ana f tteL $1,00 a year lu advanee; $1.50 to United States. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, TRIJRSDAY, MARUH, 4 1909UOUELN.9M . AE OSPoreos The G orner 8110e Store WHEN Ini Doubt = = <Buy oui' celebrated "German" &chool 'Boots for yo.r jfami.yý 271EY are GUARANTEED We stand reacfy tc' take back any pair ot German 'Boots, shown to have:. 111 .à2 131 [4] 151 Shold--l heel stiffeners. Shoddy înside heel pieues. Shoddy inside soles. ont off vamps at toe capEr. Common cotton stitching. "German" Boots are neat in, ap- pearance. They out wear any other boot in the market. The, are no dearer than many poer boots. Thejy are "made In Canada." They are made in any of four leathers-light to heavy. They are made in iIzes to lit any boy or girl. Thcy cau be bought only at Burns' Corner Store. BARGAINS Miýd-winter bargaini ail around ýQshawa partîeuJarly at Br& ~iMain Four loruers. BANK C0F1 EstabIIshed 1817 Capital -614,400,000 Rest -812,000,000 Total1 Assets 8183,169,159 Savings Bank Department. tiead Office, Montreal J. A. MeCLELLAN, Mlianageçr. Bowxýanville Branch.J Are You Suffe ring -from - If So. are you digo algay fth ingL t o cu r e , vou. g o tha sp rod u cg the dlebired effe3.t? If not, allow us ta recommend DE WOLF'S INDIAN STOMACH BItTERS A ec!entifie and efficient prepara- tion oif the extracts of many of the wellknown h mbrots and barns which are very carefully eompounded yieldlng an alterathve and utomach t0one un1surpassed. We are sole agents for Canada for thîs exzellont preparation. Price 50e per battle, If you need 1t, don't hesfiate, try it Rod'k Y. Mi'tohol & Co., -.Tnm QUALrT DRUGGIST6 AUCTION SALES WEDNESDa'Y, MAnoir 17-Mn, Cascy TrulI, lot 25. Broken Front, near Darlingtou, Station, will soul ail bis farm stock, inciudinug some fieie herses and 24 mÎlel cowa, impleurentS, etc. Sale et 12 80,, See bis for particulars L. A. W, ToLH,, auctioneer, EXCURSION TO TORONTO WEDNESDAY, MAnoII 10, 1909, Under thse auspices efthtie Oshawa Hospital Auiliay, Tickets trom Bow- manviii,-Aduitg, $1.20, Children, 60., Seo large poster for partieulars. 8-2w, J. E. L. COLE, HIAMPTON, Offers for sale: 3 good renewed cows, 8 ta ronew saon, aud one eieveu.year -old thorobred reuowed cow, cheap, Davles' pure Lard lu 20 lb. pails for e'2.80: 10 lb. pelle fQr $1.60; 5 lb peils fer 80c; 3 lb. pails foi~ 480. Davîes' smoked hams, relis, break- fast bacon, sweot piokled rolIs, sait pork, bologna aud weiuens, ail cheap. Day- es' goods are ail goverrument lnspected sud are No. 1. Pariod Roofing, Neponnset sheeting, -Davies' Pouîtry Food, 7 lbs. fer 25e; 100 Iba. for $300. Wanted-Veai calves, fat lamba and yeung calves, aIse any quautlty of eioyorseed aud wooi. ,9ë for uuwashed wool. 1Highest pnice paid for beef hides. sheepsklus, calf-sklas. tan bark sud taliow. Horsehides 82 te $2.25 aeeh for No. 1, HOCKEY Before the largest crowd of the reason' Tyrene aud Newcastle hockey teams met on the Riak Monday niglit te decide thein tupremacy lu the hockey world. Therebeling $10 at stake which was put up bv Mr. Aloi Taylor, the Bowmau- ville rlnk manager, naturaily excite- ment rau high at times especiaiîy when etthon ide scored a goal as oacI had maay loyal supporters. lIe tece was keo meingbard checktng sud fast individ.ual work fMatures of the game Tyrone started wlth a rush pressing on theàir opponents goal but towarda haîff time the frsy of the 'bittlE dchanged te 1 the etber end ef the rnnk. Half-time1 score WAS 4 te 3 iu Newcastle's favor. Af ton tho interval baoth teaurs came backi stroiig, the rest period EeeLmiug -te have1 hsad thse deslnc-d effeci. For the irst part of the second period neither tear seemed ta have thse advantage, but, wlthiut filteeu minutes et fuil tîme, Ty-1 roue wth groat rush sud Cash manag-ed1 te score three goaI ls t NWCastie'és nil. This mRdt3tthe full time score 64 For Tyroue, Couici et peint and Pooley at cenatrei were thse best, whieo for New- Ca8tle, Butiec at Ieft wLng sund Joli in geai, lookod te be their Stfirs. Mn. Regluald Joues made a -strict awl Im-1 partial referce If !ou stop to qbnsider tue quality, q-aatity aw craiv properties contairied ~ a bo ttiecf àyupW iunPle itiTai and remember .-it i ns 1 25canto. IYou wiII nethstaeF prbs a bottie when y o,,iha a ccugh, cold oran brcha trouble, n inî 11el fWalkfur on. Tho plich 250. Thon we haiea aP sîea guaantedtc satlfy r the Pneu t l11b) îoU'nUdc lfethsakn Ycu got 1Za The West End Druggist. TU11E îMA àYNjA RL)CAS1E No Evidenc LtoSustalil th e Charge In his report te Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Secretary, Dr. Bruce Smith, Inspector of Hospitals and Charities, ou the charges maade by Mr. John Maynard of this towu, against the House of Re- fuge, Cobourg, concludes thus : "The relatives of Mr. Maynard duriuag the course of the investigation asserted DURHAM OLD BOCYS; Hippy Company Enjoyed-thc-ent Annual Re=Uffion lu Toronto l'Whenesoe'er our footsteps roama SMemory stîll gees back te broc,, iDean eld Durhsm, happy home, PWhene our lives wcre pure sud froc. N.Lýatuire lu our cîildhood ther'e Thrilled our seuls wlth joyens dreams i As we rambled witheut cane Tlurough thre woods sud by tire streaius. jWe eau seven have agaiu Dreamas se sxveet as ours xvere then, Down in dear eld Durhamn, Ever deanr old Dunram. Field sud hmli nsu ansd meon, Anrd thre sïlveýrAMars wene ours, Oustire, bob-o-liuk's sweet lune, Ors tire beauty o! tire flowens. Our-ýs tire home life fond anad Irue, Ours love's music ever uew Ringiug in our heart belîs yct. We can neyer have again Droama, se sweet as ours were theja, Down lu dear old Durham- 11,ver dean old Durham. Happy sehool days of our youth, IDays of growth and vision, when H-ouer, virtue, faith and truth We weretaught by noble mou 1, WVe romnemben wrth deligh t Ail our sacred, oarly joys,: And we breathe a prayertoih For ail Durham girls sud bos Can there ever be agaiin Days se glonieus as thon Down lu dean old Durhami? Even dear aId Durhamn, AbIout a. hundrcd Durham Old Boys audI Younag Girls ast round the dalntily laid tables at McCoiiiey's, Toronto, Fni- dlay eveuing, and taiked of the doings of the past and the good old days dowu lu "Thie Hoinelaud of Durham." A half- heur was first pleasautly speut in theý reception parlers where Mrs. J. L. Hughes, Mrs. Thos. Yellowlees, Mrs. J. who cdied !jan. 11, 190, sged 55 years3. son of Mr. lleirv Elliott, P. M., Hamnp- ton, congratulated the President and oficers on being ai. the head of the Pioneer Old Boys' Association of the Province sud referred te the work ef the Durham boys aud irl in confection witlithe GilfilkinM ran sd the Sarahi Moorcraft Tablet, Mrs James Massie, o> ei of Port' Hope, sang soother solo adhdto respond toj a rcnuing encoure, n uhm M 1. Doniald G-. M. Gal Orsitin, Barrister, îeferred to the wyi hc omnil olN boys were roimieiubring the old town sndil was glad te learu that thue Canadian Clubs that were so pepular where ever Can,ýadianis are founld, were origiuated by MVr. Chas. R. McCullough, a Bowman- vlle' boy. Editor James spoke of bis growingy mnterest in the weifare and advancement of ail Durham boys and girls suri of the rrominent positiorns he1<1 in Torontof- and THEOLSUTLNO * BOWMANVIL~ ~~~~~e TD-say a. f Ve wIshl DU ham -'Iboys and girls could readthi aprand see what a'I jolly evening wE ýhad at the, uunulal re- union-Frida'ýyist A gre-at miany of the old boy;s and young girls rec'eive a paper regulariy and those wb-Io do not will be glad tesethis eopy. We holX likIe te hPýae he addresses of ail thli Durbamites who are not reciciviug this paper, Wc have ine occasion te resor-îtc a- i n ethods te boom our papers,. OurI booksý, mailng hees, nvocesaudpressrom are open te any of our ustm7 r wh desire te investigate the number otf papers wve print every weck. FouIr pages are printed by- The Wilson Pub..- lishiug Ce., 73-81 Adelaîdîe St., W., Ton- onto, who keep a record of the number of copies printed every issue. Toronto advertisers or any other advertiser whn wishes te know, the exact figures, is at liberty te inquire there, and wc author. ize that compauy te show theni our record, --fI..I .... ..,. .. .... .,...~F ~.... ...- ai.. W ~ . ..t.-.~-------------------- ___________Ill____________________ citiciso or flud fauit with the ruanner Iu which the House of Refuge was con- ductod, their only complaint being that eue inmate hail, by strîking their father, caused the marks upon their father's body after his neturu home, The cvi douce at the investigation cleanly in- dicated that, ifistead of beiug cruiel te this feeble old man, his fýliow lumatos were kindly disposd towandrýs him, aud auy marks that Iris body niy ha1ve borne were, I arn quite stsid asdby falîs aud not thaeough oy aetrute injure or puuish hlm at theo hands of auyone at the House of Ref uge. TÊc resuit ef the whoie luvestigatien, duriug wich a sincere effort was made te obtain ail the evidenco that could be secured, leads me te conclude that John Maynard, during the two nuionths he was an umate of the House of Refuge, was given ahl the cane and attention which could rcasonably bc expoeted, and that there is ne evideuco te sustain thecharge that hie was subj et te any abuse or il treatment on the part of any of his fellow lumates as allegcd. Further, the evidence produced and the result of my own inspection of the institution justify an expression of con- fidence lu the discipline aud manage- ment of the Northumberland and Dur- ham House e! Refuge. OBITUARY. MR. JOHN GAUD, A very worthy' man and ver y estim- able citizen passed away Thursday merning in the porson o! Mr. John Gaud, contracter and builder, Ton days ago hoe was attacked by pnenmoiiia and his constitution havrng beeTi on- feebled by proviens ilînesasoe timeo ago, the BkilI of the physicians was un- able te arrest the disease. Mn. Gaud was bora ou the homnestead, Gaýud's Corners, where his brother, Jacob G aud, still lîves, 1He was educated in the Publie sehool, and when hoe became a youug man hoe went te Enin 'whene lho learned the trade of tanner but laton senved approuticeship at carpentry and about 38 years ago returaeuito Bowman- ville and worked at building with the late Mn. John Brown. Neanly 25 yoars ago he was married te Miss Anaie Win- datt, daughten of the late Mr. Richard Windatt, and have lived very happily tegethor and for several years la their splendid brick residenco on Scugog St. Ho has donc a good business being very hlghly respeted-a manina awhom everybody who kaew hlm lied fullest conifidence. Ho has beena asturdy Llb- oral and a consistent member of the Churcli o! Christ, sorving for some years on the Board of Deacoxas. The [funeral teok place Suaday a! ternoon service being couducted by his pastor, Be-v. H. F. Weir, who mrade very kiadly nefeneaice tatho life and wonk of de- ceased stating that thc Chunch of Christ which ho attended and which hoe bult wevuld stand as a memorial ta him. Members of Wellington Lodge, No. 19, Sens of England, marshalled by Chie!j Rich. Janvis attended the funeral of their late brother and assistod la the service at thre grave- side. The pali- bearers wero: Mossns. John MocMurtry, ,J. B, Mitchell, S, J. Honey uand Johin Pey, 'The floral offeninga -were veny beaitiful coasistirIg ef a wreath of roses frora the Sons o!fEnglaud, wneath fnom iMn. and Mns. John MeGI lage spray of lhues fnom Mn. W. A. Wciaidatt, Wiajnipeg; and spray of Easter and OelilU ihes ram Mra. 1R. Windatt aInd11 feMily. Amiong the relatives Who at- tended from a dlistance wvere Mn. R. D. Warren snd Messrs. Johin and Hlerbent Bossey, Geongetowai; Mn, and Mrs. John MoGIilsu-d Mrs. W. P. Prowver ad soni Mr n Wm.Pnower Tonoto Deceased leaves a wý,idow and Miss Is Gaud, an adopted daukghter, and one brother Mr.Jsoob Gaud, niorth o! town. city ladies welcomed the guests aud in- troduced the strauigers te the cempany. Presideut Hughes sud Secretary Yeýlow- lees assisted the mesdames in the intre- ductions. The glad haud was given te a goodly number of new guosts %who were qui-kly made te feel aI home. Mr. Non- man Yellowlocs wss kepl' busy selliug tickets for the banquet. Wben 7.15 o'clock arnived ahl were ushered int the briliaintly-lighted diuiug bail wbere tables for six. eigb-- or ten persons wore uiceiy arranged for sitting iu groupa. Pretty bouquets of real flowers decoritted flhe tables, The biesa- iug "Be preseut aI our table, Lord'" waa suug, Mýr, Thes. Yollowlees leading. The mnenu cousisied of tomate soup witb ruila,tuuîkey -w,ýth cranberry sauce, boiled petatees, green pesa, pickles, bresd and butter, ice creaur sud asaorted cakes sud coffee. Followiug the feast the Secretary read sevoral letters of greetiug, which we append. The reading et Ibose lettons was a new feature, sud if tire writers could have heard the hearty applause that marked the reading wbcn a good point was made or the name waa famîiar, tbey would have toIt repaid for tIroir effort, Aften the lettons were read a hall-heur was speut ini proi-cnading te thre strains from the orchestra that funnished music for the ovouiug. This gave s funther oppertuuity te the old boys sud youug gýirls te meet each othor sud have a fnieud- ly contab. This was also s uew f eature f It was apprecieted greatly. Presîdent Hughes called the company te erder, the chairs having been arrauged iu crescout fnn arouud, those et the Presideut sud Secretary se that the corn- pauy ncsembled a largo family cincle, Mn. C. G Armstrong, Orono, atter a sonu, Old Folks at Home," entortained the audience by at humorous narration et a neceut visit te Irelaud sud onded by givîng evenybody a bearty invitation te go te Orono ton the annuel excursion the comrug sunanrr, aayiug ho would guar- aubee enougb lumben wagons tnom Clarke te couvey them ail tnom Newcastle te the Hub et Intelligence of those United Coun- ties-the thniving village et Orono, the home of the Great Chiot- Wardeu Arthur A. Powers. Froua the enthusiustic ap- plausc that followed the invitation, our Clarke friends may as weil star-t early te ger thirrvehicles all ready for the Dur- bamn invasion about flue Twelfth of July Mrs. Scrimgeoun-Massie delighted tire company with a vocal solo, as only she can sing. Dr. J. T. Gilmoun, Wandoa et the Cen- tral Prison, gave an iuterestiug address oun "The Fniendships et Easly Days." "Home, Sweet Homo," loj by Mr, !elliolees, wasssuug, sud Prof. H. T. J. Coleman of the Faculty of Education of Toronito Un'iiversity, revicwod bis oanly 111e in Durhain, giviug mauy visions et youtb.H o l lived south of the Taînarac swamp u ion"iisection. Mn., T, G.ý Ryîey sang. a selo ini fine Mn1. Frauk ýJ.Wabntu Weyburn, SaS!k., ýVas th uet spake, sd ho tee roviewed b1is oyoo days in bbe vieiulit'y Tho surpr)ise et the oveniug rviss an addness by Mn. H. C. loar., iHampton, whose ftheino wss bbc 1wPioneer.s;etfDur- bain, sud biseloquieuco oudhave b'olit ne discedit te a nmirmber of tirh esaie C'hamber, Mn. C. )M. Gwkr as vcr!y hbappqy lu bis remLýar1is aud gave a hib ecomnioud te bis native te)wn lunwhichhoie hald dwelt nc0arly (60 years. IHo also rehecarsed Somle Antecheus -,as sung by the coin- pauy thn D. J H.EllietIt iToronto-, elsewhere by Linehamites. One large employer et the city told hum- that day that he gave' s prefereuce te applicants frein the Houueiaud et Durham. Mn. T. G. Ryley favored the audieuce witb suother solo sploudidiy given. Perbaps oeeof the meat pleasiug ad- dresses was by Mn. Rhys D Fairbairu, who 'in bis easy veice and deliberate uttersuce, speke ef the excellent service boiug nendered by tbe association socialiy, by helpi niý tho,ý se freun the homeland sud remneMbeiig te keep te the front in varous was Durham sud its sous, Ho bad found the boys f rom the county de- pendable sud euerge tic. Laughiagly, ho said, -I think se mucb etfsny native ceuuby that I wouldn't objeet te repre- sent it seine day lu the, House -of Com- Mena." (Great appia use) Mn, W. H. Orr, Toronto, was tbe lasI speaker. Hie said he began s journalistie career lu Bowmanville by filling the offce of "devil" ou ils final uewspaper, "The Messeugen." Hie amused bis bear- crs by teliig bew 53 years age ho left Bowmauville lu the uight lime for Ce- bourg te take the boat foc New York, where ho rvaa associated with Horace Greeley for a lime, Mns. Orr was lu- treduced by the President aud received cordial applause. Mrs. (Dr) J. Hl. Ellioll played the accompanimeuts forthie singera lu ber usually doene way. By seure inadvertance tbese names were oinitted frein oun repent oethIose present whicb appears ou an muner page: Mn S. R. Wickett, Miss Ida Wickett, 124 Isabella St; Mr sud Mrs W. Craig, 31 St Josepha St; Mrs W. Lunuisa, 812 King St, W, Hene are soieeoe the lettons et greet- ing read by Mr. Yellowiees, Sccretary. Mn Taes. HAMurav, LYNviLLi@ Weuld gladly attend the banquet et Old Durhamn Boys, but am sorry te say wo canuot be preseut this yeux, and trust that ail will bave an cujoyable time. Very many Ibauka for tboe invitation. REv. S, J. ALLuN, WINSOR It is net my goôod fortune te be noear euougb te Toronto te permit et my being, with you at the banquet, But 1 sball be with yon lu spirit and shaîl try te renew acquaintauce witb mauy old lime fricuds et good old Durham. 1 atiîl take T.iE STATEsarAN sud se keep track et the "old boys " Please convey teoalwhotnay be privileged te ureet together ou Friday evcuung My sincere wish for a happy lime sud the best et good ebeer. Mn. CHAS. R. MCULuoT.C, HAMILTON 1 had teudly expected te jein yen al in Friday uighl's neunion, et old friends but am n ufertuuately prevented mucir te my regret. Permit'me te say that tire splendid werk beiug doue by the DJunbam Old Boys Association bas a dis- tinct niational value, sud frein the local vaine wbich attaches te it, sud la voi'thy et tIre suipport t falIbose hao daim the houe,(r otfavu beeu borai down thono iluic of Hmlade uran"May mucial saness, goodc cheer sud mauy a lauh-povouugtale attend bbe Banuet. (Continued onl Third Page,) Be Careful About Your Seed. ýVe have soe extra nîce Se-e Clovn, lsik, sd Timtothy, aù re2ason ablepncs u gooed value-, aise seed, oat-Shfi'eldStandald, \Wbite SJ;erian Prince oyal, sudanner vaInietics, sud Caîjl sudjjsse us sud -we' wiII ry tn udgîve yen asquarzdea MeCLELLA-^N S&Ce Kig.St', Ea, Be nnvll, -4 Thre right man, tho "white" man, The Push and Plug and flght man, Goes straight ahead, -witbout a dreadl Of wvhat folks do or what la said; He's nol a fool-fon he's always cool And nover lots lais temper mbl. Ho makes bis play and waits his day Without regard te fling or stiug, But plugsalaong at an éven pace, And lu the end ho wýins his race, Ho knows lies caunot last, sud se Ho doesn't caneohatmud th(Iie throw;_ Hosboulrd ilu timo ýt corne on tiugir And se will i, and se wýill yen, BOWMANVILLE COtJNCIL. B-egular montblv meeting waa hol n L Counctl( Camber Monday night,Myo Meson preJded. Members aIL prese-nt oxcept Court. Mitchell. Minutes ef isat meeting nead sud conflrmed. A T Pennlagtoa asked permissIon ta cut dowu tree Ln front cfhis resideuce, To Roadsansd Streets, Check for $71. 78 for raiîway tex wes recelved from Govrnameut. Bowmaavillie Fouadny Co, asked for fixed rate et asseasmeut, To Manufa. tarerb' Ccmmittee. Dr. Bruce Smithi3 report ne Maynard Investigation was rcceived aud fyled, Aîl officiais at Bouse of Refug-e were exonerated. Financlal neorot wlth acecunts was recelveni aud ade' pted. E inance committee pneseatod repart recommending (t) auditors' report Ire adopted sud abstract statoment of re- ceipte aud expeaditures be published, (2) the secarîttes gîven by Cierk and ansd Treesurer were found satIsfactory. (3) Parties lnararears fon water supply be notifled aud if net, pald water te be eut off sud parties sued for samie, (4) That Clerk nottfy aIl who are In arrears3 for plots et cemetery sud stops be taken te coilect seis. (5) That Cierk Ire Ln. structed net te give poaressien oi plot or allow ground te be opened until pald for. Adopted. Police Comlttee recommeaded pur- clisse of nif6rt for Chief of Police arid three badges for constables. Adopted, Roads aud Streets Commlittee were given permission te purebase 15,0' 0If t. hemlock sud 6.000 ft, ef 3x5 cedar seautlLng. A new boit is teaIre purchased at a ct o! about $10 fan pumplag englue. Mr MeCuteheon, Oshawa. addressed Council iu relerence ta gas plant and asked fin franchiEe for instaIling same, Te Mufg. Cern. By-law was givea its thîrd road- Ing te regulate and restralu runnlng al. large of dogsansd Impose tax upor ewuer. Amonut oi tex te remalu as a preseut In tbojusands sud thousandi of homes - bachties, tow7ns sud villages -1 three doses a day of Hood's Sarsapa.) rifle are new beiug takon by ovory m ember efthtie fam-ily. WVhy such wide aud general use? -Becauise Hiood's Sarsapenihla bas pr'oved ibself thre Best Spnug Medicine, by Ite wonderful oflects lu cleansing thiý syu- tom et ail humons, overcoming that tired feeling, cneating apputiaLte, clearing the complexion, giving strength and4 animation. O-ver fonty thousaud testimnonial.r' ceived lu two yeasrsý, by ectua.l count, Accept ne sub.6titute t'on -. '- HGOod'sSarsap)arllai Insia,'t ou haviug Iod'.Gel Il toda7.' &S3éd rýevrYWher. 100 dosesý one douaw ijjyer-j-f-ý . 1 DUX7 LL .-F Il Fr ý 1 --T - 1 . 1