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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1909, p. 3

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P fjffJff~EASY TO XfIX TRIIS. ELIG ON NU 1F UIi'YJ What wîll appear very interestingi fi- ùb ï Uto; many people here is the article taken froin a New York daily paper, i giving a simple prescription, whicb TL is sid Vo be a positive remedy for We Arr? Thiî Lve s BtterIlln iaLe Lackache or kidney or bladder de- Ail ~ kLIC4L rangemient, if tic -eeothe- Ihat îRigbt Is liciter lThan rolg, stage cf Bright's disease: ___________________Fluid Extreet Dandelion, oeahaif once; Compound Kargon, one "Who shaîl abide in thy taber-, purpo ses. That is the only path- ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsapar- macle? 1ie that waiketh upright." way into largor under'standing of ilia, thîee ounces. Shako well in a -Ps. xv., 1, 2, the l aws cf our unmverse. The botdle and take in toaspoonful dos- it is easy to axait opinions te mnechan.-ia wbo ohe3 s the elementary os after each meal and again at beci- udeimportance, especially if the laws cf physies is a better scien- tine. opinions are ouroxin, an~d invari- tist tharn hoewbo bliidly subsuribes A wel known druggist haroe t nbyif t.h y are tortoci with ai Vo ail the theoies cf our universa., home, when asked negarding this' ýSPlend-îd disre.,ard cf ail ot'herj Theology pnoperiy is just our at- pecitosee htteige opinions. Ti ore is a fatal facility1 tempt to read ,s-omeching cf the laws cients are ail hanniless, and can ho about tikn the saine thi-îgs un-'that roiga in the higher reacheos cf obtained at a sinaîl cost fremn any il opinion runis auomaticaily analý our lîfe. its value dapenals on aur tgood prescription pharmacy, or the begius te rula us. ihen w a set up'tuse cf the laws. it will not kcop mixture w7ould ho put np if asked te sncb au[onietie jig.-ients as stand- î ou froin internai disturbances andl c-e eH further stated that while ardsforothrs nd s ojees c regrets te indorse the theories cfi this proscription is ofton prescrih- worshîp for R1l. modern dietetics; neither will, your c,, in rheumnatic afflictions with This is net bthe ki-idof thinki-ngi wholesale reception eof the elabora- splendid resuits, ho couid see ne that makes the world. This is net! tiens of modern and ancientt theo- reason why it would not ho a spien- the kina cf tiniing that doter- iegy save yeou frein conflict with the did remedy for kidney and urinary mines character. The deep lawxs cf the life cf the spirit. tieubles and baekaclie, as it bas tiengs cf the inivel nd dc thetc- Ahl thinking is for the purpose cf a pecular action upon the kidney tion oftheindvidal nd ictteliving. it must cerne te the test structure, cleansing those mest in- the actions cf mankinal. But this cf its produet in portant organs andl helping thein te prejudiced andl blinal automatie ut- CHAIRACTER AND CONDUCT. sift and filter frein the blocal the terance cf cpinion is oflen the type elaisndwt mLrwhh cf hinking that domainates tboo- it is worth while te remember th-3 fusenicals and wasermttn.which logy. when narrow views are insisteal on cuesckesadaulrng hs it is a disappointing experiment by small men, and others seek te À our readers who suffer can ni, ce te ask, Wbnýt ought I te do in or- emphas*ze their ontlandish opinions n itk ngvn tatii don te find the wa-y cf the religieus by their eccentnie and ofteni un- zife anal se-rvice? and te receive the i sevory living. ainswer that you înust believe this The ponest kinal cf a religion in STORIES 0f SOLINA. ztateme.,it or thet definition orithis world is the oea thet cen ho o3pinion. Almuast any iwrth whiielembaîmeal in a theciogicai miummy Thse SpeIItag Mat-ches with Brad-. man ouIcreter h damealforcse cnidup -du It, l1abeldaa intellectual honosty than saveal by laid awey, awesome witb antiquityTy'Sdol theologicall hypocrisy. but utterly helpless. The life lias (By James L. Hughes, Toronto.) ETERNAL REALITIES. died eut cf eny faith wben it cen Bradley's Sehool, No. 14,~ Dar- ho thus caseal up andl catalegueal lington, was a gocal sebool in my If yen examine the formulas anal A vital beliefalways defies precisol boyhood alays. £ie people in the philosophies upoa the acceptance analysis anal the processes of~ neighbonbood were well to do. -cf which your charactor and des- pigeon-holing. I Tey bcd fine nesidences and gocal tiny are bothi supposeal to rest yen As soon as the heretics alldb inf.frina, and they wene progressive -ejhl ha surpniseaýl te final how little a church the churcl ieis. The bore-1 and ambitions people. Mn. Thomas they have te do with the deep and tics are those who beave yester- Bradley, after whoon the school eternal realities cf life. Tbeology .day's forais for to-day's facts. The was nameal, was a macf unusual concerns ifseilf pincipally wîth enly dangerous heresies are these: intelligence anal force cf chara- matters about which we neyer cen Wben we love anal lie and refuse Iton. His older childran, twe sons, have procise information, wbene; the truth, or when pnide persuades jla23Stvadto aglFF uncortainty is most certain te be1 us te ho singular ini errer rather Maiy and teeanna txvo eghiars discovered, anal often with those tItan te ho lest in the langer cern- Mary n alearnhe woere ge m&tters which, if they niera 'set- pany who see the tnuth. the northwcstern district of Dar- tled ahsoluteiy, xould lose all in- If yen are perpioxed over pin-întn torest te us. ions in 'matters cf religion turu Mn. Geoirge Argue, cf the Sol:na People wera happy in their on- frein the uncanteinties to the cen- section, now cf' Enniskiiien, was joyment cf this f air woî-ld long be- tainties. We cen al agree thatth1- fortun.ate lever rho wro-hIlle n-- fore thîe invention efthle nebulan il is better te live up-thgn te die ilfaction of Miss Mary Bra-Iley. bypothesis. Tbey ýnanageal te stay down; that it is btter te lift OpBade'aholbgnthol onth rona on bfre the dis- than to tear down. If we wiii ccx ery et the law cf gravitato.gadal uia uhatm aa spelling sehool oe winter, andl No man would bho condemneal te certain plattorin for aur practîc sIMr. r elen teth slaidy ho chaînc-d te the eartb for tean cf weîill ceaie te look fer stabiîity loseooandtraely ieugh is p lady o tfaling off becauso hie refuseal te in dlouas cf theory, anal will final»lovaal homodiscussealspeligonl beliexe that laxv. 1 1tnuth through ite, ight doctrines thoe, ad hey fromnte saboo The greet thing te do is te accept through duty. boseranley aid noV agrue,)i the tacts as thev rHfENRY F. -COMPs-Brd!Esad rdly' cho FOLKSI GOSSAMEII.BUILDERS. lJncle Riollo considared thought-, f Uliy for a moment before givîng' an answer. 1 'I can't rcally tell, Hester," hei said, at iast. "I haven't cver seen ony mnyseif, but, thaen, 1 haven'Ui .enevorything, by any means, you kniow."1 Rester, frein the footstool, nod-! -dod silently. Uncle Rllo's whimsi- cal ways puzzled her s~ntms but hie aiways explain.ed tig sooner or ter, even if he did tabout' "I roînomber when 1 wasabu jour age," ho continued, looking, -onat ber, -I usod to believe' iirmly that there were fainies. You: -ouldn't have convinced me that thiere were not." The gil's eyes brightenod. -That's what I-" sho began. -But 1 used to beiiie almost, bntinu," said ber uncle, "parti- .,ýUlarly bocause et my ,nurse, whol ljad red hair."f Ha paased a minute, but Rester1 ýdid net ask wbat red hair had te ,-o xith it, s-) he went on: "Sho would teli me that the gossamner on the grass was but overî--igiit ;by the fainies. They did it to catch the dew to drink and to bathe in.f -%ust hefore the sun came up, my. bore end rovitalize thewStedner.. vous eystern by Using Dr.Ch1aSG' S Nerve Food. When the nervoec omneehnsd ,end you are threateeeld ith nlervl ous prostration, get in 1the sunishiin, bet the fresh air, rest a7ind use Dr. Cli-use 'Zerve Foud !and \oLii l wl. -ou muat be patientadpestn. M-. Win.Grb, Atwno Ont. wrto:"ywife lied beniiifort some timo wiithliCnovous prostratina two of ithe bstdctrsw eu t ,aid e lil le. h gaual le carne -is'adws, Pu:1etsle or Edmanson, Bates & Ce., Tc~uat~. I ________________il____r_._____ril- coulà spahi botter tiien theo bolîna seheol, anal Mr. Argue was quito rrlursa scial, al et thein would coïnte certain that Solihicaseheol coulal out anal have a grand tine. The ýeasily defeat the Bradley sehool. ý'airies would cli nb np the beama j Front this simple b-ginning a toward the sun, anal splash oach great wave cf excîtemeat andl dis- ilther. anal sing; anal a lotofethVings e ussica passeda over botli sections. like that," hae conehudeal. Chaileýfges te spelling matches "'How prettyl"' riaal Rester, v-are sent andal cepteal, anal the nestiirg h-or footstool noaren. enthu§iasin grew wxilder tbrough- "IV was pretty," admnitteal Uncle eut the xvle district. The great Rello, "anal I useal Vo tbiak about upheavals et the world et large the faînies xhenever 1 weat. eut wero forgotten. The foreiga wcrs betone the gossamar disappearcal ia among nations lest intereast wben the mroning. But I couldn't un- companeal with the spelling wer ho- denstanal wbene the fainies weat te, tween Solina anal Braaliey's. as what tbey wene like, or wby we The trustees- anal teachers of the shoulaln't sec them-just catchi-a two gections maet, anal witb col glmmpse et them, you know." formmlity mcde the arrangenments "lIve wondened, tee," said fies- tor the cntests. Two matches ter. were> te ho helal. Solina was Vo go "Thon one day I tounal eut aIl frst Vo Bradley's anal speîî eutcf about it," scid bier unele. "it was Cobb's Spolier. The netura match spiders ail the ine." was te ake placi in Soline anal the "Spiders 1" scial He-stonr. "Ugh 1" spolier to-e ho uceal ws Snllivan's. "NoV et ail, Rester, IV isn't pe- If eeeh ide wonaa match a third lite Vo say 'Ugh? a t spiders, was te ha hel<l anda epllon that especially nhen they fool yen into bcd neyer been useal in eithen thinking that they are fainies, anal sehool was te ha' chesen ton the huilal sncb very pretty thinga," final match. Rester lookeal ber distress. "Do The niglit et the opening match spiders realîy anal truly make the camne. The fermons et Solina sec- gessamor. Un7,clo B Ilho?" tien took their sîciglis anda cronal îlencaldet. "Don't ha afraid," et girls anal boys, anal youag ne- hao scial. "They are liVtle bits et mon anal yoîîng mon, drova singing spiders, you know. I nevor sawj anal cheeriag teo Bradhey's. Mcny ot thein, cny more then I bave seen the motars anal fatbeî-s came, toc, fain'es, but I know a man xx;ho bas. anal they wone juat as intenested They spin those threa'ds out cf their anal nearly as johly as the yonng bodlies, like regular spiders in the foîke. attie. These tbneads ae verY There was ne match that niglit, wonderful anal fine anal strong. however. The wily teacher inf Tbey form nets, anal they catch Brcdley's sehool bcd sont te the food in thei." Unitedl Sta tes for a ncw spolIer. . "I know !" exciaimeal the girh. Thora wera, two spellers preparo-a "I've sean ittIe white cenes, juit by Mn. Cobli, the, "Olal Cobli" anal likG tunnels,. Do they make those, the "New Cohb." Tho "Olal Cobb" tua V,' abcheen useal in Bnadiey's sehool "Surely," scial Uncl.e Hello. iii the mach wasa ansanged. We "Anal tbey de anothe-r queer tbing. bcd always useal Suiiivan's Spolier1 You've rcad about the Indian ina- in S,,ina, andh we bcad purehesealÏ giciens who throw anopek up in the "Olal Cobb's" anal prepaneal the1 air anal senal a bcy up on it, anal xonds in it for the finit match.1 h-, diseppearsV" When it was founal that the "New Sho, nodleal. Cobh" bcd been. substituteal ton "Ot course that is c trick," scial the "Olal Cohb" the leadeýrs cof the1 lien tîncle, "but Vies-e spiders do Soiina party xvene very indýignaunt, snomthin7,g very like it. Tbey __ throw up a thnead that the wind Yucno osbybv cathe, anaiV flues eut anal up, hv ikeý a;j u Tîhe spider -elambensabetr oeata tnp along Viii nope, anal miC ýwhct ho, cau s O f course Vhe nope ise_ tiaýl te->thle grass orsoeig fins. toe, sil leteatter a pause fý j Frcrnt1ntrLi ilu "Anthng aenIf IV iýs olya eonnfca ThiS excellent C0oea "The I cn sa tht I eliee hal,119and CeableS it to resist hi~~~~~i 1' habsscnitV r1y te sep!) -.J n .l I' 1 atle anutheai-ima fOOB 11ORTILIEGOJT Fnn.IStatement for t Ise y PROFIT AXE)1 'anal they refuseal after aserýiîons wrangle to go cn with a match under condi'tioýns which they bhar- acterizeal in streng language. It w as finally agreed te postpone the match till Solina could hava turne te get the "Naëw Cobh" spollers anal stualy them. Agaý0ie cypry weut frein Solina. Th-e numiiber bcad incroaseal, anal the exi wetias intense. Again the Bredley sahool section was chargeal with unfairness ho- cause the clýd hreught a young man nemealÀ Gay frein near Osbawa. te spel for thainl. 1-owaver, it was finallyagredte lot the matýc-'i proreed, liie Salieadessaying thet, if we seba down al but Gay, who wsrp tea o ho a per- fect spller-"a ,winlkinig diction- ary "-tbey wuld dlaim the vie- tory. Frein aide Vo sida the worls were selleal in turmn.' The stilln-ess was se i.ntense iî,tht a esounal was- heard save thie voicaeof the pro- nouncer aial the speilers. Gra- the vaakeýr faîl frein hoth skIes. Aýt nt ail îny compan- ions headl lnft me,, andl tiire were stili three, onuVte tother sida. lit w ,as an uneven, stnugglefor I hau te speil tbre-e Vîmes as înany woraiî as either of myý opponants. Afteï about ton ot the threeý te, one contcst Mary Bradley missed andl but two xxero left. Selina. cheerel! On irent the lbood cf words anal I bealVo speîî eniy Vwice as many as eech cf my opponoats. At length Bill Bradley missel, anal thon Solina ctieoreal loudly anal claimel Vbe victnry. For another at us rapidly. I bcd -done notbing but study spelling for three. weeks, and lI knew bow te spell every *ord in the "iNew Cobb." My fter knew thet lI coulal do se, anal ho scial: "On te the anal." Fer ti long haîf heur the spelling went on. Quickly wane tho words prop- nouneal andal a quickly were Vhey spelleal. "Lot us call it a ,dnaw," suggast- ed Mr. James Osborne, the tee- char et Bratley's. "No 1" said my father. ciWe bave beaten your section aireaaly, anl ne can beat Gay." Gay srniied confidently, anal the match proceedec. Gay wcs e man cf mature years. Finally, heweven, ha slippeal when baif way tbrough e word anal I spelleal it before ba ceulat recovar himacîlf, anal the OJZýtPO5tJe UPO', OO~Ojwilliam inet cf Ayr, Ont., match xvas cvr. Selina bcd won, theretore con sist aimost e Ofey t'scys: 'Booth's -Hycmi b las proven anal judging hy Vie cbeering, Se- breadatuffs anal canada, puddings, te ho a moatsatislactony treatint lina knew it bcd won. fresb anal dnial fruits, nta analte for nasal catarrh anal bronchiaI On the hemneward trip 1I wcs ai- milk produets. W/aVen is the oniy trouble. I bave doctoreal considen- low-ed the seat cDf honor-on the ho voe-ge aliowed. it is caineeger ahly for tieLse troubles, anal con- pea-straw atetVie hack cf the di et, anal iuit ho mono or Icis mo-j1 scientiousiy say thet nothing ever sleigli-alne il fthnoe ntno; anal m.ceeven, itià niet juseal bas given me sncb quiek anal axer hookeal more ýrAdianV en belal weys efficacions in during parie-r hasting henefit aeths nenedy. I bier fourteen-Yeer-old lover,' banalducal beadaches anal other supposedj have founal it eapecialiy gocal for more tighîtly Vb3n id Vie littie girl ncîettbsotte uî-cdcolal in the- 1 ced anal cougli., I arn wbe~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~d saeltabesetwt dathesis. An occcsionch course cf: en lel oendorse Ryoenei as an thet nigit. it, anal a habituel moro or leas chose!ý article cf uncenmen menit." "Mytatenproisal e par. approecb Vo it are, ne douht, cf j ycaii (pronounceal Higli 0-me) cf new boots if I won," I xhispered getbnftt h enrihatlsmdct1laa niotcar in hon ean. She gave me sonething bu n ut e ogtthtm 1 e breathe, it into the hunga that nigb that I1seineal more thanofethVe ilîs crediteal te unie aeid may through a sinaîl pocket inhaler anal boos.hoea direct resuit et eye-stncin, te its sootbing influence as it passes 1 y humiliation came ontVha niglit bc nelieved more hy glaises than cirer Vie infiameal membrane e1t the c , thertura match. W/e wera te ydeoYuisCmein respiratory tract, stops Vie mucu spoil the list et "difficuît" wcnds EAT I S.diadiarge, chîcys the inflammation in Suîliven's apollon, cf whicb thaeEATHNT.anal the olniaL cureal. A cenplete finit twe wona, "ahaeyance" anal A hanalful cf fleur bounal on alfiYomei Outflt costa $1.00 anlJr "ache." I1lied studical the list s0 eut wihl stop bioeaing. & Loxeil will efunal 300r moncy thoroughhy tiiet 1 coulal speli for Fer Rocrseness-Tcke bahf cup if' it taîls te cure. several pages witbout baving eny Of sweot milk, put a pinci et real____ __ oe te pronnunce the words for, pepper in it, heat it, anal drink me. Unf ortuateiy> the, first word 1 out as bot as yoîî cen stand it tbnee OBITUAIRY. wes giron te me, anal un the, excite- ion tour ines, a day anal juit heforo ment et the moment I spalleal the 1notiring at niglut. Tihe Laf o Absaloni VaemCanîpi. two words, cayance" ad Many wemea think1 that it is weak Absalen VanCamp, whosae decti "ache." I spoileal hoth words cor- 1te take a aap in V1ie daytime ; Oun teck place et the, home cf bis son, rectly, but the berd-heenteal jualges ! the centrary, it is of;ten a sîga et 1. J. VcnCcmp, Yanpa, Colorado, would heer ne expienction, anal I weekness if they do net. A ncp; January 22ad, lied passeal the tbree wes put down hecuse oftttwo words in the ùtarnoon netreshes oeafon insoca e on, îtbugi Ioie'-d ha ine hin, hcase f ic on score yeers anal ten aliettecI te intea s fbonw t alt cua si, ped reheica t affords, cna i a'kind, liaving observeal Vha 5ev- etterpagwitht1cu - e p ahso hi reaxain t 'PV ean t enty-sixth ennivaraary et bis hirti aftr ag wthutany oea o guve as elps i h nng ofgoo on the fourtb et hast Neveniber. ont the words. W/e won the match, loeks, gocal beahth anal good dis- 1Mn. VanCamp was bora on Vie aid liowever, as Jennie Hogarth et position. Thora is no0 thing that so:, VanCamp homestecal, nean Bow- Seluna wes the prend vucter cf the suon restoes Vie tîneal nerves as menville. ?Ie waVhe youngest evenuag. n ncsttuh sleap. GeV in the habit sno h aeEdrJseVn The -pnide et Scinae neceivedal efetgiving np e tew minutes at heat sCfpVienaV oe Eide JessenVar- seeesboek etter Vhe matchi, liw- eace ay te taking a nap, andl you campl aunalesoaa t ixxs un mer-- aven, anal we n--nt home bumili- inay ficd Vie nacassity of-tobnies I lra. So on atter bis marriage Vo ated after ail. George Mitchell, donc, away with. Miss E. J. Bunka hae went te frein Bradley's section, Vhrew Olive oil, by acting on the lix'ar, Omaha. Tic firat brick building in George Bice, our champion wnest- ___________________aat city nas built hy hin. In han, anal tie glory et cor spelling 1859 ivien tie Pub-as Peak golal ex- rîctorues n'as abadoneal by our de- Ï1Î citemant sterteal immigration Vo featin wrestiing. W/bat nere eurwbtinw CoedoM.V- spelling triumphs compareal witb apxahmn I first te go. their succesun 'xrestling? No- .A Hoen'as in business thon until 1878, tbý*ng, in tie opinion et athetic- whiîe Vie Leadvillo boom waa en, Sclina. Becciem's Pis are Vhe "cunce cf n hen ha moveal te thet eity. Ris pravontien" thet saes nuany a dol- blra iedcli 89 ic lcr for cure. Keap disease frein lvd-wf ie n199 ic Th il fou tonhe Athiete. - In gatting hI, anal it will neyer lay YO j hon dath le bas frequently visit- rubbing down, thea athietes can ont. i cd his son ini Yampa, oftea romain- final notiing fin-r Va Dr. Thomas' Tie safeguards egainst ail lif's ing for montha. W/hile on a visit Eclectrie Oul. lit renýders the aiomnaiIs ara: A Sound Stomnach, et Rille, ho, met with an accident musces anal sinewvs piale akea Iiealthy Kldneys, Regulan Bowels which wx s Vie direct caiuse et his tie scrans eut c thein anal and Puire Blood. daiVo mni ae. H itrengthens thon fer strains Viat mnay ho put upon stands pre-eminent for thiis purpase, anal ath'etes wie for-yen-s lbava been using it enu -est it"y tej its value as e hubricant. SLIGRTLY UIESNBE "Mly hushanal is s50very lunrea- "Most hushealý's are. W/bai,:t aid' yauns do?" "Hie fixedala ibhook inenac, f, his peekaets becansý e lie prtenàda niglit-a-nal- then aniaeal e ha- 'ca 'uppiselie torgot il xvastee" yen avefaileal ii busines'sS.~ lea;s, rggedlard, butI, i evnting saeamy lhenor, Vank -taise enul esettie on ymy ife -iren I1tonalmseît geLbiug in1 a-unereus ai thcuscnds-bo'th men anal Wo men-keap hluaaiîyby a remdy tit lia stocllte test for ~ ~ ~ aL liiisetuycd~ noir useal eDver al tic cvlza lb.They purify i lleastagle Llue nerves, rglt u arlaid tiÎe Builal111 tIe naroLsforce aal r- TLu hst Saýcguard againît inidigecs- tion, hlîcuanasccdd (ysei. Tajke ecaîsPil cua anl! yeu mi]]lmainita gclbal at aal ceat. leaves tire sons, Ira J., et Yen- pa, Cohorado, anal James E., et Les Angeles, Cal. 1Mn. VanCaîLp is Vie laist oetfbu fcmuhy axcept eue sster, Mrs3. Locke,muess in Toronto. The tunemral mas, laid Sunday, Jaauany 24, et ithe Congregatiosuial Clîurci et nhicil decýeascal lad beu a taithfuh attenideit wien in Yl-! pa. :Tic large nunher et people)1ý in attendane bespnhke higli e- I gerd in wiici thais w ortly dna i Vian gentleimanv/slad Led asaarfine. show us a a na aaa ut Doctor Haig cf London, who bas attained emiuea'-e in the tr-eatinent -GNa cf certain diseases, came to bis 4easntcxiî .-iss-c tbeory, of the uî.c-acid causatien i1 iDD=,5c,5cho--s~ alc kf many of so-calleal neoraigia, BS aokt- - - -ioe iboumatie pains, gouty twinges anal CPio 1tdp.W IT0W,52.S headeene as a resoît cf observation Roco4---------5255 o,"n himseîf. D nig is sttdn , eiof1-.,t on BSil, li i otd anal early protassional alays ha sut- - - 5.56 tered horrnibly froin perbodicl headaches, lsa an average cf o ee6 or two days out cf- every week in n', .oquuîov e sen'f. île e poni-!,Tgrontc ot 0h lsxe-,i mnenteal nith ahi sorts cf drugs anal ,nocaes cof living, anal firaily dis- ,ovred that the ess meat ho ate beips Vo clear the akin, but the the lois hecache ha bcd, anal ha penson trying it must also diet. founal funthen that tVie occurrence, Nothing fried shoulalbho acten; 1ne of headacha nas marked by a 51h-i pastry; ne rich 'ravies or greasy ultaneous exeretion cf a large S) Ps. Ifthi diet is strix.tly f(D- aInount cf urîc acial. loeca with p'lonty cff rosb anal Frein these- two tacts he conclual- steweal fruits, a toaspoont'ul cf the ed that the' headache was due Voec1 take haîf an heur betore break- the presence ot unie acial in the fast anal anchaîf an heur alter the blocal, c that rthe preserice cf laVait mah every -day, for a year, unieacil i th bloal as.ue.e will relieve the iver of its inacti- meat-eating. Frein this heginning vity anal se dean the skin. It is iras~~~~~~~ evopaecopoesstmf-quite -uselessatte expect results dietetiýes, baving for its oUee't the froin taking cliv e cii in &, few wmks exclusionet aIl unie-aciab contain- j r oeîmonth;weeteeia ing focals, sinco, if unie acial is real d eisposition te liver siuggïshiness' lx- the cause et these troubles, ne olive nil ýshoulal ha a regular article permanent relief enu be expeet'edio it it shotilal h taken on het- se long as fn-esh qî'antitias cf VheIofde, pnco ka nee the system evcry d-ay. hr lypsibe te usalcato rl; Man is naturally a fruit-anal-ve-hedypsilt ueitofeey geteabhe-ectiag animal, he, believes, anal must ratura te bis original IJE DIATE RELIEF. diet as the oniy me-ans te bis sau- Vary saivetien. In ether words, Froun Coughis, Colds, Soe Throa;ls Doctor Haig is- a vegetanian, but a and Hoarseness by Using peculiar kinal et one, for hae dees9 net aliow ail vegetubloe foods by IOI. any rnea-is. When yon catch colal yen want te Beans, peas anal other pie are geV nid of it as quickly as yen ca, forbidalen, siace their pretein i5 You don't wat Vo lie arona the readiIý convcrtible inte unie cibos for a weck swellowiag nan- anal espacially doca lie eschaw tee seating drugs. anal coffea, thoir aikalcidai ingre- Why net avcidalal hs? W-hy dient, caffeino, being praetically net reliera your col in fivo min- the saine cheniecliy as unie acial. ut-s î Why net cure it oven niglit? The ietcf ea we wuid rcil Yu enu de it by neing Hyomei, the beeoming a subjeet Vo the uric-acid &ure anal guaraateed cure for colds, diathýesis, or who would emancu- conglis, sore tbroaV, catemrh, broc- pate himself f ront the pains cf the ichitis and asthme, "The aimait w-cnhdxxile more- ment te proteet anal e.staish 1i,ý1 torests bas roacheal Chine," said Percy T. Ryans, e aiocl on tracter cf Ilongkoag. 'Mie fris Chinese sdbeol et forestry wnillson bo opanea t Mukalen. The Chiesc Empira is usually pointeal eut as 7Vthe worst example ernong modemr Tnations cfftonest destruction. The flooda which are periodieahy penn- ad down frein the denudeal menai- tains are destructive hayonal cern- penison witb any other country, andl the xvaat cf fonoats is assigned Vo Vhis as the chiot cause. Woa us scarcer in China thanqý in almoatsf cny other nogicu in thje -taorîci aI- thongh the country is whhadapteci Vo Vie growing et trees.] A XVomaî's -Sýym-pathy ÉAre yen discouraged? ta your doctor f :Ill a heavy ficenciai ioad' Is your as a heavy physIcai burden? X kaew wbaht those me tetdelicate woinen-I bave( .)eeu discounared toa; but leariaed liow tti =o iyeif. 1 ;want te roieve yurbuir lons. Why net endi the pain and Sopthe e1octor'e bllI? 1 can do this for you azui iJ If yen wIll assist me. ÀAi you nedý do Is to write for a fneq box of the resnedy whicu bas been plac;ýe4 in my banda to e l1venawy.Iehp this one box wli cure you-lt ha ne ao for otheri. i If so, 1 ahalii e barny andi you wli be eured for 2ce (thse coBt 0f & postage stamp). Tour letters hld cnf. lentilly. VWrite to-day for nix' free treat- nent. MISS. F. E CERnAII. Windsor, Ont. W/ISE TO THEIR HABITS. "Excuse me, ma'am," scial Vbti ,Lank canivasser te theladîy miri lied opaneal thýe d'ion in ans.wer te i ring, "but if yeu haro a& few nial- ntes te spara lI'd like te sowyotz this great work on the 'H1abita cf Sarago Animaîs.' " "No use wasting yor inL, young man," replied Vi fnile "I've beaun maru-ical, three timiee anal know cillabout theiý,r hbt. KNOWING1 The man ýwho- is aware of.'is ig- norance kosa woelot mr than some poland hae standsï a ote hanee of mainggoo. 1 Yeas' nds 3eth January7"9O GO Di,iod od f h rtc 2 o e1 72 I7 ' -5 aOrd teBeere ' frecuProt en. ELaoodoxid Forw......... STÂTESEJST o onSiB"ic,, -- -L ,Lea. pd i eOChce e, ihr5,,- ---b3niq 1Oc te ..t . hrSo. . - . - . ~ ,4 - - - P. . £5005,0 NEW COLD FIELD eON TUEI LARE SUPERIOlI BIIANCI OF G. T. P. RYi% Advices have be.cnreevdb the Passenger Departmenit' of the Grand Trunk Pacifie Ry. that ai1l indications point to at least a moderate sized rush to theSu- geon,-Lake Gold Fields as sconi as the snow is off the ground to l acit lof prospectVng. Sturg-eon Lake is located- north- east'of the G. T. P. Lily. une, an is reache-d throýughý Wako staýtion, 160 miles West of FortWlim Theýre is a carry acroas t 4he six miles frorn Wako station to btur- ~41e-e-at ý-the-- ïev -goid- fields can bho conveniently reac by using-the service of the CG. -V, P. Ry. on its Lake SuperiLor i- î vision. li{ecent reports show thiat tjh1( crude mining opeeatiens; thaýt hv hitherto been conducted l prior taý the advent of transportation faci- lities have yielded exceedingly ricll returns, whiJe the tests cn ce by the two rnining con-m11ies, which are ",periag at, presenut show values of ab)out $oo.o pr ton. Experienced miners claýii m h the prospe,:ts are botter in the Sturgeon Lake district than in the Klondike gold fields and othour w known goid areas, which are pro- ducing enormous returna. lit is re- portied that great excitent pre.- vails in Fort William aa otAr- thur ov-er rocent ninds iii the ýStur- geon Lake district, andeey te muan on the street is carry iag a, bottie of nuggets from that d~ trict. The Grand Trunk Pacifie lily. ji arranging transportation facilities, in anticipation of th-Prunsh hi is expected te set in soty FOIRESTRYlIN CHNA.

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