b ought you for that particular corl-i snrr u d one. Why do y ositateý? Is i mission, 1 purchased yon body and IM IH I~ agryMnsywysol e seul; ~ ~ ~ ~ LA C yo.r ieuti 'edn I IlU ùlILI 8I lose ail this te give hier a, sweet- it e.I e ar oSre'l eart? It doesn't matter, man, Pl; futeyoinb swl pî lgee lover's as good as anether, as-weli, as>for sinking the Habak- and sbe'1l be just as happy with vcio e t ls ai : ek and raised bis wrBBI[ yorfuue o a rpo hand n prtest n1jempt notons;don a chrep of "But if yen decline te aid me fur- Î[ 1I~ IV[ the greatest chance of your life." ther, you must look out frsqualis, TIUIL IIho chance of bis life, forsooth! nay, for a tcrnpest, a typhoon,1, once As if in this case, as in se many eOr, TeGirl WJithi the Nut Brownl thaýt will blow your obt-iee f the crises, humanity must mecet, heart into spume, and v'reck y~uaT~oWnrfiFutJc a!~ the chance did not lie in renuncia- Hairand Dreny Eyes. as compieteiy as you yusî in Ïýwrecked David Graham's brig " Are Winning Frnson Evzry Sidie. The chance of bis life! It is "And w hat about you i" the sail- enough. Rate .and Greec, children or fiercely cried,' stung once more of the samne foui brood, ceýnfeder- ('HPTJIXVI.-Cot'). "Dees he tbink ,- inte a show of resistance-"what ates ever iinked in Shame' s con- "That tbere's tickýery se- about you? 1 didn't w'reck the spira-cies, bave tiiumphed. Abaelittie strnggle, an d at wbr"boat. _l was enly a teol. It was "Ill do it." las te imi c te sraa as "Wbat eau we do 7 We can't your cursed goid that paid friThe chance of bis lif e! And deep echd. Margery couid rem'î leave him te go bis own way, like~ and, by Fleaven, if you blow the down in bis heart abject despair. Lien nelonger, and si e d.eter- eh, o an we Save hi? afou me you blwi lO n your Strang snaps bis desk and turnsI miýinecA that ber aunt 'should net. M\iss Manesty sbeek bier bead self. If I sink yen s;nk witb me." tbe key. Tinion goes back te bis On ibwben Cap'n Dan bad bopelessly "Fudge.. Yen talk like the fool chair, drops bis cbin upon bis 1-41t for home., Margery followed "Yeu niustn't tbink me- cruel, You are. I've beýen 'saiingo e bau, and once more bends bis eralint te the old lady's sitting- dearie," she observedc at iength. Close te thec wind ail MY iife, te bec ga-ze upon the fire, and again be- room au demanded the unveiling "Yen asked me te tell you what driven on a les shore now. Don t boids those faces 'mid tbe ember ef' theu mystery. . I'd iearned, andl it's best that yen :deinde, yourself with the faucy tbat - giow. That of the nian stili begs "Yen must spcak te me, auntle; sbould kuow. As for saving bîm, I',xe entered on this business witb for nîercy, but in the iuniinous teil newbat you know. Tbis ter- ii, sometimes bapp-ens that yen can't MY ýeyes closed te any Of its Posi deptbs of Marg-ery Manesty's eyes rfuLienc swreta pick a, man np-until he's falen--l bi'lýies. Mark nie, man, I've fing- prayer ne longer pieads. There trutb cý ouli be. What is David de- low euough. I'mi sore afraid'that ered every rope on the craft, an bie fiuds a smnile of derision, fear- xnwydCesn'tý be coene" David's net ready fer belp yet. ýWe~ ameug theni I've bandled ene tbat[ less deflauce. It is a, relief te bim {b b:i en le wce :nany ;l ust just stand by, keeping buum will CIO ail I want. Tberearere- Lancas-ter, 0n, sept ic, .ogît when Sraig breakstesinc laydjectedly repeatad, "I ex- in sighwt u ad ed for wrsintis o oho i-od Iwsarnn ext n i.ýI h vision. ie, tbiat itsbecause besgo is signal."- fer Yeu, ambition satisfsed for Me1 tluat distrcssin.- co,,nlylaint, chol "Yoa'Il lose ne time about iti" sca fconscie ic ieft." j"tnby" areysagteI-but the penalties are eniy for onîpIin trr'an kid o r bie asks. "You'ii be wanting te Gcuitly she pusb-ed baek the lecks bier feet, bier eyes fiasbing, cbecks eue. IMaxen't you iearnod yet tliatl ffilis a-id medlicnm_ without benefit and fingor that gold, Ivxe ne deubt." fromi tbe fair brow, and ioeked lev-1 aflame. "Stand by!" she cried- it's enytetool who paysl" 1 ene4'u!tcd physicians, bu "f-Agdi No, curse it; l'Il get the job iný1y ue the deptbs of tbe ser-1 "nei there must be ne standing Ris sbabby sbred of good inteut nie any real good. Then 1 begnt donc to-nigbt; the seenur thbe bet- xewful eyes. ~~as long as action is possible. Tbik sb ered by terrer, the sailor re- take "F'rui-t-a-vsantcewo-er Itiu 'leofnw" "Foiwb-at I've beard, be's eat- ef yeur own gospel, auntie-work, mained sulent, wbiie tbe man wo derful little fruit tablets entirely eured "'In that case, I may Oexpeet te ilug bis, beaýrt eut for a sight, cf werk, work. Teil me wbat te do. beld bu* in the boilow cf bis baud Atfrt ektvetbesady e yen again to-merrow nigbt." yen, lassie. It's weary for tbe m'an It wen't he tee) bard." watcbïied bini witb contempt, men- but now i taoe only one tablet everyl Tinion <leclines a r eiy, and _ %Af, 's 1~v u- . o 4 uv - 1o e nar., b -avîn a-a egauuugtiro e' ~." ýi- ofl;Lr'sýy _1z' .__u s_-enc :rF n eni ag The -ind Yen flavo MAl-s Bouc-ht, ind -tvhîc ichhebe ln use forovrtfyerhu borne thcei~ntrcc ~ ancl ias bee mado ner hi pcv Aiono cone todeceioyoh- fle Experiments that tilE, with nd ndanger the L-cAlth c Wnants and hle-xpreeaaht prict Castoria Is a harmIces Substitute &oC Castor 011, Pare,ý, gorne, -Drops ansd Soothing Syruips. It le Pleasant. fIý contains neither Opîun, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Tts age le its guarantec. Lt destroys Worms. and ailays Feverishces. Lt cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle, Lt relieves Tccthing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Lt assimilates flic Food, regulates the ISomach and Boweels, giving healthy and natural sleep, U7110 Chldren's Panuacea-The 1Lohr's iend. CE L' UII~EA W "Wbý'at is it, auintie l The nigbt from the sin bc's in leve witb i Why triumph cf bluff. thanks te "Frui--tv,"IgeY0bswa.Tbifetbaigth .1 et bim go yen begged me te try lassie, tbat's a thing that sonue- cWh dye atmeedotsepermlsafcn te pub'iai-, ùhis testimnonial. boards of tbe passage, are stili aIud save bun; bow eau I if yeu times God bimseif can't accem- tbiugsV" Tinion whined at lcngth. Tdsionl ee mee Bonil le rousu tes kee ei b ak"piish," "It's net fair ietting me mun ai ohadn or preef th-aýt "U'ruiî-a-[tlves" the bouse wben the dloor at the end î Use Fco Miss ,Manesty pnckered ber lips Struek by the reckiess abandon- this risk and net teliig me wbat nevor feul te cure Con.ýtIVeitIon or non- of the parier is gentiy epened, a hCCVU and tbouigbt deephy for a few sec- ment cf the toue, Margery bout it's for." action of the bowels. 50-c a býox, or 6 close-eropped bead is projected k7, enscre sheý answered-- upon the old lady an oddly curi- "Wbat d'ye tbiuk it's for? fo5r $250, or triial box 25c. Ai dealersI tbrough the aperture, and The Cap- "It was aL iigbt task I set yen eus look, eue cf intense interroga- "llow eau I tell h You're to-, eresen on ipt ofpice y Frit-a tain bestows a, knowing wink upon then2i, 1ere urged yen te try tien. Then, strengly, deliberate- de-ep for -me-deep as the devii l ______________ the, furniture. Translated into ani s avec a mnan's name; n ow it's IyV she compieted ber aunt's dec- bimself. I onhy wish I'd been down speech this means- u ' +- ii'--zi-~.- ne te am bt hema bmslfraation- in D)avie Jenes's cker before 1 i e bu ea eiaem "Yon're a very clever cbap, Mr. icta ni4eds saivation. And l'in like "'But Qed neyer 1gives ever try- clappd my liits on your figure- t' mate cf t' Noah-an' I'd sunk Michael Strang-very clever-but ~ oiuu-tbis is wbat lias kopjt mue quiet ing, auntie. Now good-nigbt. 1. bead. Tbink! Wbat eau n bn sehrbimn y edd net clever enougb te stop a key- tS l1 1 -Im n h drk"want te ho alonie, te tbink and Wbeu I started ou this cruise wvith be Pats me on t, buck, an' Squeezcs bole." - "WHjbt is it, auntie l" Margery's tbink and look for a way." yon, I tbeugbt it was meney yen me baud, an' gives me another To be centinued.) ' lips were dry and bioodless, and Fritthdepshuscftewereafter, but that's net it, be- bertb. ____,~~-~~--e' ber veice a wbisper. nigbt Margery crenebed on the rgu se yurpyigietistead "An ILSwe Ilci m uk "Simply this. David's 'set bis by the fire in ber room and of bauiing it lu;- then it seemed as~ i, bearin' Vý grin-din' e' t' Habak-ANOE LE ER lieurtL on goid,, and be's making ut straiued the eyes cf grief-racked if it were David Grabam's sbips' kuk's timbers as she peuuded on +.. + fas, aking it eut of flesb and hoefragipec h niil.you'd get yeur spite on, but itfs t' Bulger rocks; an' w bec I shut biod-e4' a îeaking hears c s lv fnko u te bers Mft iiss e. muet that. Ail I kuow is that Daxid's my eyes David Grabam's white, Resuits se Surumrîsmi That They tee s1re h i nnonter, ig ss dewnenthe Seent aae!u cearneua e ae o ~ ~ ~ LO ver 30 Year 1s. ~RAY CTR~T, NtW VOn'. OIT?. The great Uterine Tonie, and& 'ünIY safe efreetnal Montbly, liegniator on wýhich women &Uaa ,.dOeend. Sold in three degrees Sold 'il drugmso e* pýo fo e1eabhimnU hw te dîoit, and burbor-s-ide at Allerdule, caring the wree,(king of it. Ilid. thiat wiiiu't keep eut the sight, te ili-o-ia fthe üQueDepend Touches of celer are everweeSILL b mae im biis m-tanager"'-tbe ap- net fer cold or darkness, Cap'n 1I tell yenu, man, it's horrible a' n ydranstht ony iass able Stoehemd.hreistlargefrbaI poitaint byth wa, as ee Da ddge aougth ~ Eere's David geing about witb tbis ltJ.dl r omst e îh~A. Piîîow of North S'Stret ipe arete be unns.ualIy pepu- ..I O iýaIa-d t Michael Strang's sugges- keeping au cye ou David's dms race onbssoiesLve h er n itflpaesJn bg m tie r tie; te mnagr i eu e un lokin fe hekuw n5t tu1: benn las hatbadproise temete clear ber lad. One night I Gananeque, Ont., Fays: "Mi-o-na hum. Stmang's cmetrs orhat ofwan 'bistundefr Dide re ef-wtee wed hlmas taken ack bmie d t gti yscpta ' oei t tseibt"nld o Ye- Aue ib ie olrbtos Davd' sahes cun t get nspeechBl-a -M-aeit-tei d-ereif-tr,,oti hme v~Athetbiug she wnntedap' helse1 iy andi pcrmauently curing dyspep- a h uk wibDavid, bult oiy wit ibs maiteeooa-nd fro witb bier apron tbrown agen bim, bumring Cap'u Danan new sie came te mïe with a suile sia. I bc 'came se bad tiiat I was The one piece princess dmess is~ A IOB LET wesilis puy. t's cw,,dl1eve . trik bt acemon neI'm oarad, bv ler hea-d, until the rt Bella Mackitterick, an' yct a, verd taa ii nagls n hluabet ev m c. Teepplr ýrc- z, omu ne 'n friemptîed andi she fell asîeep'. fonu you or nue would set hlm -actualiy bent evr ime-an kissed was a constant burning in My ste- Veivets in narrow, sbaded stripes S A S K A TCHEWA a-dit's net conflned te shipping Tboui tesefsanebumteMy broo un', eh. mn, I feit us mach, I wouhd belh up gas every fl1nd favor. B oainP "Bnt-Dvid'schipsauntir" Ma ice h ksept vilaehurt wr. "Wigoadsea ht od"happy as-as vben I was a lad. few minutes and could eat but xery The new spring cuits continue te B aainPcfcdrc "Bi--aidsshp, uti ' Maiceais p i Srgbdiemnet adt Tinicu shook bis bead. Then I woke-a'-I was just littie, as ethe- food would quickiy have buttons. For SettUer'.traveiinz etesadfmle "Caip'n Dan alînts bis eyes wlien butichl ta bug hdler" I darsn't do it," ho goauc&; flonndcring in, my ewn bell. ferment and miake gus that caused Wasbable tuile predeminates for with llvestock and wtht letk lice taiks about tbem. Tbev're net hae aiahugy maw, an a-ppe- "Id - "Lut me go. Mr. Strang, 1 tmi- ei-n p-ein o'-' f iïe 1efet ouly fulud p chok fuh te te theh f 1uy novr be atis on] tchles, u tbecarryllde the -s ee that mle ever Demy iug n forgrowing barder'n I catiheur. j1 Igo. Do't ask me te do this ciber Perspiration weî ld break eut ail Long sleeves xiii bu worn on ail, pecial TrainsReIrTan ,'aLh-,btte ar eklasmr.cast away bis sbip, au' lbu cornestbg. euepidm weil foriover rny body, I would becomne 50 tbe tailered suits. wili leave Trnt e'ngoron thut are fa-r tee, big, every shipmoe an' pats me on the hack au' begs w-bat I'xc doue, but I don't want weuk that I couid net stir àr'dCI Tulle and linen jabots are aS pc- Ench TUESBAY in 01 .~m a1 baseuema iessemr f tem On the uigbt wbea tidings cf tho enot aei e uht erIthe hracs, an' if you'Il let me sail ýwonld ofien fuil ou the liber 'il apulur as ever lu Paris. MA.RCO and APRIL TultSesn e twe, th an whe eld Jacof saied Hibakkuk's destruction reucbed i a'me y mnettbave b oomuh e e amrtmy cwn course an' suy nething cf belpless L-tate. The painis in my Gaegee t odfrtpa et 1.15P.M. FsetTm if whut tbe eews say be I1lîim, lhe rauged bic bouse fr.e- h 'lbi i blbc, tmc eeterbe Oldf--dfrhadcvrns with stnff a-mte attic, heurt and brinina. diy, an' ba-t lbu doesn't baewiat's gene, 'ibigi i ak tmc eetril.Icudf'dfrbu oeig.COLONIST CARSONALT IS thyr paa ic tmdtuau up bis ceutferetofeoiosjy uteme a bit; au' ufter that lhe moves 1I every penny piece. I wiii; L'Il go, ne position in whieb te sit or lie Tegal straw is tbe fine-st muteriai l ~~f~Brh aud cn o urn't bus a ceun a y bnbsatrd h lctjfrituw"witheut suffering, and I was se for the brirnîess but. Low ColonltRae and ý()n 1thee wn'tbc sond ay henliescaterd te frstHie sprang te bis feot and shuf-1 nervous thut the least noise affcect- Thero is a gmewing poscibility cf belat on thie ILs. Tbey're ebeap, se-ds cf siander upon a roceptive - Ied towamds the deor.* Net tili then!cd nme. Heudaches 'were constant. 1iuited skirts again. 1OIIIy ThI'outh Selvc oteWs lassieep, tbongh Cap'u Dan cdil and befere bs eyes they buirst did Michael Strang speak ugumu. 1 w'ocld become dizzy and spots Gohd tissue x-ill be, much used Apply te nearest amant frfi nomto n lis uecmmbofcofot e ffr'into gre 4h, lho hustened boiiue that 'A e ih"bc said, "but J1 weuld appear befome my eye5. 1 fer sheeves and yukes. reaopo"SalraOie cwrie L laýuefnces rtibmofy'ru ebeaper hmubucrigbt bide bis satisfaction, lest w"As ycu tatbeer ensîe 1, 'acesde'r hepr hnwanyo ha eor ousep, bd ne ambition te gut ameund and Froeks muy he huttoned down the To~on.. ... ot hohislfsbîid bu bisconcepionu- BecnHIethieringion wîul havtie everythin'o seemed te tire me. The1 front as,!weii as the back.- Duxd asun cncptoncf" rayor; and luter, wbeu bue looked tAcli fit cf bis gyves on you. Fer-iflmst box o Mi-o-na gave me more sl oe r lxe saC. B. K~,Aet ______________-upon David Gaharn's face, lhe told haps yeud like ,te d1reai cf David 1 relief thananeything I had peiu- l ,mimey pppryblackaxbats. hinsl ta bscu wsrunng ahrnsan a i y tmied. The second box cf Ml-o- Most cf the embroidemy ceeu now_ ________________ "Atrtkn he out.Hiba ben tefute gery Manesty's heÀsses in the stoner nu cured rue. I arn wuiî and stroug iin the shops is machine muade. Now bue is seething witb discon- jng." and I bave net bud an boum'c suf- Adxiet oau ibsok ude er g isfi eb nianifestation ofsome latent flawWitb a gestucre of despair,_Tin 1fering silice. I wiii alwuyc fuel igdarning is.the gummer ac..fvrtemlieysae boUls 0fyourwondrful i bais profjec ineCaptnDuus uniinureturn(.e lte bis chair, anj gruteful te Mi-o-nu for tbe cure 'The tepuratu wuist and sk'tlave Hn mcig r on u n nidcnour baby wa.s ei usivrect.persist n sthun- Stmung, dmwig leser te him, cand .given ime and glatd te mcommendi." iaimost disappeameci from vîew. lu their place arecucus b eniel eI ndnedd nebtussurdishlm, a bulbaslaying bis baiid on bis shoulider, Lu the face cf sncb evidence it LIs Puffed (ut ful ut the buck" is bon and satin fols nuonmore medicine. At six- heard-enougb of David's love tcry . mnrssxhycutued-esyt-ud.sudh Jr1&tePai1decefr1h bi.Pretty chuins frmi rci -."L'Il let yoiuj go, Tom T-iïcion, ILoveli feel assumed in suayîn-g te Filet net stockimugs lu lislo andi purse may bu ma-d fapiie b teen months of age she te make hîru dreud the influence - sien 've finisbed with yen, aud moeyba cf he ir whm h bs rbbe c ' be I' doe ou'l b amiceryeu n, bak if Mi-o-ua, fails te in silk are the rage cf the moment. -hon te match tbhsit weighed ýthirty pounds. he c r b- fDnsei u eiv ibmtiilo ein t- Celer emroidery, on white, Ma-ny of the wbih udhgttmt Shehadcriedeightmnonths, assert bis old sway; wbat if, for nOUIantan ymefare ht-da, ud mahtn bl.ack, creau and ecrn wilii bu mucb:1 cd cuits bave colasaîdciso night and day, and nothing the cake cf Margory, Duvid shoul 1iuý,rg. I'xc. paiciuc weii, you suy, ue.baknor rs did her good until we trled abandon bis ambition; what if Tini- 4 and l'Il puy yen hetici- uet. Why, TLPIN N IRR, l biegoe r elne1on Soec h e kmshi ie Scott'sEmision."-RS. ion heuld blhlELhanalmeadyNen couldbuy biigthe streut, or, indeed, uriywbere. jieveu, or nine gersi ibpnl Ailthee, -adothr pssiili cfyou- on."The grays and tbe pastels Pr-sut mn the si-de seans E. C. SMITH, JVilla Rica, tics, have conspimed te urge binu Fic bhundrei eumned, morefor .nL Teretin CExardiffn. en oiateaogtefbis fe- Lnn r te evams Ça. ~furîbr ther cf I For three weeks I actualliiio' yeoe ,c a ediY d for Eastur. like Russian crash rto r aivc. On g te igbroud o a ob e lk n ed ithe ta-king! ii ' ysglistened We w mes oe pe hnadfne bavo. OnDavid's reputa-tion hdt ufdlk a ed witb the flash cf grecd. Twelve Cardiff, Wales, possesses lu its Whutoimnersspeatin-dfn. fmesb dauhs cf diccredit must ho baby, because My hands and montbs ugo lie ýweuId bave been publie free lihmary au institution on th, camnebut tiey are unusual- Fabries for spigaesfran piastere, bis r-emuaining fried armns were sei covered wîth ýsatisfled had ibu hen assured-clfw-hich ciaimg distinction for the lý fliat in chape. 1 glossior thun ever ooe hi r driven beyoud the enter barriers, eziata imyhd e sncb a- surir as the pred nctcf a, spirit cf eriierprise permeatiugius Jtbsntletu ou afmecfetu. iTinien more doephy iuvoived. Se bourud up al the timxe." -life's strennous teil, and hure in- 1syster cf nanagemnent. The hatest, and iish celer for spning, but thes bee hie bas devîseci another move, and That s the experience cf Miss siant possession wa-s offor laund perbape the mesi notable, il-1goLtiss a-idthat stel n ï-cccudl-es repor sa-us ren to-nigbt bu bus paralyzeci bis aily Violet M. McsorleY, cf 5, GoreiStrct, 14was siply bs ttetel.oAni lusta-tie cf ibs isrteborfoumi l by a d-iscosure cf is dota-ils, a-nd Siult Sie. Maric. Sho sd'. " yet-Haggardly tce guzcd ie the the establishment cf a telephone edithru-ibuaovlyc Temafcteneietyb- ni tcatetthon cmpelled hirr te a bei de- cotid net hcld spoon uer fork.1Fom ire ca-venus, whence the iuuploring inquiry -dpamet the cea-sou. lier thie puIsartehe nunciation cf its author. finger tips to, eibow' the dreaded di'ease face cif a man, the 1prayerful eue m am h he irna, Ma-ny cf the tallernia-des for the, aniothcr sa-o f suosvge probualy ýsaveci ibis ch-ild's "e i-ksuedsonrl" spread, my inger nais carne off, and my cfa Midr.seuud t strebthesitelme ently iat -duin, he&cxncu spring trad-e are cf ib I elu tpekins aronemon- life. Four doctors ha-c been Once upon a- urne sncb un indict- flesh wass eue raw muass. The îîching at him, u, îning inte bis very seul, shortpeic it ha-s been in exmst- tbree piececi kinci. jce'ýiiug attention, iesnpsale- nd the nain were almost excruciating. hrisc.f oriangwtte trieci. ScoTrm'S EMULSIO.- ment would have arnused the ship- j aiibth' menthe cf tiis îcrîure sud A movement ai the other sidnf the one theu'dupa-miment ha-s wemked Teei ac e lacing the- uin ib b evt seened t- e bujuetthie thiag ownnr, but te night-bis mood ('is dis- at onu e mputaionwadiscussed." boea-nb eculieci bis wuerlîug ery suîisfa-ctenily. The 'inquimios seeeal the'w- u n u i- Siik fibre la-ces aemuiwenl nedcand i hisjust the iinctiy eue cf extremle irritation, "a.Bkaln aved mny bands fa-nies; lbu tumnecite see that u'eceived ceve ýr a very wlie range, Eside-cf the amui. Iong doe utndurboiswtbrop btiionsaulis and a-s the accusation ma-cps fnom and asîms. 1 p'.everedwith àjand in Sîmuug was ulockiig ihe od ifronetons1reîaîing tc conscrip- L-ewllh oethnrv-ed l n gons partc ny tbing neeeci bythe saiier's tenuîe, Sinang's up- the end had m-iy reard, To.day, 1 amn bureau in the ce,-rne-r. Wiîb flue tien, ce epet, lio)lndmci oilers, te - popnia1i1 by embmoidemyaarrll Cucac knsaebigsn cf other chilciren. TIs s50 pur lup curîs ba-ck froru bis giea-m- c r4<mleeyo every trace cf the click cf the Uic, t~ shiýpoxu er ladies' fa-, liedge l bog,- ig abd ih iesikbri c b ea-sIýly cd:gested, se puI- re oaci ng ieeth, and he suars- dreaded rîem, nd I fervenily hope heckoneci bim to is id, .a-ad thon puin -dtainig. Bt-he Te liwm et io fa, am ee ni ie emth hainlss yt osipoerul - Be a-efiThmusTiio, ~that seferraon kin disease may dlntppiug _ýîi m_ý"e aeu, hmsTiin , know ,cf my case ,cand the miracle dop ibte front f iO ase met oycf ihe cl-nm-ee is teuak ~~- la lnhidng ~~ ~ arefui. Sucb worids as ibose corne ZmBt a ekd"veie Iýia beap cf giteiggoici(Itheratee, s ouitha 1te'Y are iinii rc fentu anuLou,*u ewihu qeleeuenpilel on the gr-een aiz e orc. -geîîinig value for nmcaeyý, aud a ca-o ciîdon dui.1Bt b m-n the,11Hiab-kkukou the Buman ." jringwrtiBk ieolceaabeesseeieoree Yus a,"h uigy hsi ecqunetenmbrc rva sureieetSCeT'SEMUL'e 1 1-Trie shot iite the tanget. Ail ih6 hbands, raid sr, bapped placegi, and pee,'adibesmoeftem usinssedvrtetlpoe - th-ere aie2 se mauynorhss trucul-oence va-iches ;fmorn the cail- al skin injuir:e2ansddIjsèases. Dug inîs lumy ineasny-you've coc heu i sugiui -iql, Where turne -,Vvis igýsii igllrnaA package cf s1ýeed cf-'the P. & HM.ColesaiWituarB a-anbmnfl niaies.e's denueniour, ra-ad bis toeuis1'and store'. ai 5o cents a box, or jposi 'm a- loue mai--deui't kniow what rqie ora uwr eb ieowl egvr erei iwrite for our hananenw10 eu c slln ubuisin sho nu -! free frein ZaitrBuk Ce., T)oruto, ufer1 teodo uitb a-ilI've gotca) gveCeatqialosgugeplato.,u sareprc Yu r wrnd gint ewbom 1Iiike-uvbo ý-k-osl" gla oro'sc ock-s are D110Ct1oue hi1 u roFtea imns irui aslJun LRUOITS iediy rples necite iig ue : - g srneims ofeedHi f>e ugn<1vei.()pt litdouover thetelephonwhe-e - CC) ; -S y1500 e 2,oObusheltte arel odT4 ',,Il fr, ra- ht ury et. u did wblat -hoga e, siici- f rr'Inp.-5-e.c - citeS t roa eddi.'., oauonax ~ or ciiog. coffeeci yn-,ivforn-iis,.Why sonid eu beitute ~pap de odn~vmin o h o,-D-iiGaaii ohn eyn ~ .---.Wr-iàteut-da', %a u naiyousr chGice, aISo atinasef 126 tn it., WON. Tanc« i uoln ioek 1ihem, andi that faci Wtby Vshou"d u'ou l veail yu nith aycmhemdmpo Se . . or et l q it e c u b e a u i y e i ~d a s eMa meMhl,-L o b uu h t is 4t e a -y ' I to W i i y e s " -f erD a r c h H u n te r S eI e d C o ., L td ., L o n o , O _____________________ Culise uo. Mreve, wenI sea t ferbiu ro1ý )ýacias oyenlbave6 the ceent ba;ýs ecre 70 Almay s Bought