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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1909, p. 8

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-THE- 1Royal Bank INCORPORATR!D ï869. Pays Special Attention Savings Account. Capital, paid U Rasanva Puud Tctal Assets $3,90000 $4,600,00 $50,OOO0OOQ F, J,. Mitchell, I I rinager ýowvnanv!lle Branch.j ENFIE*.LD tt'dtie Shamrock social at Ilamp- ton March 17. Mr Harry James and wife, -Columbus, recantly vlsîted Mr JHepburn. .,..Mr A Nlddory attended the Cement Con- venÉoin l Toronto.... Mr Arthur Orm- Iston lias purchasec Mr Alex MoeCul- loce's farin, getting fulil possession next a. .. Mr G Cochrane bas rented the fsmformerly rented by Mr B Stacey MrJSAsht-on ýreceiveq a Shi ment cffrshbead twlee a week from Tor- ene.,.Mrs JMe1' ns Parr la at Mr W, Todf',near Bowmanville, nuu'slngi Irse Terdiff who is serious)y iii wtihU; f.-tictyisthe Mystbriffus r.erve f rce whlb ouresthrough the--bzdy co- trolling the mmnt of every muscliE and t - ïwo1ig of every organ. Thse sec-et cýf keeping thse marvelleus uer- voua ,-,vtem In headth aud vigor la fouudinj' ý the use of Dr. Chase's Nervo' FoedI, tho great bleod builder aud nerve restorative. NEWTON VILLE Mr aud Mrs A Noden3 Winn ipeg', bas baee vislting his brother Mr W Noden. ___Much sïmpathy la feit for Mr and Mrs M J Holussu la the Eudden death of their eldest son Stanley who was i11 onlv a fewdys The funeral Saturday te Newtonîllle cemetery was lara-ely attendedý...Mr Edgar Nodcen, Port Hope, was borne over Sundav ...Mr Douglaýs Natie-Y bas returned from bis tnIp tc Englad ... . Mn W J Joues la on a businss trip te Toronto..Mrs Henry Joues la under thse ae, eof tIse docor.... Anotheé r ludependent telephonle 17e las bee oranieaco~cctngOroLo aud .iý1e, ruinnfing wçpthe fourth 1i; Vice Presidenlt, ArsdrewSharpe; &~cretar-Treasurer, Moses Cow- Dàirtors, il W Eenwick, W lM Uackley, HL Vilison, R FergUson, John Turner. THIE REMINDERS OF RHEUMATISM Cold, Wet Weather Sarts the Pain But the Trouble is là the Blood.> Cold, damp wveather brîngs on the tin-.e sd pains of rheumatism, but la, neo-Is real cause of the complaint. 'fbh trouble ila'rooted ln the blood and ea-1u lv buecured by enrichlug tIse bleod, and drlIvlug thse polsonous acid eout of the systeni. This la a gPret-rmedical trut, which everv rhum isfferer sbould realize, Liniments sud utward applications can't cure thse trouble- they can't roach thse blood. Thse sufer- er la only wastiug valuable, time and good money ln experimenting witb IbIs sort of trestment-and ail the tîme the trouble la beceming more firmly rooted, --harder te cure. Thaeelic just one sure way to teure rbeumatlsmi - Dr. W.illlam,' Plnk PIl. '1 ey act dlrectly on the Impure, weak blood. They pur- ify audstrengthen it, aud sa root out th e cause of nheumatlsm. Mrs. S. Balley, Newcastle Creek, N. B., sas;- 'In tbe aummer of 1906 1 be- came lame la my ankies, but thinklng I ýwould soon mret over the attack I dld net seek adical aid, but used liniiments te alla? thse pain sud awelinig. Iristead of getting better the trouble increased and 1 then censulted a dector wbo pro- inouuced it aticular nheumatism, aud frented me for this trouble. Inatead ci getting better the pain aud swlline- ha- came) wor, e until handly able te hobhie ebout, the bcuse. rlsiug in thse mr i 1Iwas unable te bear my weýigbt, except witb extrema pan. HaVing trlad se much medicina with- out benefit 1 bogan to think f was doomed te ha' a crippie. One day a cousin advised me te try Dr. Will!ims' Fluk Pilla. She said, I talkg them evary sDring w4 a tenïlcoifer uiy biuod. ana they make me a riew peïsen.", A fter semae persuasion 1 decidea te try tbem. I bad taken three or four boxes befere 1 noticed suy chauge, sud, tben it seemed my ankies bec ise leas painful and by the unme I had used afswmor boxzes ýther3 was a Monerful Ipoe meut u m7conditioL.n, Ne ovdi ~~~ sulswel, but 1 fit 1like ja wie or6ya r 1 luSpeaklugrto a doctor ha sald that ne deubt r. Wlilan wbo ha'aytebedjt el BAK1ÊR'S SCIIOOL Repent cf' S. P. No. 19, Darllngton, for February. Namas in order o! menit. Sr 1V-James Abarnetby. Lata Smith; Jr . IV-1 lossla Werry,_ -Loute Annis; Sr IlI-Mildred Wanry, Arthur Han- vey, Lavera Orchard; Clasa Il -Charlie Smith, RuEeli Smith, Melville Werry, Archie Abarnutby; Sr. Pt. Il--Mary SoucIs; Jr. Pt. II-Willson Abennetbv; Pt. 1-Elva OrcIsard, Frank Abernethy Mansel Warny, Willla Belknsp. Pre- sent eycry day :-Leta Smith, Laveru Orcbard, Arthur Harvay, Russell Smitb Charles Smith, Elva Onhard. (Miss)'ANNia B. DEVITT, Teachar- Life Guards The Lifa Guards ara twe negiments ef civalry formlug part of the British bousebold troopa. They are galant soldiars, sud evarv lv)al British heiint la proud of them. Net ouly the Kin£'s houshold,,but vcuns, ours, avarybody's Fhould bave itsIlife guarda. TÉe naed cf tbîm la especlaliy great whau tle greatest foes cf 11e, diseases flud alliesi lu tse veny alemeuta, as Influenza, ca x tarrl, the grip, sud pneumouis do lu thoestonmy mentI o! March. The hast1 wty that weknow of te guard against1 these diseases late strengthen the sys- tem with Reod's Sarsapailîla -tIse greatest cf ail 111e guards It ramovas the conditions, in whicis these dîseasea suake the- mot iucearful attae., gives viger udif ate tIse vital organs ana Ino, sdimcpants gauilaiwarmth to tiebod.Rmma thse wéeaker dlseos, Hod'aSsrapnii >aestse SOLI'N1A. Initiation couteat a Sellnas Division Fnldav night arIen a colle,1tion will ha takan for thea Dominion Alliance.... Mnr Frnuiansd MisasEdith Ashton, Colum- bus, visitcd Mn Chas lane'hard. . ... Mr W N Paseoce Ias lad la grippe... Mrs H Jefery, Bowimanvilla, risltcd frIands bore.... Mr sud Mrs John Hail, Enfll, -visited at Mn A L Pascoe's.. .ýMn ALb Pasce atatendad Ontari llian1;ý -,-Ce meet- ing aitvoronte . ... Mn TIses Sb.,otridge, an rcld resident 'Yisîtedbr sdcala- hnataed lis 5th birtlday antIsfrids ,. .. Mrs A L Pnsc,ý Isa'beu rne-t quite s."e d cf late....Tlauntou Di vi.ion ta cxpecý,rted bene Fridaiy, ManeLrc 19.. Ja'mes L. Hughes on ù&', imurne allng matches at Solina and tJohn E'j- Heganth ou thea sod sbanty tell satonies ' te leet readans ou insida pages. DOES NOT NEED A DOCTOR b1rs. Fý. Perler, Valleî field, Que. ~J asya-: s asuse s y a Uwn Tabl ots fon my littie oue, and tlenefone neyer uead a docton. SWhcn my baby la f avarias or nest-a lasa I gîve ban a Tabiet sud lu a couple. of bours se s la, ailgbt. benefihaebeau (sf tIsegroesta hanfttolirwhau taathing, sud are jualtisae thing ln ail ensergen. cles."T hase Tablets pnomptly cura colle, digstoy aormtJa, ion lle indesto, cosa breýkup olsu d make teetb- is ng easy. Goid er childranof al ages. Sold by medicîne dealers 3jor hy mail ai 25 cents a box fnorn Prockvs1le, Ont. MeiîaC. HAMPTON, Look Rare! Thea Ladies ci Hampton E. L. C. E. ai give a Shamnock En- tertalanent on St. Patrick's Day, [Mar. 17(h ]I A good Musical sud Lircnary pnegnamilabiugpnapared. Admission adultal7 cents, Ciildran 9 cents sud every saven teenîl persani admlttad frac. Coma and beeue of tIe lucky eues, Proirram te begin ai 8 o'clock, 9-2w. Women's Institute mat Tbursday March 4th ai home of Mns John Ken- alaise. A yary lnterestlng prognam aras given lucluding au excellant papen ou SThe Esten urne" by Mlrs John Calwrlîl, jr,. At tle close of thse pnegram s purse. of mouey aras pnesented te Mrs John Kersiaka for wblcl ala very feallugl.i' exprassad hangratitude. NexI meeting lsah eidaiborneo! Mrs S J W:ll. liama Thuns:Iay Apnil lst. Subjects: Different wa.yso! pneparing chasse for the table"; -What dîises to prepara aIsestha appetitce naqulirs cosxiug"l; 1 Hloarte beautif v the bouse"; Hînts on bouFe cleanliug"; subjects toe in charge of. Mis E Hastings, bina Hanry Wilcox sud Mra Th-os Wilcox. Evarybody coma, Ladies ail walscere. NEWCASTLE. Mis Burnham, Cobourg.- la visltlng hanr daugîter, Mrs D J Gibson.... Nis Ilogers bas retuîned to Toronto a! ter speuding a arasa. atI lier daughter. Mis E Hi Mebean .. .. Misses Gertie aud Iearl Pdarce vlitcd ai Mapla Grove ... Thse Mis- es Coutie, arIsevlsited Misa Mliss Chappla, h ive nturned te the elty ...Mn Oscar Scott, Lifford, vlited anth Mn sud Mts Middleton nacently .. . .The WV M S cf thse MeiIodîst CIsurch hld tb.air meeting Fridav atternnen at the home o! Mns A A Colail.... Miss FIer. ence Pya, Enniakîllen, la vlslting ai Wotl. Bowea'sj...Robent Gray sold a teans e! herses te Williamsou a! Toronto. Franis Ricisard ase sold oe. Edgar Osbornue soîd bis apan of gnays te Jacoha Of Mou'cnaal. Theseasma huyan aise Iscuzbi a herse from John Pligg .. .. Ail o! Mis Grose's childran wene borne Iu houer o! 1er bithday. the 29th of Pcb ruary. Mi.. fs E Imuud Thacknay has neturned fions vislting In Bamanvlîle ... ev Alex Mowagt, Fetanhono, sud son are visiting ber brother, L B Dsavld- son.... Mn Isap.e Clark and alfa, Hamp- ton, aud Sam Audrews3, Pcterboroaane gua0stas 8 u cà HJoli'd ... Miss Jaunie War-frn, yeungaast dangîtar of Mis R Waren isd red Cowau, Toronto, wrremannied rcul... sIaBanron lis been stigfriands aitBallevilis Britton vlisitcd liu Port IHope ..ev c V c waatenaýdd is liý cîocf r',uly Paill3 o f t10IseSdLns lne ame Knr PîtHoe.are nîdouf m ti m o.Tnye vPcb.1 0 1,at11,bm a e s brd. rtui rsd nts ul Brosý' ftr pchIsî2d iýrmOsc s c Seti, NEWS JOTTINGS. The losa by the flood lu Pont Hope on Wednasdav last aras veny haavy sud wll advauce the rata on the tax payera. -There may be- other -corn -curas, but Holloway's Corn Cure -stands at the head a! tIsa list se fan as nesulta are con- crnad. Judge Benson, cf Port Hope, bas balpad ta elect thnee Blshops-Blshop Bethune, Blsbop Swaatmau sud Blshop sweanay. Fi! ty dosas for a quarter! The hast of ail toutcs Miltan'a Compound Iron Pilla. Sold loi R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drugglsts. Command of tle Third Prince of Wales Drazoons bas beau transferned from. Col Brownu, Coîborue, ta Major Syers. Mlllbnooz. Minialera, Lawyers, Teachens. sud othens arbose occupation gives but lîttia axcer 1cisa, sbould use Cartersa Little Liver Pilla for torpid livrsand bilious- nasa. Oua la a dosa. Try thami Editor Keys was sareuadad by a lustv robin on Wednasday moruing ai lis office lu Coiborue. The samae day tle editer of the Port Hope Times csught two suokers in bis office on Waltonst.- Cobourg Fost. Pncmpt relief from s sck beadrohe, dlzziness, nausea, constipation, pain lu thse aIda, guananteed te thoee uslug Canter's Little Livan Pila, Ona a dose. small priée. Small dose, Strait F111. Six uawspars bave raceutiy suspen- ded publication lu tisa Province cf Ont- sio-ail startcd lataly bcaus cof la long- faIt 1arant," except th ise Dsaonto Tribunei, , lauuchcd tweuty-six jyans ageo undar favorable circumstancas sud aras cnaditably manuagod.-CelbonaExpress Bickle's Auti-Cousuimpt"Ive Sï-Iup la au unparaleilad ramedy fo;r coids, cougîs. lunza aud dîseases o! the thrcat sud lungs, This famae ofthe me- dicine resta upon yaara cf suecessful use lu eradieatlng tIsea affections, sud lu protactlng mankînd irons theafat al ra- vages cf consumption. sud as a negleet- cd cold isada te consumption, oea can- net ha tee cRraful te fight It la lis early stages. BickJa's S3 nup istahtIa eavon, me h, T'YRONE. Mira Xm Canu and famtiy, Salems, spent a fear days with hen parents, Mn and Mrs lSmuel ilooper. . . Mr Richard Hatherly, baving securad thse position O! stage driver irem CS3arca te Ennia. killn, la ramoviug te Enulakillen .. Ilchard sud Mrs Wcodlev niglit royai- ly eutcrtaiued a nuraber cf "ye olda tvme" friands TisurÉday aveniug.... Mnr Charles Baisud famly are removing ta Oèhawa ahrIea l has purcbssed a k ja ý 0f4 La _ . . .. rS laL JSM I W bOLL il1 ...Miss Susan Farrell la gradually gnowing wea-en. . . .'he Orange Lodga et j9i cd an e; ter supper Fnlday aven- lng tbrough the kinduesa of Mn Alan M Williams, l3owmanville. ... A jolly load cf vouna' people apent a pleasant asen- ing at thse surprise party at Mn Edwand Virtue's-Friday. ... Mr Peter Wanry la vlsiting lu Toronto and wIll accompany Mrs Warny home thia waak as se is now convalescent sitar ber necent iii- nass.... A nuâiber of new books bave beuadded te the Sunds.y Scboo! X brary .. . A number of immediate family friands cf W. R. sud Mns. Ciemeng wae Isosptably entcrtalncd by them Thurs- dqiy eveulug, sud oen %dVMrac inina ClcmelaS were at home te a large circle of acqualutanres fromn Tyrona and vlcîity. FntoS ud-i that aach Su-Iferz when- the other le deranged. When tIse liver becomes sluggish and torpid iu action, or is given tee much work by over-cating, thse kidncys have te help eut with the work et filtra- tion. WIsen thse liver f ails thse kidneys have ail this work te do. Thse begiuning is billouuesa, idgs tien and constipation and after a time thse kidneys begin te hc affçected and there comas backacha, uriuary derange- ments sud finally kiduey disease. Dr. -Obase 's Kidney-Livar Pilla are the rational cure fer kidney disease, juat as tlacy arc the most succassful, ba- cause they get at the cause of trouble sud exert a cembiued aud direct influ- ence on liver, Ilidneys and bowels. 'Thoýy premptiy and thnroughly lenethe boels or intestines sud by awakaning the action ef the liver take thie hurdan off thse kidneys. Then by their direct action on the kidacys bring about the natunal and healtbful work- Mng ef these organs. Dr. Chase 's Kidnay-Li-rer Puis, one pili a dose, 25 cents a box, at ail deal- ers on Edmanson, Bates & Ce., Toonto. I I r OSHAWA. Mrs Henley, Toronto, la visîting haný son, Geo Hanley., Misa Graca Duthia, Toronto, bas beau -flsingfrinladsn-t-owu-- -- Dr T E Kaiser bas returned from a trip te New York City. Mr Rutchard, Seotiand, la vlsitlng bis brother Mn John Butehard. Miss Edua Parkins visited fnieuds lu Bowmanvllle over Sunday. Mn Fred J Pansons, Moutreal, callad ou f riands lu town eeutly. Mn Gao Paire, Highland Creak, la viEiting bis sister Mrzs Jas McClura. Miss Gertrude Savage, Ashburn, 15 gueat of bar cousin Miss Mamie Nott.ý Misg Gwendolyn Jouas, New York Cit s, la visitiug ber father Mr CA Jouas. Mrs Geo Scott and Miss Marie Hansen are vislting Mna Fred Blette, Tilsonburg. jMn Aubrey, Sehool Practical Science, Tornto, was athome ovanthe week-end, Mr Ed J Pull bas acceptad s position iu the office of îie Mcbaughlin Carniage Co. 1Misses Bentha sud Estelle Carey wana guasts cf Mn sud Mrs Fred Bull wbile in towu. -' Raya. iH T Lewis, B A, nud J -as Hodges, B A exchaugad pulpita Sunday evening. Mr Crystal Brown,, Ente, Pa, aras gueat cf his brother, J D Brown, arille ln town. 11ev. Chas_, PFoobrler, Oîhawa vislted bis parents, Mn, sud Mne J Fockier, Stouffvil. Mnru r Mitchell, Boarman- vilHe, arere guiesta of Mn sud Mrs Jos Craig Saturdqy. Mn Gan Hezelwood bas naturuel (rmm vlsitlng lhis brother Mn N Hezelwocd, Imlay City, Miel. Mrs W Karuey, sud littie daugbte-, Sault St Marie, are îiaiting ban sistar Mns Roy Farewell, Dr D S Hoig bas beau conflued te bis noom for the past waek with a savae attack cf la grippe. J G Laugmaid wife sud daughters, Zî.on, arere guesta of Mn sud Mrs Chas Fer.tois over Snnday, Mlis8es Pwàtnicl, 0utanj e Ladiesl Col- log-e, Whithy, a eusta of Misa Flor- eccaTait oerSund,C- Oshawa Fruit Gnowev7rs Association meeta ads at 2 p M lu its packlng bkouse te diteýusas pra lug sud- co-opera- tive buyiug. Mlisses Mabel Williams, May Robson aud Mn Chas Robsen attendad the mai- niage o! Mliss Graca Marlou Ross, daugb- tan of Mn Wm i Rosa, ex- M P, te Mn Harnv Chanlîea 3Cowdry o! Toronto at Font Pennry Marel Srd. At & meeting cf the Trustee Board o! lng lasi s unaulmous caili aas given te Rev. A. R. Sandýen-son, Panlretanguishena, te hacome ibe ir paCoto inthe coming yaar arbicbha bas accepted subjacite thse inansfer o! the Contenances. The lasi carnivai o! the season aras hcId at Bsadley Bics big rnk Friday evenlua'. The atteudauca aras large thcugh net as many as usuailu c turne. PrlIa ea awarded te Miss Lettiacý Richardfes as a nun, MissEte M'ain qasiwa girl, Mn W WaImi8s:ly te& ber, udMaser hsnîçHem as lkP'ýcaîf St League Tucsday cvauilng aras lu charge o! the Y issienary depani- meut. sud au lnteresttug program aras given coualstlug of a plane soie by Miss Mabel Stalter, vocal solos hiv Misses Dobnav and F rancis sud readinga hi' Misses Kealen sud Anscoti. The nagu- ian moutbiy collection for Perwaîd Moyemeul for Nlissions aras takan. Meeting elosed antIs Mizpal banedie- A vany intercsting aud hlgI clasa concert aras given lu the Simce St Metbodiat chureh ou Monday evenug undan the auspices of ths Eparth League. Mr. Crystal Brown, tise popu- favorite banc, dalighted tisa large audi- ence behln luthe ooles sud rendening o! Ils varions salectieus, andd ncspendad veny generoualY te the anebres accorded bim. ishe Misses Estelle and Bentha Carey, o! Hiamilton, arisahava just ne- tunned f conmaludylua' lu Itair, appeared for the frai time befone an Oshawa sud lence sud made a moat favorable im- pression Miss Estelle Carey poasessas a beautiful soprano volca cflaride range her anunciailen belng faultlesa, ahila Miss Bertha Carcy's full, rleh contralto aras heard te great advantage lu île duet, -The Augelus" arîth ban sisten aud aIse ln the trieo'I Nanigani," eiven bv tIsa Mikises Carey sud Mn Brown, whlal brought forth- manitad applausa. Miss Florence O'Bian, aiccutienisi OL C, Wbtb7, gave "The Soul ef the Vialtu" sud "Thc Angal sud île SIsap. banda" fnom Bsn Hun lu s veny plsaslng ,,uannar. botîhaiug uery difficuit salec- dions aud aras heaîtily encored. The aceonspaulats acre Miss Haz9i Etlis sud Dr. Davias cf Tenonte. F Before Maa'a Scotch Woel Underwaar, ragniar 81.00 noi ,,Paumau's areel flecced, higI grade Und reg. 75c for.......... Boys' Peumau's areol feaed1gb **grade U'Ùndé ragular 50e, for .................. MusIavv, nsvy, bina, flecced-llned, sbîntE shirts, regular $1 00 Ion .... -....... Cettonade, fiece-alinaed shirts, top shirts,i 8521efr ..........e................ Black Satia Shirts, regulan 75o lor ....... Overaîls, neguLlar $1C0 for............ Ovenails, negular 85e for .............. WooI Sox, re--ular 20e ..............21 Wool Mtas, regular 25e for. ............ Linad Leailer Mutta, naguar 50c for. ~ ,, , ,,extra laavy, reg. 65e .,Back Maien Suvito, regial-ar ý95ior.,,,, 2DOORS EASI OF C '2H DRBSSUAKING I ans pncpamcd ta do ail kiuda of dreas- makiug at lame on wil go out by tle day. Caîl on wrîte NEWS EûHiGGiNsON,, c/e Mra. J. Cale, Wellingtan St., 10.lar*Beamauvilla. AUOTION SALES WEMDNESDAY, MIAsset 17-Mn. Ca sey Tînil, loi 25, Broken Front, near Darlington, Station, ai li l ail isia fans stock, iucluding soe fine herses sud 24 mileh ceas, implemauts, etc. Sale ai 12 30. Ses bUis for partieulans L. A. W. TaLa, suctionear. TEURSDAY, Marel 18-The axecutora ni the ecaaiso! the lata X llliarn E Kulght, ailsali ou lots 6 sud 7. Broken Front, Danlion, ail o! the faim stock, implernanta, etc. Sale ai lp ns, Sec bis. L A W TOLr,, auctioneer. TuEsuÂY, Manel 23-Mn W'm Staplas, lot 81, cou 5, Clarke, ai salI ail of bis f arrn stock, impiemeuis, etc, Sale ai 1 odc. GEO, JACKSON, anct[oneer. SÂTURDAY, M ýrcis 27-Tisa exacutors o! lhs laie Stc,.Isn Washington effer foi sais ou tls prarnisas, Ontario Street, Bewiartsvîlle, two blocks cf brick dacillinga, oen uOntario Si sud oe ou Washington Ave. Perfect tillas. For termsand paniculara sec ad-t, Saleý et 2 p ns LA W TOLE, auction- cr- CARNI VAL A-1 TUERI . The lest carnnîai cillhe season at cs is great successansd svervone hIsa sgnod tîrne. TIse prize alunera acre Rasfoi- loast hast costurned lady, Miss MI Dus- tan, Japanesa lady; besi costumed gant, Perey Piper, Court drasa lu Quacu Eiizabath's tirna; hest costnmad boy, Easton Darh, acrohat; lest costumed girl, Elsie buxtou, Daliy Vanden; comit C Tyler; clown, Nelson Bragg; napra- sentative o! Canada, Mis Otîsu, New- castls; do cf Euglaud, RHoward Boaren, GugrdÈman Walsh Fusiliers; deo!o Scotiaud, Vene Panuingion, Higisiard costume; do Ai Iroiaud, Luther Nich- e11s, Iris Gentleman; auy culer country, Howrard Vancoe, Spain. MAPLE GROVE ScIsool report fer Fabnuany. Names lu onder of maei1: Sr 1V-Olive Blokeil, Cii Rundie; Jr IV-Eloier Cux. Ken- retîh Ccx, Lloyd Snowdon ana Evelyn Heciai, equal, Edua Snowdon; Ciass III-Geie Lyman, Eber Suoardsu. Ho-wand Woods, Caci l affers; Cissaîl Aldwrti, Loruie Stevecns, Fred Burns, Ri moud '-nowdcn, !Elmen Woods, Annia Cox; Paýrt II-Evrsou Hobbs, WilieLymrn. Rosa Stevens, Herbent Jeffers: Sn I-Pied Stevens; Jr 1- Alan Snoarden, Stella Jaffray, Staven Jeffai.y, George Hobs, Beryl Gise, Chas Rundie, Fred Woods, JEAàN M.Ton, tea c her. t1$No TIroubl T o Work Now So says Miss Elsie J. Allen after using Dodd's Kidney PRIS Sua SUrPERËED FR055 WaAKNESS A5ýD KIDNEY TROUBLE, BUT THE OLD BaLiABr.u a EY a~REMEDY CURED Hau COMPLETELY. ST. CROIX, N. B., MIAR. 8 (Spaca)-TIsat tle pains sud araak- nasa ah IcI make life almosi unbearabie to se many womare anesily sud cern- pletely cured by uslng Dodd'a Kidnay Pilla, la encensoea Boaru lnstIse case cf Misa Elsia J. Allen o! ibis place. &II suffcrcd gneatly from kiduay treuh. le sud areakuaîsabelons taklng Dodd's Kidncy Pilla." Misa Allen saya. 'I aras se weak 1îcouid isardiy get arouud, sud arark aras almoat impossible. Lîfe aras aimosi a stnuggle tîli I leard cf Dodd's Klducy Pilla. 1 bagau taklug them sud soon fait baller. I tok seven boxes lu ail sud tley curcd me. III eau naw do my wank tisa Sean round sud do nel feel IL. My bock arisielused te trouble me su allen la, adi sud stnang sud I don% feel auy pains at ail. Tise root a!faromeu's troubles la lu the kiducys. TIare la not a acak, anfering aromen lu Canada tîsi Dodd'a Kidnay Pilla aili net îsip, sudilu uearly eery case Dedd's Klducy Pillai i wr camplate cure, New pringUltig Our Il'ew Spring Clothing has, arrived and is Élow opened out foryour inspection, We have bouglit in larger quantitîes than ever and consequently the values are much i.etter than ever. We have ail the latest styles as regards eut, al the new fancies, fancy pocket flaps andl cuifs, permanient crease in trousers, etc., and ail the ûewest coIoringa, green, brown, olive, grey, drabs, in stripeaancl shadow stripes and checks., Si.ngle and Double Breasted style,3 Men's Suits Heavysnd ligîht tweed well eut sud good fit tera. $ 4,85 Ail the naw shadas, lu plain or fancy making, with cuffa, fancy flapa and var- sity trousers 612,50 ta $220m Men's SUitS Brown, gray, blua, and mixtures, up-to- date patterus. and lighît w e ight Overcoatis. Raincoats iu new nictor style and ordinary styla $7,50 te $15,00 Black and grey ever- ceats, sIik tacings, $500, $00,12,00 and $15,00 MNI'cIs Sits, Green, brown, grE- and mixtures, Single and doubla breasted ~1 .0 , Blue and blaek sergu and worsieds, saingge and doublebeatd $10,00 te $20,00, Grocrs' ue illstaken ag caâh CLOTINaAs-mFunrsuma ru UNTLEMESI AND THIR Soas2. laeoat- renwl n ây r h au Tha armaelînldaresont sUo w .Teloa'eaa marma- thea best value ini town. Fine Maxicans ............. 12a per doz. Choica Navels..... ...... 25e per doz. sFlne large Navals ........... 35a par dca. See our large Grapo Fruit tlay make fine marmafladie,Chis 4 m gooda 4 for 25e. Exira large 2 for 25ece Fine Messins Lamons... ... 25c,per doz. 4 * I SLICER LOANED FREE Everything lu Grcenalesansd Crockar-Y OHOICE BUTTER AND EGGS WAIT7EDO * China Hall Grecery BOWMANVILLE COUNUILI Pluanclal ranoît antIs accouais aras receiveàl sud adopted as f oloas:. Durham Rubben Ce, balting,...$ 29 64 Saws ar & Massey Ce, boîta------- 8 00 H CIoug-lilabor, ............... 800 F Bannes, labor....... .......... 75 MeClellan & Ce, taaming-------- 8'00 Jas Ellioti, gasoline............ 18 48 Durham Rubber Ce, boss-....170 00 Statt & Jury, blua stou -...... 2 00 iWm Brook. cuttiung dooraay.... 8 50 IMeClellan & Ce, coaI and aoed. 6-2 88 Carter Crame Ce, books ........ 7 00 Mns Ingrans, ecaning bal...... 6 00 Dr A S Tilllcy, med attenion . 19 75 Jury & Loveil, medicine ........17 15 Cîarka advancc ................ 10 Co H Canu, postage............... 8 25 Clerkt3 eudues .... . ......... 8 75 $868 15 StockDtaking Men'à Tweed Suite, regular, 88.00 for.,.......... $.00 &I ,, 87 00 for......... .5 Boys' [2 place] Tweed and' Senge Suita, reg. 85.00 and 86.50. yaur clolca for.......... ......$82 5 Boys' [2 piacai Tweed Suita,,reguian $4,25 Ln . $. 28.5 ,,nee Pants, regular 75a fer........... ;..... 54e ,, xtra Hcavy Wool Rose. regular 25e .er. . - 61c 1000 yds. a! Linoleum sud Ollelotis at lasa than ceaI. Ladies' Tweed Sultinigs, 42 ln.. aride, reg. 75e a yd fer 85e 8 places Tartan Plaids, regulan 65a. a yd for ,ý.. ...... 85e 1 place e! gainai Monk Clatis, reg' , 1.50 a yd., for ....75e 1 each, black sud navy Basket Ciotis, reg.. $1.75 a yard for... ý.... ....... 1....... ..... ..--..650 3 placeci Heavyv Tweed, sultabla fer men's sud beýys' eloil. iug nezo., a S1,50 a yd for-------------60e Sateens, alil acIrs, regnian 20o sud 25c a yd, ton. 15e 8 placce o! Satins jea great E"apl reg. 60e te 75o a yd fer 25o A. B. el-IEFFINS, J. E. L. COLE, HIAMPTON, Offama fon salet 8 good renaared coar, 8 te reusa seon, sud oecle.ya-l ilerobrcd rcncared cea, ciseap. Davies' pure Lard lu 20 'b. paâls foi, $2.80: 10 lb. pails for 81.60; 5 lb paie for 80c; 8 lb, pails ton 48c, Davies' amiokcd lama, reiso, b.reak-. fast bacon, sarcet picklcd relia, saIt park, bologua sud arainars, alil ;scap. Day- les' goods are ail govcrngfenîit nspecteçi aud are No. 1. Paîied Roofing~, Nepoe sa etlng, Davies' Poultrs Food, 7 1Iba. fer 25c; 100 ibs. for 83.00. Wanted.-Voal calves, fat Iambs and young calvas, Paise auy quantlty ' clovansacd sud 5wOOL 9c fer iuuaraslet areel. Hî1glesi prîca pald for bac! hlde&. sheesainacîs n, tan tark sud talloar. Hosehidas $2 ta U2.25 Bach for No. 1. Sale Tabla Clotîs lu Tapestry, Damask sud Chenille ragu'aî 84.00 for............... ............. 82.50 Tabla Clotho, Linesi, ahita antI red border 81.25 sud 81.50, for .... ..............$00 sud $1.2.5 Bed Cemfortars, damagcd by ater $2.50 for.....00 Chîniz . ..... ..............0au2 foîe ',in sd te 1-1 vd., lu iength.q, reg.,ire for..-Ses ayd, Nainsook for[Undenwaanveîy -flae- lumanufactuirera leugihs, regular 20c a yard for.ý-.....12e 303 yasds e! 511k, ail colora, rcg-, 20e ta 75e Sour choie for .25e ayd Siik Watsts ail colons, reg., $ý3,00 sI..81.50 A lot e! Ladies' Coata frons 4.50 te $10,?.5 to 1er su eboiceata......... ...... $1 75 eaeh A loto! Ladies Girls' Skirts iu Popli ansd Twveed ta dlean at .... ...........ý .,$Si0-,)and I Boys' Meui's sud Ladie3s', Traveller's Samples, lu flue bL .ts regulan 1,8.00 te $4,50 now 81,50 te 82.010a pair THE NEW STORE- The yid Brik uildig, BwmarvilM E e 1, e a r *11 il Q

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