'Pn ~IND(IGE1STION ENDS. Yon can ont anything your caseofIndigestionor Dyspepsin, or tat yur ood-wil ferentor Churi srvie or~ i beseur on yonr stomacb if you wili Chu ch Slevie o iayer bleý.a aý be ccasicnnhhy take a little Diapepsin after entieg. the Oppos11ite Of a Hol.1y Placet Your, me als wili ta ste good,an ____________________anything yon ont wili be digested; net-bing can ferment or turc jet-o The pnth cf t-be juýt- is as a shin- mnlc iigandti ti-s than in acid o poison or stonxach gas, 11,g9 ight sbýining mre and more p4eia eccle-siasticai -cxercise,-i. A whicb causes Behching, Dizziness, vith the perfect dy rv iv. 18. Icuc evc or a prayor imccting a feeling, cf fulhncess after eating, "IEither religion is eerthýiulgte I ray be the opposite cf a hohy plaice, Nausea, Indigestion (ike a lump one or it usne-ig"s a good whilc some home, where a moe-r 'or f 1l'eatI in stemachi), Biieusnes, many say, but t-be saying a iS jt-oc absorbed iii the care et- t-ho Heart-hurn, Water brash, Pain i more than they mean. It wouid Ire chuidren te t-hînk of church, înay St-omacb andI intestines or other a pity if the religion cf f orins or cf glo )w wit-h a divine giory.1 symptoms. narrowing philosophy becamne the Either,, GotI is everywhere c-rl eadaches freint-ho stomach arc xhole cf a mac' s worid. It- wonld there ý isne GotI anywhore for us absointely unknown where this cf- ho a fine thing if t-be higb motive(s cither a ur religion operates fectivo remedy is used. Diapepsin cf religion permeat-ed nîl t-hings je t-hrough, moitIs, antI detérmiu-es really dues aIl the work cf a lîcai- ahh our worlds. every net antIal cflijfeà or is a-, thy stcmach. It digests yourmeals We have become se accuston-icd eipty, fermai, antI useless ber- when your st-ench cant. Eacb te calling certain things antI nota don te us. The religion yen can, triangule wiii digest al t-beý food fsacred w bih-e ctbers xvo eau sece- confine te a cerner Of yonr lifo yen can eat andI lente nothîng te lar, te tIrawieg cdean linos cf oep finds its grave thereý. ferment or sour. aration bet-woen religion andI if., Yen mny mnensure- any faith antI Oct a harge 50-cent case cf Pape' s t-bat it is excecdingiy difficnht for yen may test your ownvi by t-s pcw. Diapepsi frein yor druggist andI any cf ns to -cocstantiy niake ail er t-o vit-aize ahh yo0ur life, t-o psr start takini ta-day andhy to-mer- 1ife mean religion andtu t make re nionte antIdiret- Very otive,' ta 1rcwyen wiîb actualhy brag about ligicn e cne the whole cf ife. make it-seif feit as the constant de. your bealhy, streng St-omach, for ilere' are cur creeds antI aur terminative fo)rce c f your hîfe. yen thon can ont anything andI ihurches, wit-b their customs aLtI Wbatever dees thîs for yen t-bal; everytbing yen vwnnt without- the ttivities; these, wo say, are rehig- IF yeur cre-ed antI your religion. slightest discomfort or mise ry, andI on1. Here are our homes anileiîri No maitter wba dreams cf ievrpatcefiprtynIOs Dccupations; they make ife. Thi', îing biss, wbhat mystie haerso that- is in yonr stomach and intes- we epaatet-h osectnhy j- eaitatin my ecome eerstines us going te ho carried nway Loprae eanathconfounid -o acsn- reghbor -ehiias Ie otinitwitbont the use of laxatives or any 11md produets cf itbings with tho iS aiý1l e-e sitne hings theniselves.1 A MOCERY AND DELUSION - Tite cherches are t-be agencc3s cf! unhess i ts pewevr is sncb t-bat it WHIITE MAN'S MAC. eiint-be communal cxpressio cs geeýs with yen on .at-be street, guides i Uf t-opirituaî life cf peophes;-b 1 yonr actions anI y-aur bearieg te- Why They Htave Great Power Over creeds are their attempts ta t-t- vard your felhcws, andI translates the Natives cf Atriet. their undcrstanding cf religon)i1 its dreans into deeds, experience andtI t formulate. When t-bereion or creed, or The bush people cf Africa are theories cf the mysteries of orgaizatîi, , O pinion fuls great- beievers in t-be power cf THRE IRIGIER LIFE. aîln ac' s ent-ah horizon bis etisb. ln "The Jungle Folk of heart is chilledi, an ecipse of t-be Africa" Mr. R. Il. Millignellsh Cburcb antI creedc are but toehs and seul tnke(s place. But t-ho religion hîcw this belief sometimes becomes express-ions cfrliio;t-bey ci -a i îeawlc a-rwît-hia a great protection ta t-be w-ites thter constit-ute it icor do t-bey make refreshes andI che-ers hum contijn wha ceaie, among t-hem, becausel ut. gio aîlya. Jrtnit r H nl sreiius1wo sa t-boy beliew t-the w bit-es must have Reiiotsne-atIprinn r R ci s eiiosw. sa-, more pon eilul f-etishes t-han their section cf t-ho ife. It- is a citie ways religions. alwnyý,s facing to- ocwn., antI met-bcd cf living. It- is out ife ward t-hings true, seeking t-be high-, "A ment-h aft-er cur arrivah af in t-be censcicusness cf its bighies. or antI full ife for hisoîf and for Efulen, Doctor 'GootI, bavïng occa- values. Yen can ho jnst as truly ail, making al bis life tell for t-be sien t-c go ta t-be -ccast, ce t-he way religions in mnking mey as je best je al ife, antI somcbow wth ibongbt scmnething cf a native ta saying a mass; yen can ho jut as bis whohosomoi cheer andI high fait-h xhonî ho gave a note addressed ta, truly pions in making a pudding as antI idealism, mnkicg ns beieve je mc, in wbich ho requested nme ta ie gcing tei a prayer meeting. good ness, andttrut-b, antI have after givo t-ho bearer a red cap-at-ing It cftec happons t-bat- ace's pietyl al *cf yarn wcrtb about five cents, but- is bot-t-or expressed in ,tIaihy coin- HENIRY F. COPE. nîuch appreciat-et by t-ho native, athough it is more becoming t-oa monkeyt-han t-e a man. aed frood from. dust- andI frein t-ho' "Doctor OcotI explainedtI -ahum Snany disons-gerins whîcb it car-1 that- ho wculd Griîy neoed te go te w ries.' The dust andI-microbes are Efuhen andIhn -e oetem caugbt- on t-be moist surface, andI witbout sayieg a word, whereupen, are carried back t-o t-ho ntrance ~ .--~------ TURE NOSE. 'PonesC, tne rost cnpcc way s benregaed witb gre' at in teetfrein an esthetic peint o vebut it is withîn a compara tively receant perîcd that its i p~ortane in the mîatter cf lîealtl Ias been recognized. It-s extercal configuration gooý far te nike or mar beanty cf fea t ure, antI considered frein t-h peitof view -of benlth, its inter. nàl1 conformation is cf even morE si gnificaece. Thle inside cf t-be case is dividee< nto two campartments by a thiî p-late cf boue andI cartilage, calhe< t he(, se-ptýum. The, enter walcf eacE cf thýèeecavitie&,bas ;three p rajeot- îing hxges, forired cf curved plateE f accovered with a loose mein- brane ccntaining a great nib cf b-lood-vessels. Opening into th[L riasal o--avity on eacb side are sýev- eralolow spaces ie the bancs 'c: thie face, all lined with rnucous memýbrane antI contnining air. TVie nerves cf amell are ocated iïi th mnu(cous membrane vwhicië lnsthe nostrýis, andI when inflam- mtocfthe aenbrane ocours, as hli a c"),17 int-e1et -b sns smoeor less destroyed for the t0mebeing. Tý,e most important function cf thenoie is that cf the breathing ora.The curved plates cf bone srete inocrease, the surface ccv- er v i tb iuncous membrane, se thiat t-be air in passing ever it is wa datId moistencd, andt2ùseio- Irdft ta enter the bronch,1-ial tilbes antI lungs. It is aiseo filtered F~th, SaskaT R5CI wN, s bet UÎ, 2 ý7 EL.1, 4 EL7,2 vori? Es o, aV of et t-oostrils ie a entrent causedU hy t-ho constant tIownward nove-, ment- cf microscopie hait hike pro-J Fashntn ilats should be, above ail, "sien- der looking." Fiowers have largely taken the place of feathers. There is quite a vogue for Tur- kish lace at present. The new Pierrots are decidedly flimsy in appearance. 0f the double width misli sa-. tins there is an cndlcsu display. Gloves and shoes are being matched to the gowns more than Ahl sorts of odd and quaint trim- ni 1gsiaem to be coming into play, The directoire tunic of real lace is new and exceedingly pretty. 1 The directoire satins are t o be had je aIl the Iovely new colors. Art ticking, braid-ed je fancy de-1 signs, is much used for bureau covers. French and Japanese, cotton crepes are as popular on bats as for waists. Some crude colors appear, not-, a.bly a vivid mustïard and, heavy garish tan. Ahl the blues are to be popular, up to the fairýest Marie Antoinette Plain colored satin ribbans, matIe jete resette-s, are a fad cf t-be mo- ment. The butt-ans cf nitrer ghnss are Flcvehy antI are quite refined if net t-ce largo. St-rings serving no practical pur- poe will ho, a featuro of t-be eew j nsulhunery. 1Anstrian crochet lace is much uzsed, especinhhy for tIcilies andI trny clotbs. YetIda braid scnrfs will ho, used as draEery an mnny cf-t-ho new spring bats. Shirred linings cf aoft satin often finish t-be brima cf %-)ne cf t-be smartest bats. St-raigbt andI narrow skirts wilh ho fashionable as t-be sumemer adI- vacce s. One cf t-hoeace for t-ho new seace w hlho h aer out-n- eefor -yekes andIiovs Emhroideread lnntr esat Dutch ocîhars cf linoen or lace, are bore jen charmning xariity. LittbeI rncsst-unies aire being wv.orni, mcstIy wi- side opening, -- ~ ' ' --an -tanuToýiig nearly te the-nom. would fot-hoh ut a red cap Ild giV e w ivdea in hi ornanents is, it- te hum. 1 an adaptation cf -be oltI f,:shioned"- "It was ahnost- t-oc reat- a strain; 1-1,- 1, .r La. jectîes o teemucou meabran. upn is cro,-uîity, but he agree d1 W CUiIIIJ uri li Thîis cexplains in pat thw Ovi11 s (entire tewn copce u Wietrmiglc sbad t")vee tis uthfieh cf miicic.oiionlregwsanict. forthn hoai i niterwanîd as a wl fhî a day-, and they Ah11(2ntcedntyosad cour purifie d, and on en"teriilnhe passed through several towns on gume 0aea xceigi1ou fbronchial tubes it causes conges-,t wy ighe he ot wa a inish t ae iteccpeodes titeen.,inThis jeytod turn bessonsW ilCII the re-1 s sti.Ti ng ew r which ailtmucouswas gcing te happen at Efulen TIhe crepe de chineie a iý ,s good b membranoe, p cs against the "The population cf each town, thsevrnihest, oti( fl sat actiobrnecf dîsesegrs. ]aansth erking the dinner off the firc'a, ee, agîgfri the rihst siples a ara iamtions tIiph-grms snatchîng up the baby and leaving weaves. tra elsisamati other es-' the dead te bury thoir dead, joined With the coming cf sumr- fr1Iuffy thpiaty diseassaedmuchemrein the procession. ruffies will tako uthe place cf the - ikeioy e ac se revhmreh "A great crowd presented theni- severely classicai vogue je:11toiletsý. Shabit or necessity, breathe îargeîy oslves boefore the honse. They had Linen Dutch coilars with, twe thrughthomouh.agreed net te invalidate the evi- rows andI an edge of real c ij-1 Osroutionof ostril, dence cf the miracle by letti ig me srtion and an edge of lace are"sty- as ccus wen he ncbknow what Doctor Good had said. 1;ish. a,, teccursido orth septum projects i The note was the fetish that must Tepics Iosc atya hinmors, call.ed pwhen orther arelt- eiitt, enî.. remodeled this season wîth ,lg - lng c poyp, r ohe sel "Tbey stood with their hands sheeves antIa short IIaisýt effeot. puits toc tusA womucon the 'faeo er their meuths for rfear the sec- Bib effeots, arecee ofth.e ofte - osri. Its membrane becomes fl Dsiot eirirpatdcrctisisfthpo rgstd nt atr1reuts h extraordinary efforts t'L,,kec-p si- sent day gown cf lmost any do- andcaarh rsuts Tis hence for a miau e he were only scription. obtucinmay ho only temporaryi ridn tysucessfnl.' The new silks aryesueb -antI may right itrolf, but whon it îder eadr'hne e te Lc n ytete'lo r ' is permanefnt t h s necessary te re- "hirlar handd methe i wLcedanI ptterne h('et a ns move it hy operation'as a measure note. I lokdaitanwtbt1n iedbter hnth pln tetin e hegeerl eath word wenit into the bouse ant i netWhlich bas had snuuh(cb log anI ol proth's ompnone n iirediately returnod with the cap. s trenlucus USe. "They vented'thoir astonhshment l t is a nforegonie cclnýIsîic tat AIDTOEXIAJSTD ERVS.ina great shout. The'si each cf w sa have tucic e (ffoots nd £à tigceL y. sawnl1tnern, yellîng as asposibl, mretunic Ceffeots tCI'uring the coin- -b-aü-o-epeat±"lemcllÀ-seaaocidutl fui1 assistance to exhausted nierves, f rom the beýginning. Thley must Dainty shirtwit are being To do this at home, wheilconi-1 aebentiin h totetheîr khowe aIec pite hieshr tins are net sucb as te permýýit ly- deatI ancestors, if (in-ig,ht jutIge~ ing andI trimmled with borders cf ing tIow-n, is far btter than \-'as by the way they shioiited, anI by the, the sanie effeot. hav ing the, ids wide apart andtiiun fact that rne ceer ee d teexpect conscicusly loo.king at'soe obje(ot. anybody else te listen te huen. The The strain cf a busy day downtown incident increased our prestigae. VENONOVJS F1511. -iii ho tremendously relievetIif ý.,1"In a certain trading-bouse a irl will tako. fivo, minutes cf Jher similar inidýent occurred. A native sting Frin the Little Wee Ofien 1lunch heur antI in a dressing rooni presý(et a note te the trade r, eutinMehla. 1or other cemparativeiy quiet place who gave bum a koife. Then al close- ber eyes. She must net make the yoi7ng ecterprisiîîg natives ap- ît is curions that wbille s,) mucb the mistake, however, cf passing propr'iated papor, wherever they bas been written in our languageE tbe whoie of this five minutes look- could findx it antI presented àt te cn seake bites there bais been coin-É ing at bier watch te see if tume is the trader, suIpposing that 11E5wnlId parativehy littie pac y n record! up, for iri that way fshe wîhh get produce a koif e anId gîve it te concerning the sýtinlgs of fies. t nothing but fatigue fromi the cf- thenu; but whenthe wieesed is; Seake bites are rare in this f fort.tidumb inrne hyocne onrbutfihsinlgs lare very C S, ha heewcete hCcommon, especiaP, ily amcng fisher-< COLD IN TIRH E.wbitman's magc. nien antId shnngr. The fishes ý Durng ugy water t ote i t. 1--that lmos),t oftening are the- greata ha ns that anattak f ob ATorug Pb.Tocea te nt ittie woer.A pikon theî ilýClt rinandtaor foot frori a weever cau sesi aiessitself -je the oy(. The tomchantI bowels chmprtism u ihing)" ant il aînain fistsmpensar afelngc atIiriansisÀe sayw hen , If tie anis afecedthe inflain- è sagritiio ,1n.stog herato sirregiUhar. Thle p ilhîs piee c sad o grt bd eterdthat wîli do thlis wok toronghlntinmy pea eth hol thon tlhe ý,oyetohfbecomnes 11bl-aePree' eeal ~î~ etesehn fThe wohr m sb~.Str-onligh1t, ied nI udwich are mldi] ,-ltj utb i~cornons. The ain is agn- ai soud o vode.To pevn1-1es1t.Thypulrge pighy zigth ptin cte flin it the cmcntcg c theeyeh jethe.ntI ef*fectiveiy, antI orka jpers-ia san iriCus sah heifafto morînga ltb live cils10ld-11 ntcure. Tbie'y cnh sdwt-sbie naottredyfl smeared oernight.The oeII-ly re- on erby h etteiaeyloe dsunain med pemisiejedomt1ie prC oitule as teeare n an ticeis e us a ittl hit dipedje'ful effecýts preceling -tlheirgnte----q--- ev C borcie - rdon 1Pi Mr. aoo-'4Yn souldnovr ~5ork 4(-" -donût suppose theOre "Thocse etinl okocsare! h dea ' Ms-"aVo In ovinyfiyfo yrnet hqesîala t Iti te th)oý1nias yen t I iwysjuge hbu byh\bis wife'sý 1hn'" Jris"o u oyivi otoa a forv chothes 1" i baht Ct n1 moeyin thbe blarik i" ais' "About a, year ago I heg--an t( run down in health, lost appetitý and fiesh and sufered fronhdi gestion. Ahl the, winter 1 hadi Bevere, cough, 1 doctored withoui any benefit and finally nîy druggisi cuggested that, 1 try Vinol. I diE se and soon began te feel better ýUy stomaci grew stronger, m3 food no longer distressed me, m3 cough disappeareýd, ibga to gair in flesh and -soi fe-t h ike a, nem man. I dîd nýotbeie that, an3 remedy could mk such a changE in a perse 1n" Edw. IR. Woostcr, Rutland, vt. Vinl cntinstoiec iron and al] cf the micinal -î,ý1bedy ý\building ceo reetsofCed liver oîl, does net tastfe of the oil and is everywhere reconiz.d asthec gr.eatest body- Uuilder acd srengsth creator known for feel ldpeople, delicate chil drnwek run;-downý persens, af- tricnssý and fer chrenie colds, Tryv it. I1, it des ne goned yeuj moe il! be returned on dmn That's yeur guarantee, but w inow it will boefit any sc ae Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Bow- manville. THE JAPANESE FOOTFALL. One, cf the things which strikes ceec in Japan îs the footfall, se dif- feotfroi theseund madIe.by shoe leatherý, fiiiing the ears in say a crowd-ed station je Tolkie with its Enropean,-, looking trainsr, platfurrns, ticket offices, bookstalls and other famliliar objects. The musical clicking noise of the woodon sac- dis or clogs, whith are. worn eut if doors by ahl classes cf Japi-anese and which are raised aeethe ï-round at varying heigihts,acod ing teLth tt e c f the ro 8 sisce ,)f the ,most caateit bits cf dietaÏl of the cou"nry' , ai,,lany pic- zuroaftowar recalled te the mind Las th1is cikyclink, clinkety] zlck s a rnigaccemani-ime1t. lee Vegeýtable PuIs are secern ~iouded s teepeato n behdte akIcgrthin is nyeuadh C r ucd i iycf!egtab ub chef wtheutchýance of i1]ry FRON ERIN'S GREEN 15I NEWS 11V3MAIL FROM IIIK LÂND'E SHIORES. Hlappenings hii the Einerald Isle Intcrest to Irish- The Belfast- Corporation hi started a cle-aeîinoss crusade certain districts. Dr. George Ehhis, t-be ohIest I îsb srgcon, bas died je Dublin t-ho ugeocf 100 years. At an ut-tempted eviction je Drý lin raceitly, baibiffs wore effectisý ly ropulsed with quick lime. A boy cf five, narned William Ca toel, i, f "Vm as ebeked1 dentb wile otigboihed petatoe The. recontly forined Onehie S( ciety je cennectiloný with t-be Quer University un Belfast-L is f1eerushiný The Lisnaskea rural conei haN rejected a proposai t-o ereet bridge frein Carradihia to Franni IslandI. At t-be, meeting cf t-be Sligo ti: t-net conneil, jt was decided lto a( copt a centtact for t-wehve hab1orciý cottages. 1 eI Lugvat, Connty Wexfor seme t-welvo actes yieîded an oý orage per acre cf over 1,000 pan. cf fine louf tabacco It is being diseovered ut Antnii t-bat ny persans who bave i rigbt te t-bon are in roceipt cf oh age pensions. Mr. O'Moara, locomotive fore m1an at uan, O. S. W. Haiiway bas been pramote tto t-be larges jucetion on t-be lhe, vuz., Maliow The post-cffice aut-borities ar about building a eew post offic cent t-be market square in Roscom mon, ut a cost cf about $40,000. Twe linos cf raîlway are proposeý for Belîmullot,oe cf whicb ha obitained legilatjve sanction anx -ait-b it- goos t-le stato grant-ü The oldest persen in LondcÏo»ndonïi ils Mrs. James Stewart, cf Cen] tory rond, wbe is cciv 105 years o age. She bas bud fout generatiom uindet ber roof. Sixýtoen evictoed tenants cf t-b Lewis proierty ut Baîhiegar, cour [y Roscomeson, bave been test-ec te their eltI homes by t-be Estate Connissie nets. Si cKËLL'WIc TE __ 1"W eil," said IJehe, Dan, when a eaa t- i! e cIt- ,' ju t n ol -td t-be ebîdron teas-etIfor a stetly, a-um t-at- yen1 t-hîCk iust anbear 5"since yen ail want somet-hingtIif lk tbt-ccnert-esricg, u tferont-, I tbink 1 shalbavle t-c(de - rcps oîf cido mysoîf. IRow would yenhik(b s, dittd Unebe D!an, t-e have me t-eIl yen abouitVa bear ",t-bat- is what'I meant. I k newn -y t-bat bas frightened more poajple- you had >seen t-hem), t-oc !"-YeuLth's, -t-han any et-ber in t-ho worid, andtI pniii of t-bat frightened me bats andI lot-s cf .~ai -i t-mes V"-- q "O-oo! Ooody!" cried ail of e t-hein together.. For Sprains andI Brnises.-There n-. "It-'s about- a grizzly bear," said is net-bing bot-t-or fer spraies, andI 'd Lyman, contusions t-han Dr. Thomas' Ec- s "'No, a polar bear," guessedl eet-rie Oih. it will redece t-ho swe- Lizzie. ling t-bat foibows a sprain, wilh ceai "I t-hink it'sý a cinnanon bear," te ifafimd flesb axii draw t-be declared Bob. paie -,as if by r.agmc-. It wihh tanko TTUncle' Dan Ï,g , No" o t-b che coit, cf abuea nrpro,- said, "it e a iyce cf tho eient-t-be fleslî fr-cm dis;lrng 1t brr.It's akind cf bear yi,1 enoversem a fter agei t heard et--a bea,,. âr tbtbsvr esedi esteijr Yp foued îl av' c'ctry f c i l y TI,, fr-i ýl, n 1.aWBOY BARI -ý"1_ON e y antI especially about otIcipasturos Lieseýie wh soe nw wbhere yen go t-o drive t-ho cows in in Canadaba "t-h CwhèrBao It-be morning andtI - get- t-beu again net,"lebas had a wie 2exper_ ic.e L 'at night-. tne value cf Zain Buk.'iru-nt- "The strang-est t-ing about t-bis friend reccnt-ly, antIspakegc * kied cf heuýr is t-bat y ou nover sce thîis groat balin, ho sy *hlm in t-hUtuyime or je t-ho more- "I feel it is onhy my dt-y t-o het îing, bunhy wh( a it- bas bogue yen keowwat great bonfiuIhae t-c et- dark a lîi--l at ovening, antIdon-iedby keeping Zam-Buk bandy ton cight-s when t-bore is just- a tiny antIhvîgijcosatueFo tbit cf inoon, t-be sprains antI bruisýes xbc il"WhIen I was a bey 1 bad t-o take have incurred in my, hors-emains,ýýh my father's cows t-o pasture1 evoty' ant iun my cawhayý litegeeaiy y mereing antI goat-r-hi every Ihx on t embeat Y rîigbt. 1 nover niot :cce cf t-h-escspeedy beaier. S*om c (ft-ho es n heurs je t-be nring, but- sûeeriders in t-be Wesý,t1t-at I o, se ;v tumes I waud sc t-hree or four un Za-i k rghrywt t-e groa--t- y a sinigle oeinandtIl, t-e7oldet enft.I aoetintbt - frigbý1tLune su t-baýt-1Iwuh Ure ire ccason hrse, "o, ait-bie lwýay home." cane tIwn wit-b e, 1'H1rhhing oe DiIt-boy chase yen, TUnchIe Danmr ibatltern icso Il or -ditI ycu shoott-hemi , orsene sie off myCarma. By 1use of Zi- -t-hein alvay?" iBuik mneduat-ezýloy t-be wu antI It "No elont, I dotIet think on f bruiises were eleanly and quicîkhy e t-hem ever chased me, tbcugb îI n bohedantý]I tu-braw ýpart-s covcred -o t-c ard t-o see; antI I an sure 1wthnw hv ty ke i nover shot cee, parthy becanso î "I enon tb eun lis - bad ne gun with nme thon, antI part-I have ue anBkfor peio1>1us -ly because t-bis bled cf bear mî s set-mts bard antI tough t-bhat a bilet- Zin uk ý at-nre's ewn bon hIrs' urrt--iuînat al;- raiûr~ ng-h1n-bx---etmoe f ue yeno sente hum nway. IRe wji1niot Ihorbal esne.I-islsurecUt rue frein aaybcdy, ne mat-t-et cw fat eczema, tîu0g s uotin, eQcrs myucb yau shoot or bcw lbcd a nojoisecnt-s, bures, b ris bes, piso une d your gue makes. fHe jest st-ay ssres, chronie woues adbg right t-bre." piles, fest-erieg sare, .antI ail si "IRew big are t-bey, antI wbat injuries antIdies. Dtgss celer 1" asked Lyman, whoe es antI Stcg&sevrybreseiat- 50c. wore round with intotest antI ex- & box, or iept ifre for pruce fran citement. Zam-Buk C.,Toranta;:3 bxs s "They are aI sizes," said Uncle $1-25. Yeunare warnedaais - Dan, "somet-imos net- any larger harinful imitatbins, sonet-imes tPep- 7 t-han a Newfoundhand doge seme- rosent-et t-o ho "just.as gacd." ?t-mes as t-ail as a big mac; but t-boy - --q,___ are aiways, datk-coloted-ahmost WIRY SIRE LEFT. bhack,1 andtI -ey au-e ahways stand- inig very retihh. "Wba-t ditIt-asevn girlbv "Thieplace vwhý-ere yen are ineat ynferi Sbe'Ibe-en wiYt-h yenu Fer Iiikely t-e sec t-heis ,, in t-be shadowa ,oats, bndn't shle " cour t-tees,and ijefncecorner.s, Ys, huit yen sec mY wife'S anIdalceg t-be udgrs u ofai ipas ben hsig eibtan-itI t-be muid tures." b-as benputt-ing on fles', ne-il at ",Wehh, but, Uncle DPanî," bo gue 1-nst", she-gat 1se h cud'twa Robt, eagerly,"iye caci't- shoot myv wife's chelt-bes at aî. Ta' t-hem antI can,'t-41drive t-hein ay,v lwh secqut. u hat- eu yen c11dawitb t-bis kield cfA_ beasiDeoyau lwayshavec "'rue awvayfron thon l It-hinýk 1t-bat-is1 e 'atdhy.' "No, ny bo,"nsedUne Dani, witil a sinihe, tbr is ani- ct-ber wny. If ycu, at-e bravoe i enoeh t-a go right- 'p t-o ceo hs bhe, a r an1t iluchbuàùyu r hn, hLevl oe r-yn u ttI yen can't- sechuego Tatu t-u oe'iy -in ado, but- id' à l ton oi a hoîugtion-lI was alt gonu "But wba is -be t-rne Sbear l"U LE aas at b-' To- at-- es. SO- Ig. Lvo Ja lis eo- .-d, Is- s r. c-e il- bear," anSweredlUnclea, anh ing, "antI, as I said, ho a rib. ened mo1,re, persens, e cspecîalhy ýSinaîl beys antI girls, t-han anyctbrkn a-,f aýn imal." And UnýcleDa n laulg!)be. For a secoýnd t-be children ditI net41 knew wbnt-t-c tbink. Tho-n izii burst jet-e a joyenshaugb. "I keow 1VO UNO(3 FOLKSJ UNCLE DAN'S BEAR STORY. -e -