mi I * ~1 B3oWrSANlVILLE BTATiOîî. GIGon EÂSf *0115'W EST i Mail. 858 a.... xpe .440)a.. Rxress 10 ,'oa . 1, ..xe.....81p.m. Passengai'. . -45 PAii Local.::::6 49 ,. fIMîxed...7.44, lMali_.....958 pan 1Daly, Jejan & LoVELL, Town Agents- r/o in is one o.1 natuare's blessings-we are provîcded witli perfect sight generaljy but few of aï but what suifer with impDerfeet siglit later S in life. If you have any trace of fo blurred vision, failing sight, dis- c& tortion or laek of power to focus E your sight properly. J Let us test and remedy the evil proniptly. i We testi, fit and guarantee S every case we handle at as low 0 îa cost as possible. d Perfectly fitted up, private examinig room and two expertw ýopticians at IJURY & LOVLL j The f afe satisfac:ry DrIuýggsts &L Opt'c1ans WIIEN WE TEST EYES V I9'IS DONE PROPERLY n Grdates of: Chcago, New TorkDetrot and Toronto Optioal Colleg E, I lui Shorthand or Business wll bring you V icet results il taken at our old-establish H ed and tiioroughly re1iabe sehool. Winter term begins Jan. 4th. Cata- logue free. G to B;ritish American Bu1siness Cotiegre Centalà.M C. A Bdilding, Toronto. h -----th Business Education' tac ght at the f PICTON, ONT. "i~ ti i $40-00 1 f ays for TUITION, BOARD and t Ieverything but boks for 10 wee' '8 ti 'No graduate has et fÉlied fthrough inablity. 124* Jno, R,. Sayers, Prie. & Prop s BUS11NESS STAND.5 ready ta help young mn 0 ""d women tu win independence .. access it bas given the start s te tliousanda ilpon thousands of ta oyunpeple. lit can belp you. i Write for'talogue. Enter any tfime. r W. H. SHIAW, Yonge & Oerrard Sts., Toronto di Rather a queer stateinent, ri b'ut if s ou heZure the greater wear IV 'çou would get out of that kitchen fleor, not ta-puak o! the cleanlil- ness, belnuty and general conveni- E lence, you woui d (ertainly [con t right down and get a cŽsn of Pearoy & Co. Floor Paint BOWý7MANVILLE, AMR 1, 1.909 1 1 swuns.This l, enly cas fe! everelj tv5oîi, A prîi 'ilth ht0bbcconrt, eb giveri under the auspices c4f th e ap 3 oci1et v cf 1b. -C h rîlstla n C.hu r ch. 'lhe coucert will begin pnomuitly ut ceighb Mrs D. Grahami was rosent guest o! Mrs. I Tebb. Wait fer the play on AprIl 16 ia the Opera flouse. Mei. Victor W. Legge wae In New. uastîs Tueday. Misies Effle and Laura Gay spent îunday et home, Mr. James Cry7derman, Osaa, was3 nu towa Maeday, Miss raGiîggý, Toronto. speat 1uay ut omeO. ýMr. W7i;i flurve-; spent Suaday at bis home le Port flops. Mr. Thes. Bingham spent Suaday et Wioedville wlth frnonde. Repeat lb : -"Shlah's Cure wlll alwaye cure mpy coughs and colde. Mr. W. J- Colwil, Toronto, s,3ent iuuda y w Àth bis mother Mrs. J. Colwili. Ses our spleridld lineocf children's foldlng bede, from $2 25 up. L. Marris & Son. Mesers. Will and Fred Ormiston, Enfield, spent Suncley wltb Mrs. E. Ieffsry. Mise Ethel Tabb has accepted a pos- tion Ie e millin-cryestablishmenlt lu Stratford. Ladies' Spnlng coatý, &Il new, just opeacd eut et Oouch, Johnstan & Cry- lermmel's. Mre. F. A. Foster, Norwood Place, wlll net receive egale until settled la ber new home. Miss May Vanstor.s, Toronto, visited hsr brothsr's, Mr. F. C. VansLoae'ts, Ceder Cliff recently. Miss Galbraith end Mrs. E, Wiugate receatly vlsibed Mre. (Rsv)f.i Abraham, Port flops. Mrs. T. E. Knowten, Taronto, bas been spending a f ev daim with ber parents Major and Mrs. W. C. King. Mrs. S. Brîttain,, Chicago, 111,, le 'lsitiun ber sls>er Mies MeClelien who underwdnt an oporetion ou Thursday. Mr. H., G. Hultchinsen, Manager Standard Bank, Port Perry, epent Sun- dey wlthb lis eleter, Mrs. A. A. Sutton. Mr, P. Waddington, Jespector for Eastern Ontario o! the London Mutuel Fire Insurance Co.. wes Ie towr last veek. Mr@. J. A. Johatea attended the fnueral ef ber brother, Mr. Ricbard Cudi-, Cainborno, who was huried an îaturday. Miss Neille Taylor, B!ackstnck,' le 'lsiting ber aunt Mrpi. J . J. Gibeon, Iarsey St. Butter wanted et Kelgbt's Model l-rocery. fie haIs e geed sizad centreet toffil. Ses hlmbefore you disposaiý4it. Mre. James Eiilott who falî edrokle ber right arm a few weeks ega le suifer- ing canelderable pain and le ebilv îocrly., Mise Kerr, o! the Nurslng Staff e! Nicholls' Ho3plial, Peterbero, le vielling ber cousin, Mrs. D. W. Downoy, Dar- lington.1 Don't bethor makiag Hot X Buns hIe year heciuse Luttrelt cen so,-ppiy -aur wants Ybu are sure they wlll ho g-o4 thon T Hl Knlght wenbs 10.000 dezen ergs for ccty Easter brade for wbich ho wtll, pay the highest figure. Bning ln al yeu enu. Mr. Bld Chartren farmsniy of the Weost End flouse, bas accepted a pai- lion le a leediug dry geode house i Mn Fd Woatherllt bas moved fro ho John Waddell farma,six lino, Clark o the farm cf the labo W. R. Knight., Bowmnville. Mms. W. 1H. Greenwood and daugh- ters Julia and Charlotte, Tomante, spent Su-iday et ber fatbem's. Mr. W, W. iXnriblyn, M. A. Mme. F. M. Soucb and Master Wre- ford and Mr. Frank Chapple recentlv visited Mr. IH. Bowen, Clarke, and friende in Orono. Mr. and M re. Allen Sharpe and daugb- oer Madeline and Mr. Evorett Petter, [oronto, spoRt Sundav with thoir pean- ents Dr. and Mre. L. Potter. Mrs R fi. Turner aud Mies Borland have returned from e pleasent visit et Port Elgin and 1 arquhar, Ont, whsre tb-y speiit the whntsn wîth relatives. Mr. S. fi. Reynolds, Bothwell, called on otd frier.de bers Tuesday. ie, is stlll le the lips stock business, haviag a farai a! aer tOO0 acres on which ho nakes & speclaiby of dalr3 ing and beg- -eising. .Mr. G-ta-net B. Hughes le! t Wedes- lay for Winnipeg ait or spending a couple of monthe vislting b is pRrente, Col. and Mrs S. Hughes. Mr. Hugtes bas a good poEition witb the Canadien Northern Ralway.-Warder. Mrs. 1 BT. 1Mo 1re, -Tyrone, spent Suadav with ber sister Miss Emmenson ivbo fell on the icy pavement Saburd ay raorning and braite ber right anma near the sho-aIlde.. The fracture wau redueed and notwithstandlug tbe nervous shock î-eceivcd Miss Emm3rsun le doinjg as1 What aboutyou--prfi gsuit, gentis- iea? D Ion"1rqcegnxIIZ%-.feadvantage of mBo-oa c,, jq 5oti nu4whea wslI and silhymad ie. l au iid4etnd on rrders ettIrutd zn Joseph Jeffrv& SnStrfEcusq, E.Bvmanivilio3, being fi Uk-d t I uo o -, ntfction. 2Fie asoteto! ernand Su" na Er it- luZs ta choose from Celi éat sarliest ceevenit ncî, akeyo'ur slcin end IcaeCyour measure. Nuirse wantel-See advt. Don't Lail to 500 "Mây Lord in Llîery." Stock Feed of ail klndï at Murdoch'tt. Easter Ten at St. Paul'e church Mon- day, April 12. Luttrell's 1iakery will bo headquartsrs for Rot X Buns. Ideal Fence-the best la the maket- et P Murdoch'@. A fr6eh lot of fine boling poas at Peter Murcoch's. Mr Wm Matbews, Oshawa, was la tewa over Sunday, Orders are now boîing taken for Hot X Buns at Luttrell'o. Yeu can buy a pretty china tea set et Archie Talt's for $3.00. Repent it :-1 'Shtloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and cilds." New Maple Srun-the pure quili-- et Knight's Model Grccerv, Dox't wetit until tbe last day te ordi3r your flot X Bues from rhoe Ted. De it Dow. 10,000 dozen egge and any quantlty of zond butter wanted at Knight's Mcdo! Grocery- Pest carde o! the railroad wreck cf Frlday lest fer sale at Jury & Lovell's, the kedak agente. Koep thie In mind, Jury & Loveli'a le tho buiest drug store ln town, busy ef course, because be.st, Base hallI flagèr mltts, gloes and base cf the f o 6 Samlon braud 'are ,sold by Cha.9 rown, uirwl attenÎd My Lord la Livor3" at the Opera flouse April i6th. Fer the fireet stock of new drese geods, elîks and wash goods cal! et Coueh, Johnston & Orydorman'e. Jury & Lovell's Bec! Iron & Wine wi!l lceep your blood lu perfect condition. OnIy 50c for a largo bottie. Arrangements are bolng made for a blg day of sports in Bowmanville May 21 Watch for particulars later, T fi Kight wants a carloed e! rota- tees. fie will cive you 60a per buehel la trade. Brlng thom ln at once. 1 Humbuirs ioc a lb, orange slIces 10e a lb and other confoctlonery at bargain peset F A laddy's. Se hie ed. Next weok look eut for the names of the dtstingulehed artiste. who will appear at St. John's Church entertalnment. ý Mise Amy M. Rushton, Cbeslev, hes 4ccepted a position as stenograpber ln ,e office o! Mr. D. B. SimpEon, K.C. If you have stock or seed grain for sale, you may f eei sure of geod resuits when advertislngIla'ho James Pepers Obituary of J ohn Moore on inner page will interest many Darllngton people. fils Ciiil War experlence wae rsmark-j able. 1Court Prîde of Ontario No 6000 will hold th,3ir annuel "At Homo" ln For- esters Hall on Thursday April 1 et 8 p M. New maple 9svrup made from thls seasoI'a sap; just arrived at F A flddy's and you cen taesour word for îb, it la It wiil net s3e8m liko Easter uniesse you have Hot X Bueis on the table. ThlisI Totl wîll upply your wante la this uins. 1Moîlrs. Grant and Pinoh will do your paperhanglng, kalsominlng, etc., and do lb w-sU. gSos their card and give them a trial. 'ý Pooket kodake-they poket oyery- 1 tb1in slght. Corne tei aur store- end eay ".kadait". We wlll do the reet. Tury &__LOvel SDr R B Harris, formerly Of Black- teck-, le regisbered among the Cenad- lans at the Ilgh Commissloner's offilce in bondon, Eu gland., Ail bhc lateIs tvks-n Spring flato, Ceps, TIeseand!S8?ta et M. Mayers's We have a linQ bats we are runng oIff at hall price. Cai and get a bar- gain. The dog tags have arrised-so bas a large assortmne;i cf dog collars at Chas. . fi.Drown'es Hardware Store- Get yours now w'hile the stock ie cein- uieto. 'Tho Wall Papers for this Spring are very prot, P C Trebiiceck showing the niot attractive patterns fie bas a verv large range, wltb speclal books of 4-lect designs Give hlm a calI. Iniformation was laid by Inspecter J. S. MeConnachie against Jas. Clarke, Newcastle, for seliig liquor wlthcut a license On March i1 ho1 appeared1 beforo Police Magistrats fiorsey and was fined 1,150 and costs. Pickering Lcdge of the A.O.U.W. hes heen awerde.i a prize cf 840.00 by the Grand Lodgs fer eecuring the largeet number cf new members during 1908 ln the district . They celsbrated tbe ovent by an oystcr supper. 1Miss Leonis Bernice- Vanfiora .who, singea ln the -Opera House Aprîl 7th bas a hlghsoprano voice of groat power belng able o tef11 the largeet halls wlth the greabestsAse. At the aime timel Smal ferai for sae-see advt. Pamera eysilec seed grain now. Coa and fee the Minuet Apnîl 16. Remember the tee at St Paul's cburch Eater Monday. Leave your arder for Hot X Eues et Thos Tods esaly. Weddiag cards are a speclulty Et thie officee-al latest st3 les. «tOikins' wiil be et btcefi'Oporu 'OJuse on2 Apnil 16 et 8 o'clock. Eggs. botter and poteboos wantcd et Knight's Madel Grocerv Repeet lb :-I Shio', Cors willialwaye cure my cougha and colde." 1Mm ChF ries Allie o! the Euntin Reid 6., Tononto, was ln toanMoudey. Real old-fashÏoned flot X Bues et Luttrell'd Bak-emy fer Goed Friday. F. A Ileddy's new lino o! faricy bis- cuite ut lOc'a lb will surpnis3 you. Sie hie ad. A lob of now cerpebe and linoleums juet recelved et Couch, Jalinston.& Cny- derman 'e. A fes shipment o! Mlaple Sçrup, just arrivcd at cot & Ailin's. Ibis thebest lenbths markect Camieras fûtrent Et 10e a day and for sale frea 81.(10 un at_Luanv &__Lovpl,. the kodak agents- i NeHt X Bues, btter than me thon used~ te rna, et Thos Tod's forGood Friday.1 Louve ryaur ondor early, The cough Eeason ien't over ast. Btter keep a battIs of Jury & Lovela',; Tamente Cordial handy. UiÙil the sud cf Murch wcýoUoffr aili Music Cabinets et -cosb, r) nOiTje4t eut- tomefi te select f rom. b m ori&Sî Get your teeth lu. gond .shape wlth theai sound and irai by its continuèd use.- Effort is beiug made ta fanm a steam- shlp compauy te rue a daily bout ho- tween Tenante eand Plotan ceiliag et ncrtb shore ports. It yen wan eý vi lehef'lns eow leilie tinIe ,ge aBig Barge le NI. Mayer 4.f ew leai and willi soU theai belowctsbte seBve pacttlug awey. Ibils easy te get a position aftor yeu are redy To ail good Remieg ton bypiste positios are assured. Reming- ton Business Colsge. Col lege & Spa dine, Toronto. W%ýy nût get tha best qualty le pelis If yoý waiut satisfaction. Cha8. b. Browa carries the fumons Sandensea Percy'Braud which lias stood the test fon ycdl-e. Couch, Joheston & Cryderman bave secured bhs services o! a first lass ex. peieeced cutter and invite their friends ta leave theirorders eow. Saliofacion, guarantced, Mn A J McSloy, St Catharines, ru-- chesed tbisfine hacknev mars -Brn nblid" freai Sena ton Robt Beith tthis week. 'We bave heeîî Inforned the amaunt peid wae la the four figures, Mi. F. B Whltiag lias neturuel from lie Rives a glowlng description of the MeGîlI Building wbich ba was permit- ted te lespeet and wbieh ile ta be the Doprty ot this town sometîme ln the future. An orgenization meeting cf bthe Bow- manvilie Besebel Club wili be h8ld in Dr J C Davitt's Dental Parlors Fridey e.eiaget8 aclok.Ail playens and those lnterostod la the gem are lnvited te attend. Thers le som-c talît o! the Midien d Loagno biag u rganiz 3d aaa, M. Richard Lake ad Miss Seleua LaIke of Brighiton, Eugland, are visiting their alint, Mme-. John Da.reh, 1 Erpluig- hemu" They came eut hi the turbînier "Victorien" of the Allun Lino. WVe hope the? may eiijay the Cnde and senery and Ibet their vIsbt MÉïb most pleasent. ilnpinghem le eue o! the fineet o!fearai homes and rMm. and Mrs. Darch are genorous entortaheers B3wmnanville Wonien's lastitute hcid its eguien meeting S ittrdep eftemneen le the Council Room. The Preiident. Mme E. Belmen, was ln the chair, A aam-itcoo comg-osed o! Mrs. J. W. Sparlinz, Mme. E Bo1lman and miss Incat wite eppointed ta uine ou- quiries e exhihit et Bowmarnviile Pa.ir Au ttrestiriZ peper on tbb "Pot'ito and iis Uses." and-e nuaiber a!ciposlk5 wero given by Mme. R. A. Bravz, Miss Haverait rave a paper on'haut un Ea-ter.-' lss ee Weevcmr, the ooulne Ie in greut demaud le Taranteond sur rouninzia cillas as a reader. hgin the hearis e! ber audience et hlier frset eppearanci hy the sweetees of! beýr mn-er and ber keorea eprtîv ebilits'. MINU4Weevem will ncad seîçera1 telectiens et bMe concert te o ienb, the tiei ca-rs Sacirfby e bOpere flouse April 7 h., The Only Baking Powder made from Royal'-Grape Cream of Tartar -made from Grapes- Royal, Bakdng Powder bas flot its counterpart at home or abroad. . Its qualities, which make the food nutritiaus andi healthful, are peculiar to itself and are flot constituent in other leavening agents, lune fat Labradorn fleming, goo sze, ex1 cllenit fa veor. Try soeking theai untîl tliey1 are neenly fnesh, and drving and broiliug theni. 25c e dozen. Bloaters. The Englishman likes hie bloaters and'ne' wonder ferthey bave a a deightful flayor qulto unlike aey other flih We hl%,Ff Foaegocd eoues soc a dozen. v aleecle oranges 2J0 ai dczsn. Califomnia or - anges et 40e e dcz.f bernons ut 25o a dozeni Oysters. Our Beecon Brand Os sters came la senled j sanitty cens, solid meets. Tboy are della. Iloua, 8Oce aplut. Florida Oelery' 10c e bunci, I THÉ R.C.p-Ar chie Tait Fisix. 4janned Fisb will be yery much VegetabIe. la domand for the. next We are selliig stock-s three weks. We can ~to.l beywn ýffer yen sncb varietyOfte-I aywn ther 3 ounened seancely don? Notiethe fellow. have the same fieh te i ing prices: days duriag Lent. tisT aos 2c SrnokG]ed Hadtdioi3 îPeas 25a .8 ,Cern 250 Very choies, cnred by ,. Aps 25 Syda and Cousins. Best i ___________ 5e_ la Americe. IGo a1 pound. -i Oranges. Herrngs, Maxican oranges, ai Herrings. few bIt et 8 dozen for 25e PHIONE 65 - ________________________________ -- _____________________________________ - I Notlaes or Blrtlm, 25 cents; Karrlages, 50 cents; Deatb.a, 50 cents, oaclh In- sertion. When funerai oards are lrIilted at tht, offioe. Insertlon free MCKESSOCK-In Solina, Mavch t9, to Mr. and Mrs. if. J Mclfeasock, a danglicer. (Ruth Isabel.) HARBis, At flampton, March 17, te Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harris, a dangliter, JAcK-os-Tn Cedar Dale. on Snnday, Mareh 21, to Mr. andi Mve David Jackson, a danghter. BATTY-In Brookîjo, on Tbursday, March 25, to Mr, and Mrs Frankc Batty, a son. DANELs-CoÂi) -At the Manse, March 27th, by Mev Jas Hodgei, B. A, Walte- Daniels and Greta, Younlest uaughter of Mr Wm (Joad, ail of Oshawa, SrEvaws-WAu'v-ln Oshawa, Miarch 24, by Rev. G. M. S')arp M. W.. N. Stevens and Mis. zdna M., dan.ghter of Mr. John Watt, bob or Oshawa. DIaD MA-In Oshawa, March 50th. Mary Ellen, beloved wileof John May, in ber 718t year. Gii3ARn At Pre-tmn, March298. Fvcderick Gbliard. son of tha late A. B, Gibtiard, Dar- lington. MALCoLM-At Ellesmere, Marcb 28, Isahella Burns relict of ie laie Archchald Malcolm, aged 70 years. Ro3Beis-In Darllrgton, March 27, Abraham Robbins, aged 65 y cars. WANNA-InOrcno, Marchl8. AdaE,.Wîlght,j beioved wifeë of Robert Wannan, ageil. 23 years. WAxNNÂ-In Orono, March 23, the infant child of Mr. Robert Wannian. HIoRiqp-Ini Oshawa, March îe, Renrie tta aged 6yv. CrLîs-At Camborre, Marchi 25, Richard Coilis, in bis 73rrl year lrotier ofQirs;aJ. A. Joi.!stzn, Bowmaliville. WALDI-At Cobourg, Mardi2, John WaI, die, aged 83 years. P-EARCE-At "South Vîew Villa," the resi derice of ber soli, Mr. George A. Pearce. Maiîch 26. Fanny Tyler. rellet of tbe late Henry Pearc Da-lingtou, aged 83 years, 2 mos,. -CT.-BRop-At Port Fore, Marcb 28,FIela, MctaÂeIn '.bwaMarch1, Alex. N GmsBroN-In Wbitbv, Maro'i 27. Belinda, relcit or the l ite Yeoman Gibson, in ber SIst yecar. Mliler's Comnnue]Ud Iron Pi]s, onlv 25 cents for 50 dases. Sold by I. M. MNitetlel& Ce. Druggists. «Lest We Forget E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer lu Monuments, Tablat3, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marbie BOWMANVILLE, ONT FUNVERAL DIRECTrOR$ L. MORRIS cg SON I Most ecrnpletce q Ipînernt I Sunday and night cailsi prcmptly attenddb, 5OWMAPJVILLE PHONES >r,O 3 Branches : OROMO MAMPTON IlOUSE TO RENT-Prame bouse L.aCE5 arn ntb, wtth stable, on Odeli street. A ppîy to M. A. Jâtmas. 51-tf EG4FOR FHATCHING- Prom EIRh'3sde 1and Red@,. $100 peri 1.1,rtio 1, coui, il larlington. A. F. CAa5CADnEN, box 41, Bowmnanville. 13-swt -à-,% onthsold. Middleagedpersonprefer. red'Apply to Mas. 1D. B, bimprioN, Silv.er S;t Bowrnaî,ville. 1tf yT-OUSE FOR SALE-On the soutit 1 L B ide of King strect. Eowmanvîlle, sixr roins, stable, good 1.1. Appity b D. G. M.L GALBRaI111, Bowinanville. . 3 cf H OUSE AN[) TIIRE AICRESTO RENT-Tu BowîU;b ville on whti are 25 large appte ireei, u, 1 y s les, stable, wood- bouse, goocl weIl. Ai iiv t0IL. A. WV. T.LII. '-Q ¶WALL F tiMWANTED-Wanted K-*o leasa with option o! huyingsnair- pert abont 10 acres Cr imýore, g ,od iboel e and ore rO nearBfow.manvlile. State fuît parficil. larao DeiAwza B, Btiîvîanvii e. 13-1w 1VîUR COAT FOUND-In Bowman- -&'ville Moîîday Marci loch, a gentlemau'd Fur Coat. Owncr cari have sanie byprve lwoperty and piying expeuses. Apply to"Tois Perey, Blacksmith.13w fiOUSE AND LAN DFOR SAIE Z Frame bo)use, stable and drvilngshed with elaven and oelafacres of g)Od ]and. G..od orcbard withbb)ut liftyriittreas axda cluantirY cf amail fvuits; g 'od well and eüsterti Situated ]licthe village of Hamepton. Fcrtavms and p rtlcuars en«ootre on tha pr-emises ol J01NI R %WIŽDATI., laMPtoîi. 13 If TOWN PROPERTY FOR EALL'. ESTATII Or.JorrE ýG&Ars, The eiecntors of the iîl! oS John Gand deceased are offering for s le the homesteadil anîd premise, on Segeg 8treet WhlicO were occn pied b)y the deceased at the lime of bis L deati,. For aicas arp'y b ibe xid0o- on the pre;;oiie i r La the Ur]derzigned svlicit-or, Easy trscan tic avranged. Bears the a Iî idYs aAlwy: Bîlgit 4Znaur C. M Cawker & Son have secured a cholce lot of the best' eon attie fed in this district from the followilg welI-krnowr <i eeders for thoir present azid spring trade: 5% c holce steers from Thos. Jackson, Providence V 2 steers andi1 heifer, Richard Suh 'r ~ 8 John Wight, 8 , , Frank Osborne, Clarke, 63 ,, , William Gibsou, , 2 stecx-s Jonathan Channon, Tyrone John Laue, Bowmanvlile 1 steer, J. D. Hioar, Proyidence Farmers haviing good yeung cattle for sale wlII ind, It te .. their advantage to sell te us. We pay the hlghest price for the f boît qualiîty, ahC.11.CAWKER &SON suin FORIAL EU UR LKNN8U !' Iht -fibh the fiest we ever lied. 12eca round. ISalmon Trout JLake Superior Salmon yeny fine. j12C a pnuud. Fresh Herring' These are aboice large brjighb stock, and are sel iiug- or 25e a dcz8en. jTinned Finnan Haddi e 2 tins for 25c. Tinned Kippered Herr- ing. 100 ver lin Salmon Altliougb se weiI knewn le net bai! appro. cieted wben von aansld- or that fer 15c a .18eaa tUn -Non cen get dol.- Moius fi alreadv cpiek- cd evory, ce o! wbicli le edîbs, It je aertainiy wortb consideriug. 1j, 15c, 18c. 20e a tin, -t 1- -P