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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1909, p. 2

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,den t tea ilionsu ae fta ytro uhas izziuee, Nuefrwies, fitesafier eating. lPaxin lu tbesiide , .WuetheJinot remar~ale suces asben b3n lu Carius Ec 7ch pyt csrer it1 IL i ter Pillea, a equaliy valuable 1uil, st ilation. g eing1adra- vening t1hisanylgopllt Wlethey Lise bciethy o 11d b) aixo t pric l cseto t8 n WhO iwho once try them wlli dnd thetse litileý pille valti- able lu so nsauy sysys s ai tbey vintbewl lete bssecf e any lites thhaiv-e le whera we iaIe or geatboai. ui pilléecurei1hwhiie üthe on (0not. îCartrs Little Liter sil are er mail and very easy taisýe. One or tsvo pilleaisae a dose. Tlhey are tritiy Vegtabie and do not gripe or pugbut by thir gentie action please ail Who utibe m. A. E. McLAUGHLIIN. flarrister, Solilcitor and Convayanicer. efflecc-iiieaiiey Bliock, King .Sýtreet. l3ownaniile Ïsouey to boan at reason- able rates. 48-lyr. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. G FFICE IN HORSI!iY'S B3LOO-K. 11JOpi)osite TG wn Hail Entrànc,, wkeehowiii b, found froni 8 &-ne to p M n. Night cails at residence, direct- 1y ()ppi)oste Drill Shed. 1-y W.T E NNiA NT, V.S. TON ÎAZ' GR( ADUATE 0F H Ontarioetertinary Coilee.Ornes l re~ cfM>, Wllias, itrihre store. Cals aheglVeredl day or nigist. Phone 58 . 10.1 SIMYPSON & BLAIRI. P.Ln. SIMPSON, K. 0.,, CHAS P. lL -A lit Larrititere, Solicitors, Notarles, e. horris Bhock. -np-stairs. King Ztreýot, Bowmauviiie. S olicitore for the Oný-tari0 Bank. Private rmonsya ban- ta ai lotwaet rates. DO KAI1YLLE -0-.ONT. P eyiin sd S Mgt, ahSU.Gauîsel IoÈpItal Fittsburg, B. Qiimes ant Residenu c Wiigtcoa Rt. Tels. rAsone Na. 105 VIIRB.a& C&L3U,&ITH. R&rristers. Soliters, Notarles Public WLIMW. VCasuE M D. G, M. GeALBRÂITP. frmsly 0oe Bowaaville) 77 Y.ork St,., Toroulto. Tisapratie forlerT crried on ,-v 1Mr, the new flirm , r. Galbreijthjwiilb la BOw ia4~iIevrY saiurlaY nadnti aio dring iz -h We solchtt e sinees oÇ IMenufac-turers, ngnssudolienis wbereaimilsth- dviabil- ity o)tha isang teir ratenta business transacied b y' 1)pet.Preiminary advice free. Charges 'ddeat. r -Invcntor's Adviser sent upon equest. Marloun& Marlon, New York Life Bidg, kont real und Washi,*iiton, D.C.. U.S.A. ')OAL Mil 113g righIsteorf ise Dmno l MpnItoisa', S.1a~swn Auberra. tile, Yukon Terrllcy, the No,ýrth.Weàt TTýrr tcries sud lilh iub ! xa e ieceed 'for a tn o wety-ueycr a n anni rt entaýi et Ul an acte. lýt br tsu2.53')acres witi be iýma(ad to e ua ppn7Lct A;pIïpisieýn for a leas-e mut be ïnsde hLo tisa Ageu orSub-gea etthse dsritia Visl the-rIIýhtIj appIed fer are stueted. lu FIDCey ed lrioythe lanS nichebcecles cel i b[y sstia.or lira s ivso f] aetos ud luinnsmureyesIi trrItorylise tr*act !oltd1rFsisal> be stakesi cul. ha sapplication Innt b. scc faibya fes om $5 0, 'wich wlli s' eà u îdef li iýlbis a ~ iefer are r. a btat vne t eersýise. A îoyaity shah, be paid on tise mrbua outlpUt Of -hliseica t tisarate oi rive -s he er toi]. Iivery isere of cea. aimi.Iïlg rIg'Ists m icb are not be o peraiesl 'bal furnîis tise ditrct agent of omninLansis with a swerin tate. menli t tisaI cieciat icast once in aaeh year, 'iThe IÉ a oe wil inlude thse esai mlnin-,riglis oiy, lbutths e meee may b. permîttied to pur- chse wbatveravailabie surface rigistSemay lie cesdee eces3sary for tisa worklng cf tise mrinre ai lise rate o!f10f. an acre. For f il information application sb1ould lis made te hie Secetary of tise Deparîment of thse Jatcrior, Ottawa, or.te any Agenit or Sul) Agent o! Dominion Lande W. W. coRty, Depuhy Mi ijter Of tise Itnhrior. N. ï.-Una"uthorized pubiceation of this ad- vertlemeut wii noh ha paid for, a- 6m Synopsis of (.auadian Ne- 'Frthwest Land Reglatons A NY pereen -hi le uMe sole bead of a famiy or amyMme over M8yeare bd, mnayismestedaqatrseto !aal adie Dcnnoi~ndàin Mnibi nakateiswalu or Aýhieta. Te ppiiontiimut appes,- lu par- soni at tise Doainlon L5inde Ag! (cy c uis Agelle er'v o-tisa district. Eutre' hi'preXv ai' be ma i i' agenci'. n cetaile odtos by faîber m.tise. ,s, aîîiteri , rbrther or sIn -r1,0,1 tediîîg u a iesdcr, etniveioiio!Yus;lansiu si e resya Acr hsess-esasîcsy loewil;ewdexmle o bisi isone5-M on ifain o! ales-; lure yeacl;,g n y per-epi qu rte eto l sidebis soscsteai. Pce $.O pt2acre vv T CURENTTOPICS. W-o bave heard much of late con- cetniug the ueed cf btter adapta- tion cf sebool metbeds and courses to the needs cf hf e, industrial sud social. Our' ordinary education, we rergtytdis tee hookisb sud us-e less orworse te tomany cf the puplis, wbo, for: th-at reasen, drop if af au early stage sud enter the struggle cf opportunify sud bread with the peerest equipmenf. Presi- dent Eliot cfliai-yard, in an address on fthc ethies cf industtiaism, te- mruded the advocates cf religions and moral culture that, if, the sebeols and life are te hoe bronght jute ciesei' relations, -iLe wil bave te meet the schoohs, halL way. Edu- cation must bho practicýal, te ho sure, but life mut h reasouably etbicad. Life must see te it that if "dees nef nuuiify in practice the geod prin- ciples the chiid bas learued at scboel." Education, cf course, dees nef end at graduation; if is a pro- coess thaf continues ail tbrougb life; the moral atmosphe.,re in which weý live, meve sud have ont beiug exerf s iufiniteiy more pressure flan tue stock of ideas acquired in scbooi and even in the home. Moral eduicatuion, therefore, is the uoed c f children cf large(r growth as' -wel as cf achool puipils. In- dusti-y, the professions, comm.inerce, fhe public service must sevcraiiy en-deaveýr te, live up te, the ideals esrnestly taglifte othe young. P-esideut Eliot illustrated bis pro- positions -witix references te mono- polies, te abuses cf combinations cf employers sud empioyed, but other illustrations wiil re;adiiy occur te fhe observant. Xhat ai-o fhe effeets on the young cf graft, spoils, saiary gi-abs, evasien sud viciation cf iaw hy public. officiais ? What are the effects cf quackery sud greed aud icese nmoras iunfthc pi- fessionsh What are flic off eets of techuicalifies, cf the perversions cf "cexpert1 evidence," cf unseemly] wraugiing i n court, of lying aud pe rjury, of filthi and vuigsarity in artl Veriiy, ethica eacbn in the schioels will ed oh accompauied hy ethical enhin isd (ethicaî stanldards in fU g-stran argcr hf e ontside The beskt -wny te in- culcate- respect for truth, honor and law is te mauifest sncb respect in daily practico, to set examples te the yenng and establish harmouy hetweeu precepts and conduct. No revelatieus in regard to the Russian war of terrors, if was thought, could surprise fb-e world after the events cf the lssf few- yer.But the disclosures in theý dum,ýa witb reference te police par- ticipâtion in terrorist.plots,copd with go,,-vernmeut ecom munications admiting o f the chlarges andi ,inur accu1sîug fermier bnd of th ertservice c- (facie y- patlîy sud alliance wýttireotin a_1rî*: ies, hae created a se-nsat!ýin ev.en amen)g'the kenobservers cf ins- Thereappe'S Vo be ittie doubf that the cief of the "fightiuLg"' been agvrnefsy Tisd- covery wasimade af 'a cuges f the troIltsin Paris, sud the neac cused-(, whe was pie-sn at the irýjsf sessions, deemned if prudenit te dis- appear afferward. The, geveru- meut organs dlaim -,that this sf range character was useful to bis employ- ers, inasmu(,ich as ho prevenfed the success c'f somne plots sud proeet- ed flhe empoter sud the. premier. BuIt th*is is a peeýr def.ense if if is, trcthaf hoeiaizdseveral sucessul ssasintiosincluding tho)se o( Pebvasd Serginis,su fo1 easgu1dh terrorimve- Thie cnttfinssassedtta some cf fio_ rUIeatinaries in the- jets fo gef tI[ ii ftvia ela ýte iceioh eomrgm n juffymialnvCvoisl x lIe says: 'I have bces. a birclcUst feor five years. Last sprig i u htcoldcau8i.,ng catai-rh. 1 too!c Pei-una, tac3 arn wefl. I1 o/tes, rýcomrnend Peruncs to rny friends.", Man A thile tes Builds Up Out- Systems. CloSe Confinement.1 Mi. G. W. Woodbury, Rogers, Ohio, formerly Captain sud Conter o!fishe Hliram Cllege Basket Bail Teamwtites: 'lThere are times iantiselilfe of every student when excessive study and toc close confinement sud attention te the "I have fonruid that when- body an mind aliko are weary aud refuse te work, a fow doses of Perua restores lest strengtb and muvigorates one quicker sud m iore permanzýiently than 'lit gives one nerves of iron and muscles of steel, and assiste tht mental activIties togethar with the physical to a wonderful degree."1 big infIlue fo=,m. Ferunais avaluaisle assistant te 5flyrne - who wishee to keep himself in vigýorous healtia every day.1 ployed te instigate minet polifical GRAITEFUL 'FRIBUTE crimes, ardtha-tfixe massacres, cf 196were orÀdeýred by officials a oM',ssil(r. .JRy noterions facts, but thaltflh, ges members cf the geverumeut shoid BE..VatsBwmvie) have euconraged sud suhsidizedThLodiuySeped... Yen hogl1 uaiithuough tfli spics acting as energotie terrorists Val!,,ycf flue ia of Destix. is amaziug. The duma may weii Amrid lic1,pnrity sud glisten cf ask whaf dlaim Russia bias te a the snwhnali,su the snnflrt, place amioug civilized peepies and siigacl fbn oehaw walk anud wenader st the' inger's what confidence auy houesf Russîsu words. --"Be if fat from ns," wo constitution alist can have in fli cciy, "that valley cfflice sbsdow." goverumeut sud flic buroaucracy. Buw,ý le! Eveu now we waik-or grcpe-aIo-ng the uncertain way. Net alon e! Oh, ne! Afer tbc "Sf roug-banded tefoi-m" bias been firsf natu'ral sbudder, at fh l icm flic "liherai" premier's w,,atchword. sud chili wo stop ouf bravciy, se- Hol bas defeudod executieus at flic curely. rate of font or fn ve a day ounflic "I will est ne evil, for Thon art wit.b me, Tliy ted sud Thy staff score cf necessity. Pacification wasfeycmrt e" bsfirst dutfy, sud to terrorists ne There is aý- grief tee dcdep for, ex- nxnrny Vcold, holshowuý. But what pressioni. e1 muygolgacA- b)ecomoýis of this olc i a o f ]y say fi0 od -c vol e m-ovo e icwigtcfsrwl'rom theterorits ries eau b-etracedflceascfVoedntusb- te olce udsecetse2rvice insfi- revd e, optefi ti gafonl ndif some cf flic higlihiakrs ffi4cSbdw ta police ofiiasrevolted against Gdi a opeuefrvate-. And Who se fit f or flictask ais tboy who snýcbherrors sud h-oiped fixe tevolu- wnlk itb HuJ-lmeoutiuuaily. tionary movemeuf wiii nef thaf lie IV is beorceý in upen the mmnd rcgrde a naura iWns there evran instance cf confusion werse cononuedmore giariag flan fIat pteaeutedibjJ by Ru sa to -day ' SSufferer <te lady in front) "Ma- dJam, if you' were te remove yyeur hat I cel-d sec the plýay." Lady in Front (witb manifesl ttion cf sur- -prise)-"Yes; but ynceuld nef then se-e my new bat." Gyer-"Ycs, he is wixat yen miglif term a financiai pessimist." Myer -"What's a finaucial possimistV" Gyer-"A man wbe is afrai-d te loch pl---.nt for Lent bis friends wiil w-sut te ber-roxv frcm him." To- Mon Wbo Live, Inactive Lives-Exerise1i the opeu air is the hes {uicfo fýlic tomc mau sysjtm gýiee'aly;but hor ar 1acfvit fends e restiltte oi and sicesfoiw.Pree' mach sfo fu iseebe- pacet cficillalwy-obud Aseupe. e hd genfieman defer-o aetýe bave a ghtwt i sb-. niad nef. le id net ýOlapear, loic nuci on Canad!a iseuihd by snc2b lhanes as tatlîcýf Mrs. Roy,. Why sbonld wo .-ith- hcld ficeed et A (-'praise wbich fhey so wse i desrs e hWhy xxait unfil the frieuds wif l wlcm uve took sweet couin'el tegeýthet are suddea- ly snafehed rem Oui- side beote xxe Say flc word which miglif bave holped sMadceecdi Ths wottby hnsbad sud wif e ve alobflid ,thecimeauiug cf fIe insompalable, wor, "Father" sud "Mothet" in the biges-t degmeo. A mnore de- voixed m the ian flic fair, sweef ruisf ire ss cfî Braebank wouid lac dif- ficilt 'te find in this day cf many voaton fr wemsn. The self-de- nia rquîcdte slow ber \yonngj LAmiy ue after another teaolMain biiglier cdncationai -ad v ýaas sud flic fafifimnistqraions teu)fhem ber ebiid-ni hia dogree ibthatfli nover hoe te IAtan best tp hudeM.sdMrs. uhn hte ratei,, thesetostos efanif ih ilmates lad be c ahewiseconsiteda. How fcoin- pln, aibrit laeking tuie nare w-ý nc~s nppsel o hsth cheýfiîchL'ar- 0-n -p r- Ilnere Antamr th.t a1 bnswheu tbey were toco small, aud teduce tbem when thoywero, tOc large. We were )reparing an ambitious drama once. I had 'the,.geod for- tuine te ho a lover vuhe Ad won c bharmer. Unfortuuatel,ber cruel fathor refused te lot us ho mar-- riWd.We decided te ýelepe, but just as she wns about te escape tbrcugh ber window, I1xxas discovered in the gardoen by ber angry father. Ho called bis butiýer and abeute5d tc him: "Shoot, Jonathan! Shoot the rascal!1" David Montgomery toek the part' cf the augry father. My father was very auxieus that the climax- cf the drama shonld he oLen, ef- fectively, and nny times David was instructe-d te pa louder, sud te, appear te becomeia more anngr,)y se as te make, a g rand im- pression. Affero earsal one nightDnvid Swr,, ging homýe- aon.Th-,night- waqs very dark. Dvid asthnk ngabo)uitbte 1lýsstnnd moat im3- po,ýýrtnt f ont diaogussu ftheo grea teponsbiity tat ested up oun i. i decided- n-s h passing the wods ïa mile so tc Selina that o oudlratiei order te sho, sd umoig i dosawsy With i l the dity "Black Kuglt"is slways3 ready tetuse-shinesiquel- as a wînk-aud puts on a Eqnaly oodforStor-es, Pipes, Gratg,-ssulrn rk rf yoeu igeh r~l c Kuigit" 0fd rud ifor f 1 i 7 iil. failing hospitality wl-nwbut abeve aill ho is a. fathe-r, loving, tender and prend, eune who canunot - fil 'te command the deepest te- anetsd sympa5by. STORIES OF SOLINA. "-Shoot, Joîîathatî! Shoot!" (By Jamies L. Hu-ghes.) The, two great eventscf 'the year in Selina in the goo oId days wore Eldad Aniversary sud Solina I eolExhibition. How h-eartiily the beys aud girls and the yeuiag mn su ad womeu cf the district o- juse~d the, preparatieus, foi- these two gi-est events, especiaily the Exhibition!1 Fifty years ago the Se'lins Exhibition wns acknew- iedge,-d te o ie hest in the tc-wn- ,!hýip, and it v-ns attended by vouïig j-e ma sud their swe2theatrtsý frem. long distanses-. I have no doubt Lhfey cýnjoed the -long drive hbe in the witching moonligbt, but they always seem-ed te enjoy the pet- formînces, tee. But we who teck part in the varied dialogues, tecitations and songs gef most, fun sud mest de- velopmeut, tee, from the lo,ý7ngsd careful training cf my faither diur- ing the excifing mnontiis cfon pro- parafien. We, wore noessu Dutchmeu, and Englishm'en,nd Irishmen, sud Scotcbmileu sudi,, lankee, suddrunkards whose patient wivee finaliy refo.rmed us, ansd patent medicine veudors, sud phrueologists, and levers wbo pro- posed ae-d we-re rejectced or se- cepted. Yes, sud wo wero seine- times kiugs sud qucens, sud dukos, suýd duchesses, sud we assumie-d a rsthat tbe reai kings and q.n-e-eu cs and dukes sud duchesse& nover assume. Few who teck part in thoso ý-im- ressive exercises xviii ever fo'rget, 'Dave" Mon'gomery as ankee dcliverinig asFourth cf July cmr- tien, beginniug, "Follet citizens, br-e we are with eut cannons, fire- craekets; 1muskets, sud squihs, ready te kick up a rusty, or te pitcb sinm. bang inte ary -follet thas-t's got a, word teo say agîn ont greaf sud giorieus union." We lis-ton stili as if ve, heard him ou1iy- yesterday, te' Dick Pasece as the phrenolegist wbo bad iuveuted tbe "Patent, eiliptical high _aff aud buffom double compound presser sud. squeezer," a simple machine If yon ar-e utereýsted in gaïdellillg we wauit t0 sendý yon Onr Nevw 1909 Cahalogue. This is eule of flic mlost cempetesee catalogutes published., With tli.- catc- logne.wo wil nU ue free of charge, a pckl-ag e of se0, cforsue1 Otrich Feather Aster,xxhclisLt - ety, suoýw whie bssomai frequeetly five ice5cos If preferred yen mlay chiooso( a package of ont Rnssl a Gialt l'ettugce or Clea-White Sugar Beet seed. Write to.dlay sdc your clsoice, alao imentîo,-e Da-dh Hunter Seend Co., Limiteci, L-onden, Ont. bis -eaerg-y ho shouted in a blccd curiin vece:"Shooit, Jonathanu1 Shoot lt hoeaca Mi- Daniiel Hoglýýarth was retutu- ing fom a eeti-a n a Hnînpfou, sud was cely a fow feet away from Davidwhe nlt cf bb+ drkes came t flidra)us v')an t shoot. Mr, liogatth's sheick may ho imag-ineed botlter than deseribed. CROUP OUICKLY CURED. Don't Le!te ChldClîoko te t Death Wi1Watn or the Doctor. Hyomei, the mrcucantisep- tic d ry artetot lcr croup r ithýi1er the iis) rbseonld stages. Easily inhaled:ý,, eer. the brahn Sirgkit -r:nch- 1es more promptiy than nny othier roemedy tlic torribly inflarned memn- brane of the windpipe. its sooth- ing baisams, net immediately, the 'inflammation is allnyed and the swolling.reduoed'. George 1-. King, of 92 Welling- ton Strect. South Woedstock, says:ý "We would not think cfi ,keeping houle without Hyomei. It has warded off colds, croup, coughs and soro throats Lor ail of eut three childreu many and many a time. When a child breathes badly and through the nsouth and the glands n rounid the cyes and nose commence, Lo swell, thon is the tîme that we find the Hyomnei qikyrolieves the trouble an-i getstebrnha tubes3, lungs an.d tro ieared up."y Hyomei (rnu~dHg e areý guarant(e-db! uy& oelt a nocat bard îuabber pocketihler, costs enly $1 .00. An etr bottie cf Hyomeî, if atrad edd cost but 50 cns TO 1BAT G. T. P A Subscribor < doîoAt Writ6s About New Ro(uýcte b Eurýope. I suppose yenu have seen accý-oun1ts of the new move b in.g urdo-bore ~on transpertatioix. The C. P. R. îs new shipping Aiberýta ,produets te tho Euglish markat vf ia t0rPaci- fie. A cargo :left the fist vvek cf Jannaî"y, andcotgbu34ens pet 100 peunds. Five yeýars from new we will have the P-ana Ca- nal r 'eady, se w v- l o ble te go into fthe EnglishO are in cern- petiin with Ooai. hs f course, is a, s.hemu 1cf the C. P.. te oet ut the G T. P udC.N -R. bt they xxiiie1 t hecost te , asDoen as meney ad mon ea 'Take bevthee. nt agumet i that tetsottion wfurl ho Cagay u he3r% ad Tbe , -del ing witb thi malter, IIt sm deýlegates cf;lclsecfeoe -~ The gretUter;icltoie ',i- depend. beidL lu sýec degree .~of strcngth No, 1, $l 10 degrýece erne i3 o for specia1 casce r p'i bo Seldhi' Il duggts, or ci ~r adon teceipt of ris Freapamphlet. Addîess: ,ý ,hEîaîEC..Tîseî.ONT. (lier-isWiw,ede LITERARIY.NOTES. ceutîlnucus, is necessary etv gi-ewth cf the nation.Thuwo rendà "Ceai as a Commeieýia-ýl Fac- tutr," au article whicix ash oo treated in n masterfufl waybyCr tic gto-n Phelps for fie cades? dieu Mai-ch IM-etrepeli tan Mgzn, will acknewlcdge bcw fo-rtuiapLe w- are te bave secured sc aiJ~1 sdealight-eàng article- on ti vital subjec-t. The rumored eat by smalpox cf the youngEmoe cf China adds ne-w itrsT Ts Forbiddeu City sud IusPoica Mtîysteries.>' Isaac Taylo"r He4 lsn-ud, fb-e author, bas beenaiet wiean authentie word ou(the dcabscf helaie mpTer1sud the stris his mo-ilý nthmautin ic iragazine's weil-deserved rpua tien. Amcug th-em may hobut(, "The lping Hnnd' ," yRbr Barr; "Canis Mirabilis," b Q H. Rau-son;-5"The Man Wbo Defi&'ý Ud Garceno, " by E. J. Uhi ; "Th Vouuger Ledbetgter-," ')yMyu Liuo,,say; sud "The Two esrt !)~" y ÇCnpt. Fa E. E vans AdrsTheMciooia Mg- zicC. ,5 zsud 7 West 29t Word a-gaziue iforMac,10 Wbo Owný1,s fixe Enri-tixh !Il.L-t i]g fx Forcsts, by 1licuy M. yd; Sheortcuttingfixe A'tanfi Puy;" New Home f M. Taft', y Nor-,-ton Forest; Neting rnn Pa1nama, hy Reoy Craudi; Wbatý One Acre Wl Do, vbyrF. G. ýMcori- bond3; Marveis iun oe Srey by C. F. Carter; Catchig !Buffer- flics by the Ton, by DrPi. Aifr-d G"fraildeuewitz ; Picitu'res ThatL Speak, hby P. lavyMditu To) E.xter-minate the riieDg hy M1. Boeverley Bn(chusu; Mak- 1ing Beffoer Stuff te reatheý, hyH. G. li1uutiug; Copper Set u Wi'-e Direct item 14mw Ore,byF A. Talbot; Curions Atmbl F-es turcs, by William Waisix; Tho3 1lip -Fiap-A New Suetoy FizMorris.920 ohratsis c3 lutios AdesTeu- cal~~~~]' Wo'd aaznChcgo l ANAUTOMOBILE? if'at-1301hies aendda-yhe ah ailîb ey are ntecoîy OC of the spea,-kers nfD the Womee's Instituite, at Gueiph,rcctyp- dicteCi that the time'c was nLeai att bsnd t wbo farmcr's wive2s odru their own automobiles,. Net je the pred(ictien a visienary ore. LikeI thec toiephene sud the trolcy, thle automnobie scms i-destlieed hto "ad tdee co;drfort of country life, aned the cuat sel lent interfèe with yeur buy,-iug. We can'seli loodi Seconýd4F-and Machines ah a more fraction of original cesi. These cars are taken by us as part pay met for tise, newest ansd lte",st miodeis, -sud are such ns w-e eau thor- ouýighiy recommend. Any macine w ýe send outisj guaraetecd te hecje flrst-class condition, aud beyond thefaàct hat second-baud cars are net) tibis ye-aiss style, there is netlsing wreug wt hem jen any way. Weus tbem ias, a mnenus of introduction te the cuntryv trade, sud makeh valueýs extr-a speciai te encourage qu,,ick buying;.. ff ntcreîted, seid yu namie sud address for Luer partictîlars. HYSLOP BO~Limitedi Hie;h-Olass Automnoblc and Bicycles TORt OOT f - Mr. John Perrault, 885 Davidson street, Boulevard St. Paul, near Montreal, Canada, wtt, ties - 'l have ben a bicyclis for over five yearc, and lest spring 1 cught cold q and did lot talce aniytig for it, for 1 thought it was Dut bad enougi, but it- caém e t catarii. 1 w s o discouraged that I di dn'It Lnow ýwhat ta do.1 1 could not sleop; I alwaýys feit tIred and trout eci. 'n"Finally I, began to take Peruan. After 1I had. takeni one bo)tt"ie IJ rit0 better. I took another one, and now I amn Well. 1 ol like to a'lways fe as 1 do to-day. 1 often recomimend Peruna to myfied" ses MUMMU M-OMMMEnd -4 IL Ir =r -1 =r 1 ýON-rO, otýT,,j IS ees o hiiieen, dsomeOsac l Feether Aster rvaeaway frac

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