My Wni HH oýý1bS 91ud srtf e ecety -vlsiteCthei3r cousin Mme nim Maýnnlg waas eceut ,guest ol bi8stsstor NMms S Woodst,.. Mr Bort Cinmeron, Ohwr ppeut Suuiday wlth higfrind tr v broke her ankle ion Sn11uda j hat vwhila On hem way teC;znlrCh-..MrmR Jalmes sjpent Sundar wivth _-,hie sinM Hoishe WVbeýt >jem c 1r0nl"a1of eid or P00w growt*ts, l mus tiélid te I-ioowav's Cern Cure5, the sîMTpet adbeet cure offered 10ý, tisepub i c Rememberdate-1iFarMersEinstitutaj adn Viss NMaud VruTrnvisitefi ut Mmr C, t's . Mr Ajbirtasmf ton 'l'ad apma tice troke Saturday. a'nd lelua recrluscondition ... .Thei debats at ivisioýn Pridir nig-ht was well n ýeted'esolred that tise good newoaersdooiutwelg-h their ovii ro- ice, l;as du hmsister ;Mme A L Mr Frais Vie os hpeuti weet DistictDivIionmace at Son Hal oreFeb41..Our Olvison visie Mt(amwellPcb nd- is inrsi Boserhes gne Ote "'obote fer S veil eliu DvisonSons o! Te-,3n perace wli clabrIs tseiri hauI-i vesay ebilbyanl Open meeting.1 BrUr y O'ilara, Toronto, hps beu iulld 0 ssstintieclebmtion, ..He wss letensentali inetitutig-lu, being- te oD G W ' c f Dirham.,. . wornn spak tghl o!tise isopitatit- th- reaVe ro h l Omeu l-1 eititue riud1a HmponTursday. A M ucï V1RIZEBoox. Fewboos are o uuversllv î ;n ad se hiàgh;y piz . a rCas'RcepBokuD Otinutfo1 eamî!lestndrdthe rl 01M >, sud i- s prstizcaly tisCýenouy1 actuel cur 1 efoil fo "rme !pis Mr4j. sud MeFred SmtîÈh have ba vsitinOg frieads na ou. .M u receniy.,.- Mm JameesceL mcant tWo0- yaar -o fr $2 A quiet sud p'e :dugîouace at haîf past twoo'lok udaJau. 19, at tise home O! M nM'l a e 'J B 8Asiston when the braewssimie of thair AJseti. ei, Enikl'c ude ea ereeg1!n arc 19wPhsusb0 deor Tedi" Mrd daedb Ms Pasuc te , ia buteeotodtie e U ii wlîis splendd iet OPefctLse Tis brdewhowasuntn !,dedwa suT sern Ontanlo tse re war- lnga tallin cubý itto! Civy e dots with bat b atch,Mnud ssPca llealthl, Whentisestoacis le ftfiete!od off poertes gae tiaie dirstred te waitsoo tise somwa li a nd c use se ins as te cause aches, ln resoe parte ofe the8 body sýUd tiseformation o! uhatv tîsee ermywiere Genralbodily weakýness sud teso! wighl tis e e- 1suit Thea narres u tise ism'ainae dietroe, sd dsCOrfor7ts scbSe dîz- Z11JCes, bottflashes, sepeseeirri- taîity sud deepoideuctv esîglnatofrouim thls sourCc. Experieuco hosthat n these touls çih just , A ceeuas tiseth ztoma',h ile tUade eitrougtog tehodi- ges thtie f');,d lu thes werds, it naeedaiW a toule ia wiil rcuse ilt to do the work 1 W of cýalggtie food itoneraset Tise taneoute onahi o haore tisaI wülvf au Tomnto at omeoveiSîiar agust kof ber sie'ser mF Walv Mme ChasNeil, Newark, N IJ, is visit- 1 ng e becousin Mliss MirÎaret Cook. Mrs Aiborz CGoyuéa and olîdren rî r vislting' ber parentSs ut Draî tei, Ont. Mýrs fleomy vTril bahs meturuald home sUeft our months' tr7ýp t1Wnipg Meýssrs RltdncliffePeuslvnî,are vtio-thar aunt M'rs Wm G-ummiow. viitogbr Zgmandfther 'Mn E. Mý Mr and Mrs 3J Wýasbng-tou and son, Swift Curreut, Sasi, a re vstlgMr W Bstty. Mme. Withur Faýns0on. Grandview, Man, la rislting ber siste,2r-in-law Mrs. John Dinnar. If slck headache le a mlsery, wlist are Cartem's Littho Livaer Pille if tbey positivq3ty cure it? Peopie who have used them seak frankly of their worth. Tbey aie emaît and ossy to take. Miss Dorothy Hoig spent the weak- adwith ber grarsdfatber Mr R R Los. cobBowmanville. Owlng te the mild weatber the faucv drese C-arnival te h1ave ýbeen beld in Br1adiar J3iros mluk Frldaýy night bas been poîtpoued lndeýFinitely. Miasy motheme have measseste blase Mother Graves, Wqpýi 'Extermînator, be3cause il bas meliered the 11111e onas of ouffering and made th am healthy. The marmiage o! Miss Evelyn Bennett, danghter ef Mr W Hl Bannett, sud Mr Arthur Wesson was quietly celebrated on Jarn 19, Rev -J H Talbot off iciating. Prof Dyda, a Professor osf Mental Pblloepbtv Iu Queen's University, King- s,q wi-1 pdech annivorsary sermons la tise Preshytertan church nexI Suuday. ThaD many friands of Mr aud Mss Tes BÎOd,, North Ba ' , formerly of Ibis towKn, svm,ýpathize wýVü îhem iu thse deaýýti o! their 11111e ton menth9' old sou, ;If yocnce try Carter's Little Livr Plefrsick beadlacha, blliousuess, or conipaion, y1ow wili nover be without them. T a ae purely vegetable, ealnnd eapsy -te take. Don't forget thig, MsTH Mei1n cashter for thse Western Bisnk for mauy years, wss ra- 1Cerith rasentad wxitt, au address sud a hneme cabinet o! silvar by tisa man- aeaof tieBraniches sud tise samne Se-rin-g was tendered a banquet by Iho citîzens o! the tewnv:. Rev Dr Cmrummny, of Bathurst St Methtiit curc, Tronto, pmeached iuteestng ductical ermons 'lu ~iceSt ohurch cSuudav. Hea aso ava excellant address on The Lar- nian's MiSssonarv Mervement at the mores meeting la the afiemnoon, Miss Maisie Fricihsang- "Rlock o! Ages", mary sscce3ptrsbl a tie eveing service. There I7s în e dcle outhe market 1'hct --ars cmpare witb 1'ýiukieys Anti- cOnusumptiVe S-yrup In axpallig frein thej ÉuRtnimthe irttatlng germe that eBgenàder ln the air passages It lesau icide to e uepjct yotus cold. Try the cheap oxaimn f rIdding Veursel! of it isy ueluiirleS yrup ,7Lihlcbleaa simple remndî, easriýy t aknud once îsad il wili l aiws be psized as a 5Ejv- emign medio!ue. New o7 fficers o! Ce-das Lodga No. 2, SF. & A. M., ara. W M-F E Hare PME WDe;S -Wj Adair;, J WM LArgît;Cho---R HRogan; ['rse-ohnLandes; Sec.-L Z. Mur- tors; S D-0 E Thomas; J D--Johu Gibson; D of C-C A joeues; 8 -A MceDonald; J S-il L Young,. I G-W A. Luke; Organist-Gae Baa; Tyler -J J Croskem; W Bro-L C Smith, pi y1, acting as instaliing office,-r The Chietiqn Worikers hleld the first 9,ni7rRsary ofthe se-opanin)gof theis :hurchSun4a , wbn the children o! tha indrSubool couducted both services, aîde ~ ~ ~ 'Éi Hu amsgdnn ears, pre- deatbh OrZEan iand other emuaîl beys mn grls teok up theOofferinge, rsa ho ecriptuse)essqons, gave short1 des esld loprayer su ang l'j u a dg-ily creitalo mannies. Pastor, hare Io10be cougratulated on the uiccese! bis eff orts. A grarn us3ical sud literpary enter- Mlethodiat chusie' Tuesday Feb 2nd &L p 1 m under a'tspiceOs O!-Ep'wortb League. 1r3JanBewett, Ona of Canada's 'rowncopostios.A geod musicalj rgrmwillho giron by The Masonle 11 eo, Erlue M a arjorie Hoig sud j lesrs ai an RHendeson' Ad- sisie 1c.No one eaaiford 10 miss Tuasday ereanng Medc,,f S League ras lanecharge O! tho ,social dept, sud ras namred L U B A <lai us become cqusIiîed .Mr W HÏ Tonkîn raad a 1octr's io tc < oti wilt it enil asLtc box or Itle eey lihbs e in vivy lad eb ia w forohes If eisO i s s lwas cdecided aftem sot 1diractors iisetd i COdfi or, (n t- MAPLE GROVE Visitera: Mrii Vm Crvdorman and Miss Yary, town. at Ms C H-1Suewdeu's; Mme James anmesd Two chilinen, Whitb-;. at NMm W J Snowvden' .. .. Tisa foliewing wese inadvertantlý' emitted from our report o! tise box social iast ,woak Mise Myte Mceynolde swuug clubs te tise deligis o! tisa audiene Ms Bursisam, Leskard. was tis a accm- paniet for Rebbins and Findley.. Epworth League wil beid a social ou raeb. 18, wben a geed program will ba giron. le emeamu sud cake wilha servecl. Admission 15eos 2 for 25e Don' tforget tise dat.... Rer T W Jeol- liffa praacised educational sermons bora aset Bundat.... Ms T J Coeais atiendinL- Lîndear Ponitri' Show with bis birds ....Mr sud Mss Richard Hamivun sud Mme Wesley Kerr, town, at Mr Georg-e Trmmhe's. âss Trimble continues ,remv ill.-. . Mr and Mme ,siliford Wilkins suad son Tiseodoeo Oshawa, slsited at Mr A J Bickalt's..,.Mr Sam Sniewdou ise t- tendiug Lindsay WlnIer Faim Watcb for thse med, tickets. 11 HAMPTON. Invited gueste wesa recantly enter- talnad bv Mr sud Mss J T Cola, Mi u Mss C Steuheusa, Ms sud Mss E Es tings and Mr sud Mme f,' bastings. Tisa ladies o! 0cr Epwortb Leagne weno eulortalned Prida-r erening bv tisamaie ciambars e! tise Leazue Tise lesson wýas read by tise prosident, sud tise top!", "Tise Cr8atien" wass abis-taveny Revr THbP Anderson. Instrumental mualeby Messrs borne suaidge ro3ading, T Wray; viel music, Misses Doidgeansd Wilcox; ioslrnmental music, MessrsDoidgo sud Wilcox Tise isat num ber ou tisa psogram was oysters servad lu good stylo by tise boys tlili ail were satisfied, A verv piaasanteveiiug was spont.... ,Selina Women's bnstltnle visited Hlampton Thumsdav aftoraoon. Af tom wvords e! walcemr hby Mme jG Bures, MrsS Shortridgo ooek charge e! tise meeting sud a nery lnlenesting pro- gram of readings, recitations, songe sud instrumentai musie was rendored by tise visitons. Refresismants wore abundautiysearved by tise Hampton ladies sud ail prasant isad a rary enjo'., abte lime... Mr John Ellot. B A, Prinuipai o!f ma Hli igis Sehooi, preacised an excellent sermon base Sun. dla meriiing. Rav H S iSpeucaTyrene, eccupiad tise pulpit lu tise-eenIug simd ýevem.yeno was delfigisled witis bIs dis course .... Mr J Clatworthy fell off s lsdder lu Bowmanila PFriday morning sud fsactnred hie le! I rm Dr Tiliev rednced tise fracture sud tbe patient le dolng as wattasc eauhoexpected-. 0ur asteeined paistorprernctod onTvrmnue cIrcuit Sunda.. - âïoster Albert Alln lereovrngfrmsceat forer.. 1I WV N Brown, Cus.tome Deparîsieut, Tomo-,nto, was bemo, Suuýdsy .. Mr Frauk M Bsown, Who wvas hurn atr day waok piaylng hckyl not suiet te relr t.)sechool s et,.... M'U R Ester- son baIseen coufined ie tse iousofor sema Lime wllhriseumatsu . .Fne' 1 nelitute meote at Slla% Friday Jan 2 r MfLIMTE LIVES LOST, M 110W TO SAVE THEM The annual report of thse Regis- trar. General for Ontarlo shows Athat for every thcusand chlldren ýZborn ou hL-undrad aud eleven dia before they reach the age of oe yaMost of these deaths are det disorders o! tisa sto mach aac bDwels, and ïmoat;, of thes littie lBas could !be a rved if mot'3- eer kpt alwavs ai hatnd a safe ansd simple remedy li Baby's SOwn Tablete, Thesa Tablets ïcure a&l stomach and bowet troub- à es,, but botter stitl an occasional dose11llprevant thpeotroubles nIn comn0. -Mre. N. Shaffer, The Brook. Ont., wries:-'I thave ured Babys' Own Tabtets f or stOmaceh and bowet troubles and atways3 find them satisfaotory. I '- feel thlat My little ones ara safe se Ilong as [hiave this mediclue in the house." Seld by mediclue deal- àers or bjy mail at 25 cents a box Ifrom Tne Dr. Willapms'MedicineF 0Co , Brockville, Ont. coDusiflerable discusszion bois plac eno qu~estion of expert judgas. thora avu beau somye dissatisfaction oves tise wr f LasI ear calle jud(go. Il wasde- cided te aeki for expert jndges, leavinlg the numiber te ho decided by tisa Board. John -1Dnývey maapracticae sggs tion to eaffect that direc toms report -o Departmoent ou thoor of ail Govelmu- nlint judges steisafaim. J. S, ormf edreoto uios whiois was adIopted., Electi-on of Iifies aud direetors me- suitedC as follews:. Honiorary Directors-Hon. R. Bai*ll Sonates; Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C.;, W. F. Allen, Esq.; Mr. C. Jon as Tisorn- ton, M. P.; Mr. J. H. Devitt, M. L. A.; Samuel Allun, Esq. OFFIcEas, Praidut A.E. Clamons, Tymone. laI Vice do.-W.E.Jewell, Bowman ville 2nd " -Jas. Deymau, Se.c, -Treas.-J. S. Mooat, Bewmauville E. P. Doncastar, M., A. Jamues, John Lyle. F. H. Mason, Chas. Rice, L. A. W. Tole. Clarise-Fmank Allin, Norman Allun, A. Tambiyu. Damingtou-Albemt Allun, T. Baker, Hugh Greonlees, H. C. boiar, H. W, Jewell, Geo. A. Stephens. Auditos-Harry Caun, J. H. MoMur- tmy, Advisory Comuittee appointed hy Directors te briuig in racemmesîdations îat next Board meeting-T. Baker, A. E. C!lssins, Jas. Doymau, H. C. bar, M. A. James, W. E. Jewoll, J. S. Moor- craft, F. H. Mason. Spring Show-will ha held May 7 and Psul Show Sept. 16 sud 17. A. E. Clemens sud H, . C. ar wjli mreseut tisa Society at Faims and Ex- hibitions Association' iu Toronto Feb,. 10 sud Il V"otes of thanks weme passad te Sensa tor Bejiti for assistance at Ottawa in iniegotiatiens for dmi11 shed, te T. Baker, rotiriug president, for past year's servic- es, sud te Ex-Mayor Spry for going- te Oîaawith delegation. At ti Diectors' meeting these jud- ges for SPringFair wese chesen; Draugist Stailionss-Jas Tomanco, Makham; Ligst liesses-T. A. Crow, Toronto;e B3ulle--A. A. Powars, Kimby. Classes sud prizes will ho samne as in 1908. A Pild Grain Crope competitien M te be iuakigumated Ibis year. AGIRICULTURAL SOCIETY TRESUER'SSTATEMENT OF' FINANCES FoR 1908. Tisese figures are taisen from tise re- port made hy. Mr. J. S. Moooat Treasuras of West Durham Agrieuitumal -Society, at aunual meeting Jan, 20 sud conifirmed hy tisa auditors' report: RECEIPTS Balance 1907é,.............. s 1568 Legisiaýtive Grant. ...... .....354 Muncipl ran........... 167 Memers LSbecriptions .... 86 Donati ions .... ..............116 Mebr'fees for 1909 ,,.,. 128 Admissi o...Exibiion 777 RanI Gronnde, Stale, ec .. 24 îSale of rigisîs lun lande ........ 1500 Recaip)ta Sprlng, Faim sud Grant 75 Dividende 18,but 8.80, Advtg 56 82 Total receipte .. 4874 EXPENDITURE" Prizes: Herses 231, cattle 146, sheep 132, pige 77, poultmy 81.50, dairy 40.50, grains 14, rmots 38.00, orchard, gardon fiowers 118,25, Fine Arts 75.50,1 Ladies' work 93.75, otlher ob jecte 27M8 $1069 378 00 0 00 90 0 00 75 80 79 S80 Pi-izas iawarded iJ107 ........$ 2 475 Expenees Sprlug Fis-.... 64 0 Special attracýtions fer fa im. .167 10 Renit, lightfiug fittig groundes. 74 93 Pucias gouda.........13000 Saiary Becy- Treas ...... ... ...1000 Working axpeusass, psiitiug...- 148 58 Judges' Expeuises...ý.......... 48 50 Delegata te convention ý.........30 Balance on baud ........... 1896 23 Total ..........$4874 79 SENDING FRIENDS PAPERS Mliss Ding-mars desires that Il ac- celunis cwnger be Setttd bj Fear DISTRICT DAMVSION Durham D1-istrict Division WiI bc hetd aSotios-, on ThrearePb 4, e-estone tolCommece at l 0-'a mn , 2 p. m , aud 8 p. mn A good Pregrani will ba pi-,an i u the evcnling wh;,Îen a grand Oflicer le expected te be preset. E-erybody welcome at tha j ein sessioni. A colcinwilI be tkn JOH our , LULA SNOWVDEN, D W. p , D;sirict Scribe,' -2 ')w Courtice BoEwmanuviVie. ENNISEILLEN. Year a(tcs year yon ss! cfroc,zcsc Lilious beadache, indigestion, o, ,, '4 ternating with iooseness corth4,bcw , ness, despondenc-y and ý C 'p, sIn trouble beceesa hbt sdviismi Bngla'.s disease of the kidnens. You can break ibis chajI Ir5 I es ,,e L the use of TheY cure biliousness vind constipation by reason o! their direct and specific action on L'he liver, ensuring the filtering cf the bile frons the blod, where it is poison, and passing it ino thse intestines wbere it is necessary ta aid diges- tion and regulate the boweis. This great medicine is backed by the skill and integrity of thse !anoua Receipt Book author, A.W. Chase, M. D. One pit1 a dose, 25 ct,. a box, at al dealers or Edmnanson, Bates & C'o., Toronto. Mr. JO$. S. Hubbard, Sr., Raglan, Ont,, tvrstes : ,MY wife was a great suffereri- rans3ick headache and biliousness, but Dr. Chase's Kidney-Uiver Pis have made of ber n new creature. These aid troubles bave entireiy disappeaied for wbich we thank Dr. Chase. 1 ~iR ~(LL Missionamy sermons will be pmeac 1hed ou Enniekitian Circuit nazi Srsnday by Rer R ES Taylor o! Toronto Unirersltv, who le about te go to West China, su able adrocate, speclativ recommend- ed bv Chancellor Burwash ... Mr sud Mss James Staluton are vlsitiug friands tinToronto sud Barrie...Mssa George Raid visited lu Cartwrig-ht.. .. A littia baby girl bas9 coma te brigliton tbe home of Mr WliOke. ..Mme Webbes sud daugister, Manitoba. are vistting ai Mm Wl MHerrlng's. . . .Ms Will'Preston le home from Lîidsasv...1-r A Amnot, Toronto, wae intise vitlage st week cal1ieg on oid acquaintances ...... Mr J Martîi l visîing lu Toronto . ... The paper giron by Mr. E. A, Loveli, Fresi- dent cf Bowmauville Langue, Thursday evening at ouir League wae greatly anjo-ved. Prom tisa beginniug teatisa end il bsisiled with bslght theugstesud uaw Ideas. We wltilatt bc pleased ta hava Mr Loeet vieil our Leagno again ...Mr. Fred Btace),k,Nestleton, visited ai Mr. Gao Argue'à. TuBoRy VS. EXPERIENOE. Tiseeries are eften very besutîful, but tliay ara net le ha tînsted as many a pismscian has found out when it wss tee late to saVetlise ilfeofe!hi-,ptiet Illesways salar te ha gnidad bytisa a-xpe3rience o! dbaesud use oî eiie cf tried suod pro-,an mernt sucbasDrý. Chase,'s Byvrnp o! Llnseed sude Turpentine ýfr tha, curalo!croup, broucehitis.astisma, wisooping cougli sud ieel colde. TYRONE. Mr. Fred Usines. Soumis, Man, is viiigfriands larea ....- Mmesud Blanche Bail' ar-e isiling lu Osisawa,.. A ge3nuine January Ihaw %wtt ise a dys miel sud main lias reioned !tise slelghlng ... J H Mutton, our onergetie dreyer, le doing a rnshlng business bnylng stock for tise barris Ce, Toronto.. Tî7rone vieinity wishes wetî, whlle Il regret r tisadeparture o Mr Tisomas Woodley, an etd-time resident, whe bas remoed se Bowmauyllle ...-. A goodiy numbor of Oraugemen attended lodge, Royýal, Arch nigih,Friday ....Able mis- sýý,amy sermons were proacised home hoeeSunday blin bo, Josephs Bamu as, Courtice, sud'T H P Anderson, Hamp- ton. Pasters Spenco suzd Joiliffe sup- plied tiseir pulpise,-.,.Mm Wm Little, our Ai tismsher, flnlshed tise seaeeu's work Tbnrsday. Beig'lning on tise 25th o! Juty, William has isad a bnsy six menthe blowlng tise steam whistle... Tise hockey game plaîed Thuredas- by Providence aud Tyrone bers rasnlted lu a score o! 8 te O lu faner oi Tyrone... A 3ouug bosebelonging 10 Mr 'Rd Hawkey faIt inteo a -walt about '80 foot deep.Monday. Bv thse prompt assistance o! noiglibore tise animai was rescned witisont receiing any serions iujury AUOTION SAIAE WEDNESDAY, FnB 8-T ho undersigned bas reeeived instructions f rom the execatore of the late J T H Hancock, to seil by auction on lot 3, con 5, East Whitby, ail of bis valuabilfarm stociL, implemnents and farm products Ses bis. jAs BisHoPl, auctieeir. W. D. FARMERS' INSTITUTE Supp entary meetings cf thte West DurhamI'Înarmers' Instituta wlil be held as follow s: Ostomo, Thursday. Jan, 28, at 2 end 7.20 p. m, ilu Couneil Charzber. SOLiNA, Fridav, J an. 29, ait 2 and 7.80 p. m. in Sens' Ball.- NEsTLETON, Saturday, Jan. 80, at 2 and 7 80ý p. m. ln Foresters' Hall. The speakers and subjects are: MR.GVNBABR Crosshil. Sub. jects-The Bee! Steer; Draft Horses and how to r-. 15e; Cultivation and Man- ure; Farmers and their Sons. H. C. EMMERSON, CorbyVille. Sub- jects-Judging and Breedlng the- Dairy 00w; Seleetiusg and Cars o! the Brood Sow and Young Pige;s A practical talk on Corn; The Fnrmner's I-nterest'lu Good Seeds. gvzxNIIE-The Land We Live In. THomAs BAICSI, H. C, BAR, 8-2w Pros. Sec. -Treaï, $20 Suite fr,$14 Specal o Cah- Mens Sitefor only $14, m et-dm agisfor ITwo MontWs. les thansu Ga anteed Re dy A aderSuit . r Oter I g aIsame redulion, os.Jefer &Son, [2-t! star Mbuse, Bowmlauvillle, .E.L. cou, HMT Offers fer sale: 8 gondrewdco, te mauew aeon, sud o0.eaD(3arot 1thorobred rzeawad cow, che9ap. Darles' pure Lard lu 2o lb. pais for $2.80: 1n lb. pai(s fer 01.60; 5 lb pails for 8uce;38Jlb pails for 48e Danlea' smoked hame, roes, bek fast lacon, sweet pcldrls atpesk, belogua sud weluea, ali cheap. Day.. les' pgde are ail goreraSmt lnapecîegd aud are No. 1. Pariod Roofiug, Neponeset ýsbeeting, Danies' Fouttrv Food, 7 Ilis, for 25c; 1(ji Ilis. for $8 00. Wianted-Vea1 esîves, fat lamba sud younrsg caïvas, aise auly qusuîlity o! cioyýersPe3d sud wGooL.9c for unwasbed 1»4-ýgest price pld ifor beef bides. Shi-epekius, osl!-skins, tan iark sud tailow. borsebides $2 ta $2. 25 aach for No. 1 bLatser bounde books by 9tandard Cildrens sleighs cheap at P C Tz'eb*l- ceek'se J. E. L. Cote, Hamspton, bas soea thing te Bay. Read ibis adyt. After Stock=takiïng !Salee. S Wfind after stock -taking that there are a lot o Unes that are flot complete in mies. These We will 9 elear out regardless of cost, SWe hiave a lot of stiff front Shirts, short bosom, so-mec Sopen lu front, some behînd, some both ways, some separate e fi, attached, These are alil splendid patterns near- Sly ail white with black Etripe or figure, Th-e regular price Sof them was$12 and$10 we will clear them at 7 9c. NEWEST SKî2..ATING SWEAWER, S The latest novelty in Sweaters Is the coat sweater with1 coi. Sored facing. This Sweater le having a tremendous rua iu Tor- zonto. We have secured a fullhUe of them in different colore. SGrey with Red facings, Grey with Bluie, Smoke shade with Red à ind Biuefacings. This makes a very serviceble, cmotbe stiigl'iy sweater, very handy to put under your coat wrhen drv- Sing, $1.75, ý2,25, $2,50, 83 00, $3.50. We have bargains alî Sthrough our store in Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, ileefers, 5 Sweaters, Caps, Underwear, Glioves, Mitts. Qrocers' Due Biî takeni as cash