ur a ~ ~ ~ ~ e l ornoDuri O oy'ofis ciieshp n h ighQue St. E .; Misss.Adi 'CI OysAssciaion I esîe t sed alit moal nd intelet oeas ahenp atterson, 481 Chrc wki.It's a 0ay r gan and t'e wordý of greeting andi to' saY 4'rin f the cm nt.StÉ. ; Mr. A. R. Payn,,328 Broad- (Cotiuc fomFis ag>iees o e stimnulated ocasionally, teel n uhaaOdByan W aeIaid5 i four iewAe;Ms Jh mt, _______________________________o__eDuroram 01-d Bitoyoncto. Tha coat cdM i -h'rsallow urcomplexi o sick down in Georgia whose heart beats brigbtestsous o th outPies aud 11a yd en St. ; Mrs. H. Sheard, 56 Lutter a ad-elgcrarns of grPCt-haaeanpantdrth l- in love and unison with those gath- municipalitiea eafotnt in Grosvenor, St. ; Missecs Ethel and ing wrerea fo~ Duha Bys ic badear cose b a inolnt cre a -Conke' ongt home production, an.d on have Aima Washington, 707 Queen St. adCrsi the '"Home a. of lyser. Livcn it Up, by takig a short Wth kind regards to all, and been ass-"ied to thegeerl i- _E. ; Priiocipal T. F. Wright, Rem- Duha" d lssie~, ~eof corcof rcusting you wllI hx ap r-fr-ftewh rvnead ingtoi BSiaess College., 29 Col- ~bn terdihhroih Te .union, 1 i"main,< even larger fîe'ds, bit enkow leg St. ; Mes. T. F. Wright, 103 ceaingof 'xcmesago ~s~ - - ~iijox Ed 'yWh-e. te hi ~rsaesIivihteBeatrice St. ;Mc. and Mrs. T. G. que tlyappan~ md.omilir~ ~-- - oïïe ouny, "he e~rHome Bdey,341 Welesl"y St.-; M.Ir taîy cfeNe~ v or~J~ i tbc Kenal, Feb. 23, 1909g. lanid of Duhm"Ms .J o~ad, 160 SpadlinoI hy sus~queo speko~~.Mr. Tho,,s. Yelloeees, To-ioIntol: 0 f thîFis gDubin oryFn 1. r n ies. John Wicktt the M.YllDsTao - 9 v uoar tll"tHoe 67 Beckiey St. ; Principal and :is mga ~ tYlon throoh the re~s, or thresponsbiit o nhoM teMjc. ai-d Mes. Edgor M. Jewell, 2ý6 02X'orh tadî~A, raiinso ivelock St.; Mr. Donald M. Cal- Feh 26 I9J. ruthfores ofth~. houd h jo'ou (cît o Fida. ~re1 iLepast. 1nha orfrts ln iiaLraith.barrisÈes, 75 Dupont St.; DoeM.Ylolo:di~he o9 ~h~Uat vouer ThtW ru opoi~,e i e ant the abi; t(ar luMr. Ehys D. Eairbairn, 633 Huron Ban~~t o Fb. 2thbotcanot rceî~n~ aoiiaxtiien a xrsel h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (ý ae a ant ft t oneIien op ou mnoy rt 1ob Bra sihl le-many instances mo7i h IIy ho O t.; M. D. D. MacDonald, 417 1 ef te Bnqut. d i at ll o~-hav a oo~ hue e.) kep~cooïng o m mm cdbroheca -id sseso h a-AnnetteSt.;- Mr. Edward T. Brit- sibo, ou1 ue am ~to~hVo e~Thomas -1ýiBurden. 'AM Ieno atl' eee ~iy okov that e cru leeîng to tin, 2 ipi. 33cott S ot.;M .;o ~~eesent et it. 1V woold flot appear1 ~ . A time that surely shah .com.-e ie o oa upr o n-WBiýn 2 ipnotS. ~rm yfalîr o ' part iiInavih, nt, lu eaven itself l'l nk no mlufottrehisofe M. .J.Htcison,.1Hugheta47 forer aVer:~5 bo mch tho 5 Th1-an just a Du v-mwecome.ý bee n a strong oetv omr' St Mrs.Jms .Huhs,4 na-n an obe's cf ho s~oiu-Feb. 26, 1909. Yours with kiÂndst lhs carne tadefcieatn Dundonald iSt.; Mes. H. T. J. Cole- tie apea tome. Whtbe IJawvýs L. Hughes, Esq.,JonSeat Speok-ing for Bowmonville, more mian, 60 Albany Ave. 'Idbabeto otý'd r uÉot 1 Preeside'.t Old Duhm articulocly, we are glad to be- Froni outside plaees these were: ahul h aielieve that we are coîiýtantly receiv- From Bowiranville-Mrs. Marviin whl nn and1 ever hv a wari Boys an; il Toronto, Februaory 24th, 1909. ing the good vyishesý of thos-3 who Bock, Miss Eva Bock, Me. Chas. corerlu nyiortfortus WO an DuroxtsIhdhennMr. Thos. Yeilýowlees, weco. former citizens,' but whooe W. Cawker, Mr. Geo. W. James, baeeofm h dCunty Of~ hopes that 1I,,ould have h,-,, able~ 23 Division Stl., City ' aphere of usefulnesa bas exLei-ded ed' tor T e Bowmanîille Nows; e chnand shah wis them n theý3 to bav e spent the eeia fthelDk.ar Sir,-I 1id have to go to beyond the old toixu, auJ tÏhat there andd Mes. M. A. Jamres e.D.F ~erV o suecs tbrugh lfe. 2th insta it with yooat. MCon Rcv Cacu oh Fancob. eys, ut fnd hatthafoea a' Nex Yock to it, am afroad wi11 stil îemains a worm aed cserel B'rk, Port Arthur;àMc. adMs deored theJ Fsamri uombno buat, hone uotifaudy cgr o h ative T 'lown bas J. A. Stewart, Exeter; Miss Mobel Tyon-' Fb.12 '9. whc. 1 blivene d eceliig ~ coseuej ywill ho been dem onstact.ed ilu macy wa3 is. IJGreen, 1264 Oxford Sb., Lonon My eorFïird,-Tkin o intly egetsubnit asI oul hae~ bh'dto mjisahe hbanqoet, aa We tbink it proper that this se-rs. J. H. Mutton, Tyrone;Ms feoa Te Sa'csnao" hnt ' lyk rohegren bl o takeor , tConotheip it. thlnert shah hobcdo oiet sJ. h-lowkevy,Tyrone,; Mr.Frank J. wordof ceeing o yo, ir~- asa' h Oa cfMeCnke's îsty~ Yurs orytruy. e belie, e tatdoing s a odWashington, WeyhurnSa sk. Mca,. lreo horh esete ecus erfo wih oisreoncE. Fiedu. efo ntepeetadftr Thos BakerÉ, Sln;Mr.Hny subrdiateto he igbr siriu aleplesai an joly ntetan66 BirmcekAv., end we have and abolI tain plea-Anderson, Sintals.ta, Ss. c ai if mde vien fotyorfity iet ou uiamtosk'owsowell p Toronto), Feb. 26t1il1, 109. sure i onrgteninso Chas. C. Armstrooig, Orono; Mes. mats iitie yar 188 , s'n oftb'secenioMr.s t o tontha Drhan ld oywar ndgodel.Chnînioi- crirngeu~r, Shrbrooke, Que., bsntSocy. palbuiling cah nsmBdyhe n eMiss Rachel F. Betznec, WeSt who h3e assd ff11esto' ofOn urdafriud tht ieAssociation of Toront o:- of Dr. T lJh oknoraholFabons. acio-MnvnMLaghi., cr ecfe ~'oscn s idfcen-Dear Mr. Yeiýlowleeg,--h have Ibhoth high11u d public by poctri ts __ Bionad is str M flann. ship and cecalis ha ppy days of yore, been caled out of the- city, and will and tabLet, recaîl the naoe f a Othrsstllliving wm]epîttiog ic-o muni s that. aftec the gaffier- bel abet atn our annual numiber of former ctzu who stll inosnny hu ihterDeaum i aenefeaottn blqîe 'sutm h a nd spirit reta~initoreat iu th- old tov n IDGSIO N acuintaneeso h eeigoflasoo ho ho didbe1re.l a wrhtegteing of the Dur- The muniîfLcen-t be ;,tf the late o r a ntigyu th 6t ui.Wool h lesd uli es'uot hohel, -aid 1hmCas.JmsH GI fWsint.,jsou ai as withinac cl a tojouxvt y)uaj ae n ais it 1 barnPeor. 1V i \ViJames, -a-s- t£p"tloce's to tniso Duwaha toBoys and a ouooe oiin ewudan o oî tmcsi oîwi "~uoldn tue, "sould auit'ig as ren'i dike. WishiŽgC-s e oa i uc'1dta hso soaiytk itl ippi acquantan e hoforgot." Nay!yon ilapluanad happy nace. May they have sprightliness iu the tim, colo ra thrlstotr aig iug, Petr rr. R Iiîscl osome. youth, adnon-iîlls oLd tamnssmi-roaîebYour meaii faste go, and Peer____RusllLseW Stahility in ma-abood an wma ii ho found. -TenaStiuIg that YOu ayhn ouetwl h iet 2-97 Sumnaçb St., MadisonWh, lbîuary 10, 1909 hoyiod w l ave ttintat ve ucesaul andnothing eau fIermnent or tam into 1e0 hoa Yelowlees, Seren'yioloepest m fhR-nion. ^r acid or poison or stomach gos, Toronto, Feb. 23cd, 1909. ur I mAnd go od' luck tili tlrey are tire.d cf Joan J. Mason, MyI r which couses Belching, Dizziness, Cook~ C~foar ot Co, oun4 Somurt trisTotbn - ,oipai en ee-'to i ohy GANGLION.Sol S hee d-rec uee ie ILiank y fryo 515uUI --J.a eahi.- eiinga0i.i ruiiess terain T kind invitation toao bu en o Doar Sir,-In the, Bownanvilli .D ecTec ncaicrnedgaclltion of fluidta - t.e aeamOl B, Banut o esJ oie teOdBosi Treas., D. O.0. SOME WHO XEiE PRESENT. Nausea, Indigestion (like a lump. nae agholaivntaI lnz4iet l to be hy h àiih ynu, a bnanqet iniToronto on Fe'bruaryTruto, Feb 25,1109. notîced: Chief Inpector of Tm .n onae,,h ai intsinsor otisci dons or uwc. sally it islo pi mr yo u!ii bia good tASmr, 2Çth. h1oi'cae o xoadi ko t hpl e bc Thomos ellwlesto Sehmola James L. Hug,ýhe, Pro- ls 1 msIcat"d on the bock Cf the wcist or= mdxxsbngth Drlna Byaeveyjable ino ard, if craitnr b 2 avvo S. oot ident, lnthe chair, ïThomas Yc- Hadchsfcom the stoînaeh are on tise instep,' ba & if may hoieu- iLmng tumhi ns p"4;ý.Cr 14--L1 u 10m, o'lsSecretaey, Trit;D.aaitl unwnhece tisef-coun1cteedno the outeraide of tLc (oi.) Jesoe Whilk. Iïans aoo1d Cloce boy, 'hum il e'vAhe;,i 'înf0teDr- Il Gifecrixo renýý,edy is mmd.'- Dia'ycpsinke-unteieruic o thu xîllan cioh Lkaid, and le ssiBy'Boqe eh cd 'rison, Toron.to; IDr.é\niiaiu raî osaltexoik of a heal jts wit 1 inuaHl, md, Feh. op ter e nt ii h n' ai orteen Fd -tIks vek n1Scî.len'p I Tcoto " ,,,h soah.1tdgetsyo 1easThe sxelng la rouned aindf Thomas Yhiowlaei, Esq oldVnhocnet, f S'ae; e afi iv ln usrdfoatndSho; rf H .J.Clmai hnd'î tnsc an.Ec bîcPre sze.aaiypehp, MAIOA LET ke ', Trouo, nt.- Gee sc" l evcatîein- o-o'Tto,ý Ti- teantse yaa lu 0d au- ossy o a a u aentîn orcecfitapoaise nor, bot tie osizes H01 Duchan Boys fr'oa c 175audhae nst tetitepnettmnhuIhp te oot eiet sn oet ora01e. ofa fhhrf. Tvyu gîxes tnsen~ilo'0 A elH m DeariC.Sauuelrocsthî" "'ingto Bsinss ollae, f uicl andr; issEd3h ains et pOX 3our b an, pour Stoumes, fri sqit ovbeune fesinPSea!rains RevarTrai T roa d H es op m b tM'la are at presen u a tte ding th,, e ford, Me c y cca. J Donu g,[Us8A a c- r n you th n not n ýy -1ipg u:rd c h itacM on d la a o t at, bu t u 1 i l e oe as e v, T rn lk o rfrom Durham Boys ami i for sixdolarspar mani daing I1îhave tIhe houes cf beirg the prcina- fard; MsM ar BvnJsdoaM.nytiu J.uau xhou h hengerhmare cotract ted'-n ase eae TEDYo 1.1 rs, d irls Mvho annot attend the han-1th, og f i87 e ie ona ; a. 'a onfiasJesirGyA cn, or 1sctet i 1mor o-ou ty ad isegagionisri tr acto te MRCthAPîLTcritand"ig r ~uf utstay at hoîuc., and 1 fusenson thýie towil lino in Darling- IXVo are nîl autictp.Ung gthd1!- aw ecsý,ddy a West Durham gi. ton, joilg Clarkchle 1 -I 'asttiee aI anropug a of O ssugto'n Axe. ; Mr. diMs . vr aril fisprt ai o iaf1h upbeoe oseaP i1. .m. asTî AGrong timoago rmyrnother ws v tPi for Sanno hel Hu(Aghs. Xoung r1706lu t ' ý,iîiI fiprt -dGf j saî.attht in, to voit cspeitR arrîe-tt ancd B. C. Xilihianîscoae, tiiral o atp ewssetali AhLae. she ar t-a- cuse arinci pal . F Uih. u521 tîseis goirPg teahoou' sied rtany r r rinrl oam- OOITCR NALTAN ~hr t ie Lk. hemoridbis ui'îe. 11elîmispnoùthe whiter Yp~ F,îg fufliBac; m onDKa ithout the use of lixatives or osatn bn h'dsfgsoef oCad fr~rh 7~eîn, raer ai be crn t ~Toonto, anci, I think, bit ltcen chie, 66 Bismarok Ave. ; Joh ýn oI rasisa e.j{e t cninua shigh ijuis nyTiog Sr- oU~W Daîngtn lu1830. Ini 1852 they goîngtio mrètarysch ol, for I knon'19 Le Plaza, Bn,20Ge odSn . VI. G rI osfÉstance fU nfrmtin r moe oBownanxilewhere 11ho n'ont throîîgh bis mifiia.ryuexr- Toronto, Bob. 20, 1909. Reiily. 591 Spadina Ave. sia; Mis.ill Gnit1 pft mrtq' hav ive nary ilrn hfe bt i~ sstoa iCO5Obis anal and not. Dar Mc.,lùowlee3, I regret hei lrmgouir-Alassi, 49 Ce scord WAYS AND MEANS. lctm nteinpp tmyb-1 fe ic fse', 'GidDo.wie .L icy parents are gone andid y two, (HIlanoîv Col. Sain. bc igiis, o.jsmiii , -for uete Aieve. s.J. T. GillourM71 -,'corne infamed, andi quitepainful. hmsnOP.,0RTrct bmotora-nd wo sstcs au ail~ B). ieteud iseDurhaia Old By Bnldcï's Rcsid.euce, Cesteci Prisnn ttksa îu ~dfemntoTho interior of a ganglion is not colatines.I a'sd nsyy oIungeý-D'siou mupector Jausr Hghs L u el n1 tfl he 2fh Lt.Tha-kng you INornian J. L. Yeiweea, Mlemiis'aid Hicle Ehen,'f0 mivexaietly fluicibut acox1sat vis- ~I I I gff ar te ssy 'sa ef t rprPetVPmsideot, Svit LUbS cyYami FoItCe notice ami voh M fyi aThos, Yellovlees. 23 Dil t yb0 'yli i io a'aha idnuhlk lcrn el.hoiaah îîcadeo ' rauCotntv,. Wiîbigaio a adîenss mens eigbtMUerso es-Iu",Umeý, Mrs. A. J. Taylor, 690 bbu A~ O ralîsa tekn' n'hafte do wif The, i-iotnatenent of a g îg FniBraser Carr and AitI 'asisfornuidunta cuhl --Albany Axe.; Miss P. Mi urt 0tell the patient ftakoa îvsbe cr YahsCsiuln Edîxn Fraer Carr. lefuth te c(tn. In'as Forey thit i LordonFeh. 20, 190. Green, Toront o Gencral Hospqital;A W0na'ss-ynpftII ad tovihen the tumrewnas ____ -- 'faieci aet lu m at tuhat tsn ~MTlos YAelIepis:- mcr. andi Mrs. 'W. F.ItMau, 48Sa r cu disoonagad? la1aour >ic rs, t-o bit it a blea wltb ie ItRb Plduy. hî' s The Manses Mm. Secccary, I1eucncrouber Dn ced-t~~~ cr-dbna Ave.,; Ms. N. G. Roidge, 392iiPs lscaxy ti,, î 100 a? S oe -1tcabev okasirpue f iiets ~ieroî aoeos Dupont Mc. aucisMol' ill',P.lic'-av- piisei a udn nww'After thot a bandage naswern for'i ing pan as re Tes's Eiýî' -est r.,ret fMss. . itwic dei%;,en ta deleato wonan-I lhan aissD My iDuar iienil, 4tbD1909ged, luo:urbuolMog=« dawa Yenverost regrethafsusdéi wili beimpes-n, Hi hrFrad-.oxi Litý d ,etoi tmtkenarsctive btce i l e eteb.peeo tto ite. ý45 Naîstor Axe.; Dr. anc"On 1cuasia u ers iic ssea ast ritispesr 1.'h snita osi srb yeîî , to enohrme ultîs an juiî- jteGnd'rnahr Seet&ncwC P' Bnqe c eDibas Mes. J. H. jîliott, 616 pdise "euî,el. .'ni1 mlia yur1l n iecarani n pevn te hepanaîayamaciiththneus jnnm lonnt f th rncats, ,,Jith an aystop, tAiseato the banqu"'t cf tire _Dîse Plons-ofTempemlance. TieNn' l ByCf ootoo1 'dyAnsc ;Depufy Inspecter Wm--i corsbhW? Icu Alusfr yan i ittic ecyat frons eefiîiing. This'hr anlcp.eto htsad isan (I Bos. othing weuldb «astIcigeand the Bounnvi'e înîg ebae'te26h tc,74 WalmeeRd114; Ms.W.'2we~need do is t1 write fr-a fmi aas teho cepted planof ttastement I so 91gb ln pubîsl aeiî.Teei locige reierusoie f0 t yq M9etvioit oneenuother au My bea ihe i21h01 thSe-t,576 Chrurcb St. ; Dr. Fed 'X o torencdy %wh bs b ieë by aen th beast surgeons fecty n srrpbkle rcrhe My ve le," greaf"du pleusuqsno tiîaupate hopr.~ntontotecaso~,bu i bsfocedîîig h aijte aair alou that WMarson', 417 Bloor St. ; T. E. bai If ozgve aayi'shi rf1 yyae c, aino s a,5Osthousanrda 01 tet vuobi evrh[ un th yoa lu 1spairit u ethatI m-t yen. I n'ase net mc Knlyetec uygodn'a.e uWashington, 663 -Erue]bd Ave. y.J. A. 1 11 aos f M hîi a~y an satisfaatory; bust Sornuoimes the eitsc thons 01 for lulcl lngetyne sake.Harrison, 18 AMeccionuell Ave. ;O tSOpanes). Yeiîmle!"? < "fIf, c patient so frerâtei nt into a gaI-l, yaimua Fmda c~eiigasc tus ~u il n~aPInted in Bexxîsaniîle. IWo Harmy H. cloîan. Miss Laura M. Wiekett, 47 Qoeo r -riv' rî"t-? r5i" f .loping cousumption, aucd dieu.___ ni forg e e vse s ymi l'oc tego flore if neiiseite at- IV__ . ; Misa J. Honora Werry-, 3 S,. 'M' r.0. The reasen for this bas beenuM ce , 'atsehasof the de Airolfend the cirrus andci anas hought Nîneffe, Maun,,Bob. 20p 1909. Charles SL.; Ms. A. A. PBron'n, ut'I eard thof Router broke is oum netim actuberculosisninif A tdetlameilcoe fiindacu pop-corn and ging, redat I .Toa elwes 106 Goîîid St.;-,Mcc. A. HI.Moedw in tise middle cf bis speech soneisturuli nîsAsUdý n (ofW fuie dne(lIhappy fine, Jam.,tes Wylie', rlho oot'Cor-pMec. ThomamYelluoAs-, 18 Wilson Axe. ;, Miss Editb M. other ight," saici the man n'ho natuire and origî, aci the lap ulule learuing f s îeof Ad1à-aahcertiehppy partruer. 1Iavbox emanareacine of the Scy iebn 1.BosAs oar, 728 BauldAxe. ; Miss Mal,- btbepth t h(wifh the book simply spattered tise moseope, uns tci< oeamn -Aies y illixe" Nt n'hîontofthesacerhrfluedî liart iwast u'al agsn. Bowmanviiie Nesas exe riric- itn'as Your kiail invitation to the boas- goiet MeBeeters, 113 Bond, Mis bý,,actyk ep f ousey silesa. no fli ont othe lsac re tnit id m-ranepoeuonthecniino AgssMûKie Gaea'y. fîrastar ib7- Me. J. W. Wliniquet duly receiverJ. Iansocrry that Mobel Daves, 578 Ontario Sf. Mflsc ther. "The iieeting broke upp oofb the skiq, wbenoe b avos ah- justeci the instruetaiIecc ______ cs of uig Pus] " famise.To me àif l'distance riîîders mie feoin. nîjeying Momie Hoop'ler. 113 Bond St. ;Me. right lu the middle of bis spech!y"Ieblo-xs Harupfon, Feb. 2,5, 10-9.like gtigoletr e-fom h. me eîory iftue aeoing n'ifh the Olci Boys of' ard Mrs. Levi Washingtolu, 707 ___ sothe con teo6 ici.son sand long andi seorcb'gyltotes 5'IdDuhas oys anci Girls'": wecek, nwi 1 1ry to keep track of Durham, but isope thot saine fiie js-abthbe cntibposn'as carrci ecijeet's ieft Optic. "9 jcif Dea Fioîds-XV rgi vivîyas ît trapires in the vicinity. lin the futur-- I nsay bave tho plea- - te eveey part of the body- "AMost reunaakal [ah ht le canno ho rt vi yu îsr -itife er no teIsr. Wîigaltebyacid.A botter n'ay is ta insert nha je'iul-a upesel ocIdei lotoMc.Soe1 iuitlute ee'dlavîycouab1e finie as' tet h' I ou' neecile into teIîo ac yjstîgtesphîssoph gi Annal Banquet, bu'e "ndou'l Uti nt. I 1 VicnisJchn iY, lumIons. y p ~n , fL deav' off the contents, if fbey art Y my ,xcrio y nde bW a oc ericfgreetînga, aO nciPO18 nihv ilitsepsto IE 11 iEld A iOU uAÏM Eay Ugaet not too fIsick and jeh5-!ie. Nen'- lho osiëelomc ee hado wîsmu yoîi ail a vecycrpieasoi0t.anci of Iý - a cnys, boiroer, the surgeon nsu snc n ye.Tbsmithcee P pefiobl e ensg ogcbo nc haftim". Msy cfoate, JospluThes. Yellowlees, Esq., .aarsnetshy out tthe irbolo thiug, 'ocnevdese Haeouvris ussuecis- t. igna1remfonciaï, andi se gets rdiof if aelhlu au exper ci:in i i sex Qanty euie lrirîu yeOW ago Succsa f0~ eueaunua ren on A1sutaeof n raturmp.eTIsecliYîn'l"Oe maius he aoerîl' 10.11e 'asba eu la ast aniuoai boat wiches Feom the G(Soen ND' ration vrycimoudeecPlcf "Toh ou sio putin, oiiIfa DnosMnc mci Elfesg Bie"àn or ta t ci ovecsi feon ieeP Aceti ainYlx'e t CompnioLoadîy ontlî, Mny a to Ess e on tyeSm'o un omanvihoFeb. 26th, 1909. eiAobiset111-sant rrert. lnr 0. bv 1,11ere uca înint eufc of-Iv eas-M, Tîios. TYEîîon'îees, At tho h pegiuo f i aoc ec ~eios ns rnc o'mnil.a)hui eacho1c-leni Soc, TDurlîam 0(')IBoys iECENRTA LA nedei, esla-mdd ~' ~se f natub meion usa i Thopl recan fesify te the tueédi Leaacci chnoolAssciaion-Toonto, Of VTIGFOntTHN inyn oco opnntina a-o fo kyncihveapcgef Hoethat(one anci ail alit e 1 la lt e. \YV r. - otUce ncudnebaltel foc'Fia To proxe tc you tWbaSDr.onuquet mil bave a gooci timeandilDear FiuUt day Is arîcuarerf a chars luis IbnThe ldey Wloayel is con-1t, neradselliuctd199Ct- hiopes of being oeeof yonc number hfOs fomdiI gimgr'ar îd" " ""0 bng a&bnceeaaspokeUnorisx Oues m -neN »M" lgu. cishtucelaueilyaslrg a Chines Oiîeîscranthat thce hast cf good fellcwshîpptIi era ieruino h u- pant, leavil);gthénim acf tý , whlte_ a ri'e!- a inemabfoy tpc "'.1l/sodasaabae.Snslotetur arîd bsointheue )-car aiii pteailr .veny.n% 'of the " Dur- 'a an4 ~sry form af itebing, ham OlciBoys and Gl wbut on sec.- vsrruîgywea asOCO, utr ~1'emaafourrsh~bguaraed if. Hee ts.accouint oýf 'ragion1s conitionis, finci Have Vou Tried it? hnIoyugmurs.H kg fcrClsa ht ua tinaii'l l tsedail pes ad skyornig'that 1 shalhbave to feuthe aueiaihly okc tthe ('ucg ' a-e of Aste J~~~tas CabîhetiiOif ocnnotaa Feb. 90.wogoAil Dealers, auc juryanci siciof ge aeîioîvbaki st md Oc o.ci fnt, o, 1,pleasure.naeoS noppc. sida~2Or.OANo,ÀTIfoO5DO e. Thomnas Yelhowlees, W n i rui foeCnf, One Tin i5ýc Two Tiz250."oeHn-ecll ol b I~ haes ltmn ornoOt.- pruiof its historiec ecorc, pouiSNA P COMPANY, LIMITED exple P!of .ny earneci fieu- ib ad atrSe cLmt ISSB N. csio cftheAnna hno odud rdcfhe ulotrina _______ just uuhdd uisubmi ts aravvFen away fr*a Dear Me. Yel.owlees-On h o dcite mon and women 1V lias po-niOTRALcsemihotarumn