if ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ -mI1y, H pe, -li artel iti,-beii-ÎVLT U CAN eBUYiAN -A1 IIJIY ai peforloxn-J-fi ber -r -mi dt an'1isAti omiiae-to n 1-be bundenR L dy oIowýjinavîti a ~-aly oaelt enh bti0 -a 01 510 CROLis he V ast -, ho ew aratOffThppar.ni o otoiten lîoghouit Ras (ifriWththeNAown;E;AÏ kihe radsfre-wre-k NEW LN >UR11C- F crImsentationn.fIo,,on- e p Citvrîg n o ern nt 'An-, vofbati pIieti seeuti bas is tueti1-beW inforation ando __________ dacFre-batarnamen1oulti1-o o-ad Ailtutits tihouhouneCsury fo itoh tht tO LaSyoLtado V prvîd i:ilsu'-a D&-mentunf IsVlOnc~e einnem they mii lue tadeasit fron cutian- ,A s offniceeavs an be orcmoney orMr. J ttûnocuti 1-be-ind tier baek; c ut anti cktie; eFeshrshffr an at F.fice, ni the spr nta drfitI Ia'î_'.h _ý zi_ 1w1-bd p a n pci eti again orin n b ok of theridge;Burgna,soosfe mt 2 ave. a briefte m respito urne fr a hitît tam, as maibereutor luecnrang 1-hogbt ani bi roi euntoret fo Sbenenati1-a~eoVo uot, ani ed. ny urouts lbattcuaaa se a enedic ion for r dich iRe isusit ay hane. r- roni- IoexSPnsiveRchMe rdoeverytig mosai3tn a01 awufo,-btp',uir, h Tleere(ief, utîl 1-biiîghtncf let. To br mostpassiv modltmiit, ct 1L htn tr ytaSeiieaeb- ti 1-bt I! dthtit coropounti ness resfo lioua gazefixti seadly rrtrrtib-r vais 1 waustbehayjîhaut of nanuty a dae tr eha burt~-ee nebig orn ati oanfs Oaki i manod ru rot ontah fixeilb edpstfo 1-ho acesai te mo ,on edat haItgas cini ni coue igintac, 1b res1Ly te O 1 -h air e ltse; i reconce. th ftearti s o erSAE ND OU . the, trau 1-bat 1-be int-ehliin the" lue bnaîpost they ied orgei 1-ospeei Mi uponoxenantibayiu ni ount, hyanau ai ud hshn uo h mrcstwep het anti ciati i bran,-aciwentnl ae itryomintuîtet his ~ ~ ~ t mc. e a1-ng' smutie cln-soug h a itt a n-tita 1-ho etitcb bla-le1 hPo haigi lO-aff dnei e icebs aint agor fo necs1-men -. Voul lad mm, but 1Loto moe 1-be armonre j t and cleft ndm 1-hoCknoeo Aru, iliadcist m e-rsle i fo re ati h- oaflau--iti-it-acl- lheoa-siil opan-t e sou!" landsooi- at i-it, trt tht--iss- -imh-eri n belTef-r offantitoadeiconversatin impossibee.t Throaasi1-tle attendmple'scos an ýI rmý t cogdhsts j (Taeter lue cyandin ti cdati odiectt- thil et ea tirnbuat er- na efortta crve1-li ton runt, amrig trato of tret cai hi-b ora lay e s atiea bmefIet i Lt s ih dovhi 1-bitfor gantabsolute flection, 1-he~in de. oyi, Tuechrus atae at-OItven1e aa-g-e-,1mcfr- lif-ac bac.aivunr-'4 the _r and ehouratt-r bc arran- ---. *--- yunio m airon Par, tweudrnyhee s- FIER 2 YEARSo~S FFE 1K - L m-<-u l-leaiing Fower Fu-ovec~ - by echooI Goroamiasias-mar eees~ Baptist Deacon. ONEof the most recent converts ta the ZiJZcm-Bulç method of treating and turing disease is Mvr. C. E. Sanford, of Wetýton, King's Co., N.S. Mr. Sanford is, a justice of the Peace for the Cotmty, and a member of the Board of Sehool Coinmissiones. He la alto Deacon of the- Baptist Church in BEerwick. Indeed, throughout the County it wauid' be difficult ta find a man more widely known and more highly respected. Sornne tirne' back he had occaSjon ta test Zatm-B, sn,.d ihere is bis opinion of this great balm. H-esys : «'I neyer used anything that gave me such satisfaction as zam-Buk. I had_ a patch of eczema on my ankle, which had bee;n therec for rver twenty years. Sometimes, alsa, the di sease would break out on rny shoulders. I had taken solution of arsenic, had applied vrou int- mnents, a-id tricd ail sorts of things to obtain a cure, but aliin in I wzas advised ta give Za.-Buit a trial, and as 1 amn a firm believer in Nature's remedies, I dîd se. Prom first applying it I saw it was altogiher dial7ent ta the ordinary ointmeota and embrocations, and it soon- began ta ',j sigýna of clearing away theý eczemna on my ankît. -,vs as tagaifig that 1 persevered for someý tim:-e with it, and I atrn glad ta Say it h.ad the desired result. 1 arn now cure-J of the discause which defled every othcr treatment foQrIwu4a "Thts is not the o-nly direction in which I have- proved the merits of Zam-Bulz. 1 sufféred for a long time from pilies, and I found a perfect cureror hisaainui aimet b nT, Q,,t 7,,àp.,1. sietDE a- adknowledge, witbottt analysis, solit4udeý il aodWcath pi-, an a ta tHy fj'" of the tù M Iwy'1 W have naý four thut your savingi rtieve1 tht ponleste ve-alibta sel of heir winerrity nd he 0 at-receWCl be jast by dishonvst or extra- C htttplsg-ulybtsrl jusatt- rduthoe fever-heat "fn !sieth from: tht hreadth and heig bt,ftrow, lid it tei cm~rt Tt>an- israte trabig f htno~ tthe ot-itn inspyraton of Gl's Scèr e nreable ttories are be- gMmeaagmet ulr "cadu boodposnrg eczemma, ingof Le ay a0far froua what Ieason again asserte.1 hier su- Ksontry to the cîamIzlped, derea igtlId about toVn ni among the CANNOT Be TOUCIIED. srs li a iiicipatedý,ý-. Hie had prenaacy. Une by 00e, outb of the ing, gooti do troying influence Of 1country People comilg in of tit 1V has bean provitied by statuteF id mmrs ~I y5 5o ,. yhr-- for Si 1 l planned its nvrne Ats es thuat,0011 chaotic heap ino whiîch they hai IMan's Brick and Mortar Land. simple home-mate mixture curing that yau cannot bc deprived of cmio1 Au .- th haufo M,.ain o fusi might Île reduced ta order, collapsoci the primar;y 4cot of his Crossiug th, cIceurly -de-fir bon 1 Rheumatism -andi iiney troublie.yotauuy uaymnrbi but W~tadc cf that the dlisorder ar- -n matr shalleti thom- dorer Davi sharpt halt seu B. Lad becme chaos. Ilis brain Wa crisis ars n î,a"le hm eDvlsppyhle; with' .ere is the redue nat dérevtors any persan or by any proc-ess af, asselves in review order. For the the tranFitio ce beun nte o eig: ibyskignlrua;ad oacprtteagis on ire h hinsefthecenr aîst-tima hoe put tran through reature. tegret and asiato abttis or su r" 010elii Ex-pail rsueudterul i~ adenngswirl of naîaeless thceir paces, but now bc.l bmh etbbu ioin the vault ofitact Danticiion one Cuycpoa e~p toa awtda orcn etion, bas res' nuî e ~ai ifrn us d Proparti cc the treos. Anger took pot sion' pouitti KaMeon thee Muse CW A- rL'utio ns, in order that t~it thatave ha hetri J '- could vaster, mare rnenacing theit c,1 of his sini. Laoking utpon tîbe counti Seup ~4spria a ï' the act, wbich ih soely ta enabie mot base tol - wetiber it was the ors moeurid than bfore. Gri homnes wherein droit the men and, as a dose ars n' te.profu afler yat rld oracifral l"i f n a -r Vih a cens _auareof dually the facts collectoti, resalv- wornen ho had knodaî foJî ayml djno a rvd o cmotbe-- loss o d rery heueishan arto etie thelvOse ito a unitr af ns days, hoe forgot Mîargery and lier] No change neet be- matie in yotr~ anid it y nt B ,,àd for td te ______________ bimi nons sieblc neta~tw d laIt aunt, the %vaitîug promise. andi the usuai diet but dti pîenty oif gd of tniy cidand be seiied for- ebto 5 alPoyesmd uponbisnew achme hathur and compelled his attention 50ù open door. the contentaent of thle water, fnykni a tcno efr nutv cof $50u ai puymente mcder thonl foet t the great fact, what he sbould never forget, in- littie' and the pouce 1-bat hoibi mixur hs pcuia tTh oud.I may povienfral. tty'cn per annun nl be returned fitwrhrecognition, sisted on seif-candor, sa that lai h ave, uad remeinbercd only f fet upo thbe kidnc,ýs; cleansiug of boirre0 eu, nolst 1 was tat Mrgery-would wait and the days hefore birn no opec.cu0, 1 -as a thetio thfpoo an olfr $50e orggt $600 ai -r but no mos tf you sol i taitm STha Mis Masect' bc prmiar ~Tgmen, noiugauît aI r~ -m lme. Te hautes stad for the tiv tisses, forcing tire bidueys tI Yod may cotntfor a nut eaetuunyhcmspy lMm un oen aoor.twiEtù-iig, sbould over succeed fil sg Sf the glanrdorts tangue,. Be- studstraiu fri-an 1-be ý bloitemu g flv udaysbattai.al pyments mcde with corn Jing on uthberto a o biotaed blnig i arei!.hidteoaswtthes women who' hLpic utcit anti aCher poisnss waste u-p, but, oxcpt for invxalidt orI pon ntrs t 3 per cont. per hislon srvie itbîtissranety Cilearly, wvitb ail its C es îb -rî !revils l- ien, t-i men who callei i cater m rcoami ag Repîmti', Wd, abment, no annuiîty shahî ho',u)a ih returned ta youri ia is lde g f. si1eceý-Daviîd 1hdfnd o a tis ow Di Wi at wrecker nf ship Elutdeýr attd Lria- ruls~ payable befote the age af a5; Réd hirs. 11ad ben aIs godas alone, and itj aster anti Ambition were ind;ss'î- A mWobdflld isgrily snors vbile. atrhv OsYuP r wa ntuni Jhnbd rîe ubly joined,- reulizd téba but fvlagryw tou [Oto m tr10 ite o uof ISURNET AIY coq nu te stton tha hoe is drfn ogantewckfbiho pnhn.Tmtdof evil W99 Alergg s e ho has hUni har- ow much, cr bcel- nSoIa'prhaoalag n hurdtesaiatuhobrineci PacC anfnwokn e movsed again flowad inotc iretisla acais for 0-be inrdensritieyte t1_une. iuft fo sam cmt rf aeur canmsus of bis craving for s; I sbip woid bave pussed for au-e of} nrae of narraw, 'croked street sinco the ctrst awananset il tbwýc; wsi nonmy~ id ny W5 cens P tnir, Atonc the crral~ Th± Cra"dir enkies left -Cis anad4rm las-: er0 ravig frots , nsapers las! Qdcbr stato ihamteoki a reuai amIea bc u odutupa ta beneat d-e ail '.a!:p oi ï1-b bu- uno bi açone ; in Ms eai Wtuîanyd-t peon Choe ma~ ry it. "sssax yge o-rlao;a ypn maiv IY t -1 iaui co are cieyiug Fra- fatareelui irtht hum jf its 1Frot thbe air0 bc cd knonIW iig ta their woren: tuoeep' byz l t'epculy1hs nr aepy intcfite rtwnydl a, cruai or 5-rai! itlfo insurunce, ennueryatpon grute upon biy! aroog tht mariner s of-bhe pc r hd tLe %osofWîed ;n si hut- 1LUrncry ani]rd rubeat iisu a . asbol etiooî Cefo eh norves, ![1'ýï.,u-h-rt'!ý!. 3! hhnil ta 1-ha inrchuats cf 1-ho town, aud -tii tord %Wr-dw si Ail vorM 1îke, sufer seitai hr î ri1 -Yon may pay manthly, quarter9 ud oieC nuac ol revoiu jt. Whtvrthe ric heeWir lomnen folks, boa, the sink-,e q" in everyoteson' ri Ail the tieg in taiýs noîgli hlf early or yearly protndis it go ta yur faraiily; &ad ater t-he m1rst ho cloe. mg of thle llabakkuk and te chersp! home ho hati beu jdged faIseIyj borbaod sauby cap suppVy tPe your prefer 1-bat plan. thei total cost lo- y Vgnteices--a Wîhuttebute hie turnc-d bas Ottifg of hl tCher oats à baheen yu Cé Pdalu-!d the aisl bis iiogr-tJnts, wb'coý a-e easHy iu xedt b,'îng t,,c saine sbichever p-ian ou ity woat ritieabie yct ta kerp'your bae upa th1-e clustereal nuits ant sa orki1 at-soaia but. ha-V-I f: 1inr adYct, seitiharit haring, 1 t borne. Thor- is r-i t a -a bet- udzopi t.iioîrauve ta faorce, nc bett-ei-1 -troce nul by t-he edgo of the 1 b y a knowliodgo., of bis inaono i: %à Pocn;iai hiri. 1-ter blootidcanu, ýi<g en1- or 'snei PAY A LUMP UMwise, yon niigit ho comild tai inoors into 1-he- open country. If 1-be mutter cft1ho bî-g, I-0 bal ,r- I Suruonr forsoth! 1tonic lnoa, anti cei-tainiy natte caueal, ibis plan will alto appecai only 1-bot epigh miles bcd bec-i aI ouy 1-be suggestion, anrd faile-I ta If h- lapit'laet trOs ité v.otid! more baraaicss orý siropia ta use. Yau inay stat Wth a lump scon; toa pra h a ohio scor. Evin ctt tire yards anti fur- w pre>ciate in ail its potona',, the~ hoe ta ihe mdice of thesýe cnd not,_______ and continue by peivedapy- ma pesrea ta asr tto he-in ri lon!gs ofý aý noctura tramp mcy conit. itng force of the collective as h-o hat half pemstidat hirn- 1, monts; and you rnay deposit lu nnp rnr~ oir 1of n urte -ltc raaxamm th-_ solf aý rmnn depend i cir-cumstances. ta the divi.nity of 1-le 1 P ;ter Way. IVWHEN TO W111N THEI1 flOUSE. suimo ab aIy time, wh~it vill ii m itc outyu heînaa tuVatwdwin Now, however, Margery inci lier. Wruth! Aid 1-len tri-adi-tg close % coroespondiag incrocso ta yüirI N dtIlb nto o t ieield1-broligit rock and auct bcd sut inr judgmaen- uîtan upon its heeiIs camao j ide ta coni -h et u an h n-N eut sbl atid o tur Dy fh npcyrateti farce of him. They bad constituieJ is ploie Itis defeat. Anil thbe pon- -~ie of thle bouse, is nvr open ques- ua max- rtart with a Ihi-p sumn a monints rs-ocicr-d, but r-Il expenses 1-v iô,becas sc-osviys ah wil 1 ho borne by 1-be (eovernmnent thtlaolaîdrivera, now rolling Vo court of appeal, antd 1-bey, M-a, had dorons rione otf 1-la slepi, g tow n 1n andîs saostoyt u;ct comeplote 1-ha coutruot b1 paria- ibullyW sîthout charge, and avery prorîounod biiia gnilty. Ail th--ir iho made bis chloia-e. bu the aîu ïr0dt0rns arc gît ou dical paymauts; 1-at is ta scy, acn -a ordeoiser u words of cidrutoof lve- "l'Il not gis" up 1-ho 1bing on for ottitie puinting ut toci (a i f 40 or other cge, muy by a ho pluace ta yu rdt o h ________________________ hao pacdug reurod ç i, whicb Usve set mny bearL. l'Il have that is, Soptembe r ta Decrer,: r-nlogi pyant c rares aI m c of. thearnphi fr -b Siniping-cd ttrnaîcsupon bis me. MtY Own way. 1I1l clea- tu name 1) Surfac is dry, and th-ei&cr e-pin-n beseen 1-be ïgo cof 20 and pitr-,ohaer f labo mauiycnrat "I have taken Scott's malry. With 1-bri i four ratiier und l'Il aisa tvin a plat e aranîg (2) taes lens paint, vhich (3) gts, i-o, and eomplete the cantract, as for annonitos for theirî e'mployas. Emlsonfo sx ees -bn shaora tsix-îcho- n io tt tncsofth su.Norntu afime giofat () atre mrcilhoLoi ntrc t geaItsen;' 1bo btiacepe the siprtif m nce-bs ofe sh ssioya 1-u be1peîfecti b rdt meateswe Yt marc povide hydet" a itenV pu- socicty oe anitassoýciation of and hve fond î a wo- the brig us an impotent 1rileý and1 bas beaen me. One c f 1-bote duys, (), 1-bore is a morCie uniforru drying moents for unnuhios for yotîrseif, favlnrlgoso de-rful rernedy. I3cfore 1 condeneti as cortîpt t-4 A117O 1-hep ava" barque s are suiling ta Wtnsheo hh ubcniin or~io aud your ciidren 1-be rtnu eeontrlioso, took the Erulsionlhad no thut hlîimhrself bad christeredtu-cr thr Inie, ho m cpers are cao ho asurei i, 1-e uie tuo paint. annuities ta hegin ut tome subse-îoie aeu aptetrycn t - l a,ýo hi fý i,,n_- ý iý> rs roqeiaa traoct fot auintrities for its menîbers. appetite; Was weak; hiad terprise. 11 Annuwe woo, thx ifd ir iaoie çîe, yr-ai rusem Oniy yieldda theatayrrpri,7e.'n qen ugo,, protide for a joint an ntiirwiih at ouxrtely po lost nearly -fifty pouflds -f 1 -e needhnoitrn ont of thewlcneu -iîî<'S Ias Aïd I-laperfortb.le Cbruv ic lDyspeptbc- nut o orcf n ie - eunesai-crseeprsypo flesh, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ to annouîa ei -a oîd a-aa ni cv nea ibes days!l And Mcrger To -e tide fiesh, nd now eat wel that ould fao a$aad said 1-bat she trîuld nuitg" bhroug ac alet cfcnaideration aof enjajod ta long as either of you "1 onso otataea- and arn gaining every da. bis reputation as tbougb .1s, st-tic __ -ehdsnedsmn esn llv Ah formay ahe Goonr-eneare ap IidScot's Emulsion to bcd esar Iton ca-t upon ;ù * -HPTRXI lasv disordaîs cf the di5gestis'ýe ap- fou rray camplote yoîtr puy- Croti1b' lieGseno-eoa be vryesildigsteand Sboîld he; shontd he, capîtýulate! CHPE XIaratus tS enitoeý utîtil tiey hc- m"nts ut a certain ago, and aiiowic -culmn for sti-ile, a quiet conscienceB ec and bircb, st-atoîy sa-creernirlig dy at these ta furtber aucumulatec, and i _____ -___ a goocd food for ail weak for. 1-be prise on whicb ho bcd set Propre and featbery wiîîosv, mere rraghts tvitb uffering. To-these, - take un increased annuity ut a! p e ,ep"-!-7OT- NCE bis heurtldtbn uno- te hUlside beights course of Pnoe'sVage1-ublej sub-se-quent ugo.1 BLEEKER, No iMrt om poucefril -the night, vr0mu ailey deptbs witb lvish tints PU!is urcmedda,: a sure andti Avene, Bidgeon, . J fro strfe ati urotas the Cie af spriugtite green ; the odor aof speedy mlay 1-o reganbit.Toe IMEAT AN JJY his fahrra d berjitatheti tat ut ,~p anti1 hicom in i -lite air wi1h pUis are speciahiy campoundoi ta Ysmyprhueu mait Passion of ionging staried upc-t ý frugri-ac,y oveî mere anx! tan 1-be icombat dyspeepsia u ath, 1-l nan anuni1y anid receive thbe flrst in- ilhis Ns only one of thousants of bis face; ho looked around, frami 1 swll vangîtard swce1- ii c- iis 1-bat foilon ià its, train, and stalment thereaft1-roc rnontbs aftor tae -ee1hie cuvernous ls ta th b .1y-tiL- flight, and her3, in hcs»d in. tiiey are succeesful aimasy pu-.se pmoecteti lineo f he- feroff mitge, coet ni1hm u niig- orunut ame tb- and yeaî-ned for 1-b" calm a of-beil!ibcdgeron-, sturtiy nostlitngs clam- ROPEFUL. cames payabhle, ho guaruntoed for i shnïoin amd. i red i0 bungt-y chorus Ail titis Newitt-,,Yes, aid Goodmaný di a ubere ahe yeuraeve souiod %ù Along thbe vale 1-le sea-sFse-I mas a doig in the nanti wban M,-,,c boy s ap- a bcd lt Two- aof thl ettgurnet eid * ~~braczes gcritiy rolie and an 1-hs Mit- 4491-ag ewb-harCl opori te, %hbomi utab n ultt o~e e.bti tn sn tmi Liaiî rau- la-lsç ufhig fM ~~.ae be paiti as long us gant livo. iý ihe for thei grcin pioec.'oo, neu"aî be, ant i c, a-' Soer-etigqa on May, if yon bave money ut noFn, s Linreaq taoc wv ý-iL:ýqa our credit La, the Post Office Sav- easily digested sa fatteneti fielm anti cmomtietbireh adcrrhmr tiei nrd sta rt iht but tes -id t e h ngs, BanC, have 1-be sume trans- c Las gîven ~~thioket, Iroîn puriing stramanti ap n 1-be SubhSiavas af greea Nonitt - WVa; be's alredlyfert1-iyuacunlr1hop- stut-gemmod becs tas, the voicsesîîro galti cId ha-otyri, cd canlihre.' 1thaseo dfre- th dgstv ogasndhyrs; i -e ih1 aiet a i, ehig ou !ni -e11 iycnntyo"adiemeiCnuiyca. theli' hody' is mnondcitfour 1A riches grouter WLa g0d àcsput iutercstI tlîol no IL rý i1av0gt iseianti huilt up. T"ie ito n1ndn hL af tho opeA door andi 1-ho s on tciries wing tuesvl lcpud ioatacaolt 1-e pe Ynu intcti ai ut 3 per cet 1 ,hag aet is inprv 1-ha rinar footi 1-b girl nais ba0 gmis bar vc aila lots ai rair eat soab 1-h to.ti i -qmrl claver.l asguepreent is sufcient i strring ta activity ______A__!Wcils__fa__r______once sa mueh fooys tad kep tw i iM generatîs Lurpulse, evary desire for inlecut ibacl and act nettr a-e-saern i1b mutsadn an -t1 gat also gronun.g, ui,ýW goi bab tord bci flmaintayomcrdt shoult bc givea battî of S ' hut y at1b Wae uitsbdi-SN ASS anti giobotterf satijsfaction0 ail rouind. Enamncvery fets weeks. Lt Sreyib iteclirshoescm esig1lelnivt c ntttst rerasueaid dotsc es for tb,-em. it ro.ýî that bout 1rom poritu ra prt on be spArîs ni y(lamer t-îi mockas ai!Teeaen ass OtrnîOt.Tteopotj vens their getugnn don n'dosal lino, anqti n 1-eghathti -ier- uino ri att orcnrbto se r urne spnl.Ntig osteat bis1btdrtitr8ueit Ai Cbl trft aiý evhutýia ir- 1crcl ri upteti Ly sicln-isu sa miy hogcîaesc sm e hr muhgot.waesboyanid c-e otre îi>shes c ',0M aat' eve mai bistory bttln_ to-muy Wu ac mont, or oher cause, youi mi-e-e bilesn uns wei ut iycîs und aur pl -Ib t1o have 1-ban a %éo ai foui charn oharne bCeny tmmoyar atwe l'cc abegerunen tatej, I - riggecl baorques-_ il 1-isavr l-h bu in - il ai Marer 1 cet peoIt ï-esi-o ta mae ery r paymets shnit bp con- j <lard. strass rhie if 1-e maid. eer toent u tîme nA t 1-h wn itt aic i O,- puyV Cho ub rprin f1b riia n j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ju amrpwdnenofhepsr rtnt 1a sh and lov ant self-rspect ÏÏ s-usivu susiig buARdcaig,~R~ I~~ki Lsufe-it tas neuarnd Laelt-ros 1-ho iw oi ng her a-bnni lr oiert- 1 nu, 1iite au these paymants wiil pur- Hhcls En;o ile,~~~~~~I yoorré pey-eat mitb ucuru IlDTaOapaaCRON7 -ý ý jj SCOTT A B>WNE Omiaorue lotsivt.A~rtk isposnmn;nVVt hrev i "pii1oyn 12 eiisto .. W. Toront. -,te"uui -e odat fsbt-eigoy u flt-t neetru th to ii 1-eu peu- iigbtis of WVybemn flîcleorediurcg~ul drab, d!ripig ds1iair. 2 a. I gregatà e a suffie ta enru an u:-- NO EXAIiiINATIONC. No medical exumination is me-- quireti. Pesbooles for the canvenieu-coe of 1-be neekly plan, milho tIupplieti i hy thbe postmeistcr. iPunehceers af annuities noV- mîusing 1-be pur-s-books may ternit di- meu-t ta 1tbe hMlinisi-er or ta 1-he- 1,uperin.teîtient by egistencti lot- 1 1, r)b,%- aeyordcr, express. order o, r postal !ni- u, matie payabhle orl rpaýymentýs rnu-y lue matie în persn u 1-e Dnarme lt. The iolosving illustrations wiJi tieruonstrate tV ou ath1le vastly- groater atisanteges ai an anouîty- contrar-t ovor any other kinti ai in- i sestmert &-, a na-ans oa, mukino- provision for aid cge. A man beginning at 20 3-cars af ae,- anti pcying 25 cents a ai eCi util bu Lt 60, may proside au, an- i auity (or incom-) for 1lit emic tien aiftis lufe ai $1299.! A mnan beginning ut 25, antipy ing 25 cents- a week tîntil ho is 60 mil1 roccire,$99.31 utGO. A man beginrting ut 30nf, amîtipuy- ing .15 conts a n colunt hois 60, ssiih mý'eiso ý$74.73 et 60. -A tran boginning at 25, anti puy- imîg 25 cents a -wetk untul ho is 6, null meeivo $5497jý0 u t 60. A mn bc ý!ginnig ut 20 mitb oéasb-p,.agmeut oai'$10, pcy, ing - 2à cent s aa-eant dtiding$1avr five ecsuntîl ho Lt 60 milI eev an annuity oaIS$151.96 ut ugo f 6lý0- A -neIcao travel forty me-a ayfor tavoive or fourteen ticys nlihont wtver, anti carry aaia o 400 pountis. ---------- M, ', l m u