I OWMANIzlýLE, bMA. le ~, 1909 1 iLommber NichoÏis' Saturda.y bar-I ID'WVgm ,miî-l1IL 'j'I ains. I LJWest ,Two daugliterna ieson sur NI~gned 0g bre ie ipe r. J. IN. P1iuteusinger, aisc speetai 1tPest Carda are 0onjcf!ledcddnvlIj~ I Il vive, ber huabanti hayin dieti m the rû,iein 1nrra1de-p _nl musîiC bC"ie m n a hestra," a, îles, and tiroir ciristc anti brilliarit cxPoA S1n rd jj voears ago. '1hreesèIIî ren sarvive, ihlgsvm mie Sawa n We iemuv orne arly 1eppearence appeels to tire mogt refus I~~~~~~a u uotoC ilepnec n emnn nu CEC cREEPIELD, R. S . ,QUI,p.ntster ade Mn . Ain'sUr"îi Stck ,Feci cf alknd&iUrmeh',atiegrsir ýje Ws mysoe yet, pimtrMage.20, BCI3ewmauviille. EU~LUUu~R'U"IU Mr. Rà. Jones, ïTorontO, ws ohâ aooroï 1 ilre fOW1 ~O B-WAVIL STATION.. clared off. fi ' - 0atCINO...EAST5 ar.Itxrlu40ar ockey appeara to hoe the busines o1 Easter Tea at St. Pau1'a ehurch Mon-~ Fish.Mail. WhstmFi. LfPrOB.oîo, o'u 71, 11 iLideday. April 12. ed . .81 :.M Passenger... 148 plla What Canada waflts in immigration is Saturdav Is Orange day at-ÉKnlght's. Figh wIli be Very much Vgtbe i~rcuhfeh Local ....649 I mlxed ....... netq7.ni4y17e per dozen. ludmn ortoD ee tocsth ltet eOvrlid :DalIy Rpet t:-Shlo' Crewllalwaye Ideal Fene-the bestin uthe xakt mho eeks. foWte nesliln 12 a ptn :Mafl . 9.58 p.rn cfer you sn chob!e y of them . 1le it any won. S l m n T r u Jqay~ LoELL Tow Agets. cure my coughis and ooldo."etPMdoh. _____ ____________________ The I'new mnaple sugar" sign la Up lu Mr. Wm, Edger was In Toronto Mon, T-îhat 3 ou need scareely der? Notice the follow- some ef the shop windows. day on business. _e oîIy Baking Powder bave the same flsh two jingkeSuprio Samo Miss Edith Bowen, Toronto, visited t F A Haddy as something speeil a i a e rm7o a r p days during Lent. 3 is T maos 2 e x 1eap u d IXO.L\'.L GJMrs. J. J. Mutton'a recently. orangea. SeethaitadnVofy flue. ___Order vlsiting carde at this _ 'Z YucnbiyapO~yciate e t ra fSmoked lfaddie ea325 A c A. ~lady's or gent's, type or pl&te. Arhe TaIt's for $3.00. Fres Cornn ~> £ J& '~ "' r. A thur Ives Toro to, rece t'y ead ~batC. M Caw er Sou l~yoVerycheie, e red y Coro25esThoe ar cirîce2arg T o o t ,S y d a a n d C e u s n a. e s U p ! s2 e b i b t s o k n r vlîited bis father, Mr. W. M. Iv e. t a aotcolebelu America. iCe a-1sl Dr. and Mrs. Garnet M. Trewi, Osh- Reeat it :-'Shiloh't 0-- Pound,a Oranges.sei er2eadzn Beef, Iron and Wine awa, apent 1,ýunday with Mr Wm TreWln. cure rny cougbi and ï llaa Mexican oranges, a Tine m akes ycu strong. Cern Good stenographers and Remington Farmgrs ro >, d~~ erne e ef tSoe o 2eFfnnHdi poedoffrsl BefIrn yplsts gel the pick of the good positions. annoupiczaent of j B Martyn. ieftLrao Valencia oranges 20o a i 2tisor5c in a form that is easily Se out, splendid finoetfchildrens 's Pr Morley Audersen, Deloro, spentRerlegfateo abrdor x ee.Clfonao-Tn andy ithbi cusi, r.C. . n-collant flavor. Try anges et 40e a dez.1 KipprdIer asim laed a d oo fLdln e da rn om 8 2 , l Morris One y t h hris cuia M. C . A -soak ng tem until they Lemons t 25 a doze n ng tonie that makes riebLde'Spigcahalnw u a nepIing grocar at Cobourg dre rl rh and oln o'Pened Out t Coucb, Johnsto u & Lry- is stili advertsng ."chrls m s r it a dt ge . 25 ozn1y e s S l o new blood, supplies ni.- derman'fruit added." i dérman's. OurdBeacontler- d2Aithougo'h se werl trogenous materiai to A fresh shipmexit of Maple Svrup just Hou. Rebt. Beitb bas been selected as Bloaters.ad msceOurstersco u erand kuwu AI nthîape buildfleshand mscle, arrlved at Scott & Allln'dj , 1 le the beat judge of haekneys at the Montr eai Horse ocnsd and stimulates t h e lu the market Show May 12-15. couel laes. Osescoei e i tedilo, The Englishman likes msalay s , aoîl r th.l o 5 8 whole system to newer Misses Amande E and Effie H. Bond, For the finest stock of new dre3s gods, O j antr cnEoli efotadeegOshawa, apeut Sunday with their ancle, sIlke and wasb goods call ai Couei, b ntr rte e a oua t pa.linufa efor adenrgMr. NI. A, James Joehnrten & Crydermen'd. adlihfo leo u s 8yeounceacf whieh audlize aul fothor flui laedie. ll eti Mr. aud Mrs. Neil Yellowlces and Miss Arvilla Cox bas returned to Tor. ult u Florida Coeery led Large Bottle 50o daughter Hîelen, Torontq, have heen onte after spendlng- a week'S holldays _________We have sm adworthcniixg vlting frienda bore. ai home witb bler parente. eues 80e ae dozen" 10o e buncli. 12ý0, 1e 8.2eeln 1T The Hlgh Sehool students are 1tam.rn New life for a quarter. Miller's Farmera, advertlse seed grain uow. Nat1een cf Brt @,25 Cents.- iarrialz..,TH JURY & LO ELL lal ilre nuruberas et the Public Library Compound Iron Pilla, 'Sold by R, M. A fresb lot c'! fine bolling peas a eet s; rti0lh5en tsl Cachinare PTPHAR A rie I7 t ju i & L V L > concertonFIa nigbt. Mitchell &Co. Drugglsts. Peter Murcoch's. fr)ot GOCER 65j Tese aifcrySerubbing btusbçdreguler 20e ad Mand ndM onToeCmdi, Wedding carda are e specialty alibhis nj1 N___________________________________________ The sef satisaclory25e each, for the rèmaînder of Mareh, Sask., hal~e been vlsiting bis brother, office-ail late t styles. WNÀ~nOoo ac 4 oM.adMs Druggists & OptIcielafr25 tC p' rw'.Mr. W. H. Tuckiar, Odeil St. Rpetl:-SIo'Crewl w Robert Wannan, a son ___________________________ Mis. M. A; fa e asvending a 'fort- Ilev. J. W. MeMillan, formerle cf cure my cuha and cola,"; Saa arh1,t m n _________________________ nkt lt hr brother. De, James Bray, Lndsay, now of St. Audrews, Wiuni- o oufo hces iT .MrOS .h riae. arsi. ,t m adMs ___________________288 Gerrard St,, Eat, Toronto. peg, bas accepted a cclilte Halifax,.e ac s oM.adms Mr. and Mrs, Willoughby Power, Humbuas 10e e lb, orange slcea 10e Carkper 190 14ba. Mrand Mrs. WfltN TEST EYE Toronto', are visiting bis brother er lb and other confectionery ai bargain F. A. Haddy'a new Uins of fancy bis- Charles Coopie,., a daughter, 2%o ran IT IS DONE PROPERLY I Miss Mamie Ntt. Oshawa, Misa Ethel Probabilties for Sunday, Elrmy. bsadlt, cwcresan loem iAcKMAN,-In owrna n.vEinî, imd, 9, B e e% i! BittGe nPorontotader Fra Bhr pavesa omset adl'sSores is a isAdle.o Mr crptsandlnlue iCNNn 3,Wmea sn. (e rn 19eith JUR adBriLLtin, orto send Mr Fryait Brs from T. H. Knight'd fer 17e av a dozen.seîsaornual received et Couch, Jehaston & Cm Mr. and Mrs, Frederjck Jaekman, a daughter. tain Notb ey, pen Sudey t Ma oen. derman's, dute cc OiTagonew ork, Dleg re.ri JJaimens.Hvesu gh eu tcetfr h M ilonSret Rganebsben RÂdesEcKîZ .. tebon ohteanberno ptclPoueebsiJmeeys horare wthbr uli ibev concert on Friday nigbrP Mriiton StretRaganras . brieaurns C]~hsb 1e bsdsrc daughter, Mrs, .lbis at ntePa fhale icels rgsoe .Anrd, C aremnetareluub esî daugh v. oung atefdiibsitrcfomheelwin leslet se au bok te lrg bns If you baes stock or Eeed grain for Alex Me Kenzie and J>ohn H Rt aliie EoflrMr % feesfrte psntadsrngrae in__________________ uber rigbt erm. sle, sou mav feel sure of goed r e Orangebu'day bas corne again et T. H. DOW NEY.AND)EB$oN-..n aHoîeExeer 0 leae 5 cr hoirestees rom Thos acsnPovdec 17e e dozon detilu n heJae Ppesfor seediess fruit CucTrot.L 1e.J eonMriiy cars,, ,, Wo. Jn eggo, P ,,î É% C og.Oewhlav trgwbnavrisn uTe ae aea nStray ,8isAnnie Pomeroy, daugliter of Mr Wm W.J.Brgg Eor liem parents. Mr. R. R Loseem be, K . ., New m aple syrup m ade font Iis o S t rbaler $1 50 pa r h M d m 1 3to o n y on c te r Il eie, R c ar o c ,, and Mrs. Loseombe, "The Elma." Dr. saoL'3Sap; just arrived at addys God arai. SCL0aBrwns'iLKrG o..the ofhe , , hre ln fl~L Hoiz was down Sunday. d seuo' an t oI od riAHd, ,, ,, Jonleg OU R COUandyoueautak ou wod fr h ilis hsarwar Stoe. daurbter. Ml reicardceof anc Cakt Mr and Mme W G Ruudle, Toronto, good, adaý r.gîdobe~Ms ihr nat8 , , Frank Osborne, Cak ruSotan rBsiesviibig~ wbo have pumebered e resideuce ait 522 Meîîsrs. Grant and Pincb wlll do yourMargaret Downiug To1n1oÏ st-ebee aud Mayo BGand avî rf tea s&hn W2 steers Jonathan Chennon, Tymn best iresuits If talion et Our oid.establish- OsnlnAe, utagiy hv e eebagnklo ig, etc., and v1sitîno- friends bore. À1bI0LYB ae ed and thorough)y eliabie sclool. ineved te ibeir new home doil î Zth Y.- IA-On ae 18, hy 11ev. J.DierPodecI Winter erni bgins Jn. 4th Cata-Immigration aents report them0 00 moc ant. Mvr$. MecNaughtou. Newcasl.e Ed - Mr.teW.tern hegin Young.,h aste a trial. Americlans will settie lu Canadin Elizabeth. eldest daughtem 'of the ]le John Farmers beving good yo-ang catile for sale wlllfn lt beau recuperatlng ai bis homein Brarnp- Tbe Oper oma hudle rwe ot West Big ea.haro' M. D., and Harry A Cornofly, M. A, - their adventage le soli te us, We pey the blghest prefrte tnfor the past six weeks, bss iîn.on Friday inight, The Pliblic Llbram3ry .Jo B44.1Dv o MLA. fr f th lterevranel, Connuly.scod ]y rccovemed to resume bis dutes at tbc coàncert la expcted to prove one of the Mr.t JohaHe n d i GyeM. mefor t h aeRyDrilCno ,bstq lt, British American Bank of t o! to year'Wet eDurhamdayenlng. 11F ('l IJVU CI'IT Geore T AugilIheleadr c lh, DuhamOld Boys' Exeutive meestg Thee a corn Ilu BowmanvilicadTleILUOCîr~ ad 4 .II Business College 9 United States. died Tuesady et Boston ualmer petrnoneim ondrks 4 ihayse .Fod onhehicliena B-50a ROWln-Âî P't9ope Mmc ,JonNol Central Y. M. C. A Building, Toronto. JHumeasitmnetdU a in mngI lu theaidepulvl8nseorwm. H Puble bsuil hcnt t 1.0 MIIN-at Por 9ye, M 182 JohmNobeP O EN 4 OMVI L _____inthe_______l_________________rsIn teOpera Buse ervemue ____________________ Everybody so7 po tre ePu-Compound Iron contain that element i25 cents ailMiams, in's drug store. lic Library concert lu the Opera flouse in the mosuasimable form. Sold bY B. c5cns locelsdu trMlio-nCakMae,11,teifant on Friday uight. Only 25P. Seats e- M. Mitchell & Co. Draggists. Until the edeMaerwefeaichlofm.c isWmAMon. ~ sered p t Frdaywîtoutexta M 'Music Cabinets ai coai, 19 newest pet- Aflmoty-In Qsiîwi, Marcei 18, Sammahilisiup' ' chere up îtcel's ay wstotexta. Leslie H Guy, Darlington, bas terns te select fronm. L Morrk & Son. beloved i ie or Wm, Airnour, aged5i yeams, chageet ithei'adrg' toe. returned homo afier e very enjoyebîs CormîmaR-In frope, Mai-eh 19, Mary Winnifred Caniadien Press Association Annual thrmes mentira' tnp tirougir Calgary, EmtDhaiFre'Isitt X Sowden, beloveci wîfe ofJaesCourier, aged MeeIn l bengheci u emle uid-Okanagan Valley and Vancouver. ees1run an excursion te Central 27 years. Saiav Toeonto s go y and l tTe Womemltn C, etrbroExperlimenial Ferrn, 0'tiawa, thre rd TRmccî-Suddenly at Weston. Mmci 20, Hici- ing Toont, tdayandtom Rr The Win._HamiltonCe,_________ bas20reeelvedvamcnnîracigameuniingialweek laJre.md Tricki, Unionville, aged 53 y eams, Intemred train ta Petemboro 10 ses the sizghts of e oeain meimey o egular meeting of!1tîze Womegn's mI OîoRg. x-NlCoibni-re, Mmc 1B, EIen I $ 100,000, foropertin maci-Nr fo tire Electric Ciy. new ledc la tire Troua Valley c anal. - Iiistituitewili ho elion SetreynXtElizabeth Todd, belëovec w1te of Tios, E Bati. ho bro'Jgiri 10sec lirai itliseupagtebers and fiands attend PRGIEA mitn mc 1, Char. defau tis usoma 5 trordn , Lie la offring lots of monsy savons for lotte, ieioved wife of Ald. J. M. Peregrirze, l. meneauneer aeanyirr lu lv Saturday, Matchr 27. Taks tire iist wilit rtc lecld rmtr aae fPas Grand aserof A,O U.W.Ii . himsei eut ef as mucheas possible of bis yua wiliepuiuoshpngwrmbytng oirGav'Lte- Ai4DEnsoN -Tix Grand Forlis. No th Dalid, UI personai property whon thre afacasor Tire deg legs have arriveni-so bas meal.El tuadrmey n mc 1 d îsiilvdwf fFal ~< cores round. a large essortment o! deg collersata îeati f sebaeen nodtsmeut. . And ik rng, Medathems11),JIJIll U Ur1 Co. oh HghsRevoo!ClrkelaC has. H. Browu'a Hardware Store Truleldest dangliter of tie laIe Johii. Trull , Col. John Hughes, belvotiraCstockiss ,Mm. Perey Piper won lire priz .3f rBowmnvillewief John Field, ageds.5yeirs îTet s0ursns ATletestc e on lu direct lice tetire Grand Masters hi deseigetwii ecbia îe Bâi az-Passed peacefully awav on Wednes L camnival ai Nawcastle Wednesday nigiru day, Mmch 17. ati nie esidence cf her Soni. Mr. A otharOrange au LcedofEaseun Weu bsns . edarrts-omIra Bates 7 Concord Ave., Toronto, Mary Jare Grnd astr ati e aueleethiepto le uinesw nId ond ia uvere- &P lng six pnizas et six carivais- tri Bates elict of tie laie N;)m Bates, in lhem 85th Grad laserat heannalmeengat ,lt te (rl kow ha ý u avetoseason year. Intermed atPine Grave cere e-y, Prince Napane Col. Sam. Hughes wes tirs irifer Wben business ii dîtîl acivertise Albert. principal speaker on tiret o:as -to let reople know 3o.1 are stillsellng Il laeay te get a position after Yenu _________________ Tirus Durham beys corne tetire top 1 gonds areesty TWaI god RmlltîN typista positions ire assured. Rening "Ls eFre We are alwavs gatlfied t10 ieM t meY intencat Camadiana te hnow ton Business Colege, Collage &Spa dina, E.R.LOUDL, !V lthe success o! BewmanTiile boys-, dtiret a qn itr Irbcof brcsd in England Toronto. E.W5RasonOUS o n 's girls. hit l thenefore wltir mueir lea-18st sixpence-airnost 12 cents. At Wynt1e ,h etqai i ansDsge n elri uneetirai we announce tiret Miss dur 1Heuiton a 4!bi-boaf is Worth 5211. Fleur WinegetrehsqulylupntDsgerdDeenu T;ronftrie te amusSandersen Granite andi Mamble onu UHIU LFearasdorganiso plKnox ire: - r J . eand Miss Jouess, Perey Brand . ba tirsthetest MonuMANVLs.aL:Mes, NT l enrian Chuncb-, Mitchell, iras received a who have beau spendiug tire wInter lu for yeams. volultay ierese f slar frnt bý'Stmatirroy, are leeving tirere loday L.r y2 managers cf lire Churei r, Brampton and wiiI visit ru Toronto and Coucir, Jobusten & Crydermabave =22=____ _________ _______________friends bers wili join lu congreatis, . Yirib b-nemtmnn hmsecured lire services of a firsi elass ex- WeSe n orih n D-;, LrctTh al Pprsfo hi prngae eienced cutter and invite their fienda OW PEN D UT That you want to use tht Hoiswortby folk. Mr. Orlando Jol- very pretty, P C Treblilock sirowrng gu lanter der .Stgatin L M R I gS NN W O E E WalPae e il hw liffe and ethers assisted ai a bentefit lire meat attractive patterns HoabieasMot Wall Paper e wîll show entertaueinet ai Stretton for Mr.Tires. very large range, Ywiti speciel books of Mm, and Mra F. A. Lladdy vfry pleescmecl..'td ee ,j football. An actiye worker et tire fane- Atplrie sd10poaltrt na dinner Thursday evening laý as rls a Zpys etn neat designs at prices ta ýowIrdasdt vthathteawstMagre rlee"" a SO oVioi ueî oy . II- 8 MAN VILLE PHONES 10- arthaprtaiee, sent wa i8Mre r inBom ve wxti e ltes retty mucir alike, but son, Kingsvile. rnhs O O HMTNec ar, hepe ha eer set soi n ownilewih er*Salada is jepnovIug e pleesant sur- _________s_________ brother, Mr. R. A. Trelevina afewpretetosdafprîceree Have Sou sean the lovely binea nd APONe. ,î you want an es- yas . l lwy ed e d dinkers. Soîd by grecers everywirr..wrt msnigktisedoherli DRESSMAKING. Ne Dress materials, Siks and Sati peciali tasty and finithed M e hnayP.OBadneiy Mm. Castel Fox, postm aster e! Port otecesa cf enamelod ware tiret Arcible anyone I~~;Vitby, a Mau Wall over leur score Taitlkiing as r. mmswi1 Ar" m anprepared to de allhin s o! drss- job we can do it. W~e are viiloyen Engand, wlîiner Bowan- ry'aspse wyMacr1 da Bkn mwe.akinz at home or will go eut by Il-e New Laces, Insertions, Embroîderies al s11 fin as avr cliwa hsfort LlInesa fMe wes father of Miss Mn. Neil M.ýDonald and gesns Milieu day. Cmii Or WritQ NELîLI IGNma itni-s Baiaa1- rLcsa .wst st d.Vin LDe tahe Pap-c o En- and en win ater-temy lltte~ec