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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1909, p. 4

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iFinest Furniture [ ~~ ~ House beautiua; that's the purpose and effect of our i? funWe have speured such mnakes that Dnot only ornate home in an attractive way, but to last; and yet wlth al the flacry, artisthi touches and finshes that characterize even the eI'eapest article we have, the prices are- withlu (~the bounds of every modest purse. Take sideb3ards-Anf asortment tbat has no c quai f or variety; the carving the polishing, the flnishinig are of the highest type; the woods are the best seasoned, an S the constructions are as finm as vices. Our priees com- mence at 612.00. Undertaking is a special branch o! our business and/ always receives personal attentica day or night. We Iýe eo flot make any extra charge for distance, Hlampton t? (~Branch, Phone 129 F. AALAN M.WILLIAMS, (~JPhone 58 BOWMAN VILLE. WE WANT YOUR SEED. We have just purchased a new up-to-date Seed Cleaner and are now prepared t o handle aIl kiuds o! Claver and Grass Seeda eieaned or umeleaned and to pay the bighest' manket prIce. WH WANT VOUR GRAINý We are also in the market as usual for ail kinda o! coarse Grain, such as Barley, Buckwh,-et, Oats, Peau, Rye and Goose Wheat, ail of whieh we are prepared to store and buy at store- house up town, aur levator at G.T.-R. Station, -or to buy if tored at the Pablic Elevator, Port Darlington. WE ARE STILL .SELLING COAL, At 86.75 per ton st Harbor & G. T. B. Station and 87.25 per ton delivered to ahl parts of the town. Pea Coal $1.00 per ton lesu; 25 cents per ton off for Spot Cash. Carrying ini baskets extra. We also have splendid Threshing Coal at 85.50 at ilarbor or Station and 86.00 up town. Usual lines in Wood, Charcoal, Cernent, Lumber, Shingles (me*,!61 nd wood,) Rex-F]intkote and Asphait Roofing, Doors, Sas, J.idsand Mouldings. Specal attention to planing and j ratclh!ng, resawing and cressinglumiber. LIMITEDS * ~KIng St., East, Bownlanvllle. Wa11Papeing It doesn't matter how small, Iîow big, or whether you have one room or a dozen to paner, we 've neyer been able to give you better Wall Paper than this Spring. The Vaines anid Variety Await Your Persoîtal Inspection Attractive Wall Pa- A t 5Cpesf ir roonis, la A t 5C tripe, f-riandi set fiur patrca, goee ,clong' nazI 9-inch ahadeti bor-dors and matfch cellings, single roll. Papars for hedroem ialwaîs anti kiteh- At 7C en-,lunvarlaty oe: diesignsansd c'leurs, Poea have 9. inch bordera, othars 18 inch friezes. Embsseti parleur andi-dininzgmoom A t 15 C papes, lucram grean, bown, rlch colonre. artistie patterns, 13 inch shadeti frizas and, ceillng for eacb', singl t-oll 51 tousifaucy '-enic PBorders, A t 25 C '1'8'oches wide, îbadcd ln varlety ot colours, Mount- alu ard forest scenes, just oe nqar- ter tha usual price, single roll. At tIOC, "ý " ard halls le the bouse, 18 incb s:iadeti friez3 anti ceiliigs, designs outlineat in Luold. colourlngs o! grecn, creain, brown and mati, singe roll. At I2~papers. green, yellow u nd gras backgrountds, shadeti with other gooti banda. for ditilng--roomns, danq, halls and sittin), sida Wall oly, single roll 2Oc%111gb Grade Wall A t Papers, le îicb A t .&U dark colournugs. for libraries, balle, dining-rooma and dans, red, Sellew. wood shadas, green, etc., sia Wall only, single rol W , T. ookstore lloieseekers' Excursions to WESTERN CANADA 'Via Chicago and St. Paul, Minnea- polis or lu'uth. Apnil 16-20, May 4-18, June 1- Jniy 13-27, Aug 1C-24, Sept 7-1 21. Tickets good for 60 days. Winnipeg anu rietu roavZU, Edmionton and raturn. $42.50. Proportion aIe rates te other points. LOW RATES FOR SETTLERS To certain points in Saskatchewan and -Aberta, each Tuesday during Maueh and A.pnil. Full formnatiound tickets from anv G rand Trunk Agent. JURY & LOVELL, SACRES FOR S&LE-On ensy terfis, on lot 13. 52Cf 3 Ealigon-just no. th of Bowmanville. Good brick blouse and harn in irst.ciass coudilion, geod sandy loam, bard and soft waien, about 80 heariog apple trees and 20 youlig apple trees. May take po"seBýi0n April letf, f bis properiy ta not sold wlll be rented, A pply tO RICHiAD Soua, i!rovidence, or Box 392, Bowm"auvlle-. 104lf COBOURG George Plunkaît bas a cantuact ta hmlng two cargoas'o!floua from St CathaIrines te Cobourg for the barber., -Tlrt-nina years ago on Mareti 17 ,tL.6i rclian was visiteti bv a very heavy , socw storm. which fell M o alrth ,-f !ully Ibrea fet,....Thmee moaaoflielaud whe ara inînatea e! the Hanse of Refluge, were givea s hliday on Waduesday te celebuata St lPatuick'd Day.,,. bMrî T Gibbamd, oeao! aur eo'est residonts, underwerntRan peration for cancer-, but lsaraouetithe bouse asusuiïal ai. The operaîlea ivas perom!ase~d hi' uae f Our local physiclaîts aud was ver; succossful ....-Col John Hughes, Clarke, wil hlec- titra uvdan Grrriecr Club nuspices la ths Ofic!r's Mess Iteemsata the Armour les Fuiday evenlng on IIReminlîcenoaýs ot the North Westuebe'lion of8. .b new Eteel planit at Cob ourg wl1ý ihuad te hei paratians la about six wee.Iis. BOWMANVILLE, MAR 25, 19~09. Thle Masonjo Suni came out tii month in magazine forlïi,20 pages. Tt is a very Spicy, newsy, attractive xionthly, issued at $1,00 a year by The MUasonic Pubiishing Co., 44 1{îchmn ld 8t. W., Toronto. Masotîs will find a galaxy of valuable information in every issue in addition to the Iodge news. Every member shouid be a subscriber. Theodore Roosevelt is now a contrib- uting editor on the staff of The Outlook, the vieekly magazine of which 11ev. Dr. Lymian Abbott is editor-in-chief. H1e is a very able ivriter and bis articles the past two weeks have been cxcecdingiy ii;teresting. lis articles are signed and wili make an attractiv e feature o! the publication. The Outlook is 1.ublished at 287 Fourth Ave., New Yoi:k City, at $3. 00 a year. Oiil% good cows should be kept for the dairy. When farmers gencrally com- mence to keep records o! individuel cows we niay hope to develop nlot only many more such excellent specimiens, but a general improvement in the production o! the aver-age herd. Records alone can furnish the information necessary to enable intelligent selection o! the pro-n- ising cows, and the rej ection of those that ai-e not profitable. The Daîry Commis- sioner, Ottawa, ivili be pleased to supply record blanks for weights of milk, and to assist in organizing cow-testîng associa- tions. _______ CANAD)A'S BEST EDITURIAL PAGE. TonoN7To DAILY STAR HAS EýTIIÇG COMBINATION IN JoiNs LE WIS ANDî Jos. T. CLARK. In the j idgment of manv readers the most interestlng editerial page la CAn- ada is that o! The Toronto Daily Star. Mu John Lewis, author of the Life o! Georga Brown, and for many 3ears! chie! editonial writer on Tbe Giobe, ls The Star's chie! writer, and the staff bas recently beau increaaed by the ac. cession of Mr Joseph T Clark, 'Mack",1 !ormerly aditer of Ina Saturday- Night Mu Lewis anti Mr Clark stand in the first rank o! their profession in Canada, andi the cembination of mwo such wrlters on the staff of the sanie paper la soea thlng unique ln Canadian journaisin. The Stax'd editouisis are always sane, progressive, axceptionaliv trea frein biail, pelitical or otberwise, andi aiwsys emîneutîr readabla. Speciai contribu- tions, la which "Mack'b" personslity lis particularly sioticeabla. are now an outs'anding feature o! the page, se that altogether it la ittia wonder that itlei popular PLEASANT S. O. E. AT HOME. Lodge Wellington, Ne 19, Sons oi England,held their annuel 'At Home Mouday evening in their Hfall and it wss prencuneti the best yet. Mr Arthur M Hardy, Worthy President, made a capable presidiag officer and was happy inalits addres3 o! weleome ta the guests. Morrison's Popular Orcher- tra, Mr David Morrison, direetor, with Mr D Morrigon, jr, planist, gave the opening selection snd several other spiried nnmbers during the evenlng. Mr SainGlanille sang two bumerous Isangs andi recelt-ed an encore. Mr W J Berry recihed spleudldly "The Heveno a" by Teannson; Mr and Mrs A W Pickard sing a duet niceit; Miss Jane Gnlgg sang two sangs je lier sweet Fo:ce; the Bragg Quartet czmposed ù! Messus W J and IV D Bragg, Miss Laura llnaggand Miss Riuth Courtice sang '"Coma where the lilles blocom" r. calinoe rapturous applause. Mu W H Thickson, Di-ltr1ct Doputv, delivcred an appropriateadat- dress on the aims and menite cf the Oriden. Miss Jeanis bMcL8an sang a patrlotic selaction tht evokad applause Little Misses Greta Densem n d Gertie Goodman mnade their debut as vocalists singing a duetvery niceiy withautoharp accampanitre' rt andi se p'easatithe audiencu thît they werti r cîllet snd won the 4~nora of the evîining bv sing- iug -Tommy Langb-oat M iIFs Ethtl L VauNest sang veny rueasin-gly Ramn on the River," Miss NelîleWight gave a well rendered pianio solo; Miss Bea- tîltce Cowan won be praise cf ail by recitinz a fine patriotic e Seiction1 Can- ads, Fair Canada.'- Beîeg recaliAýd she zave l'Afraid o! a Mouse:" the Br-gg Qaartet sang with fi-ie effeet Cimne whene ny lave lies dreaming."* The orchestra elosed the literauy pro grain witb "lCoon Town Cai-niva?> members singiug the chorus Misses G Cawker, ,!annie MeLoian, Ethel Bragg antiMay Sbawpiayed accempaniments with rpiendid satisfaction, Tootîsjsome sandwiches, cake, ple. tartesand delicions coffea wera served hi' the mambeus; ail thoueughýL; auj oyed the rafrcahments. A beitty vote of thankaniovet b-7 Mu * A James and seconded bp Ald James De3 man wag accordeti ail who sokhindlv contuibuted te the excellent pregrain. Tee long will ha the periori tili At Home (comas again. h wassa juily nlght sud wili ha remembered long. MADE TUiEB BrooD RîCIs AN-D RED, Miss Cyrithia Hutchisen, Hanceville, B. C. wite: "My systemwas secompletely mun down that my friands as well as ray. self thougbt I couid never get batter. Ail madicines !ailad te heip mEý. A trial o! Dr. Chase's Nerva Foodi hone- fittcd me and at the end of a month reoplo scaroeiy knew ma l hadimpuoed s0 mnch. The bicoti was annicheti, color improved, new flosh was addecdand and 1 got stroug andi wei. " L'£DIîCLUB DONATION. To console a nnm«ier o! the ydung m3n sud probabiy a faw o! the fair sox c! the town Who bave beau 1'stung" eof late, we publish the followiug lettar whlcb expisins Itsait: Bowmanville, Marcb 19, 1909, i na >vaîy niar, Toronto, Ot Dear Sirs: -Enclosed pleasa fiud Ex- press Ordervalue Ton Dollars. Kindly baud thie amnoutit te the Superinntient of the Sick CidrsHosptal with vary het wislies for their centinueti se- cees in reileving tira suffrings o! -the littlteues entrustadt 1 their rane anti vers ne-oblige, CitAs H PENFOUND, T.reasurer o! Lemron Club If ena hatroîîb'ad witb cornu anti xwutts, lie wili fieti la HloasCern Cura au ap euato Ialwill entiuaiy A very enthusiastie meeting ýQf the Bowman vilile Rifle Association was held ln the Pelican Cluab Tuesdav evenlng with attendance unuch larger than usual. Oficei s elected are:-Presldent and Cap- tainc-Loti B. Tapson; Treasurer-F. J. Mitchell; Secrtary-Maukus Roenizk; Rang Cmlte-Ed. Prout, Lieut F .Morris, Sergt. Geo J.- Rowe; Range Officers-Maji)r'W. C, King, Lieut. F. H. Morris, Sergt. Geo J. Rowe, Mesrs, R. J Lowens, Sld. Morris, J. B. Mitchell, John Morris. A very successfui season is anticlpated. FOOTBALL MEETING. 1 Dears the ,,Ie Kind YouHavesAlways Blîght Dearihe~,~hîKidYîMavAlways souglt Bears C.the ~ ~ .Z A M illit "r'i Wedding Superstitionse. Orono news and Litorary notices. i Spelling lessn-Test your ability.~. Henry Cope's Talki about Brotherhood 40-- Obituars-Geo.Brown, Liskeard Enir, M' lames L. Hughes' Story of Solina- Day tu Bice's Woods. Durham Rivais Giengarry-Story toid by L A. W. Tole to Toronto World. ~ RIFLE ASSOCIATION ORGANIZE. 't"l ENO HO 01LUSEm SPRING ATTRACTIONS AT THE BUSY STORE,@ Almost every day some new arrivais add special interest to oUi' immense stock of new - Spring Goods. In each department you will find items worthy of your attention, both as quality and price, Our direct importation f acilities enable us to place before our customners the latest styles and newest fabries o! the season. A visit to the popula-r store will repay you. Our prices are as attractive as Our goods. New Sp ring Wash Fabrics, We have a splendid assortment 'o! new Spring Prints in ail the most desirable shades, oUr range o! patternls in stripes, checks and floral designs will give- everyone an opportunity to Eelect jast 'what they want., The colors are absolutely fast, no need, for doubt when buying your prints here, Special Price ti esn e d .. ., 2c Spring W.ash Suiting. Our new wash suitings in even stnipes, ail pretty colorings, extra heavy qzLality, fast dye, will make a very stylish suit or waist Asic to ffie it, Special price, per yard.. .. 1,5o New Ribbons. We have on hanti a fuill assortment of! nb- bons3 lu different widthsansd np.wpest clrîn-o. An OrgManizition meeting o! the Bow- manvihle Footbiîl Club was hoid in Dr. J. C Devitt's Dental -Parlors Saturday nght when the !ollowlng officers were ele ;d. Hon Presidents, J. A. MeClel- IPE q; 11ev. Bugh Munroe Prest- t-A.- R. Cameron, B.A; lot Vice Fred C. Vanstone; 2nd Vie-E. G. W. Bell; Secretary-E. Crelgbton Hig. ginhothain; Treasurer-Percy W. Wast- lake:' Manager-Frank R Kerslake, Dr.J C. Davitt; Management Commit- teelmo Sisson, Alex Brown. Walter E, Barker; Grounde Committee-Fred lVanNest,Mansen Bradley,Elzner Ellitt. It was deelded te enter teanis In the Midianri Loague and aie the Darling- ton League. Ail the players on last vear 's chaniplonshîp team are available besîdes a number of new men who have recently corne te ttswn. The Football Club- have secured the Drill 'Shed Grounds for Mav 21th and will have a dav of s ports includlng football and basebaîl games races cf aIl kinds and a 10 mile Marathon. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Tyrone choir concert Good Friday. Reserve tue date. R'tv Hugh Mlunroe, B A, was at Myrtle Monday in connection with business ci the Whlrby Presby tory. 11ev J Garbutt will preach In the Methodist church Sanday morning on 'Prayer", ia the evening on *'Auger." Lieut Col. Sharpe, London. wili visit the Salvation Army hare on Monday March 29 He will have movlng pic- tures ilestrative o! scenes In New!cnnd. îland, Attend., Bey. R Meculloch, Omtemee', Presi- dient e! Bay of Quinte Conference, dedi. eated St James' new Methodist churcb at Peterboro Sunday., 11ev. H. S. Spence, B, A., B.D., TSrone, bas been unanimausly invited bv his Officiai Board te romain pastor o! Tvrone Circuit for na third, year. Mu Spenco bas won hig-h regard o! bis People among whom fils îninistrations have been niost acceptable Epworth League meeting in the Meîh- odist chuercà Mo nday evening was con. ducteti by Bey John Garbutt, pastor. A!ter the cotilOcratien service Mr F A Haddy gave an interesting sddress whieb wns very prcfita bie te ail present. The subjeet next meeting will be '"Fiendship." Mirs H R Tilley Toronto, greatly pleased the congregation in the Meth- edist cburch Suuday mornlng and aven- ing elnglng ii solo sud duet with splen- did effz!ct, She posseases a fine con- tralto voice o! splendid register and gave mucli pleasure te ail wha heard her. The congregation wil h pleased ta know that site bas consented to siug, again next Sundar. The M. E. Church in the village C-f Short Tract, Alleganv Ce., N. Y,, was burneri a year age. The people set te work at once te rabuild thelr cburch homte 1ev. Dr. Krantz, New York Citi, was ogaged for dedication 1ur- poses two wekhs ago. 'i7he7 psu hlm 860 for Sucday and Monday services lhe naw edifieceat about $6000 snd every cent is paid or snbscribed. Weil doue, Short Tract Methodiotel The larlics of the Cburcb e! Christ wiil give a concert in the Toîwn Hal Wed- neEday aveningApril 7cb. The artlsts willI be: Miss Leonlie Baunice VanHlorn, sepranc; Miss Irane Weaver, roader. SIr J D Richardsou, baril-one, al cf Toronto, and Miss Eva Lu, trelU, pianiat Mis VanHem iî3 the seici st Jsrvis St Baptist Cburch, Toronto, anda con- cert singer of great abiiit.y. Mr Iich ardson is said te hava a uichi baritone voice o! hlgh dramatie qusili.ty. Miss Wasver cernes weli recomm2irie a reader. A very suécessfuI social was bald on Tnesday evanîng in S1_t Paui's Plrasby- terian church under the auspices; e. the Ladies' Aid. It was a very informai gathering snd ail had a pleasant Urne A short prograin was given conslsttng C! Piano Solos by Misses Ethel Brook and Bertha Cann; Piano duet by Mis es Edna and Eva MCGil; reading by Miss Frances E Conley; and a travel tsik bv Misis Ward, B A, on ber recent trip te 'Europe describinZ the cv cf Reome and tellding manvlnteresting incidents con- nLected with that citv - Dwning the social heur a Pîbîe onýest wnss ngaged in, ibe reaciltasbowlng Miss iHeîîrv and1 MUrs A L Nicholls te be equpaI Refresh- mneulo! sandwilches, catke andi coffee wer-e then sarveti by'the ladies asigted 1-y the mambersc f the Bo% b' Progres3 words thanking al -ho bati taken part flOUSE TO RENT-Frame bouse a t $5 a mDnth, witb stable, on Odell street. A pply to M, A. JmES.1-t IXýTANTED -By the firot o! Aprîl 1, agirlforgenerai briuscwork apply to MaRs. SOUTHI.Y at Mas, DuxcAN BEITH'S. 0W- mnanville. 0-tf LJOIJSE FOR SALE-On the -Soutl 1 rocins, stable, good id. Apply t. D. G. M. GÂLIJEAI H, Bowmanlile. 83-tf H.OUSE TO LEdT'The dwelling .Lsiluaied on Concession Street. ai present oecupled by Mrs. Biramn W. Bm-k, immediate possession if requined. Apply to W. M. HoRsEy, Bowmanvîlle. 50 tf T OWN PROPERTY FOR~ SALE- .1.The propsrty on George and Wellington SI reais, formnerly owned by Mrs Depaty. WiIi be 51d cheap if sold soon. Applyto0Mrs. 0 A. J-tNDALL, Bowmanville. 81f QEED GRAIN FOR SALE-I'arn tyet- kJ ting a quantlty of peed Barley and Oats from Sunny Alberta to arrive abc.ut Marcb 20 Sample of seed may be oeen and ordens taken at W.~ M. IvEs, Centre Si., Bowmanille. 9-5wl B lacksmith shop, house and lot for 3sale in Village of Soina-àl acre of land., gord frame dwellmng, and complele carniage and blacksmitb sinops ti good rlnning order. A Fplendid businless ie donc. Apply tu F. M. CEYDEBM!No!) premises or to Soltua, P. O. 9-tf 1TIOUSE FOR SALE-On the south -. side of King Street, Bowmanville, nine noomns aud batbroom, new Pease Funuace, Mlectrie ligut, stable, ail couvenieucesunoder cover, quarter acre land. Apply tu D. G Mf. GaLBRAIIH, Bowmanville.3-f DIJMps-Having haîi conoideable .1.ex perieuce in the pnmp business I ami rpared te do ail 1kiuds of Pnrnp ropatirieg and instaliing of new piumpýataieonable ncs Il~ haneoh won i r n um ,ap=2e ,wantr.g one gîve me a eaul. S. BUTSON, Cburcb St, Bowmnanville, phone 143. litf ]F AM FOR SALE -.175 cres, Mnre or les,-, c3mnsn Lot 23 , or. iClenke, and formnerly kon sthe Thinis caae, beautifuily santatea one mile eeat of watl on the Kngston Roaui, wttb ai eesycn veniernces aidsil adaptdfoliorl amn wellsplidwith ciers nd ils "elt the hon'c al.diveil waiered by nyrfilgten aaloo a qi¶ings Og f rtbc 75 ,ac1res. tenl ac-res are luOcad bî fw i,- ten years 7acre3 ilhard1wnýd 1bu-bi. Go)od ramiebu, je; tremll(E-d, b IIk xar 4)180wlt cenen fl1oraS tu1,s'ab'. (; good bogps ad illffneet1 sbedAI f i linig ne. Inidiate potýess0I1n Fo)r ttbr partoculars apply to tlie ow,,uer. ÂULHýv Ywate .O re pri ces, ries. embroitieries The ,e te gel entire' wisses, Nain sooks Iths and pretty is showing in our Spring Shi*rts. Men's and Youths' new styles and pat- terns in Negligeea hirts with plain and pleated fronts, coat style with cuifs attacheti, al made o! good quality material, fast colora. Prices 90c, 81.00, $1.25, 81.50. .Special Sale of Caps. Boys' anti Men's caps in vaulous styles as- sorteti in plain colora andi fancy tweed pal- lamas. Regular values, 20e, 25c, 35c, andi 50e ocn sale at 0C ress Goods and Silks. 15s an d Siri the stylish weaves and coings, suitable for the Is, navy, myrtile,, fawns, etc, for smart gowns, dresses and tail. convince you of our superiority in dress fabnics. rtry & Co, LimitedO Bowmanville. ,,sss,~ - - - Afi,ý USAT EREE ACRES TO ~ ~ 25 lange eppie Irees, mnostly sp ies, stable. Wood- bouse, good Weil. Appli te L A. 'W. TULE. 6-tf TENDERS will be necelved op ta Tbursdsy T--FOUE TG ET ORFOR SALE- Ma9rdi 351h, 1909, fora new school building fory TO LT ORS. S. No. 1, 0laxre Township. --J Atp"esen oeccopied by A. Penniungt'rn. Materiel of oid building eau be uîiliiaed. Possession May i ELquire froni r C. M. (3AWJÇER. Plaýns and specifleetions mayble seen et Sec,- Bowmanville. 12-tf reîtarry Treasurer 's. H ORS E FOR SALE-A geetid riv-acepted,. ig borse, 6 years oîd, eoane and trood; Wàf. PAYNE, wornan enu drive hlm ; bas worked double. Secreteny.Treasurer Mill te sold neesouable. Apply tu MRs. Y. L. 10-3w. Port Granby. BRAGe, Concessioa St, Bowmauville, 12-1wt CARRIAGES FOR SALE -A two seated New York carrnage for span of horBes; two-peated New York trap for one borse; Amerteun Iw PhStoj, buggy, rubber tired; and two sets Harness-ailinl first-class coîidition; lhree s]eighs and faning mtll. ApplY tO MUS. R. S. IHAMLIN, Oshawa. 20 --W F ARII FOR SALE-2io acres, lot 3, con 12, Township of Mauvers. 130 acres tillable, about 50 acres of uew land in pa9ture witb streamn runnitig tbrough lt; balance ini bush of bardwood, hemlock, birch and cedar Good buildings wiih stonc walls for stables; b,ick bouse; tbree acres of orchard; 3 miles to Janetvilleý Station wbere are elevator and stock yard ; two miles to Janetville village wbere are Methodist and Preabyterian chu -ch- es; 1.imiles ito sebool Plow leave alterbharvest. Apply tO If. RICHARDSON, BýX 5, Janetville, Ont 12-4wt CUTTINOý LOGS INTO LUMBER. If anv Pei-son will leave saw Jogs ai Mn Jobn Adanis', Manvers. near Lotus, 1 wil saW theni bido iumber on 1 will saw Phingles if tbe timber is lefi there, ROnEaRT Ràncm, Il 2w Burketiu, Ont. CIIURCH FOR SALE. Tenders for the i-un-base of tbe Bowmanville Cýougmregationsi1 Church buidings, sheds and1 lo, iher wl-b or wibhout 'furuace. organ. wîning, wlll1,be ecelveI up to Mardli Y7, 1'o0), Wby Ev.'WM. T, GUNN, 33 Victor Avenjue, Toronto, Ont,.l2 Potatoes Wanted Scott & Allia wlil pav 55 cent s a antrade, for potatces for Ibe rex-itetrn daxes. Nothing but ciass quality tak-en. SCOTT & ALLIN Phone 44 B wm an ville, C. P. . Atlantic Linesa East LIVERPOOL West Mar. 20 Lake Erie Melr. V6 Empress of Dritain. AIL. 3 Lakte Chamnplain Mear. 17 Apl. 9- Empress cf Ireland M7r.11% Ai. 17 Lakte Manitoba Mà,ar-. Rates eud complete sailings, and fonther inifor- mation ou applieation to uearest a qent or s, J.S sHARP, 71 Yeuge St., Toronto. BOWMANVILLE AGEX rS. Domnion Lîlle ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS TPnu PCbP1T ÂTOTn '1< T flTvDrflFJ Vanccuver Mar, 27 Dominion Api. 17 Canada ApI. 3 Vanecus-r M"ay 1 Canada lrst oiesq $7o0Go scecond 1 oC Other steamers Piu modere.te rate service calljed "SeondCiaa".Only One c'ass eblinpa- useâLfetwac ow Aï7 P. ST. LAWREXNCW E A$ON q 1309 W UîTE TA-lO L~~INi . EOYAL MAIL, SrEAMSH!I'S LAuREmTo, 15Ulm t'ile sorew, MrOLNni, 150,'0 largest ndfîir.est steimerasaligrr Monýtreai. also txoellent One qass Cabmu ,Seýr- vile (csiled Skecnd ClaUs>.- For aWlinformation aply t M. A J AMlESAgent j i na.p. au iron 1 ehtireh seM ie fixtareo - nd 1 WULINI ý-r --t LH LL li dress timinings, aI attractive 11 .Em broide] ~ When its a question o! el West End flouse ia the, place &N- satisfaction, Our range o! 5v ~- and Mulîs la ail desirabla wl, Spatterns surpass any prev~ious SStore, Dri New spring Dress Good Sseason. Taupes, grey, browrý ~-ored suits, Come and leI u3 r Mm Mctnu !WEST

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