2 ýLoeg after it le purcbý th Lundry--Pitr4-- Ai T-rU.derwear stilli4rtain osasf twere> donned bùt yestex Ask 7our dlEaiýcr to shýow you Pen-At ~ixaiaeit-eelitnote its soft, Sm, (f.extnre; stztch it, and see its wond - ýlasticity-it cannt 'shrink. seen-Angle Ullderwa, ar is vastlv diffei ý.t is knitted, mlot wovo>n-comfortý 11e-Angie i a idividual, exclusivf 4erwar reaton.It is knitted i snug, pefet sap st sretched. vaity ofLsykls, sizes and ýweigits Lan cimat) i alostunlimnited. f~ookfor ~e len-Agle labe-i's aguaran ~smlee stifatio. r c- itr MneY ref t ~ toean qnIltyrcmvesthe lasýt stra Z7 exxeao idxcr aifcin Or, The Girl 'Witti flair and Dr, CHTAPTER XX.-(Cont'd). Asforý tihe rest," Margery was speaingagai-"Iknow it is oniy ootebut-why, why, why? It isni't David's way. From the littie itht Jvelearned*J'm peCrsuaded thi sm other genius of evil is at pi'ork prompting him to the thing: thtI know be must despise. Who1 isi, r trang; caa you tell me thîat?i 1 You will tell me if you know," rhe passes swiftly to bris side, heri bads secure bis cold, unresponsive fingeýrs and hold them fast -~ "you w,,iil belp me te ulrdo the wrong hahas been done? Re's verY yong s David; he's only a boy ýet, aad1ý ail lisdy ar'e before1 he;and If it pleass ,-oti, Mr., Strangým, If ýou1 bave te secrt 11' ]okîng for , yoiu m1ay fil]. everyone- of thostr dayî wih oy, and! if it pleas'e you, y jony weig e ry, one with wo.And why Shoýul'1 hel ,iuffer. Surely, ylua cannot ko hin), Or yOi1 woL]d neyer he(sitate; he ha a hl art of, gold, bsDvd and unitil thishapederyhn h]u did boeteaapof truthL. Yo il elp mei; to les him, Mîr. Stan-darMr. Strang, you will1 teil mne what you know and hel-p me to st hies straigbt with his littie "For rny sake, tben, if not for1 hie."' Stili -holding his band she sýinks upon her knees on the filthyj cabbin floor. "I'm only a girl, Mr. Strang, and David and I are-1 friends; his joys are my joys and1 hie griefs are my griefs, too, an-c ià the patb ho bas yet to tread ho, co cf shame, 1 also walk the samne -say. No happiness can ho minee hxls e shares it, axnd he can bave no sorrow of which T ma17 not bear a part. For my skthe, you,1ll do tbe tbing 1 ask, wo,,n't' yo 'Il'forge t ail the past, Pl i loo,ýk uýpon all tblese hideous days wit jy, becausýe of you, anid PH 1 -of the - days-that -God-bas -yo et to gîve-~Me.îx Do you boar that, manl Margeryi Manesty kneels to you. Margery1 MaLncsty is prayiaig to you, pray-1 ing to you as if yen were a god in-1 stead of what you are. Hoe steps te Margery's side, andï -toýgother,-thier eyes biiYnîngr with1 7vonder, their sdýuls even tour'hed into awe, they read the message that nnknown haad bas sent thees-1 "ASK TOM-TINION." Overhead there is scuttering of Tbe Captain's sboeless foot, but his message bas dulle-d their ears, so tbat they bear it net. la that mo- irent tbere ie aothiag for either of thr in the whole world but that slip of paper. Only that, until from the note Michael Strang's brain flashes te the wuiter, to the haadt thiat hurled it through the wiadow; aad, galvaaized into life, ho, darts Up Élie stairs, scurries on a furieus huint among the litter of the dock ande thon vanisbes in the gloom - C-4 the quay. Juist beyossd the rniiway cross- ing bie f ails in with the Sloddle- r e brougbam, John C1urt.bbert oný thýe býox and witb Nàniiy Manesty,i, îis carshocnrcd by m- Ling inimtor OU con Une sone spot.Thedis. case c-azinot he renched iii tjiai vxay. Ifmust be drier et cf thc ytm Oxxy Ciesy Iingwill d hiqucl.25 centL -~ Ix isy Il'esgrowing fearful curilJSN ETI OE > jtt Pefec told hlm. Told bmu, Ina aloaoiy country cottage o vl Str etchedth Margny ha a cietobr o ~ppun 'n a couple, old and gr(y on the beights and amid thie stat 'Wh-ae esin te veig of ly trces, told him of the desperate ,1-it j caused by the clogging of the their life. - -- - design whose dariag- had stngger- bwl and inte-stinies. Keepth di- It bas beenl a strr'nxxxs hatthe, N c d lber at first, and thon charned eto ctvtesomc xh, tboy have nobly woa the day, I,'and again cnet down in timorousthe howels bealthy and open with And are now bcyond the noed of rdyuncertaiaty, told the tbiag shensk worldly strife. day - d o bî aa thse thos wo Sili, they are far f rom happy, i sa'ild the sons on David's shipe.W their beante there is a grief; Leouot V And thon she bnaced herseif te Oh, a dark spot esars the evoaiag f - meet the soe of opposing ro of thoir joy.î retebtnt.u.1Ào teteps How swcet would ho a lbiter and Lal, 7becamo peaceýfully conscieus of a Sold Everywbere. iiibxe 25 cents. wbat eould ho their relief grant cales. Nany Maaesty, paid 1________________ f they could but honj oace frees ,an-A tibute to bier gonius and preaounc- their darliag boy. Tise~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i < ~ abenlediction upon lber proe ct. fnhiswglagwyfrete As for Cap'n Dan, ho was ne- table se that she ti_ h ave bis Yenrs age, whea hale and hennty, - duced te a condition of limp ilet-caibttisarnemn h ow tbey snved, ah! ao one ~ ~ tre i ipeswsa hto promptly vctood. 0 xnrled. tude, biz-asa iimpne. hI t "No, ne, C-ptain Cameron, this knw; fntiesntyY w ha, ~ ~ -~-$1~~ pereed of waitiin-g, Margery begged ~~~adta , ~ pnnd bis bande aud cravod for time. i And -then, ber heart tbrobbing i h il eis h ow for ie vvdixt, e wekiy a'or] -bu l'l ai besde ou i I eny. in teh ol hom idtuue Oy \K .ICa Itsimply- caps evorytbing, this 1 se that its L-eating wns a pain, ber And ho lcft it for tho City gay does, Mieay. 1,'m ]ost, can't. tell bande, hbLlden une her cloak, adgn. whctber I've got son rooes or aes txghtly clenche,-lMa-ýrgery bogan Oft wben w inter winds are sîgh, der~~veaz~ diifting on a bee shore; ca'î say brmssage beanund fnltercd bow tbcy wenry, few can gloe. ~er lhte 'es bove-te or runnia' and stopped.One or tatfer Wben a meossage, frees their son With stun'sails an' royale set. By- et the ppigvictesesile ef [ would esake thees bnigbt. SrpS an'-by, àMissy -by-an'-by, whea l'va Plt ing caept h ac fThein poor oid hoarte are brokon: ,everyeale. ~ got My boningeS." blighting ridicule."lhodx-, 'jeisrei -l Iis beariagýs obtaned in the by- 'Easy, Missy, easy; we're ail And the thougbt cft riscs: keepinig b ý4 ard by tinie, Dan eolivcred hiessoîf fîlende bore." This frees Cnp'n "hr' u o ongt1 jZ'orîaculaly- IDan. e i Ms Mreyî osadsreI"yalofu. Ti r1sCes eI'd nsk ycu sead a btter te the I ~ t' ~lv noverhad the ace of t.e littecron, whe strugglcd to bis feet. onswolvyebet 9 skipper wesra such agl -"o "Mebbe I can belp yen a bit, You, who bave neglected doingplneteplenddat ight l'eisasiling under a new flag. Miss Margeny," hoe contiaued. eyb a. are plain, wrholesome, eaeily The red duster's always been good "I've a lassie of my oaa at home, Yen yb a.an ttesie ,mvr o itough for me an' I've beenl proud an' I'd take it kindly if som.ebed osinewilped"ul a n t yecm lm ey a nw oul sandb f eenshowatd ty 1" hea tbey are laid at reat; W o u ntry CROWNE of it, but now I've boisted a ew o T sthdon tnyvr san jto - ensigu, an' l'ni going te ship as to say the thîng that was bard. dfceeryon aretsthiak af its purîty, Îts w1coles 1 th-ýe Nat Bo n ae. ve brokea the Maneety iou'll ho wnntin' te explain wbyl fn wy. delightfuld hsyeu eau -nia flng at the fore, and l'es takiag you've called us in this by-ondinary Do not fa{l te send a message, te its fine "hioae(y-crenm ia1 eamyEyesnmeorders frees (Cnp'n Mrgery." fashien, but there's not a bit 0' t-endpoor eld foike at homo" -- need for that. We ken it for our- A! url yn setknwfo i a how it ill cave yen -CHAPTER XXII. selves. Cnp'n Dan there has givea tbey crave! soevryesel-doi'en thion it. Ther wee telveof hee, ~ a few on us, thees yensece around Wo nid you se forgetthsdencr.Cideatieont nwatig n fye o ipaieceV therso, ee tl, sf tesost eagito h a o'esod ones, wbilst midst plensure For youx-er.veience CrowflBrand Syxup i3spu n 'nxety-hertuaofbe ieebut aIl of thees bronzed, braway, _by Maister Davie, an' yen ve Wuyedou nen I 'hie EdwindDeuÎ an i fri flw1ieee hamed us, Miss Margery, y ou'vo ndynsn he eni Ere thio ol cunb ock bas stoutbhearted. ,Jim Cameron, by juet put us ail te shame. Wc all sorrew te the gravei works: OARDINIntlffices:MO callod the midnigb)t heur Kho encoun- nright that noue would question, ati boved the laddie, we ail love hies' ters it again. This tim it as hait-I the bond of the table, the othene yet, an' aur hearts are soro for the Yet bow oftea det we notice par- td by the Bc ie that street'disposed upon the setteeo te rightlevil way that boé's chosea; but ents who are left in grief i _______________ wbich bangse(on ithe,ý of the tin-l and loft. Al cxcept th kiprwve stpd atj,àan lm Ioo'e hvw se tmpiý niest of AI]erale"' Str1iple sîreaess, 1 t the Daniel entercd in the log- an' after that tbought o' littba but awayl and aow Cap'n Dan bas be en called book and the Family Bible as Har Oleonyneiwatgndht aa i pnyngth ple t Mrry Casson, but knowa to, the wor hesam ta nedculia n'O in nly eu iscwiiag,adtht- - gery thir estnatin Tm Ta-~as "Goliath" whoso heighit adth grbta mosoudto wiinmahobef gar, teirdeAnaionTomTin, asked toeact. That's hou we've Seo, nmber, lielp te brigbten ion'e home,.jgirth banished hies te the alleyway, atda'i thd' enfrte that shert etay. But Tinion, scnrod by ghosts of where holieciouched cress-legged bi x -t rgt clny h tshr ob ogttnwlnsvrgt u uL Michael Straag'e rnîsîng, bis peck-'1 fashion and almoct flled up the otm'eiabngt onO! tsbr eb frotawe etcliad wth see e Mihae gp. taningrem i th caiagowdea faith, David Graham would tbey live just for yeur cake; ets ine wih moe o MihaelgaP Stndin rom i thecabnho a miserable hulk, a derclict, Oh! wayward son, wbenever yen Strnng's goid, bas become a fugitive hoe might have bad, but lie we ubd witbout a chance. esny rean, upea the waters. To-aight a tiay have paîd for it in oxtrorne percenal "There's crie point I'd ike te Try and esake your panrente happy, 1,Re hoat' cnrvete acrees the Firth, and iucenveaienco, whiict considena- put mysoîf an' the mates sti:nigbt ne need their beants to break, dropeq him ashcre on the- roclks be-i tionl of economyiý forbade hiesaf on. Right frees the vanna stnrt el And don't forget te coud a letton iow K'inkudbnrigbt. The meirrew 0sent nthbuces this cruise we'd aur peepers on homo. shall find hiesin-,the n-rw of thje Inito thiis little coniclave, thon, ns Tees Tino an' perbape whea yen Peebles. -RambIer, Clye, n eignnt a sarc of& a hometof h~ wel e sel ataice note of ivvery eatry in the hom, trnsreserilyngfreeois histoks traile-, away from the log book it's not surpnisin' that- I< -rTistpnsg ae trasgesies.- od huchtoencaxi Mr-r we sho uld have tbought hies in HARitEDKOW aaheip te the tesio- xxt Cpn a, a a hea-cdMaister Dnvie's pay. New-we'e n CHAPTER XXI upon )their astonished vision, a not se sure about it. Cap'a Dan's Jury& Lemachtheeduggitsth la il on ctiity Mager mae casmn ipule tnns ovru'mantoî usabout Michael Straag, an' dees net guarnntee Parisian Sage In )Il ieractvity Mager m e blhisfeet and pulled the cap-fnoes W.',,ne sure o' nthin.We emHSO ne shouw of unrea sening, incon)Yclu- I 1'e hend. thaedrifýJ ii 'ted nîng. e, seces grow bainon eveny baîd bond,J isiC lase.Evrysuggestîion wai "You, 'lllot me corne Cin, wen't havefuntIlit' middl2,o' te f bakd 1bytheught, evfvr tnc yen, L'aptain Cearn"she in-,tn' vrhc~ aotu a1ros of yonr bais, PnijaSg tien teiseo iey aacdmIqied, witb auanse-ilo, and cx- ' il lsIltimaie -the 'bain_ bubbs aîîd fereace and deep debîberation. Ina tended hex-izuLsarosc the table yot-,. aml id alF tsile k, thea4ione l" your hi e -nwngi._________________ Mise Mnnesty and Cap'n Dan she te the skipper, wbo responded witb speck Go lghtAt' the snsoutbead, 1- is one case. 'Il arn now usinig 1areused a spirit of overpowerng worde of kil5dly welcome. - utnig it there" the second bottie of yeur Parisiait cf instruments. The: rnilway fane Wvonder, and aften that, hope and "The cabin of an Allerdale brîg 's A sound that migbt bave been a Saennd oaa, notice n new crep ià oaly one' cent a mile eacb way fear-hopefan David and fear for not exactly the proper place fer a sob 1beat upcn the Malacbi's wd- of batr appearing. I arn glad te fer this wonk. berseif, lest in the end failure leddy, but you're niair welco me on walls. sny it je a danker celer than mny At the conclusien of each snrvcy should ho hier portion.i than I oaa tell yeu n me an' "I et wnnt te sny eue thingî bain was before I became bald." %a drainage deesonstration iîefield Wicter spent its wrnth, and the miy chip's at your 'service. And mr, Carneren contiaued. "I'esHnnry Reid, 10 Manhattan St., i-s the field, and simple, practical three rejoiced that David's chips 1 think I can say t'camne fer al i akn for miyseîf, Miss Mnrgcny, Rochester, N. Y. asetheds of sunveying n drain, de- had ail won througb. aboard at t' presont moment." sati tng iin ot sie d en't wait tili yeu're baid before teresicing its grade and seourng "'No muhid get hies back te the aid "Ay !" cheveu base veicos rues- do anything, bogin 111e owcr agea u'iug Panisian Sage, use it aow. a true bottees ar-e demouistrated, M-ny ble an ndenernet, ad wih &an' ship afore t' mast if I -could Kiii the dandruif geres and preveut and thmeeiso riage dis- cornes round," Cap'a Dan pleaded; queeuly littie nod, Margery nc- poeti hn ale rv htbaldness. Jury & Loveli, the drug- cussed. andthn ocemor b voce te cptd tei bonae.David Grahaes hasn't dropped te giets, soul Parician Sage at 50 cents Anyoae desiring a survey and dadthat semebow seemed te~ She tnnned agaia to Cameron ta th eo famoe-nbig a langýe bottie. and hoe gunnantees plan should nppiy te Prof. Wm. H. dwarf ail others-"Some ef bis ________________sbîp-wnecking sýhark." it te cure dandnnff, stop falling Day, Depaniment of Physice, O. A. bonts'bb not stand another batter- "An' me, too, Miss," Saes Hodg- bain, and cure ail diseaces ef the C., Guelph. A largo number of inig, anl' if oniy anc gees dowc wîth u yoneto, er snrae re yi.Scalp, or monoy bac-k. Panisiýan applications are alrendy in fer- this men abad-" "Aon,_r o, ersn' oaese. Sage eri is a édehigistfuly icvigura.tingseason. -- Hoe broke off sharp. They re-a-1 old, was sick with fever "An' mie. baan dressiug;, it makes the bain lized in ail its awfui completceese last June, andi when he got "An' me." Aýnd se the cny wat soft, fiuffy, anid beantiful. SUE ,0 ER ID the cessitsngency'he bad su mmd.iL better the doctor prescibfed ail round.S]AE3r00Y ILOD "With mon aboard.", That repre- Mnrgery r ie hbod and now 9SITNEI iueSata mn h nin sected the final catastrophe, cala-I Scott's Emulsion, and he ebe was siiîaiig, smibing tbroughASITNEN11uekaigAonth cet mnity converted icte crime. The liked itso well that he drank tears, and this, time thero was ne UNDERDIRAINACIGE. Norwegian Ileroes. blnck blet of shame mîght ho eraaed, tot ftebtlan-sdutaottesb but ove th cnessc stin itoutof he btti, ad i dobt aoutthosab --The Eaglish chronichen bas ne- butood plthempandn stronof!"Qed blese you for that,", she ex- Demonstration of Methods of Sur- corded that the youtb of London blo.inowjustas pupadsrn clnimed; -I kaew it ahi the time, veying for Drainage. in the twelfth ceatnny ucderstood "'Ne rnustt hies saved before, as any child of his age any- but it's good te bear you sny it. teato ligoe hielk anthr iner Mir Qjfonvnwhreg---e-toubttes-1ed Yo'v gve m curgeiCptin UneE>anao îh py oritoi brd forbeai; utth aigsie we ceuld lay haads on that Tian Camerea, dniv enalal my fooiish in frees11ée to0 fbree - ye àrls. Per- skating is fan more allaient. A wastre." hîm 0O " MR JOHN F. ilrianynd esade me confident1 haps ne example in Octaneo de- vead n eltshwthenur "Yes-but as we can't we must TEDDER, Box 263, Teague-, iu the reqsîest l'es geiag to malce. nintae hî oeclusviyngin boaFntjo eto maag wtbutbia' re1 tne - --Iesce toul, e uc.aou1th1 hedringeof"teRite- î-ce eres peathe pnotole "Mis Mrgey, on'e unta' anywor-hlssimiatins.Stilig Towu Cuclhave bon- ish.ýed rnap oonrtiicg thiainformna- "Fongive mie, (Cap'n Dan,"se AI ROITSrwd$75 aeeta cew tiuaa ad aise t-besizre of t-betue paed, bu 'e s e b iyanads lughterhouso. advisabe is senit te t-ho nwner as Ailt-e timeW T'VU beenbuiling Up xr.'eddeh- lustwiînnsenothor Mte,bout Saiotestitmuinshave not s-oo-n as -oesplct-ed, . ho oly out-- thsetatersvy a apnr cn thirfomto ost, Ue.Aben forgoten nden t-be DickBe-lnay onnected ith t-ho snrvey is smot-b and Cesybut now it i scr.s 2- xonxg îeaeaerssoariuî qCit iaMsi' oa oe t-ho travelling expeuses od one man- sim]Y st-ewn itb dfihy"SCOTT & DW1 ncevs 2,00nd the Minoe'rein Gum phhtaut-he farns, c1scin ef thîrmareellQus sRvnian GautLtsc 'ha-is it yen v.-nat us edo, IN NWelljogsn SMW. Ty-me 1 Home $U00 f railway are, imeýals and lcartagelazc6eeiyfe ing and summner "Crown Brand should be more lnrgely used by JI simsplifies the nmaking-of deli hes to such an extent that house- becomes easîer in everyway. Brand Syrup enten with1 bread. ýcuits, pudding, porridge or .rovides sustaining dishes that overhent the body-dishes that y prepared and easiiy digested tsrishing, BRANDl, SYRUP? VWhen voit someness, of ail the dainty, and ke with it,-wvýhen yon thirik of iver and clear golden cololar, trouble nnd -bring variety ta it worth yenr while to, order L Adulte enjoy it. OU UPx in 2, 5, 10 and 20 air xight tins w th lift-off lids. S Ïarch Co., hie SHEFD 18-8., 19 ONRE hsaLo, aRnOhaveIRNTOI olr $50 r 6'at scIr.s wheels wiil l e an irnport- a xen of their pepularity. W e ha, e Âcycle e-ar, and are rcady with the Th,- great Uterine Tonte, and -3niy saf e effectuai. Montly Itegul ator ons which woenP an - . i.dppernl Soldin throo degees J.ý af ýstIrexxgth-No. 1, 81 ; o. 2. i 10 dgrecs stronger 83; No. 3. for special cases%,5 per box. Soldby ail dIrugjgl8st, or se.nhi prepaid on rocexijt of price. Ivrs pmphet.Addres: T SPR]ING'S HERE I Cheer up Cbeoery, Cheer Up Chceir, Sings the robin, and dntyou beýa r Budded trees wihbuingbnc Nodding hc.ead lpin ad Lau1 g h lightly, 'Srigis here !" W hile aillthe bhtp a and aearï Wýith over-joy aren- pig 'Till i ns and nivuýi ot f 4tears Are rushing fron the saow-crowacnd bier O'or which green grass is creep- ing ; A tokea -of the promisýe tru-e That blade and ear and f ull cern too hal-o uT-! -sf-r-t-be re&ping-.- Tyrone, March lID09. B. 'B. IDEED S F RE if you sk, you, caî, bave a pcaeof seed of this mïjarvellous Russa iu îew handsemillustrated 1909 ata ag e. 1 s 1lettuice is noeanly as 1;,esu o a d sacba tands ibot w.to acaeof ouriooslW Beet or apakgofOtihea.- Darcl & HnterSeed Co., Limtd I LoîoOn. 1 - - - -- -- - --- 1 7Z =ý,