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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1909, p. 1

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f £ $00a year in advance; $150 to United States, BEWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TH JSDY LBLAR,( 19o L u mE L V, INo MAi JAMES & SONS ulses 'T'h~ Jamoe Paper~ Vi~it mhirty-fiv~ WIiEN ln Doubt = DBuY 0otr celebrPatedi "Germ an" &choot 'Boots for your famity1 T!IEY are GUARANYTEDI We stand ready to take back ,anyv pair of German 'Boots show~n toiae [l Shoddy heci stiffeners, j12) Shoddy inside heel pieces. [3] Shoddy inside soles. (M1 Ont off vamps at toc caps. [51 Common cotton stitching. "German" Boots are neat in ap- pearance. They out wear any other boot in the markct. They are no dearer thân many They are l"made lu nad They are made in any o! f, ouV Ieýathers-li.ght to heavy. They are ade lu sizes to fit any1 boy or girl. They eu be bought only at Coner Storei ahi arond BANK 0F M0NTREAL capital - $14,400,000 - 3,69,1501 Department. I__ea O ffice-, Montreal -a- J. A. M<iLELLA,-NP Manager, Bowmaaville Brauch. 44 1Total Assets VrfytlOHtliOýs We bave a choice as&.rtment olVientines. Buy arly you rat the best choie, Hundreds cf! desiguns lu novelties and post cards, al very prctty and low priced. Be Careful!1 These suadden changes of weather are very dangerous and tend to cause COD CONDD whieh at this season are very hard to get rid of where nothing is done to prevent their devel- opment and we heartily recom-i mend you, for this purpose, the u se o f 4 4 3 10 1 9 The old reliable and neyer fail- ing Cough Remedy. Price 25o Don't be withou it- Rod'k L Mitchel & GO., -:Tim Q»ALIT 1 RuUoYsnT« A Few Bargainas For FEBRUARY 3rcan8comu fer-,,. . ,.,.,5 8" Peas , -... .,,,,,,., te Il , CerTn & Tomatees ,.... 2501 8bolttis Extreots ...........-... 25e1 8 pkgs, ah filavers lbing Sugar,..25, 3" U Jeiy .....ý.,25C 3 C hoclate Pdig . -.25e 2 "Postumo e ,,,.... 25 2 Macaroni ...........6 idoz. Oranges........5 Orange slcer te iend. Ahi candies at nodluoed pnices. Rebete lu China, Watch window evory week for bargalus, CASH FOR PRODUCE - - - a kw W %xy fs 9 "W '11-n Buyers V011 visit the farma- ers of this district, in quest of good horses from 4 to 7 y caria Ild. They have not ye-, signified the exact dates bunt thoseco! you whoi have youing stock for sale ehouid see to it thit thely are -in good healthy udiin A horse in good flesl and ar sleek coat will brix yu ol ars more than one nfit fitted. Agreat mnipo l 1W keep their horses lu. good con- dition al the i and use no exütafeed. The V use Kerslake's Condition Powdere- and have good healthy an malIs alw'ays in saebeconditioià These Powd6rsprify t'De bloo-d aid digestion and toue np the system. They are sold at 25e a lb or ý5lbs for I$100. The West End Ui -ggist. ,Miss Diugmn dere that ail ac- connts cwing berbatldbyFbur New Star House Cf f-er los. Jeffery & Son's Sta-,r e-he Old Rellable Tallors anduc teen' Outftter-are ,ofItrigyli<et-r $120 men's sl~for ' ly' $11 during January andFbrfy You are in- Vlted to Cail ajn ý jepeet t114,>lothq--a gond varletV trhoefrom. ûýil vou want Fa dressy Sprln)g suit order 3now and save big monev, HfIGH SOHOOL NO ýTES The JLlgh Schooal Etai eaia tion for 1909 will1 be helcid on Wdedy Jue 23,ad two following days The literature seIeetIDn3) for mimDrizatiori are: VII, Boadicea; XIV, Lanment cf the Irish Emigranu; XXIX, For a' That an~d a' That; XLVI; Lead, Kiùdlv Light, LIV,> Lochinvar; LXXXIII, TI he Influence of Beaut1y; Sonnet, Night, page 302, CV, Elegy lu a Country Cburchyard. WINNIPEG - $210O fromOntario pints, via Chicago and- St. Paul,, Minneapolis or Duluth, -.ui proportionate rato(is to other prin.cipal points in Maitoiba, Saskatchew-,an andj Alberta. Frel the fare was fivef dollars arid f orty Fivec ents higher, and even at *hat rate, a number o! people preferrelà this route on actount Cf passing,, through ,sevora1 of the large Amerfican Cltis Now that the rates hRaebeen lowerdc, îte travel via the Granad Trunk and this attractive ro;ute lesteadily llereasing. Bagg-ge checked thr-ough in bond; no examîna- tien. Be sure and conisi Grand TrunA gent before decidingc on your trip. DURBAN 01.) BOYS, AHO!!1 gay, boys, aye, and girls of the Home- land of Dirham, here's an idea.- How does it strike yon? In our opinioni it's a splendid suggestion made te us by a f,ronto~ Durham Old Boys' Associa- tn wil Iihold thir-AnïiaIl ieuion and Banquet at Moconkey'sl-,rEd"& evening, Febi 26, 1909. Hu-d,,ds, of yen would be deighted to bc) there, but distance and other conditions -wiîl prevent. But you. can be there in thoglt One object of the organization is to keep up the love for and loyalty to the old home county. If yovu nbe there, attend by ail means, But if yon ean't be the"e in person, send a message of Greeting-not necessarily a long letter, but a few words of sentiment suitable tothe occasion te be read by the secretary or a friend to those assem- bled. If you will mark this article and send it to a Durham boy away from home, it moi reacli some who would net otherwlse see this suggestion, mî. Tiios. YE-LLOWY-EES, 23 Division St,, Toronto, Ont-, is the secret-ary, you e Foi fthy r i'ath, çause yo BOW ANVLLECOUNOIL. jOBITUARY.j Mx.FRANCIS QUiox, OSIIAWA LIVLYDISUSIO OVR VIYNARD' Mr- Francis Quick, (better knowa -,,qO T, C ,ARGES Deis, j died Siunda1Y inGrlce Hospitai, 'r - - Toate. is remiains were brought Yeu A2k special mneeting was hld Loudayhere, the fuaciral taking placeý fromn the H nliglfit te recetve report of inivest iga-tionreidnc f hie brother, Mr Wm riYoil in to complaints against I-buse of Refuge Qulck, E -in S-t. Deceýasedi watt a sn A at Cobourg as held by special commlittee(f te Uic lame Lewis Qulick aad was a cap- God apptointed by Coaintie-s (!ouinci, As the, able accouatant Hea had been a crip. Fi repoi-t noyers some sixteen pages we ple for several Years owing to ùn la. sh1alilnot pullîlslh it, ald as ve published jurcd kuce. Me was ini hie 45th -ear 1lu last issue the fading o! that Com. 11ev. Bugh Munnue, 1B A., of St Paul'e EPM mlit tee, W'0eneed noti repeat it here fur- churcb, conducte3d serv ice ;'t the funer. thler thanl to say tt i cmpetlaI The paît bearers were: Me.sars J. O exoerte te ofiias romi ail blame. S, erear J, A. MCeiC A. Weil Thee as fl CunilMaorJohnston, W B MIc"iurtry Mr, Fred even Matsoni presiding, Mr. Arthur A.' Pnw- ncký, Beitvllee ttcudcd the funeral. teo o ers, WVarden of thess United Couinties, ii n dte.Ms .G.Yule, chi. ente wa's nie to take a seat by Reeveego.Il' did no e l well euough te nlbb( Toe.crma ýsofan lu wlater. uteci Lcnthydisusson ook place, 7 he d(eath nocurred a-bout 8 20 o'clock as th alter the, Coilncillors hiad xrse Thursdaîý., Ji. 28 o! Amanda Eiizabeh eterU tbmele,-befyatcersý,ely to the L-ammimnï, wife of Wm. Laînfpmau, at of Ng reprt f nvetiatin, nedecanng erhome att thecoeruo!( Victoria aad ag1 it, from thle mannerû, it was held, asba George -te, %Weodstoel-, Decccased haýd Be tl "wiews"Wadn Powers was beau ti;for amnettwo ),earïîî, durilg Otto] askLed to epeak. Whicli e diii in a man- wbich time shie hadà suffered R u er ic showed lm to be a conrag- and ber deathi was net altogether Pres: cus officiai, not afraid to act on hie own unýexýpected, uithougli the sa-d -news, ofi theç conývictions, Ile explained that lie was bel: deM1iencme with semethlag o! a m.i opposed to the investigation being held shOck_ te the Fmany fricuds te whom she 1ville withl the Most imnportaat witnesses for had endearei herself dunlng her short x mitt thle coniplain.,anit andi Mr. John May- life. The lIe Mrg Lampuxan was 35 vomiP nardhixsei abent Me aidthi clad es of age and wVas the daugh ter (!feccuý muetî be remnoved frolrtebs thehel onLmiafor'menty cf srruc Refuige, anid lie wouldi agree to auy Darlingiten. she leavea a- hnsband, aw action to bring ont 1the truth. TU onue sister anud two br-others temu aMs charges 11uets be thoroughly et! ted n o henlo .Tte sisteýr ts'rMrs Teeplcesof sole] mlatte-r ywhatbte resait mighli e. He Cris aud the brothers, L.harles LFmr- b v M eugge9ï,sted Mtat MnIH. F. Hollahnd, rmiman lo! Curïries adJohn Lamimanen counties Slicitor, be requested to con- of Cati! raïi. T'Ibofnerai teck ,pla'1ce bU Il duct anlother ivsiain frcm lr ljate reFldence te the EuýPiish 1 Colnu. F. Hl. Masoni preferrcd an îlu- Church ceýMctery Saturday alternoon.1 Mrs depende(týlt nt ari w hose ifnding wold iAmonýrg itie relatives from a di:setabuce k sri nsreconfideunce througliontIlle Is MreW. G. Rundie, Toroutti. Dudl Cjountie3. ,,M Rs. G. H. BuxTox, TORONTe lis 1Mayor Mason took tle floor and took îh ean of the late Mary Chari t> Kirb: direoct issue with Warden Powere -wlo Biecli, obleved wifc of Geor). Il 'uxton, for M seemed to imply that thie QÇouncil sliould who dicd at her home ait 460 1otrsewticl institute the investigation. Thie coun- Ave., og, Pcýb 6, werc hro;ughit agail cil had n iglit to dictaite. lit je net k ee ody tefnr l-kig lace ec business ait ail. -We will noit be the fromnthe rosidence o! ber brother Mr, credt prosecutors," he declamed, -andi any Gco MilBickcll. Dukc Street. De. ardi resolution we nxay pasa xill lot impîy ceasied haci been iii for Boule lime wlth a a' our acting, In fairnees to a respectable complicatio;uncfidiseases anïd durlag th,_ hàmr citizen the counýil giniply received lu- last thmec muontha hpd been confine(!to a ai formnation o!f his comlplainte au ad sentilter bed. A service ýýils betd at the o! e the particulare oi. to Coinities 1oni home SundaN oveuiug couiducted by, her lieu whose duty it certainfly l ito luvestîgaite 1peÀster, 11ev, J. W. Pcdfley, pae-ter e! the rcme comptlatite agaiit one cf thie puliý)jc WsenCongregationaiý chnrch, on tce insti -tutionrs irader its' management. utoU. TLe service here ! aUvl!er :ig ConTreleock ý',was pleasedito har0non wasconducited fbr>V 11ev Joan îtheýir Warden Powlere'staitemUenit. We as at abiiabse yBy .W Jo un CouncýIl make no charge but waut toi tiffe, Utc latter deliveriag Éa very inice sc secfai ply mtedontto ur itiens adre33s The pal -bearers wcre MYessrs1 Th eofeplne l ns heard at laves-Alfred aud Mebourne Beeiaud Dj Thgaition e o was u rd itaiivtey Frank 0. James. nepbewsï; and Bert tiail.He lit 'th theilta hyWilkins, cousin. Deceas-d wes'the, Ai wenit on withi wit h complainante eldesitdaugliter 0f thoe lte M.'.(eorgý i absent. Itileup to the Warden to lu- Bl eh., Bowmanviiie, and ieavs) W-,t , veetigate Maynard's charges as the mouna er decesse lier head two que coraplaînants are asking that tley may sons and two daugh' ors,. besides an Mcmeu be heard lu their own defence. ged ohr ie itr n heý moved, seconded by CouIn. J. B, Mit- brothers. The relatives who aLccempar.Foe chell, ithis resolution: led the remaine licre were ber husband, Kr Thait the following communication be Mm Gee M Buxton, sons, william C. Gaïb sent to the Olerk o! tic Counties Coun- andi Brewerd BuxtoD; daugbters, Mne. Rotv. cil, signed by the Mayor and Clerk o! Robert B unter iiad Miss Ltýa Da Buxton et this towII Mn. W, H. and Miss Belle Nolson, Tor- ttiens The report of the Committee appoinited ente; Mrs Frank Brimacombe, R-oches- unie' by Counties Council te investigate the te-i, N. Y; -Mr. aud Mrs. Milford wVIl.. mem co(_mplaint miade by Mr. John* Mayuard kins and Mr, Frank James, Oshawa; by Ri regarding lits treatment while ant in- The :floral offeing e rc beantîfni, W. E mate o! thie bouse o! Refuge at Cobourg ceusistlng O! al pillow from the lamll.; hoid lias been recelved îlnd considered by wneaths from -Western Churcli Ladies' that tuis Council, and regamding which we Ain, and Mn. andMrs G H. Townsend; TvraO beg te submit ticý following for your bouquet, Mn, Fred Grant ami M,à WiI. essot' consideration: kite; sprat s, Misses Ashle7 and Paton, Move The Itowa o! Bùewmanvile isn Miss McDonald and JMme Aishfor(-' Mn secni more in1terýsit lu this milatter than anyBvtnasuofiail rntyCnan Othe£ Mu]nlcipaiity lu tic UnIited Coun- gregational Clinnch before ho suad hie ilu thl tics excepit thait the comïplainantit s a family removed te the city som8 e yns by E residenit o! tui town. We are carnesit. ago, and Mrs Buxtonws ee o the Mari ly desirous te assisit in establiehîng suoh active mombers whe bore the respect ef pay il a hl reputation for the Home axnong ail who kue eW. E the Counties that pensons entited te be MISS IDA JA.Nn ALLin Ont c sent tiere will net dread te go. Mise Ida Jane Alunir, oniy daughter of Misei Mr. and Mns, William Atlu, Mampton, BowE The publicity given te this Maynard died at ber home eanly Fniday morniug theiù case, (unaveidable on oui part), lias after anuiluness o! euly ton days. De- siens oaused a feeling among the cîtizeus that ceased wae eorn on the ferm west e! the alpp9 will make it almosit impossible tei induce village lunIjecember, 1874, and lied led [l vé auyone te go te the bouse o! Refuge theme with hem parents until five voars specM unlees under compulsion. ago wheu they movedinto'tho village,. for, ii -The-rfecent-investigutionlaaving-bee -'s-ovr-d-i i-le a-sadi Unes conducted wîthouit Mm, Maynard or auy counectcd horseif with the Methodist 1J, Gt o! lits relatives or the Doctor 1who oex- church of which elle was a faithfnl mem A. J amined'hlm on hie etumu herel bolng- ber. She prepared the Sacrement fer Wbil present, bas net lu any way satisfied quaiterly service for a number o! years wera tie geucral public or lielped te restoei She was o! e beautîlul and cheerful thoefN conftidenice lu thoE bouse e! Refuge it character, industrieus and klnd te evcn.y - Port iCoiurg.z That this confidence may bel oeeand with a bnlght and pleasaut word, Coulf restored we believe that another and lot alshe mot. She wili be missed inirepoi more theoreugi. investigation sheuld be mauy a homo in the community where that1 held. We make these suggestions net she was always a wehcomo visiter. Sho 1aoflu lu a spiit o! critîcism or fanît finding, %vas a charter member e! the Epworth tee ci but with a desire te assist lun xaklng the League, aiwasat the meetings, aud L. Li bouse o! Refuge the greatesit possible took a vemy active part uless dotalued Peint, u'se!iness te the Uunited Conuties of by slokuesu. For a number of years camp whioh Nwe fermaa part. she weas a mnemben o! the Execuitive. Distml Ceurn. F. C. Pethick, chairman o! Lu, the Sabbath School she hes filied tho lanlte3 Poor Relie!, tohd how the publiity of position o! librarlan forn ule years and rnd the charges was oeusiug stroug opýosi- aiwavn took a deep inLereetLuits work. aPPOi tien te tic bouse o! Refuge, Me-, had Shelbaves an aged father and mother publit twe old citizeus and their wives whe and one brother, Willam U., te moura aeoku- shouid go tethe Horne about ready te the loss of a lovlug and klnd daugýhter taînil se -when SOI-Le person sowdthem auild sister. The flerai offening e wre ~~t Ppapers centaiiing Mynrs charges beautlul, expres.sive ef sympathy sud lated "1Now,,' ho added,. "thcey would net go love for the departed. The romains esoli1 there tebe-ki-le . _ 01wold1athr w-o1ntered u -te-BC. nrug- oua MIN THE WII4-N£R rommyn, Tommy- Longboat, equ're 9, wbirlwiad( on yvcur feet, Wre the idiol of Ycuîr countr3 - e&'em cheerinl itthe Street! Ilafi beat the world at rubr1:ig, nud îou"re game right thro'anrid thro'; ibles-s nTommyi Longbobt, or the nationu's proud o! yen. MA7,97andEmi. WORTH LEAGUE AT NEWCAS'i LE Wr Methodiat, Church League wa's !represented at Newvc9astle Monday îln1g, about 10loi)Vuug people going )r casteruneýizhnor- As 'Leaguersu ereli the auditor-ium sniall bcws of oni o! fern hdswere 0distrlb. d, the young meýn havlnIg to fiud the ls wearing the samïfeFhaiie of rlbbon àemselves asi their 1)a.rtners for the ing. MV WV. J. RcadPresideut ewcastle Legu, pened1 the meet- 'by aunouncing th(,yu "le the Tic That Blnds," mr. Stanley on presiing at the, piano, àMr. Fred Foley offered prPaer after wnicLi idenit 1El(kard heartilb' welcomed visltors in a feýwwelcsn words, E A Loveli, PresidIent of Bowmaul. eLeague, took flie caiand the tors gaqve the followiujgý program: I s&o, Miss Ehlh VanNeet, Pqunt5d by is MyShaw. iu" nno i'ïl by àllss Ethiel'Kirby, 'Osh. eidinlags l'y îMiss L;Illan NleLeub, sStella Mýasoan udvir. F. R. Foley; oby Mr. Wiibert Hüar acco)Mpanled iass G cawker, and was heartlly nred te which he respon(ded; eeto bowmanvillie quartette,. H.J. ght, 'miss JennierMcl'ea", ïMr and. AW.Piekard, with NMiss G. Caw. as acconipanlst; duiet hbr, 11ses ley an7d Pollardi, ac-companlcd by G, Yonng9; Istrumentbl by Miss b: steconudselecîlon by quartette, vhich there was hearEy applausu, ch ceased only wheu they came n t th pltfom.Ail participants thejir part,; woll a-,nd wîth gre3at ht to, themnselvcs. 'vr, W. .1 ;, k c1oFsd the iitcrary part od the evenl- d'enTeýrtalumûent Lby annuug ýthe luj, od býe with you titi w" meet a ï" An xcellent lunch o ita anwc ecffee axi cal ,V4. aserved b the Newcastle voungý it) wh-ýich the guests did fi j lus. 'Ur 1ou4, people are stlil ig. thtof prî~ the osialt f r io SoGon .after il p. m.the iastâ,rted or home, ha-ving t athoouglydelgzhtful eveniu;, )!STRICT LEAUUE kXEÇCUTIVE B -(jo11r1ked meetig (o! the Execu- cf :omnl! ititLau t~~dla ic GIeist uhura Bow- ieWedinesaa, !Fe b ru0aàr ,8, bears present were Mesars A W Üs, H E Oshborne, ;W H Moore, F R, 3, Wî W /Biackburna, Misss Ed.ljth 'Y, Frances E. eley, Re. 'SJohn >utt, Wm-Llmberct ad Mirwin. .A J Terril], Geubn reýpre. 6d WhlibyDiti Afr devo. al exercibes a discusFsio)n wqse eld on au E, L. and S, S cnetinail abers taýng pat, t was Mo-ved iev. W Limbeýrt n secenoîded (by FI. Moor0e tbat tue Ec', L, and. q , separate conventions thîs ý.ear,ind thie receipte of the cnvetio at one he divided between ttwvo iclatlons. ýA report ,'o! Forwacd s0ment for missions wvvas rea'd by etarv showing that tthe Bo wmanville vW hicàby Districts h1ad at their credit Rev AI. Garbutt and secxonded by .k Blacýkbern that thesfe two Districts Our sioais Rev, a.nd Mrs. G. iparlhng's8, expenees te W EjSt china of surplus money at our credit in sIn Rooma., Carriecî. Leagues of rnanville District have pledged tacites tii raise over 0800 fotr mis, i this N ear. A discussitur on the part o! a Hm iso took place. TR8 decided timat if we ha4 somnle aicmssio or misstonaRy te work .t would help ialoug the missionary 8-A comminittee o çmp0sed of -Ret. karbutt, chairmian of District, Biei J Te-rr'11, 2nd Viece.Pro4sideht cf Iby District, and W, R Moore, ,appointed E., communicate wlth &Eision R-oomns regardir- the oup. o! a ÉHomne !il-io n luOur owu ference, Mer. F. R.'zFolcey gave a rt c! the StephensoL Funid stating ,Bowmaivlle had given the largerit unt in the Couference A commît. Dflsistlng of A. 'W. Annis, Miss E. irby, and W, 1il, tMocoo eap- cd to maake arrangements with a palgLuer te hold meetings in oar rit la the early auituma wlth magie ru nlsidcs. A letter wasý 1 à Z

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