P hi 'sa queion f CIFOOD, VA7/LUE-i-, 7get Moo.neys Prc ion CreainSodas. Thley conttin the nuMA ,neut-tii lue and mei buildng preporties- cf Canacja's 5oiceet whent lhai eldron and invaidsý pu!of everymal Mooneys Ej5 :Iîare hot fr ",)eCve, i ar Thus, aul the corspueifsu codesfthei- freshly baked Liuac c»a and hLA tuésl îhey reach yen. TLood eatin in M nd' ÏÏ Or, The Girl With the--Nuit Broxvn Hair adDreamtyEys CHAPTE XIV.(Cont'd>ï1h1le i e could4do was to sit Nowthi ws nt t al watandlo dwnin-to Lt1e face Cof the- cea far renYovd fornbisO ù, God bLess you for your faifli; but, A ~ , you're inaking it fearfully liard iniglithefoafrecliibu he was -,net by van" eu get wvith Mreyu i etwa Could ie ,dobu bod oier ier witlione aud ioctir i irda bond nt l !u!Lii, at- the tiîgc istl r ie- rea- lizeti that thetsi e ai e hm selfv was1iek- t prvevntl barder tanho Jlad baain fr Mar-gery ee rapdûocnaxt ef t-cMitutobtLoewep an wtîacighara, 7L miglýý t cle, teaîtteei1fc ter hev,ci dcidt htsem mahlierasorrew anti Fr lis con-", "ts e-rtaiuiy vcry unoyî," tbe girl observe, wenDad' p)aus "e ga-ve an ppruutyo Üns tas Jfeareti, 5Mlr. Slm ae cause a pir o bsyo(As'a 1things tînat are net truc. orne de-ar, yen wvon't ba-ve teuottrilles Iiiere his ujipset yenl s.", "Trifles,,, Margery" rnt they 7I os' atrlo big or iew blacr er ow n gi;y they, arc, tbeýy're euily trilles,ý afti or ahi It's tttrul ta ons er Li*-3es ae oly lies,ani tee' e 1;hîng ta Jcie o xcp ic shtiingtrt of houer anid fuir Dnba", ait, ments uc utf s these, anti fora AndHo,..TO CutreIt A oktlit shonýliH Itellsie at S onteridt ttc och e o itnn for me. These hti aste i yn- ThTh n mke se F17-,ht ,, v turned theoe of miy world,ï agaiust me. A mnïtIago every-1 hody hleeinlu m, everybedyl tlcgtIrngtruc, LItatJ nas asi Ioo ir m wornd, anidasboneet asl mv nme, nd nwuw--tisu't baîf a oze buybotiies who arcl 'agaînàtima, it's Allerdale freni cuti in time. If Yen juet go on lu the olti way,,Jnt our 'chips t e as ivorb anti wl-m1anneti as te'îcaiw-.ays becs, people will cee hovn' mitahen their jutgigenti liasý bon,ý anti they will give yeni i acir ail their elti confdence." "Ah, I wish J coultihni celit- tC n'orasa. I've triei liarti.eneugh, but J can't maniage itc. I'm under suspicion non ', ation al My ac- tions tAC PublicUwihiu esolrcof tbci ow cbosig. uitle-things witbe'i manin , which at eueý 'timo oult have passe i unnrtice, Wib! be faveret n'ih tiesi. AIl stryc4ttiog a'ý 'nti the bati namne. As ferliing the siander dou, Jl I cant acept on n hoso eterras., draw it, 1net go tuelep 1upon 1V Still doermineti fer bis acuietei kee lerclr s flyîug, imly ro-i solýute- that ie sheulti ddis(ceru lu lier1 nej s ouf nneig atthat ho[ sh1oult1d have al tfi-helie-hpber loyaltyl coiirally te ie id, k'î_argoryi aga1in mot hCýlmn ith a bravo elittîti Ssmie. haete lot it rcsLt ther'e for ai iwbile, unïtil tho eblet is wipeti e ut anti, Davîi, I'nî just goîng te stand 'byý yen throngh it al anti belp yen te bear the loati.W'l face it îegCer-yvou ant inmejut fie seizeti ler hands anti grippeti tentighti.Nt o ven yet, Lho por-ý ceiveti bat she graspedtheli dee-p-ý est im r, the personni applica- tienon f dtccrsiandtithughli e n'as w-rnng te the peint of oxqui- s ite tortuûre, ho foît that there muet, be ne miore dallying, thati non' la mnst strîho. "Yen antilme,"horepeaqtec; "if! w'c only 'ceulti<1, but that cannot bo,1 dere.Jve got te figlit the bat-1 tic ont ahi alcone. Do't yen seýc n'hat tIi5 me1-nus te o Iwi jnst wrechs our liepoes k Yeni'll for- g"ie m, Mrvryuc'?yeI-ý Jl ca k eep sorron' from yen- but I canure yen the sclamjle. Bewhdreifearful, the gi cron"cheti anti listencti, tht, doors of understnnding openetiJ, anti a flood of tiesolation swept dowriu upon ber! seul, fier beat itreepeti, anti dreeipeti, untili à res,ýtetion is2 bande, anti a ptfu little wni brehie freni bis lips. "'Oh, Daviti, nttt--ensnrely doen't menu tbat M "edearest, tlat," lic grenu- et. "M.yI love fer Margery Masi- esty çvo)nt let mew, 41 anything euse. J cann' de-grade àou with a saine, thi.a n' nlenr, >' c4OHDS AN» I t N( MJf, S a, ýcho2niec xld nd boc hitis'fori- Long time nd av idm a.nyreý medis wihou rining relief. fried Itrid Violandafter tak- ci-,re.d," A. i.'Wkl, 33-8th Avenue, MneaoiMinui. S.' Mcliona1d, 147 W. Conigrecss St., St. Paul, Miiun., writas; ."I .ontraceted a severe c-d last win- teor andà thouglit I woufld neyer gel rid of it. I tried Vinol as a, last resort, and it lias com'pletely cured Viànol cmie two world famed tnsthie hain mé'dicinal pro- pertiesof ced ive ouand tonie irndeicou sly pltbeand aeebeto the waket tomadli, Fo r thi s e ii, Vinlis u nex- celld a a tregthbuiderfor 01-d peeple, d eli:cat e ch1id ren, weak &P-d andïý for ChroniicougsColds alid J inl l sid n owmiavile by evenLox itelfput hlm jnon the £a Ck ? Beter 1get'L ove r, the ceu- eýr shedpied hlm the 1t-ooner "That's Ltho worst ofit, ie- mi nut- trd 'Ishah inot lt yi. 'YesI knw'-n 'he wojuld m-airethe3 lne- know what you ' togbbtthings are3 Soïnewha differnt ow. I'm afraid you may not fiiy iunde-rstanid me -but the fact is,,tatwih h rgSil ieIlcommeial hif ie d~nds new methodsis 1andf-aed Do',Davidt, do't. Shg hdwibran rm iisi nowr an ashu,1e1brisfet her face buried in b e d. hrush1 upon i 0esw;aying willoý trilled lis ý,g f praise-; in thi ruoom a woman irnelt itli rive: lie-art, an'd a Pmail writh-d ilu di spair, a mni and D, worail fror wliosýe worldi the liglit lad gon out. LloiytI sun curvoýd down t( meet thc witing wa-ters in th- west sioly is after!-gio5w climiî "d tles UlîgSi'Opr ad Cg heilit1util it resiced on tht pa an MU areeOf tWUiihtgloîy, so ly the sadow crept throughl t indo!(ws and filled the ee witl tbeir poaceful Presence. Tender a ,s tlieîriv n, ew Margery's aaeig etys raised lier licad, agaîn ber ari was silipd around lier lover', necir, anid agpain ëshe hîssed fbi, Mly Da vid,'" sbe mut,,rmiure a.tbe nmn kn1EwVt1hat, teg She migit neyer bear hie anme, liE wNould ever reign supreme in li beartL and inlu irScf. f Silen c e again, and thon onice maore Miargery wvas spuaking, he: vec roken, but a0newintensità Idoiniiii-ng it. "Dvt,"she eaid, "ilyeu tel] Att me agaîn? I duos't ant to be ce-el, and I 1know i muet urt you k totrC'f it., btIdo)want t< understand ijTbswoýràldnbe I'xe lived witi auntie lias beer sucli a tinyone, aLd J huow S.-)lit- tie of the ,stran-gehaengsut skýý,iebt eha if I can olly grasv aIl the deaisnIRmy lie -ble to b you, &and t hat le wba-t 1 wouJý ld hve more -t11,1-1anîything e He. o plaeforgive me aSkýîg, antc1 tel mec again, t4ll me ail, ho the thing People Say of you." fierfaeuure to bi, t1heugýg in t( loom b'o is feiý hature- wrehall 1hýidden,, celitneb e thetale told over again w "ith doep r -eluec tanice, ani ent1ce recitýal w 1epit she sýighed a ntl i shoekh heat as thouli tuc thing sas nuil byond ber. "Thank yen der," Ssaiti; "you'llforgÏivomefo wrri Yomouwn't oui il ol sec it as cerya o-u ' ther's ust ne hing 1 cau'it quite MeYs W "WIîy doli noethbini you bon! cast tn, fiabakhui awvay ?I'That wwud bo alos yteyenneti a gaind' Wliy, inideed f Would tiieso prob- sng questions nleyer ceaso, Must e7 y h p h S r snrays fre in b9,yonti nigît rest uo bis face. H MW YL PDavid,!' ho n'as amauct!b be1T ÂTASAI strengLh ilulber VoiCe, "I've lices' 1Jfanty that I Casi ee. aud-Pri WHADIFOR TOMS HON gein e lt yen go. B'ut before! I O JflASMýN yen 1-ave me IVve a umessaâge forý yen, eue thatmay coinfert yen in DOCIO'1S Ce-nid ~ Cinre Ris the serren' thatbas coic te yen, Dros u o(', iiiyPU that ay bhp yenin tcith Ider- rpybtDd'pinyIil noe you'îc geL te travel threugh; Clcared It OutCmptey somehiu tht, îcae Gtimay Maitistone, Sask., February 15~ -bring yen bacir te me oeeof tlho Spcîh)-"nrclmecpltey tiays-n'hen the blet lins been nis-Ta' nhtDti' iiuyPi Ydeu lt-ani atnemnt ai.Acdt frmade," Sncb ite state Aýy, 1 ist ,eu, Dsnn, listes. Tt etmteb hmsMoa es-ey vrd hrn cel inj ,,iNe-knvvnresident of this pir-e evcry word itforftouryear;às sfferet iCit: Memlory, grave, itsehf deep lu yon-,r DropiclSelng ruh nb be-at. Margery Mnnecty bas a & eal Swidnsbogi nb message for yen cf the love tinh& a aisintt;'4l fm sfetial things, endure-tI ail baci," Mr. Moon continues, "m things, of tIc love tlat nover for- ars h on.Tcseln gets anti alvays forgives.crlee the loin T esendiu ý -Yu7,e dne ron, dar,,i grati alhy get te mIy bodiy. I triet forsairing tIc olti way, for i t was dîfrn1otr bthp etn tic test way, thougl yen mny sotidin'er enteve;ry dybutil î n'as swoî thbinir 5 on'c; a nti I believe-ben- Io estyDait,1 _lieeIiitek )npte an an'fuicivo. c(airbe .'Osie tiotor sent mie to the lies- trh no' crsethîinaL s pital fowbere I geL n ittie benefitý, rigt. erbpeiL 'asformeYen" but thc swclling cees aIl camne actet tis-nb I aîf suspecte<ibrr tîtbtthere n'as nce ne-, t "Tlieni1uedKd ieoidn't lete ba ny myleeW , 1 seti Dedti's Kiey * I'd given 1yen tit. L Ati u as lpfe r edantieas u saîi ore te m3selý,nf, n'itliailyn ýý ý la ni IUreim emlt -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ye1-ewsqut otn a1 DYropscal Sweinugm are enumeti Yeu ert, "i-a q1jte mis_ýtuire (Ii S aoiKiin lc 1ii yg tetaire youvomatid e Výn came e eteonp - LtIisuplus wnte;î,r ont of thï,bPeoti.j day lte telirme tint nov' yn ecnnet iCurey- the Kitnpys nitliDotd'sl dani me be-ause of the blet tien idncy PuIs anti tuc Dropsy natu- yon sac-a ifI' baeplt!PU!alyCures oitsl, go for that-antiyen foiodt ese thiat ià nas set thc blet, but tIc COIUDNOT BE RANGED. tlling bas ausei L, that mlnst, part us. If urMreani is bt e ho Babbjac eo be urdercrBecre 1 i Inhcauste cf a cneune j s yen hase no boindiy imau ilyd,1 John lut., n'li msas sentence tot Ibtbecanse cf ymir istake-vouusrc iatl 884fortIc iaîbacombe enut. Yon'ea wronged mne there, weeh at Ncstten Abbot te M rsý, j~ ~ ~~e tia-étte e idu't sec. Jessie AUgUsta LUISet, M'ho bas "J tbinh nohing of tic blet tint becu tIe chief attendant nt the loal speemese black te yeon. nothing of workhouse isfirmary. the ecof yonr li hp; otît, oh, hon'w Lee, wlio nas rueeseti freio pr"- mny heart aches n'tl tle tieuglit sen a ycar ago after serting022 licf thi sdn' way you've cbosen. Iye-rs, le non' 44 years oIt, anti the %imWetgoing ite pleud thitlyenUlbride is 35. Atter 1t-le eeremuy,!î te gîve it up. I's the nly tbing1 whihchnas perfermet iheCon- l sithat parts vsu ai-are 3yen listen- 1 gre-gatienalClrc, tc ouple i ng, Davidt?---if ,yen t lirme worth sateifor. Bristol onl tîcv irhney winniî, ne yo'v toit mne se 1oo It Éis si tat tbey ilstont i of(ten, your loftiest amition n'U!htaiing nabusiness ut Durliari 1 or li ehieion the day yen ca l e orf your wifc, Jvc neutioubtabwou cur leu ns inowvn tîronglie zu t-Ic conti1nct, abo-ut your cloiýe. dsritas "tce mua top co!,tmioc "Non'.l'l givw enta sw hnl"fe-isplt nte gI cange J premaistiyeni.Lîtn caostretmestaitretc vcyveyhart.Ter' ntindrop irefusr ct 'rh ti tîn eu li l ovhe ý,for, yen. gv r/aee I ol n o va-risc teO a uporstitions blefin bisA oesril, imay say, waevryen yinoecanti carniet hlm a cu1i- beem , nctbing n'ill ovor chac ng mutaion of hlssentcece teimpri- mie. VhnMargeryMnetgvs ____ _____ brlove, segie,s iL for alil îe "Yo'h nt forget, Dauît-for bacir te tIc igîtway, if uon cornMe fer me yonil 'hi futme witing." SM a rgeriy." fier nanenas aim the reply bis lips nvüu1di frame. goti-night---ntiGud guide 30n.'> CITA,ýPTE'R XV, -i3 t "ICalitTuthlfully Say that 1 believe that, but for thie Use of youir Emulsion. 1 would long sinice have been in my grave. I was past work-could not wl up-Mih without coughing very bard, THIS, n uch rnore a -Vritten by Mr. G. W. Hwr ton, Clar's Gap, W. Va. W would like to send youi a fuIl copy of bis letter, or you mriglit write him direc-t Eis case was;really imarvelous, but is only on-e of tLhe inany profsthat ý the mot treghnn in nie word.lduen in mhat "instsubr of ail diseaýses (consumýption) it doe)s won- ders andin )es!,serjouIs tolesuch asanma bronchitis, ah a aarhi, Ï.or loss of fleýsh from any Cause the eýffeo.t is mucIýh quieker. W> N LIy *t e m-M.i 75A h e ai od yn15-.Hwrnos3lt,h and-by Daiidroe. hroead lIed lm to the.wiridow, tIIaÉttheý F ~ IX.., ~ Theceruinnsycoleeof Tou- Ts heolant, Whicibclg te a cirçins sot f,,,frm, h tn, u brohen leeco antirmatie tarir M'ay te ic gýïcohoeqit o ri. Oe(i e a t h 'ai, ni i fu laMene tle ti okge orte-t rin, opsy Eue antiBelletuc otber two ladies, ad coreie te eep lier Company. ît n';as fonucIthtIt Topsy lïut t nuder go an ouceratieon of a seionýs ntrandtihteccohiegeauntlorjt>ies',m tinougtit Iwniser te cepurate be frei e rin" heerae painfuýlly, at na-c withà the great-ý eost dhacnhtv that Jois, EVie ant Bellecousti ho p3eett rr en isg lier-, n'staken bacirteteiBel at Tliey pattet erabu it thr pescihly ho ngpgette Topsy, ccii- cd Iri ruk ro)ýund1r t oe foot aîtbeld iit for anhour. CURES ID6SIN ho eno e-au it Indtigestion, ypn cia, Gastritis or Catarri cf Se mah;i0toss'tnate-k yr Ptoimaçh trouble right wn'ihyeit yo-nr Pamaitantasir l In t epcn a ocftcae tPapeý-'s Dia pepsin anti let pye onee 2-gmn. mntsthere lb left asy taec your senaîmiscry. The rectnarnm for your trn-i bic -.s Foot Ferimentation - fojdc' oi-n;the Digestive organe le- corne weh, teel iq cf zasLici jîlce ynrfoot is culy 1hal.'tige-t et, aniynbecoeaffleett ' ric cfapei -pesuei tif' guisrthnru rng lu bo'w eis, ue dereselinthepitcf toacd tad-. lu limbes sleclesnes, holdncf- neronscs, dzne-ors anti mnay" ocer siu elrcypm. ore yens foot liceslîke n lump cf le n ouor etonînel, yencas nme upyormid tInt nt the lettoni cf a£ il hs îrec bult ieecue feretto tutlett foot. Prote te e eIf, after yens nIext mo! ý,t your teracis as got as nny; tnt tere is uothing1rnll s~rong f~topthis f rtain Irquivereti tbrough t1he biouse, Miss, Mfanesty rangp for a ligbt. " nneManesvy," sheecij- ed, ",yuilre ridiculous. Hr youve ctullymooetith'e flucetl part of thil('day away. Two heurs genle, antIl thatsilly yeun g couplAý stili at it. l'1l give DavàlGahi a piece of m)y mnd ; he dd' et se long as, this te tei me nalaou Wliat else Miss Manecymty ldo ber, mmd tci Say must go Unrecord- cd, fer at that mment oine oi ti maitis enerd ith a. lamip, anic lier lecture camle te an abrupt cUi As thle girl. witliew ber Mmsq ca-lled lier back o-d14 misioe ber, wih amesae'or Jolin Cur-- thet to "yoke younig Blackie in h doecart." Alone once more she turneti tei the pier-glass andi grimly survyed tie liardi-set fenurems etchetil in its1 Aivery dept'is.1 "ell 1,sCe ejaculatew itbor- lingly, anti Paul.seti lfo)r anojteCrý starc. "WVell,, a. boi1nny frigit yuv madie of yuei.Yen look. j'u S as thougli you'd een crying-', aud You1 Ynoiiy'vct, 3yeu've net; you %iished with tears years anti years age, fNannie Mancesty, and yeu'ýve uothing te d (o witlthei now.It'sonly glaring in the fr htli' madie your eyes Sered.l T ea r s aI le'for bin sweetliearts, but net ,fer teri olti maitis like yn. SIc fumbleti fer ber i haýutieie andi da hcdler eyslie rcey-jusýt! te work a ltteof the, firt eut eof tbo7 ni. Thon cIe pui lei et e watdh andi frowed upun it, Wn after that cesmsedti tethe ldeer, but w it ih ber 1býaud uf1 iponi it hc liau<He,, reu- laxetid ini lier intýenit anti returnedi te the fireplace. "ýFîve mntslongerý,"sceii e'aiie ln 1lh cle-ar him eout shar-p. J noversa the like of some Cpe.o-j pic. Give the,ýnia pie-e ofmiey nd'beY'll t'iandle uand hug it as thNugl it wcrc tlie swecest thing te'iever hat iholti of. T i l-re'L nothng iretroblefor mahingzý (To le centîieti. JIJS CIJIEflHIt Booth's Kidncy Pille. lt'S but ahrimeW .cineMi Vut aou r h tus ltumger bs hwnositetanti cure-t fYlam, wcs u<y troubles, R le rmsai-kahle: te reaniifor i etlsX yPil s are- a nonew e-tof eealin gretients, Ariug a pecuiar action on the htnytresue tint rîg quicir ielp. Mrs. P. S. lubairc iet St., Bowmnanviile, O0t, eays: "My Accu pai lad settlet across te smaîlMcfIL anti eatutet arountimy-, sides anti intuo my sCoMiler. J ikincy:s eastiaterwoaid get rip in eut tha loe . gonebd i nriw puioy tIt f te 1sotI vc date1cf ohehiueys, i n's hgbl of brcktesT.Oimet.JC atf-n Boeb'sEidey ias tboul fi ne Iprourew auox turysu iarn. ice Ie-gean re cirriaitli quick l ui( ated Ue rAry II- 'De yen svnnt te tiraw or de- petit 1" c-chenil tic l'est Office cicrir. 'No, I tient; Qi n'ant te pet lu.' Tic clerir sigieti, anti sieveti a ferm acre-se the countor. "Sing your name hen-e,' le sait, pointîûg te tbe exact ~pet. Abos e tic lino or be-' IL 1" "Juet abos e." "The wiool na'ne- 1" "Yes.' "Gi cant write" death. MWENT TOTuEDOtl- I . Interesting Instante e1 Elephant's cook's o~ Root Compoun~ The great Uteilue Tenlo. aud 01ly ta~n effectuai Montiily - Regulater oî which wnrnee oaa ,,,., d~p~z cd. SId je three drçreea iOdegrece stionger t3; No 5, per toi. druggioto, or senti reps id on reeoîpt cf price. ros pamphlet. Addroes: CmrnsC~,.Tesssro, Os!. (fornway iVis~d~nrj ne <Ieal wjtqý Fr 1