contributor ta a Toronlu aetrv-uutresdohr oshl nte Qîlitepie Kele, agýed. "uyer Mr . iorsey, Kingriton, Generat ay Toronto la nol musical I la i srm- sle IYU osHr' p SEÂMî-tlt c osEoln v ToLVROLManager o! Latte Onlania anýd Bav- o! pîr choral. Sanie o! lthe fuunv, wrIlers for ltat persan-rond the ad1vertiameniüts Toronto, Jant. 24th. the Mast ivrndArthur Ja1n, £2 Cosicani tebarteed) Qurl teamboatC, was lu. town will prbbvsuegesr, a Voton the i hspcrévywekadfn Siveatman, D. -r). D. C. L.. Lord Aroirnisirop o! Qu 9 Eapeso r.ýanFie Co.,t orfrbt VagI lucl tins pager MIer weesin.Wî e ariun ild OUI Toronto, Primate of Ail Canada and Metro. Jan.25 mpras ! Bitan Fida gusl ! iis nct Mm W.M. uesion- WîinpegTriunewhat induements tire nierchantG offer poitait, lu fits 751h year. Feb. 6 Lake Chamlin Horsey, Chie!, Magistrale. Mr. Garnel Hughes, son of Mr- S. YOU tî) do 1-Otr vurciralng at thein LBBY-Iio 13o-mauvjhle, Jan. îoîir, ElizabIeth Foeb. 12 Emporeps of Ireland Sýeniator ýBith was elected au houorary HuDghesz, -M. P. for Victoria aud Hall, atore. By ktoeplng lu tonch wit'a thair retbet of the laIJhn P. Libboy in irer SS3rd Exellent accmmodatio of an!atsrv directo(r o! the Cainadiani Ponv Societyý burtonî. Is spe nding, a couple o! wceks anuincemenîs weekîy aud you will year, Exellen 26 eýmmpreaso o rian sin evwBýafla tîî-rlt oeI .Sv aydlasl er Funeral private on Frlday at 2 p., m. f rom _______ Loý lrates to St. John. Raýtes and full infor- h eiec fhrsni a ,ir ' f mari- 'l i, appliewsuonto nearesr agent or face aýppeared. among thoteadlng horse- Hughes, jr ,ise an engineer an oida a ey. R. H Leilcir, tire new Cbaimman Masol, Temperance, St. toBomvle S.,,~At'J og tTrno man in the Toronto Suudav WVorld. reanonsiblo position in Monteroy, M1ex. btyDsrit oIPry prag e TerNEHA or oeJnur I3OMANXLL AENr. Gorg Rchadswh ha ben rsi- Wrdinl the Nlethodial (Jhurch Suuidav Olal- catherine0 Ivey, reliet of tire late, William il1in Lui rtice for the Past y ear, irs TeTrnoTlgai ditorially ing forcefally with ltre subject c!froeb Buebiaan, Miair., agred 78 years _____________________________reluirued ta Pickering townsip and id pave Ibis brie! but golden Inibut, la a . -iaaos Ne;Sua w otr ii w Ii-, ug au Mr. Grills'~ farm ou lire noble man: Whtlle Archbtehop Sweatman fasI tr sote Mn sem' i'b Lest We F-orget King3toa Road. lived to sc a new generation and a proachod by Fev C. E Mamnning, Tor-1 atteudance at Remingtou Business rtraight-goug, steafflast Eniglishmani. prea cher bavlug occupled sanie o! lire Monuments, Tabteti, Markers, etc., in favorable reparle. Excursion rates ta 'Ottawa available ireexpected. 'Country people wil hoBWMNILE yMrs. W. O. Souch bas been lun Peler- Pcb 1 ta 5 and good ta returnup h 1 and wetcamo as thev are aiwsys. i '- t, ~bora for tire paat tara weeuýs waiîn on 9 nldn Feb1 9.el i banbel Miss Emma Braden, who formeniY O-1USEp TO RENT-P1ra-me bouse n niceMsbotBunlwhhaebt na IeCada SedGoe' wnling from Calgary, Alla., ta a !iend A Tppy i M, A JAMES. - - iii'. ir~eon 2etioueiy ill. batest report says Associallon taire haden ou Feb 4 and lu Bowmavillo eaya: "I enjosed iast OS O AEO h oî - t - iey are recovering uie ely. ïý. AIl particulars and prognam may summer home very weil, wcather W55 isid o K-0SEOSL E-g here ïomnl,, six Mmr. Wm Winters,_Dumping ongîneer behdo plctont TNwawaml alm n ngisco n ooma, stable, gond kt. Apply to D. G. M,. - ---~- --.---.--~ aI G T. Il. station, dew a fuit manîî' Seelary aada Bunig Otaa aat for sleeping. The aulurin I GAItAITE, Bowmanyihle, 33 tg pyfroni the 41h pay car 'tira passedl surpasses lu flue weathen auýtLing I H UET ieln We malke a point o! bavlng over th;is ine and dmew a f ràIl monîh's Bowmanviile boy ou top s gain. Juil have ever seen. ctaewhre-uo dark, itOue o Loneso S-l'reea dweiingt offer au pav fnami lire lasI that passed. ne le la baud an attractive latter Irom an duli, munky dais, but continus sun- ocenpied by Mrs. Hiram W. Bark, imnmediatc 1 enId n OUE ofifiD týe nd aitfuluneaiod boy-Mr. Arthur W. Humber, Box ÉIbne. basti vinaer was Iieal, so was oossessiaon If reqnired. Apply tc W. M 4 ends IEvervLhnI1 fil Weather bas beau a fertile tapie, o! 485, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba- tbis np ta Dec. 29, wbeu il tnrned cold __ 2eoBwmanvle O!6ed covesaio lleyilba bausova-telling us about Partage Old Boys' Re- and continued co tili idav nlght lapt M6S t ALNR bsia e n Travellig Goo bble. One day regýieterin 12 gee Uion jul 4 tu 10, under management when we bad a "chiuooak, Morm yer endita i iet US, uhav oro, airi goo slelbing audof Exhibition Boaril o! whieh ho IR SPA. roseî fmnmn9 8rlOW zeo ta( ?.R' a ]telq natk iwfr r etrlnrig al' 5od a fw dye ale ranîu, eow eneretamv and Manager. The Great Port ani bur. Ono day il dmopped tù 4v. dence. witb min Frai!k BrgConcession Si.I i Ti ulKa . . .3 .8501 8fl 8.00 and roandsmuddy. Jaur""asbaeae Pair, Canada'a lgasteal Growing Sacurday,Sný7niayan-d to-day (Jan 18)1HwavierotOfc c24 2S sutc9ý .....ý$8 u$.0 been frequel. 0xillu tao lc bawev ave beu[Inle. For inistance, aur2edsB Suit Cases,3.... .... 1.80 ta 87.00 ar n r.Wlii o8 Ie1r re ual eurprised at ias gnowlh with Mr, waab-iomau camne at 9 c'ctock to,-day, Clu Bga......100te89.0 Mm. ilia Roe,"Cde- umber at ira head. How we shontd wasbed, bune ont tire ciothe, t hey ,> . T590cctuus........SOc10 81.25FPrt Penny, annane tire en tike ta ho thore! dried and she bi them in agaîn by 4 1 en bs~yp Thie neetand most desirable gagemeut af £their daughter,Mi8s Gmacem& Mar' ~arry ~ The Town Council seeme te have P. m. We have ne snow cf sRi oçoo edal -CZ Assonled e sou cf M. Emond Cawudry, Toronto nae mair reTurcgt u~ese -jotve8ihes atlwt na bas eto ar rernltewre. t r ly up-ta-dlate. Prom lir cireapesl Tir asrag ill tak plcaul~iwfo h Inspecter and are doing il nain since eariy autunrin Dust itormes 1,on eend rerS ny ~cts di thahs oas tgtoebe t maadati. dthri tCbreh PotnFrrygMasi fuodr lsoouh la fo bah tre ann aterecomommeunpec 12mies ! ected 12.Sumiles of ntmlee 0 Bouse anti Balmoral proprietors weme street railwav Ibis ýe'ir, Outanloans Ont.. NES1R.endfloe8/4t _i Feig n. A. Prcipal fined on information of Chiai Jarvis rrt lack o! Ireoes, fi nit, ee, but 'We -dýraN- o! K1- Na tta afe Me Ttnn4 ,,, c-ngrarni.ated over tue aprond ain pityndwlth surpniseti ta 1 leylî~ ! olmîlgniiî ii da o Fi)iay1909) lite 13a11d Jtu! Va'sNegt, A ne te tnlyc rulit trjcu i8 announ,,- suc-ceseçfui figbl Bowmaunvilte put n for whtpnrcbasig powcr,, a dollar baso rIt eîng operaasa unsrtr JamCed es dieJt Nnn ss S. B e Jms iii ecr Niagaa Pimrula clameti ta ire Local, Option. he said ti'laý towIn w alpu it U but go now ta the aeto! imii, Laia with a Swomn iate- deesdamo0ng tire persaýns eaIttild irereto, a more serlous rosi man dhe ban Jascu Owven ounti were thuI chie! 01jtîveorwthiabgsociaIs Nih ls.ment1 ia feta es nel ahse" Iha t,--srd oui> to the elaimsof 0,' cl ccao How i t I heSe frit destroyers cone,1]tresq BoIt1 rchievet ignal itole ira thae le li Y c ýue rire coal t)in riit thNaiiJlia Vnesii Moa A.mbes and bar- ahe com in frni Ibe Republie la the srf u C cJ optioniars ail ovor lir cauelry Ci ,,,X --e --Z IE X 1% ont>' buwhae laae >uaup rmîtmbi ayr manS, 13Jae wilt uaI hase .ane for ia ad sor Utirc iaR laia? Cau' the G Tr H, gonutr nin 5 A Ur,. cbs htvr v~ioesrfc it a Rust or a-yP ieeft any persane y s of' Ferry 19o 1 cause a'n al'armf aL Cabou91rg arer1u u e Oumy lovas un tchiu anmpaigun ~ '~mn itr aeo î.a ce virose alims tbey irintan baaele bu Candng a !ew lu tiraI Amerleanissei aid thi victari(es withOiilig's vi'Ccry II frui[i!rabt appation ehouc ireNexd Voie Vi ,a s J.' >LPRATPTM, iramiet, fruiful ui irtel, ticneiise? Pas aîarago offer encouragement te Oab- ___________ortire, a-- Agi. orIlh * Klag Strel. Jisvmanv lie sibiy the ïalcirfu'l oeo o! The Seutinel- aa, Port Hope a id Coboýurg, in which ~Otvt a ,i,.o o.F Baliceto!s for tire Sald cutrixâÇ Stnr koop b koon au ou'iok on The towns it la hopeti cowns wil bo cmnrieti C al $3. r CP 'T.L X ..- Aeta io aca aajatresd Excators. tieNbWorld ta permit o! iLn cemy iaudlng. ou Ibis jean. Tbey shoulti boglu tir ea th eu> iiseaeeir ;e day of Jauvr> A. il, !9os. Raýpeai iti:"ilo' Cure will aiwaysz agitation at Oncý nti educata the Signatmi.B-anmrezdpulcto o! tins aïl- Scure My congre aud Col*, . people ont local )Optioli linos, wu atiaetîlinom ire paici for. S-Ui - M jaigte ba inc 1 auayyu h n Sthe biggest slsuhter ft riCna Goeds atcoat gad n ainy mach lba thAn oust It wiIl pal 0 untA Me tak vantage af thîs OpportUnlty We are MAondt c pear quiRuetckta muke nommiforsprlg j Wesecfingý Out Groceries. Going through our, stock In rmFn y linoswo hrind we are Oversýtcked aod wher e WC sd s»Ch wo are arrangîngburoan tableseacUme and Sget your share o! gond thls at ros iagains, Woe cary a large and WUM csorted pre ako Tnut, VWhite Flh B.C: Sal, etc.,- the fin2ý LA r h e a t Po - F- ' CER r le PR0cER p le have jus puirohaseti oa pno v ptaeSdClnr ,Ioaned or unctoeiaud 10 pay the hieT rnarket VANT YOUR GïRAIN8; eare aiea in Ihe-market BS usu2jal for ail.kintis of coarse sncb as LBarilevBukwca, ats, Peau, Rye and os ait i icli uve are preparedti laStore anti buy aI store. [p town,ùar rlytraI G. T. R. Station, o r ta buljy if it tb-e Pbi learPort-,Darlington. 5per ton w'faror& G .. R. Satiýon andi $7.25 per -eredti a ill parts o! tho to twn. Pou Cei$1,00 per i25 cents per tan off foi, Spot Casb. Carrying iu extra. Wealsa ha7vte Splendid T-hrýeshbig'ngjça aI 5.,O oir or Statiïou ant i M13,00 p twn. ral uens in Woodi, Charcoatl, Cernent, Luinbcr, Shiaigles ut oot,)Rex-lctin:kote nti n Aspirait Roafing, Dors, ntsanti oling. peelal attention ta plauning anti lg St., at enavic a What We Advertise we Have In order to reduce Stock before inventory, we nMong innu-merable other bargains 1te faliowtngr' navy bluae flan'l (pure vool) reg 3OC for......- ceones, reg 121eyd for ....... ..........9c furrhure daimnask, reg 50c ,for.. ý..........0 navy blue Asîrachan ealotb, reg $2 00 for.$10O0 cr2incOyd o u.10 Beaver cieotb, nayy bine and greani, reg 81 25 yti- for.,. 85C lui. fauce itw>1eed cross gooda, r 100(l)for......O t a any wûoi iousinzq, reg O5c anid45c for rII- eivons, assortcd ilrcz 5regOcsdv- foS...8e mress goode, assorleti, negSOc yd for.ý....... .. ...... 25c oI o! remunants e! dras., go0nds ai abo-ut bal! price. A beavy twiiýd eti oen saireoing, reg22 yd for-....18e 11 heavy bleacireti seeling, reg 85e yd for. -.. ......27c ns, reZ Si 50 for î 10, reg 8,2 00 for ;1 50, reg eU 25 [for J 75 e2 50 for 195- 1aukels, reg $2 75for 2 25, 8Qoù for 2 8,5,8 50 for 2' 95, 4 CO 8 25, 4 00 form8-s75. 11 lina ta 'elan, rc.g SO, paîr for 8q9e; ales se breken linoes arpets, reg $1 Où anti 1 25 for 7k., tie,' anidgent's silk bademheeasr e, 50Sc each 25 L ladies' kuittedtiid cashmere gloveis, mog 25e pai fer.... 19e iltireii's e, 2ü5e anti 20e for 15, L), s' beavy bacvorateti hose, reg 40e Pair f- m....... 29e. ar!s, mufle, muffs, your choico at exactiy cost price. ine vool-fleecet i udemrtvp, rog 75c, sala price ......... 50 'eumnau's woo-fisjecet i uderwear, sprelal.. . -... ý....90 fine Lambstiown untierwoar, reg R1 0, sle pnice. .75e lac lcb jkuit voolon undervear, meg 81. 00, sale price a75c uiae-wool netie ar, reg 75c, sale pnîce'...>.. ...... 55C flnrel top shirts, reg 1 1.5anid l 00. sal;e P-, ie .. 79e and boy's vinlen caps1, reg SO0c for t8e, 75e for ~c $1 00O for 1ES' ;and;!GlRLS' COATS ABOUT W. fASON &ýSON, )Or ta lnadllmn.ownnIl c eheti rooPn aI eit rai LÎbvery yares anytirne. -M Oum