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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1909, p. 8

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BIIRKKTON GOAL DPT Beat Anthracite Goal, QC-,75 pur ton Na i 1Soft coal, $5.50 per toni Good Land Sait put upq)li 200 lb sachs, Windsor b,01 Sait, b I'st M"VIiacltUred, alwaye on hand, Portland cernent wbl b a leader cb omngseon G3uelpb WbVite3 Limne kept Lai stock, duriug soute". Bar-go.; s tu Iho bad in Cedar iges J. IB. UOWAW, BOW /~VILEFES3. l, 11909 AUCTION SALM6 WEDMEsDAY, Feb 17-Mr Chas Moin, lot 15, con 6, Darlington, wl SOI al of bis farm stock, Implemnuts, bouge- hold lurulture, etc. Sale at 1 p M. S9es bille for particulars. L A. W. ToLu, auctionOci'., TsuRsDA&Y, Fun. 25-Mi-. John Orchard, lot 81, con , D Iarington, will sei ail of bis farta stockr implemeute, etc. Sae t &lok.Se btille L A.W Tor.-., ,iuetioneer. FEENEZER -xel'd îlu Lie Su.-iî?y cboOloI 0M iof he Ebneerhurcb on )aFridaà eveniu.g 8 G. . Guod rgram, atLer vwhlch baske t s wll hsodEveryonce ordial]ýv inv'ited te -oce nd cnjoy a goedUtime. Ne child sb.ould ho aLlowoi 10 sufer anu rofi-mrms înç,when prompt re- iïef ea u o gel I a simple but strong re rned -MiberGraes' ormExter. Mimater. Mr- and Nrs il Arguelopo, were gueýýseof ,,îr Dand sC Hilsfooper, Tbrsay,..Mise Lue Hodge audAm WgtBoravil ai-e famiy, Q-eu, vilte frindsreeeutly. 2 Eau rr- L-mes eer- 5it Rlneýd cil armna ev w&,.,bel5d lu ruyfienàdo f )MrsPeter Wryare P,' te ko w she 3leprograesing fvr 1 b, ïafler recent operation lu Toronito ..Miss F, Clemens has become a mem be');r of the Chureb ..... .... Miss Blan_-che Bail bas securedi a position lu MAPLE GROVE Visîrs: Ms Cas Miannlng, tewfl, iipent Snuu ihM-SSowden, i,; cosnMs C 1: SnoVdci Miss Mole anal MrsChosterPower- oer fi,-cm re -attuioded the quarte- ' erevicej atEenzrSu!iday....Don't foi-get the Iceeream s_ý,ceal onTbui-sdav;, FebE 18, nd~rauspices cf theý, Epwortb Lge.Go9d proýgraff wllbegiven by tlentfrombowrnan -il 'e, Ebenezer audel~whre Adisn 15c; 2 for 25e - - he embers cf MapLýe Gi-ove DivIsion lntend visitin.g Solluia Division FdaFcb 26 - - .Osbhawa Division are expeted te vieit our Dlvîsîon Mareh 1 .Severlf rom bore attended Dis- trict Division at Solina '1hursdav - - .Mr1 WL ymer lost a borse sacurday. WORK AND WOIY New ll' eaith and Stren4th Cn Be llad Thro ugh the Use &olD. 1 Wiliams' Pink PflIs, P't is usele SEto a b bidwokn woman 10o take 111e easuIly and flot to, ,wery, ButI s the duty Ucf evoiv-WC.- =nn'taSave bonetir t smuch as posleU; ta take her ceaus ightîy as may oand te build up bei- esi-LERùto me auy unsal deml1zAnd s 1 e duty to b e-self and ter fmiyfor bonr fture healtb d8peh ds enit. To gur aInattcmp!le break- dowu lu ba ealtb ithe blood i-ansI be Iisept zi,,-,1 anded rnd pure. No other mdi. cîne dûos this se well as Dr. WYlliamUsI Plnk PIla1fo- Pale PeOP'e. This medi- Qiu£ actuaily nsakes new, red blood, strengthens the nerves, rosýtreethe appetite and keepe ev8rrOrga u 1boathilly toned up. Women cannot alwave iest emau shonid follow the exampie eof Mn. ad dgieDr. Wlllims'?IuJ Pill aasfisrl, Thene VINlewil send, and hing blteandi snnybib wpak ud decordort, Sold by ailï medicne devasorbA Mail nt N 0cens at box fi-a rn Jh 1. Williams' eicn 'O, rociiOt $20 Suits for 1 Sp)clal fer sh--$20 MeU1suts for only $1,rBl~ 1c tai as Gur Two Montho. ee 'inuGar Othr S~ltng,%isamo roductlon. Jos.ff ery & Soli, 2-If Star flouFe. Bowmanvllei. DISTRICT DIVISIO1N. The fcllowing officers wore lej fer Durham District Division wbhiF met at Solina Thunsda.N: D W P, J ohn Baker, Solinti; D W A, Miss Ethel Gay, Courtîce; D Treas, Mi- Dudley McGreg- on, Taunton; D Scribe, Miss Gertie Langinaid, Taunton; D Chaplain. Mn Thos Psoe, Hampton; D Conàuctor, Mn Leslie Snowdon, Bowmanvifle; D Seutînel, Mr- Leslie I hompeen, Tsi-ne; D P W P, Mn John Morrow, 'Courtîce. BABY'S OWN TABLETS A BLESSING TO CILDR9N A medicine that wll keep babies-' nd yenngchildren plumpaudgood natured, with a elear eî e aud roey skia le a blessingnualouly tathe ti ne fbuot ta mothers as well. Baby'e Own Tab- leta le juat sucb a medicine Thoy cure aIl the miner aliments cf childi-en and make tbou ent weli, sleep well and plai- well Thousaude ef mothere se the T1ablets and pi-aise tbem Ms-s, Loi-onze Rose, Lake Talon, Que., says: " 1 caunot say too mach for Baby's Owu Tablets. 1 have proved their value lu colle, censtipation and1 othen, childheod troulbles." Sold bv modîcine dealers or by Mail11at 25C ') '0X UIrmtho Dr. -- l fllamt' Mdîie ., Bi-cekiille, Ont NEWCASTLE, Mrs George Gi-ay lo visitiug ber daughter, Mrs. Moi-cee, ListcWeývl, wbo bas a s oung sou added to ber famly... Mi- aud Mi-s H Dudley and Mrs Bai-ion uttended the Militai-y bail at Cobourg .... Mr- Alex MeLeod was lu Lludsav recentlv ... Mr snd Mrs Arthur Nich- aine mrouru the lsr of their 14 menthe ()ld daughter iwhn died Thursday moru- lug-..The Pi-esbh5terïans held i-hein aaual cougregationt-al meeting Thurs- day evenlng.M... Alcorn, Picton, recently vislted Manager Alcoru of the Standard Bank.... Mdies Olive Wilmot ls verY ili at thhoeeofber sister, Mrs 'Wilmot Therue, Staten, N Y -. ... The 1Misàes Taylor, Charlecotto, are vlsiting 1Mies Wagetaff. 1if ,'On are a sufferer f-om coide gel a bottIe o! Bickle's Auti-Censumptive Syrup and test lts qualities Lt will be fond that nopi-aise bestoed on il 15 tee hLgh. It does ail that le climed for il, sud dees iltbehroughlv, Do not tuko any substitute for Bickle's Syrup, berauso il, je the best, bavlug stood the it. ENNISKILLEN. Mr sud Mrs flaï, Kenilwei-tb, are výý'itlnig at Ms- Bei-t Stevens; Mi- (rithu., Muàlnitoba, vlsited at ir j Rauton's.... tev and Mrs J AJewoll eutertslued Sthe choir Frlday nigbt ta an oyster s4upper. The program, cousîstlng o! contesta, witticisms, vocal sud instru- mental selections was mubIcal la overy pas-t and was vüted a deeided t-eut byj ail preset.... Miss Anaii 'le M ntjey le i-enewing old acquainîtances.- .Mr Je Mas-lin is home fi-cm speadiug an enjes.g able trne lu the eily .... Pleased ta eee hUitte Viola Wobber bettes-. Mrs 'Webber sud Viola wlll uow ho able te continoe their Ontario tour....- Mise Tenu Stain- ton, Bawmanvblle, was home Sunday -M and Mrs Alex Smith, Enfleld, Snndayed aI Ms- Silas Tnewin's i - Mr ul,.reManitoba, le visitiEg bis niuece Mns J J Saith DARL1NQTON Visitors: Miss Bis-di Bus-k wilh Mrs Geo Fitzgerald, Toronto; Mies Elma James at'Bol-ou; Mr Noble Melcaîf ut Oshawa; Miss Eva Heilysi-asd Miss M Wesrry. Iown,,wltb Mne Geo Peai-e; Mi- Geo Dowu.e v and Mne Fred Downey witb Mrs A Nix, Uxbnldgoý; Mr8 Casey Tri-nl wlîh ber dangbter Mre Arthur M ui.selby; Mi- sud Mrs Albert M a rnnng and family, Clar-ke, aI Mr, S Buýýre5'......MseEdns VanCamp bas la griPPe...,Mi-Frank Rlckuîd caîled au flieude br -cuZtiY-...Mn mark Blackburn, Ass't Sapt, taok charge ef the Sebool lasI SuaýdaY la Ithe absence of Mr F T Guy. . ... Mrs Fred Blackbun ii vieiting at Shsannouville.t Report of S. S. Nn. 3 Dai-linglan for Jnuai-y Maximum 100, Sr. 4 -Elva VanD)vkO 58, ROY Metoalfe 48, Jr, 4 -0 M1ary Tr'uil 85; Sr-. ILI-Anuje ficît 72. Pearl Medeîf 59, Acy Rundle,52, Wii- i-id Rundie 50, Frank Curtis 50, Alice SolnsIteswet the Gun Club Toi-n amen aI ourice, ~audy 81l, Mn. mernig lubis 6cb vur. i as aI- the beas-Ifeit evm orîdy e hcommun- lty luterjrevmnikChsMo' Ba10 At flamptn, oneayF,17 s s _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mi- S Porter was In the city Frîday, Mr L Evely, Hamilton. was ln town this weelc. Miss Alta Kemp visited relatives ln Toronto recentiy. Mr- and Mra D Pollard spent Sunday wlth relatives ln Toronto M[s Nellie Coburn, Toronto, le visit lng her father Dr Coburu, Mrs O j Jolliffe, Ottawva, ?islted friendg here over the weok end. 1 Rev A J Terrill, Greenbank, visîteci Pev H T Lewis, B. A., repently. 1Mrs W W Horsey1 and Mrs Mason ýsitedfrinnde luBowmnanville last week. r.F Howard Aunes and Miss Annes blitby, 'were recent-guesta of Mra Mr and Mrs W Lauranceson, Port ovpý, havebeen vlsiting Mrs- James Sronton. Mr- Norman Terwillegar, Toronto University, visited bis parents over the week-end. Miss Vera Parka, Toronto Uni'eraityv, spent the week-end witb ber parents Mr Jand Mrs [) Parka. liev. A, R. Sanderson, Peuetangulsb eue, was the guest of Mr- R Gray. Wil- iama St, over Sunday, Capt Brant of the Salvation Armv, New York, bas been renewing oie acquaintances ln town. Misses B snd E Carswell an M Wll- diams, attended the Mendelssohn Choir Concert Monday night. Tuieur gentle actian and gond effeet on the s.ystemn really make tliem a per- fectilîitle pll, Tbeëy--pe-ase -tose wbo use them. Carter's Little Liver Pls may wail ho termed 1, Perfection Mn Richard Thomson, St. Andrew's College, Toronto, was recent guest of bis aunt M rs Cli!. Mair. Mr Bobt MoCawi and Miss Mamie Nott attended the Mendelssohn Choir Concert la Toronto Ibis week. Miss Mollie Morpby has returneid -to towu after spendlng some months witb ber uncle Sir Henry Pellett, Toronto. Mr Wm Reynolds was callod 10 North Dakota this week owing to the serions ilinese of hlsdaughter Mrs Bert Wordon. Rev I G Bowles, B A, B3 D, West- moreland Ave, Toronto, wlli conduct anversarv services ilu Medeaif St churcb Sundav. A number of our joung people at- tended the Fancy Drese Carnival at l3owmanvllle, Thursday evoiing, axid report a good timo. Mrs Wm Lauehland, wlfe of a retlred tanner, dropped dead ci bear- disease Wednesday afternoon, aged 66 years, wbile visiting a friend. Do flot despair of curlng yeux eîck headache wben you eau so easily oh- tain Car ter's Little LIver Pilla. They I>will-effect-a ---prompt -an& permanent- cure. Their action ls mild. The Benefit Concert given Iby the Band at Bradley Bres. Big hlnk, Sat- urday nlght, was vieil attended. The proceeds go to p,%y for replatlng tbeir Instruments. Misses Mabel Salter, Maude Bassett, Bertie fHarris, Mamie Nott, Llewella and Iva Everson, Pearl MeCnliough and Ina Tod atteuded tbe annual Con- versazione at Ontario Ladies' College, Wbltby, Frlday nlght. No one knows better than ibose wbc have used Carter's Little Liver Pilla what relief tboy have given when taken for dyspepela,'dizzîneas, pain in the aide constipation, and dlsordored stomacb. A citîzene' meeting was beld at the Sous' Hall, Mouday nlght ta discues the advlsabiliîy of entering ou a Local Option campaign. Mr Robt McLaugb. ln preslded and Rev Dr Hazelwood, Torouto Junetion, told the story of Local Option in that city. Rev. jas Hodges, B; A , preacbed grood sermons on Man's Mission lu the world and the soul's supreme necessîty, at tbe Presbyterian Cburcb, SUnd&ty. MISS Marie Hansen sang vory eweotly at the mornlug soi-vize "The Lord my Shepherd is". AN EýXTrAORDINARY CASE. "For thi-ce days my wife bovored between lite and deato, with pneurnonia and in- flammation of the lunge " writes Mi-. Fred Hawkîn cf Hintonburg-, Careton Co,, Ont., 1 and the doctor,î medicines dId not heip ber. I thon gelDr. Cbasq)le Syrupcf Lluseed and Turpentine and Ibis brought ber relief- the fi-st nigbt. Complote cure was coon affocted and I cannot pi-aise the mediclue enougb. Rev. A R Sanderson, Peuetanguish. sue, occupied fie pulphtof Madoi St., Dhurch, Sunday. fis sermons were throughtful and practical and the soir. vices tbroughout were very Impreasive. Sacrament was dlspensed to a large îumber at the close, of the morbilag Service,,. Miss Mamie Nott sang B lm L%. MheWmd4:> aVe AWI 8u "Ninetv sud ine"very acceptably ln the evenln2g. CHArnU AND UtRCI-ATED SKLI, Wbat mother le net tirid o! using uns3anilarv pore-clogginw powdo3rs te nelieve the cbaflag sud skia irrutation of ber ha o3? Dr'. Chase's Olalmeul les 80deli-btlullv seothiug sud hoaling thl it le admi- i-sbly udapted for Ibis purpase. Lt i-e- loves itcbinz and 'stinging and niakes the ekîn sqoff, srnooth snd velvety. Dr Ctsane's ;Ohs3trnsnt l8oI a positive cure for bab-y sez;ma fi-cm whlcb se muny babies sruif er dnrag ttie teetbing per- led. Mi-s Wmï Lauehland, sr, passed away ver.Y suddeuly Wedaesday Feb 8rd, whie cslliug ou Miss MeLosu, Albert St. fier funeral Frlday was îargely aliended, Rov D M Mibeillcf the Bap- tist church cf which' deeeasod was a member, cendneled the servie assieted by Bey Ja3 fledgea, B A. Beautîful floral offeri-age were sont expressive- cf the deopeet ss mpalhy o!frnany frIende. She wee of a vcry kiudly disposition and was beiýoved hy ail. Besides her sori-awing bnshand sle aves tbree snuý: Dr Lyman, Dundas, Ont; Norman, Manager o! the Bank cf Commerce, Montres!, an d W]iliam, a ds-uggist lu tewn, who Wl-b their wives were pi-eoent at the fuueralý, Sîmene SI Longue Monday-eveuiî:g was in chas-geofe the Litera-y Dept. Presideul Ssrvise uonduced devolianal exorcises aud Miss Leona Staînton read the scrip.nre lesson. Aller a short lu- Ici-mission an iuterestIngr debato was given, -'Retolveti that there le more to ho admired lu the Scotch thau la the Irish " Misses Lleweila Evereon sud Velma Mors-ow ably supporleti the affrmsvewlleMisIonsa.Willams,- sud Mi- A Logan defeuded the noga- tiveilua foi-celimauner. -The judges, Miss Ses-vise aud Messrs L C Smith sud W joaten. gave thoir deciaion la laver cf the Irish. Musical numbers wero well rondered by Misses Thornas, Hlansen sud Kennedy Tbe largo gathering jeined banda and sang 'Auýd Lang Syne sud closed witb the Mizpah benedietion, I- sud -ie Sauderson, Toronto, spent Sunday wiLh frleuds bei-e... Misses 111m Courtice suad Mialosi-, Providenceb, wo3re at M1-r ï&hI Coni-tice's --A numberfi-cm bei-e atteuded the Couvrsazonea, ýVi bsv Fiday ovea- in and trepo)rt a pleasant tii-e.. Beveral from Mlt Carswell Dividion attended tbe Dictriel meeting aI Solina Thnreday._Qua-toi-I vservices bei-e Sunday mos-uioï2:were welI atleuded ...Remembejr the box social ai idb2n- ezcr Friday ovef-nîng ...Af ber the shooting enateet SaIns-day aftes-noon. wbicb i-esuited ïn favor of Mi- S Brooks' side, the dcfouted sîde put np theofysers anti ail pai-look o!f a sUMp'týUos sUpper_ aI Ms-. John WalIer's. 11AMPTON. Womeu'e Instite bold a vers? Inter- esîiing meeuting on Thursday at hiome -,f Mss Roi-ry Wlcxwbeaan excelen, paerun "choos-fulujese in the Home", was'given by Mi-s I L Brown, and a discusslon ou 'Ce-_oozug Cboap Cule ! oflat" was leýd by Mrs. George Korelako There was aisa s general discussion on "ýTempiug Dîshes for Invalidesuad Cure if Slck." NexI meeting to ho held ai borne cf Mrs John KerolakeMai-ch14. The Instilute and thoir gentlemen friende wlll vieil Salins Institute Priday, FoIs 12 Evos-vbodv ho there lu god lime as pi-agi-arnshou l commence at 2,80 ...Mrs fi Burgess lies In a cnitical cnmditIou,. Messrs R. Katerson and Jos Clatworthy are lm- paigsiowly . -... for date of Haswasers sud Nowlsens piece-saylng aud entes-talument. Don' mussil.. Hearty cugi-atula'ions i-o Miss Alice Creoper who passed bei- Junior Piano exame ut tise Conservatory o! Music, Toi-enta. She le a pupil cf Mies Lut- troul. Bowrnauville.... We ni-e paiaed Ibis wek te bave ta enrionicie the deatb a! Miss da J. Allia, hoiag sick only a litIle over a wveek. Aitho' tbe fanes-si was private, a numben o!fnfiende and si-mpahiznsfoliawed the romains ta tbe cometery. 11ev. T Hi P Anderson hield a, chai-tserviceontside the bouse and offlclatcd aI the cemeterv. Great es mpalby le fIt for the bos-eaved. par- ents sud brother... Mi-Chas Mon le havlng a sale an Wednesday, Feh. 17, offerlug ail o! bis tai-m stock, impIe- monts, bcGusehold inrnilne, etc. Good char.ce ta buiy . ... Mr John Coiwill, jr, bas been quito iii with peiitenitis.. Bath Mr anid Ms-s Thos Ellioît have bocu' lndisposed. ... Rov W R Rach tbraugh falling health là stili cenfiued ta the, bouse.,,,Wm rn iyne sud wife, Cal- gary, Alla, are viaiting aId fiends bore Ms- J L Johns sud wif e celebraîed iii*23i-rd suuiversary of their wedding Saturday .... Yon ai-e nvited le the . 1 LESKARD. Mi- L Ilebbins, Burketon, Mr- and Miss Rabbins, Hampton, visitd aM Ms- Mosos Rabbins'.' The oy ster supper bore Priday nlght -was a decided succese, A 'fairly large ecçwd parloek oa!thlb excellent supper providetl by the boys ably assisted by Mr- D Lut- trel, caterer, Bowmanvilio - MIer lte wsnta e! theo muer mn had been suppiod lte crowd went 10 lthe scboolroom wbere evorything was -cerfor' ably arranged for lthe excellent pi-egaarnwhlcb foliowed. Instrumental music was supplied by Marke Union Orchestra sud Mr S Buruhan;, Solos were sung by Mr Jas Pansons, Part Hope, Mn Wes and Miss Ruby Thornîon and Mice Viols Jackson, Os-oua, and Mn 'D Luttrel], Bowrnunville., Duels wes-e sendered by MsaF Trull aud Ms-s N Cobbledick, Mr- Loi-ne snd Miss Viola Jackson, sud a bone sole by, Master fRussell Edgerîon secam-; panied ounlthe piano by bis elaten Miss Emma. Recitatians were ably given by Mn W Ohailice, Tynene, and Miss Gifford, Ponlypool, 'who gantiulbroghtdawn. tehouse,. The latter aise rendered soe veny fine vialin solos. Another featune o! lthe pragnam ws a farce given by Messns Loi-ne sud William Jack- son whieh pi-eved veny comieal, Thene wea-e pensons pi-osent fi-rn Qi-oua, Pontypool, Kirby, Tynane, Hampton, Bowmanville, sud New- cstle. The Football boys sud these who so kindly ssisted tem, especially the young ladies, cor- 'tainly desonve ca-edit for lthe sue- cees of the ovoniug. Preceeds about $50. We oxpect la itean of a basket soeial beeilulte near fun- THE JOY 0F IT. The utte- muesy ansd despai- of i-e suffer.e' fs-rn piles or hemor-hoids rau neyer LecldeS- cibesINet only thLe intense itcising and1 si-ingiug, net only i-ho dread of a surgicaI operatUon, but i-he whoîe system seau; i-o bc iudeunined by this horrible dsae The joy which cus-ed 3n--s experieuce o being freed from itching, bleeding nIr,d ps-, iug piles je tlId in thousauds oi lette-s received iu regar-d i-o1 Dr. A . W, as' Yeu ueed net i-eil the writers ai these lette~rs tIsaii-bers is s case of piles wbicb Dr. A. W. Chase', Oiutmen- will, not cure, for i-hey will net believe it. They alone know how îfy suffered, sud alse know i-Lai i-hi, ai-mens ci-red tbern. ut bring, relief a- once. 60 c:u. a -box, a- aIl dealers or Edmanson, Ba-es& Co., Trante. Mr-. John A. Mesernore, Port Daîh-iusse, Ont,, wntes: "For many yeats 1 was severeîy afflicted with piles sud spent hundreds of dollars withou- ob-aining i-be dssired s-esults. About a yea- ago I wss cus-ed by i-bses boxes of Dr. Cbase's Oin-nen-. The cure was permanent, aud 1 had cornIer- again.' Winter Overcoats an id Suits Jý BLACKSTOCK Jeu 27tb vas notable u ie h alives of Mr aud Mr& Teasdale Whitfilid. Lt vas theli golden weddlog celebs-ated et their home amides a gathering o! relatives, aruong whom were childi-en, grand cliild. i-eu sud great grasnd eblîdren. Tbey ps-esented Ms-s Whi-figsid wibh a gnid watcb sud chala and Ms- WhIlfiold with a gold beAded cane, hoth heing snitably lascnibed. Mr Isac eWhtfiald, a Bon, rend the ad-e.sdMis Henry Mount- joy ad Ms Johin Wight, daughters, maade thse prc%ïen1ation. Ms- Whfld Il.auke th Ie blnde fjr thelr kindneas af ter whlcb the 11ev J H Kidd made, a few irnai-ke. Supper waa ses-yod te about elgbiy guesîs sud e social ol.ening speul. '1' oss pi-sent fi-eu a distane wero: Mrs ]Robërt Engliah, Pei-eibei-o, Ms-s Thos Sisson, Otanabee, Mr- Gao W Sisson, Betbany, Mr sud -s aNormsan Hoimes, Oshawa, Mis David àiltne, , Tbnrold. Othen guesîs: Mi- and Mrs 1 Whitffeld sud tarnily, Mr sud Ms-a John Wrighb sud family, Mi- sud Mrs Henry Mount- je sud family, Mrs Ps-uti, Min John 'Soihb, Mrs M Smith and fsmily, sud a large number cf other friendesand nelgh- bars. 's- ,-,. J, IRCES The LSTAEV SCASH SClething and Furniebinge ton Gentlemen and their Sens J SKATES SIIARPENED 10e If yen waut youn skates sharpeued take tbem te Mr. W. Hi Williams, West End Smitby, fie kuows bow skates should ho shnnpened aud guarantees al bis ,sork. Qi-dors promptly attended te. - 10 a pain. J. E. L. COLE, ILAMPTON, Offors for sale: 8 goad renewed cows, 8 te reucw eocansd one eloveu-yeas--old thonehi-ed renewod cow, cheap. Davbes' pure Las-d lu 20' lb. pails for 82.80: 10 lb. paile for $1.60;' 5 lb pale for- 80c; 8 lb, pails for 48e Davies' srnokod bhume, i-cils, break- fast bacon, sweel pieklod i-elle, salI poi-k, lbolegna sud weiuoi-s, aIl cboap. Day- les' goodse -oal goverumoni lInspected and are No. 1. Pasi-ldRaof!lnX, Neponset sheolng, Davios' Poultns Fead,-7 Ibe. .for 25c; 100 lbs. for 8.0 a nlod-Veal calves, fat Iambe sud youug calvos, also auy qnantity of cloyerseed sud waal. 9o for unwaabed wool. flighest pie pald fan beef bides, sheopekins, caîf-skins. tan bai-k sud talle w. florsobidos 82 ta 82.25 aaeh for No. 1. Leathor bounde bocks by standard writes-s, for 50c at P C Trebilcoek'@, Childi-ens aleigha eheap ut P C Ti-ebîl- cock 'S. J. E. L, Colo, fHampton, bhas seine- tbing te say. Read bis advt, Foliowing le the repent of S. S. No. 5., for Jauai-y, total 100. Sr- IV - Effa Wight 81,EllaWlght78.ORee üseau75 Jr. IV-Hazel Colwill 78, s-eue Bragg 77, Oscar Luxtun 41, Sr-. El - GLadys. Bragg 77, MiltonuRosi- 76, VVil111e Hoar 75, Pearl Luxion 42, Si-, Il - Hfelen fondai-son 63, George Colwell 5S, Pearl Koolei- 88; Jr- il-Cii-il Quininey 70, WiiIie Bai-i-ot 49 homrtard Quluüney 46; Pt. I-Lots flaueock 69. R. F. Coun.reai, Teachar, CLUBBING -+RATES THz Nusws os- THE STÂT9SMAN Wlll bo fuinnlsbed for 1909 lu caneetion wltb the underuamed publicationls aItbhr p.i-be stated: bsily Mail & Ernire. ý....... .5 Weekly Mail & Empire..........i1 7b Daily Gobmos-lug edtion,... 4 50 Dally Glob, evening odillon ... 8.50 Weekiy Globe,Illiustiated.-.......LIet- Toronto Dally Wo-ld .......... 8,60 Toronto Daily News.......... .5 Toi-cul a sly Star, in tewn. S . 50 Tenante Daily SI r, la conntry. . 2.50 Frnly fies-aid sud Weektly Star, 2 (e) Farmers' Advocate.........._2.50j The Wieeklv Sun .............. .ý7c, Woekly Wtcs..........1.79 Christian Guardian ............. -?65 Chrîstian Hriaid..... ......... 2.50 Farm sud Dalry ......... ...... 1,76 Homo Journal................. u5Q Mon'e Scotch Waol Underwveai, reguliar 81.00 uaw ... 60c Penmau'e wenl flceecd, blgb grade Uuderwear reg. 75e foi-----------------------...48a Bos' Penmau's wool fleeced, bigbi grade Uuderwvear, rogular 50c for----ý- ...- ..-------8c Men's boavv, nsvy bine, fieoced.lluod, shirts, Cop shirts, regnlan 8,1 0Otan...........72e, Coîtenude, fleee-llned shirts, top sitrgls 85 ofor---.-.... ------------.. ,,Black Satin Shirts, regular 75e for. ......48u OveralIls, regniar 1Ofo. .......e Overale, regular 85e for----------------65e Waol Saox, rergular 20c_-------2fan 25e. Wcoal Mitte, regniar 25C for.-----------15C ,,Llned Leathon Mille, regular 50c for .......ý85e ,il ý, , textra heavy, reg. 6i5e for 40e BlsîCk -Mlton Suitserecula ,5fo . .0 2DM 1ERi 20R3 EAS2 0F '2HE ýENN-Eyl JO USE Men'S Tweed Suit@, regular, 88.00 for.,----------..85.0( SI ID 1 1 87. 00 for- - - ,--- 4 Boys! [2 piecel Tweed sud Serge Suite, i-cg. 85.00 and $6.50, yvour choice for.-----.. ----------U2 6 Boys' [2 plece] Tweed Suite', regzulas- 84.2 fui- - 8ý,ý28.5 KL e PanIs, regulas- 75o for ....... ._54e ]Extra Hoavy Wool flose, i-gulr 2e orai - 5iC 1000 yds. of Linoleum sud Oilclotbs naIplse than cnet. Ladies' Tweed Suitinge, 42 lu., wlde, reg, 75e s yd for 85e 3 piecesa ustan Plidsiý, regullar 6)5e a ydÏl for---------...85e 1 piece o! gai-net Monll:Clioth, i-cg , el50 syd,, for ý...- 75a 1 each, bissck sud ruýy 1Bashkel Cloal, reg.81.75 s yard for'.-.-.......... .....-...........65e 8 pieee,ý iesvy Teed, llitable foi- meui's sud beys' elotb- ing i-cg., a 8150 % yd for.,-------------60eCO SutFeens, ail celai-s, regular 20e sud 25C a yd, fer. 15e 83 pieces a! Satins susapl nreg. 60e te75C a yd fer 25e Table Cloîhs lu TapestnyDamak sund Chlenille neguai- $400 for...----------------821 Table Clatbs, Linon, wbite wit i-ad border 1.5 $d81.50 fr.-.......1l00 0sud $1.25 Bcd CoMnforterS, damaged by iwater,,$2 5 oi-------81 O Chintz _... . ...2.. sud 25o for 15e. ln :nd ta Ilvd'.,ln leDg'hS, i-cg,, 15c fer..-Ses 3,d Nsineook fer Undorýwesi- vers fine lu maufacturons longîbejlï, rogulas- 200 a Yard for........_12e 80a Yards ef Silk, Pail celons, reg,, 20o le 7-5e 3 oui- e ofr -... 25ceayd 511k WalSte ail coore -g, $3.0u each----------I A lot ef Ladies' Coasefnern4.50 te 810.50 le den, Yens- ehoico ut ......-. 81 75 ecach A 'laI e! Ladies Girls' Sis-te lu Poplin and Tweed te cleas-at............ -00 su l.1 I5 ,3Bven' hsud Ladies', Tjravelen's Samples, lui flue de regular 08,00 ta 84 50 uaw 81.50 ta e2.00 a piar THE NEWV STC'ORE i I Bef~r~ Sto~k-takirigC1earh-ig Sale. A. B.efeIEFFINS, i~~hXC O1d arlk Buildin-g,Bom We sîil bhave a good assai-hument of wlnter suits and Overcoats. We weuîl mucb rather have the money 'and spaco. We will cleur them eut ut the Manufacturera' pnice. This le puttiug yen on equal footing with ourselves as regards buyinug. There lo stîli a goed part ai the winter le! I aud Ibose Over- ceaie are gond far twc or, Ibres Winters Il yen niote the great noduction we are making yen will seeibat you w011 ho gettlug splendid Ies-est on your luvestmont, sv Il iý

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