-i a .What VWouId'ý- rYou Do If yoma thoroughiv -believ- ed that you had the best rem ~e y~on for S'omach and ~ fyou knloïïo!A better plan than the followiîng we wish you would 'et us knowv We are thor3-ugh'y con- vinced that tet is no rem- edy on the. market- that wili gkve queh prompt relief to hoewhe( suffer f om Stomacli an1d LUver toule s orown STOMÂCH and LIVER TONIC Bo suïe are we et this fau that we wixili sel! you a regular $t OÙ ) bottIe foýr 7~c You cen use ha]f of! h and if net benefit'ed -we will pay ycu 750eheerfnuliy) for the balance net used. ~JURY & LOVE'LL,- j The safe stsatr Dugts& Opticians WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY i jRY and LOVELL Gra duateo of Obteago, New York, ÏDtrceit ind Toronito Optical Collegeg BUSINE[SS C-OLLEGE STANDS r IeadYta 1e!, youýn and wornntown ne.eence an uca.It has givelnthe start ta thouad upon thousands of Of Young people. Iii van help you. Write for catalogue. Enter any Une W. Hl. SHIAW, Vouge & Gerrard Sts,, Toronto For those whow dene theprcessons ac nmplee training is rýi:d Dy law; for hose Who w ' (enter buieslife, trere Ëla ne i ,but there i3 at hot'he law hlc comelsit- the Th'Ie law c necesity do~ manâ suh aBusessanud SborthqId training as8 Provided at The Remilngton Business Coliege 269 College st., Cor. Spadina Ave, Toronto Toronto and Retnrn FromBomnil with r-0 cents added for admissio;n 4e Auùtomobile, Motor Boat a nd ~SpOrsman's Show. Gooda going Felb. 18, 20, 22 and23. Return limit February 26Ch,. 1909. Cobalt and Gowganda 'The. establiihed routýe to these aiil- ver fields la viai Grand Trunk - nd T & N. O. ýRaiiways. JURY & LOVELL, Il sltated o Go *s~fotreet. ut pr*est C)Cupted by >rs. Biraa W Bok,immediàate poýsseSsion if reqtred. i, ly t M. 1 - - - , ~FE. ILocal and Personal. Local and Personal Miss ,Ethel Klrby, Osbawa, la gut t f Miss Lana laddy. Arrange tla ttend Dunhara Old boys" Aunual ijcrquet Pcb. 26G. Bepea&t it :-' 'ShilohFs Outrs wihlaiwayn cure My cnUghseu cîle, Din't mfis, -c ut & Aliua's hangains lu orcangies3nexI Satuarday-12 for lOi. jEdîtoçr Gorfalo !the Gazette, Whilbr, gaveuts a frtindî cdi Mou- Mc A. W ikrwi!a and child Mr. FE G, B21l, ccounhant o! the Bank o!f otel settewPee-end Mr. aod ;Yrs. A W. Piekard attended Ibeu fanerai c f the late Joshua Ferienanni B acetîock. on Priday. Dr John Hoakia, K..C , bas beau r.- éected Prealdent of the Tocante Gae ai Trusts Corparatian. During their stock taking sale Coucb, Johuston & Cjvdcrmra are sellng off a lot o Dire--sa Malenials aI about bai! price.. 1e.Hugb Mnuaroa, B. A., sud ',I. W. B. Co-uch wcce appalulad au High Sehiool l3oardby Counnues Counchl lest Mcr. sud Mca. Micbel Ceunons and Miss AnLýo Canrsa rtleuded the faner- al o! Martin J. Griffu at Coîborue an Fab. 1. Thana la nothiug q aile se good for chapad bandsansd face as OCcam o! Vilets. Gel a frce sample botîle aI Jury & Lvî s Ail acquelntances oa! r aud Mca. A. E Clamans jalaibae relatives iu con- gratulations ou altainiug thain silver waddlng annlversary Messes, Scott & Alli aïar goiug te have another orange day on Iahrday. They are offeýrinig greater bargains than evrr. A dozea for 10c. Mrw B Coucb attaudad tbe annuel meeting of The Toronto Generel Trusts Corpocation wcdncsday. ' 1!un- ther mention next week. Mdiss Mary Beat aud Mn, Busseil Beau, O(no, MIss Ceea Jackson and Mr. Fra ri Snudden, Oshawa, wera Suuday guiesta a! Mr. Thomnas Jackson. , Sac caur up-to-date kileheu cabInets wihh fleur chesu, fleur alter, sagar cheal; enud tan sud coffae caulatans, aiec ani- terri for evcry klnd o! spîicas. Williams &pon It is easy te gai a position a!ten yau are raady To al good, Bamington typists positions eae assanad.- ",MI,,. ton Business Colege,College & Spiaidna, Tocante. MISS Hlda Jackman, cnteltaincd anme tweatv-five'o! ber 1111e friands Saturday efternoon, il bafng bac aeveath birthday. The 11111e folks had a veny merry urne Conduetor Dan Cerrîga, eue of the popular train managera ou the G. T'. B. han n faa a artoo rhroentif tnroit.1 ing the Campany Conduclon Frank1 M ocCallnrn snd Ibrea traînmen wara arrested on sinsîllar charges.f M01. and Mca. M. C. Selby aud Master Mlorris, Markbam, have beau vfsitîg han fFaUinr, Mn. John Âmre, Bowman- ville west Mc. Siby bas beau aploint- cd bailff a! the second division court o! the Colntv of Yack lu aucdesi o teb laIe Alex Duf. The postion is Worth AtPenchla a maniage waasalera- nized at the home a! Mcr and Mra IR L Baille when their danghter, Mabel, was mrrcisd ta Chas D Mann, Baltimore 1ev B L Edwarde canducled the cee- emnv. The bride,, weasing creaam crepe de chine, was gîven away by ber lathan and was urîatleënded. Wtlobaya the groocnries;, dry gonds, bocits and shoas, bread, drage. station- en v. furnituce and other bousehoid nec. essitias at YOIJB bouse? Here's a tîp for that pesou--raad the adverllsments in Ibis papan evecy waek and flud eut what luduceenas the merchanîs offer YOU to do youn purehaslng at thein .store. By keepiag lu teîîch with Ihain announcements weekly and yen willl sava many dollars lu a year. Central Canada Citizen, Ottawa, Ont , publiahed Tucasdava and Fridays, la oe af the beel inidapendent newapapaers on practical !areming, bamnaklng sud ,enlrd-w!de news. Ona dollar per year. Write for a catalogue -of preminras o! vAltable sud 1usaful articles wvhicb are absolutlv necessary lu ?ver7 bouse3- bold. Thia will ba malied wi'bh sample ceps' 10 auy address 4lu Canada. Ati agent waaled in eaavb district. Write 10 day ta Centrai Canada Cittzeu, Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Frank Brimacombe, son of Mn. Ge brimacornb3, Bowrnanviile, la another West Durhamn boy, whom wa are pleaarad te hean from. The Southl- easat Advertiser, Rochester. N. Y ,Saa3 S: "F. Brtrnacombe bas aucceaded la the gnoceryv store at the Cornarcfc South Goodman and Richard Sîs Mr. Brim- aconm.be bas a well-selected stock e! greies, vegehables. fruits sud deli- cateassen, sud ha wili try ta menit the patronage o! aid sud new patrons." Mr. J A Alum,a former ceaidaent ef t1iIs towu, Dow livng ia Slcathcoy, wvriting ta Tao. NEWSanad congratulat- ing the adîtor on lb. greaaly improved appearance ofhe pper, says: 'I hava been living ber. alace ia8t Jais' work- ing for a piano ira. ha-vfug the con- tra.ct for their panacasait. Stuc. lasI lai)l 1 ha&va beau busy aq musical dii antan cf "H. n.)S. iaor a' comte op eca, wcbIarn pleased te sFas' laprogcasziug very well. Weaxp,ýedi laput il an about Pcb. 16 and 17 I1aa also la take lb.e main part oi Sir Josepb Porter. I find tbe peepleo!fIbis tawn very musical baving put on scv'eral o! Gil- bert's s !uîivans operas Thene fa aIse miastrel show startcd lu tewn whicih -ill be put ou about the is ddle o!f MOach, Ils fiva yeatr s sice 1I bit Bomanivillea and I havýe 1nticed the deatba o! seras ve-ry goo-d ctzu ara gla ta kuýow ,Le tw, a cue Locl Otio.1Ihtve 1net hcato Bow. nievile ortwo s erc3 no,,se that CIte 7ultVnws I g7C o!fthe tlwnis tbrough your yala aa. 1ihe Kind Youb Have Alwyavs Bouglt citizens arc ealiUg oranges now. Advertlsecs say interesting things, Stock Feed of ail kinds 8at Murdoch's. Rev H T Crossley, avangelial, was Au whitby last week. Shnubb'g physique 'la amallbut bie ambition la large. $12 00 buva a good kitchen cabinet ai Williams & Son's Town offiers will necuive the same salaries as lu 1908. J. H Cowan, Bunikaten, ady&tisau for farmers ta read. Chucch, school, lodge and society news alwavs welcome. Miss Isobel Baleiliffe, Toronlo le guesi o! Miss Florencea bar. Mrs. B. Bradley, Witby, spent Sun- day with Mrs. B. Crago. Baud nights antbte skating riat Tucadaveanad Fnidays. . 1Repeat lt :-"Shloh's Cure wil alFays aune my cougbeand oolds.", Mrs. W. Shaw bas returnad !nom a vieil wfth Lindsay friands, A musicale at Principal Geo H Ho. garth's, witbv, natîed $12, Mn, Walter Sunler, Toronto, vlsiîed bis anl Mrs. E. I. Osborne. Mn Arthur Egr Meaford, ls visiting bis father, Mr. W.Egr Tom Longboat's feet bave îbeu the base of bis populaniîy., as Il woe Learn on the Remington at the hRm. ington Business Coilege, Toronto,. Theirla a demand for eggs. Caif aI, NMurdoch's fer Davias FPoultry Food. 'jo fncreasor net te iUcrease Ithe dog lax? Ta' h usinc h oe Mr. R. A. VMIholiand 19 the new chairman o! Port Hop-e Harbor Board 1Arýe ton eadtu "Love Rapit Ils Falth lu le g<îturg more iuterestlng. 64 00 Cabinet photos fer 83 00 for ton dais oulv. Sae amplep in Hans' wiu- dow. Oags!Oranges !Orangeas 1 at Scoît & Alli's Satarday for 10e a dozon, EPchool Reports and muchn other itto- esting local malter appeara ou faner pages. 83 50 Cabinet Photos for 83 CO for two weaks oaly. Siec samples fa Hays' wladow. P urs o! ail Àkinds, selling off at and belaw cost&aIC)uch., Johnston & Cry-1 dermnan'st Fres h homneMRuLa.'e apia cream. hum. bugs, and pettirtcrisp aI D ILuttreifs ue-w store. The aaesry o! Abraham Lin- -eoln 's-lOOtxbirth4av wll, be-celebrated- on Pcb, 12 How cauid Tom Lengb ont mat e success, of a cigar business wîtb a 820,OCO pair of lags? Mr Sama Bray's (Enflaid) priza cow brought the higheEt price aI Ottawa Wlutan Fain If, yen wanî a first.class Incubator, eaul on P. Murdoch. ýQuille new-a gte:tlluargiu _ Mn. Pater WernN 's School Remini- sconce on anether page le well wnrth reading.- >ext? If you waat ezgs eall at Murdozc's- juat receivinizanother 1-bag lot o! Davies' Peultry Food, Board o! Heaith reports 1,000 vac- cinations, and "look onI for my erra," la the frequant slogan. Mr.-and Mns. -J ames R. Jarvie- and daazhter, T1oronte. spent Sunday with bis fathar Cie! jarvis. Mr. N. J. Morrissey and Mn. W. B. NIcMurtryattan-ded tha funeraI o! Fred. V.- Woodraff a' OGhawa. Don't fail te sacure same of the greal bargain , at Couch, Johuston & Cr5 der- mnan's stock takiug sala, The Campbeh!ford -CouncIl givBs lbe two lsa papers 815 each par annnm. fer: publishlng the proceediage A ý o.al; nyeeting hi the Meth45dist congregation wll ba hald la the Sebool reom thie Thursday evaalug. Miss Etta Campbell bas another interasting article ou ',The Centeaarv of Mendelssohn" lu the Ist Chrfstian Guaardian. Mn. Malhew Wrafond Mllaor, Shoal Lake, Mau , bas beau iisltiug b i ae Mrs. F. Mi. Saacb aaad naphew, Mn Frank Chapple*. Misa AImia Courlica, Conrîfee, suce fuill-ï passed han Intarmadiata Formu exarnination at the Conservatory A! Music, Torno. MisButh Courtice sud M Mia Hloar. Providenceaanded t an- ' sazioneataItha Ontario Ladies lego, Wbitby Fab. 5th. Our cough nernedy, Tarnarac Cordial Is soiduaden a guarautea that if it doue not beneufit Veu. vcue money wili be ne- tutraad. Jury &.Loveli. Frlday avening Messrs Arthur Trab- llcoek. sud Creigbtlea irglabotham, Mr. William aul Miss Frances Gal- bhraithlb a.tîeudd chaCouversazinaaIt 21 heurs'. he indYouqueAlwp ougm as if ha bad ivad here for yearS. Il la the initeligent Mau wilh a Irea ndNotice of Application for Divorce, ýt easy mainner wbo grînllzels Itha oiet erb 5ial Ltr coi mail atIsfction(uta!trare abro 1;1l2theCity of ToroTltjoflu Ibe Oouty of o. The mnuwho "kaiows Il ail" and, con- ani Proviace of 0Ooiario, married womn il, demnzi evenytlingnet like il le di 'orne apIAYla the Par1iamelni of Cnaaa .ibe x ls the man who raturais ta his own land .'dWlamiQolofteowoSo- with a tala o! woa and dennclation. brnie !hotbe cut folnbra, n Aid GoaainnIs the typa o!f visit or that Provýiceo)[OntVrr,farrner, on the grotinciof b l a' walys suireo! a cordial weicoma back 1; Daed at Toronto , luihe Pro1«vin e of Ontario, aýgain. Weal hope te sea hlm revisit- uhe eitth day o Ieemer .95 ungCRaada in tha eazr future. ,ZZ 151-Sm LAU1ý,A MCQUID, BEFORE GOING TO DIANITUBA, -SAS- SURE CURE FOR BALDNESS KATCRLWAN, OR ALBERTA J- 1An cranient r etuch phvsician p osi-ý conauit aGrand Trunk Ticket A gent itively asserIi.i d hathefliwlgsme regarding the interesting route vialiemedv wiïll cure obaldness o1,an;kirîd. Chicago and --t. Paul Minneaols rTak-e o!fc t - ol welve drops, cilof Duluth. Baggage banded th 'ug ,1ne almou0rda four tra'y drss; ix weLl a4nd aCuistoma examination, FuPi infor- rub Pa utIle it h cl wc tien from Grand Trunk Agents. A scft fur dwnwill apria1r lb thee wveekýs and cntinue w u) row-The Local and Personal, MINISTERlS AND CHURCHES Miss Margaret Trebilcock, la viiting R lCV. sud ýMrs. S. G. Rorke, acila la Toronto, formrerlv , f Enuiskillen circuit, recentl,- Miss StellaM sonlavisitln'g frienda eepeetdwt afat.lgdrs and tt, wo aniiet u-lndcrat3 T Mr. -n N. Blell, Monrea, wS 1int0Vwn Th soaled Iteriene! aver Sunday. -Rh W. E. Carh, nth 1o eceon John Buler d(ied at Liad.aay, Feb , 5, Mna eveuing irodLýer ausýpices (if the aged 109 yeara. la-dies ùf Et àJebný'd chaur ,h was a very 'Miss Storie, OShRwl, nrecei1îly vitedPLeasant ffaîr. A w;,,ýor etest was Miss Ethel Pûweýr. engagei la bv the ý oung peepl wbich District Divisin at Solina wao ïweîîpeie me mlmnt isN attended yesterday, Neada wlnning the piefor. gr>ý"ýEtst Mis vlaite erCherry, Toranito-, recent- porr hc vreeejydwas Mr. J. J. lie sozeakaoa eduainws furnished b Misseq Fe3rn cnIi e Mr. . J Tilevg,, esh eneduat re rta Scott au d B. TaibL'hnv in -Goos; at Hampton Hall Feb, il. Misses Lutîreil i and Rhea Mannà1aiug in Repeat 112:-"Shlah'e Care wlill always duels; Mr. A. E. MLuhivel cure My coughis an-,' colke." soie; âMisses Marjory King sund Dorotly Cartwright Ag-icultuirai Scifety an- Sanderson, piano solos; Mliss Dorothy nual meeting la on Inside pagi. Lutîrei, rciaton Cffee -,7d cakeý were served by Ibe ýýo Lng ladies at the Bowmranville Epwo7rth League visits 'Osqe. Newcsstle Leagui-e Monday night. A ver,; eujeaW aeda was bpent Upright piano and good organ for lateSavtoi r ecks Wed sl.Apply te M. D. Willlam-, Q&'Son. ne da'veiiing when the pencial ser- Ný[ow la your chance t 1 gt cheap vices, enuittld"Cinsinly. fivee ihnest ay'-8.OCaîn'sfor $3 CO sCc1iEne, was r.3ented, aud we) musI sav Waîh fr nîeesînginformation tht g reat credit is due AdýjutantMr abou-, the Athietie Grounde next week. BrLadeur fr the wny lit which the ir. W. J. Bragg was one o! 1h. service was couducted The dî g1fftren]t speakers aI Wardcn Pewers' Reception. seues were very umAhenj ),ed by ai1î. The D O&PU'2eBauîd rendered ramec Good stentographers arnd Remniton ery fine seleculons. A solowa sag Ispists get the pick of! Iha goodî positions, bvAiýjutîanî Bradbury; and deswere MIS. J. M. JoneeS adMs .E nici'l.y ven ýbyv Miss Ida Pinch a end Mr Jones are visithg rýelatives aI t -raîh- Wm Pi'h hchwreves mc roy. ,erj>ned, Allertht3e cedes len girls in MNiss Cara Chisholma, urtetoni, vis- white dresses and p!ink apron--s and caps Ited at Nlr.- Chas Luke's, Mrl Sta. passed aroUud cake, sandiches aud tien coffee, The proc9eeds were ased . lu Mrs W il wiffiamsa Ms L ciearleg off ari ebt Paterson vlsited relative3 ilu PortHoe Tu,7esday. A w a' ym ty Think o! It ! Oï1a dozen MsXcAT1 î yu icuaco syurdcm oranges for 10e aI Scout & Allia's ncXt t ii ev inaoai ad? Is yorpi Saturday. havv physicai burden? 1 know ha heemean to delicate women-I hv MissElv Poer as rtnred ror a een discouraged, too; buit Iearned bow, to pleasant six weeks' 'istwith aebives -ure myseif. I1 want to relieve yobur- in Ottawa. dens. Why net end the p)ainj and stop th doctor's bill? 1 ean do ti !or youcan Concb, Johaston &Crdrn are will If you wiii assist nie. ZivînZontî.third uflf tbe pries a iail Lad- Ail you need do is to) write, for a free ies' and Misses' c1oýh coals. box oZ the remedy whja ic bsbenpae inurmy hands to be give awyPerap Leave your oeder earlv at Sctt this o1ne box wili cure yOu-it bas, done so & AIins. heyoffr ae oze orn- or thes.If 50, I shah l e hpyand &- Alin'. Thy of orone n.ýe you- ,ill be cured for 2e (the cost ùof a geS for 10e next Saturday. -,ostage stamp). Your letters heid (on~fi- Mr.7ËhadMXrs, -ormaWE. ig1~lit I meut, Ils. F. E CuURi.Wîndso,r. at dalighter Mvrtle, EpentSunday wlth lier mother, Mrs. John VanNest. Mra. Frederic k W. TIrebileCock, and BB son, West Marion Street. Tarante, i- AfTIN-II Newcastle, 8'eb. 3, to Mr. ald Mrs. viiting herfather M1r. W. W. TamnblyniNormana Ài'ï, a danghter. PE. cc-In Oshawa, Feb. 411, to Mr. and Jury & Loveil are selling sllghhJ- liiv Geo. Peacock, (nee Alie Bnaem soiled chamois skinasau leqs uban. hîf ran don, Man., twlns-sùn aand daugliter. price Now is the time te la la a stocuk Mr. Abert Norton is vuigM, by 1ev. S;owerby. Malbet Mùiiard andcinton W W Shaw, New York Ctv. ise af) ,Giaspel both of Toroùnto. ing in the sights (if P1sepaA-DI lantic Ciry and Waghlugîou FarriuBON-In Cartwrighi, Feb).2,osa Jur & Lox cil salitheir pure Cream YFerguson, aged 86 years. o! Tartar baling powder for 30e a lb. . &tCiHsreEY-In Clarke, .Jaunary 3Mt, Wifl 'rher cutomes sa ilsthe eet heyimMcChesney, aged T5years. 'ý'hirentom en il thnk 50 tac HE iuNNGN-At Port Hope, Feb. 5th, Captain harve ever used. Yo Eltik-r 0 obert Hennîng, aged 62 year s. if von try a pouad. AwLI-IRa Hampton, Feb. 5, Ida Jane, oily If you want the be8t posBib1e hot daUgbter of Mr. William Aliin, sged 34 years. wvater-boîltle for the Jowôst possible McNTGomBRY-In Darlington Feb. 7tL, t909, price came and look or our stoCk naw,. David mantgomnery, sged 67 -years, 9 -montha. Jury & Loveil, thp safe, 1 stlsfactory HaRxss-o lot si, con 2, Hope, Mary Ana Willey, widow af the laie Wil lam ifarnese, druggîsts and opticuans. agzed 80 years. Mr. W H Nelson o! the Toronte LÂuciÂsnD-Suddenly, at Oshawa, 8'eb 3. Police Forco, and Miss Belia Nelson, Ano Barelay, beluved wif e of William Laucb. ,and, Ilober afthyear, Assistant Matrone!f the Chidren's A id11 QuiXO-ln Orace Hospital. Toronto, Feb. Stb, Society, Toronto, are vlsltine their S-- 190, Francis Quick. son of the laie Lewis ter, Mn., John Plunkett, Salam. Quick, Bowmaaville, Iu bis 45th year. Mr H R.H. Knne, bedmater f HaznrEN-ln Bowmanvilie, February 9th, Mr H R.H. ennr, badmrýtr ACharles H. Harnden, L. D. S , aged 63 years. eterboro Coliegiate Instltu.e, declîver- Faneral f rom hie lies reaidience, King Street, ed an addreàss-on 'Caesar the great Friday ai 5830 p m. ta Ithe cemetery. RZoman General," aI a meeting o! the Buxro-At 4W1 Montrose Ave., Toronto. Youu Ceserrliv Clb, iatudayFeb. 6, Mary Charity Bickell, beioved of Oea. yvaang C 5raieCuetra .Buxion, aged 52 years. interred at Bow- Bey. R. B Grobb, M. A , Curata cf GIîa'RDa-At the residence of ber son-to-- St. John's Church, Port Hope, bas ac- law. W. H, McCallum, Port Ho pe, Feb. 5tb, tha pponîmnt ! te crac o!Eliza rry Poe, reflict of the ate William cepled thGionmeto h erc fcfford, aged 88 years: tha Church o! Eplphany, prkdale.__________________ 1ev . Canon Montgomary, rect or, Kirg- cdean, N. B., foýr 25 , earH, wll bca the Lest Wa Frget new iracar at St. John'$. Jursy & Loveli1 have the agency forE,. O SAL FadsFamous Chaclates " aasDeinrslDeaier in et" Thay gel thase frash evany Mnmns altMarkero, etc., la rldav and on Saturdays sel] a full Granite and Marbie founid box wortîh 40ocfer oniy 29e. TY YBOWMÂNv1ILLE, ONT ýbox of thase next Saturday, __________________ Everv yaar scs sormaeexcellent, aw -j publications issuad t1111 h bas beomeo a -1M U puzziing- diemma what magazines le IL iffiAL MLL A~~ subseribe la. Amoug the boat eueq in" BOWM5IeýVILLE STATION. Iits class for the pnice Io the New Iea GaINt EAST G iNG WEST 3Womau's MaZazine. 686 BtawyIMail.....-8. 53arn. lýExprett,... 440 &.In Ne Yr Cty vev uba s Exrp esa..10.10 ', i Local ....751 NAw YoireS . 8.51 p.m. nuls1ener. . Q -148lpa In addition we wiII sei1the' t. alance of our stock of Ladies' and Misses' Dress ,gSkirts at ex- aCtly haif-price. Also ail winter woolen god such as Ladiles' a)nd Children's Vests and Drawers, Scarfs ,1 Hoods, DBo o t e es, Infant lýes, Gloves, Mitts, lleavy Joisery, Toques, Blankets, Tiedowns lMen's or Boys' lJndiershiLrts, and Dra wers,,, Top Shirts, Gloves, Mlitts, Sweators, Mufflers, etc, ut EXACTLY COST PRIC--E. Balancen Our Ladies' and Lse'C Atsa afpie 'about Ilprice. I 1: Il A Great School!1 Gretlurepulatien, Res3uitsIl n fluence a Fnd Tbocoughnofs C,! Neýw la the ime te enter tha populaIr- TDRONTO, ONT. a.ud prepaca for profitable empîaly- meut. Our graduiatesreadfiy obtain gogd positions. Our RHeudsoma Sas. Su4ctsadmltteld ah any W. J. ELLIO'IT C. oroge o --Pia-- JAhxandler ta." A, W,.fIASON & SON, Next door te Staaýdaird'ýfflank.Iowavl, Frac ahed room aI Centrai Livery yards anytilme. Stock=taking Sale, Di-ring the balance of January yon w1:1 f*nd th L et la laerinChina Goods è aýt e a.d maymuc'-i less than cost, lt willpa7yo011te 4I~ take advaî-ît!ge of this oppotntv eare Weedinig Out Oro"Ceries, fn d we bare o rtakdand whe-re we f d uch ve our sha ! o-god tlng at real bargairs. We crry a ]argze and welI Ssorted stock of!ý 1li ýins of fresh Ilsh, Fresh lerrfng, salmaôu TProuýt, Wnlite Fîih, B. C, Sahn'jon,* etc«, the fin- P t r'lbL tl!i# l¶ULet ~FOPULARchie Lft ýqî .RCER C P, 0C ERP, WE WANT V %OUR S~EF. il We have jn8et purchase are u--dteSeed Cleaner a'd arenwprprdthadeaIknso Clover anadGrss Sýeed8 eleaned or uri-eeaned anv. t'-py h hges ar price. WB WANT VOUR GRIN Wle are aiso in the'marketas uai for ail kindlsco arse Grain, such as Barley, Buckwheat, Oats, Peau, Rye, and Goosýe Wheat, ail of which w are- prepared to store and buy t store- house up town, uar e Wetor T G T. R, Station, or te býuy if stored at the Public ~oaoPortL Darlington. WE AREàýSTîLL SEILLING COAL At, 66.75 per ton at liarbor & G. '1% Ji Station, and t'7.2-5 Per ton delivered to ail parts of thc town. Pea Coal $.0per ton lesd; 25 cents per ton off for Spot Cash. Carryimng in baskets extra. Mo faiso harr, splendid ThreshingICoalý at 85.50 at Ilarbor or Statlion and $6.00 upton (melsi and wood,)' Rex-Flintkote and Asphait Roofi.ng7, Doors, Saish1 .Blnds and Mouidings. Speciai attention to planing- and mat etn1,Dresawing &rd dress'«-n,,5,Lumber. ,LàMfTMDA KIgS.0atBwavle Claring=Up Sale Wili be continued until February I5th. Balance of stock as advcri À ised during January Sale, wl be sold a same Prie. I --u --- - ýý - -- - - - týLr&W-L-*4 L r -LU -1-r.