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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1909, p. 5

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A Farmfor sale in Clarke 8eo ad. BOWMANILLE SATTON.Stock Feed of ail klndî at Mu-oc 's.1_MM OIMANILL ESTÂGTION.WES Mr. T. Andras recently vislted frieande Childrens sleighs cbeap at P C Trebil-à LIN 8.58 a. ns ES ia Colborne. coek's. Express.10.10 .. I L ........ 7 51 .. Mr. W. J. Jones has returned frcm Sunday a rgtclwoe Mle . .1pm asne ..14 .~hîs trip te Cuba. soma winter day L~a . 4 ,IIMixed ....7.44 Mall. 9.58 p.m I ~Mrs. Jos. Hlamilton, Millbrook, bas Rpa t -"hihsCr ilawy : aly. been visiting friands bare. cure my coughs and coide."1 J'ýav & LoVELL,,Town Agents. Miss Iva Eversor', Oshawa, bas beanu i stebeeymnhbtFb vislting Mrs. T. G. Mason. did a fair ainount of blowing. C Mr. Artbur Ives, Taroae entl Tbînk of gettiolg 3 oe rne o o visied is fthe Mr W. , Ie~. 25e 1 Try them at Archie Tait's. A o u h y u p t h t M iss Luella A very, Littie Britain, Lea he bm as o k bitnd r ___ _______________ vlsited lier cousin Miss Iva 1:eel t wrsestfr Ona PCTrbicck i Mis EtelLor, Wsl vll~.15viit- UPrigbt piano and good ergan for lng lier aunt Mrs. Willard Caidwell. sal AandeM.B iIîm o Curest Cough th ikettood Positons. Ah'couches and Parler Suites,, latest otisands ofI millions pri OrTmrcCrilcrs Largest stock of furiture te select son. F,-, f -ýofcans o R y a ki omoteteete gee poririos, stle at reue rcs .Mristn 3fo oa k Ou TrareCodalcre ro ulie h cls.L Mris& MrS. Street Raglan, jrVstii owder haebe sd ceougbs. Somte Ilg ,cure" are Son. bier mother Mrs. M.v A. Wabingon, M, Aa.i- breadbiscui only drugs te deaden the tissuie r.MJ.Htbno ofThe Dry Rorsey St. i iaigbed ici seyou col' feel the tickle, when GdseieTrnosetSuav Durham Publie Sobool Teachers' ad. n aei hscuty the affects wear off your ogh at home dresse and number of sect~ion argie and eakein husekeepr 1 cornes back, Net se wvith our Mîrs. W. R. Goodwin wil roleiv te- On anether page. Tanxara Cordial, it eures.,te stay day (hrdy an neagnuni Mrs. J B. Smith bas gene te Bow- uic thsrse n f aftor, ansttre mainvîlle to vîsit lier sister M ho is ii- b eeLconf±i cueadte cigs dnt Sunthli rica Script wanted, Write Briqhton Ensî,qn -dnethat her fod Ioud be thit ad cerne baek without you catch lu confidence te biz~oDrawer B., Mrs. Norman A Wright and daul- w'tad efelrwh eo e R ylti moecold. At the sarne time it Bowmanvllle, Ont. GuthicrSt te rron' r. sasf-o strengthe0. Admtist eiig e sonrs W15 a MrlBaesok revst guard against the cheap alum powders which aire j cl i1t te stand more use and expos-Pu' colom Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah Noble, Mari. th raetmnaest eihf hpeetdy 10 diso 5.posa, recently ce!ebrated thse sixtiotb ,egets eaest hat ftepeetdy ur ncl ete.Mrs. W. Manning and son- Gordon, anniversary of th8ir weddlng.PO i Oshawa. wene Sunday gu l e! lier There las nethig eqaÏt-C5, !ROA Il TH fOlY AIGPWE O Mrs Haîlen Onlym ci aty Jury-1N & Lvell' PrceZ~ ndGuraleei ~ aunt, Mrs, Ths, Creeper. Violets for cbapped hauds -and face. DiA DE 1lO ROY-AL GRAPE CREAMà 0F TAR,,TAýr TTI1~~7 Mrs. M. Mel, Cak, be]'3 MrJmsCrderman, Oshawa, visit-1 & 140'VELL9 itlng at their fatber's Mr. Rd. Osborne- e1, bis Fon à1r J. H. Crsderman last --sale manufýacturerE Dou't raiss liearing the old ýScuthland week and gave TrIE OTATEsmAN a friand--____ The sale satisfactory etteo brdy Adiss eiyo cln Swect o'ranges for maml~e o oie fBrh,25 cents, juarriagel olit hucl, owînvll, dmsson Misses Jaunie Rutherford and Stella for 25o at Tait'e store>.5 ete; Wehe 5 ents, cd are Drugglsts & Opticians - 25e, Gale and Mn. Walter McGregor, Col- eto.W nfu lcad Thursday avening a Ioad of young bornewrrentges oM. Gco. Repeat It :-"Shloh's cre v, 11 Lwas viîda ha fie net free. people fnom Oshawa spent a pleasaut Carruthers. cure my couglie and coldE."ýgu _________________________tinse at thse residence of MrJ. Misi Rouseli lias neturned te f111 ber You cars buy 3 doz.,en nice, swZet WORDEN-1n Oshawa, Fes.-22nd,o- Mn. and Se fJackman. "'!position in the Central Millinery Par- oranges for 25e at Tait's,Ir.3rdnAletSaag WINWE TEST EYES N Mr. T, E. Higgiuhotbam sold oe oi o-,rs after spending the vacation at han Miss Beatnica Foster.Ooe a r MRIS. -N 1 omnie aon. Ibis thoro'-bred, Jersey cows and cal.! te ý omeiu Fpris. envstnfinsi ca * I 1 DONE PROPERLY IMr. W. F. Cewan, Oshawa, this week 1:Tamarac Cordial will stop your Sec the new style bby carniages and an d M's. H-ârold Barn hart, a daugbhter. ,JURYand LYELLat a good figure-90.OO. cou.Zhîng baera il becomes more ser- go carte at L. Morris & Sonls. MJBE 1Qa _nTrnopîaÇiee g Farm for sale in Clarke la advertised ions. 25a a bottle at Jury & Lo)vcil's Learu on the Remington at the Rom. i'Âvis-PicXELI.-In O',hawa, Feb. 22nd, by ri an ornoOtca l for quick sale with easy terme of pay- Mn, Walter C. Goole; drugglst, Vie- Tisein la a demand for aggs. Cali at ceuas. Dai, oh Ssaa ____________ment._Act_________il_________ It. SrEWAB.Ca. Drlnto b T-BÂTTEN-At thse Methodist Par- ____________________________met. ct ulklvIf Oi1 wnt onl, . C, aDalintonbo. contrib- Mlurdoch's for Davies Peultry Food. 8onage Orono, by 11ev. Wm. Limbert, Hectýor; ten A. W. Malona wlio when Chie! of utes. n instructive latter on British bewîiu Dîht ie.Stewart, Saskatehewan, to Ettie, youngest: Poieo h o!o Sime, it was, Cs-lumbia. Sec Ra lsid e. Don't bewtotIDaht ie.daugbter of Mr. Win. Batten. Police o! the topagn its sure, 40e a lb at Jury & Loveil's, 1Iaa-AsyA Mal veFrn ,Ileged, iliot Constable Wilkins lias Current Topics lu tis papen nalses Puse!alkid siig f a n Fb 2t.by1ev A.A Mpee,. A, Mar. A Great Scliool I bean feulu gulty and oentenccd te lifa question, '"Sbouid thc culis and Scala. Fur1ofs ail Candi, Jolingtoff &t Cny . 4tftserd, onlyv J A dangii Bf. A. A.rt, ipiem t.wags c! tie ..buman race ha coioniza elo eaCuh ontn&Cy ila etidol'agtro r .A lrntl raputation, Resuits Iiu- Two datsoceurned at the Rouie o! and lait te die?" Read thc commente. ____________________________an finance and Thorouglinas! Now is Rcgga. Jan CB3WolfnaIm e!t Raid insnd I"Death te Lice" le a necessitv te b resli bomemaide mapla creaut. hum- i EDtn tbe tilla te enter tie populan Tewhi,hip, azed 66 yeans; James McCul- every'stock owun at this seasosi o! the bags, and p)eanýut cnlsp at D Luttnall's D~DI omniIE, nFD,1,Jn a ELLI LOTT ii ougis, e! Parcs Townsbi pged 8 vear. is sale and cartain and eniy 40e nî tr.Gand, aged f;4 year8. 0 at .ïans.- Cobourgq Post. - a lb. For sale only by Jury & Loveli Mns R. P. Hutcheson and baby, HuGnEs-In tlallngton, Marchisst, Thzmas Mn Geo R Plascea, Oakwood, and Miss Mn , J, A. Ccx wiil recelva witi lien Toronto, ara visiting lien fatier Mn P Huglies, aged 78 years. TOROTOAibeita Pascoa, Toronto, bava neturned taothen, Mrs. G. C. Haines, Chuncis St.. TrebUccclc BowrRMAN-In Bloomfield, Fais, 2ird, 11ev. m TOOTOT rm a tisnec montis trip te Vancouver, on Frîdas'. Mardi 12, anid af'erwards ou A fresi shipmeut o! MapIa Svrup just lwo BPGÂxA ' 4 Beriay Stryeet ronoa audprpan fr roftale mpes- San Francisco and Los Angeles, ratura. tic, finst and thîrd Fridaysc sl ri'da cî AiIu'aLt tic beat Feb. 26. Archibaid Bingnai. interred at meut. Our gnaduatasreadilyebotaln ng by wa-v o! Kansas City. montli. iu tlie market geed positions. Our Randsome Miss Luttreli'a pupils wiii gi ve a rtl lt is easy te gat a position af tan you Mn. Ceeil Walsh, Rochester, N Y, la VicKERsv-InToro- tn Ganerai Hospital, Feb. Catalogue is free. Write for oe te- citai at bier resideuce, Tens arauce St I rrnd ej tgn vîili nois counn Mnsb Woar Cusi Gelary b roro lim . auColl oalied atiray on Tnesdas'. Mardli 9, at 8 p M. eh typists positions are assunad. Reming. ollier reiatlvea..i-2 ,ar, tineColege pentheentie yar. prognans wiii ba variad bs' viollîs selos, ton Business Collage, Colle ge & Spadina, Wa have nice new coveningiýý for Up- Fais, 25, Elva Ione, eldast dangisir of Mr. a'd W, J. ]ELLIOTT, vocal solos and readinggs Admission Toronto. hlsîening Hava eun oeen Mrs. L. Bl. Williams, agcd 7 , ears and?2 morn1 Cor, Yonga and Principal 10a. Publie cordialiy inviled. La1Apneenann ag m !L ors&Su __________________ lezandr ils.Tise lange bouse bult bs' Mn James moliey-iosl Thlursday Pcb 25tli, en Juit oe trial o! Jury & Lovell's gen- ~ L ___________________Chalmens ontisa corner e! Cambridge noad batweu Bowmanville and Ennis- uine importad Prench Olive Oil and Il Lest We orget ___________________________and Wellington Bts., Il ta uuderstod kîlien. Libtral reward ion ratura te M. wiil neyer use env Othen.,R-SUNAL I lis bau old e D. Wlsono! orwedA JAmzs, tewn, or F. W. LEE, Enuis- DonIt Lail te secure so me o! the grealt Dsge n eir son o! Dr. J. P. Wilson, paitor o! tic kilien. baprgains, at Candi, Je'obl & CrI, der- Moues, ige~ areaers etla IN ' Wilsoamndg u. ei odus iuhrb. ad Ilfs mans' friands lu this town w1il be man's stecýk-takiùg sale, Granite and Marbie n L C F T Wilsn, Jr., 1~I mev lu sioris' andplease1 te beer liaI Mn. Albsert E. 'You enrtainis' get pure VlgýOieIBOSÂYLE N wllî punsue hspraclice la Lindsay as Skitci, pech~ant ta Ulr, and 0-1 , -, --l ,he àou pu cirs Gra -J poea !",_________,ý- .______1___________ BU~UI~[~~ a phsin-id ctinebolli cf Picton, ware united lu' piv 01cmJry & sý Loa! _________________ Taka a frac trip te Europe as a guest menniage on,,_eb. 24. ~inJr oeits yii ~ o! tic Londou Daily'Advartiscr, tlie Miss E. M. Bnimmaîl, Lindsay', lis ou urny.& Trel etca eril is FNRL IETR COLOLEGE IetierpltnpprpîtdI e-hsdn rpry hr pia om l STANS rady e hlp yungmec atrn Otario. lthe papar ront lls returned ta town anai will occupy lier pnivate and twa graduete opticiens areII~.T I ,and women te win independence ounrlaleandmloal qetos at rnd ilg liuieny establishment whici will bc car- testing. orMost ccmplte eq-iipmant na su lit bas given tise start Ile onii esnbM&E .Pt rs avnEr n i3EaBr unday and night catis ltheissands upon thousands o gaeral ansi local n2aw0 for the Lnatnnion Ibistl seasone tyM.Ee.Pl.M.Mri uian ioEaB of ycung people. lit can Ioaîp you Dali Advartlser fer 14 monthe and 400 Dai nw eta nw sUc ewara recent guests of Mr. A. W. Burk, r u ttuu u Wiefor catalogue. Enter any Urne, oe for your choice o! candidates in Dai rw etrkona nl ootand atlendad tisa Duni Old MOWMAMNJILLE PHONES 10 - 34 vtesErpa ri ot Davie of Oak Hill, 'Hopc, lie oldest Boys' Banquet wit*à Me. D F. Burk, Branches 011071 HAMPTON W. M. SHAW, li uoenTpCnat~Onengeman lu East Durhams, died Mon- Port Artisur, _______________ 'Yng GrrrdSt,,ToonoMn. T H. Poilick, M.A.. Who bas ai H aefo County Armagli, Ycne&errrdts, Frote beau Science Master at the Rigi ichool da acm nmThe fluast leuves fnemn Ceylon tea since lait midsummar bas acceptai eau~ a mc epcldr plantations are conlaiuad lu 'ISalade _________________________similar position on tie staff o! St. Cath- inltcdsrtTee. Il la packca lu saalcd lad pack-LKID _____________________________armnes Collegiata Institute et a veny Yh teamer Aletha bas beau purebas- aIs le prasenva ils deliciou3 flas'or anl YOC*cloe i eealrge ilb 3e considerable advnce lu saiary ad wîîî ci s'ý Mr E E Hersas', Kington, mn- arome. Sold by aIl grocans neer bs' VE TEIRANLAND GRA14TS ~~s- probably antan uhle dutias latter E aster a - d o! Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte peddîans, on ln bulk. * ~ 4,sb~',l'l~Iil'e daarun asÙÙÉ' li wa ayQit aigation Co. and wîîî be run PotHp isIi datg vnBought and Sold paouer wfi le students o lie Beyo!Quite sistar towns. Giueraska ils legendery il .CUNN Tha mans'friands banec ! Mn aud Grn .LUW Al ol a nai ie lowcr towun a thioegli bath. lu v'1 eCorla Stoone în Shorthaad or Business wlli bring yon Mm nisbi;B mTeat wr 1'li me et lu Temple Building, Tenant), Lus Week Forema doIo i ia lbaest resuits il taken at our old.establish- Ms rhblBiga, as4no e3Nac 7S. arcsDy r o-fl a iit fh ie j ed an thoroughly reliable scisool. siccked ta bean e! is dealli on Friday .ec 17S.PîiksDy n o.ofce cauglit two fish lu tise cempesing __________________ Wi.n embgn a. ts aa enn The remains w(n br -git 1t Wilson i de1ezate front Bowman- roon Tics' wera buny ainwrel re bor~~~~~le and iuterrad lu Bowmanville cana- vla Ledge Ans' memben mas' attend.jusciporte at-O.tlae et thse grave. Mn, Bingians was W Mn. and Mns. P. C. TrebIcock w43 e damage. Those lundian fiascoes corne A ppîy te M. A. JAmEes. Si-tf British American knowu and grcally respected banc and cellad ta Tenante Friday awing lath li gli ont Ibis hs a part of the pnîce Port- et Tyrona wliaralha spent bis bovisood ilîness of Ibeir sou Norman wlio bls Hopa pas for the , privîleoge o! bain Anifor B thner fini huc o aplt liait Bie)glian, Des Moines, Iowa, wiîih la It he home and undar tie cane of way Cottan'î bridge nenîli eest cfitM Y. M. 0. ABidnToronto. lisbohr n ltr aetesyns- bis brotien, Dr. P.C. Troliloc cuiar Toî Gale I rO FOR SALE-On tia senti Ceta p1i and hava amier stt fTO aeIlil1 ale 'g 2t. ApLy omD G. ptyo! aI! our cltiztns in this sad Dr A. S. Vogt and is peerlessleu-. on lthe Hampton road. Soe damage roomsesbe,Km sirelo. Bpl oma.ill, six bereavemeut. Dipilicnia was ceuse O! delssolin Choir of 230 voices, are iu Clii- tet=Balbalymi ! onGLAÂiTii, Bowmanvllle. Central uilding ~ :gcd allier.pnaumonaLeteilrepart ayi ha a lied 'rspe tasew mlu Caad. tire -B'thohntciAni dah cage givlng à cycle o! Ilirea concerts lu MaeKes' Llmited ia nepertad by 1- fiod - 0U~ )TREARST CThego Apill tisca Ciug fit buîLe lxill wil RET-Iu Eowmanvitle on whieh ae N...stngo 250 membans, recantly Theodore Thomsas Orchestra of tisaI bain opeaetien lu a iw days. About 25 large appietrees,mistly s$piles, stabsle. eo- ýver Maeeflarmare If net do se 110W. Yen neyer -wili know the satisfaction makiug Il yourseif until you baýva triad ite Our, sllcing tehine, which wa boan. 10 our customers, worku' wonders, Our inarmalade or.anges are btýter Ibis year than eveLr ,ý id hava a new receipt eeîl'tic way they make il lun old, gland, whieh makes the moï-, delicions marrnalada, At the 1ces, wa ara quoting, voeu can make il for, about one third ecost of the kind you buy. Marmalade Orauges per doen ................ 2c Sweet Oranges for, marmalade ......... ......... 20e Choice Lemons-Bright, dlean skin, per doz. . 20e ar d 25e Rec.-Ipt for niaking orange niarnialade-9 bitter oranges. ý p sweel oranges, 2 lamons, slice the fruit acrosse the grain ns in as possible, balug caneful te remove ail sccds. Place in > deep dish with 4 qîurts o! water and ailow iltet stand forV irty six heurs, aflar whleh bell for lwo heurs, than add 8 ibi g ranulatad Sugar and boil again for, one hoitr or until it wili y. THE hleT t THE TULAftrÇI TLIait wM1 VE WANT VOURSE Wa hava just purebhascd a new up-te-date Seeýd Cleanar d ara 110w prepaned te handie ail kinds of Clavr ad Grass 3d cieaned or unceaned- and -te- pay-ths hgh-tmarkat FeWANT VOUR kN Wb arc aise in the market as usual for aIl -'km ds. of course, ,n, such as Bariey, Bnckwheat, Oats" Feas, Rya and Goose heat, ail o! which wa ara prapared to store and buy ut store- ase up tewn, ar elavator aI G, T. R. Station, or ta buy if Sed ai lie.aublic Ele7ator, Port Danlinglon. iE ARE SIILL SELLINO COAL, 86.75 pan ton. at Harbor & G. T. RL Station and 87.25 par idivered te ail parts o! the tewn. Peu Ceai $1,00 par lois; 25 cents par ton off for Spot Cash. Carrying in Rkels extra, We aise bave spl end id Ceai at$5,5 Elarbor or Station and $6.00 up tewn. Usdai uines in1 Wood, Charcoal, Cernant, Lumber, Shingles ielal and weod,) Rax-Flintkote and Asphait Roofing, Booms, sh, Blinds and Meuidingi. Spacial attention le planing and itcfrlng, resawing and dressingiumber. nàe, LN!MîIT ED TTE'T'FOR SLE-On~""~' awcouoen C u~iVUtL.. '~ ati iroin Albenta, Nonthweit T1errl'ory. or eewing, ctn.m 'rh simplest and adhrstseerod, i Ote~a' '15e ~ ~ ~ P oSiigSra, le ~ Overstncat. tise bac of lie campany, Betnscbsqiiaou eaie otcss'sase laieta e jutrardaîîed haiî taa4)5 siscrnn e-eoKigSreBowimanville, nine lidalresaaali oosoa.e Bwmanvhîîe oman's Igstte Met ivented- Pnice 85c. Agents wanted. c lis in cta; good hgpnaSielm nsard baîbreoin, aew Pease Furnace, aveanng bis tinn.darcusi vicci.c3 1h attse homaeLo! isi Presdeant MnS EduAe BSEBx89 Pr oessd ' alpo g d Oat ÎElecitO tigisi, stable, aItcnvnene under clean n deep- carriad tie audience lsvEAJMS13y39,Pr in &t 4bdpog tih.LiaÂIIG mmnvle Belman Btrsaeatles lnndaaMe aicerneen anS haS e ont., v~"asiei. For foni seri jarti ulars appiyio eh lesntn profilab'e@ meetingliewurSÂUL1FOY wase ________________________ tioldist Churcli, BowmanUvllin Lu espeas te, lite Roi! CIl quile ai WANTED1 AT ONCIl on sel q 4W inuben (,f lhe memberis respondad, E ary anc ec.uses. One ,goJ mar 1__ au1 ,OPqP O excellen pape ai Caîiy wtîh rg ornC NOTICE TO PUBLIC. rani -Aum mmos c bous aiM vJ W hw CI .. , nCien fuluemis luP lt ome" -whli iniroduce ou,-r gyutanteoî Royal urpie Stoc lieuandm ha i n c anSi ota acr1e of gaod orcbha-d Siueo Basb li iYo aelay3nlwa niuja. fesiunlsware Polr pcfe.N xeinomcsay' ~ gv oic btIwlnth a Scogg St Appr usMrq obtDown. Scgog erve ai ha loseand ple'anlsocal we lay ont your wk for >wo. $2,5 a' wekauSotbefr ay debe contracteS i t ynm -j gsîtaon1=tW puna expens Poson permanen.Wrie b n xvrao siintsrttnodr S MSC us c-Lz.î w

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