~c~o~oea~~ii ~The plla-e cf the ,Chuirch inte VO NOR- HQR LYE EDmking cf the Nation, ifow vyo lend the ccbhc oi A PFromînei (tnt Cnda Oeslt xe nd epoc r aring, IVOIBEETS BOG rience iWî htli reWoiFa ou as liethn=w un carn hautcksly,7 ci TIr.ade fCpo hook. Wih AnOrdiary o!d~ îown for a nuibr c peu. H nc onb ues inpoo, health 7J, Dai olre siprisen 'Ithnktat is Se says OF, iHarbmen, te rat wdiyawn csh<asriulyii.M n -Yes, hue I une thoni, I dont!i ete elt roohyi i:,;itin hoe b Robert, srming b icvrsubjeet. flrst effect of a cold Io a thiek he ut l.Inpco .OeI Ris athe reabedslowy don J.eing of the incous membran.es ~te.Ms eiEsrsvstdds intohispocht ad dcw ot hc Ge nose and throat.hrdnheMi.Nra reu had mpy."I filé thon is no This gives risc to a discharge, or aeted oono r .QinL CgsCo., $e acW'ImIIe Wapr~O. wî îul"h ad ueî.least a stuffiness of the nasal passages.Toont..M. Sanfcp "Ihvexery liard wcrk Vol)keuip)Sometimnes fever accompan les the f1 t,,,ceosesIspoter, P-ar ond vs- otand Voei ~~~~~~~maU ~~~naalso ea feeling of languor% duil tdhchohrmlsM.M .Cmsi m~ ulal cane. hacn' aTravelo..lMesses. IW. E. Cooney Bapit Chu ~ HUA~Il nicel tis îornîg."ness and aching of the bomes. e ARTE~ DUINEL N înncy! "Bu, Laher" ~conpgestion Ils lable t'o spread .cldown unIe Lunîîden, Sask.,, visitcuM.t J oe ie r li~~!te(,larynx, producing hcarsenesand Somar.ar.PmneUsmlla à u >3 egn It he bronchial tubes, produueîng a I wodMn M <t-, isI ZmBadhre L~ oiinc UYcL"Yenwu!l tae 0 leame kepniW&Mweo',fMnitoa, ieit1i Isad ei S sominiotof t OSWI1 tFrk oc pour belongings . M ie og.ue.r. L . Cs ae r. an" eer used aîi tat gave aid y ~~~ Even wheu titis oacurs, many people ..., Mr. . . cuchhae en t tmcLet . : their home àn Souris Man, afber 1 I had a patch of ecza on my aé Z-1l jI OM.ù.ONnier,,i1 atnder w hn!Ch crcu-Lmslances, the con-sedigthi hnymc wt hm twny ycar's, omtmeaise, ih a way. stog s ale le homme pro-mothei ,Mmc Mr. W. S. Si- soles a ae ouinc Robert knew it cas usveessLte n of hprosmcImetan re alsrt fings arge, n- hu trnei rldý,ý1 inson an.d daughter, FlulorcePlid 1iwas acdviieed toa iv Zalm-Buk a tr argue, nd luetumnedand rauback dcing aconditin o! Ie muccs mcmSis cousin, SS (Georgie Gmo. Iîtua' emdes Idd e Fo P,~: IK EDAL t îsmol.Thyhard hinu turcý -_aesknwnasa.trr. alami lcI eng ver ingsandI hdCLOCstetnhave returend hle otcc.1nr fieuss a ta oyb RErNiAR1I l eseîîlu a>iumeramuris Rb'Thmuon 50C egn e ho sgnao cea A. E. IffLAIJGHLI. s~amchug. »«~.~ . lady This wals se rtfigoia es Barist,, oliito ai Cnveancr. bie, hrolocondl-1il a nm e fa gîad ctesay it h,1(ad etdesirel Ofie:ilake iok Kn tre.Thte eig h uhe'cftelion and dees net leave except somae ... _ài 1 (j Monda weckî na disease which devty lcd r s~bIe rates. 4Slyr. oheit sat by thc fire, heoke 10u1ouw. ceei meigc h Cut rne"~l entteonydrcinj -- s -----Fthr - Wa soud edoc hc prenLodge was helnt Blackstock Zam-BU. 1 eufrd for a log t" ROBEnRT YOUG V hý!ashlad onthr athscodi t ateafw dosso!Tuesday. Miss jouéie M"Lcan, cure foth l-is ptlai!neen-t in Zarn HottSVp bOC4,Bewmanville, i; d r.1 ' rcwsb me îl As ()~IE N ow Hllnten ,tp e rscoupd le fillled ct Peuin. ,vSiedMm.A.". ce ls te ogeste veine, nd se çpsto E tnniscour in.Taken at the onset, PemunaWold rt 51W asSun.day nit week in'a hepleibnuly u srl wiee rnw Hhe bnd roui8 a.lu.te bmetmes e lseour t-halls ov cm break up te cldaud preve n ilte " -.*41 _____ 9~~i pn.Ngtc1 treiecdrt-urrcns church ashe sang rOn DrH opoieUjlShed.l 1.y.h etindi'ntcwe ege ranym ',ihsuîy!uwsooenik , "Sometiîhce someZmTu ea eiieadceli uef ______________________themn. Couldn't yen havethe men 1Bu<evenIn cases wwe teîecoîd ha ilpji it uhme" M.*y . jocey hou ght ,gjscl 11,11in the place w %îti 1grave o ec ngeordad oaane 1ra0,apvmcil tîc ea lt cl c uli ej rn he0a011fste l otshij sud«toes alia and.bomailcuiflr81.5, V/m. ENNAN, V.S.< atI e{litoer;"eough bas develcpod, FPorinua eaube luads. corali aýt t L.ksof eolds M.Bi Biab m.Ann TOlOaARY (IR ArDUATE 0F! CR 'cde ue ie um pr-fentrnotrean,"d firnaiy a ýCobhledipk bas brenei ousmo tfueiatnfe elajo LX1O soVtrnr llee fien rwu roeilsii inîrele!.J soee attck devcioped mb a- btis mmîo.M.G .Ln rear; 4fMr llioe, ouiue toeMCis fthe fre "rae o smehi Te reuncýy o!conisand cor1le an a esigcel(d the ls.m.pc hn vu SISPSN &BLIR. lad wnl no 1eldacthig uted3' for ths limnt, rac ctaôherey0-and after wichha a elld fr 2(y1 9Ihe v alue ! Feunin nc as orpetl crd and n le ovrafnLde .O . et..àorictck u lstis. ,z se valuabl1" g" cd nt towest rates. "ett'naaypoet ucl etrdt iîti Icnoeeflyronmn ___________________ sye trc aac or enu MsSaml l o- gD lgneau,ArecidPeruna iorcolds sandcaar Mae b it e . H.TbOi-JIERYN E. ~ like e bave ue shov ~on Iue funi "Iwrieîeîeîyouîiuaîî Iail-,pc;r!ceîly If Peruanshad neoter medicirnal A. M. Hardy ucf Vvitellict ode. emstr.icoe meîa BOWMAVILLE * !»T. [there in ce"suxn om"ethig NMwe 1 .lok only lhre botties c! ycur vleIa it rmleswth whieb Vi0iing bîcîbren wre neraue rdrte pr-,evide , fnror ut nure c4.LDb~1DAISTl!Trinlty Un "IUd !Se il-ifit isfwyn,"!angl e yuna acrIogteyour padrice andi eivscmmncl lwud b tanotbe upernI r-milos. Ti stekîcotec lobn-g, itsb"I hinkil uouldbe. ous'Instred - îty espisa c.oned bnd Msas.: e !itr lOF O r n m R e tl e c o W e n î v i RL . T M p l c e 1 0 u e a sP y e n L ik e . rYe n c a n ! rhmq N"I nEA T . l uit in sC RTïCH .A N T ON l lJS>Ný bi-so , H rd ntofT. 'i. z nc' le t e sani- nu ber plant crnbeiry(îtal,"Te Fiag"wa, rc'.îîdcd b hv Ch1,e Edwadfusea, in th Berilesolcior, itplsPbîe ste msur e dotigdn nth OGESD .M uce n oh ac.scond art 1ýý1ýic l e f i eiir . ',he o! Bewanvlll) îg og. Vet can o theTorkïegri, Uirai ociands Y T.Annua 17 Ycrk St., Toronto. for a littie prepur-"Short speece hy M ea*A.V Beku ftePris"iîsbu WILIMW. «1M OLeArh, iu cBIacksto k. Iii xnnany . 'of-i 1 tbenewtrm, r plbPtslt ihote j enfor thal labor te the a-p 1 Attedndu ent the A ri ai !ý,fiJ il i bel Rruyie ai.gave1Nevoreciba-buoilding ecf a oer i ]pu.al, an mo lii vey aurclsy and ais dmrlg thr1cils pioq n ue beuTees con o tI thc e annaI ci t-ing a uiYtsem i>cgthr tesing ort cpid Pîiipý eî ba oe 'ekl q l. 12 t ith1 ,.t d foou.1ensyt ___________lime yuur-noïîcy ocuesin fros altnded.ever heltI ii ansda. .thec siand hosmse as pn-sieymd. i bcwyofu tir c mp: Elemy lime I ive yenuebl.fP op, r rer afle rnneyfrtupne qn wllseilea 1oprtT1h119049on 3leChurches lte en Ire Do- atIte by AMm. 1a', a mwihIap ltcuf gn..e F, lown,-7-andforut tIse imeycucil t nich ustî,ibh 7 meeh ipaü, îinwteVrgr edononi- lIe emngdiserld with"Ise', "mm' tt> ar i'i the îneut."i PeietWse 'mbi. crelgeI ihsc ebe m 1 1 deircvdl al ems adv'eceto oiemtie aspic- WeOliith uins e anetirr, nrnit àyin lbe. f cf puy cause news cf the doncb0 bu sn - an b y Mme. Monsl à Oisen S ve 0,gîpeers odotites oeirtedtebi o1ttogt oet s iePîs-nrwDvl.and sïrng deppnûmiuonalconfer- ncTsuefplo ~. 7h Mre'seieilise ld"c inoerte 0m cveto'sAdlsr ent1, "hre cac foron Le he fuÎli ai iý Jam. Pr ecs ib',e veyfreonGrimsby, Englacdws lure haocareXo ,ue Help Vn o. rcqueaî. Oit ,, Secrebary- ~~~d;uing iith Cnrys but ithe ried on a large jenellery uiesNlnsc h nnhae Ts - 'Thal means u'erk,"hg el 1i, JPa.r.Nelson Marlon, -pisa mnto. licescf iin nuiil b, en- AN INSUL T. 'ila imr em"i STARKVILLECLARKE. tdubfll.j\ý, ýre lrly obacumed Insitue se u th1hme Kf m uis of laher. Try il."Adfr-S'PrSa ef niainlplicy jin ,reg,,a rd te their yen gnilîy- or noV uly"zo"b obr ar h r Charles HacwcckJun. 20h, and1 Boberl deld lb tuke bis fa ,ery. msinm undelakings; amd pos- Priconer-O'I suppose I arn guil-pom yBkeyGayFak helci ametsucesuimein.lber'coffer, und us the lccxt>du lThe Soit eie 0 cdacbytemccs rnrah feature y, you honor, huit there rejDpteShrnudEna. Ovei ortypresnt, narl~ailVbcsns tnrduîý, ne iwoked silstblbFelci Crcp (Cqoetii o iilar tis jthe futtflse large au n ndr- mitiguîing cculacnes "Vlnie tcce aaie 9 insembers poing thue r nlIsthe en- rnuen who pyparded bcstmip*,Ilf lIncd1 betdlnt estyar, the grain tetakîng àa eclîrely un ilIse leuderchip Mgsètb Ts litf 3 .2n tNnYr iy 'eptiàon cf thuo whu nr)wtee l haîc - eady forVthe lunns.Il us-sthOýe be bilconts. Mof lumec atbet than the ceg.idisthat yn ouged iseeyc,ý tuenth ebjct.The PrecidenUt falof bbleu ýrý , uet Ie itiete 1, runa Bade ns elne- The àclergy, weer ilI be pre- bit aepiece oQfhis car,kanocked lion 1Canada ubeas noflee r cf i Mrs J J Rit, sa i bsecbi~begin. 1f i ns cager forbIsa ccxil 1908 membemsbip fec, nn tr eni age nuinhers, 'andjhue f'irat dovnc antIthen t aîked anc i rhicprl u- J.j ci.vil uto .agirgu essionirWedho espuy a Nfte nooc, 0bo idamyf, les lt eststhal nei ain t Iemeigopndb anda ecre vhnb uir "Th Mule ea Foci m Mmclb egn t s otu bi i- inca. Tie-eý ',No spinig hersa ho uill he Muri b 3s1,nl he cf pecia1 in- ynco, usîî imIul oubn sdojnc byfoigfchn C. anock b rqîlat gae 'eibe obtairced Foni bie fatc c d. lueltI, id but fr asMduid tesnbti meate hm.TeConges n1onrlecidtIa ',iasselr;. The ctryof bnand sbhy 10 tisSe mac .:, - - , l ont'1) IatLctig i. onMi aput nt squares cf out."" zs f M . In 1 $1 forPcau l KcfIlvue Mnce hatu nîa ny et thse pactores Vokibe bjls nuard -k uRbert s-uc vnty iz: Spring uheat, bardirho ,attend wiii bhle te I nsici St H 3xt-cet ilîpig ilc frIvlis"nta boy i) le tu rc uk frocs a1 andsct harley,2 roived; peuct, alxay SaturdumyApl 3rd, andI pet cenil IeFbîîm ubrc asandI ushen it -as doue andltId'ltnisan ftecetr o Tise, oier cub)je, "Hon s-am bac lou er andI Timctbs sede, ced especiully fer Ibeci.TIs cos'-Iatcyiîsrtd hm r n h" - hon sas îcd f ius nork. Iy uas ccc buhel ofqcs, An ntan ing dySundayý, ,April 1-b nilhei' ;1 benefitted by meeting "lee t iIlthc ,higW fal-mesin ui nueý discussed -btluly Ts'ange bow pleasant ià imas te i feeof$si Webe churged racl e xhi-lbc murked by the efrongeel pos- menvathIs uncuu.ll alariv c meetig usas inemrise uith ' a ebout the crop thut wnnidj itr.Extiifors cîsthaie a sbliddmesses te diffet groupe miieny, icc]udig anuMme and m-s usutusie hy-Mmant-AuMn-. Clirliecone te bim, and hlon easy ilusas i_+enat 0l j e ftIe grain fhey of Ainen audmi cege slnd-ente. -- prelensi\e coitîtibution onr") s tic ftnus ii bcw Pc Cwiug y mantabs the systeM la robes esc sos uitcW4t~itYEulygodforSoe, crns e ut î'rucsjtiI, j Immal ect i seM.unm y.riý- - îltrS xreanddetie e f Ie ofeecenu it icu ' 'i Lctn 'Cacad'e litionu Missonamy If yun cat get '"Dock Fnightoehd nI'LeAîaci-ad S ,fl ldeaf1 h- asuyu thborie eSnm J t j StorDyeGnusper5 The VictoiesPro(grese cf Mi- jWýn u ItSupau, c buteshonseroasieg. i i1-lb, and k-lbÏTnMSifî-xscrilt osee-ks u ol yGoesadt ua îdcîet'iu uibr iikds 2eaci f 11--er Pr vd Baptint Da aid c o' ite meet re iïciÈcovertdiate the ly -uk metbodLcf neetig ae cnin oe la Mm. C. B Sa For, o! Wesioe nmc ds. HSe h a-Lîdoaento!ntite uf rc-i n Bemck. Inded , trougouu-i- M, wauldbe 1famut teMna macfi y lrnown and mors igbly respecîend.i e-n backythebc casonmte tiet i me ýSncb. saifacton as Zam-'fBuk retict bad sec ier eree i hs h disase eud reak ht on u'5 aenor i, ad 1ppîied aeus int si t- obtain cure, bm- ut aG1sil le vain. rIal ", adasil an a lrmbe'lve., r1w 'iît ap'yeg, I, !- i an H na caîniet fer twe!",l yeao.. o wbib Ihav pnvedt iýSe tso PRINCE RUPPI3T. The London (England> Graphk' cf Dec. 19, 1908, contains among its special Thatures a page dezcrp- tî~ e and tx~ o pages cf ~ ery hand- ~oxne illustrations devoted to the Grand Trunk Pacifie Paiieny and its Pacifie Coast terminu~ Pihwe llup~rt. The article i~ ~~ncî~e aed lb uc point. ~alling the attention cf the reader Vo the important po- sai'~n this rofid is taking je the ~3evelopîng and upbuildîng cf Ca.~ nada and the bearing 1V w Il hay~ on the commercial interQst~ cf ~ iand and Canada with the fai ~a~t The~ illustrations shos n are Tu arop faHicg forPnca ae loene tiendîitte To cmi-f-it Juillte cf LowveIl.P "Fi mstreî,is îta uceed iir1and1 densisga le, bant isai grt fV LOISc Dug Slce, (m hy mail, Mfg. Ceoor reOt Il s i Denan.-S gralis tIse densn-tIfer r. ~botac' Ectecîieo tlin)git. To h-in deii nd showS poptilýar apeito f Ibis p Paruti 1ion, hih t ands -'at Lbblc sat c'f papitrycmons us tise' leadîiîg 0Ou in Isf r-t , anm-d tI ie gCeraiy aîiiei that t i is de- 1 n ingc ILeatI. ,utt cc 1oidbd i u