WHTOUA +S*G**g*V4*@ CA* N eu> ~ u'FOR 25.. vmfe ors S___FOR____ BUY NOW YOU MAY PAY MORE L.AER ON* S Seeded Ra!isins, 12 -Eeeded Raisins, 16* ù7, nkg8for ... 25crzkgfr ..25e Cholo Pse for.. 25cSeleet 5 cmewn lay- C Chi ce o rmnD. r Fige, reg. ,, Teahote .a a 15o lb, 2* lb for. ,25c Pnmpkn ~Crape Frult, large cans,'2ïar.2 5 c and selid, .2, Goo0d Salmon r 1h Oranges, gotd and ciane 8for. 5e sweet, 2 d-z . for,25e ORANGES Wa are eeng ttValue lu lown Gooti îjeedles _ Or4in,,ee 15e dzen Oui 5spec;a al l Orangs 25e and W 35,2 aro e bcihetever. AIl our crockery and chinawace ah rA1educotiric#e. Somo ievomy speclai linos Cali and seoi them CHINA HALL. Ir. A. HA DDwYy GROCERY * =Don't stop= at the outr ance or be satisfied il t taking a look lu the window but* eeerigltin luyeu are weleome and we are hare te show goods and givo prices and we wil net b~ore yeu ho buy. Juet* ask te 500 our Rattan Chairs at 82.98.41 c Don't torget. Undertakiùg liELa speclal brandi et our business and alwaye me- ceives vergliîal attention day or night. We do net make any extra * harge for dIstance.- Phono 68, Hampton Breneh, Phono 129 F. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 38.T11 ITT1M O LA lawWILLIAMSl5 TII USEFORSAL-Outheo soubi sde of Kinag Street. Bowmanville, nine roonis and bathroiinaw Pease Furnace, Blectric liglit, sttabý l e, al veniencee coder cove onart2& acr lanti -A pply te D. G, M. G&BAIBisWManlVilsi-t BOWISÂNVILLE STATION. GOING EAT C G seWEST tMal .......8.5s ttxpeu 4 40 LIO Q xpess.10.10 , o'I 751, P111 ...,..1 ., assenger..,.148 pua Local. 4 . tMiXed ....7.44' aiy. Jur& LoveLL. Town Agents. C.P.R.Atlantic Lines. To LIVERPOOL Feb. 12 mpress of Ireland Feb. 25 Empress of Britain Excellent accommodation now, and fast serviùc- Low rates ta St. Joli". Rates andifuil Infor- mnation on a1ction ta nearest aent; or s, .SARP_-C 1 Xonge St., Toronto. Be WMANIVILLE ÂGEN rS. ROYAL MAIL STEAM8HIPS FROM PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL Welataman Jan. 218 yeb. £27 DOttomnan Jan, 30 Mar. 6 Raverford Feb, 6 ffornishman lob. 13 canada. loeb. 20 Doinion Mar. 15 *N o passengers caried. Secoad Clamss042,5 and &15.00 acerding to steamer, As no rirt clame passengers are carried un- tiu the 201h yebmary mailing second cIaï asIseïngcrs will have use of ail proînenadt Third Class te Liverpool, Londonderry BElfla3t. Qlaagow $27.50.1 For a1l information apply te M. A. JAMES, Agent T!LeRemington ws ho firet itlug machhMIoo h maki For more than a i. eneration the Remtngton lias set the standard üf quality in t pewiter Ser- iIca. Tnee ew mode'S 10 and Ilare the Iogicd oeut- gmewth et Remningcton lead- eehlp The Remiington Business Oo1iege wlth its ample L-upply ot now mo dol Remiugtoiie has. the bost equipped type- writer department lu Can- ada., 269 Coliero St , Tom- ente, T. F. Wright, Prin cipal. A Great Sehool Great lu reputation, Resuits. Ini- fluence and Tiioroughaos! Now ie the time te enter the popular TORONTO, ONT. end prepare fer profitable employ- meut. Our graduales readilv obtain goed poitions. Our Handsome Catalogue lefrme. Write fer oe t9oday Studonts admittedat any- time. Coleoge open the entime vear. W. J. ELLIOTr, Cor. Yonge and, Prlnclpal Alexander Bis. 8yaousis ai cool Miaiaq Rqolious. IOAL.m,.g,,Iglt3 .fthe Do Ini, CMantitoba, Saskatcewýman. Alberoa. the Yukon Tcrrltury. the North-West Terri tories and British C..lumubla, mray be 1beased for .-emuft wenty--ouuc y«n!r. awamnuua acnta;r caf * an acre. Notinore than 2.560 acres will U U M II 'g~~~ be leasedto 0one apiat 1 U 11 El' I~U Application for a lease must ho maide 10 the ikAgent or Sub-Ag_"t of the dis9trictt!le whicht the ights appiied frare situated. la surveyed îerriory the land mnuet ho des- Sailinýgs To Liverpool 8 adi uiur eedtritr u rc From From 1 appled for shail he stakoti ont. ?t. John Kalifax 1ach iapplication nmuet ho accompanieti hy a i f ee OC $5 00, whieh viii ho relnaideti if the raghis Tunjisian salle lob. 19 5e.2 applied for are n-t availahie but net otberwlvse. Cosianseis Mer. 5 Mar. 6 A royalty shail ho paid on tlIe mehaniable Heserln slIs Mar 18oulput Of the Minle ai the rate, of fire CeLAts iýer Sailigs to Glasgow. n Oey esLeo f ca riiiig igtswhhare tonaian fom Boston Feh. 18 agent ef Domi nion Lands with a sworn siate- Cornthian froim Portlaind 0',b 2', monttb thaiteffeLet ai least oneï Il year. e*" The lvaiee viii includo mthe cealiiing ilgha, Sailin g to Lon don :o' DOny, blatthz les3eeo may ho perïitted to pur- ïonmiln fo t ohn ILIA)Cie consitiered heessary fortlime werkitiL of thA 1 nine aet lImerate of $10 i ,acre. arnin fmem St, John Apr. 1i For full informaltion application shonid hoe Firet caIn 7a.00O u.ards; Seon caies made te the Secretary alflthe Departimeut of, e40.00 npwardS; TIlrdae, $29,00 anS $00. thle Iterior. Ottawva. or to any Agent or CeIm- Agenit ofDmninLanads Rates and i fhi information trom w. W. coxtv, -1. A. 'Jaine's, DPyMiite2r o I0' ntror Aý!aj.iN. _HÈ- eanihoavized -p1blicatiNo f iis ad- AJn Lno ~ut >owmnv~le vetisement will net ho paiS for. 38- Sm BOWMANVILLE, FE B, 4, 1909. MR. TILLEY IN DARLINGTON We bave nover keard any man talik on Public Sehool work and iuterests who could hold attention of hia hearers botter than Mi. John J Ti1ley, a former Inspecter of Publie Sehools in Durham couuty. but who lias licen for several ,ears Provincial Inspecter of Model Sohools and Inspeetor cf Teacher's In- stitutes. The people ef Darllngten are te be favored with a public lecture bv Mr. Tilltey on "Soma Changes in Our School Sýystem." ln the Town Hall, Hampton, on Thursday next, Feb. il at 3 p m. Reeve Wight will rreside. This ts an opportunity ef which everbody. espec- lally overy parent, bhould avail them- selves. It ls net an ordinary lecture on echool iaw, but one of more general in- tercet and wider EcDpe. We feedlike congratuiating the Ont- ario Government or the Minîster of Education on this action and on their choice of a man for the duty. There 1e great dlssatiefactien wlth the resuits of our educatienal system, more partieu- larly in respect to country schools, andi thete conif8rences should accomphish untoid bonefit. Farmer f olk, arrange te meet Mr. Tilloy. THE NEW WARDEN. (Cobourg Sentinel-,Star.), On Tuoiday evening on the fourth ballot, Mr. Arthur A. Powers, Deputy sauva of Clarke, was electud Waraen of the United Coanties ot Northumber- land auj Durham. Three candidates were in the field, but Mr. Powers Fuc- ceeded in getting a majorltv of the wholo vote. The new Warden was bumn October 25th, 1863, on the farm at preseut occupied by hlm. Hoe omes of zood stock, his fLther beiug of U. E. Luyallst' descent, and his mother a North cf Ireland woman. He firet un- terea 'municipal lite ln 1908, as County Commissioner for District No 4, Durham County, and s;ince the change in the law has bîýen deputy reeve of Carke la Politics he les a staunch Liberai, but while upholding tLe principles of bis party at the proper tîme, ho le broad - minded enough te respect and honior the principles et those who differ from hlm, amongst hie boat frienda are the Conservative mernbers of the Council with whom bho las come in touch. lie le an adherent cf the Methodlst church. The Warden le a man of winsome way s and enjoYs the confidence of his feilow mombers în a marked dogree. One hopeful sigu cf the contest just ended was that it teck on lees et a -pelitical aspect than formerly, several of thooe whe ara opposed -te hie views b-~ir am n 0lt supporters The h!%mf the Wardeu le said by hies -olleaz be a moiel of neatnoss and ever oe kniown for its hospitallty Last but not least that home lias sunehîne, made so by a happy wife and one sou, The Council lias much work te do, and the Warclen ls a worker, having been oeeof thoso mon who were most active In briaginig about the great changes which mark the progaress cf our counties, We have ne doubt but ho wil mie bis Couneil well, and fill the position wtth honor te bimeoif and satisfaction te the people. DURHAM OLD BOYS, PLIASANTr EXECUTivE NMTING AT WARDEN GILMOUR'5. "It ir3 seldem that Our gueste express such universel praise at thoir receptien hore and it is stili more rare te have any et our guests manfoest nv- de8ireg te rotumu te thie lustitution. We havei Our cwn way ini receiving our gueste bore. We do net allow ýany variation in their board. and we set a rule as to the way they shall ha cletheti." buchj was the trito roply made hy Dr. J. T.c Gilmour, Warden et the Central PrlËon.( -Toronto, in anewer te a beatty voeor f thianks given hlm and Mre, Glmour for1 their receptien te the Durham ClId Bo ý sg Executive on meeting at Contai Pris on1 Resîdenco Menday evening as thoir heet and hostessý The gathering was a9 large ene and teok the ferm of a Canad- ian niglit. Mr.*. Jean lewett gave thr9ee dalnty empesitlens of ber owni Miss Jean Graham also gave three short poeem et h 3r own, beili rendered with exquisite (Icilcacy and spirit, Mrs Frolse ardme (Dr.) F. W. Marlo%ý e rondaered selections Lfrm the potry of Pauline Johnsteni and Mlies CoeeMa. ail truthfuliy rendered. Mr. and MrF. Jas. Massie sang lu solo and duet ver' accoptahly and lu haautift veico. it was a very deiightful evening speut lu ài splendid residenco. àMm Jas. L fiigh- os, PreEident, was chairmttn, Amonjg those present wu noticed Thos yeiiow- lacs, e4ecretary, and Mrs Yeilowleee; j D Keachie, treasurer, and Mrs Koachie W F Maas, as't secretarv, Mr and Mmes A R Wlckett. Mr and Mrs r E Wash C. J, Thorntbon M, PY,,J. I-i.iJv1, M LA, Wý H. Reid, GE Beeve Hughes. WB as nI~1: hf~tlJ1tttllhlIl MINISTERS AND OHUROHES Bowmanvlle League visite Newcatle next Monday evonng. k Bey. John Garbutt, pastor et the 1Methodiet churei, wiil ccupv his own 1pulpit nexi Sabbath hotb mornîng andi -evening. Rev. Hugh Munroe, B A., waçs ap- 3pointid by Whitby Presb', tory te givt3 theopng atidress at noit meeting ef Presytmîy lu Whilhy AprIl 20. The chimes ou, St, John's Anglican churcln lu ibs lown were tolled Wed- nesday atermnoon ai the heur et the tuneral et the late Arehbishop Sweet- man, Toronto,111 A social wlll be lielti ah the residence et Rev. W. E Glarroil at tire Recemoy on Mondav aveniung Feb 8 ait 8 o'ciock 'Ln aid et the ergan funti et St. John's churcli. Admission 10c. r Wcman's Missienarv Auxiliary wiii bold their quamberlv meetng Ibis (Thumsdav) afttmnonai the residence et Mme (Rev.) W. 0. Weshington, Div- ision Street. Geood progmam and me- trestimenbe. Admission 10e. A ubion meeting wiil ho hold ln St. Paui'e churcli under auspices et Lomd'a Day Alliance ou Weduesday Foh 10 et 8 p m. Music by Mme. Cawkom, Mr. H J. Knight ,andi othere Everyone inviled. Celleetionîluaidoetthe Alliance. Methediet Ladies Aid helti e very V uccestul social ovenlng et bthe spacieus ro-idenceofetMayor and Mrs J,. f. Matou Wednesdey evening. Mr. P. 8Trebilcock actetias'cliairman and a musicalaud Jiterary pmogramlme was was given consisting ot piano duet hy 3Misses Minnie Tmehllcock and Merjorie King; soies hy Misses Ethel L Van- Nest sud Mis Powell ( Whilhy ); roci- talions hy Mm Arthur J. Trehicock, Mr, Fred R. Folev sud Mr. John Ellit B A ; instrumentai, Mies May Shaw-wlio aise acted as aceompanist foi: several chomuses by the y oung poople present. Games ef varions kinds wero enjoyeti and the ladies served choice metreeli- monte which complletd a very pleasant ievening for ail whe attendeti- Ladies, give us more such. Preceede a lite lover $12 00. The League meeting lu the Melliediel churcli Mondav ovenlng wae cenducteti by Presideul E. A. Loveil. The musi- cal prograni was given hy Misses Minnie Trebilcocli and Marj.~rie King who rendered a piano duot, and Miss Ethel L. VanNest who sang a solo. 'Tbe subject for the evening wae "The Famous Johne" whieli were takon, as, toli Mr. Chas. H. Maison, John r litFrancesE. CnLIOY, jùhn s r Rev. J.GarbuttïJoiu Wycliffe-, r Arthur J Trebileoek, Joûhn W esle >ý Mm. J. Ellott, B.A., reviewed other 5Johins Etel as Hues, Knox, Calvin, Ruskin, Brighit, Dr-den, CIurchill, Hampdien, Sweeton and mauv lethers. The progmam was a most iLteresting, onie tbroughout Rov. C, E M'anning, Tomonto, Asso- ciate Socrebary et Missions, preachet in tiie Methotiet churcli Sundey gi\lng splendidly inlereshing anti educelive sermons ou the Mlssi-onamv oulook His momaiing dise .urso was ou the maklrag cf a great nu ion dealing with .aneda,herio&urces anti needs and our dLii) as a chumeb lu regard le ler bis tdr: wtthe stiorý of Dr. Greni- felU anti hie s eiLe on the ice flue ou the coast et Labradior and how the raising ofthe whuto flaz of tisimees lied brugh l elief. TÈhe speaker salid the white fig hia1 been raised ln India Chinaard lu ý, dïffereni parts et West- ern Canada aL, d apoosîs :e the Christian ehurches for the e,-igheening power cf the gostel. He ais) rtyowed> the studonts' vo1unteer moemont antitho Laà men'sMk4isionary Movement. Ho gave an ouhlie et a meeting lu Tom- oato whem eci et ofthe Prctastanb cý.urches lu that ciy agmeed to ralse thO fellowing- Muit.oiet 8125,0C0; Presbîbterian 8125.000; lSapbs't 859000C; eùd 8150,000 hy the Anglicans. Tao Baptistestea e ahi eady raiseti their ameunt andi the other churches were confitiently werklng at ralsing Iheirs. OBITUARY. Mxu. .JOHN P. IflBU Another bigb,.Ily respeceetiresident of Bowmianville -.i the person of Mrs Johni P. Libbypasseieremrew'ard Wednesý- day naemning Januamy 27,, being bbc birbb- dayý et4 ber on-ly survliving brother Mr PLter Gillard ei Newark, N Y. De- ceasede mliaidùn name was Elizabeth Gil. ard, daugbiter of Peter ani Elizabeth Gillard. ',She wabern, sept 13-,186 near Loswithiel, Coiinwall, but livedii Broadoak for- a number of yeare. She was married te John P Libby on Mv.y 3, 1849, anticaete Canada in 1855, resîi- inl ýfor seer eakrS et Solina anti Hamp- ton before moving te Bowmanville whero fr r Libby dieti ou September 13, 1887. Four chiltir were hein ho themn, tire The annuel meeting et the Clarke ber lite, miost (3f whîch stie was an inlci, AýgriD-uihurai Society Was belti lu tiwie spent ver'y quiehly wibbin ber home.- eounýilh&mbor1--Orenoe-Fria". Jaen. roin -ealy lite aswas-&arnrnbe-h-L 22 with a faim attendence. Bible Chaistian bucbanti later eoft teý Atter the election et efficemi for tho MTýetbo(dist chut-ch, living a humble anti eummeat ,er mch discussion te beautiftul Christian lite!, anti as long as place upon wao s, ai dMoans te condact 1helth ei mtet a aconstant attendant ant iImprove Ilie fî,im. 1h ws deciti et the services et the -,qnctuary. by a largo majm)ity, vote that the direc- Tetuea Fiiyateonws tomate rmako application for three expert private, service beig coducteti bý ber jutige., two for herses anti eue for, asor Rev J fjiýarb tt. Manly beautLitfu caille, floral issigne covereti the caeket, aanoug The finencial report oM tie treasuirer tbem bIng awrea-,th troni the graiidsows showed Ihe Seziety tl e holu a More 1anti(1sprays trom ea number etofother pr-osperGous condition tien the fre! Iod -Tebe1r Wr.esi Oear, Supporteti hy au inereaseti dogmes li, menigJme ltotat of ilnîerest on the Ivert oethIle Member- JmsMLan- Aogth1eaie siip. ,j ilslIlelý io g tG rItv ' The toleowing officore were electet:pieetwar:MrJh Grant, Toronto; AMi anti MIS L Blewetft tiMnus Rerry Preldet-J L oweÉt ooper, Oon;MrS 0J1hn11Hllier anti IAt Vicýe Pres.-Hirry Allun. vtagt, Hamptn niRV ai 2dVce-Prs-Gerge Poleard. Ms- Direto-0. A Gamsby, William MsJWBneNwevle Stuhi, COt;n Stepie-s, Eti. Wü%eat iiPea"eeuIlîy sepnrsige et John Deve-, DD, J. 0Gib4i, -Wýeîîingîou nAil thy sonres andSnffeinig peat; Cowaun, T. W Jackffon, Archle S1alker 'Jesus luis tekenI thee homete bIis bieas"tý Honorary DrcosSeee et, Slepji"ý1Uinset st uum 1t t i "( I 1ii tmm TUE WEST END HOUSE. THE WEST E~ND HOUSE. * Whtewear Sale SOUR B1-jG WE'IITEW-vEAR S-ALE in o etinwt our February Stock- taI4ing Sale of rem:nants Our stores 1-ive be2en crowded day hy (dayI througt January, Sale witfh buyers who rcia money saving opportuiities. O--t the ist day ut February e W-ili show on sale the finest stock ofWhteea n wn Jead the mny~vn items below. i LADI ES' WHITE UNDERSKIRTS 0f Fine White Cotton, wide fientes & tucedt reg~. 65 cents Sale Price ....... ........ ......... 48c 01 Fine White Coton, wide flunce' lace trimmeti reg. 90 cents Sale Price................ ..... 69e 0f Extra Fine Cotton, extra witie flounce 2 rowe ef insertien anti 1 ût lace, aise dust fr111 reg. $1.25 Sale Price .......... ...... ............ 98e 0f Extra Fine Cotton, wide fenunc etofucketi tm- hreaiery with duel fr111 reg 81.25 Sale Price ...98e LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS (EXTRA FUL.L) 0f File White Cotton, square ioke, uluced witu ean- bmoidemy anti inelrtion irrimming aIsoeenibreiderv on neck sud ciffs reg. $L 25 Sale Price .... .... 98e 0f Fine ht îre Einbroliery and insertien on neck anti sieevep aise yoeofe embroitiery inser- tien reg.81 75 Sale Price ......... ..... .... 81 8 0f Fine White Cotten hemeýt!tchet tucks anti hem reg. 85 cents Sale Pr!ce ...... ... ý.... ......28c O1 Fine White Cotten fine tucketi flounce, torchon i'qce anti inFertion trianmed reg 50 cents Sale Price ................ .... ................. 85e 0f Fine White Cottoutdeep flouoce of lace ant Iin- sertion aise rows rf luche reg 65 cents Sale Price-48e 0f Flue White Cotten witie embroidery flounce reg. 65 cents Sale Prie ......................... 48e 0f Fine White Cet'on fi o tucked fieunco, lace anti Insertion ttimnge reguhar $1 00, Sale Price., 78o 0f Fine Whie Colton fie rucetel flounce 'ot valen- doennes lace audilu;'ý. il' n, reguir S1 25, Sale Prie ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .8100 *CORSE=T 0Vi 0'. O fine white dotton, fI front, l M> 85e, sal uie ce. ..... 4»» 0! fie white cotton. full front, ] t rimmeti, reg,5Oc, sale peWic, - .- Of fine white Coten, Aill front, em anti lace trimmeti, reg 65c. sale p 0!-'lO fine whihe Cotton, f ull front,1 rnaisoe ebroitiery in.ertion, ruia price ...... .. ... ...... BOWMANVILLE COU]NUIL Rogutlar monthly meeîting MNouday eveungailmembersressent, NMeyer Maion a-eldig. remptuess was oh- soerved, His Worsbipe taking tLe chair ou the S ýetofet8 1Counacl room was pAciked, severa ex ceuncillors, town officiais and others includlng ox-Mavor Spry ocdupyinz teats inside bhe "bar" or "rail", both being imag-Inary linos, Atter minutes otfermer regular and twe speciai meetings were mead and confirmod, W. A. Richarde and 281 others prcsonted a petitinn azainst aeaiy advance lu do- tax, while T. Geo. Masou and 158 eth(re petiiioned te have the li-x Increaset t 82 and $3. Discns- sien eusued whou thEý matter was de~- ferred te getlt on) the Statute gev- ermaing the tax. Manager idmoason et Electrie Liglit Ce. sent lu a tender for town lighctng, but action was deferred -as a,-promoter for a gas cernp4ny le'a b addross council anext meeting. Wiktox & Martyn asked-for reduetion on rent ot Opera House two niglits al week To Preperty Committeo. Dr. A. S. , Tiliey, Miedical HeaMh -pr-oeefted hi-eor hwas ed. 1Clerk UL le road a history ef the re- laton u thE towâ wiîli the Ag2,ricultural Sctywhich mwas fyied. F -I."%son. Chairman ef FInlance, p)rçýeenbd hie eptfer payment oet acceunIte for .8200 whicb w;&s edopted. J S. Mïtcheli, Chimman et Proport-f UoüImmttee, pres,-uted bis report whieh wa&dopted withoub discussion. Jas. IDetmsn, Chairman Fira mnî Water Com-ltee pmeaonzed hie jepori. Adopted wi-,bout dtiscusion;. Reevo L. A. W.Tole, Chaimmani Rnmds aind Bridges, gave a verbal report for is committee andi alRo e! tho inves tigabion into the Hbuse et Refuge alt-1 Couii. F H Mason ex zse reat ur ris hat an iIVeýtigatiîn rie helii wihot oirin, coml0alojants te hw3 pret SïttegîvoidOLCe. CoGu-. Matsou stated In jreopIv te bbco chr ige liat the ecars on Maynard's bodv wej.-3 there when lie enterod Home for ,ERS lace trimmedi, rei' lace antdIinsertion . .... ..890 nhroitiery Insertion >mxco .... .....48e lace anti insertion neti, reg 90e, sale .... .....69e SPECIALS FOR' FEBRUARy 3X)) y£ influ lonedal1e cambrie reg 12ec anti 13c, sale price---------------------------- . 10 4 a y d 400 vdla et fine Engllsih long cloth egý 12*0- yd, sale price .................. ........... .....10 200 yds fi ne E nZlth illnwcotten, pl!ai n,14 lu wvide eg 20e , d, sale pr;ce........... ...... .... 15e 200 yds fine,) gli piIIow c3hncirculer, 44 lu' wide, mg 2e tl pce......... ...16e a yd SPECALSIN LAWN AND NAINSOOK 200 ds offtine Niiiisuool 42 lu wide, regular 20e, sale price ............... ............15e d 100 ' de Of fiLe Nainssookl 42 ii w.tie. reg- 25c, sale Price ........................... 19e aeyd 4 pieces fiue impertet Indue. linon, reg 18a and 20c. sale prico............ ......... .... 15e a yd 4 pleces fine lmporbed Inuel linon,' reg 30a. sale pi lce.................. ............... 21cyd 5 places fine Imported Persien lewns, egular 18e anti 20e a yd, sale prIie .16ae3 5 pieces fine imuperbeti Iersian lewns, reg 25c, sale price ................. ..........l8ca 3d 3 plecos fine importeti Persian iawus, reg 30e, sale price ...................... ......... 22o ayvd 5 pieeet o fine white iawu. reg 18c, sale pricel4o yd, EMBROIDERIES AND INSERTIONS (H-ERE IS A SAVWNG FOR Y O0LU) 2 pioGes et alever ombroitiery, reg 90e anti 75e, sale prico............................. a yd 50 blouse longthie, fine iewn, mul i melin, embroidi. ereti frents, collar- anti cuiff, trimmnings, reg $1 60 anti Si 75, sale price. ...... ................75e 600 ot Swlss art-Ni so embi oideries ant iinsert- Ions te match, 'eil ;1,12* tatI 15(icsale price, 9c a y i500 Nds et Sitas ntiai nsoe Eabroideries anti iertions te rnai 'h, ,reg. 18e20e u 2,sl prace........... ..............4e a çd 400 vdset fSwiss anji Nainsokenbroidemies anti in- sertions te match, îeýg 25f, andi 80e vd, sale price....- ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . 8eyd DRES% i pieec fine wbhe dres sale pruce. ........ rtry & Co, Bowmanville, Ageti, that ho will preduce four wih nossas who witi swaar that Ibere were neo haUýsison bts bodï the anîghl beto-re ha weuTt ta Coboumg. The report lochs iko e whiî,ewash. 1eve T(ile deuledth le whilewashitig but saii Mynrdschar2es were net- matie voluntarily. Dr. Til'ey hadto t drag every wo-md about lie malter freni hlm Ho titi net want l toîel tbe par- ti2uias m. At tbis point Coun. J. B. Mitchell1 meotianti Con.F. Il Mesonsecontded that thlQ Ceunc;l Is verv much suirpriseti anti disappointeti aI the wav lu whlci the Investigation loto thie cierges mede hi' Mr John Mavnard anti hie tiughter, beeketi up by sitatemeul s gueti hy Dr- TIiiey sud -otier officiels et the lowin. -es conducteti by Counties' Council et Cobourg. From reports we h ave e!f the investigation we are sormv te sav thit it was simply a farce, and Mm Maymarît anti deughter who made lieechaîrg-es wore net treated witb Brihlîli fair play as -tbev wero net summonadt te betif y at thea investigation, ner wes Dr Tille-, given e chance le prove their charg- es We sîrongisY recommonti that tha Clerli he instructedti telay the itter fuliy hefore thie .ounties Crolwn Aton ev anti equest hlm te take lie m es1 r elepa'te seliait Mrm Mavnnam sud hie deug-lter are giveu anazce te proye Ibhe-fchaïrges. Ou sugzgestion et Mayor thatConi lied botter awilt the report from Couxo- îles Council. tbe rosolution oves witb- tiawn for hile mGeting. WINNIPEG -$21 0 fr m 9Onharlo a ntvie Chicegoat 1.t aeut, Mneapolis or Dutt, anti proportienate atas ta othe3r princitoal points ii leaMiitobh*, SPsatcme'w-a1 anti Albi-rtat. lFormeriv the lare wae fi /s, dollars aýnti foty f'econte highor'1,Ini even ah thaýt rate, a nunibeofe peop lo Preterre tl is mou o ou aceun e paieiu tiougi ecoal t he lrg A lnemien Cýitdes 1New tat thrate il vo e in Io orst, ie tr' al ïva he Grýand TmuniJî andtIis attractive îroute, îý steaqdii i n craeain . B iggage:k chektilhouii a b nd; e exam1U.i n 1-- lion. Be1sure anticonisuit Grnd"ý Trunik Agents before deciingo S c'tirtrip. i SLINENS sIca aiimke, rog 60e, -4 ..... ... ......45ocyd Limited.3 Brand New Store We are now ln our new store-just a littho west ef eur 1former prom.'ises and on the soutli aide et Ring street. We want you te eall and sen what a - fine store wehave. We are ixi a botter position than ever te cator te your wants. Holiday -Sweets. Yeu can have con fi- dence in the purity and quality ot our confections as we repreîen 4..ohoeolate mak- ors with world-wide reputa- tions, suoli as Lowney. Pater- son, Toblcr, Webb, Robert- son anod McCormick. lu Li erieade canies-we have maple cream, huinbuge and peanuit crisp. Pastry and Cakes. Eat withj a twe-feld pur. pose-enjoymnn and neurish- menit. You will finci both of these in our bread, cakes and ries, Go as eep as you liko iiit the mnt's et our baking and you'll find them excellent for hse fer wllesoenesa and geodness. D. LIITREL, Bakzer &and C~fcln hoo9i omuil