Cenu~51 FOR %EA C7-lL CARTE 'j A. E. MeLAoTIGMSIPIO l3rls, Slcitor and Conveyancer. Of0o:-ieaie Bl3ock, King Street, l3owmanville. IMoney to joan at reason- able rates. 48-lyr; RIOBERT 'YOtJNG-, V. S. ) FICE'IN 15 OSFY 'S BLOCK, a O opposite Town Hall , Lntranca. i oe h wiii lie found freri 8 an. te 9 .Mn. Night Cauls at residence, direct- iy Cppos ite Drill Shqd. 1~y TONRARY QR A DU1AT E 0F .Là-LOntario Veerinary Colege- Offie in iear of Mr. Williamsî, furniture store. Calq anewered day or night., Plione 58. 10.1 Ii.J.HazIewooil .D.JI LO WMAN VILLE. * ON4T. G OLD MEDALIST of T rinity UJn ivrsity, Toronto;à Four vearit Attendiaf jPhî' sician sund Surgeon at Mt. Carasel liospital PIttshorg, .Ka,>, - .111 Oleie and Reidance wellU gton St. Tai. VICEFR1 & GALII&ITII. Barrigteris Sotlictors, N ataries Public WtLLIAM W VîiEsas D. G. M. GALBRAÂITH (formerly of Bowmanviite i 77 York St, Toronto. Ths proctite formerly carrisd on by Mr. Gabrithi iBowmanv tie wihaieomtInuail by the newf11cm, Mr. abraih ill a iln Boa manvithe svery Saturday aud aiso durfng the waek If ri quireti. 22tf Weslicit the business of Manulactrers, Eingineners and others who realize the advisbil 1 ity o' ,aving their Patent business transaced byý - perts. Preimninaryadvice frce. Charges Î". ý,ciate. Our Invetor'a Adviser seint upon rcquest. Marion & Marion, New York Lif e Bldg. -elceai aud Washington, .C. .. W MouIS o! cool MiBIl 1 lg 1o!is, 0 I&Lmi ing rights of the Domnintn, i. Maniitobo, Saskatchewan. Aiberra. the Y ukon Territory, the North-\Vest Terri _rie's a(1 British CL-aumb'a, may lie ieased for starin Of tw en tv-one yecars at an anînii rentai f fi1 an acre. Nul more thau 2.560 acres wiîl t1icaqed te oua appitant Appi,-llicatiin for a ]case must lie made to the gent or Sub-Ageit of the district lu Whtch ih- iglits appied for are ituatcd îu .rvey ed îaorritery the land mut lie de ribed by sertions, or igai ru'> divisions of sections, suad in uneurveyed terrtory the tract ali1ed1 for shba llie staise' rot. za , ijarpieatioinnm t lie ac mpanied by a fea 0or$ (X, whieh Ma iiilere uddIf the rights, ppiefor a renil t a vatiale but nt etherwisae A roaiîyshahne pid u the marcliantahie Output ci tha rMie ai the rate Of tfs e etS jer Rvýt'er ie oe f (co-almidirigihts which are iot heji gperasc1 ad ahfurib the distrite ager toi Domini on Lands m ili a sworu state. mnLtt biteffort i ast once le eath yea'-. The item e -iVilcioda 1the CORIsi inng riglits oîibithe Ies-ee msy lbepermîuted t) pur- clisse ahjatevar ,albe surface riglits may be corsidered nE(ceýsary for the %a0o king of the mine ait tele ra te of $10 an aie8. For fuit informatiion application Fbono'1e inade to the Secretary oi the Department of tisa Iiiterior Ottawa, or ti any Ageint or Sali Agent of Domiion Lands W. W. C ORY, Depty 8,11 ister of thle lnte.,iur. ï;. B.- Unauthorized publilcation of tht. ad- vertisemeni will tnot be paid fur. 3- 6m Synopsis of' <anadian Northwest Lantd Regulations Y vNWersion %hg .lg the scia head cf a /.~fmil oranymae over 18 years nid, raaly hgmatead a quarter s coU01 of avai abs Dentiun land in Ma Îtoba Saslkatchemai ce1 A iberitIaý The appliant must appeai' iu p soni ait ti)e Domiion Lands A ga cy r Suit. A iency for the district Eniry by pro-xv miu>J hae maýde Ma .îY agaîîCY, on crrttsir conidilious, byv fate', i Her. an, daimhier-, rther or 2iFier of iintenug bomesteader. Puie-ilitmenths' rasidenle o2pen anti viitiýstion f the land in easte 0f 'litree jeaýrs A hossedrMay liv, witlhin nuei ia 0 hi, coesas -mma frsi' of aiL lat 0 acn e ï,lely , mîe ani c occuped liy hlmi r byý is- fater othr sudaughie rohr rsitr Stan i, g ay pirem rýtatU.'rsetciso. sýî 'dei tusomensead. Pi ce 1800 p r ac rei rIuties-Musi restde six moushu li ech 0f six y ears frim date of bomxesteasleiamtry (ieoh.g ,!je tisne rsequired te ieacn hiomestaýad patent) anti cultivai. fit>' acres extra. A bim-itteader wi o bi exh)au,ied bii bise teâsd iigilti and eannet hili a p,'a amuîu ntr mytake a purthased h iet ndl eraî dititie e8.00 per acre. ue-M i redde ix mothsli eac o lieays ' ffntîvate ifty acres and ai; oct a ouise vritî ;Loi On., W. W. ceUI. Deput>' Mlkiter cf tha I. terbrý us a men(_-ace te auy ofci te oùuura Se there us ne uced cf defense. A nulitary force is rcquir--d only t strengthee the police ut homec ori te afford protection te ujet wbo are liv ing anti speculutin u i weuk and ill go-verneà co'untries,ý Naval requirements fi,ý; or this latter,- pu-rpose area fradyfr more th'an satlnfled by ail the, great poxiers. A-iý neeof thenu coîîld overwbelun-1f Venezuela, for exanuple, with La fr-action of its present naval streugth. Auy eue of themn could overcome the savage und haîf-civil- ized people who live in. er on the confiues cf its colonies xxitha amal urmy o! well-cqjuipped seoldiers. A, few months ugo, I -,as parsuaded te try "Frulit u-tlvcs." 1 teck scvers.i boxes, und from the outaci cf tbf 5 But it may be saisi thut, assura- treaiment I nias betiar, the Conistipa- ing thut the poTwcrs are sineere, we tien was curad, and the disdharge must iczseneod. 1 teck, fer the pa1eiscas, sev- mutadmit the neesi o! ý)fprudence, crut bttiez cf the Iron 1\tfxfturc as3 Somre nice question o! national recommanded lu the "Fruiii-u-iives" bck, but I faci tht it was 'Fi i-a- hoer migbt ais, omre wrong -tivýe8,,atone tisai cured me. migh be ommttes, ad thre uke rs.(Mrs.) Elizu LeveStIne. Migh beComi1iteî, 'ý,id ter Týke rs.Levesqne's advîcc. Take must be an ucsracce ,ýaga!sis thseFruit-a-tîv(s" and cura yonrsetf. 5OC possibilities. Fer this reuson wej a box, 6 for $.5;triai box 25c. At dealers or frem Flruit-a-,tives Llmitcd, have preunma aeging ,from $200,- 1I Ottawa. 000,000, te $300,000u,000 anuuily1 wbicb are extoliesi a vdecso rie agicat thé revoîntion a wise ecucmyy. Dutwba isthetbery, ine pructical mue bas been iskl? The Unitedi Kingdom bas noV abie te gveaey reuson for the olsi had warwitha flrst-class power fuith that is iii himn beyond the fueti basi warwitbthat it is sancticuesi by establisbesi iii1 ffty years. The Unitedi State cnstom. Examinuation proves thut bas bati noue since the war o! 1812. raning bas led te a copions de- Il, is nearly !orty yeurs since the velopmaet o!f'fibrous roots. lu Frunce-Prussau war. Furtber- plantung the important thung us 'te morea gnral rlitatio agr t- iduce fresh reot formation, ansi mor, agenralarbtraieaagre-ramming -dees this more rupidly ment would elimninute ail risks, ansi than the cisi way. if we are te uppeýal te prudence and common seese we should work lu- W!ORK TuÂT WEARENS. cessantly for, sncbun agreement. Much bas beeni saisi of the yel]ow peril, but Japan is setting a gooti example at the present time byr du.ciug expenses. It la ne,ýither argi- tated uer stlupefied by the naval programmes of other nations. Itsi great statesmen are net pictureci as the leading charucters in a, soul- thrilling parliamencary melodrama; they arc noV uppallcd by the dif- ficuities of a two-power standard. They leuve this cluptrap to the en- ligbtened Occident. Therp, is seme encouragement, hoscever, to be de- rived fromn the competition in inili- tary expenditures. Its very exces- ses count ag-ainst it in public opin- ion. Tbey constitute, au easily un- derstood argument for arbitratiorn and disarmament wbich will streng- then the moral and humane argu- menits that are gugcgest.ed by the borrors of war. is ani article of faith among fruit growers that a fruit tree must bho planted in properly prepared soul, a large, wide, shaliow hale, the roots carefully spread out in all directions and arrauged near 'the surface, with a. slight upward bear- ing at theends. Small quantities ol the finer soul are frst wi-rked in amoug the roots, hollow places causecd by arcbings in the stouter roots are filLeti up, the remainder of the soil is put i n, trodden care- fuliy down, and the whele loft te, the compactiug influence of the rain. The trce is supperted by, stakes until it is flrmly established. But Spencer U, Pickering, with his recent res-ýarches, declaras that proper tree plunting means a smnall hole, roots doubled up ariyhow, the tesstuck in, the oltrn in and] rummeid down as for a guteý post. ith extensiveeprmet 59 per cent show in fvro h new impl metod,27 'show lnei ference,, aud 4 ercent.so ag Illte nc w yBy whate'ver SCiril.I: si tllse trocý-s are ggdthe new e tbod is said te gibtteri resuts hun the orthod'o. Al À- though au ntagonistic c ry huiabee(n N B.-Unaborlzudpubtîtimu cf bis Ieiimeiit alli s ct.iepatd 1r. mli Hoireriiare toc luzy te kfrk n Bai-ew v/heu tbey get tihe sbort cnd o!it.Lo Is t pssilefor a paeco e M rSro uteCr .me r Botli's MCdaey Pis Have Dont Great Service for People Who Work la. Bowmaa.ville. Maey Bowma.nville people werk every day in some struineti unuatur- ai position, beuding coestantly over a desk, rudîeg oe joltung wagons or cars, bendýing over heuvy bouse werk, lifting, rea.cbing, pulling, aUý these struins tend te wear, wcuken anti injure the kidneys until tbey fali bebint inl their werk o! filter- ing the poisons from the blooti. Beoth's Kideey Plls cure sick kiti- neya, put eew strengtb in buti backs,, Bowvmauville cures prove it. it. Thos. Brown, o! Contre St., Bew- manville, Ont., says: "I believe Boot's Kiduey Plls te be a. remedy of exceptional ment jen qnickly ce- gulating the kitincys., I batisuifer- cd witb mauy symnptems o! kidney trouble a.nd busi trict a. number e! dîfferet remedies witbout mucb relie!. Thec urine was bighly celer- C d ntiota'ineti a qnIantity -O! Se- diment e! ùîsai-like nature. The kitiuey secretiens wvoulti becomie ir-, î'eguilar aid frequenit if 1 weulti contruot a sligb11,t celti, which wa.s very eftenl. EBooth's idnàiey Pilîsý were ativertised aut Jurys Pharma- cy; 1 commeuceti their use and felunti thema te benefit me. The urine quickly cleareti anti the kiti- ney secretiens were regulateti. Beetb's Kidney Pis alse helpeti my rbeuma.tism anti I feel thaf I eue couscientieusly recommeedt tem as an, ideal remedy." Solti by Dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Ce., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. LITTLE ,GIRL 0F LONG AGO. Little-girl e! Long ugo, Eyca -o! blue andi bair e! tew, Cb-eeks us ccd as sunset skies Ligbting up yenr luugbing eyes; IHow I love vyu udd ou kuew, ýLiegirl o! Long Agol v wus slîy ans i mudst then- Yen were eigl'tansi 1 was ten, Yen were amaller rnucb thun 1, But yen teýwercd te the skyý, Yen were far ubcv" Me', fac., As the dis-tunt sinieg star; But I loved you, evens, Little irl e! Long !Ago. Lýittle girl e! Long Age, MVe are elder, as yuuou knew, Yeurs bave lengtbeuied sýince w stooti Je the meadow near the wo1 Wbuen we quarrelesi,, ycu aniid 1, 0'e3r a trifie, folisbly, AniI d1lo!ft yeobbngse, Little girl c ogAo Love as bîîîghtbu bme ugain, WVe are mrita igtorte brcw h(Uýý Alitt'gr !lIr i . T I CURRENT TOPICS. The false logic of the big navy propagandla ahould be clearly rea- lized by every oee ho read the desputches about the naval debate. in the British heuse of commeons. The great mitr powers miakle the niaval programme is eu oe cf defense oy.New it is impossible te) dis- criminate betwecn thenu over the question- cf siucerity. We must suppose that euch eue is as sincere a- any of, the others, and let us assLumue, theis, that they are all siru- cere. Iu that case net eue, of themi --t and sister, Mrs. Freýd. Debson-, -ritsenrg, Ksas., writes. recetly."Peruna is a sovereign rem.edy for recetly.cstarrh. Lasii eprieg I caughit a severo Mr. Harold Cooper, who bas been cold hieh dcveloped iet a serions case home with a, ligU tutck cf pleur- cf catarrh. 1 fait weak and sick and isy, bus returncd te bis studies ut conîd neither cat uer sicp well." Centrai Business College. "A fricud who bad becu curcd ef ca- Mr. Alcorn, Manager Of thce tarrh tbreugh the use of Pornaadviscd Standard Bank, Newcastle and me to try it and 1 did se at once. I cx- Newtonville, visited Mana..ger H. pcctcd hcip, but uetbing like the won- Rýeid. derful chang-e for the botter 1 obscrvcd Messrs. Thoruton aud Fae almost as accu as I started taking it. ,sbipped a load o! Eastcr cattie andi -10 three days I fe u mncbolitter and, a car cf hogs te Mentreal lusti wiibin awaeklIwas well. 1 couuined week.taiciung the entire bottla and witbin two Mr. Bryson of Kendal with a wcaks 1l was in fine healtb. Persrna là number cf assistant, i s moving the a wOndOrful mediclne."- Son's Hall buildings soutb te the Catariti of the Dowels. T. W. Jackson lot. Mrs. Maggic Durbin, 1332 North St., Miss Vioila Jackson wiil sing atUtLile Bock, Ark., writes: a Seheol Concert ut Osacu, on 1"1 was troulld for five years with a Aprii Sth, and ut Maniula on Eus- chronlcedsea.se- I tried cvcryibing I ter. heard ef, but nothing did nme asîy geed. Mr. Clinton Beer, teiler le the Soe doctors sad my trouble was Standard'Bauk, bas, returned from' catarrh ofthtie bowvels, and some said ass 1istiug the staff ut Innerkip, Ox- cousumpien of the bowels. Ouo docier ford Cunty.said ha ccciii cure me; 1 teck bis mcdi- Mr.ard ny.Rwewntovrtede two months, but ih diii me no goed. Mr. Hrry oweto "A'fricnd cf mine advised me te try Peterbjoro te see bis, brother Frank Peruna audlIdiiise. Atter I ad takenl wbo bsbeen, iliinletha bospital two boties I founid it was helpiug nme, wlith appjendicitis. seIo con tiuued i ts use, and ilt has curcd Miss Mary Linten returned iust me sonnd and wcll. w eek te ber Seheol ut Ca.mborue, "If anyoue wants te kuew what xxbich uvus cioseti ou accouint cf the Peruna did for me if tbey will write snîpx cr.te me I will auswcr premptiy." Mr. Eru. Bowcn bas beený- pro- Pains In the Side. m ioted by the big lumber lrm e!f Mrs. Juia Braxten, Apollo, Pst., iWinnipeg, Man., by wbich he is wrftost 1employedti t head beok-keeper, at "Pertina bas eured me of haart trou- t t large salary. hie and pains lu the side. 1 Mr. John Torrence, Clinton, vis- "A ycar ago 1 was cxpected te dieata tited, bis baîf-brother, Mr. G. M. any tima, a.nd the doctorwas somatimea Long. Mr. Torrence bus been ca.lced at twe e'clock in the morufng. reeve o! bis township and wardee But 1 arn tbsnkfal to say that I de net cf the county e! Huron. nlot have te scnd fora docior now. Mr. C. Cunningham cf the 0V- "Since Il have nsed yonr -Peruaaas ytawa Goverument Fisb Hatcbery, yen sudvised me, I amn weli aud able te urrived ut Newcustle, with a cen- do ail my bous ciwork. signentof routegg. ý"I have a.il the faitb lu the werld lu He, was a guest cf M'ýr. Wm. Arin- it wuatcured and1owta streng. I ilcr te Osweli Sanideîrcock, Clark-e Un- cTanuot praise Peruna euough fer ion, w bilýe assisting ou the new tle what it bas donc for me.,, phn ln wsstukby a falliug Mss Stomacti Trouble. bumîner. Dr. Ruthýerford put unj ieAn aseCatn l. ç everal stitehe-s. wrftes: "Your Peruna dii me 50 tnsch good. Mis's Vidca Cowa etetaneial "I amn feeling se -,el niow anti have numero!youug rieds t 1a vcry ~tobewi ysonc. 1oie was the laigatato.Mr. 1in the Weýst, be bas 1810 acres, ansi 1Percy Rickaby waàs i (eÀo the bhis cropslat year were umioeg the greatest num-ber cf4ume. eat je the district. Heu is ulso Mr. E. C. Thoruton, an Orono weii acquaintesi with the Beliamy oldi bey, new o! Listoecli sc Bros., Sisi and Harry, both o! ced vice'-presid ont, andimaagrof whomn have donc weil. Sisi receut- the recent1y amalgamnatcd Karu - ly sold bis holdings there, and bas Morris Piano and Orgue Ce., o!since hemesteaded ceur Lethbridge, Woods-tock ansi Listowell, A1 gosiAlta. picture o! Mr. ThornLoîî appeý,ares je Music and Trades Journal. OBrruxilY. Fired. Kyle, C.P.R. age'it and operutor ut Locust -Hill station, Johin 3Mere, Mt. Forest. who wus accidentaily shot by a reý- volver diroppiîîg from bhis belt as 1V la witb deep regret thut we be seopd eer e aten Votherecord tbe denuise ef John Meore, icoul fire in the steve ïs a rucpbew iun emble ciized bcreative cf Mrs. A. Leigb of our b') -n.' The wil omc isdb eaie injuresi macnus tuken te the Wes_,,t-ians frîends. He bhd net been well cru Hospitaliaut Toroctef, adlu-fo yu'o w ,-but bis iast iii- .e.st reports susy be î- is cýiSi es;s began, really thie day ulter favraby rogess ,glat Christmas, but fezw kuew Vhat MIrs. Roba.rt Wannan, utra 1be w as dangereusiy iii. For a few brie! illness, pas-sesi away _Murch 18, days befere bis deatb, hever, bis agesi 23 years and 5 meth, rn condition busi been very scrueus. puemena. ho ircmstnce o! Dceasesiwas bore ie Devon- ber death are the more suad as she.,brEgad n 14. We leavýes a uewly-born babie and a about 14 years o! age ha came te chil oftwoyears,beis the bc- Canada witb bis parents, h.st reavesi busband te meuire their lbas. ties iun Dariingtou towenuhp,,ceur The funeral toek place ,S'aturdayv Bowmanville. Early in the Civil and wus largely attem-dedl. De- Wur bc enlistes i hithe Nortbern ceasd, bos maîen amewasArmy le wbicb be, spent tbree Ada, Wright, was a daugbtcr o! Mr. ere!atv sric.H ws John Wrigbt o! burut River, for- in macy battles. Though bis knap- merl o! his ownsip.suck andi clotbiug were struck by Mc. ans ti s. J.wnshHaris, uliets 36 timnes, still be wus net Caricvaie, Sask., were recent wounddr adbp !tcsli guests o! Mr. and Mrs. J1. G. Hon- 1 iewr îki epnul ey. Mr. Harris lives in close proxi- for a shertening o! bis life ..After2 mity to a number o! Clarke, pee- bis termn was put in be.was dis- ple settled in the West, ah o! whonî cburged witb benors, and later was lýe reports us prosperous. Mr. Esipler no the pension iist o! the BX~ ~ecnt-y--bo-ugls~--a-o+4erUnitesi States, receiving bis allew- suice o! land, making two full ec ance tiillbis decease. fions, 1280 acres owued by hinuseif ln 1865 bcnuarriesi Jean Kelly, andi sous, Charley and John; Wil- f! C luiebus, Ohio, who diosi tee lium Patterson, fathe;ýr o! Mrs. yeurs ugo last August, leaving two Herb. Beat, is another ncighber, sons, Messrs. Mattbew and Frank wbo is makieg a rptio utMoore, botb of Arthur township. tbere as oee çî the beat farmers'Alter hua mnarruage be came buck te Canada, farmiug for a time neur Oshawa, and participating eagerly You annt pssily ave in the wurm politicul conltests o! a boter~oca ttanthose duys in Durbum conty t :?wbicb George rwn dwr 'Blake ,ans othe-rs wc\re ladrs ('mn t rb oubp lbe set- ou lots 2 ansie, cn. . H Coeiveduje tTousipCen;V e Ag Reiiosdikan- îîtiig erwt ccpac. e10 conduicting the services.- The pa-or wounded. These facts are takert bearers were Messrs. R. Nightîi.n- from Col. Fox's famous book, gale, R. N. Craig, J. L. Lloyd, W. "Regimental Losscs.îi ' H1. Kingston, G. G. Brebbcr and John'Moore lived on James Hat Thos. Anderson. lie's farm, just north ofBrde' The regiment ini which the late echool, in the '70's, anid bis sons Mr. Moore, enlisted was the l8th were pupils of the editor of "Th6,, United States Jnfantry, IKing's Statesinan." Brigade of Rouseau's Division of the l4th Army Corps under ClA Wo Ians sympathy Hlenry B. Carrington. Col-s'Atained the' heaviest loss in action of any Arina OUdlscouraged? i. yeur dector*i ilahavy financiai load? I. your pain regimýent in the regular army and a hcavv physical burdan? 1 leno'y what it was aise the, largest regimn7t haesa ean t iat e wrnn hlave ,it was one of thte three battali on1 cure niselfa 1awat te ratieve 1OurIýbur- creaed fte Licei' ~dens. ynet end the pain au st,,opth regiments raeIatr doctor's bll? I cari do this for you andI proclamation of May 3d 1861, aud wiijif you will assist me. tookthe iel triDeceber ~5,1Ai yo need do i. to write for a frec iookti-e fel-din ece!I),ýrýi cbox of the rermedy which bas beau placed ~aricpaedil Ithe following -,ýbat'- i!lu m1y hands toelic given away.Peap thia, oua box w iii cure 11utba donc so tles :-Chapïlin His, Kýeutuc-ky-; foc others. if an, I shah hae happy anÈI Stone's Riv-er, Tennessee; iFoover's 0ou be hacurad for 2,_ (the ceat of aý Gap, Teun. ; Chicamauga, Geoýr dnîmî. rtet-ayfrivfratra. giat; Missionary, Ridge, Tenni.; ment. MIts. F. M CýURAI.Winso. nt Tunneýil Hill, liesaca,, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountaîn, Smyr- A gentleman undertook te pur- na Church, Utýoy Crc-ek, siege of chase a blouse f-or his wife. 'What.ý Atlanta and Jonesboro,' all in bust V' inquired the assistant. Georgia. It was, present also at "Why, I didn't hear anything !" Lick Creek, Siege of Corinth, Mun- fordville, and Peach Frece Creek, (l though no losses are recorded. It had killed in action, 131 ; died of l wounds, 87, total killed and wound- F1or Infants and Children. ced, omitting slight wounds, 854; The Kind You Have Always Bought, üaptured and mi-.sing, 200; diedlo diseuse, 199; died in Coufederate Bears the prisons, not previously included, Signature of 53. The l8th took 603 officers and arnen into the fight at Stonte's River,____ 48 per cent. of whom were, killed 1MOTIIER AND DAUGIITEII. -The Nre Nt, Understoodl By mnost people anid by mnany docto re -Hence thelr treatments fait. It ia not s0 very many yeara since dis- cases of the nerves wcra attrjbuted te the presence cf cvii spirits and more recent-1 iy sufferers frein nervous deranlgements have been told that thcy only imagine tbey arc sick. aid Dr. Chi;e th the nly wayta cure di1ase of thener1s1:1temaO the biood rifis, rod'andItiriions and to bui'i up thbe wst - erve celis bysuh tctntas Dr. Chaýe 's NervoFoti l'r,-.W.P. Snthcerland, St. Adcs Man., wit "'lu 1903 1 was striekeýn withl paralysis, fcll hclplcssly te h fieor and ba-d te bc carricd te bcd. Thae docters prenne d, it a bad case as I bad ne) power in my tongue aud left leg. For six înonths I lay in that rcon,- tors',rsrpin. ybsadai viscd nime te try Dr. Cae NeýrVe Food and by use ofthistctetalt. pliimy lcg is. ail rjÏigb nd l eauý box, M6 boxes for i25,at ail euler or EîrnansnBt as& e., TOon t. Firît Friendslîip Sitould Underlie ~tet railave When a mother -ansi duugbtcc stand on proer forma with each otbcer there is a flrm friendsbipý undeclying the riatural love,. Ti t mother, with the mcmory o! bepr own girîhoosidays ýi erid, is net tee severeoun the SaUItSansi mistakes that the youig cdunghter is sure te makel. Ani th dag fer, ur o! a ready matyansi cue pplies wt father anisn Motfather.s love thir sons,bu thcy forget that tbcy swcre once cannt b stasi nd ise-, ansinee kick overthetraes.Perectcon- fidece btwee faher andsi senis quite us important as àil is"teen uotheransi daughtr, ansi the cx- pecience o! the parents can cftui saeteyoneig pe',ople frerA m Bý(ock Cnasec"odmc- ingl Are 1yen th lady oe!Étie SEVEN YEARS AR INVALID Then She Took "Fruit- a.-tve5" And Is Now WeII. Anrroni., Nov. 2-,_1908. i was auin výAld fer seven peuars frem fearful WcMli Trouble. 1 had fallirg womb, wiît constant pain lu the back and front of my body and ail dlown my legs. Theire was a beavy diseharge and ibis madeanie weak, sicepteas, resttess and miiserubte. Oficri I wus obligcd t e lin bled fer a mcrith at a tima, I wias treated by scycrat docters, but ibeir treatinent diii me ne permanent good. (From The( News.) Mrs. J. R. Cooper visited friends !D the City. Mrs. Metcalf and daugbter, Miss Mariou, have geone te Huntsville. Mrs. Henry Curtis and Mrs. H. Hill1, Tyrone, rec(ently calleti on f 1iend' '!s. M0r.ud Mrs. Adelph riWoodwuid ýaxe moved back te the village fromn Starkville. Mrs. Parker Smnith, Cobourg, us visiting ber mother,_ Mrs. Hugh- son. Miss Nydia Leigh is visiting Miss Vida. Samis, at besr heme, third Con.cession. Miss Laura Metonîf, Belleville, visited ber mother. Mrs. Metealf,. Mrs, 0.'D. Robinson, 48 St. Felux St., Brooklyn 1 N. Y., writes: "I have talion Peruna and Ît <Rd me More good than ail my twe years treatmont by special physicians. I can really say that 1 feel like another poison. No more swollen foot and limbe. No more bloating of the abdomen, No more shortness cf breath. No more stiff and soie jLints. Youhae n iea ha yur retrnntlia dnefor me. It cortainlyhlas prolonged My life an dod a ne;w Iwoman cf me. "0, sucli a blessing I have rieceived thricugliyetîr kindness, doctor, and the assistance cf theo med'ieine, which you se kiudlyprescribed. I arnableý te werk sinoe I began yotur treatrnent, but before I was netab Le te help my3eif, mucli less work for any ene else.AlpaseiduteD.Hrmn au d hia trea.tment." ýi 1 Mrs. Geo. Ç.,Worsteli, Il River Road, C!iirkabr W. Va.., writes: "I trust that no oue wilI think from this thant 1 want my name in public fo aycue oniy te let su-fferers knewç where they may flnd relief frm . many ailments. -' "Ieau truly say I have been mucb. benefited by the use of Peruma. I feel botter than I have for two years. It is the best medicine that I know for pelvie troubles. "I have taken medicine from the docters and found ne relief; but when I began taking Peruna 1 could see that before I had finlshed taking thee flrst bottie it was doiùng me good." CoId Developed Into Catarrh. Ihf c.. Mrs. N. P. Lawler, 423h2 N. B3roadway>