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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1909, p. 1

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$OOa year in advance; $1.50 to United Stts BW AV LE , TARJO, THIURSDA-Y', FEBRLTAIIY, 419. VOLUME LV, -Noi; .5 .JAMxIE's & SON Popretrs 'T'h Ja oe Pper Vist Tirtyfiv HunredHome Wekly Before S"took-taking SaleE AT goods wiii b-, sold atRDUE A lot cf Dreesmras at ab out IIÂLF PRICE Men's aud Boys, Overcoats at COST. I Purs of ail kinds at and below COST. ONE-TIIIRD OFF the PrIce ef ailt Ladies' and Misses' Ciotb Coats, This is a genuine sAle and al good.s wiil be soid exactly as advert. W ised Johnrston & Cryderman Grocers' Due- Bilk taken as Cash. WHEN çBay air el,-brat,-dd'German>* SChAOel 'BootS for yaur famity THEY ,are GUARAN2EED We stand ready ta take back any pair of Germ4n 'Boots s5hown ta hiave::- [Il Sheddy heel stiffeners. f 2jý Shorddy inside heel pieces. (31 Shoddy inside soies, 14 1- Cut off vamps aitee caps. (51 Comnion cotton stitching'. "German" Boots are neat in ap- pearance. They eut wea r any eother boot in the market. They are ne dearer than many peor boots, They are "made in Canada." Tfhey -are made ln any oet four ieathers-iight te heavy. ThLey arc made iu sizes to fit boy or girl. They eau be bought euiy ai any i Burns' Cornier Store BARGAINS Mid-winber barigins ail around1 Oshaw% partiicnariy ai Burus'. OSHAWA, Mdain Four corners, Bi->eAýNK 0F MONTREAL Established 1817 Capital 8 14,400,000 Best -612,000,000 Total Assets 8183,169,159 savIngci Bank Department. heal~ Office, Montreat J. A. MeCLELLAN, Manager Bowwanyilie Brauch. 144 We take subscriptions for any Magazine or News,çpaper published at LOW EST PRICES LADIES'HfOlE JOURNAL 6.0per ycar or 150. Peloubetis Select Notes for 1909 1,00 W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Beokstore. Be Careful!1 Thesa sudden changes et weather are very dangerous and tend te cause COUGS ND COLO8 which at this season are very hard te gai rid of where nothing is done te prevent their devel- opinent and we heartîly recoin- mend yen, for this purpose, the use et "301" The oid reliable and never f ail- ing Cougli Remedy. Price 25o Don't be without It. Rod'k KMi[tchell & co., -i TEE QU iTYDiau"lEi5T À Few Bargains For FEBRUARV 3 eaus corafor................. 25c 8 "Pa................... 25e 8 " " Cern & Tomatoes ..,. 25e 3 bottles Extracts..... ....... -25e 8 pkgs. ali l avors leing Sugar ...25e 8ý Il I Jeily........ ..25e -3 O hocolate Pudding: ....... 25,r 12 Ptm ............ ý.. 25C 2 Macaroni ...... .........25c 1 dos Oranges ...... ý.........15le Oranige suicer te cind. AIlGauiesatreduced pnices. Rebate in china. Watch wluidow eveny week for bargains. CASH FOR PRODUCE TH0O5 WH-ITE, 2deeors west ef Conch, Johuston andi Pine 5-7Bwanil Zeuoleumn foi- ic0 on catlu-. Zenoleum forr be igwor. Zenoleumý Zenoleumn far iscrathso oss Zenoleum i ary1qýC hc te lsnunt dustable fookýt r asrbig-bd d fhflor git chg i acfr e Toixe eadil ib afor 1a9d09:c mson eb. cf teoat.usvulOr hlugs F., F Eb SAK vSsud gait "bot. Wea. etng yeof 1,s anses Mon., Feb. 15-Front Stv Organ. Fni., Feb. 19, Beavers vs Front St. IMMdENbE DORMIANT WEALTH. Conservative estiniates plc ite quian- tity of land suitableý for atgriculture in the -Western prov-ince at 150,000,000 acres, and of thîs Is hn1,0,0 are under cultivation. The land tribu- tary te the National Transcontienta1 is net included in these figiures. The very building of the Transcont11inental lhas ivn a Value te land, thý pro'perty f theý Dohofar ini e- a!y cost the s-ailway will be e eope.The forests of Canada arýeeninos STOCKEEN AT OTT'AWA Messrs. Sain, Bray and W. Ormiston & Sons, Enfield, were very scesflat Ottawa Live Stock Show. MnýI.,Bray was awarded first prize Àin the Dairy Contest with his Shorthorn cow, "Morning Giory V. "Corapetition included Durhams, fiel- steins and Ayreshires. Hie aise won on expert bacon hog, barrow under 6 mes., and s0W under 6 mies, W. Ormisten & Sons won on fat steer, grade steer, best 3 expert steers, grade cew in dairy test. 0 1UILTY 0F BLACKMiAIL Mrs, Jos. Habbard of Unio Park, New Ontario, was fonnd guilty at Whitb-y of attampted blackmail bafore Judge MoCrimmon, on Thursday last. She admitted writing threateuiug letters te John Watkins, of Oanningtoun. lie'h latters sha statad that if Mn. Watkins did not retnrn $500 of the $1000 which ha had chaatad Mr. Hubbard ont of, hits housa would be blown np by anar- chists. In admitting lier gilit, sha statad that she must have beau inisane throuigh privation and povarty. The, Klettens wera evidently wniïttan from near North Bay whera Huabbard aud lits wif a had beu-iving. Tha story which -Mr-$.- Iubbar-d telis- -vcr y pitifu1-oxueý In order te fiud food te keap himself and bis wife froni starving, Huabbard had fellowad tha new Uina of raîlwçýay, picking up scraps. Thay had aise eaten mica an4 moles. Sentence Was rasanv- ad. The Hubbards once livad in Wast Durham northw est of Euiald, DURRANE OLD) BOYS. AHOY Say, boys, aya, and girls of the Home- land of Durham, hare's au idea. How doas it strika yen? Iu our opiniou it's a splendid suggestion made te us by a friend. Teronte Durham Old Boys' Associa- tion will hold thair Anui-al Reunien and Bi uquet at Mconeky's Friday1 eveuixig, Febnuary, 26, 1)99 Huudreds of yen would be delighited te be thare, but distance and other coniditions -,il! prevaut. But yen can ba thera lu WARIX F0WRs ,RICUPrON G a N-,GRArN WElLOM OME ssSAT- UIIDAY NIGHT IN.OWN HALL, OPONe Reported specially for Statesmlan Age, youtb and beauty breved the in- ciement weathar Satunday eveniug te do houer te ena cf their municipaiity whc hiad been cliesen as First Citizen ef these Uniited Countias at the Conutias Parlia- mient. The spacieus and beautiful towu- bihiL)-- standing mronument te the cuaeedgood sense cf a former ceun- ci- is icely filad, a large number et ladlies eccupyiug seats lui the gallery. TElirst strains cf weicome wera heard at the outrance te the Town H Iall whon the Ononio Baud layd Le, The Conquering liae om as"ad other lively airs. 80nateir 8 o'clock eider was callad byM.Wm Armstrong, Chairmen of thae Re ceptieni Comimittea, who expiaiued te t1ie large audience the object cf the assembly-te -ive a citizens' nacepticu snid welomeho'e te Mn. Arthurn'A. Pwars wbe ad beau hotioied by bis coiieaagues at Cborgly election te tlie Wandeush'Îip of Notbuniberlind snd Dunhami. fHi as pleaýsod te sea semany ladies present te jein in the felicitations of the occasion. Wandeu Poweîs was esconted te the platform amid enthusias- tic rounds cf appleusa. Wben the chear- îngl sulisidedl Dr. -Neil Colville iu a wall- pneparedcopimetay ddre-ass, wal- cemed ardauPowe i on is raLtin from i1Cobouîg wber e ha adbeau hlolored by beugeicted te the ihspeti î the gijft of bis cadu iisin United Co 'Macd expresýsedlea uthat the, abJiiitY et ena cf thain ubeshad beaui signally recoguized I)y ascion to "o imp)ortant and îespousible a position and assuîed Mn. Powers that hae bad the heaîtiest congratulations cf a wvide cincie cf friands at home and away fnom the llomaiand. Oun isiug te raspond Wenden Powens was greeted with great euîh-usiasm. Ilp expressed bis appre-ýitiou cf the manner iu which ho bad beau received. The houer doue'him et Cebourg was gi-eat sud mc appreciated", but the houer doua him by bis falow citizeus on this occasion was valuad te evenl a gYreatan degrea. Hie raviawed bis mici iiipal work as Towniship and Counity Reprasantativa sud miade feigrefereie uce te hese who had pieceded l in the L1,ýWardani's Chair fnem Clanka, iueti iug ite sba Mssns. John ,L. Tuacker, Robent Coivilla, Samn- ulý Wilotsu Mr. W' F._ilnJ. P., whe ow 1resîlidslu Bown-1 nV'ille. Rev. J. A. MII,cau, B A., anlargedt in an cloquent speech on so.eaecfthe thoughts axpîassed lunthe addîass-pesi- tien brîngs nasp)onsibiiity sud nesponsi- bility demauds sric.Wardan Poweîs- bas the abilà ity ud he duty callod lha wouid ha thýena. Mn. A\. A. Celwill, tha new Roove of iNawcastle, ruade e splendid speech neferaîng te bis impressions fnom bis first session et Cobourg, cougiatulataci Clarkea people on having as napresenta- tivo the Warden cf the United Counties. If Mn. Poviers continuad thîeugbout the yean ais lie a&dbegun, ha would ha ne- inambered us ea uodel presidiug officen. Councillor J. G, fiTon ey made a capital speech sud lu a hjappy vain refeîred te local affairafi H aauiatonwit h Mr. Powvers ilu mettais partaiing te È0Work lu flt Towu1sbLip (Jouncil were qatisfitctory. f Hougi if the Wandan wene as, effi- cien1t iluCounities meinttais as lu Township work, haieu d ha b able te hold bis owu et Cobeung,, con cluding witb s humorous Mn . Robt, .Knox expressed bis pleasure et being presaut te take soe part lu Mn.ý Poas eate The noupoliticel féastura of tha meeting sud the mannar i luM icblbwas conductad ahîoughout, miet witli bis haanty ap)proval sud lia tlioughit it would be batter if mieagAth- ensetiiAo a sîmîilar -nature wene hled. -Suah -aacourse wou-dou esaiii- timne hava the affect of eliiniating polluacs from themniia sens. Mi, R. Moment, P. M., in bis usuel foîcaful style, madeas splendid speech, neferriug te the boyliood days et the presant Waîdea ud stated Ithat ha ssw lu Mn. Powans years ago matanial for fdlling importanit positions, sud ha did not knew but that lha ed lied somnething te do with mouidinig bbc Wsnden's pub- lic cereer. Rev. W. Limbarb made raferenca te the p rasent manner of deiug bhings, Which imteantirely witb bis appioval. Ha did net believe in waiting until e eman ýi or wemliedpassed eway before sbowing oui eppraciation et their good work, ý Somne people wara iniciiued te wi nfil bliair friands were ,,gene, then woriiuld heystîe-w huais ovan thair gr aves, but wu were pl1acin'g laureis upon thé jCouncil lied made aR wise choice lueict Mn. W. McGuine was the lest speaker, who with bhis Inish witticisms an~d humer- e us anecdotes "'brougli down the lieuse" in a speech bristling with uiirthful sallies. 'Mn. C G. Armstnong lui bis u-suel good style intcrf3pcrscd uTthe s peechies with a couple cf new sns God Save the King coucludad a most successful reception EDITOR'S CHAT Fathen Time's caleudar cleck lias struck TWO., What about those 1909 resolutions yen made ?' How manry hava yen kapi throngi Jauuany? If they wene goed, sud ini a moment et wveak- uess yen tcad, now is tlie timie te ne- nesolve and maka anothar strennous effort te ha geod. Yen kuow tha old song:- If ut firsi yen don't succaad. TR-Y AGAIN. Editons et local papars, says a presauit- day writer, gai ' neanen, the hertle thair readans than boek and magasine writers, We like tethink this, ton wli we are Writinig aveny week thea thougit in-eur-mmd lis: What ilooui eut-et- tewn neaders wvanàtot know about this avant? Se, wa put nu soe partionlans that wa would net publial i smply tfon tewn people, It is a great eppertunity te ha permittad every weak of the yaar te tslk te freni 15,000 te 20,000 pensons as we have the pleasure et dleinig. The gratityin-iliought thiat wa have the respect sud conifiduec et sncba wi;de cc4le ef interestad neadens prompts us te great cana aud watchfuluass-cane that wa) pubiish ouly tic tnuth, sud watchfni. that we glean sud pnhiisli " al the uaws fit te un."We desire oui readens t o realiza that 14whien they sea it in oui- paver, ITS SQ. Oui membans et staff sud conntry corres- pondants are al enjoinad te write on-ly tha trntli. If a nun l wentli ýhpulilsi- ing it shonld ha se stated, se thaire ad- ars eau diffarntiate betwaaun umens sud news. Be assurd etftMils, dlean raad ans, that we do net publisi many things-saut--te ns -ecause we regaird tham wîb suspicion. Bear in mind, aise that it is net wise te pubiish ail the trubli someltimes. Soeathings are -battar net te ha( publishied.l A f eeling et reai saduess always comaseý oven us ut this tima eofthtb year wliau wa ravise our iiubscript-linlist-possibly the feeling is keenler hacanse we have beau se mantiy yEýars ascitdwitlithe people efthiis connty. bu sucoh a large number etfsubscribers s considîal ninhaer dia avery yoaî, sud as the tue ,omali s teo rem-,e-th0 ame mcoui .ý lisi, the pleu,,sant intercourse, tbbc ap- pjreci-ativa wendrL], the pnompt-puyîng habits and the general cheracten e) the deparbad eue pa"sssin x'eiaw Luoij theugbts, asud tbe Soiptuna oftenecomaiis te us. "'A goed name is rather te ha chosen than great riches." A geod namne (charactan) is a valushie legacy te loave oe's chidren- botter than rîih- es, better titan gold, botter tien lands a hundrad-fold."' Tic editens ef The James Papars feel exceedingly encouiaged by the veny small number et subsanîbers who have askad te have thair namnes ramoved troxu oui mailing lisîs They taka, thîs as e slreug indication that their read-ens appreciaba efforts te make thesa, papens uewsy, iuterasting, educative sud ne- iiabla. Our ambition is te publish bbc hast local nawspupars that, eau ha pro- !ndcd thbbcprice. The tact that for saveral moublis oui papers have eutered weakiy ou un average ovar thînty-fiva bnndncd homes nmnst ceuvine ,ver- body who thiuks wbat that means te the advenbisen sud the pubolishens. lbI meaus business for the fermecr sud fluanciai sbrngtb for. the latter. Few homes, indead, ara thene withiu the trading ares et Bewmanvilae that do net neceivaeona or other et The James Papars. A gnatifying thouLght ta >us is tiat se msny people bail us our paper is -a welcome visiter," " la tter troni home," "«agenly lookad for," "paaper day isawsited wilh great expectancy," etc. --Occusioually au -advertiser-think Ou-r - ratas are rabliar higi. We nsusily dis- coven, howeven, that lia las beau, quobed rates for similar space in a paper wibi possihiy 400 te 500 subsonibens or possihly a few more. Ris owu sause et propor- tion shlnd toribd bis aven mentiening bhe matter. Every business man lias-a perfect îight te equander mouey ilu non- producing mediums if hao hooses. But we psy blie price wlien wa huy fnom oblien business mon. If the price tliey asi dees net suit us we dou't huy. We have newspaper space te sell. We guar- autee the number et homes ie owhich an adverisament wii11 enter. We, fix the price et oui spucae. The buyer lbas blia option eftatking or ieavm*g lb. Ha knows or slionid kowblai onIY bY udverbisîng iii The Jamles Papt aleh reacli bbc gi-ester number et the people who trada lu Bew-,manviile. The nuni- ber wlio de net read eue et tale se smali bliat they aaescarely wortb cousîdering lu bbc aggregate. Wa hiave ne desina te intentera with auy oblier mn's business, !hsie mthodIs on is prices. Wa kueow lie valuaiet eni space asud we expeet te gai Our puice. Our i au ai ambition is te sut- isfy avary bayer et space in Our patpers. WVe tr-y te maka ail1 advanrtisemnts as attra,,ctive sud as effectiJve as e w eau 'wibh thae aana sdconveniancs wa have. \We publisiclean, niewsy, attract-I ive sud wblasomeue P-rs that peOPleý neaid. Wa tny te inspiraeofdnal Oui ad-vantisens sud refusa te publisil wbab appasis-taius as beeinal for theanmouey we Cali makaeOut ef them, they would sec manyaçvrseet and articles that are uow forbiddenl space. But ourpapens arapublishied for the homnes, neot ta please the rabobla class, WEDDING CELEB-RàTION About 75of the immedlate relatives of Mn. and Mrs Albent E.Cimn asaembled at their home. Loeust Grros 8 Farm, near Tynone, on Friday, Jan -29, te celebrata the 25th tanlveraany iet their wedding, Mnr, W. R. Clomeius, chalimani, caiied tha company te ondar and askad thea attenidants ef twenty.five yeans aga, who were Mirs John Pey and Mr. W. E. Courtice, te bring fer- ward the bride and groomu, aften whlch Bey, fi. S' Spenca, their pasteor, ffered a' short prai en. Mr. Johin Pency thea read the feilowing addnass: Tsýrno, Jan. 8Oth, 1909ý To Ms', and 315s A. FiC1emens. Loculst GrOvc Farm, DEAR ALBERT AND POLLY: yoe Wae, your immiiedq late relatives and friands, have invadei the precincue <of yoiur a ven hospltaffle home for 1th18pu1rpose etfunhting wlth yen - lu celebratlnig the twenty-fifth anlverspny et yeur wedding dlay, As wa look upon you tis af taneon, radiant ln health yeuthfui In appeananco, and with ail the freshness that peanmte weli preserved lives, IL sems hard te nealiza that the couple now before us~ have been marrled oe quarter et a century. Veriiy heow fleeting are the yeans But we rajioete knew th&t gcoe od Fathan Timo and Dame Fer- t1uno hav,-ýecdibeau se indulgent te the friands we have this attarnecu met te houer, As Is ahe comimon lot ef ail mankind, su-nshine and sliadew have ut intervals cressed your pathway on llfe's eventful journay, but it bias pleased our heavenlv father te dispense sunahine te ye n uthe greater quantlty. In the family circles lu whlch yen ferm a part, yen hLaveaiaways been welcome and valuied membens. la the chunch lu whlcli yeu ffr se long a turne have been members, you have grewn net eniy lmie brigit and ahizing lights butajiîa Into plillars ef stnengt1h and fatesocial cincies lun chyen mingle yena have aven bea3u rgani as valuable acquisItions, and wany gpther. ing witliout your presace wouol bha deemed incomaplete. lu the irmdiate vlclnlty lu which yen neside yenhave always beau furnd iýwhether il lcness or lu heu1thj the ver> bate egbr swi swanm and tiue friands. ,ýTe tha nieedy ye were aiwayvs kind, sympathýei!e anaI benevoient. Rance we feel itat the infilencee qi yOUr liVes uetbr f ine- timable value te the Church, tni social lite and yeur owu immediate naigliber- hood. Recotgnlzing the many exce 1lent traits lu each C yeur characterqs se ofettapuit ta pr-actîcal use, we hatve, avaiied ourselvas oet tha present oppor- tunity te couvte yo,U in a -more tan. gîbla way than wonds eauLd pertnay those feelings ef hlg-h estimation lu wblch yeu are halýd by _, ou n immediato3 relatives andi close friands. Tharefore we ask eof Çou te acco5pt this set ef Limoge China net alone for its usafiù- neas aud beauty but as a reminder et tbis happv occasion as wellU as au eu- pression etf flendshiip, esteem and leve frem the near relatives and friands, assemblad or representad haro on this maemenable occasion, tag-ether with the earnest prayen that mauy yoars may yet ba vouclisafed te yeu n uwbch te co!mpýlete your11 life's greatest andhst ,wenk. Aud when at lasi the summones may corne for sen te bld fareweii te time and friands may l be wheu yen are fuillof yoars wlth your lmstrim- med and burnlng, and may that jeyfui salutation we oaci se fenveutly desiro te heur, viz.,"1VI ell dune thon good and falthtnul servant, enter thonix tt the ioys efthile Lerd," greetïye n dlvidnially lu that mnausien above. Sigued by lie cmitaon behaîf et the relatives ani fnlends haro asmbled, W. R CLUMiENO, ) SARâAH M. Ten-,,i lBLAKE CUuIRR, UeMMîttee.. W. E. Comnio,f The presentatten ei a handsome dia. uer and tea set was made by Mrs. L. M.. Cenrîlce and Mrs. Levi Anis, Mn. Clemeus veny flttlugly repiled. Cern. plimeutany, addresses weno made by the brlde's fathen , Mr. Lawrence M. Ceuntice, Bey. T, W. Jolliffe, W. E. Courtice, Rev. H. S. Spence, R. T. Stephieus, W. L Courtice, (ýPickerni' A. J Ceuntice, A, E. Bundie, A. W. Aunne, Blake Courtice, A, R. Brout aud oth2ns, alter whlch the company Bat down te a bouintiful nepasit. The ne. maindor ef the eveulug was pleasautiy spent lu social intetcourse, evenyouo seemîngily happy lu dolng houer te Mn. and Mns. Clamons. The ealth pt

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