TEMJIIIN S n h Ou r1easuei andEndearstû1 Are But th1ile Spirlit of Mn ein oeLifen -Phil.ii. 1) sef bt e laiginal i si order te asrt the'wrth tth1 l igbty or te make craicfe Gected at our ors. Metsi did tuegreatsTche soled beanin that mho neLS, I tino tie uibble over he rwn idesint is Fathnes bsies;hocmet Once men laid their possessions one hunger, onle passion i s i n Al onte ias frliinin rder "nrallsCteucaaigd-1 te lacate the deitis; n inter, ire fer helarg, mIore complote ime they îvre told te iay their lite.AiUt rgettIing cf tbarqs is inîads ther. Ielecertual stultifi I bt Our atept te siiOur liyes te! cation is tuepice thatnaîiy are the Fuhin e ceài nuue; ai wilin t py t sdue n îngîîd urpasuresOunrtoug, Our on- penc etmmdor future felicity. !deavors are but tho spirit cf man Wit ay rlii i a seee(cf séekiIg moe ite. Thswe d(esire gutincg au tu Hink aike by net al- froIevs tia ' ilite,1 loig anyuteItbin kat ahl.AV EHR% AC Se long as religion mneans the ESR ORAL ldig r eting nget certain Rliin etmnI au' ât tis point;ý opnins te cio i crtinvin', tshowsug th 'ay cf the lre especialiy regnrding the dead pasti', ite. htbds ium ecgnizehnsf tOe unonn uUr onhenyeri- s More thandust; it awakesi us' ee-wrlitnil11 ul h ad o im hoseseetth ivine. At itsl 1h prctco mmid tAs un 4s 'at bcstit biushum eaU hinsef thiel salne sncb ien's migt hvüo hl c te ighestand uges hum svlat ecssiyporponal or socil, te go forward into h: fuîllnss et is ns to ni iigton.rIhe best the n'od bas ever dreai- Eto 'lîenthe eacbings cf re- cd cf or lenged For, ligion have taken a moepCcia he test et any relon is this: bearing, whaeoAthoemplisîs as 'Dees it stir rme te discontent nith beeyr poa dtisaruisoia r in-te lite T ha,,,ve, ith my attain- tiens r iimots. wýtb the whole order cf lite, U'hi e on my speethe importancel ayds, ià is bard tu persuade folksl ttI ,theeis anyIarge alIuein get- i ting the who0e world to, chant to-1 gether the orul that says, 1 mnstrstrike deeper than this or! bace ne i'power over US. n ainrl ween c are, ising- hat the (laysere atwice as long yhe stilIifInd tîime ýfthings that are îeally worth wshib, they arei quick to recognize lie value cfQ things pý Iiritual, but it is nut Ihard t0u Iinde- -ýzàriandtheir impatience wihany huc oqys'ýtem ha OU 1'THE NEW C(ITY. WillTakethe Trade cf the Enmsi Januaryls,10. Mr,'. IE. B Obrn pecýia coin- mîsionr o "Cnad,'>the ,,Lon- don llusrnte jou nal, wnas in Van(oumceronet long ago, giava Itupert.rietseid "Ishu] tiK mr ble ave Scoft's Etso and irn- me.ýdiatzeiy cmecdto imProve. In al, I think i took ý 114 oteanid my wight icese rm133 poundzs to 184 pounds in less thansi oh.I know from ponire-suits the efficacy of' Scott's Emulsion. ---FRED. R. STRONGMAN, 4171Bath- urst S,., London,-Onit. Let u, send you a copy ofj âad a;itrying experienice, had got run doua vnol Moser-;. lie strengthenng end W>sh c~oon soILMSaunm- Sovi's. Isbenthesan ard f te wrldfor eas 'u sWrh AHytiestf cStO T&eumerosiia about me Dee itawakea j-in !me1 suceer, uIlr lie fr 'a i mon? 1 1Ured lir-fier evorytïing iscl had fWied. eveý7ry remdcýy given meby doctors for1 tis trouble, J gren' n'rse isedof butter. J was fSt faiing la hwalh, andi 1I n's completely dsorgd "Qic-e(day tfrieand advised meit Lotry pLdia M. Piakham's Vegetable Couî- pun d. did sû, and arn th-tnkful te 1-ay that icred the female n'eakaess, makçinr ag me st rong and well. "E1'verty n'omn whsuifers from le- maie tobe shruidi try Lydi,-Ca E. Pink- For hiry yarsLydia E. Pinik- Iimr'a VegtabrLe Oe ICIn, imade frein rootsnd herbs, han been thei sýtandaord re dyfor fmae111e, andhas positive'ly red touadie tien,fbrdtmos reuaies perodc ains, akahfhnt bear- îng-dow-)n 11feýe1ing itlny a ýs Why don'tyn try it ? Mrs. Plnkham nvites alse w0men tO write her fo--r advicé. h has uided hosadsto healt, Addà'reossLynn, YMass.,, hi, , t ii, ne o bcbut heîng cases,,on sticks. There ar-o tn'e vestibulereally gethotels, anti a number Cisurcisos anti creedas are but the cf dollar-a-day proportions, n'bere, tee-ls anti miiestones along the n'ay hygv teget gotsur wbere lite goos frein more te more. moLals, Il and ask thon te aieep in Men wnii horeligions neot te escape buak as in Freacb-Canatiiinshan- sme painteti bel, but te fiad the ie.Apesnt it is a dry nn wnyL inito that bCaevenaiready pic- the sale of liquor beiug forbitiden iv. tured in ïtheir passions, their rie-'oe the railwajv construction d es and lcnging, te n'alk in werk going on there. It is said thi way anti to, anaken all men te tiiey make a kind ofet ides for the knon' and talon'w the path that hona use cf citizetns suffering frein a %no the uIde, enlaning and lr tchbronie tbîrst. But nebody oefeed ail oserstlings. AWboever ensus cany.Whoerer n'ishes te geit boren'il b toleneti "fli"must go te Port Essingtonl, 11 ENRny F.!COUP. sveral heurvs' voyage, n'here va porý- npeaduarpersea is regardeti nith susicion VWhn 11- n'as thiere I sk bme told ahont Prince Rnpert than cd ,!a na n'th aface like ato - about anuy non' city Ceen yt spnug toe, he n'as neclinig on the up in thýen'est. For example, Lwban, wythe wbloie ppuaion n'as svanunet elt o tee -nu 'as, elebn'ratîng the -c occasion. the p rng, un iss L W Cs ed te n'ik,0 Thats s," nas bise aly- rp y. 70 miles ever the ice-flees te gt in Pont Essinugton, a niature Seat- and ont. Anutier Anaais (ihi, 'il ho put et etofactionn'e mnodem mroeeas toit me that Prince Rupert makes its real stant it ramcdI there ail day anti al niglit 0fcourse, Prince Rupert is hound ail 'the yeýar round. But, n'by ne- te become a great seapent. 1V wil pont thos-,e ubels i Prince Rueth-enr'eti by the shorteat anti by is ini the_ latitude et London, Enig- fan tCe easiest treight rente on the iand, anti ereryhotiy n'bo knows conuitinient, antitheseo nyfri theinitis Clumhian rceast kosPrneRupert AteYohamn in 400 rvery srell that it is an ice-fne port. iles shorter thau tise Vancouverý Asteru the raintali (n'hich is said route ai 600 miiles shortor tisan I on geoti antority ta e hCrrtualiy theý distanice betn'aen San Francis-" the saine as that et Vancoýuver, and ce) anti the Japan'ese port. Nat un- siiiariy isriue -nubte ly rince,,iRuert wil ho thre dis-,I yoar), ai I eau ronch for is that trihntiig P oint ton alli Nrthennii the n'eatber n'as fine anti milti the,1P itish Clnmha-acountry ,iclher .n'eek 1 uns thoe. in inerai rsnesth-an the- more IThe barber is tCo flv.st in Can-Udereloeti sonthernn laitforth j adn.. tis formed by a porerecltcoly-uka rrtoy anti forail the prt! eicne iniet 16 ileslong,; Alaskan sisoreline. it n'iil erentu-1 a, mile broi, ani 26 athoins tdeep pull)yrecorer forCanada ail the onl anurevrage. The botton bhas ýtrade nitbthle nth that n'slst! geod holng frlachors, an.d t uteSatla lieity ;%ljate'ývmits in 30 foot ocdn'ater ,at the ion'e t tie, 1fanlt, tu(ring thue Kod om by the temperairy wvhanves, The Aise-, il, muat h, econse- a groat centre natue etFt hoappreach trom ses- età lumbening, canaing andtirte, n'amd 1bas heen (criticize i.cetinmuhcui s fîfisheryprdt. qîsaters. But ail sueb citiciws1 ma Juttétate thebarbon hstise finleat haro been flnaily dispoeti Of hy halibut ftisbery iv. the wrd- as-, Ca TiuJ. F. parr,R.MN, cf H. set n'hicb bas, not yot hen irenlizeti M.L S. Egedie, nhicb is makting the te any extent. God progresa ba 1Adninlty sur\vey et the entmance. h een mfatie nith tise grndinig cftis lle say s: 'It is1ne breach et eti- first 100Ù mile-s eofri t tiseG. quott on my part te state that tHe T. P. and next summer tbe track- os tleusr-vey is ntîrl sa- ilayera siionîti hoat n'omk. istactomy in se tar as 1t(5 approacb There nvillil h a rod1us t te Prinice PRupert frein sean'and i, Prince Rupoît whemIn the townitei encerneti. That eught tehcot.Eey'ee auca the Rock- enouglu for the political variant et ies thinteîstin the non' city is the modemn 'Ananias.' extraertý,i-inariiy keen--as keen as' 0f c ourse, tise reai Prince Ru- n'as the intereat in Dan'son more, port is ,net yet iv. heng. Ufîti t helthan tonyenrs age. \Aiybody'who! ton auto is sold--pmobably in. Ma - eau buy a ci ty lot thereen'îll ho mak- permanent buildings canna go 1p. în1gooti investsuev.t, if ho baysi Neariy everything thene inon' n'iuu te bold anti net torl o again. lif ho sn'cept an'ay n'hev. the plans coees it for speculative purposes, the ongineers are caurrieti e. hoen'il ho taking a baud in at ganse Pýrinýeupt is neut te ho a ceck- safuts ns waseen in Winnîpegi. erhar ity. Te my mnd. that 88 2ihough thiene wil ho mnore iia gi--at pointi. Yen con"tgt n t th bc fetPrince Rupen(,t iai pictuesquecau, on %thescangusirthere as ai, tise backofisîs cîty plan. Thoenekon ' Dtrot nitb25yeta a goý. Isuliiko te sec isradiating aeus îo' o'j Bitihab i Canad1,ýininvestr ge pleasan it is elt n freiýn îlt h ,is-lon ssiare cf tiýrofitsOe patiuarte-s t h suaedeai. lPr i nce Ru' tper t's n voopiet. A Pria c fiupnt is te bav plaes j forHe opprtuuitie theo fe anti pas-spotIuc moni l revent a 0 emersnetcap)itaUlti-,I do ne l ie ruvningpluan-sd undulai Can o exprssan opinon.Tee I vhite edifices. it niUu e o o re e;en thýan outire paiiesa a boy angr cant l osethnubas a joit'i inuipe og t tt seies n cse f ncesit' - ý hnen iltq)upn the chance c f dc- chisshclup riecftis bus-pro - ngbetten in inceîrup'rt, (orny hbyit nas lait is caled tteotheru- ipynon h Coat. Fer tbe Acropohs 1on1tbe pla-sud tise p1eseust atanL ý 1 rate, .a jobu i th in. wee yeass ago tCe site usasi"bird" is nu-th tlweiv. tisePrit bote anti tler. "Inoseos-give te bepgga-sonutis jThe sou, cilh sie-hes P ljt1 ei (,"ireistked u4a u (lg ins r1 u ton rock'.isi matiÀe ',f d1e1 e vgei&- 1 oei v, 11 1 at aske1himr 1 beip. t 'tien antib dn (p ant1pe[Y. . ly'Wii c- bierolieune1 'tbf e 71 vil perforing teir fo4ion, 0 corer amee' eealui c fi il ' t rt LOCAL OPTION FI(iRFS nltu Tion ý, l. , J1I09, in1 re- ~anpiggae hee pasr~tn of tase27 pacs xoigon repeal. Yeu inOpion>ncase sustaUin, nd i FustaicasestyOanyiniadMajorW t.e TSe Eorg in xeting in es výioto , ainst, a mwait :hi) eri tepoiseov181,o agad ,46aais, ajrtyo penm ncresed ,odf teliuo fote liqnorase d byonlyb176, the thjoetv in aorf.asinrese 1b "I i iteesinbty nT th ,.atr2 fn the 55 pcwe oiinally ar- tied ;) Local Opi by a maj oriey ins tha tre ifth rquiemnt et in exery case Loc a Opton tutane. otly se buti Ie nae te Mfiures inthee 2opces wrcarred ]l.h The oiglil vote in tes 2 t,516. On therestion of erepweal le nt voe Pt 7,1he 4,7-24, a a thi é c ,986 in fayot l)Ln o oa Jption. ý,ýteohrwod, h t brere oeaacesenb ,26 slte hor votulere dby24 lohe m arity inuyi fLca p Aio ihcreased by ,470.àTisuyecas- 20 c iuicpaties, whi h did as1 vei asth Kboel20(plei cI ,ginýeallid, are dcfeatedbya the) thre fAs equrme in42 majries ainst Local, Op tien of 1 Tny otei2lna jorities i favorcf LocalnOption were aless thaf the three-fthle qiee, and, ry therfete 1fmasure ill naet go in foe.rý Ola 2 Loal OptJion y aw were eaicte o13 kiin hih theo -iqo,(nseeued almajbtorle Taml the 2 whreel n on hee we.re anihe ct f 17 1F'li ce, ýaer o rt. Ld rime : b las f c o n s 'tb o e n-'ctw5 c outisIn sbe:ory$,0, dwiî e rvunuci c1oho ,t.c iscstsseý lie saine period was about $4,500,-. 0fte 75,0,Oegodwbc unDs bepen eonvertced inte Froný1chý coin, $224,000,000as beeon nbsob- (*d- by th rtic tiidustry (-en'ery gold andSiour maufaures etc., und the ur 1plus, $5000,00t- naains ;in te om et f iingets orfoe ga godid mner in. the Bank et France or theVan'uits etother bi*g baaking iris M. Tbry expls the ednn e thes largo revenues frein nbroad in tsi S ay:Emome 1892 Franc en porod ver yerun iaver7age eto pftc.) and bougbt an. avorPage e£ $ý-27,000 worth et wheat, cnt- ~lceffee, te-a, ietc. Thus shc-, paid ,1ut eve(ry year 'a' sui t of ,0- 000. Since 1892 theannual production of fhit as increasedI by 1,0~ 300 heetoiteýrs, -winoha neae by an ainnual i\cerageo f17,000,000 hectlites sugar by L275,500W tons, alcohiol -by 286,000 hect'olit"ers, and 1al1 exýpert food produetshave "ýýin.- Creutsed te a great extent, se that Franc non'paysfor lbercfee tnand ai'ipors y'the urplu -jER ,OWN 1FOO-DPRDCIN M. Tbripitsot ht on the flei in food produets bas increased ià Ahv sme sixten years freiný $11,000 1,t4-) 160,00anla England7's de'f nit bas incrons'ed f roms $651,40,000te,$937200,0. Amnother source OeFranco's svealtb and coetiat Caninot bc- van1u e d -w'ithb any a"ccracy is the mi- mIense amnust speat by strangers w1o ceuse te riait the Couitry or te seUle donini it. Pbi 'at basdevlopd norm-,ousIy inthe las sxtenyenrs in Amoerica, Ca- su,!! ex ico rzl retn. etc., and Fce ns a8bmenltd b cd the iniabitantm et these coun- tries t istEuoe Thelenchn 181 drw ananl- trisn'hiete day ïtbey cet, soethIing 1like$0,000fri that source. il iiinan uas ,about he nISaecust Vas in animais. iRcery i the ci, ,Ci "Z' but the attack may vary greCAtyini ses riy-Ynthads Copanon%g" FOOTANDMOUT DIEASE1"00n Mi9gdown, tb the mnostrl Tis diense, caled se ePpidemie grease. It nwilsave the patient orepizectiestomatiswor ore mucch aiinoý,-ance n( rke et caflu nd Iiephuit it mcay atl tppdby plunging the foet laiîcd tack Iman as n'eu, and in lMOSt bassete Y p aint jàwateruns botitj every tepideïnie sno ttehu inn ias ena;j hoe borne. This teainnt attel:dants et the cattliee-Ur inkersithoughtoryasmuipe enoidoin fail et the mnilk suie The diease isic-von in seoere cases. extremrely contagionus, and otte e uî \il-la patient is sick, and ai appear s inicciies n'heronepro- rouo annot ho thoroughly swept f soires aebas been kownin ne a- take a Tuîrkish twiand in cordance n'ih the paradoxica it etfsrong sait wnter and n'îpe] lasx that the more contagions althe carpet aIl oves', It n' itake!, diseaseis, the loss is the neeicf! op ail duast and rnake the mcv actual contact in. its spread, aadicdean and sneet n'àlitotdisturb tbew more nysteriens ottea is its ing tbe paient or raisingliust. diffusion. jTyhere is ne more sure cure feri la the case etÏfootnn -meutOh dis- an attack et taintnersathan nMear-h case, fr example,the fUnid frein tysnee ti edaey ti- the sores in. the mnouth eontas! lates the blcood vewsslsoe the - the péoîîin. very cnetrtdbri.iv. n.ypesos aiitn foin. Thislluiddrips freinthe nver gees se far ns a lmosfetaon month et the con' cm the sheep nn1sciousnossor'e SS icf cotrol et te b graSssand ;istakeinto he Ith lîbs. And in these the sud-I moiutb et another animalgrazing1doneknes i o tbruougbt te0 later oni the saine spot. Bt re an ed y aaneoze cansed bY an-, than this;: aibird may nighy t atthe itare bensof ssitbont any extena ri-et v it h infetin'slia'ad. Agrai ilortno e(pppr or rahitor (dognmay brîih scisnunortohecco itroduicdit cf it off in its fuis as it s-uns oser theclone e o t àkin is intesri the place, and se mnay carry it t îhl 'l snl ar aee - te uext fcVIS or even in. tbe casellThese simple procedures, or othersî etae bird, a pigeon, unr eamplespjiiar in ebaracter, may provei --te somie feld inany amiles disinvaluabl e n'hnsmeling sats and1 tant. othor ceganids are bsnt Tho f1irst stutnsi ate are n ls1igbt trembilînig orchilI, du1inees, loss, cf apeitnsd siCes.So INTEREST TO WOM EN. tIlue animal e8e tIro e ei- dently becau-e et the sorences cf Dont slave at thesas»btub 1AI theý meutýb, as sellas by reason cfu! sen' inventiwi h1 deesnway lin, lsoffap ttorortte r. wituhbard svok on nasb-day. Ila lolo, frui lle lic)tbord toiintroduce our pump ndr tel nand inspectinshomssthe preseaebaxe v- amer aoigbboreSUknow ail efto numet.a b!le litft 1c1ie bist1,erslabot it s(-,,fierfor-tbnthydas, Qhico sol breakr, leaving shaollo' up $ilm, washer almet tron .ai nicer. - sves yeu1r bandr, tin a n om At hesae imeee isn si Si- per. ; Aiýpltyeu ave e )do is te put' la r e'liupien'i on tLhe foot, jutnoe'(mot hes iv tub and nove the laui îthe lseny beef hebiad, and on the et the pv.eumairicehs ler aup nskin hetapn'en he tweuhaire tute a"14', -a The puiunp d doas ithe Tý htot ,in front1. Tee r ise paîi n otin hat the tio. ýIt dees tise jfui andrti eaia ak ae okcairadhte hnt anti n'bhen standing eniuuy$40mcie.Send $1,]00, seîîd * ifts i e. nesv for tbfis Vas-her-prrviiuug Tbe dise ýae acs about a wveek.'son ags-oo te demoanstrate it te 1oîîr Thon th) o uptico cassthe uii îiextdcci- righbhrs. sMoner s-o tecrs al, appotiopreturasand Ijtned if net satisfled. Send 25 the animadl is dsiven hy huinger te! cents more if yen wnrt us te par Sairke cautions attmpateoný,t a eprss Dsrtive pmhe litie,,]. Ixrvcitcontinuesýýýl, senton requeia. Sami in !, unganimals complete 0 ie at onýe te P'ierce &k Baker, o cvory obtins iv.aa wek or t-;64WabntnStot nfifnlo, tlisu inr rorcei.. ~ The disease iny ay etrainsîv.ited tco ophcnan beissg W difect con- Tiff WEALII 0CF FRA1Nc E! rimîlk ret a dise-ased an)illal, mor thirougb b Jut terimatie freinthe ~ERSLS 3200000I -crein cf td his milk. 'Tie disenseaSEWSLN W ak sRed B oo (olees nnaly i AND GOOD HEALTHSeuehugLk$l1,0,0 What Dr.G6=%e',New:e Fond Mtino rinTa ore increac Odi-c numbner of red crualainieLÉ ibMond ad ey Mltdte blond retder ami1M . Ldmond Thery,ue icfr ',h!inthe eeenta1c buiC du1nec 1- Fraute'S sourndent experts on ce- ani isue t rpac tos wsîd ydieae nineantifiancals tatstic, bas, anduin the proctis cof living. just pbl ied apL- boc, k on11 "The Eco-ý. yuse of tis greatîeîoatveyou lift vu- in)oie rorssetFaneSio-eý iel,f hem the w level cf1heahb whlich (e1c i92 lhib ou ocemo e! yOU ?a.-easy prey un eveî-y ii: iethtblowesi r ïtho en1lo eus increase s for wah thinwayiubod yOe Cath Cildtheun e itbcfthe couîtry. We Aai- ai re eay vCtu. for cnsumipiion Itsosthti.telssxee Dr.A. W h s' i.gVt friecuaîe te îning dl'tou omreaiet Nerre Food i turing tLiat poci. 1Atrheset1i ino the g,_ojti<i By dhe building up proceu, cumesanamia ~ ~ ~ Frnc las nceastiby$78,80, Eren a nu 'oltoin uipptd asesa - , oi er Mail thicoup~on to Dr Linma-d, Spadaa Ava,' a&ý 1 f PSYCH[NEF Twsee's a ceaionn man mlebas a ,mania for -collctîng ah sorts co! quertats in bsoy cecanti seO forthl,ant iebi nif e anti tamii can' t alppeciate. bissi at ahi. Tise "Tisestatement that it n'ouid take 1-200000 yeurs te punmp the son, dry. at thIle ra te cý;f 1,000 gaulonils a second." bis son spodti t stnty the staemntpreountiy fcr a foil "Whme uoi-t tey put ai h tb wae "hoa ked iv.nocutly; and lus father pait ne attention 'ha - ever e tie questin, bt n'nt o 1 ý 1 Sr. J.. £ New, of 1--4 IaldwIn St., T:r4onto, sîn ca :a:y sn 1-fa-01ds trublet hhc%;the m-ueasies fveyears aofrom which, lisuffering lie in turu conSracDed whooping moCnths of slepless nit, feaf l couhs, 1weakenn-nighî V sweaî3,I lCeft ny by "a mere,;-Shdw tead nocappe-tt, a fd0 one m l umra teLksceHm frSe hlrn an cm hm getl mpoed utt i od winds of OctOberv too hi of hS ', aan Tedotradviscd nme te send imr tea iSkoiabut Lheavy doctoýr%'sbu-is h'-ad dp~e yfinancïlial resoucesand ch astetp seemeiiîd -eut f.the qesio. t~~ dthIýs 1peint we tidPY Nand humaIýn !i:sc3a; notdesrîb te cangl ta t'Io ok pace.Nowrd-cnex ress, th hnflesof h i mther aknd mîîyseiýf whenwe s aw te cr i siîs %wa2s ov er, 1acd realizeCd that Our' boy was fighingbihs vwa:y z;~ bc te lite and heailth. PSYCHINf.E had mastered thiatwhh ailrhe doctor' î prescritoshad falecd o chec. ayby day u-,tinuî!ly Out of doors, he aile te akecolU, ndihe out on01 s1 very quickly. By tes ringmy on -wascoplete'y cured.,ande velpe d into a istrong, stcurdyla. PSYIC HIN stegetetsrnîirestre r a jd stem bilder 1, own to iedicýaj scene adshud eused for )uhCis Wa ugLss o! Appeite, Wai nsetc. Alil druggists and dT E 5L stoesi PSYÇHINE.5'Oc. POONE IKE .T A. Slcm d$ ottie. DR. T. A. SLO. rCoo a'0 . Aei LTL"gTD. FP~E. TOONT. Tu ~RETES QF flNES FR H[LTMM;2[-Rî