We sold more Wall Peper la,3t season tissu e v e r belore. Some cf ouir customers were verv, particulai butwe delîver- rd the gooda te thepir ontire set lsfactien. Our pa'terns a n d coloring ufeets ceu't be beat thîs see8on. Oeil or phone 113. Bowmanviiie a-- WE WANi' VOUR SEBO. We have jus'. purchased a rew up-to-date Seed leaner and are now prepamed te handie ail kinds of Claver and Grass Seede cleaned or uricieaned and te pay thc bighcst, market price. WB~ WANT VOUR GRAIN; We arc also in tic market as u6uai for ail kin ds of coarse Grain, sucb as Barley, Backwhca"ý, Oats, Peas, Bye and Goose Wheat, ail of whlch we arc prepared te storeý and buy at store- bouse up town, our levater at G. T. R. Station,, or te buy -if stored at the Publie Elevator, Port Dariington. WH ARE STILL SELLINU COALD At $6.75 per ton st Harbor & G. T. IL Station and $7.25 per ton delivered te ail parts of the town. Pea Ceai $1.00 per ton less; 25 cents per ton off for Spot Cash. Carrying in baskets extra. Wc aise have splendid Threshing Coal at 65.50 ït Liarbor or Station and 86.0 np town. Ususl Unes in Wood, Charcoal, Cernent, Lumber, Shingles (metal and wood,) Rex-Flin*tkote and Asphaît Roofing, Doors, Sash,.Blinids and Mouidings. Specal attention te planing and matchIng, resawing and dressinglumber. LIM ITEDs Kng st., East, Bowmanville. I1-Fine.st Furniture Rouse leautif ni; tbat's lhc purpose and effeet o! our furniture. We %ve secured sncbmakes that net oniy ornate 1Ihome in an attractive way, 'bu, te las,; and yet with al tefincry, ait.,sti touches andi fin1shes that characterize Ç~ en the cbeaipcst article we have, the prices are witii the bounds of every modest puise. frvamlety; the carvîng, the poishing, tise finishing are ofthe idyptebords-snartenthaet shasoneeqad theeontrctinsare as firmas vices. Our prices_ com. mence at 612.00. I~ y Undertaking is a special branch of our business and %always receives persenal attention day or night. We do not make any extra charge for distance. iHampton ~Branch, Phsone 129 F. JALAN M. WILLIAMSJ ('9 hone 58 BONWMANVILLE. - LI IJ01EFOR BALE-On the oouth I aide of King Street, Bowmftnvllle, xiine roomis and bathroom, new Pease Fuxnae Electiec ltght, stable, ail convenleneesunr cover, quarter acre land. Apply tu D. G M. GALBRAIH, BOWManVllle. 85.-tf lieturu tickets at Sing!e Fare be- tween ail stations in Canada, aise to Detroit and Port Huron, Mieh , Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Giood going April 8, 9,10, il and l2th. 'Return limit April 13th, 1909. ROIEySEEKE-RS' EXCURSIONS Winnipeg and return 632,00. Edmon'.on and return $42.50. Tickets good for 60 days. Proportionate rates to oth>.r points. în Western Canada. First excursion April 6h, via Chýcago. Tickets to certain points sold in accordance withi above wiili not be gooci for passage on train No. 1 or traiù No. 4. Funi information and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent, JURY & LOVELT, C.1 P T. A gents, Bowmanviiie, H OURES FOI.IS SAEh-ron Sd, tembse ontiCnt3e Stret own-s cession StBowmavi. Gndb1c-hase* Irteea and 0 oung Thpie t els. i g tk osesion apr nCosi onlt. LESt re.per y t o ifl rl euired. Apy <,îliA OU. M B'oiec.or Bx fu , Ow ailli. 50tf IVÂRD ofBURKnvl, -DCErikAbuEean ban il ersls on having ny damslam baram ad oBuatr abte 0f Ie TowngoS Bo mresande2i0th oinc îPe tes ntaywa ,ed pon orabot pilth hitbi da 0f Novoer 800 arle reoied.on or beore At TWueNT THoIRdenDAYo Bx.APiL, 109, t sondby pit Nuo atice ar lu ritîSteitr is a tOIEhSemEY IENta Imnedrsely ngaSe sdtnty bird ay Hamng the prons eoiti, e Tw, bi in reard oe nythe 5h se daim oftriwh3h ted onhabou he haelhnotieath dm iotrators wmUflt e abe oreforath seS. or NY r r ot te nyperoasof hse dais tey sha ! ac tbnu h eireceve8ad otic e -e n ImnTD aS Toronite the ird day of Marcha ;:1r)1ý thepe 9onVenge teet, Tronto 12-3wAdmni ietritators, _BOWMANVILLE, -APR. 1, 1909._tMINISTERS ANDIl I I yo inend todecorate your watts this Spring do not fi to Iseeour choice selections of Beama the lhs Kiîd Vii liaies li IY Bi Bears tb AT9iîYii~iBîh signature WIall 'Paper iH. J. Knîgiht ivas wull sungj- and1 as usual call f or aný en core tu wich th liey ikindly respoded.Misýs Luttieli peirforedth duties of accompanîistwtefinemusca skill, much a cceptanccasud pleisuretou igosaaud iec, S he lasfe Those w h are IutemeEted le artistVî ho mn m deeoïîfinS wiLI llnd food f or thonzin lutise splendid ddI19- playocftise ew. Iqc 9 Wall Pap- Cr we cw lhave We not ouily Ssii Wall Pape r butlIlh%ïig it. We wili cheer- fulyestîmate ou a whoie bouse cm a single reoce, Interior vH H U- qp1 0 *in Decorator He neLis iIIIIII9q -TO TEÂCE THE TEÀCHERS Aradinai change in tise Normal Scison course goca into effont on tise first of April, wisen a large number of students ivili pack their trunka froni Toronto, Ot- tawa sud London to Guelphs. At tise Agriculturai Coliege thcy will ho given three months, o! special instruc- tion lu agrieulture, horticulture sud ele înentary industrial training in order to fit theni for better work iunrral scisools. Tise course is limited at preseut to those whvo have hsd somne experience lu teach- ii..g, but it may be exteuded to tise resi. A simlar summer scîsool iiii sso be held et Guelpis for teachers who are iiow in charge of schools. In al cases in- struction in niethods of teaching wiil fori part of tihe work. A novel feature of this step for the rsising of the standard of rural schocl teaching is tisat tise Goverument will pay ail tise expenses, raiiway transportation sud board of tise students during the course, sud for this purpose s sum of $7000 has been set aside. Provision will be made at Guelpis for 150. LOCAL FARMERS' SCIIOOL. West Durhami Agiîlcultumai Society bas beon eqnested to lend its influence with ,tise Ontario Goverumeut and Counties' Council te secure foi Cobourg eue nf tise new couuty Agicultursl icolleges bel ng established. Bowinan- ville lias Rot awakoued to tise import of having sucis au educational. institution in tise tnwn. Tise other twn towns of tise United Counties seem, to have jcaught tise spirit of tise Goverument's proposition sud are tsking practical action te put tisoir desimes inte effent. Tise charge was made tise other day by a couuty lswyem tisat farmers wii. not take advautage of tisese anisools and tisat lu Wiitby sud Lindsay wisere they are cstsblisised tise groatoat diffi- culty bas been expeiieuced bu iuducing studeuts te attensd. It la jnst possible tisat tise rosi advsntages of tisese agri- cultural seisools have inot been preseîsted te tise farmeî'a. If they were pîopemly sdveîtised lu tise cnunty papers sud thoir objeet fuily explsiued we misjudge tise fammers' sons and daugisters if tisoy would net want te avaîl themselves of tise privîlege o! atteudanco. One large cîas îoem lu Bowmauville Publie scisool la nnoccupied and could ho used for au agrieultumal casas, se tisat tise extra cost cf establisising sud main- taining suici a scisool sisould not be great whieu tise Governument pays tise Pmofessor and thesoOnunties give a libers] grant. T[HE IDEAL TEACIIERO We are toid tisat tise ideals we have presenited for tise Public sehool teacisers cf tisis country are toc isigis foi ordiuaiy young-men te reacis; that tisere are not many who messure up te tise standard set for thse motiel teacher. We respect- fully beg te say tisaS our ideal teaciser la n misuomer. He lias been often accu lu Past years and tise yonng meu hoiug edueated today are as clevor sud witis tise iglt kfisdcof tisiniug ecaunieet al tiseroquimemnts. In au article îecentiy 1weom asz stmoigly tise sdvauitagc cf eomploylig ta tisoonghly qualifled rinutosciser for odase f atPuiblic, selioci, beesuse cf tise si u boys 'îWýould receive f rom has examiple sud personal contant. We aieo pleased tisemefore to flnd a strmnug cudorsemeut in a new prospectus juat receiverl cf Remington Business Col- loge, 269 College St., Toronto, in wisich tisis sîgniicsut sentence occurs about Mm. T. F. Wright, Principal cf tise Coi- loge.:-"Principal W righit, like ail natur- aiiy great educators, douives his chef strengtlî (as a suceessful tesciser) from tise influence and stimulus whieh lie exorcises over tise miinds of has pupils. Ho believes-lu personal contat; ho ho- lieves lu tise iolp nud stimîulus wisich comes from porsonal contact, benne ho is constantly iu tise ciassa moinmansd evemy pupil wiso bas ever isad tise gnod fortune te study undeip hlm eau testify tisat his personal insfluence bas faciitsted tise acquisition of knosledge." WEDDING BELLS, SLEM'ON-SANDETtS Ou Weduesday, Mardi 24, a pretty wcddiug was ceiehrated in tise home of Mr. and Mss, John Sauders alsen thieir second daughtem, Etta May, wss unitcd in mariage witis Then M. Siemon, son of Mm. John Slemon, Haydon, Rev. H. -S - Spaice, 1B. AB, D--ofcaig Promptly at 2.30 o'clock tise bride, who. was uuattended, entered tise drawîng roomn accompanied by lhem father whiie tise sweet strains o! tise weddiug march 1weîo flayed by Miss Grace Slenion, ais- Tyrone choir concert Good Frlday, Reserve the date. cl Mr. John Elliott, B A., preached hr of the Methodist Tabernacle, Whitby ts Sunday. Mr. T. 11. Folllek. M. A., presided a the organ in the Disciples Church thý past two Sundays. Rev. John Garbutt will preacb in thg Methodist church next Sundav morning in-the interest of the Woman's Mission tO ary Secletyý A recetion service will bi ..be held after the service., e Sundav next hein,- Palm Sunda3r thi h-morning sermon in the Church of Chris wili be relative te the spirit cf the da' e Evening subjeet, '«Wbat la Your Life ? )w Special music r.t both services. n- The Methodist Sunday Sehool ar nm r reoarin sran Easter entertainrnent con. sistlng of drills, choruses and recits àe tions to be Riven on Tuesday eveninp ,0 April 13 in the Opera Ilcusc, Particu ly lars next week. )n Mr T. H1. Follick, M.A , Selene. -e Mastar of Bowmanville High Sehool ii of ieaving thîs week for St Catharines He has 'been musical direetor of tht *Methodist Sundas Schooi for seemonthi and thes chool took fareweil of hin: SLlncay. Pleasing reference to hits ser vices was made by Pastor Garbutt and Superintendent Trewln and, the ýschue eangw God be with 'ou tili we meec ýy again" lC The ladies cf the Church of Christ wl A givo3 a concert in the Town Hall Wed' .9neiay evenlng April 7th. The artistE will bc- Miss Leonle Bernice VanRorn sopanc Miss irene Weaver, readeri IfMr JD Richardson, hanltone, ail o0 mýToronto, and Miss Eva Lultreli, pianist If Miss VanHorn !a the sole-ist at JarviE '6 t Baptlst Church, Tornuo, and a con. cert singer of great abillty. Mr Rlch ado s said te have a rich barîtone voiee of hlgh dramatie quality. Alis ,y W caver cornes well recommended as, a Il reader. Two geed sermons were dellvered ia the Methodist Church Sunday by the pastor Rev. John Garbutt. Ris moma- 9iog subjeet was "Prayer" and the even- log "Anger". The subjeets werc en- dtirely different but tbe discourses were yvery practical and helpful At the cmorning service Mrs. H. R. Tllley, ýToronto, sang in clear voine and verv ypathetirally -The Publicanî, Prayeri' and 'it the evening service she toolk the solo in the antham, and ln duet with Mr. H. J. Knigbt sang "1Sometime, eSomewherc !" Mrrs. T. E Knowlton, (Toronto, sang by request -Face to IFace" and many were glad te hear - ler L fine contralto voice again. Tne pastor emade very hindli reference expressing eappreciation of the s0103 cf these two LI vocallats. Mrs, Tiiley willi sinz again next Sunday A meritorlous prcgram was presented to a large audience at the Epworth League meeting Monday evening in the Methodist church the topie or theme ebelng "Friendship." Pre9ident A. E. ýLoveli presided and after conclucting ythse devotional exercises caIled on Messrs ýE 0. Higginbotbarnand G eo. W. James cfor a riano duet; Miîss, Beatr!ce Cowan ;reeltesi a very appropriae isiection; M Niss Hayeraft gave a paperon "Friend- 2ship;" Mis. C. A. Cawker sang'-Killar- Dnes;" Misses Lena Horne, l)orothy î anderson, and Helen Mulcicîl gave a piano trio; YMrs. W B. Ta'?pson read a MmNI. R. M MitcelU sang a soio; bMiss Gerte Cawker rendered a piano, solo; au d15M ss Lena lfaddy read a number of quotations on "Friend-nhie.' " The meetinig eloaed by singîïng '¶lst be the tic thaàpt bin:ds> and the beniediction by Illev il. F. Weim, Protent the ehild from thse ravages of worms bs' using MVother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It !s a standard remedy and visais cf ne have enhanced its, re- puittion. TH-E LIBRARY CONCERT The concert under auspices of the Pub- ý-lic L ibrary Boa-rd Friday- evening in-the- Opera House was fairly w cli attended. The programn was almnost entirely of local talent and was worthy of any audience. Miss Nellie R. Wight opened the pro-] giýarn with a brilliant piano solo, and on bëing encored gaveý another fine selection, Miss Marion VanNest recited with goodi expres,ïon "ac."Mis. T, E. Knowl- ton, Toront, (nOee Ethel Y, King) who is a favorite wihBowmianville audiences, sang ' A .Sommer Niglit,' hy Thomas, and kifidly responded to an encore which also, rcceived. much applause, Mr. John Elliott, B, A., Principal Bowrnanville Higli School, gave an interesting addrcss on Books, quoting somne of the expres- sin fsome of the best writers on the value of books, the ones to read and how to read them. A luartette, "Gond Night Beloved," was Weil sung- by Misses Ethel L. VanNest and Gertrude Cawker aud Messrs. H1. J. Knight and W. 11. Den- -em -h adinc d 1ndd n ncr Special Vaue si..$5o Men's Tweed Suits in a large assortrnent of stylish, materials in check, plaid and stripe effeets made upin the latest styles, perfect fitting garments, weIlltailored. Prices from ... . $8, to $20. Men's Stylish Shirts. Men's NeZlizee shirts in the verv Waists, is lawn waists with tuck- ,d insertion, with nice ,a, cut very f uli, thre gths sleeves. Wornen's lawn waists, very fine quality lawu with three rows of in- "sertion down front, full length sleeves, assorted sizes. Special eac.... .... .75c. Frillîings,. Ladies' neek friils assorted 6 in a box, colors sky, pink, crearn and white. Per box.,.,,..2c Tourist fr illing in boxes, 3 yards in each, very convenient and POP. ular. Per box....,..... 15c. Ladies' Collars, latest designs shown in the larger t1le iatest designs, very pretty and cities, stripe.and check patterns. 1tls sotdszs Specal..... .... LOOachPrices 15e 20e and 25e each. 2Oth Century Clothi'ng. We are the sole agents for The'2Oth Century Brand Clothing in Bow. manville. No need for furthur worry al. out fit and style. Corne here and leave your worry with us, Once a wearer of 20th Century Brand Cioth- ing no other will ever suit you. Let usbegin by suiting you for Easter. Mctlurtry &Colnitd Bowmanville, Mjllerýs Grip Powdcrs Cure. Sol!d by R. M. Mitchell & Go Dîngglsts. Good stenogmaphers asud Reming ton typlats get the pick of the goed positions. T R Knlght will pay 60o ln trade for abagcf potatees. 1e wants acarioad. Bring thein aleng. Have 3ion sccu the lovely blue and white vreserving kettles and other pleces -of enae<ed war-e,-that--A-rehe Tait is givlng as premiums wlth "Art" Baklng Powder. Mr Robert Cheik of the Bank cf Tor- ente, Eon o! Mr J F CheIk, Port Hope, was given a banquet Saturdev night by his friendsaend presented with a band- anome signet ring previous te being trm.nsferred te the Bank'd Toronto brancis. Tees gmown at higis altitudes on the mountein slopes of Ceylon, where the groWth le slower- and Cultivat ion more careful than ln the werrm ciimiite of the valle.) s, are uaed in #'SALÂDA" Tee. High grown tee, like "SALADA" 10 net enly et a finer quailty, but contains more of thse essentiel cil iu thse leaf than vailey grown tee. This la casliy pmoved bv- eomparing ae drawing cf SALADA" Tee with anyother, Atthie cencertin tise Opera Hous-, Wedneîdey evenlng ,Apnil 7 h Mr Richsardson will slng, as oan cf bis num- bers "Tho Pîclogue'!rom the Opera "Pagliacl". This is oee<of the mosi difficult and beautiful of baritone sieos aud Mm. Rlchardson sings it wlti al thec weil kknown force o! bis wanderfu.l voice. TFise tickets are new on sale ai Miîcheii'd Dingý Store, ail 25e tickets mav be reserved tiiere at an extra charge et" 10e For Infants and Childrmu Ihe Kind You Have Always Bougbl rearrs tie 40 Halifax te Liverpoe From From Ist. John Rlalia' ici *Corsician salis Apnil I0 Grampian salis Apl. 17 Virginian-salla _____Api 16 -ApI. 17- Tunifian sa,*s Api. 24 * This steamer sael to Glasgow. Rate@ of Passage Fîrst claes $67 50, $70 and $80 according Se steamer. Second miasq45,.$t7 50 and $50 Third clasg 82U0t, (Grampian) e30 sud $5l.fS M. A. Jamnes, Allen Lino Agent, .Bewmanvulle Dollhillon Line ROYAL MAIL STEAM NSHIPS FROM PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL Dominion Ap4. 7 Vancouver May i WRITE STARI-DOMINION LISE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LAURENTIC, MEGANTIC T. iple Sire w, Twin Screw Largeat snd finest steamers on the St. Law- ronce route. Latest production of the sbip- buldera' art; passengers celevator verving foutr deeks Every detait0f ecemfert and lnxnry of preseot d'y travel wi11 ha found on these steamlers. Mon treal Queben Liverpool Canada. .. Ma3o 8. J nqe id, July j7 Laurenti.. May là, June 1,9, JI 24 Dominion May 22, Junc 26, July Ui 1.egnic. ........... Jniy 3, Aug. 7 Ottawa ... May 29, Jnly 10 Au.g, 14 Vanconve.......... ..........Joie 5 The pp'rsteamer 'CAýNADA" las IA11zosgainschedu1edto cvarry 1thrCee lasses of paissengeres. wiffle me Sfatstea,m.er OT- ION caoeaciass cabin temes(cailed second lama] sjare very atrc ive Snidrt rates. Sesplans and rates aSt local agent1s, or Compsoy 's offices, M. A. JAMES, -Age-,nt ýI 'C. P5 R. AtlanticLUnes, [East LIVERPOOL Ws Mar. 20 Lakte Erie Mar. 26 Empresof Britain Apl, 8 Lake Champlain Mi,1 Api. 9 Emprers of Ireland mai. go Api. 17 Lake Manitoba Mer. S Rates and complete sailings, andfnrtter infor. mation on seplcation 50 neare3t agent or S. J. SHARP, 71 Tonge St., Toronte. Be WMAN VILLE AGEN ma, THRLE stenegmeph- ers p]aced In ONE office wîthîn TWO 0anonths at a emblned wage of $826.00) per iveek shhowS net enlyl the demand for Remington g-rduates, but hOW their werk laiSappreciated. 269 Coilege St., TORONTO T. -F. WRIGHT, FPiv _,ai Easter Preparatiôns, at the est End House.' Perhaps you have-flot realized the approach of Easter and therefore delayed your shopping until ït is now almost too late, but don't be discour- aged we have the goods for the occasion. Our splendid new range of- menls and boys' clothing and furnishiugs can only be f ully appireciated when you have seen our stock. Don't fail to pay us a visit. Men's Suits. Men's Navy Blue Serge suits Worn made of good quality wool serge, fast1 ed fronts ai colora, single breasted, 3 button style. quality lawi well finished and tailored, quarter leng Special Value..-..$io.oo a suit SPË Men's Navy Blue Serge tra fiue quality, double style, perfect fit, splendidly and finished., Suits ex- bi easted tailored mmmwmmw%ý ON, n_- .0nomm UIIUZGU=M lim i 1