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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1909, p. 6

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Yaseecf Indiestonor iyspeps .n, jourra our foo icilI fermento aftar tig an4in o otml adgetd acid r piSonf opr seanch(gas, paip aunsesin cin, D zue NaueaInigetioîike a ý 11-ir fladin sltou1'l, i)ïc,îm]uiuna spptmptems. u Uvrstn of Prussia has ices nO o000000 or an ices cf' [1 e' et or regular espen- ýss sy elieenet. InTud ditioni newbulig an'd theý like Beriinalne requliriugnary$, Berlainisfas beaomng for 0cr- Tauau chat Paris is for France, the life aadti'tut 820ia theusand others are peroitted te attend lecturesmaking ia totl cfo only aà thousand iess thanth r lar g-e cent ýres 3o f ppl',1atoi' a- Of ntdit i Grait nc cnmaler univpesîy twus report une ,corrsponing goxxt. tie techuelegical instÉuts. Thot! are tenOf teein IOcr1nliany %il ae tal!enrolmseut of 15,780natrt- have lnoix eauplaced ou'ln aqu ,i ity- with teuierii Tue ivonmu Contingent is ueo ,84il-t, nivesi(esof wlh tiens Th1'1is right siichc bas in al Jl1t Rostoc'k. in kPueg Th cunhaer oVstudents i; tha lat satitieis 27,100, hlin 8il ivwas oniy21870 ,)seithat thera are weighty stuaents te every: 100,000inihitants. The greateet inraeis in lthe la-w dpri t from 5690in 1894 teO9,4j24, vibl rahrQreark-,Ably the medilecal de- jIart,ý,nýILut asgene ýback from 6(,-i Piaciially cery country hasi prvraaboutmotars fera are a few o cf h and leseerkueir ues : "A mther'sloxe in rneireveryý day." Bttrleearich fatherý Uhn a poor mother." "A fathes thc-r's reachdes Let heart."ie se tbirce are ean The Hindýus peiciysay-, Mo- ther reneevr linie, wbe t er 1 ho( rich orpoýor." Fl-rm the,1 I lans.e- ba,ý- hmotn hobafie wo asé-c lis 'l'le 1 bheians sy,-A mothr's ilaid is- soft aven iben it strikesý. A stiing en a ýcomsfeiph ù,tiss "is c aitor for a mther sexe chldin tdceepamte" d'Z îing theida, kc or epr enttbeemeas ndtak aBech am'sFui egîia:l 'as5eqcrcd Count alutho n mimde graves fdtha Ymerc, Count ail the shaml Pe nu the serrew and tersq CMunt éaitthp e homos tat are wretcbed and Wa> Ceunt ail the nirbehave gene te he d. 'ount ail'be Iaggering Ctop, that ye nmeet, Ceunit ail th eahstba ýou bar)n the stree-t., Count ail hie cildrcnsn hnrtt c Counut aH itne hadslîps the iinecncenbot, That a foc; may get rch and haemnay te 5spare Aud ton, ii y hrbart, "n e hncty a No hog"îsa Bn-iavllIrm in i igae To voteeoutithe ar ruueons u Morday the 4%h Whitby, December, 1908. REV D. 0. CROSSLEY. rt' nese in the borin of eniargai ton- SHU ýJT THE I ï E VWI N DO WJ 1ils aud adenoida. cod Prom Sieep à eFoogd inglý tht every othet 1n speronin Màarcus WVoodward in the Loudon for the prv oec f ail manersj cfi coids sund bad throats to-day. Cii'dren are veýrry eavy suffrera; saidden changes cf temperature peiUlIiy affect their thrùats, sud me finid respiratory diseases ramp- a nt;- they bôrin 80 per cent. cf chul- dril,'tbaumants. kself. Thie cua agia fouiair, clpi- lyi eron tugt at igbtbabenvylagysc ià pre>acbIed vr1 hr. ut.'jýjý b t e But,"saidtue ocito "anver CvoCpeIl ,%its ou tai opsensn cd ides10, ly'apiied. Fres .r1w1 01 muthve aýt ihbutli" . od ra,', gt ir fmmte te oea iindor issaadug ts ou "Auduse,"I ssd,'ou moald cf ý ailieu pgrsie ieas Yî 1 141sa me arainsane ý te iepoi gales cfto m n sud te iloir flic sef ,ifit iite il t t a-ept cf a ard o the edroo care. jinoeýns co1 ba.hs n tbmorie'(A M't i nt1atra,' hsll rau e w'terIf thacsuma nur i t.te ute horelste ean hi)'- song ievor telraliy 60dnna te mather. htve cold dbath h alu "pI teïjfeol convi cdthat theoublez tatý,ýjp thTemeatr c ni te reosis nylau v beim 0 eg' a epîiýdmieorma t tiren'trIbl e by al rgh -] "Aictillînesesbegn a asleethecirclatio quithsu ail~~~~~" tisu ae t rat Tenth peraiIo 'lis ltai- r bo is in hi ýit , ,C 9.4degres. oufsunîmertheair ITEAT GIVEN OFF. "eH, a childIslsssepmt cf-, n mu'Lit ho taken itb e, acb inpir-ation frein the toillair ra- ginfor- air-marming purpeses - 15 times in the minute, 900 times ten the heur, 7,200 times dini.g the cili onrs' sleep. When neot ini perfect healtb, this is tee great a srithe vitality is lowered, the thotgives way, and ulceration "As thra is ne scientifie systein ene i i purifiadî, fitered, dis- infeced, nd batad before being breahad th saeatplan is te se-er, ,At t Hc, oir oen. allowino' purïe, buItwr air te enter frorn halls ad passqages4. Air in pas_-ý sage is ike u)te e pure, beca1use- of themanytcances that fresh airi asto eteal it is neyer se cold as; air t'hà-ough the window.- Coki air is to-not rtessarily pure air, nor warm air impure. MAN NOT A 00W. "To sieep in the coldi s madness. Man is net a cow or a horse, Prim- eval ma)n wc3a, aedwleand weh,-ve C a, erd te far fý:rmth Garden c f Eento alee(p in a gar- dc!n to-day. It is againist Nature's lavs. We ight as wlthink of sleigin a coid batht to keep 1 thef porejs cf the skin ean and liar e thmselvsad the air they beteis ]heated by, radiation from Lthe bd.Thýe sparrow )ý%puts bis hdudrhi', wug'. Noanli- mnal is inteu-ded te breatheli ex- tremý,ely cold air xhen sleepinig, ex- cept) the whaies and coid-blooded fish and invertebrates. TOO HOT ROOMS. "The man who sits tee long in an oaier heated room, causes the For Six Monthlls T'hey Suffered Tor,- ture-Pacheof Humor Becamo îcal Treatm2-ent Did No Good but TW11o SETS 0OF CUTICURA CURED THEM IN TEN DAY -Lest February my sîster bo ut with a hur 7w hich gradual1y spread te the rpst ef the famîiy, 1 beinig the last te take it. It mnanifested itsel! im. Patelies varyîng from th 1e rize of a pea te thiat of a silver dollar. The o intà of OUr, 11lmbewere meeot iaffected. The ',u arsweetoskia -was tender soon ecame raw kad. irritated andweer able te le but Jittie becai.use the îtchý ing geýt se bad at night. M sister Con- sulted a phvysician but ho w ias unable te inainîe the1iseaSe anld fthe t rea tment lie prescribed did xno good et al. A6 the warm lweather (caile on -we we're tor- tured werso thaln ever, the irritated i part.s caue,-ing us te scratch àunitil they would bieed. 1ra Augut, when it was at its west y sister wasgina jCake ef Cuticura Soaïp. This htrd iand it afforded seriauch relief that 1 0,lngo!Culticura op uicr it mlent, and Cution1ra Pille. Tie w usda-cording te ietosadiue 1 tebe- ýught aniot her set aindthwoe fam11ily we'recre by th.esýe twhe teýr thie wve ýused the Cutkcua P is for tenà davs nmore te besr tha't the hmerC h1ad gen)Ie toe say. We baVe net been -'uIndelce and vwe ail thînk thart ïf it hiad ,net eenfor teCuticura Ileme1(- dies e weld hve bau effe'rlng yet. CýeorgeNNW, Brewn, 18 I.înde(n St4, Rock- lac,'as-, Jin , 107 The agenizing itch,ý,iug and b)urnirg of tle ikin, as iii c(zem!a; hefrighÀ1tf1ul scaling, as3 in pseriaie; th Lees cf ai anld cr ofng t calp, as a caeihnd That()Cticu ra Scoap, Cuiur itmfert, i nd Cuticura PUisar sc- st a1 d A Sm te e,t otnCrs odtrsot voiO. ~epts:.on1oa27, C11Urter1ow S. Sc, 2_ Rue de lPeix: ,ti RTns.c.Sr-y 13. 5. A., Pater Deug 'a dbem Corp., 'up5 brnhe am airat a tempratur cf 32 degrees.if ha breathes th!roýugh bis nefsel, thIis mawy bring on nasal catrhf, orr oldin ithie bond, or influeuza; ilfho breathes througb bis moath, this mnca ause tonsilitis, quinsy, bonchîtis, or lanryngits; il ha breatiies througbh ne anud oatb ttis m bin sng oýuý nn' ra mîaincf eail- "To is e atrsesihe te coflaucaciu a mahe cn tdiuay chAgi(î sudenLYsMu em pargotar.-The huma systcm, cnin a b-lthn doc 1tlk r, 'iS a mat- eueina fnjîln is givea a faix NoS is he thio iben)the ato gets busy, nu fti, patent cin unle gran cara is aken e dras is tha ýýJ ad-cechn l cathan tberitysi, ho cnyitht.heuntione sudn Kaýidy tble me làïffathe herennd ise ii tos irbtte!o!J Get Ithe m nytgoodprescripion stdtry this srî impler eme-ad these ingrodients, or, if our readeýrs i'reler, they miiicopondthe mix- tare for thein. BREVIý'TIES. One w'ay te b acc jifficulties ie te tara yeur back ou thein. Lack cf credit pevus eme peo- pie living beyondI their meaus. Those irbo ask thec most questions remember the femest anàmers. The insu ibo ià fr ever oeking backmards noýver gets very barý ahad. Neyer jadga the kiid of niothar a inulad by the memý)i-an irbo mat- ries humn. Tbere's uothing cures peopie cf mntîngtnga e p mchasbeingý ahbe te affod tomi. is apt t cmatethose mho eourt every penny, sud muale every penny conta. Mauy s iinuiýýseusýpecte cf be- iug rnIch marely bcau e ha oes't psy bis bille promiptly. Mauy ai nsu, gets abead by ýin- ducing other peeple te put the¾'r shouiders ,ýte bis irbei. If it mereu't for the optimiat, the pessimist moiid acier kacir hem happy hlis n't. CROWS ON A SPREE. Sitting in an Jindinu igardon cae day, sdarn td beyond îmensure hy the petty larcnciesasd effrea- tery -Ïf a pa o f Jidian croira, the ,ritrvastepd for once te piut tbemte the proof in thisi "1nattet, asys theLndnGlobe. !ýil(I'y had taken tho1bw ausabm'cî the table ià brout sud the biscits ~rom he pite atbis ida mith mor bicuis mre procUred and sunrptitiousiy s'?ked in rami. It mWas net long belote hll sK dozent croma cma dousud cleared tha piste as usual. The spir'it merkad veypromiptly upon thein, sud in tan minute-s they emeail in a etate c am-otxiaie. Whileý a bawima.da futil eforts te reeh branches everhead othars essayed te perch on the roef ridge cf the neareat bungalowr sud lhehPlesslY failiug, rolied jutel the gutters. AJAPANFESE- LOVE TRAGEDY. A Japaniese m-,oman behieves that thora ta marriagobin boavan; se thet, il she ijecomnplied te marry eue insu irbile she loves another, or net te mrarry mhbere her love goos eut, shea miiihoUnited te the mian shilloçves i ite orld bey-ond. At Alirnagori, nyonggirl uamCdý 1Michýi bas just beenl arrested fori attamptug te tab ber ovr um cd Uzen, ecause sho awirne cchance cf leu ntdt um fiin e h matimey. t iasber, intentioni te 1 kihusdtakc iercira h ile atermards;tht hey xvould havaý travcied togethr te the great !issîe heaven. Ris Avotsip- AWhat mwucavuti u to til nus are.tJe exact mords ase-d by the priscuer wirelben h spoke tea>on."- WIlturss- 'Ifi saýid',yur -, crslîip, tha t he stole ý hule pig." Rlis Woahi-I on;l ha mou d etavesedthe third pe'sn.vatnss-"But, your sonî" is Wri-"Tlieu hlit r"îît hve aid 'Jstole the pig., didyeu morhip abutho id net o lom et ]ckis sei1doni dslae u I argain cou nters,. ber six dollars cf yoa1r meekTly carnina.1J urtheýr sai.ggst that Y01oui ccasionalI iy ouy berqa bnuch cf fees or other littie gibt. On ne a2ceunt ara yon te alcir yoar mother-iu-iaxv te intarfere in yonr domîesic affaira. This sentence1 isI cf leur weeks' daration. At the i end cf that time yen are'hoth tei appear bore sud report; sud if yen have not beau ohedicut 1 shahl plunishl you fer centempt cf Couirt.,' Atiltho nend Ocf the tpua paidthe couple dIid appecar. Thel M4111mas carrying, the ]ittie girl. Botb leoked happier sud morel piesp-vroas. The magistrate cailedi thein into is qprivata reoin, sud! congatultedtheinm botb. Rie basý kc-pt an oyeuithlern since, sud, Iu Scctland, prier Lte lithe uioni with En'glaad, baultrupta w are compelled te ment pat'ti-cooredi garmeuta-groy sud yeilow, net -unlike the modern conviet-dreas. The resait mas tbst thora more siuguiarhy bm Scotamnen in those days irbo faiied te psy their debta. At preseut bankruptcy is an u- kuoma ofbence-in China, for tbel sentence ma îuvarisbiy immaediate,l sud s3metimes painful, death. A CURE, FOR GAMBLERS. Soeayears -,age thtere wu masa x traordiuar y outbreak cf gam!ubiing je Russ;ian Mancharia. Mca spemîtI ahithi days piaying gantes c'ý f chnesd mork imas uttel ug icd.T4e suthorîties ttiedfneà sud îipriseaurnt Mn minl. At' hast theymadea ae deece, ud he rudtheirnek.Tersima Dy magie'. It mas the object of 'a caat DRID 1"" STRIKE YOUI That your irritable disposition is due to kidnecy .roubleP You get no rest by nighit and your work b y day is too mutch for yo cu. Those duil backaches nearly distraci you. No wn der thep you feel irritablean out or sorts. NO one whose kidneys and Wlood aýre clorgged wifh uric acid poisonl could be different. The remeýdy is DR. ROOT'S KIDNEY AND LI VtR PILLS, Thecy wili put you richt in a a1io t îc. TL, je in your reac ,, fiu-ly2eb worth a dollar a box. Pt. aip in a dainty tin box, tbey ara sold by al! drug- gists e.o postpaid trom BO DR. ROOT GO., Spa~- diria Ave., Toront o. .~boxes for $1l*25, I 7 Send for f rea sample. i I u a mail-kuomu play te malta "the punishaient fit the crimne.", This mas nover better accomplishcd than hy the Buildings Cominissioners cf Chicago. Visiting Marsall Fiehd's linge stores on Juîly 9tb, 1906--the largeat departu'itt store in the mworld-their inspoecter fouud that hue management'hbad laihed te put signa in1 premineît places, mark- îng the exits. Tbey at once closed the uhele pince, asud celsed it te- nîaiueýd for tbréee but, mcuthe îxaayor cA the city, 'mr.Dune, pot- IIîtted it te be t pee. Titis comlplîhsory.c;ising is chch tut h-ave cost the fiim -s!eetbighike $21),000,asud thcresaýit w s tat cývory firin i"n týýueiy etird t WORK TIIAi EIN;. B thsKidaey Pis Iav Dn Great Service for Peo)ple WheI Wyork je Bowmssnviiie. -The great UJtariia5Tonieý, and onysafo effectuaI Monthly' Reguilator ona whiihwomon e ,iC ,3.. epend. seld Li thrao deprasea Ê etstreogth- -'No.1 tN.2. Io degrees stroniger #31:; No. 3. for special cases, , 5per box. bld b byal dugîa-,or senti RXRD INE--N DAD. compsitin isnet orthy cf pýn. The tetere is nuht, tb 1,ogi îreak the statm~ut arebsse apon misinbo m itio, sdth l Many Ilonianville people vr " [aiery day ini some stai-ned unustur- ai position, bendiug constanuy over a dei*, ridiug on jolting wagons or %U Zn cars, heuding covai'heavy lieuse For infauts aud Cirn mort, lifting, reachiug, pnihitig, ail 1P]YeuHav A V~s B these strajîta tend te ment., weate*,, M; E KN sud injure the Iiducys urîtihey Beste flu behiuid ii lcir vcrk c iflitet' ing the poisons frein the bleod. SgitîOo Booth's Riey PuIs cure sicýkhki- ney", puit nomw strength in bad ----- backs, Bowm'aville cures iieoi SI NL I-S Thios;. Be oaICentraeSt, BWm- 1 reauvihie, Ont.,sasys: y' beieve TAefriands yosu go tu Miitaiu't B3ootha îdeyPilla tebe seie dy hmnif as so',lrl-y houlavc ngo homen cil exceptionai maettin qickhy P-e-1as tlîey tbînk youîthink WbY ara. guiatiugthe tidneys.1I ad uier * d vmith mA shptm c idppy "Als "conessed thepnitut trouble sud had tred a number cI insu, "in -a oment of neakiiers different remed(iýý via mihut nîuîch sto"le ar a-load cubas ftingý." relief.The [urina mas highy colu'- "Iu a momenticf eakiss yex- cd sud contaiued a qnantity cf Sm cPimed theli judge. ."qoodness, diiment of sand-like nature. Tho mi! irbaot moul yen a Me takea kidniey secretions moahd becoe t;'il youm had yieijddin i a momentI regniar sud Irequeut il 1 meud beyeîittrg1' cotract aslsigbt cold, mbich mvas *very eften. Boot's Kidney Pilla omgMn"î on t s more advertised at Jury's Pharma- My addese t 'oî'uauýitr cy; I conîmenced theirtiseapsd Ir." Mi. Grabiail ,a1sérsent-i baoud tithin te benALtume. Thced, )"syI Taîk ynvery. lurina quîicWy ceared sud theMkid- mac. Ih iv iiarcepti uney secratis more regaiated. s moment. Bootb's Kidney Pillsalase beiped *my rheuîmatism sud I bel that iloa Mte i oilwie")- conscienticusly rocoaîmend hemnias Tmy org'adabr r au ideal remedy." iii. CanI'tc yen silay oîebignc Soid by Denies APier5 cents. te cheer hini arp a bit C" T muîy The R. T. Boothi Ce., Ltd. Fort (ns aatvie 'iad; Erie, Ont., Soie CanadianAgns ther, mouldn't u lta to bx _______ - . soidiers ah- your i'urai < THE CUNNING FRENCRMANl,. Iu Spain the stationaster sig-aibe e Kte'ic" d nais thle departainc iia train hyîîe rîngngg s i bail. The other ,,tt bsten cedear day th passngersun atrain trav el-~ "rcos ltms ecu ap" fo a qurterof anlboth-letsrnîc bu. causafic tation-mastlýer bad loat bis ý hallsd rlsdte hli h Yo4rnna vie ia]ne train te depart mithoat the uu'ua 1 ualfleiga iesy a'e sttohed iisa i pte t1i,-ue'statn, "Wy W l y oen, enliai e't ciibned inte a compartient, sud!clone aytigel " the train derliîitd. 1It a ppJ)enre eenauolg t1hat ibn lehta reched the sttý1ion"__ enrliier in the day lha bud Éthat hI Priap Lts-îiehee ru muet ratute tuthe tom nadjacen',tIteeaiovsieohi omî' te mfalte a puirchase. Lest ttrain dI'css bito'nii thehack aboud bve ithut2hm, a seiqg ilii "A mai l m i bad disposition," Mi ssid UnclEen, "-asap litýe s Leavi ob'r"Enbe Yoli's alm,ýa)'shvuniVO ouI semc occasý111_ins pays bob bis, M r c~s ofleie, Cr.Qeren d ttebbso fenssouote"cs n ve,~rot.O'Sada lilQerac MnootluDahu very long agi, aithe-r-mbe-i the lam teck the,,b-od vii tîta hler>UI orsa a hne etci c, sud the Saepr ene luitner troýuble or cpne.Btthexo'i bas groin mt imn. Mr mod e rato rutiioe Uprà a1, aîd tht'1 atmi tani rlouain net vati- lu Nom Zcaa, for instantce, the bae psse s omAct dc s year go a isu nsmd Spatew irto bibeau proeiouly c'ta tmouty,-scveu itimes, mstafrt te aund iras senteuced to h ett refiormiatory, sud -ept thare untili he refor-nîd. Tbey btie sami muN' South Wales, sud' if mýorts xî ireil. -Yen înny objct t-hatyu)u caunot tellirbon n habituai bas refoirmai. These ohgaîbidsar cuýunuîîag te the hat ere. a tbyare reeasd, it i euiy oun ,probation, sud aîter sithi ac- picymteut, bas ýbeenotied STRANCE, BUIT EFFECTIVE. A Brooklyn magistrate bai bo- loto tint, saloirmoutha age, a inuaccusai cf ahandoîîiug bis ie sud cbild. This w-ns bis vri- dict: mile sud ittie girl te Coney Ilanai (the Nom York esiopiessure ta- sert) ocaa eet, te tisa your ile at leasat once a dlay, sud to give iDr6s4gý and t arid learneu i bltýýp w4LLl cUý ýVUý Uý'Ult, alLUWILig LIUM, billiy cni, liltlllý,l buvp.y ý-t t-I -t 't It

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