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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1909, p. 5

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lu, the throýat th-,at cause's a con- tinxiâal conwiýh shuld be top bya w do-ses, o hatoAd ire- We say it's g'ood, flot be-q cause , we make 1t, biu we make3 it beas t'sgoi BOTTLE 250. IJURY & LOVELL, T!he seofe satlsfactory Drugglots & Opticlans WIIEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY and LOVELL ordae f : Ct icageo, NeGYrk, Detroît COLLEGE STANDS redy te hetp yoinngm b anti om en to wln indepen.dence and ncss t bas give h tr te tonsnds pontho;usan1dsaif of yeung peopfe. t CanlielMp ye. Wr-ite for cataflogue. Enter any lrne. W. iM. stiILW, Venvge & (errard Stisomrate, JYOUR COURSE in inahrthand or Busine$s wlll brin*gyen besi resuits if taken at aur old-.tablisb- ed anti thoronghly rçlable selcol. Winter terraegiDo Jan. tth . Cata- logu free Brit ish American BusiessCoillege Centrl Y M. C. A BuildingTrno ' BrandliaNewstore We are now in our new store-juat a littie west. of Our former premîlses and on the south oýîde of King street. We want you 10 eau and see what 'a fine store we have. We are in a better position than ever toicater to yurwants. Holiday Sweets. Youa ean have confi- dence in the purity and quality of our confections as we represent ehocolate mak- ers with worid-wide reputa- tions, sr-eh as Lowney, Pater- son, Tobler, Webb, Robert- son and MeCormiek. In hornemeeC'andies we hiave maple creama, humnbuga and pe-ut erisp. Patyand Cakeîi. Eat wth atwo-fold pur- pose-ejoyment and nouîsh.- ment. YOu wihlfind both of these ili our bread, cakes and pies. Go as dee-p as you li'ke inb the meite o! otn baking -rd you'Il find them excellent Wr baste, for ýnboesomeness and goodness. Baker andCnetoer Phoe697 - BowManvýlii I I m"m0Mffl., PADEREWZMAIN114TOROM0T. Rai, ornto "nr s di p Fb 25. Tickets S81.0,1Si5 2 50RAd 800M Ouz-oif-town Srders nhouid be addMesed: MANAGER, Mass e n H alTrnt. Program begiD.s at 8 :30 p m.ý Neyer bus Padorewski's art been se ricb. so ripe and sea nlee~beautifui as Ris M5no. Local and Persoual la Toronto. ~.iss Ida M.î Trew'ti, Toronto, spent sudAy ýat borne. c'ure m1y aoooLIg hs 'aul o>g3,; " visitng Mss Mad Ehhutt htng 'ir. '-kMU ouh Mi"Allun, NWatos ue f MisFlorence AJL i uiday. Miss . Made Yenfond (s is tll2g liu na Rin ard, SiwsetSU- aywith Miss Milie z'>:ason gýuest cf M,ýiss Grace Tre3wln Sunday. Misîýs Start, WoodstouiL, bas been visiti rg bMiss Anie V Coentre St. $4 00 Cabinet photos for $3.00 for ten da s oLy. See samples lun Rats' witl- dow. Mer Samuel Ahlil, Toronto, çisted hie maother Mrs, Samnuel AlUn, Lake-Shore East. Program of the CndalNational Missionar Congre6seappe-ars oraUn inner page SociAl eve-ning on Pb2Srd at st. 1]Paul's c1bweh ut 7,80; ail aire invited; admission 15c. Miss Ten Prout has returned te her h omne l Oshawa alter visiting wlth friands aud relatives here, ies, DinDgmrian ad Mrs A ýA Th.omp- son l!cTuesda-v te attend themillinryr openiigs île New York (ity. Tlhere is ne better cough cure ýý thaqn J11r7 & Loveli's 'rTarad CcrdiaI'. Its gurnedand eniy 25c a bo'til-. Jurs & Loveli, 800 ozenwïiorauigs te seli!atrdyat Scott & Alli's; Nexicans a' 8c Pa dozen and fine jaicy Califernia navels Ut '200 and 30c a dozen. The5 fragrant memory et a cup of de3lielous S LÂDA" Te& lingers wlthý ïou.. For severiýteen vears alwie s 0f hlgb, and uniform qnallty Miss LiLie Fîigg and Mn. MYilton Nermn Plmmerand other fieýnds l, aind , aud vBowmea n yilleo M.C 'U. Scott, Seaforth, spent Sn.nda'y at Dr. R.'s. Mrs, Seot whp ha been spending a few weeks h ere accjmpanied him home. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James and Misa Ethel L. VaeNest attended the Mendel- s3sahn Choir, concerts in Toronto last week and visited relatives over Snnday. Sec our up-to-Jate kteliei cabinets with flour cheat, fleur sfter, slugar:eesi Local and Personal. Stock %Fetifo!aIlknee nrohe $12 O0 Unbys a gooti kitelen cabinet at WVijiams & Son's. Band nights ut thc skating lnk Tuesdays anti Fnîdays. Repeat It :-"Shllob's Cueswill alwaye canre ny conghm sud coide."1 Knisend bis ">ppr te ar.y absenit Drut-lolo.-ioriuyen ù uow Lest-n onthe R'nî6- î?utebine- weir (l, s a erani e ýg in-ai u Mnndocb frD.a PutyFoi Mme.S oaln Ds seth, Stoff t and's l Gooti 'steonpesat e go $350 Cabe7int Photos o $ 00fco& weck'ats ut e Scelaï Ray3e' a dow. Big avlg lgorngeas a Scof a;ý tiozen. ozWoaa Fatres hmead tueelm hm Sýiocial evenlng - Feb 28nti ut St, Pan.l's churel ut 7.30z ail are ecortill inviteti; admission 15c. If -"n. wanl exrgs eau uat Mn îs D 'tfa'l t curosome o!'A g1 a at-gains at Coud, Jastn&Crten mccl Feb 27 aI the e bnmetofMrs. E Bolîrnan Trcy to>attenid. F1,88. on Suturdayç, n semrple ûol'maie- gama Tea wi th cecI d-jaen oranýges ut 22c a dozen T RBnLght. Mliss Ida Stephens atneiMendel- s-ola choir conert last we"ek ant i s visAitirig relatives linono 'Baecon Brandi' oïsters are3 shippeti anti bautlet i l Le cesaneal anti most s4aiita-ry wax. Tr ' tîci nut Tait's, Sutn.nrdav will be Orange day aI T. R. K th e besb bargalas offered Ibis seeonu. for 22e 4- dozen TheEe are net M1exicens but choice seedles fruit. Every Dunha m boy' or girl who cannai attend the Re-Union anti Banquet on Feb. 26 sheuti senti a message uf greet-' iag to, Secretary Yellowlees, 28 D)iviq-Ion St., Toronto. Mr, W. il. Rieli, tonmenlv ,o! Newton- ville, îîow ot ý2altîmon Arm, B. C., passec! casi on G. T. R Mondas' en route te Belleville 1He will vieil in Clarke anti Etdtp l.-l f e-d y Srs fo_àrykn t pcs)V hlae Woever heard cf mowing bay ia & SonFebruary? Sueit was tie e ase (lea, t is eaFy ta gel, a positioniafler yon last %week when John LIuxon wau seen are neudy To alil god Remington eutt1ing haj îlu a-n ocadjust eas*, o! typists positiosa aàre aLsured Reming- the town, vhocau beat this? bon Bulesoigo w& Spadina, 11F W K. Younicg who recantly Toronto. underwent an eperation fer append cis Mr. F Norman Noxîheote et Toronto, bas suffieieatiy recened to retura te formeri" et Bowmanviiie, 18 returning is home la Brampton where lhe expecte on S. S. Tuaisian this week alter an te sson regain bis usual1 healbh. extended business trip threugh Ger- The higbest medical authorità3s et mans, Fraa,,ce and Engzlan-d. the éday necommand tîîklaig Olve 011 as Mr. H. Uordon Mitchell ef the Royal the best precautien agLtinst appendieltis Bank staff, Toronto, and captain ef the and as a bouie builder. Jury & L.eveli batik hockey team,met with an accident Import an abseln.tely pure brand for te his ankie,whiie playing hockey,wbbeh mediea.l use hoe bas been nnrsiag ut home fer th, Chie! inspecter James L. Hughes paab len duys. , ï ends us more "Stories cf Soin a"'. One Mr. Alex Christie met wlth a painful fa hIch the late Mr. David Montp'om- acc-ident Monday menning white work- e1r s'as chief acter wfli appear next islg Ie D. Ln.ttreli's, new bake shep wekl and a'1 Danlington Charivari" in lus le!it foot caught betwcca two thle following Issue. boarde can.sing hMite fait and breaklng U~ Mexican oranges 8e a demei, N bis ankie la two places, 1 '1 quaîîtv Califonulen oranges regular 80e SAt the Port Hope ice races Wednc,,s- and 40e a dozen, Satn.nday bargain day last "Gameî" winncr of the green pries 20e and 80e a dozen. These are race was bred by Mr. 0. A. Gamaby, sure te be quick sellers se have yeur Maple Avenue Farm. Oronio, and was orden In early ut Scott & Atlin'q. sircd by his pepular trottbig stallion, One man reeognlng -the part we Harry Wilkes". teck ln the local option campasgn ut Wurden Powers attended Bowman- consîderuble financial loss suts i" a v ille Councîl recenbly and atc-orwardslttrodigoupaefr19,Itd sald te us: 111 must congrutulabe yon.r ihat alh honest men ebeuld support yen. tivwn lpon the business council 'Cu nowf,ý or n. aniy stand for the rigbb, he.The Mayrruies in an easy ýù y saaIs agtbed ever ai site for ils dlgnified muonner thaIt ew men hohtli$ig new hizb school. A few weeks ago the posititon con.ld do." -,wbeni we sugg6isted that the Beard con. The other everling a goodly empany. slIt Mn. E S. Edmondeon about ir, weý cemaprising inembere et Maýple Lealf ad in mmird Prospect Park unqu'esion. Girce. e, rsIt the resideince cf NMr- and a lV the besb spot in lIat bewn for a ,Mrs Wm. Dn.n»,1lb bsing their ILtb ghi school. Last wcck we observe, weldd'inanivereaary. Gea. E. ,lMas- he says in a localý paper that ib is nard read an address and WM. Ridin,, îh-e ouhy site wortlh co)nsldcning. He is one behaif cf te innds pnesented M1rs. nîght, toD Dunai withi an easy rocker fer which Talte a free trio te Europe as a gn.est she returced ber beat tlhanke. A4 or of the London Duily Advertiser, tise Pýeasant eveaiDg was enjoycd, retr9il- besi metrepolîban paper pnlated la mnents being served Western Ontario. Al the news tram The reg.l&sr meeting et bbc Firoeà alilOur 1labcst marikcb quobationa and ail %vas ef a spelal ebaracter Mondas' even- -enerai and local news worth pninting. ing. Aflter the general busine,,ss ad Sýpecial ofer-Send $2,.00 for bhc London been transacted musice was provided by JDaily Advertlser for 14 menthe and 400 Rd. Hug-hes' phoïiograpb whil te cma-,vtes for )our cholce 6! candidates in spent a social tîme begether plus ing,îthe runopean Trip Coateet. games. At tbc chose an cyýster supper Lipiacot Magazine for March will mas served ut àMn. D. Luttrell'o ban- oaîsntln "A Kuiliht E'rant la Broad- quetting parler. Ehort speeches were way" bv Rupit Sargent Hoiand. made bv Chief Wru Edwar, Geo L-,l16 aubIer et " The Pirate of Alastair, Wm. Robbins and oth6rs Solos by Dý whîch, won him se mas' friends la fa Lubirili and Sam Ghanvilie andi mllsie former Issue et Llppiacott'e We are by bbc phonograpti udded ta the e04ý)y-sure thîs wil bae geetinews te Our many ment. A vote ofthbanks was e eiérgd readere,, wo bave always sbown con- Mr, Luttreli 'for the able Minier ila sîderabic intcnest lu Mn. Holhand'a mu- whieh he eeorved the splendld lsupIper, gazine sbenieB us well as bis booke. " The editor tookz advantagcet the One et Darlingzton's oldesb resideent pnîviiege Sudas' aftennoon for bbc first passed awaY Wednissdav Pcb.10 la the ,i'ne ot ttending- a mneeting et the pers'o:a of ni. John C. Johunsea ageti 90 Canadian Te-iiperane Leag-uelan Mas- ysa1rs TUetu(ea toaL place Fni;dan enHlToronito LIt was a rare pnivi- aterLno1 onlBo avlecmer- leýge, ire The chie! speaker wue Col. servce biucoute w1evJh Geo. W. BaI'n, KealUe"ki 's sîlven longue Garbutt aFssistedi by ReY. T. W. Jeiliffe. aorr.whio bas appea reti neuniy a score Thte pull-haeswrfornlbr, o! tirnes betere a.Toronto audience burrC weetor elîbn, The lage auiencerose nti w Veiiezsrs. C. M. Uawksr, ]aeob Gnd Thechiefe udaaudetiosan.dly hen Alpha and i Wm B Pînch. Mrs. und annoonced Hie sîrongsss Miss Johasende3ire te tbau'c neighbor let wus andti tncaiqfor their greal kintis appeal was te yeouin mca.Ille saliMr O îleî lnesdet railways wili net employ thc mua lwhlo dun n one' lne e n drinks; the nmerdhaîAthebbc bunke, the minufscturer wil net have hlmi. Hais- "A Knrighb Errant in _Brcidwas" le i zhiH voice te a bigb pîtdlihle sbouted ,ithes3tor? (cf a certain Eoglihmao 'e Yuglady, will 30cu have hlm?" p'-rfid, wlîsa iho-bok o] mt lu Wa"01 ofe igig tMaster Dou glas Sau- treet.ThsIolviidtlo- burY. oelv 10 s ears ot age, bait posseýse- pe.te the centrivalehntn, a boPnnv i -- a conralto ',vice cf rare ichuaes, ,EnýgUsb girl c! roett1ea gnti1 a yoitnng expreEssive. stnang, yet Zmelot1ilouswas MercanWI i aret lodtn-iht pauici on. isie piano. Vh fmn. wi îru o ebslghlm dowa. i.çnerChoir of sre200C. ctTcsoysti' fatd epeet bo io otets. We ,hculr1 lik e heM.Randsbýst s13'le Don't fuil thero uoext SuindaytehenjohnR.trsd h isubp, itty wnttntory ln Clanke of New York7, thc John B.fiGýh blT'ppineott's MýaaZifLe fer M-arch.1 ot thlis perioi. l'or sale at a'! boklýstOres,. eryslpeTas. ... Mn rArthur Ormiston laI eut iigain atter a. sevene sick epel.. ,Mn Richard Sae e eignear Ragpla n.... Goihnesales are rýeport- cd. Mn Geo- Cozdhrane solt a arc for a Zood ligure. Good borses serinte be nu gotId ,mautil. Local andPersonial. Chiltrens slelchsý cheap at PeC Trebl ceck 'e. Mn cW&llace Elforti ls bome frein the NorthwYest. Repeut It :-"Shlloh'a Carc wll awaye cure my ceagIs end colds." A vers' comfotablecuetter for sale. Enquine ut Jury &,Lovcll's. J. E. L Cols, Hampton. lasbsane- bhing te say. Reutibis adt. Upright piano andi gooti ngnfor sale Apply te M. D. Williams &: Son, à- Miss Vena Slsson. Betbany, le visitlng-t ber coýusin ?Mise Vera Bowles, Tononto, Now la your dchance te g2tel chetp photos ut t Huy'-84.00 Cabinets for $ s In these dais et bigi meut prîcies i whv neot iuse fiel? Tait lhus al iode et o hL'h des Qzflsb T. H. K-ulghit i-us the nciw NMuple Syrup; juet arniveti; try a quart anti ïoll wiil want mors, Cbnci, Johrston & Cryderman are giviag ene-thîrd off the prices et ail Lad- les' anti Misses' ltI ceatS. If yen. want the mosi comteortab]e cutter la tewn yen. can gel a burgaiîn. Particulairs ut lny & Loveil',s. 11UD Lye.wanb choie ce eeqoranages ut 22c, sec them ut T. H. Knlghî's Be ha M1exicuns ut 10e or 8 dezea for 25(e, How's yon.r stemach? 'If lbtneroubles ion. t alilone ZDottle of Jury & Liôvell's ebomuel sud liver bauie wiil impreve lt Only 25e a bettle, Don'tbcwlthont oranges when you etu gel 11cm at8Seot& Alliln's Sar- day for Se 20canld8O a dozea. Ssnd lu yeour order eariy betone t!Ics' are ail gene. George H. Mlitýecommitteti quiclidal by dnlnking laudanum ut Brandon,. Ma..Feb, l15.J13Ha iKabrother ot Davii Mine, Pozt Penny, f ermerly et Carbwnright. Kiii bwo birds wltI onc j )Urraea' Paderewski pia3 s la M aesey Hall Thurs- day evening anti Durham Old Boys' Banquet te Fniday ereniag. Ses an- non. acemerit. There le ne bakidg po-der -mado whleh is better than ours andi vers' few, ,vhich equaliù I.Ls a pure Crehm cft Tantan baking7 powder and le sold for dPly 80e ualb bi' Jury & Loveli. Mr. Geo. W. Jamec, bas returneti tram biiaghes istere inlu Nw York (lic ajtteated tbe great MaratLhon race ut "aison SuaeGarden betwoten Sîmubb and. Lorgboat, Few citizelse are aware that A $1.21, excursion rats was avaWilble f nm omBw- anville to Tornate aýnt returr lue Tucsd4Y becau1se lb ws net 'ativertisetid ln local papene. Fa'tneyv, iwsn't il ? Now le 'he preper lime to gel lIat cara Vou've hen wanti1g aH "von. shOulti leann how e pru'e ,il betere Sonng orns.Woe th-ni rom si Ri 20) J urf ovlthe koi Rh ouroîea de-partinent is p)rivaIs anud equippe i With nlth odem st- ment neessrY e etie tegive subis- been hitei 1wusIili tilyn.b1a "Whc Juy &Lovhi esteyes (t .ig donc properlYk Crystal Palace Box&i ri-'iari 'vi Il ~ -DU cen or l!rbuz"hs2t c3'- iarine aurtion, When fierai ara r ~l AAl.IA. MrOWS'ie-W e5TCOtft-A he lar eecearclty, bride Bowall Feb 12th eby 1ev-John C. Joarbn, Will0iyamrow nt r. .A WKet.o, Fbothof onmaofiMr.X.,ae"' aged 475years. JoHN oN-At a DingIob-n, YPb. srý th oHenry, .John son, ineti eas wt . er rliitrc, the Car-at m rtneCres hty Feb. E0, F. Gamey, SFlcf Mlur. St. .era1M.e aoge 4 yer3s. r,,,1 tiio n proprietor of The Gaizette 1Picton. Lest We Forget E. R. BCOUN8ALL, Designer ndeaerin Monuments, Taýbletý, M'ixrkers, 3e., iii Granite and arble baga etc. Na Aynoae ce sen Ooan A- J. CRES]m SVETERÂN LAND GiRÂNTS Pounght andi Solti J, E. C UN NINGHAM é »I »I 11Victoria. St. Toro,,to. C. P. R. Atlantic Uines, East LIVERPOOL West iFeb. 12 Emrpress of Irelanti Feis. 256 'ZrrrfEis of Britati Febi. 1*2 Mar. 6 Lake Man)itoba, Feb 17 a., ý2 ,Emprejs of 1. elanti Fb5 Rtates anti complets aliganid further Infor- matiov n aplctoo eareSt agent or S, J. ýSMARP, 71 Yonge St., Tor onto. BOWMIANVILLE AGENZU2. ROYVAL M',AIL STEAMSRF FrO, FO R -fL AIND T 'O LIV ERP-OO L Caad, b. 20 Canada Mar, 27 Dominion àlar. '3 Solhark Aptr 10 Cana'tda tirzletcabsa 0second 40 Otiser ste$meris ta moderato rate servie caIllt "1Second jc1aýs".0111v ans s scabin psa en1,geýrs $4 250 taZ 14510 aordinfi, temr Third ' f' o vrpoüLndaononery Befatahsg3)w 751) T.LWENC FSEA-iSýON X l WHITE STAR-I3OM!IY[ON Lll;,E. LaUazTi, 174 trple aque*u,, ntre 100 irgest antineiîat Stesmes siiing fi un Mon"l ai aseo sxceilent One Glass Cabta er vice V!calleti Second ticiss)., For ail information apply te M. A. JAMES, Auient III I - -GREAT- Cleari'ng=Up Sale Will be continned until February l5th.% Balafice oif stock as de- ised duringy Jauuary Sale, w.fl be sold at',saïne priceF'. la addition we will sniTe taiance of Our stock of L tdies' and Misses' Dreas ,,Skirts àar ex- actl1y haif-rice. Alsoail winter woolen goo0ds such as Ladies' and Childrnn'sý Vests and Drawers. ;Scarfs, loods, CBootece S, If~s GosMitts, lleavY Hiey Toques, Blaiakes, 'lIiedojwns Men's or- Boys' Unrei tSIial Dra wers, Top Shirts, Gl ov es 51 itts, Sweators, Mufflers, etc , at EXACTLýY COST lPRICE. Baltace of our Ladies' aind Mses '~aSatIi-pc R e manlts of Dress Goods a t ab )o ut price. I hi __________ ' Ut  Great School!1 Great in reputalii, Hesuhîs In- fluence andi Tioroughines ! Now is Ithe te caener tie popular T3RIONTO, ONT, and preparec for prs.fita-ble empioy- run.Orgrsdatttes neadly obtain geod pOu-ns.0c 1andsomaý Ca'alogn.ue s fveé. ', rite forônoa- day. S'-,ulents admitted ut Pnny -,e o 1i, c open the entire ye'an. W. J. ELLIOTT, Çor. Yog'adPrincPipa Alexander ets. For the 350 Remington Typewriters turned out daily at the IRemington factlorýy, bhree hundred andfifty operatc5rs are requit ed. GetLbte Reau- ington train ing on the Remington machines at The Reington Busbfess Goiege 269 Coliege~ St.., Cor. Spadina Ave, Toronto S.. IAS5ON &SON, Irc.hdrzýio i Ce!ntra!l tiveryvyde anytime, TH-URSDA-Y. FI1B. l8tfi FRIPDAV, FE B. 19 $ATRDY.FEB. 2Oth sp-ecial attractions on Frida_-y auid Admission Roc to EL-verybocly QUINN & McQUAID, 51te300 BOWMAX WL~ ~A1ht 87 Cocreted eela Tua8a WEE'iFai, bsh. 0 U O871 ~ Spr,,,.,,, i (1 n O82 ,, Rd1if ,,....00 n 08 H .... 0 H G989 3IOKEET '. . 0 00 n05 CLVSSD......4 50 5 5) F OR SALE- Wainut sidebo)ard, lare rtsehbevl trrr- snp.Apply to JAS IJEYMLN, omnll ..lSheds on Jan Ov ner imnay have sarme by prov rpe niclng ng at T. J TI UEFOR S -',E-On thle south ÂJide of King sat ilBwavilsix rooin,,stable, gond 1ti* Aply to DG, M. GÂLrAiî H, BowmAN L)'cl !15-tV 7rOWlN ,PUOIERTY FOitt SALE OR ' torent.-A commotions, brick house ni elght rooms. wlth halls and eloset,, also stable and one acre of gooti orchar'd Sittua-edion Scngog St. Apply ta ~Irs ltobt Downsý, Scngog St. or Mrs Isaac Jewell, 1508 Danforth1, Avenue. Toronto. 7-81w ~e~q if lt do so now. You never ViUlknow thW satisfaon of makwg it t u itily ou a ave tiled i t Our slleing tp ~h:n, wb e je an to our cstn ewrks wnes Ourmaralae oanges areabeterthis year tQunever, and hame a new rece exitcty the way they i - it )Iod Eingiand, Wh c ae hemosýt duosmam d.1',tt the p ice, e are quoting, von. can macke Mt Lr about CWethr Mhe out of te kind you buy, M1armalaI4de Oranges per dozen.......... ....... 25e Choice LeoeBrgtleanin, per doz. Au~Q and 250 4 Rec,--ipu for raking range amaae141ite rags thin as possible,' being careful to remove ail seeds. Place in a adeep dish Aith 4 quarts ofwae and allow iît tostn for "thirty sixho-ars, atrwihbBfoDr twvoheurs, then add 8 Ilis of g rau ulated Sugar, and boit again for one hour or untl it wil THE A r PO UR A chi e 'a t WIE WONTYURED and a D ow p)repared' to handie al lkinds of Chloveran Grass Seeds ceaned or unceaned andtoLa y theighest maraet E' WANT YOUR GRAIN, We are also in the rmket as usual for &Il klnds f coa)-rse G;rain, s-ach as Barley, Buckwheat, OaLs, Peas, Rye and Goose Wheat, ail of which we are prepared to store and bny .at store- house up town, our elevator at G. 'P. R, Station, or to biiy if tored at the Publie ElovatËor,,Port Darlington, WE RÈWSI-ILL SELLINOY COAL At 4,6.75 per ton at Haor & GCUT.R. Station and 87.25per ton deh1vered to ýal parts of!the t'n Pea G,-oal $1,00 per ton lÎesa; 25 utents per ton off for Spot Cash. Car inl basket extra. We alo have peddTrsintola 5~ at IcTsrboorItationrand 8610 np town. 1 Y Sual lines in Wood, Charmoai, Cernent, Lumber, ShLin.gles (mne. iland woodj ) Rex-Flintkote and Asphaît Roo3fing, -Doors, ïmattýHngK ng Stin, rt', dressw alumber UIRST CLASS SuAVE OR IIAiRCUT Canl be had b patrouniing the uWest E-ad Býarb)er shop eadoer cast of BentHous2e. Mn. Jaa ohdea formner Bwavheboy, who h' -as had consid-, nrberxporýiecacolinthe barber busines la Toronto and Hamil-tori, will be pleas3 cd te m-eet lis matv Bowmanvillie frletds aând any new, cnes who wlsh a ý clean s have or a stylish hiaircut. 74 CARI> 0F TRAMKS On behaif cf m7v ugeýd parents and my sister-in-laiw, Mrs. Frel T, Allia, 1 desire to thank 'ýthe many neigbbors and fiends fgn and near for their great kIndriess audprcii syînpqthy during the period o!quratieaud illness and death o! mv isen Hiampton, Feb. 12, 1909, .RAËI. E NFIELD Mn James Beckel is home ýfrom Ton- oneo...-. Mr W Healey visited at Tlor- ento anud Ba 1.r.MnAlex MeCn.'boch la s-pc jne,ea ....nnn,,. ,th-.r 1 -L -L -41 -A 1 am m Il 1

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