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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1909, p. 2

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M.ust Bear !netureo f Se F SasM1o ata r 9î e dw. Te.ty raù ea4as Oury A. Ë 1VcIA TEAltIV ParrIster, Solicitor and Con'veyancr. Office-Dleakley Block, King Street, Bowmarviile. xloney ta joan at reason" able rates. 48-lyr. RLOBERT~ YOTING, V. S. 0 FF1CE 1 II HORS!rY'S BLOCK<, oposite Town Hall Entreitor, wtere li e wul be found frein 8 arn. ta 9 Night calls at residence, direct- ly opposte Drïil Shed. 17-,y. Wm. TENNANT, V. S, H C-,OaARMY GRADUATE OF Ontprin Veterinary Colege. Office lu~ rear f Mr. Willis,. fn"ntrvre tore. Call, aubvrered day or nfgbt. Phone 5g. 10.1 Pl J.HaËlewood, M.D.,O.M BEoviIANVILLE. 0 OET. G LD MEDALI9T of Tr1nty Un Iv ', ity, Toronto; Pour yeavs Atten4iisf Phi sielan ""'d Surgeon et Mt. Carmel Hospital Oufi <s alrc tsidence Weill- gltiaRt, Teit airent No, OP Pa ri1cers Sitors. i otaries Publie WLIMWVi ciEaS h. fA. M. GALBUAITEL airrery fBewranville> Tir ua cto fomeircarrIed on by Mr, tire ~ 0r Dc-trm d ~brath '411 be ln Bon Man'iil vr. Sanriday tod aloo during tie -ýîL busiregssofka nufacturers, Err~ rersau ohe.~wbo realize tire edviabil- it 4 having t',eir ratent business transacted by --* ,perts. Prelniuraryadvice free. Charges mnoderte. OCr In.ventor's AdvIser Sent upon req.rets. Mar ion & Marion, ,Iew York 14e Bldg. eai aud Washmi'ton, D.C.. U.S.A. COi.Lm'i l.g rltîhts or the homini"ïr, l. Maii t bii, iraekatcirewan. Alberta. tire Yuk on Tertitcry, thre Ngrth-West Terri jV ries ani rith O.lurnbJ a, may Lre Ieased for a terni of tw errtv -erreyears aetaan nuq reutai cf Ilacre11* n rore tiran î,5ltJ acres wiAi I.c toae onne al.pirait Ap~iu for a Iease mont ha rmode ta the A4gent or SoirAge1Lt outhetistrrict in wbici tir rgit aplh ir are stoted. u rvr-e, ,ï 1 irtory thre land must be des iribel ry etirsor I 'gel rubrdivigioni of ect , . s ui urneyedi urritory tire tract epic or s1hah be staketi out. 1a application mu t be acoempanied by a f 3 q$10whmlit .1bareueided if rire righe >pple fr are p, t available buttnot otherwiseý , eyaty sirail ho praid en tire merohaniable Ittput ofthe tie ntsAhe rate offilve ceiAa lot 1Every les e of' ca r liig rdtR whch are ý ot ba ocaid ali fitisih thre dittrict glent oetDomirlçon Lands witir a swora tate. ent t irera; t ami t once i each Yser. Thre ira'r e wilI in'einde tre eort xnluirrg rigiris ly, bitihe lesee may b. pericted t)j pur- ehise m hatever ceaitaule surface rixirte ray b. consioereti neeescary for the woktng of tire rune e t tire rate of efiO a' acre. For fulli nformation application fh'ffld be yade tri e Seretar-y off thre Depe&rtn-ent of bl rtercf. Ottwa. or t,,) any Agcet or Sub. Agent of ËDomrijn Lands ýW. W. OORY, rcpty MI later or thre Iliterior. N. 1.tnîtrrîr pubiication of this ad- verti eerent wil nt ire paid fr. 3- cm Synopsis of tanadian Northwest l and ReguatIns, A N peron hri-rtire sole bead ni a farriy or auy mals e oer if8 years old, Ma"Y iromeRterd a q1Rrter s tonu of avalt abre lneuionolar»d l in itoba Saskatehcwau or Aihe'ta Ite epplieant mnut appear lu par- son etLtire Dominion Landrs rtger ey or Sul. A ýe rcy. for tire dstrict. Eîtry iry proxvmay SeOCeifa gecy, on certain condtîIns, byfah. ne irer, 9o1, darirbier, brother or Ssler of rrterdlîghomeýtrrsder, Doticer:-Six monh' regIdence irpon and cltivatlo niteldtir a îr leach'ir iree y cars A iurtedrMay live sithmn rive iles oDi bis hioeeteed on a fa'm o! cet lea t 80 qereF soleiy r wned an occuprcd by him or by iis l aiier motI er son, dan5lter brother or titer. Io certain disticts eairorregtrder lu gond Striig MAY 1re-Enit a qearrer 5ectlnjaloi g1 aide Iîbrroesîead P ri ce $30 1p, r acore Ei %-as-t resÀda six mnthd lu eech off six yecar- froit- dlte of hionesteRa cntry (lcindir g C l;e .,rn oqircd to ern iromesteati patent) serticivatefI,~ty acres extra. 1A bonpi seader sel o ias exhausted is born- Eteid-rigiit and canvet a pre emptlrrn may t-ke e purcirased lhumaîtead Inlucer tain llt;iets, Price *8.00 prar.Duttes-Must de reSIXmontlis ile ccci(-bof th, ee yearî, )rlexaie fifiy acres aud e eci a bouse worlh W.'W. CORY. Dep.ty I' ofsernthe 1r terir. N h-Unatirzed publication of bi ad- b Lwe is 'ceed adbs odc be wîl icvra rec ew CURRENT TOPICS. The conservation cause gains most wben ifs need is brouglit home to particular interests. Tho re- conîmendation of a, committeen of 5an association of railroad men is Lound to carry veight. The in- creasing scarcity of tics is adding inaterialiy to the cost of railroad construction and maintenance. The prioe is said to he rapidly ap- proaching a prohibitive figure. The situation is one wsh which railroad nmen bave been lamiiliar in rcc"nt years. But the eL1-ineers arc not satisfled ivith knowing that a situ- ation exists. What can lie done about it? The recormcndation points the way. Eacb railroad miust have a teclinical assistant who Nvill? make a study of the tie problera. Wbat is the visible sup- plyl Wbenre is the srrpply obtainr ahie? llow rapidly is the supply decreasi>cg What is- being donc toward regrowtb of timnber l What -burdens rest upon timber lands and timber c-ttirng? Wb;at regula- tions are ther e or should there lie about cutting timber for Lies I On any satisfactory' substitutes for timber ties ie found? How eau the rnýIroads ce-operate ivitb the national gox ernment in its plans for conservation and foi cstntion? Intelligent answers to strch andi similar questions woul.d bave great value. The combiacit judgmnict of a numnler of railronzl experts of this type would lie potent. Keep- i ng in mind primarily selfishi inter- este of an individual corporation, these students of a speciai problem wouîd bc able to cotouc asu to the wclfare of a far wider con- stituency. The exarnple sho-w8 the commercial importance of the con- servation cause. There is far more in it than mere sentiment. It is ea .sy to picture, tbe preservation of natural resources andt the plans for renewal of forests as gr(a ain ai enterprises whicb Mili redoundi to the benefit of the country as a wbole.. It is also possible to showl that they bave an immediate andi vital relationsbip to more than o-ne brancb of industry. The stecîcrete age is a-coming. Altbough we, are accustomed toi speak o f prcbistorie mnan as lie longing to the stone age, the real! stone age is only dawning. Forestry bas been cleclared a, farce and fence posts are being grown by the' farmers, not by planting acorns, but by ponring a mixture of ce- rnent, sand, and stone into mols. Hlllow telegrapb poles of rein- forceit concrete are common in France, and concrete piles are flnd- ing a wider fleld of usefuluess every year. In Italy barges andi scows of renforced concrete are nasA. Fireproof buildings of the tone, "lumber" 'are too plentiful to ex- cite comment, and concrete cot- tages and residences bid fair to bce equally numrerous ere long. Lnun-cgh bas bccn accoaplished xith rernforced concrete to show that "forests will soon lie as little need- cd for building purposes as buffa- loes for carniage robes or deber for dinners." The wonderful artificial stone, called reiniforced coný-rete is crecited witb ail the essentiai pro- perties of lumber save combusti- bilty. And tbe want of this pro- perty is an advantage. Fire does, îlot bnrn it quickly, nor rot con- sume it slowly. It bas the strengtlî of steel, the durability of granite and promises to surpass ail present attainments in the future wben tlie wonders wrougbt to-day *ill lie to- maorrow' s commoaplaces. with the steel buried in stone. The ancient! ag of stone andt the present age 1 of iron area uniting to produce the ooming age of "steelerete,ý" as the reinforceit concrete bas been called. The real conquest of tue air wil lit. made by flying for fun. Popular for speed as the automobile is, there alwa ys are y oung men wbo are -villing to try sometbing else. Aeroplaning is exclusivcly a coun- try sport. For a young mari of good 'physýique an,, nerve, witb, fair atbletic judgiment and presence of mmnd, the a-roplane o (ffers an j e .4 1 Cf onteal ~(From The News.) Mr. Oscar Roîf e was home fromn Osbawa r-cently. Ms M. M, Moment visited in Ms Ruby Thornton s isited friends in Bowms.nville. Mr. Saem Long, accompanied by J. Il. Wilson, Port Hope, xisited ~ -~.-,.bis brother. Mr. G-. M. Long. Mr. William Stntt is sio-wiy recov- ering fuom bhis ecent injuries. M r. Samnuel Anïdrews, Peterlirro,j visiteti bis cousin, Mr. W.m. lut- ton. Mr.. Jo lhn J01, ampton, was aiso ncrvisitor at Mr. Isatten's. Mr. C.arran Hoidge, wbo bad bis nose neariy smasbo-d with the puck xxhle play-ing hockey, is able, to '~l ~ b hoout ngdin. Mr. Fred. Staples wuro sufficient ' y îecovered to return from Luîd sny bospital, Mesrs. Frank Bichant, Laverne ~.- ..« ~Cooper and George Watt hi1 at- tc"de-d the "at bomîiett given by the -Ltrary Socity of Peterboro Nor- ruai Sehool, Marc-h bth. Mr. John Thorne., Miltono xisited bsfien-d, MXr. D. T. Allun. S~,Miss Lizzie Butledge, nbo bas been vi. iting ber aunt, Mrs. W'. jW. Tril, is now visiting Mrs. Mfl EWARDBouSuET~ (11ev.) A. M. Iru in, Newcastle, lie- aie SORES fore retarring to ber home at Can- In Cana Mton. Rolit. Best bas goo.e to Anoter Twmphda~Car bon, Aita., tokccp bouse 'or President, Edward Bousquet Lauds ýBest was accornpanied mas far as In GlowngWords, Calgary by Mcc. Chas. Billings, -wbo ihas sent the vvirter witb Mr. Edsr'rd Blousqutet, 248 a. Panet fîiends iu thîs couiutry. struet, Muntreal, Cnn., preadïant of Mr. A. J. Staples is doeglate from Barber'e Irternational UioLocal OooLdet ýgA 155, roU. W.die TorandLtOi- , A "eFor eeveral years 1 Invaeo scrffred Mr. î-oras Capb l erry- troin catarrb. 1 trAcd ma--y remedies r wîîh uîtue or no resuits. toux n, purcbas,,A front CaP-itbtal- 'II was adv1isd-by a frIend to try ker a fine urmae lie Peruna, and a -tor UsIng a !a oNUtles, i1 Orone Lcdge A. O. U. W., No. asnohreive161, rccs d n i c l s isit Fni III beiieve erna to bi theg greatest day eve-ri sg froru D. D. Master, hnon atanhremdyof thre ae. j Bro. J. J. Tune, Fterboro, wbo clrnrfnly ea~rncdPcgr~for ca dei'rcd au n ngrgalrs tamnh.~îon the advanceinent of the oritcr. The trutlcftlnes of 1-r. B'rc"quet's itev. J. I-1. Barkwell, B. Ar., a stabrments cannot be qnestionedi. Ia formirý unior pastor cf the old hac given P cezer and franli recital Of W iea cLho iur huthebac, his experîenco with chroniocat1rhsomne S2 3 CL.s ago, is n vu the po- and .how Pemuna heiped him whien ail 1purrr pas mWi of tu e î41alvern Pros- othe meedms fiîc.jbytý.ian church, [State of Arkan- t sas. Vthen a resdcit cf our town cppotnnty fr rr'ratio tht 1ev. Barkuseli connectoit lrimself bas jcutynor otepceatof dhan- j itb Oronio Lodge A. F. & A. M., 'ha jut eougi o th spce i an rd ho is now in the miitst of a ger andc the maxi-surin cf the rap- fine grorp of Maserus, promisne -t turc, of pursung. A man riho- bas in State anit churci. Hhbas writ- at bis disposai a stretch of Mca- Ien bis home lodgc for letters of itow with flat fiolis nr'arby cuis standing. Mns. Barkwell was Miss lean t fl ina hor tio ed vtbLottie liliott, a crie time teacher lean t fl ina hor 1ý_1 ithm unor Public School. no grcnt dangerr. Flyi'sg is ca1lied r Forýy nc-ie' solu-ri-es of the latest the king cf sports. Even a. the lie- iterature sure adldA to the Orono r inning the seuse of resting on thce irrn.kngattlc bu .. I immSbocks. air n hile you g]uie over t us 5e 101- out parallel. Wben lîtLie pufis of air tip the miachine art you must balance on your nig thora is an- otisen opportunity for exorcising the facuities cf tense muscle control tlint the atbletes subo baie traiuied iirnse anti muscle together can ap- pre.iiate ta the fulli. S'A311'SOiN'S STREINGTII. Ilill iNot Resiet the Pulling DownI Influence of a Kidacy Aclîing Baek1 Tire trongest crn otsîdr sutb a bnck constantly acbing finit iailyl existence a struggle. t's the camel xith urinamy troubles, Boot's KinyPille cure these ailmenits. Bowmanville people prove this rstatemetit. Mrs. James Brown of Liberty St., Bcwmanvilc, Ont., says: "For more than a year my son Allan hait suffered with many symptoms of kidney trouble anit coulit finit no- tbing te relieve him. IHis baci n'as se weak that bc coulit not tom t in lied, lie was weakeneti genemally,1 sh-arp pains would. shoot tbrougbl the small of bbceliack anti in tbe1 region of the kiitneys. The urine, n as Iigbly coloreit anti contained it quantity of brick tinst sediment. H-eataches of a iost miserabie na- tutre were almost constant anit usu- ally accornpanieit by spelis of iizzi- ne-ss andt faintuess. Doctors hait faileit to benetrt him. H1e was gresu- ing worse anti haitlost imucb of bis weight. Boot's Kitiney Pis were recommrnuiei andt procuring a boxt at Jurys Pharmnacy lie soon founi relief. Hie back began to strength- en andi the pain soon bai goDe. The heaitaches andt tizzy spolie also dis- appeareit. The urine cleareit anit bu- is stronger andt letter than ever. h can thank only Boot's Kiitney Puis for tbe quick anti permanent cure gven him." Solti by dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Boothb-Co., Lti., Fort Enrie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. People n'acte a lot of time trying to oltain ti -ngs îbey have- no eartbiy use for. "Look here," sait the guect, "tbiugs arounti beme are just about as rotten as tliey. maie t-hem., When I went te lunch ta day I fount hair in the ice-cream, bain in the boney, anid bain in the ap- p'ie -sauce." "Well," exclaimced the henial proprietor. "'the bîr in the, ic uemcame froi-n t'ie 1'aving1 of ~ 'n Ib c.AT Isupoeticb But Id1 tutrtataotts ai in the apeaue ogi COPJPEIi ,RESEARCIH LABORA- TORY. It is not gcenaily knouun titat the famous Cooper 11esearch Labons- tory at Beus,rkisutend, Eîsgland, -sas establisiîed liy Sir Richard Cooper of the famions Sheep Dip frrm for th ldni of Agr'culturis' - generally. A unique featuerocf tbis Laboratory ih ttc mailing lUst et rsany thousand nannes To carýir Parmeu' on Ibis list the Laliora+,rrv mails free cf charge tlse iatest 1,t- erature and resuios cf expernin t-s onl varicus fariiuimmg topics. 'iyW Te understandt tlat the Toronto tBrancb of Wm. Cooper & Nepliews - wAll ha. very glad to, forwant nny jformer a postai tard wbrich xiii en- abile bins to lie pla cd upon the mail- ing liet of Ibis splendid institution. BRXDLEY'S S-CILOOL. Report of S.' S. No. 14, Darling- ton, for Febrriary. Nanses in or- dem of menit: Sr. IV.-Wiiiie Westiake, W\ýiifrid Dewell, Cccii Bush (equai). Jr. IV.-Aninie Mountjoy, Olive 1Van Nest,Elimer \Villiur, Garfield MaGuire, Pearn MaGuime (absent). Sr. III.-Lillian Fiee, Rebecca \Vilbur. Jr. III.-Marion Orchard, Xatie Mountjoy, Everett Cryderînan. Sr. Il.-Robert Rogers, Larmre Tbompson, Elwood Wiibur, Ziilah Dexcell. jSm. Il. A-Marion Farreil, Mar- guerit Thompsors, Flossie Mont gomery, Marguerite Lick. Pt. Il.-Chaxlie Van Nest, Bruce Mo ntgome ry. Pt. I.-Ilerbie Farrell, Clifford Ferguson, Tomsmy Wilbnr. ADA L. WIGHT, Teacher. tIt's difficult for a stout woman ta get away f rom,-solid facts. j YOD cannot possibly have a. better Cocoa titan A deoudous drink at!asntlnn foot!. Fragrant, utritio-n's ant! econonlcal. Titis excellent Cocon maintains the system in robust healthl, and! enables it to resist wnter' exteme colt! WHICRHl A Voice this day distinctly speaks To every one who safety seeks From dangers w hicb annoy: That voice cries witb most urgent plea, 'Decide at once -which it shahli e, The bottle or the boy" The traffie draws into its snare The men wbo by their loving care Would fil? their bornes with joy; And wbere its ma-ny snares arc socn, Tha t voice says, "RiSse and choose betwoen The liquir and th- boy." Thie liquor traffic largely' thrives B3 taking ont of ch;ldren's lives The things they morst enjo3. The voice says, '"Act for chldre3n's sake, And say at once wih yon nl take, The barroomu or the boy." Tiat voi.ce is clearly beard to Fay, "Save chýldren from the downweard way; Let none theiir bopes destroy. W itb 1'ads r.pon fair childhood's brmo w, Decide lat once b2tween the two, Tbe trafc and the boy." "Put ail your strong-th into the flght, And in this conflic.t for tbe rigbt Your ,abest powers employ; Cast every ibase-r thougbt as'ay And witb nnbending firmnese say, We- mean to beip the'boy." T. Watsou. GUý,ithurst, Ont., H,09. MOIîHERS ATTEN'TION 1 Your DelWate Chl.;d M:ay BC Restored to Ha hby LetterFrorn a Cartton, 0., Mother. "I wish I could induce every mo- ther who bas a weak, sickly child, to try that delicious coit hiver pr- paration, Vinol. Our littie daugb- ter v.a t, thin and sickly. She had no appetite and no ambition. "We tricit var-ious, medicines, but nithout any benefit whatever, a-it sbn coulet not take cot ivHer oil or e,-nulsions, as tlsey nauseated ber and npset ber stomncb. 'Lear'iing that Vinol contains al the micirual and strýeigtb creat- ngproporties of coti liver oil, but witbout the cisagreeable oul, and' ioýnic iron add..d, we decided to try~ it, and thee results acre marvel2 "lis. It- gave ber a bearty appe- Éite; the color returned to ber liheeks and she -is stronger and in better health than she bas been for years. -I cannot say enongh in favor of Viuol for weak, delicate chiildren." -Mrs. C. W. Stump, Canton, O. There is nothing equal to Vinol for dolicate, ailing children anit feeble old pcople, to build up strengtb and restore a normai heai- thy condition. Those who try it andt receive no benefit may bave their money returneit on demand- that's your guarantee. Jury âlî Loveil, Druggists, Bowmanvilie. PREST. Micali 2: 10; RFebrews 4: 3, 9. O Lord, our spirits start At sounit of this bebest: "Arise ye, and depart, For this is not your rest." W'e feel at evening time The warmtb of housebold fires: And living is sublime Wbhen bearts bave their desires. In mansion or in cot Fair is the liglit of home, Wben tired feet are not From thence oblige teo roam, Yet Thon dost say, wlro art The judge of wbat is best, 'Arise ye, and -depart, For this is not your ret." Then, Lord, our strength renew That we, from sin set free, May lkeep that bornei view Where we shal dweil withThe Nou oew feeilttle smart For weebaî o deatb T'o Eiin !bea,.en oUr reet. GrantTur"tVaOnt.,o1909 tFash*i-i FADS AND FANCIES. AIl parasols have long bandits. ho, is ur.doubtedly a year cf s-ilks. Ci'î-ging govwns are still the rag~e. Velveteen toques are mn grea' Lde- mard. Mrny guimpes arc bcirug monde wit-hout collars. Foulards aud pong1ces are the favorite falirica. Taffeta silk is the ruling faveor- ite in sun-shades. Satin violets, in ail shates, xiii figure on nexu bats. Thorýe is no eud-of border effects anîo.îg the: new cottons. Boduces are longer in froat, but as higli as ever at the liack. Li1a.cs, wistaria, arat roses prom- i. uS to lie favorite bat flun-ers. The jumper fok is back again amomîg the rcady te xuear modela. Mscb cof the braidirg now seen uis iin distinctly medieval pattera. The suede giove, licause it clings ro closeiy, is bas ing a great mun. Soft, pliable y-5Âdda braits wil probably lie unaci again for sum- rer bats. A useful and beoming gown for al occasions us cf black meteor crepe. Foula'rt siiks promise to domu s- ata amorîg the fabrics of the carly- sp ing." The uine is everytbiug in. fashion noix; the curve bas net a single te- vctee. Thbc separate skirt and blouse are out of fashion except witb a shirf- Sau Stï There is a well defined effort un- d4cr way trr bring bark pannuer draperies. Great quantities of irsen and! coý,ton suitings are lieginning te fiood the counters. Guimpes and sîceves are trimmet abundantly, niffi lace and tucks of al-over cnbroidery. LL iS believeri tinat tihe 10xW, round Dutch collar ' nil be worre on tb0e, sp-ing anit summer sbirtxsnists. The Mephistopheles quill is the most popular of thoeraany weirt decorations 'that figure on toques-. Oid fashioncit beadwork bas lcen revived -ard promis;es to b-e in higb favor. It is es"peciaiiy popular for band ba. The cartsx l l at is super-,seded ini Paris liy the busby, hctas u p in beiglit xx-lat the Mn3Wds required iwidtb. in ready madte petticoat iodels jersey clotb is most umeit for tops, since it gives ample wacmtb with- out objectionable bulkiness. Tbe vogue cf the moment is for the classicai tailormade suit witb the long train and the beapingi folde of fabrie at the foot. -Hanit lige are immense an--d many are tooled in claborate dsgsto suit the fanc3 cof the owýnem; soînel of khcni bave monogramslire in. Stripes of the new linens are cf the herriugbome style in suitLe, with a color. andt these stripes ai- temnate nitb white ones of the same S-iscontinue to lie raiset ib at thec back, but many new ones base corne don-n at the front, corne even teo.a sligbt point lielow tIsezc beit line. Dainty bctterfiy liows f r the ueck arc shown in two toues of soitb olt blute suede. The upper row ila emiroitered in floss silk and i - ccrntrasting coler. Ostnicb feather neck claets wide and clos-- of fit, come in aIl;ý colors and abades and are otr1 e the liest liked neck finishes we fur is not used. For Infanlts and Chldiren, The Kid Yeu Have Always üBLu11, Bears the Signature of DE-%-TS EN 19,B. Susaliesi Nlimibe-r On Record inLe r don For Any Oinoear An examination of the Biil Registrar-Gene-ral's returus for te52 weeks ondeit Dec. 26shw thýat 1908 iait fener deaths in Lonl- don than any previons yeam on re- cord, allowing for the increasýe el population. The total deathe-dccr ung the yr'ar sucre 68,6.3,5, bihi 14.3 per 1,000 of persons livingand is 0.9 per 1,00f-xcrthnin197 xvbîoh up to thatL îme ha ite low.- est record. ThIteth tuigthee p"st tan ycars mearc abou 70,01,', fen er thantea eaeait id i us un fair agrea-nuent sxiîtiste total1 number of iteathe for a single year,. The quarter July to Septezsiler suas the lrtalthiest, the iteath rateben oniy 12.5,per 100.Tlere n'as nul week that ýendet aftecr May 2 wt the deatb ate in exc,.s of the avecr- age. The bighest itcath rate in anyý, wek nas 19.8 in the wcekenit Jan. 18, andithte lowest. 10.8-, in ise two consecutive weeke enitedit June 27. The first quarter-January te1 Marcb-nas liy fan the mustun henlthy, the ag-regate iteaths lbe- ing £1,065, anti the iteath rate 17.fl per 1,000. The diseases of the rs pratory organs xvere responsïcible for 2ý,819 iteatbs iii Londonitmn the firet tbree montbs of theyer wbilst in the summerquse- Jnly to September-tbere were on- ly 597 iteaths due to this cause,. The itcatb ats, in the 76 great tows o f Engflanit anti Wales ws. un éis:esa cf fbose for 0non -Ce excess for the yenr amountîngi tet 0.7 peýr 1,000, and the eecsiq sonin cach quarter. Tbedah rata,- for the great tôwnn for thei respetctive quarters suas 18., 1-38, 14,andt 14.6,, agaÎiss 7.,133 12.5, anti 14.3 in I onon.Honey iteat ruiein Englanti anitWaes b ,!,tebihs itcatb rate saci alosof sncb- a simpleclsica £ion. A Ileniy Wepn3gi- 1t Pi. Thora is.nothin eumabDr. Thsomas' Eclect-ýic Oil n ben n cl ruibleicit',s.Itp0e1rtes ts i- suces anit pain dsper ifr t. There is no known peaaic tliat xiii reacli the spot qrce thon tisis mnagie Oul. In cous-- quence il. ranks flrst anîong luni- monts nosv offenet to the pubuýi-' a-:d 's accordet first place amcng ail ts competitors. k ~- ~ -~ IfYou ask, you can baapcaeo sceil of this niarvelloujsRusa it Lettuce included absolilutelyfe wtur L *. new handsoinely lIUuztrated 909 DCal- N...4 lgu.This lettnce is inearly as lrge and 'oid as a cabbage. Sadbot nte suprsly well, ai a iLbuty I f you reeouny iuea P ietek tedgedaasri'cas.a -nfnion nae e dits-". per. ~ itxn RsinG i , Drh&Hne Se cLmt

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