20MANVILLE, , 'B,4, 1909 $20 Suits for 61I4 S pe*aic p a sh-2 je' ut for ù oni~~14 mae-b-ordr, irginsfor T';)Maonths. Better thnn anY Guar- as~6d Rady-adeSuite. W.her Sultîiga aI mame reductîca. J-os, Jeff ery & Sorâ, 2-V Star Houe BomauvîIl.ý HAYDON Vi utr: ran r-i J 3 Montgomery at Tocronta;, Mr Jno G IHewitson, Gmapd Forks, N D, has bacc vIsiting friednis here; Mrs D Braa;enshirO, Piekering, has eurc hne ie a DpleIant week's visitth old ftieNdsirs John Wright with friendH lu Oshawa.'. Epwavrbh Lfaguàra intead lvisiblng bbc Splem League jCda evenIng ... Mrs W Rroad is quite i!... Mme S Waadiley visitcd aI Pickering recenîl>'. Ha.rsh 'purga'tive remedies are f aat glvlng way to the gentie action and >ild, effects oi Carters Little Liver PU,.If ry tvbhem. they will please MAPLE- GROVE' M.'rs W m WcLeRn and little daughter, Toronto, viî etedlier parents Mr and Mrïs George Trimble ...... A rug was founid i Mlaple Grove sheds on Jan 18. Qwnvýer may have saine by provingprop- eDrt~ an.id callng at 1I J Cole'o .. .. Div- fision meets uet onda ý evening at 8 'coksharp. A geography spelling match, Every me,ýmber a>ttend .... Vie- ftore: Miss Ethl Cavon, Whitbï,. visit- ed hjsr cousi iss Giavs unav and other friert,nds; and M',rs W;" J Rowe, Neepawae Manvslted i Mr Chas Ax- ford's,. -,Qarel service atl Ebenezer Bunday Sunda Suhool wili mecet at 8 P Va; service 4 h eenn at 7 p m.... Don'L forge5t the date of the League social Feb 18; good program; ice mrain and cake;, admission 15e or 2 for 25e.... Mr. T J Cole was the largest exhibitor of fancy birdsaI Lindsay Pair. H1e re- ports a good time. Mr Cole entered 79 lirds, and brought awav with hlm 43 firsts. 21 secondi, 9 tlhirda and 6 specials. Mr S- Snowdein, il, also had a number of birdsi an, ruh home se.veral priesGlad b hearl tt NIr Wmf Heekidn and Arhu Tîmble attci the oytrspe tLsadFriday evenilig tad r por good 'Lime. BILE is NATURE'S CATHART- t !rom the blood, wherc it la a poison, end passes it liât the Intestines, ahre It ta essenitial as an aid to digestion, and as a means Ai regulating the action of the boîels, it is of the greatest importance toý kee-p the liver active, by the use of Dr-- C'hase's Kidney.Liver Pilla. In Ibis wav 71r? eaatanIs tboroughly cured. ber riber M.1hs iit..Srvta report bie semtionsiluàssaoa! Misa Ida Allen--------.. The maie mmbers of btce 5pwarh eauewigive e grnd ca terbamant somc lime ata wstibbc lasI (i Fehuar, "aaas atoar ers"wli 'i ea the tlle 'A i t drm nt i wll bha ml i annunceti laber.- .- '?r Rd Kte s econfineti b blid w1l 31itb be aisým. ... Mm Jas- bouse witb bis braiýcnarmbut La s- bas s ueulcniract a ou baudfr an1Ï oth7 Fcasan toma e nonth, MMRbis Mr J L Cale,3 %cdMm J A, Wýerrv. lira. P H BnS.mar3s, la Wih -'~ns hr..Mr. f'ran;k . Brown's face ba gs ssumed ils normal shapeani hais atbenliug sebool aan Vr fjw wr promenading on the airteet s BUntia' 'vevening-....Miss citerperi bas been visting wibh frient8isnl -1omanbo- --- Lewis Burg-es basrlmet from Grecnwood mter a plcasmit sisit witb his aid frienti, Mml J. MLan M.Edgar HIrn ys tedasMm. A. Staiiston's.. .. A public lecture wlll ha givea intibcTown Hall,1 Bamn7ptaon, Tbursdavý, Fao. 11h, aI- L, p ns., by M. J J Tilley, In ,, 1. c Model ý1Sehýools9, on 'Soýme Changes lu SehoIo' l Sstem/' Tise atendance of TrsesantiRae oyes irural cooas Isespciay des!ireti. DiscussonL antisgd sIosby tbbc audiene are invibLet. Ladiets arc isa cordîl>' 1ei- v-led ta a'ttend,- Admi'ssio ice àHA4'Dpu'1IyE NUPOE Piut Dr. Wilams5 Pin], PUIS Reý stomed Vigorous llealth.- Metilcines ai bbc aid fashioneti klint will sïometimeS relieve thbe s7mptoxns oai the disease, shougli Ibey neyer îoucb the disease itsel-the>' neyer cure. Ordlinar>r medicines leave bhiind tbamt Indigestion, canalipation ati beatiaches.1 Pnirpabves icave those taklng lhemn ieeihanti weakened. On the other baid Dr. WViiliam' Pirtk Pills do direct goo, t thbecbcdç. lise blorund cthbb nervea. They fr1 bbhe veina witb ncw rlcbblad;tbcy banc anti strengthen, IhE r,:ï neo;es;bb>cure tiseasse b>'rooting A ot fthibbcbloAd.The>' always dot goo -bbc>' cnnaot possibly do barm aïrma.Geômgc R. Wilson, Maelitoni,1 N-., sayýs:-'A fcw -years mgo aller confnemet1Icantracteti a severe colti and ti abbugb ytaok cn.drbcmci chie. IT gaI no hbler., lu aptmy coni- dition 1waeg raduL7y gcbling worse, I wa sîllmn down, bati no appetite anti grew sa ea k Ibat I couiti fot do sy h>ouaeworkp.;,At, 1maI bbc doctor wha, wssablcdng e Admy busbaidthat 1 7ýwsgaing mb ';a dcinanti I icaret ,0 mÀscî, for a sister 'iati dicti of con- sumptian. Wbcn lalmoat lu inespair a Frientý!i suggested miy ta!kiag Dr. WiI- Wlj 'IaïnsTnk Pilla ani 1 gaI hall a dozen boeBefore I bcd taken bhem mai I hega agà1 o;elbetlcr. Then I got ani- bte alltiaoZen boxes, anti before I haiuseti thexmii I was able ta do my hosenr aain anti wsinebetter hejAatIan I bcd ejoyeti for eara.1 heiv rmilliams' Plnk rPille svedi me ramgOiig btutinsuniptian anti I wamm>' eeomeadthem 10 vervweýak Slib>'&aIl medicine detiers or b>'j mail aI-Oc'aboy :Cm six boxes for $2) 50( irom The DVr. W'iliiams' M1ediune Cao, iâNNISKILLEN. Vaor:Mr Fred Cwingvisitedl fred aMariposa; Misses Floienze ami Addie Pie and Mir Albert Stainton Sunda'red ai Mr Cepbas W Soueh's, Mount Vernon: Miss Florence Trcwin visited ber sîster Mdrs H M COlacat, Tvrone; Mr Merrill Jewell, Bowman- ville, was at home Sunday; Miss Mar- garet Forster. Blackstack, spent tbe weeIý-end at Mr Win Trewin's; Miss E L jýps ,vited Mme Fred Smith, Enfield; M ~AiMrs jabez. Washington, Swibf Curreut, Sask, visibed aI Mr GeolArgnes'i recenîl>'. No man or woman should bobble a- bout becanse ai corna wheu an certain relief l3 at hand as Holloway's Corn Cure. T'YRONE. Thse meeting oÇ the W M S was heId la bhc vestry ofll,4e chureh Tuesday afterncops-The 111 chapter ai "The Story of bhec Ybiarm" waa ably read by Mra W R Ciemens; and evcryone was the Indian girld at Port, Simpson.... - Miss Farrell, Mrs Farrell and Miss Speuce gava verv iinturesting reports ai bbe respezctive filds, Indlian Wark, Japan and French work .... M-ucb regret was expressed Ihat the president Misa F Virtue was unable ta be present on accoat oai lines. Il isbhoped a deep- er Intercat Ihan ever will Wë taken la bhe wark. The cheapuesa of Mrother Graves' Worm Extermînator puIs il witblu reacb of aIl, and it eau be gat at auy duggisl's. The Hom~e Circle heid an entertala- ment Tuesday evening, Jan. 26, wbea MI Somerville, Toronto, delivered an- addrees lantiie iterest of the order. jMusical seleedana wcre givea b>' Messrs Gamaby and' Armstrong. Orono, and Carscadden and Bumuham, Lesxard.. Miss Lizzie Virtue reoeutly visiled fieads near Taunton -.... -Snnday'asema weather was a record breaker for tbc season. Gaies wlbh aand and snaw prevailed ail «tav -. ...Some ai aur boys ateaded the ayster supper at Leskard NO RHEUM'ATI5M WITH REID BLOOD. Rheuimls. like discases of the nevs, afeom a %thin watemy condition cf bbc iý ood, an-d dilsappears when the blod is miade rieb an an by bhe use af Dr. Cbaae's Nerv-e Food. Tf you have tie !noius medîlcine, tr'i this me- hod ai, o-cercomiçng_,disease bybuldng up vi ality tb bbc blgb water mark. Pains and aches wili then disappear and will knaw the jov af hcaibhftil living. A Womfan's Sympathy Are You disCouraýged? Ia your )doctor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your vain a heavv physical burden? I know what these mean te delicate woren-1 have been discouraged, too; but Iearned how te tcu-ýre mnyseif. I want te relieve your bur- dens. Why neot end the pain and Etop th e dcrsi41? 1 can do this for you and will i:- you'vill assist me. Aii y1,11need( do is to write for'a fr-- )f. ith 'wt whiih h ee-nplu lu ry buds o1b giv on rway. Pcha this ene. box wvilt icreYo-it bas done~ for othcrs. lifsi sallbe happy ar j you will beurf- e (the cost of n ttaestamX ût ltcrsbi' Je sntially, Y/itn",Cto v e tm'.- Ment. MES. F.E VRR idsor, nt ENFIELD ait>', premeheti bere ainthi3 laberoBt ai the iasianuar>'cause Suiay ,..,.Far- mers wivelIb is district are dcllgbteti la thlnk there la a possibility ai sentitag bisecream tZ roklin anti daiag away wibb bbc pistaking jub af maktng butter.... Mr J Alexander la warking for the Pcerless Wire Pence Ca.. Mm W J Ormîston mteadedthebb short eourse sebool belti la tbe Acadamy ai Musie le Lindisay' ast weck, Ris ex- hibition af Baron Montagne drew mueb attraction amtd appimuse Tha Wamder says: '6A heantîful Imparteti beavi' draug-hl stnllion, the properl>' ai Mr John Dmvldsou Ashburn, wae ou cx- hibition andti t ana ai the fineat ste litons accu on exhibition ie Lintisay' for came limne. The, hamac muat be s near a moae as an>', or bbc gavemameut wouiti aût bave requestedti lahave il seulta Lcdsay for au exhibition ai Ihal kinti. vvÎ! iiib becu afereti a big salar>' ta loak! aller a nobta stockmmn'a borses. Hugb Bunter, York, rececti>' vîsiteti at home ....- -ey A V Brown visiteti in Mentreal recently .... BobI 1eid's home waa bbe scene af a happy gatharlng of iriebils Tuesdm-v weck .... -Mme Meatiows, Hope. visiteti hermomaîer, Mrs'Dchong -. ... Mgr. anti Mrs Alcomu visiteti Osh- awa frienda receabi>' --...Mesdames MeLaughutu anti Grey are tiowu fromt bbc ci' yvlsiling Mme McNaugbton.. Reeve A A Colwili abîcadeti Counties' Council at Cobourg-. ..Mme Thamua andi ber sister. Mms. Galbraith, vîsîted bbc cil>' re-entiv. ... Mrs (CapI) Gibson la wailng on hem Qister, Mmc Richard BHill, Tyroce, wbo receutiv recelved injuries from caiml- ...Jacob Braucb, wifc ant ilidren, Bowmanvllie, visibeti aI W H Pearce'c.. , John Watson; game wartieu, vîsitetilita ail sebool compaclon, Thomas Martin-B... ey Seatt Howard allentiedthe absequlas of bbc3 lateArchbisbop Sweatmmn lu Tor- cua-ý...Miss Rose anti siter, ',Mis Chaiote are suffemlng from finjuries recalved ... - Rev A M Irwin, paselr ai bbc Mebhodiat elîurch, preaceti sapecial sermon Sunda>' eveniag on "WbVat abaîl lb profit a man if ha gain bbce wvhohe world anti bac hie awn scoul?" ThmsMahan lbas purchaseti a ývaluable coýw fromq John Coucb ..._Mm D Brokenahire, Picerinig, visiteti WiLliam jPiekarld-.ý..Aiteir a mnbbi)'e pleasal cajouu barc wlIh aid friands, Albert' Sti1llwell laitaeopate i MissRuhy HuIst for a chaor stat iOsbawa, Wblt- bvý, TComouto ati Gimaby befareretuma. ing- la Killarney, Man. -ThePae' Institutele tidtg Wechneûsdýy cvelng was ver>' weli ttneuandtihîe md- dresses were vr'inîercablg mc in structive. . Mm W P Jacýkson wcs lu Caîbrne.. .. N1Mmanti Mrs John Flagler, Dow ai Belevoiie, but iormerl y cf this1 village, losIthebir infantà by ligbnicg cm....M Dutle~shippeti 4nVothcm car o' a1pple ta the Eli mmke,, h Saud>,Ja n 28., mc a ulýe'r, Pna0w lin ber 81h yaattendeti edthe golden I 'fdi ihem daster, m,,R. Pallie uamîe; tILolaG.oyIIc, çEt airoo a GadnNchais MILLISI JAaUMoa, Teacher If you bad taken îwo of Carter's Little Liver Plla before retiring you wIud nat have had that coated tangue or bad baste lu bbe monbh this morning. Keep a vial with You fear -accasianal Use SOLINA. Mr B G Stevens rcceived a bcd sbak- ing by failing from Mr Alan Wtlimms' ice hanse, a distance ai 16 Itb...Mr Albert Washington la impmovin .. Fariners' Taîblute wae wcll atîeaded Frida>' aternoon, Speakers were goad practicai mca and hmaughb out a lot ai gaod discussion. The cvening'meeting was aiea verv well attended there bcbng quibe a number ai ladies present andi some Ëa usical selections were reudereti basides the addeses.. . Mrs A L Pas- coe la mucb Improved lu hcaltb .... Miss Lena Taylor was bhc recipient ai a golti watcb. and address pesenbed ta ber at Sons' Bail Tisurmday nigbt. She bas rendereti excellent service as organiat bbc past five years in Churcb. Division and Sabbatb Scbooi. Mr A B Cryder- ma aeled as Chairman. Complimen- tar>' addresses were made b>' Messrs Wma WemCr7, IR C Scott, J T Rundie, S E Wcerry, Bey T H P Anderson, W C vverry, Scitas wuuams tailUj mesxismoca, S Shortridgc and B W Meredith. The address was mead hi' Miss Bilda West- laie and Miss Edilh Vice made bhc presentation. Refresbmenbs werc serveti..Recont visitors, Mr Frank and Misa Lena Wcbber, Enfild, Mr and -Mms Gea VanDyke and Misses Lella andi Elva, Darllngton; Mme sE Osborne, Ebenezer; Mm and Mme John Hall. Enflit; Mm Parc 4 Westlake, Bowmanville, Mr and Mr@ Gea Blair, Tauntou;Mies Meredlith aI ber brotbcr'a, Mmr H W Meredith; Miss Lizz!e Vimîne, Tyvrone, aI Poatmaatem B G Stevens'. - ... Mr Chas Blanchard sold a gelding at a bandsome figure.- ... Mr A L Paseoe visibed South Simcoc District Division aI Angus-...A special feature af bbc District Division beld bere will ha bbc preseutallon of bbc Grand Division trophy ta Taunton Division .... Sauna Women's Institute wil! meet ounrlday, Feisruary 12 aI 2 30 p m. Hiamptan Ia6tItute: visîts on tha t day. A1licamby invitation ls extendedti laÎal memb ara and visita ra, ladies or gentlemen. -Ue- fresbmeccbs will be served. Hampton Institule will furniab the pragram. Painsoth gd ARE OVERCOME Almost daiiy we hear of people of advanced years whose pains and aches have been over- corne, and whose lfe lhas been made more comf ortable b>' the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pils. Because the liver, kidneys and boweis Le- corne siuggish ini action, poisonoue waste mat- ter is ieftin the biood, and this bringsth pains and aches, the tiff joints, lame Eac and rbeurniatissn, D. A.W.Che' KidneyiiÊver FPus belp nost prornply and cu re ni ost thorough17 on acaount of their direct andi comhined action on liver, kidneys and bowei.s. They are the most popular medi cine the famous Receipt Book author ever iniroduced, and are paraît. teed by bis portrait and signature on the box. One pili a dose, 25 cents a box, at ail dealers or Edmanson, Bates, & Co, Toronto. Mr. Chipmnas Lewvis, Salisbury, N. B., writes: 0 For years 1 had rheumatismn, kicine>' trouble and constipation., Six years ago 1 began using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pis and now my oid ailments are gone. 1 amn seventy year- of P- '--, :- healh.A I a- f r Miss E'lva Tru'il, Oshiawa, spent Sun- day with Mâiss Rnby Courtice; Mrs Agnes Richardp, Oshawa, Suudayed with frienids here;, Miss Ruth Conrtlce snd Miss Ethel Bragg, Providence, aI Mr Robt Courtice's, Miss Mabelle Wal- bors spent the iieek-end wlIb Miss Eva Saniders, BowmanviIle: A number I rom here atbended the Silver wedding ai Mr ana Mrs A E Clemens, Tsrone. Frida>' evening; The W M S intend holding a nox social lu Ebenezer chnreh FrIday evening .... Fallowing la the sadng of the pupis of S S No 8 for Jaury: Sr IV Florence White, Mary Courtice, Ruperta Rarnes, Agnea Short Sr III Olive Palernoster, Norris Bamnes. Anson Phair, Ernest Freeman, George Rleynolds; - rIII Belle Courtice, Della Wyborn, E-stelia Penfound, Garfield Trevali; Sr II Vera Nichols, Lillie Huggins, Mildmed White, WiIiie Welsh- Jr Il Doris Courtice, ilîbert Treyail, Victor Phair, Charlie Nîchois, Pt Il Mabel Weish, Mars ProuHe,; Kathleen Bamues, Resale Luxton, Roy Nîcholls. Harvey McDonald, Everett Weiab; Sr I Rufus Clarke. Mlle Tooiey, Lloyd Misa Lottie Richards who bas been atcnding bhc Eliiott Business College, Toronto. bas acceplcd a position ln bhe McLaiighiln Carniage Co , here. Bey. W B, Tneker, R, A., B D, preached caracal sermons on the ver>' urgent need ai candidates for the Christian ministry in the Medeali St. eburch Sunda'. Ail disardera caused hi' a bilious state ai bbc s5stem eau be cured b>'using Carer'a Little Liver Pilla. No pain, griping or discoiort atlending their Use, *'rythem, Miss Hiabile Adams leaves-Ioda>' (Tbursdav) for Detroit Mieh , where she wlil inlu fture reside wibh ber brother,. Before Ieaving shc was given a band- kerchief shower by lber girl friands with whom 8he was ver>' popuLar. Pr- . Dyc(le, a Professor ai Mental Philosophy lu in Queen'a lUniversity, Kingston, pre6cben excellent annivers- amy sermons ta large congregaîlona in bthe Preabyterian church Sunday last. The choir fumniehed apecial muele. On Sunda>' Iast Rcv. H. 'r.1 Lewis, B. A., accupied bis own puipit at hala services, and gave an addresa on ,,Peter" at bbc mca 'a meeting lu tbe attemnoon. In bbc evcning the choir gave a 'vcmy pleasing sang service, con- sisting ai several,weli rendered' anthema and a quartette by Messrs, Adams, Brow~,n . i4nlevavndirPau. hiehwass greatly enjoyeti. BlckIe'a Anti- Consumptive Syrup is the result of expert chemical expeni- monts, underlakea la discover a pre- veubive o! inflammation ai theeiungffand consumaption, b>' datro3 ing bbc germs thal deyciop Ihesa diseases. ant ill11thb woriti wilh pitiable subjecte bopelesal>' strieken. The use ai tbe Syrup wlil prevent tbbc dîme consequencea af ne- giected Coida. A trial, whicb conss 25 cents, wlll couvince you thal Ibis le cor- rect. Fmlday at a glaa q.m waa cast over tbc tawn wlicn it was learnedt Iat Frctier- ick Vernon, ani>' sou and cbîld af Mm andi Brs Van Woadmuff a! tbe Commer- cial I obel lbcd passeti awmy.fHe wms teller of thc Western Bank, Wbithy, and -wia ab L 'usiqesas nuai and aI- tenLded a supper given bbe bankers by Mmr T H MeMfillan, ou the Saturday pravia-us Not feeling Well on bu mce tuma medical aid waa caiied andi it was founti he bati contractaed that dreati diti- eaee pueumonia, and lu spite ai ail thal caulti be donc he auecumbed. Be waa alwaya geniai and abliging andi was popular wibh olti anti young. Tise funeral Sunada> wavery largclv ub- tendeti. ey Jas Badges, BA. aficiat- cd. The floyai afferluga wcrc numeraus andi ver>' beautiful. Mrs Woodmnif la lu poor hiealbh andtihbbcsbock appears almost more Ihan ahe can bear. '.he grief -triken parents have the deepest sympaîby ai a large cirele ai irlends.' The grand musical, acd lilerarv enter-, talument undar auspices ai Meticaîf Epwortb Leagne Tuestia> eventssg was wcii attendeti anti higbly appreclaled, Misses Dilloanmd Ellia opene thebb pro- gram wtitb a fine plana dueb Miss Gibuon sang exccliectly '-Spring Fwcs"Mm Pale gavea pianocsala tblal wae well reeeived; the Masonie Quartel sang "Ti e Swunee River" and mIs a ecoe. Miss Marjorle Bll wms hearbil>' encored ou readcring aL piano sala; Miss Erline Moanme dcligtad ai by slnglng "Ibrge-- Jolly Brion"; Mr Robt Benders3on sang in splendid vaice 'iiiey Ail Lave Jack-' andtihIe Masonle Quartel ciosedthebbcmusical part l bcpragmam with -Scotbo Wba Bac." Misses Ellis, Dillon, Moore and Mr Geo Benle>' wcre tise, accompanisîs. Intersperseti was a flue iiterary pro- gram by Mmc Jean Bic wett, Toronto, bbe popular Canadian wrltcr, wbo gave a number ai ver>' pleastag sciectians of ber own compositioný Ail parts ai tbc prozram wcme exeeëding>' gonti. Re- ircshmeule werc served ti ahbbcclose ta mil takicg part lu bbe progmam, OSHAWA. Mr-s. L. L. Vickýery ïýsited frienda in Toronto receutly, Mise Jeanie Davis apent the past few weeks in Toronto. Mr. Oliver Hàezelwootl, Toroato, was lu town this week. Mra F W, Cowan was a recent guest of friends Ia the cil>', Mrs, M Floyd, Cobourg. viaited Mrs. William Adams this week. Mm. F. L. Fowke, M. P., was home from Ottawa ci -r Sunday. Mrs. Jean Blewett was gucat oai Mrs. S, Barris, Albert St , white Ilu town Mrs. Herbert J. Barris, Toronto, la visiting ber mother, Mrs. W. R, Bond. Miss Helen Hezz'ewood, Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss Gertrude Argail. Mrs. W r'. Eaton ta visitîng relatives la Toronto. She reoeived wlbh Miss Cook, la Trauby Ave., on Tuesday. Misses Edith Chidley and Elderd MeLean MeMaster Universit>', Toronto, were gueosaof Mrs. A. MeLean over tbe week-end. was again laid over. A W An nis re- quested permission la prune someabade brees growing ont-ide his premises; referradt l councilior Waodley. Reeve Wight and couneillior Stanley' were ap- poiused ta arrange for priatlng for current yaar. Coilector Reynolds pres- cuted bis bill fotz abatement for $26 00 which on motion waa ai1owed. -Clark wss iostrueted ta write certain persans reportadte t be cutting wood on oadway between lots 2 and 8, con 9, and forbiti- .ding furtber cutting or removar. The andîtors presented bbc Treasurer's Financial Statemant for 1908 ai-d Repart whicb were appraved andthbbc cerk in- structed ta bave same published. The' clerk was requetd ta adycrtîse Dlv- isional meetings on Feb 20 for. nomina- tion of pathmastere, pouud keepersacd fence vicwcrs. Treasurer acknowledg- 1cd receipt ai $1 fram W G Rundie for trees sold by councillor Woodley. Reeve Wight was authorizcd ta grant orders on the Tressurer as folaows: C Booper, reul land uaad- for road con 8. 82; Mrs Lana, support ai Fred $0; J L13ne. bonus building wire fence 88 70; W A Bamie>', do, $9; A Sm~th, gravai. 86-150; F 1 Groat and &~ Avcrv, auditors, $10 eccl; West Durham Agricullurai Society. $50; J B.cynoids, salar>' as cal- lector 8120,, extra services and expensea, $15. Couacil adjourned taetjaturday Ieb 27th at 10 a'cock. B, ELLioTT,, Township Cierk A LAU(IHING BABY B When baby lauzhs and gurgies and crows, mother know3 he is ýwell and happy. When ho la cross, fretini and leepless give hima oseofBaby'sOwn Tablets 1. and see how speediiy they will l Schange hlm soa happy, smiling - chl.These Tabiets cure alitise o mnraliments of childhood and Sbring healthy, natural sleep be- Scause bhey remove the cause of steeplessnessa If the teeth are coming through tiey heip them .alOng pRaslessly. Mrs. Octave FPaulia, Caraquet, N, B , says: 4I1 haefound 1Baby's Own Tabieba ai aendMedicine for Sbomach 14andbwel troubles, and to pro. mole-slcp, Istr0flR!]y aVisb Smothers tu use bhem whea isi ýlittie ones are allng., Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2.5 Scents a box from Tihe Dr. Wi- lim'Medicine Co., BroiýPville, 'Qgnt. COUNTIES COUNCIL The election of warden brought ont this vote: Ilote Powers Hughes Given i 1515 8 2 1813 7 8 18 14 6 4 20 il 7 A sheaf of letters, applications for grauts and returns varions were read and referred or f5led. Ex-Wardens E Weir, 'S. Miller, F. Peake, C. MeNeil, J. Bodford asnd Geo, Spence were asked to take a seat witbin the bar ef-the-CoinIL Mr. J. H. Helm, Port Hope, was ou moqion bhauked for a gift of 825 ta ln- mates of bhe Bouse of Refuge. 1The Reeves were appointed b draft the'i standing committees, each committae ta select the chairman. Ex-Wardens presenit addresseld the Couneil, ait congratulating Warden Powers on bis vicbory, Squire Miller said Cobourg was growinc faster than1 any place between 'oronto and King-1 ston. Notices of motions wore gîven by sev- eral mesabers. Men'a Scotch WooI Underwear, regul ar 61.01 uow. . .60c ,Péuman's wool fieeced, hlgh grade Uuderwear reg. 753 for .... ..-.-................ 48e Boysr' Pe-nman's wool fleecad, hlgh grade Underwear, regniar 69C for...... . -...ý ...........88e Man's bcavv, navy bline, fleeeed-linued, shirts, cap shirts, r8gular $1 00 tor .... ý...........72c. IDCottonade, fleece-lined shirts, top s;hirts, regular 85ecfor ....... -......... ........... .65c ,, laek Satin Shirts, reg-ular 75o for........... 48o Overails, regular $1,00 for,_............... 75e Overalla, regular 85e for ........... ...... 65e Wonl Soxl, rezular 20c.,------------2 for 25ie. ,,Wool Mitîs, regniar 25C for,. -..........15C Lined Leather Mitte, regular SOc for.. ......895o 1,,, ., l, extra heavy, reg 65e for 40e ,, lack tMelton suitisrgtar 050fr $5.50 L2DOORýtS EASI 0F C1fj7 ff BENNETZ H0OUSE m1-mi Men's Tweed Suits, regular, $800 for-----------..85.0() 87 00 for---------...$4j5 Baya' (2 pieéèl T e'ed and Serge Suita, reg. 65.00 anti $6.50. your choice for----------------....$32 5 Boy s'2 piecej Tweed Suite, regular $4.25 f r ........ $28 5 ,Kee >ants, regniar 75o for----------------..64e ,E1xtra Heavy Woal Base, regular 25c o-i 1000 yds. ai Linoleum ant iOlîclotibata lesa than cust. Ladies' Tweed Sultinge, 42 lu,, witic, reg. 75e a yd for 815e 3 places T7artan Plaide, regular 65e a yti for---------...85e 1 picce ai gamnet Moult Clotlrea , 81 50 a yd., for.... 75o 1 eaeb, bhack ated amy Basket Cioth, reg . $1.75 a yard for,. ................... ........65 8 plecea Heavt- Tweed,,bultable for meu's antibyd eob icg rez , a$0asî ytifr-------600 Satexs, aMlicolora, regniar 20e canti 25c a, !.for...-1l5e 8-places ai Satins [ a grefta"fl ]reg ý60C ta 75e aP. yd for 125e 'Le B eI-IBFPINS, COUNTIES COUNCIL (From aur own Corresponden) Orgacizabian work progresses siowly, but tbc uew members are receiving their first lessons lu killing timie. The standing committees bave bea n struck. The most bouared mnember is Reeve Tale wbo la General Chairman of Roati anti Bridge Commiîttee. Hea also accupies a prominent position un Finance Committee. Reeve Malx. Wi 'gbb, Darlingtan, boltis position on Schools anti Counties' Proper- t>' eominittecs. Deputy-Ree-ve E. Milîson la a membec of Scbools, anti Roads anti Bridges comn- mibtees. Coi. John Hughes haidsthsbb covebeti bonor ai Chairman ai Finance, for wbicb, responsibie office theme is no hebter man in the Counties Pariament. H-e la also on Contingencies. Reeve A A Calwill, Newcastle, is an Sebools anti Roati and Bridges. Reeve Byers, Purple Hill1, bohds the position ai hiouar next bu Reeve Tale, being Chairman of Durham Counbty Rotiaý anti Bridges Cosnmittee'. Reevo A. L. Boyce, Para>',ïhall i lb corrcspondicg office for Norbhumruland Reeve J. Hicksoc, Manvers, is on Ronds anti Bridges anti Caunty Procpert>'. Beeve Jas. flavîisan. brother of Pin-j cipal Davidson ai aur bowc, lîCas -a ai Legialation. The sensation oi the inauguralmet ing bias been tbbc Maynarti charges aga7ýinsb- beipers la Hanse ai Refuge. Consenýsus ai opini;on Is bLet lis ualrot50ýbati as îme- pruee'i Depuby-MinisberaiAgricu.Alre, G.C'C. -aeToronto, anti ral-, Za-vibz of Agricultural College, Guelph, spoke on Forestry Tuestia>'aiternoon. Courg Board ai Tratie banquet tbe Counbies Counnil Ibis Wednestiay night su that Council will ual recl>' get dowL ta business bil T hurada>' wben the AMay- narti charges will be invostigatetdinh fore- noon, BOM th er Ts Kind Yom Hava Alwvays BNu etgixaturo -u I Table Ciotha in Tapestr>', Damask ati Chenille, regular 84 00for-------------------------6250 Table Clotha, Linec, white wib retiàrer 61.25 anti 61.50 for,.... ........ ......$100 anti $1.25 Bcd Comiarbera,'damageti by water $2 50 for.......6810 Cintzi......ta......la ...n........g.20e anti 25e fcr 15c, 1: u' dto i -d, i lnghsTe.,15c for... Se 5a ydt Ncînsook for Uudemwaar ver 1ielemnfatrr iLengtba, reguflar 20c a y'ard for--------.1_ 2e 80a yards ai Siik, ilý. colco, reg., 20e ta 75c à aur chetice for -" '* ....25ca 7d S11k Wmlsls aail colora, reg., $8 00 each.. ý.......... $L5 A lot, ai Ladies' Coaba friram4.50 ta -310M 0 la lear-, your eboice at 81,i'75 eaeb A IoflotaiLies Gîil'Simts - lu Poplin anti Tweed ta cicar aI----------- -' O anti 1 1 Barý,s' Mnsant die',TmalavIr-'sSamples, lu finiehboots regnarï88.U00 ta84 50 oDw 61.50 ta 62.00 a pair THE NEW S-eTORE1 ~OIeai(Dgut AllILrI AND WINTER SUITS ~«* Our.new goodswiil soon be eoming in-*** and we want the room, besides, Our poliiy is to sdi ail goods during the season for wbihin** they have been bought. To do this we have eut s' ill dieer inb the prices. Mcn's heavy twdied Overcoats 84 50 wartb 6 50 Me" .1 bea-ver ', 5 95 ,, 4850 MnsBlack Beaver, velvet collar $7 95 waorth10O Ileavç miob Coaste hix'b coliar utoned alose $6 9-) wortb 8 00 -$7 95worth6$10 O Heavy Motar Coaîts, bigb colla.r tbulbon- d eloze $9 CO wortb $12 50- Heavy â1utor Coals, hizob collar,btoni c'ose $10 95 wartb $ 15 00 MEN'S SUITS Beavy Worstcd & Tweed Suila ail bbc new shaties 84 85 *o 13 95 wortb 7 50 ta 20 0 flEN'S HEAVY REPERS Ileavy Black Frize Reefera Daub'e br3asbti high storm coliar tweed iinin)g $8 25 Worth 4 50 Beavy Black- Frlz-3 Reefers linied with saine mater- tai reversibie 895 Worth 5 O0 OUR SPMCIAL FOR TIS WEEK 6 dcz, man's silk neckwemm regular 50 for 29 ceots GROQERS' DUE BJL.L.$TAKEPJ AS CASH Ciothing and Furnishin3gs for Ci tAemeLn andthteir Sonsr Befc~r~ Stock-takingG1e~ririg Sa1~, SKATES SHARPENED lOc If you want your sîkates sharpened take them te Mr. W. H Williams, West IEnd Smithy. He knows how skates should be sharpened and guarantees al his -w or-k Orders prompti>' attended to. 10e a pair. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Couneil met at the Town Hall, Hampe iton, Sattirda>' jan 80. Membera al present, Reeve Alex Wight presiding, Miautes of last meeting read and cýn- firmed. C A Adnum requested thatlihe and famlly be sent back tla Eogiand; referred ta Reeve and Counnillars Wood- ley and Stanley. Messrs A. E Ciemens, Thos Baker and W E Jewell represent- lnîr West Durham A.-ricuitural Society, goked for a apecial grant ta bbc saciety whlch was required for fencing the new grounds iately'purchased and for ereel- ion tsf buildings tbareon; oit motion it was resoived ta grant bbc sum in f6500,ta be'pald ou September 151 next, tbis grant ta be, la addition ta thc annual grant af $50. Dr W E Tilles's reqacat ------- --- - - - ---, 1 -- - . --- .. --- - -- 60 .--h. 1 top speeiai grant to isurxeton u -L -F -L -L u -- - -- A close Hili iiiii ý i la iiiii 1 a iMil 1 1 1 ,