_ Iane tte4 $00a year in advanee; $1.50 to United States. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRIJARY, 25 1909 VOLU ME LV, No 8 M. A. JAMES& OSPorers Ib Cone mu1e Stor WHEN In Doubt m m 'Beuy acp cetebrated"-German - &hCoot Boots for yoôur famlty, TIIEY are GUARAN7EED We stand =edy ta, takew back any pair or Geman cBoQtsý shown ta have 11 Shoddy heel stifoner.. ï2) Shoddy inside heel pieces. ~Shoddy inside soles-. 'u Ct off vamps at toe caps. [5] conpnon cotton stitebing. <'Germaan" Boots are neat in Pearance. Theyr out wear any otber boot the market. They are no dearer than ma poor b3ots. They are "made In Canada." They are made in any of fc leathers-light te heavy. Thyare made Inu sizes te fit a boy or girl. ýhey cau be bouaght ouly ai i 131iras' C ornier Stor ±9ARGAINS J 41d-winter bargains ail arou 'ý'.wa particalarly at BUrns'. t OSHAWA, (Main Pour Ooier, -e- BE$A NK 0 F M0NTREAL EstabIIshed 1817 CapItal 814400,000 Ilest $ 12,000,000 Total Assets 8183,169,159 savinga Bank Department. hem iOffice, montreal J. A. McCLELLAN, Manager, Bowmanville Branch. WaLlpjper Borders. We are clearing oui odd linos o! Bordera and wiUl sou 9 and 18 inch, full relis o! 8 yds for 5 cents per roll in both gibus and plain papers. Secure tbem when ihey are obeap, W, T. Allen --Bek-Stot-e- Larger 'Sales 1-and- More Pleased Customers. The greatest proof that "6 301 10 the King of Uough Cures No famîly flould be without a bottle at any trne.1 0 L PEOPU2 REOOMMEND IT YOUNG PEOPLE n~RELY ON IT CnUiLDEnIN LNG iPOE IT Don't eough when you can get a large bottie for only 256. Rod'k1. MIltoeli & Go.,, A Few Bargains For FEBRUARY 3 "Peas ,. .....25e 8 Il" , Corn & Tomatoes .... 250 8 botties EMat.......2e 8 pkzgs. ah flavors Iing8ugar _..25e 8 " f " Jelly.... ... .. 25e 8 "chocolate Pudding........ 250 2 "Postume,.,.,... ........ .25o 2 "Macaroni ................ 250 1Idoz oranges ..... 1ý........... Ie Orange sulcer to lend'. Ail CJandies at reduced prices. Rebate in China. Watch window overy week for bargains. CIASH FOR PRODUCE TIIOS WIHTE, 2 doors West of couch, Jobht-on and Phone 67 omnil If you stop to Considier tme quallts, quantity na curative properties contalned in a bottle of Syrup Whîte Pille witli Tar and remembar it is only 25 cents. You will flot hesîtate to purchase a bottle when you haVe a cough, cold or any- bronchial trouble. The small bottie le a full four once. The pries 16i 25c. Thon we have a family sl7ze at 50 cents a bottie. Every bottie le guaranteed ta eatlely or the -prICe wiil be rofunded for Ihe skng You get It at FR. KERSIÀKE'S The -West, End Dru ggist. A Great School!0 Great lu roputatlen, Results In-, fluence and Thotoughness 1 New bu the lime te enter the pepulan ELWT TORONTO, ONT. aud prepare for profitable ernpiay- DEATII 0F JOHN B-IIAYNES.j DURHIAM BOYS, BANQUET, EXCURSION TO TORONTO The death oecured at is late resi- The joyous feast of the joily boys and , WEDN4ESDAY, MARCH '311, 1909, dence, Cobourg, on Tuesdav Feb. 16 cof girls of Durham i wll be held Friday- Joh BrwnHeves agd 4 yar ai Ieveuing Feb. 26 at McConkey's, Si W Under the ausplees o! the Oshawa ter an iliness of a few days. Saturda Y King St., Toronto. A goodly contin- Hospitl Auxilary, Tickets irom 130w- whieh developed loto pneumonie. 'Da- Land of Durhami. The Executive have Bee large poster for particulars 8-12ff. eeased wes bora neur Grafton, and extended amost cordial 'invitation te when a Young man wes merried to Miss ail the Old Boys and Young Girls (they Margaret Smitb,, CoIbrre. T hey neyer are old) to participate. Tickets MINISTERS .AND CERCB ES moved fromn Coîborne, to Cobourg fif- $1 for gents, 75o for ladies Greeting teen years ego. He was a Methodlst, period froni 6.30 to 17 ,p. mi. Dinner - andi wes a quiet and mucb respected ci- served~ at 7 o'clock. 1 Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A_. B D ,bas tizen. He beaves a widew end famiiy of received n unenimous Invitation ta ro. two daughters-Mre. Coultoeu, Col borne, For ahappy throng with gladening song, main another year as pastor of Wesley and ies inni, Ceourg endfou And'hearts enriched wjth joys, ChrhT sn sEp e irnen,oougandChresWill flot forget on their Banquet night Cu h renton. f oib-ore; onaliden Plttsbur lesa That they still are Durham Boys. iev. H. W. Poley. Bobcevgeon, has of Clbone;Donad o Pitsbug, a.,beeii unanlmousby invited by the Officiai and Wallis Bey Dr. Shorev conduet- Tickets inay be obtained now froin Boardiof the Methodbst Church ta re- ing the serviee.-,Senti &Sar. Thos. Yellowlees, 23 Division St., Tor- mainr the tbird 5 ear. Decr-ased was brother of Mrs. George onto, or on niglit of Banquet. If you Rev. Dr M P, TRsllng, l'oronto. wlhl C Haines of this town, Mr. H. C. Hoar can't go send a message of greeting. prench In St. Paul's.Church, Peterbor, and Mrs. John Cox, attenled the lu-______ Sunday and lecture oni "John Wan- necrel. BOOM IN FARM LANDS PICEERING FARMS SEDLL 11rGEL It wouAld seem thet othor peeple are seeing the advautages e! the ferma and are quietir gettlng bn, te buy up the geed eues, Wltbin a radius of twe mlles o! the Village o! Plckering about 2000 acres bas cbanged bauds during the lest six menthe. The prices for these have ranged from $60 te $100 per acre. The' Reazin place, bas been pbcked up by Rabt. Toms for $60 par acre and bu eue o! the bout old ferme on the frent. Gervais Comneil lest week uel is chaice 5,0 acres on the front for $100 per acre, On ibis land there lu 5 acres of cheice beamlng orehards thet wlll ho wetb any 50 acres cf land bu its annuel output if prepemly werked and et $100 au acre the land I cbep enougb. George Long bas dlspesed e! bis fem te the Nasmith Co. cf 'remonte for '884 per acre, for 150 acres. This f!arm leo sltuated ou the Kingston road just west cf the village and lu first-clasu soil, STRONG OSHIAWA' COMPANY Oshawa mnay well feel a large meas- ure of pride and satisfaction in lie financial institutions for we know of n0 other towù lun the Dominion with a record to equal bers. That the business world la agitated froni financial distreas or even panic does not seeni to matter much, those Oshawa companies pursue the even tenor of their way, paying satisfactory dividends, increasing the value of their assets and adding to the rest accounts, On another page may be found a report of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Ontario Loan and Sav- inga Company, bed at Oshawa on the l7tb mest. The report of the Directors goes to show that the business of the Company, notwithstanding the financial stringency of the past year, has pro- gressed satisfactoriiy. This statemeut le warranted froni the fact that, after meeting ah dcaims for which the Comn- pany is responsible, the earnings for the year have afforded the pay'ment of two hall -yearly six-per-cent dividende, and by applying $17,000 of the Contingent account and $10,000 cf the, profits of the year, to write off a similar amount ou Pmaker" Meynday evealng. The Oid Soutbland Sextette Jubiles sîngers will give a sacred concert in tho M'ethodist church on Tharsdav Marehi llth, The co;mpany stands for hbgh ideals tn exceilency o! teudition, Next u ndu t the Disciples Churcb- Rev. H F. Wýjelr'@ morning subjeet le "The Holy S'pirit and Christian Mis- sions"; ovenlng I'TIhe Heallty cf Con-. verson ". Public cordlelhr invited. 11ev. H. R Pickup, B. A , a Durhami boy whose home ls et Millbrook bas been eppointed assistent to Ray. Dr. Gllrav, paftor o! College Street Pres- byterian church et a selery o! 81,000, a s'ear, Rev W. E. Carroll, B A., was bn Toronto lest week attending the Angli. eu Syned where Ven. Ardhdeacon J. Fielding Sweene-v rector of St. Phihipe3 Cburch, Toronto. was selected i Bshop'in succession te, the late Arehbishop Sweatman. . 1ev. R B. Grobb, M. A , Curate of St, John's Church, Port Hope, proaehed in St. John~'s Churcti here Sanday. 11ev. R. W. HModes, B. A., assbsted la the services. Rev. W. E CarroIý B. A,, reetor preaehed iu Port Hope, --iI rnu~ ur-adruatqg~readuuvuutlaini -Nf l h...j.. t r-..ttn±XU L L.JUt U TJLFIle 0.dM.. 2 n rth... W K' e: u; good positions.- Our Handsorno Catalogue je free. Write for one to- day. Students admltted at any Une. Colege open the entire year. W. J. ELLIOTT, Cor. Yonge and Principal Alexander St.. TfhÏs is IarmaIade-, TUlle Our marmalade oranges are botter than ever this year. We are efferlng speelal values tbls week in California and Mexîcan oranges, also chnice bernons: Marmalade oranges, extra fine, - per. doz ................. 25a Californie, navels, extra fine, per dozen ....... . ....20o Californba navels, selectd, per dozen .................. 80e Mdexican oranges, Saturday hargains per dozen ............... 10e Choice Messina lemons ........ 260 We have a slbeing machine to boan taoOur Cu1stomers. Mnaple Syrup Our Maplea Syrup, which we have just reeelved, le the flnest ln the market, Don't fail to send. In your ordor bel ore it 1hjaIl gone. SC(t& Alun Phone 44Bowm avlle Be Particular ABOUT WVIh at You0 fat Partieular people always buy the best food and pay the Iowest, prices. They alwrays live well-yet eeonomicaliy. Luttrell has the largest folIo w- ing of ibis partieular elass, because we are partieular to please them. We aim, first, to get and keep the good will of every customer. The al- mighty dollar la a secondary consideration. M o n e y le eheerfully refunded Whew- dis- satisfaetion arises-very sel- dom necessary at Luttrels.. If you have neyer tasted our home-made bread, cakes and pastry give them a trial and be convinced of the super- iority of ouir baking, Our assortment la large. ", -LUTT-l"REULt - Baker and C'mfectbene, Phone 97 -Bownanvile6 sud a larger orchiard this fiatm wîll im- medlateby swing into the $100 per acre Lumberman Seid o! Toronto reelved agood iarr n the Bunker place just west o! the villag-e, It bàas a $2500 fine brick bouse on it and the beet of soit. Th""' prîces are flot extravagant. The land ls easlly worth them,-'Toronto WorcLd SLV ER WEDDING, One of those plèasant.1 occurrences~ which heppen to only a few in a 111e timo, wes the receivingy bv expresu Set- urdey, Feb 6, of a beautiful set o! peer) bendled sterling sîlver cutlery frein the Bowmanyle and Derlngton relations cf Mr. and Mrs. S M. Clemens, Dray- ton, it being the annlversary of their 25tb wedulng day. Mr. and Mrs Cemens moved from Darlington about 14 years ago, and Indoed it was a meut pleasbng recognition after sOelueur years o! absence, Tyrone, Feb. 4th, 1Uqv MR. AND Mite. S. M. CLEMUNS, Drayton' Ont. Doar Brother and Sister:-We bave been reminded slnee- 1909 bas' nusbered bn, that a quarter of a century ega yen were marrIed, and we, together, wlth the rest of your brethers and sisters, nephewe and cousins, thought, although yon were absent, we eonld net lot the occasion pese over wihant In some way rernindlng yon that we had flot forgot. ton ven and the ovent. We have, therefore, sont te aur address to.day three boxes o! cutlery-a case of table knbves and lorks, a case of butter spread knives, and a case eantabnlng a butter knife and cheese scoop, whbeh we ask yon to aceepi toether wth aur bout wlsbes for many happy returna af the day eyen te celebrate your Golden and Dbamond Weddlng Day., We are net sendIng It on aceount o!fies vaine, but ta show our love and esteem for you. As the Giver of Ile and haalth bas shcwn bis favor toward Yen during the twenty-flve years a! your marrbed Ile, may healtb and happlnso-a gift !rom his hand-foliow yon and yaurs even ta aid age. Wo would have been dellgbted were it possible to bave been wlth yen ta celebrato the happy event in yeur home personaliy and' te effer aur con~- gratulations te sen, but as that àanuet bo, we wlsh toa asure you that on Fob- ruary 6th, 1909, we wiil be wlth yen In mmnd te cfer aur best wishes. Yours respectfully, W-. R. CLUMuS, A E. Cium 's -Advocafe. Hood's Sarsaparillia Purifles and enriches the blood and builds up the whole systeni. It radically cures ail blood disease8, from- pimples to scrofula. It la the best'remredy for catarrh, rheumatismn and dyspepsia. At aIl tlmes of the year: It la the most widely useful medicine. These statements are c onfirmed daily by cured men and women. iOver mO eslaomarecelvedin two years - an unequaled record'! Inaiut on~ havlng Hoo0d's and gel kt today. 100 Doses One DOLler. earned was $29,773, That it is still -a ,vigorously healthy institution, the assets, amounting to $920,295, amply proves. That the public believe this is seen in the large suni on deposit-$806,295. This company bas retained a hold upon the confidence of the people remarkably wel!, and deeervedly s.i lu a high tribute te the management te meet well- sutisfied stook-hleders year tdter year, besides giîig entire satisfaction te the patrons of thei institution. No umnali share of thîs oreqdit -is (due te, the güoid Esq., the Secretary-Treasurer. 11161 PRAISE F~OR DR. VOGT The Globe editorîally paid this well- merited tribute to Dr. Vogt's work and yorth: - -he ;developmnent of choral music in Troutoefbas of late years reached a hý-ght that has given the leading city of Onitane International famne, It is ne- iagkable that the activity in this do- mn of music lu this city, which bas a population of litle more than tbree bundred tbousand people, lu net par- alleled iu any other city cf Anierica. Iu this connection eue may point te the Mendelssohn Choir, who every year give a series of concerts that lu the Old Land would be glonified with the titie of a music festival. This week the Mendelssohn Choir Are giving five pro- grammes representative ef the choicesi echievements of musical composition and covering a very wide range of national oengin. Tlie artistic âand brill'i7techýnca performances of the members cf this society have justlv gained for thein the reptation o! being the virtuose choir of Canada, while lu the State of New York, where they have been heard both lu Buffalo and New York. they are conced- ed te bc the preie choir ef Arnerica. This season thechi are geing te carry the reputation cf Toronto as a, musical centre te Chicago, where necxt month ibey wil ing lu association with the Thomas Orchestra lunilince concerts. hI lu, moreever, probable that next year tbey wil challenge criticism lu the mother country, the home o! choral music and cf the ackuowledged finesi choirs lu the world, More importent, however, than any adulation we may get from other bauds for the excellence cf our choral societies la the educational work that the Mendelssohn Choir have been deiug at home,. _____ i la net gilg 1tee far -ta say tMat Mhe Work of the Mendelssohn Choir bas eleveted the standard cf choral' singîng througnout the whole Province cf On- tarie, if their influence, indeed, hes not extended fanther, The numerous choir masters front ontside places who have attended the concerts of the choir, have learned fremn Dr. Vogi that ihere are possibilities in choral singing o! which1 previouuly they had ne conception. Tbey have honestly set about toilowlng hie methodu, and the result is already seen lu the general improvement cf choral singing througbout the country., Thisfaet constitutes the greatest triumph1 andthegreateutglory of the Mendelssohn Choir and their taleuted conducter. PADEREWSKI IN TORONTO. Ev;erybody wants te heur ibis re- nowned pienlet who appe&krs lu MasbeY Hall, Toronto, Ttouî-sday Feb 25. Tickets 81 00, si 50, 62,50 and 88.00. Onut-cf town endors ahould be add-essed:1 MANAGER,_Massoy Hall, Trno Programn begius at 8 30p w Nover bas Padereawskl's art been se rlch, e ripe an d 8s compietaebk beutiful as It is new. s- wili hold a perler meeting-in tho League Boom of the MeihodIst Lurch at8 'lock -Good progrmni Il resh-. mnet, Cobeectbou lu aidç f Lumber-' man's Milssion. -Public cordial ly, mvi. ted. The Officiai Board o! Bowvmanville Mlethodisi eburch at their lest meeting passed a cordial and ananimous resoIuý tien Exlpresslng bl happrecJ.tiûn of île servics e! 11ev, John» Gaabutt, aPas- tom, and extended-a bat aud neul- tUS Ï2Invtation iflhlm te renU! ialte third year. 11ev. John Garb)utt, preached verýy eemnest serinons lu the Methodisi' cburcb Sunday luthe mernlng especially for the cbildren andiluthe evenlng ta, the yeung men and womeu on tho neod ef immediate deelsbon for Christ. Sr ecials meetinzs are bebug bield oacb ovenbng this week lu view of Decision Day Sunday. Ail are cerdially bnvted. Next Sunday ovoniug the Pester will take for bis subjeet "Temptatlon" The social gilven by the ladies of St. Paul's cilureh Tuesday 'eveuiug was quite succeseful. A musical pmogramn wes !nrnlebhed a3 follows, vbolîn solos by Mr McGegor of Coiborne and *~ lames Carrutheru aceompanled by MI9s Dudley, and Captalu A. E. McLanghin accompanbod by Misa Armour; plana sole, Miss Olga Ted; piano duet, Misses TembJyu and Ethel Broch. Refresh- monts were served and a social heur spent, Proeedu 616. Bowmenvîlle Leaguers vlsltedl Osha- wa Medeel! Street League Tuesday eveniug and had an exceedingly good, tîme. Mn O J Ciatwemthy, Prosîdont, webcomed tho visitera and, condncted the opeulng exorcises alter whlcb Fres. Ident A E Loveli o! Bewmanvlble League teck the chair, and the !ollewing pro. gram-,was preseuted: instrumentals, Misss My Saw aud Carrne Raenîrg#; solos' Misses Jennie MeLan and Fer'f Mchntyme; roadlugs, h'isses Liliban Ma- LeauandLena Baddy; eetatlons, Miss Marion VanNost and Mr Fred R9. Foiey. At the close refmeuhments were served- and a social lheur pleasantlv "pent b"Oe retunnin - thoir homos, Tho Leaguers speak very higby e! the reception given themn by thoir Oshawa fionda. 11ev. T. E. Egerton Shore In bis Tenth Travel Lettor, 'Glimpsos o! Malaysla," lu the Christian Guardian says: " We are lndebted ta 11ey W. T. Cherry, M. E , Presbding EIder o! the Singeporo )Ilistrbct, for the great enjoyment, af our iBlit there Wo cbaueed ta meet hlm bn the Methodiet Episcopal Publlshlng Honse, o! which bo is aise the manager. Iu a few minutes conversation we leerned wltb doiight thet ho and bie wlo weme native Canadiens, and that bath o! îhem attonded Queon Street Church, Toronto, ai the same urne as m-'sel!, about twonty, yeams ago. Tbrongh Mr, Cherry I1 leamned of tho, Important and wldespmead missibn work of the M. E. Cburcb lIn alaysia" Rev Mm. Cherry le -a son of aur esteemed ellizon lins. R. Cherry, Churctr Street, Bcwrnanvilie, and le well knrawn bore, havlug spont bis yonith!ul da) a bore and seryed bis timo bu TMU Nnws office. SALT IS GOOD. ïf you have enUb37 bou a'ak ycul: nitighbr vho mkàaprciec sowing ih, and as aà -result hbas brigbter and hecavier Grain, ýandelas eli the H.1ighest 1Manket Prl-ces. We av Idsatfor siale, aslueyFresh Stock,' lu20Ibes iàku et enlyj7ý5eets, lÔRc -sait-fô ur s3to,,k, a'nd fîuýe st1 o!- al nddainY. cLELN& O. Limlited, King st., Eat%'L, Bwavfa --w -V - 1 1 : 11 m Vl -V -H