f il ,i l' Pr, Pw el lts-e te i2 eatn .dan- et-e, vc. W ue elrm u 1,1mallabl c'U ia s oeeir utrn Hedah, utCrtr' 'tluLre Pme)r eqalrelaVel ce iïe. uin uSpo 1,u n.redct Âehetbuy wi',euflbe issetrceeet tour sofrrT iaditein emlttlufol- AnatetyteiC- rgedssdu eedieeadbe S 1eoncetr1tGe iS5.tha tlpllrlu 11aE Ifite34,#ýýlvee lSdise<2ewbe- 0 'Imake onA gaisest Vu11 eIurLitr-Il Il arteris1ttti a tl fiu4llea- ey'mllnt I CtÈ e ands-otr acta l n det ieo tbois thic.u. i u--clverj S Pacteran (Jovoyace1 Cidc:-ieakev Mario, wYregk tet Eowsnnvil,. Mndr te be a es ~fi pposte Tnu hll nnis-a l in. gi al trsdne iet ly ppoiteDfll iiei7y ruer o! Dr. Wllliena,fu liieaies nOils inuwerandyornglf is e 53. 21 to y I march Cf Bectheren's Ereica syni- witer peinte eut, in truly great! mueai ante tereare hopeful stînsîr ant no"sut Sulsantiý ly hytriu,'evrcknî o aunti reator disciples andsuc gay nti ncpiitin in usspuant audieao.s eaerly ospondte th yod huer ani bpnece in tho most epressie and nes Aicf aill" languages un-r te- Kiser WlhnimIl.,an meuth n les ,than ive ay ati sagce cte KacarWilolms on cf ýy t asndo oeiseggtii h s farnacrepoerfurrlartyp, ati t rtin.te interihh e fse at- IRINý YT B Y REM-QUES,'T. 1%Mixmhefolle'iîng hy cing well iïa' ti, and take ini t(o- spocjnful ossafter masandi at hedimo: Fluid Exýtract Dandelion, oe- hiaif ounce; Compound Kargen, crie eonco; Compoundi Syrup Sarsa- pailthree ounices.Aloa drug- giet is the auherity thAtthose simlebar ieingidenecanl hco ehtinIed at a nmnl otfI romj Our hoeunedruggist. The mixture is caiti te docnnes arid srnghnctheclegg"edni Urinary trubleof ailkind-, if tak- on frethýe sag of Bih' Thoc ibhae vtrîed thîs eny it positiveiy ovceoms pain in the! h)ack, clea-rs the 'urine ef sdmn antirgd tsuiatoepcai at night, curing even the -uoret forme sof hlader eakneSs. Evoery mnor vwemann bor'e whe sols Utantekidneys are Wne tron or sctig in a heaithymarner hoeandtigive it a triai, ne it 'il cýaiti to de) w'onders for mnyper- cons. (By Peter Werry, Tyrcîne.> A short tinte ago an off anti in- vitati ,inwns gvente meýto atn tho 01,1uba oy'hanquet te, hcol beii the nar future in To- ronto. A responco camie Lte my mmd in favor of accepting, hoer- ing this culi ha saiti of me, "that I hat i citmoe nigbtin Durbant tban any othor tat would ho there." Thietougst, coupieti with the idea tha t or reminis- cecs iore ncted in yonr vaiua.le papr qit fasilartemel, pir'ompt- mcd meteuki e te puiish the foilowiug inciden: IV viiiin'thoAutum o ef 1859', whe,ý ntheferete stoe hginning te appos er henggatbered, anti whon mnaay -uwvos eing pared, - nuste-ed c1 dsunz o' c. Incaed ii- taser-iscarP ------- SUFFERIED 1 YAR ffenycn oar o, my so Own's11 otn woret formreH a ord ash bremke ~ eu onhirnfre-t kîr t , head tr, but wý aemr oflot alarmedrat fret the rashhegan t pat sp d'r-a ver ite had. We ,i.ýdto-scaind ihoulder,an it aued 11!gea i-ieconi fort. I t hlm toa deeer dtidhl oe ther tatui hoen'ssts, ail wih tho sam reenit:-nejm2revementat ail. Th diseasa radul sputread ttilnel We a e str lap hlmu dpwn i ald four C-le qieenho r.No onethughof we wouldurear hlm. ý Tregim1ental tecase hoýpelees; tleae, hi h enyhoens that o itc, if hoa livd ng nogh utrowitteso etnW e hdr-mluhitale fo ties ad gho ne i prenoun ced ene etr chargedasaincrabe nct o o anWo und leh ucesvetetmne Aot eng osil theyicaeed hlm in pler, nd thie seemoR.T-_,i te ggrvat tso re. notriby olekds badly that ne eue lik d te go near hl I the bouse1mwas. Romenbeing that sema ena cý2aitIil t tnehswalls (ef Tryerre heaen dýo'(n Çwithi bazt- tecring-ramis, n raenkoi us brame ,antirsovtilat a goot okn rail woldanw r u pr- pose. Se Tomnt one enti andi I at the eherwe 'swu.ng tIse weapon îînýjItîl te do aein, se"ond host. W'o eneoi rmmj-age'ti tî_' Ise bu'se f rnt 1o-1ar1te ga rot "SInsroom laine, mucinsfactor'yceta etc, etcý. Thedolar his wreah,- d!jttu' but the opersai pnne bu t quite as valuahie as thse nowv consw enig'utevteOt- Mtry'ce nti cLung'sstore'er c in the came, hountitogether xi, %IthJ the maI'ter'iai at ha tI stetchet)Ion siewi nithcur hety. Temens' reLmode me ou )iCaiti &T,'Jshuan r.etnrnîIing laden wih tt sel TIse night wns weill ig pont, tIse ing, whilst keping muni the or- echo , uti-,n theday 'it am t me th!at Net wns cmnhrat 1 stas to ho anwtosa or on thesam daýy atiheur the Nuptier -ftef alio-lngBowanil- la wn tbh clertetI atit sîcter cf Vhs hitý r c ieow s e Tise rrtilt vm.InsMtnksreasade -eut ini the cury te Corei' mc ~ ~ ~ - uni dt clet oraprepara :- tien te meu;iettehpycue.Ts tIse repart followet, ltir shie-h the hiankotswas suggostedSOJCoS econds the Motion. Carrie, suc-: carne t Ise Lu canantii Cempatn lohagei rertIe toes "te provetaicf0tsgo ti lti i yse, an invite I ias cuplesistesanus cntly tu a oi-fabiocdu'parng uel"anitsst r fis îgt ntûce, i 'i- o the distntnéc settu orpto y h vr-e-sen rmptîy acCceai at oen- fiasayfrdnaymarnec- tiny' pssae. b cemejimes-; roding eloruents.c sihi attha tio t imroroupo I as honattntiîg tse ligs is'o tIetsuad cling cfs.-slcad2nuty isetellovetued ta of ta thisý font'Bu lead uery a-SooIin Bowmranville, se nbiy ocaiosno fîlngteobere n ie.I eurne te tee Ise c oher daY bs0,11 svoiandtte j enducetsiphyOur lae frontitIe re1ntmisie, a Is hae elapr ochidiug repreef stoamship colnparPies eioty McalJ. 'Kelly. Nebing avers etOfcurIe et paringe fiing throngh basnoV oxhpaanstetithoir rs [rcs.0ea rocmp Cnilthtie lads anti lasses the rons. By thu kiincenw fi aay u, ferron ws bti u cGe. ectbe, I nas Cenusitu te rurn is stqhe-o.Chrie heSe-eTthays turig tIse oeu hheus cithe cn PQm merung. The npditiit entrance ter t-e-akuoia io n tejuy place cf abodo casintIse h' csuiesGoret oe do - ets er il -rethe Eitrc mpree rctaies eo etc. empcyss my h cea cttig sat be-came of Neti linyaîl I typefor next wooks paper. Wben nover [nos-. d=en istinct, itte bheforo mly viow. STOMAUR DLSTRESS, lest ovor, net a.pproheuding r] ni a" grI proceedtite mres.AferEvory fanaily bore enght te keep core mmes of aquiot,ýUes Ih rseme Diapepsin in tIse beuse, ns te7e anie so aidc uvnany oeeof yen may have a t a~e e c es ive nti peoing eut, Isy a hum atck af Indietino hClnC"oing he gheet te mire tIse trouble at any timo, day or night., [if vinosvof ta dy gode e-prt-This harnales preparaticanl MOnt.At once tIse reem of ninedietayhg oCtanOvr hswas seughi. Paris Dai egstaytig c ctnuterr coee cour stomach fire minutes un p u ~* t -svutiïg a suV ofe-lothes. IIrry If vost->aîdon't tempt yen, npý. i tli t'a4i tree-ib- 0,or, ahat litl<e yen deI n t eemes 0V t t eû.iu, ti sd upoey7i 'steriifl -,iyu, o rtlyeliko ea lump cf A thcn~,ý,,ght_ , mce mhupngfise lu yurstnnu.,(oriif yen hy tmuiig cel th ppr tos.haro heartbnrin,0thA sa sigu cf - a dsrengthnlng ur xnonît-ho intrutier na ceeu l e~~ody-bu¶~C hy ime te Seheel rounti nusl ie dgetin 1Ack yenr Pamaitfer, 5i ciulderbuuses reni42,coud " - DaviiStnsesecondnigbt. Thore id!ibholne tour de1cae cîlre5 i tste §eAnd ECtheo stuion, Lbs's1 nsiostarg- gso erbnn ul or bcnvy eti that the ye-ins hnt tfeigints trab asa e always G~~es gecd. once cali p isecp fw ohiintiug BradenuneDzzînes or me-uts later, the door of Tomnikuox sohicb ennenor tisei-teThos stinal gripiug ThieCrAilai GROdN CflD2N I V IIL1~E Bnr' bate itt bu, aspols g, ani,bhos i de, thore , eeý,ý -ll 1ise ne I ted e arece th tourfood loft cove-r in thLe scc play iard ati wora har They cannR dl~ctertIuaryCoLvLCSieffrecin is0t, piO ur bronth sitb aaue- U5 ep n neusu aesntet IOcorEes o e tedÛvron s-cne-ae lI-l, onPmio sn enery anti vltlil tsain nous ou con t Li ayne-mee' Wbint'e up 1"The stry t lt n toe.jccoc sî cfi ropacial.Cir RhmVielr1-unae anti nastytaste Itupets"Lot's cee. I knun. S'lbv ae'aï!ape~ui eti ularly t Ireag pe rt -IatL, hird llateUtlestmahs cbn. FollOsmes"'NncI1snight cur fr iPscmchnssyh Dbu il iatrn oasCen sssVn otls aitsenciua ave hesiatt, but ýýýtoubtiese I aupnsd jurÏC James IHughes, IseWn, b y tesoahneyi ticyes Phar- DELICAE GfltS UMV WO CHIDREN, by, ir is teae-hing dnys, qie-am.itnitigfryn <'M Oycr lt dtghermm thoerpnyandai: ïLua-benlgîs.Son 'm efr seToelarge 50e-o n aes cntoin weamk, poae niiain pe l ant lsat tenp9wýgls hat nscttionplcig ispIte mr hanilicon t ure a case 2iMf,àIgave per Vinelantite ss-nlbefgnte gtvetlxemvlnbnoo:eafigrso y 'a!mA o yposa rIniesin 5culies nagtnho uiivate4J5 -i" anti GIME, Dureni, eMics. MssUf thoogne<iei"um "i VINO QUII{LYCURE A CLD A2 SOPS COUH couhatrenes sas pne!Meu itia hut ho ecrely dmirshtIe grl 'Cise HowINoEZ evs qir reati t-ioi-isber nmohe rrghtLaud in 0bouse- many trle-sr vent tonuKn tkn a nîs ntIse mosttri-ý Ilibbcrt VcAte antiovr-IsMri itig-gi hoh ecserS(--t- iot msr os laing 'the."SoucIe iio u Jct n-u-,ïuuWsIai b Et anti tIse &city c m enatu nur iteant.tg Macokîng hemfan rcightanheow 0) ornnmietarniigciiinéU or teCnkig ber onu tIsemsn A uCtcegr entturupet A, Bos.lesvus bW-raulse e h e crue Aos cnsavliarse tunîir n eshceuht irou erov tIse ceng f tho Ciurt ing.Apeaustehe-iantrni ....tt...is heoiiis aPt Winîlet cfCa not censdor brseifiuetiatba- dozon houcos, mrt orpl!ee, t ensing te de ce, This Pgirl ctome- ,nonihi- us leader tirectet iésm imces tlk ucf more Cissaptntthige stepe.ou, cf cours) e, "uounaeti than tiret, a1ln can LYcteninol You con got Vno! ai ies LeaulingUrug 8trc 10aovory Town =Èaýl City niis Stato Weier etste a h en.. -but iexica are neetfni lu use er ove 30yeas, basborne i signtnre o A V ow4nedoua tedece ýýIvc yen 1lufithi7 Experimecuts that trome Mwi uJenanertise health ef nfnsant Cidru-xeraneagalnstExrmut Caseri ahamiessusttt amforastr Oh"Pre gene Drps ntiSoohlu Syups Ltis le lacaut. Lt Stesaisant Bwesgivlnghealthy ant narai saap. SUe Fr v e r C0Yers F0 If There la iti Us a Sii fEi There la Also -a Spirit ofGod "Roc eivo e the si piio' J ohn1jx., 2. There je iin nary Jîlcfne tatý !shicbfeusntlyinpubth cent ton yieli, a baser Sel. Evory iif kuen this muer compuSen. Wi keen, ant ý i tIsh enrthat1 rag thena deONn seeme ta o t tcul petent. la tIse sud it rnauk-es littie, ti.ffe-r- onîce te us vbetber tIsecpsn poere are emhoddin sc ocns- petent perseuality, n sert oet seconid degree tit o r soether tbe h lo)ng inochcase te uclscris- iug sitii ne. Fuitb inthe devil capegoat. But tIse attitude cch cool1 in t!ho sFýtrugleis tue rouiLtest Tbis see et (.1a tril tug uondiugc, ni veslnghc phiiesepby cfSomer it is te2enY danger cdffailgatepec tierether sie ni t hikigcforslvS as leitnlmst olpisete ngethiis ha "Pîlgrim,'s rorse Ne bcrtnomlyi ierp- emptet or mupeiituhyLoiI ne voeuld Lut mrecegn izeefct, there are a aunOy inpls te th gootia t s a t. If ,r 1it je tru E VIL IS P1ESNT W'TIU is it net :aise true -thatabne [<it evey pne of our li-,res i-nte unise ; - ih1evr'y pone ýr cf houI d- ud mot ive(',in Iothe(-res or in1()Us oGaa " heurts tint mes fer THINS 11GII AND HOLY. in t'Isegetice n us ut a bout us. groetat utnd crthy thige unityen s it te yen. Whee Isedciiibe r et icall11y Bioeve in yor enaposihiiities for tuhat h ih tts -i cf yereesu.Me reyt-a tIsehigbr, bler f 'o. noce cfspiit ai!ntimoive are ail se-ies enat is lgbt it hf e gir- bîgg pener.ý wculýddo il! thon gcdispesntJhae 'emetrei amatr t e nihusl j laction. !ýTIs-bpyIelhy ep IMay ho cnnsin eîY eus sis- tc-uettre teaduly et lit tetIsecredlit af the d-i vl bis basonesE. Bt te stiem or rn aai___ chahne rodt, ntr se -h a sys .ý- to(m cf Msptaie, hoogige iforlNTO N II ET geoduese,2theîh muts ce, tise Ingrferrigtosoe nite sthogixiusprvioelf ine'- visins f IigI liing hatrit nih cîni e tep2eea Niona hencarise eusraspraionl fring ntions tise nurcuus are very self-sactey I Wec hc pasns larsge.lIf avnminde tuse cupiaise fer, pure-'r liin tht eax m retpr nustot!y tIse rmas ns, r- gre-t coi nuailages, sohenwce eus ' uyhubOs y-he;bc utecatu nilianes t free peaur-, e Is-m, Franceltedsthe st-Y antI mbaepaiAte scrifie, tu e Q o,000,03pRsiaprhWl te oturs I le teena~ithM p lace talleste Grany, if tho m- unit tisedivie ltseeIsrStts agrue-ttoet wt is - uetnling aout huviog bertIs0te!lKhcng 4,1100,000 f cit in Qduno e hr cnexlsecfîilaeui ise are tee marynos 0 ace Ctbnt aIl Kng.uaJats',75,0,00 gocitese inohs ony incmoeter di_ sertbruhovo w mtise ogea strm f hî iabi --it- shoo-'OO l ý~sI O4UQ ceme oaro ther is hat eicug j '~~ f~ T/t Os-at Egii.es Renedy tei( Qebtti u rr1 elns>r71S-Adivgeee is oe te dIs tievid. Scb e lie et fl. / Bln e L Vle. e-sdc Cî [ý D" , ý f', 'u- u