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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1909, p. 8

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R-oya1 l Banik 0F CANADA INCORPORATED x869. Pays Special Attention to Savings Acceunt, capital, pail up Boservo Fond Total Assets $8,900,000 $1,600,000 $50,000,000 F. J. Mitchell, flaniager Bowrnanvilie Branch. BOWMANVILLE. APR, 1, 1909 AUOTIGK SALES. ProfAit by the expenleuce o!foChers. Qi-don youn Saie Bis piintel ah this office and get a free notice luTHEE STATESUAN anul TiE NEws. Otherwise [ho priteela1.00 for oachi lertian, We have the enly crculation [bat coventi tbe tosritony thai-eugbly. TusDAÂY, April 6-Mn. Jo1hn Hockon. lot 10, coný 7, Darlington, wiliisel il o! bis stock, Impîcuientts, etc. See buils. Sale ah 1 o'clock. L A. W. TOLE, nuctianEer. WEDIESDAY, April 7-11r. John Wilson, luges-sol I!,! i elI at tho Bennet Bousýe Yards, Bowmanvlle, 28 i-e cews and apriogers, Holstein, jersey nul Durham grades. BeEt car üale! yeung cowa evor effoeild fer sale a Bowmanvillo. Sale ah 1 o'eiock. Sec buis. L. A. W. TOLE, auetieneer. Mrs. Chas. Smithb e!imes, Ohi-o, wiitos: 1 have usol every romedy for eick bealache 1 couldhi boas-e!for [he L aoutifteen i cars, but Carters Littie' ivor Pilla did me mare gaod [bau ail <JOURTIOIiI We wlcome to oui- commuulhy as friendsa nulnelgihons Mi- and Mi-s Boni-v Balson who bava cerne tai-ho fi-uit fts-im west e! this village toeregage lu hortIculture, floriculture and vege- table culture. ir,-. B-tson bas bhell an houai-el and respOnsiblo position fe)r 80 yenrs in [heo Mthodiat Book andl Pusb- Ïisiug lBouse. Ter'-, a.nud FrIday e's-ûnug bis feilfl'w esnpboyees prosonted hlm witls-axa adI-ossanul purse of goîl lie camles very higblv recommenlel anul will b3 a von>' u i Citizen. .na l ilhcr U-helra - warts, lie willlffiQd in Hollow:y Ç orn Cure anl &»plieatio!i . 1t l11 ftité.Ak relieve suflering. EN FIELD Donit figot the choir concert at T.Vr-ee Good Fr«daY. Misa Waiker, EpsasÎi3 l viiting at Mr Alox i cCullochs.., r Sm lBray tuntertaiued tihe choir toaua cyptor sup per Thuraday nilght at Braeslde, and au eijoyable lime wa$ tipent.. . ,Mrs R Reynelds. (ueo Catharice Cameror> a respeeted resident of thîs cammuuitv, diod Frîday, Mai-ch 2D3, ageil 63 years. Deceaseil had bean in poor boaltis for somo tiLae. but the stre and convul- siens eebail on Mai-ch 19 le! t ber very weak. Thero waa a large atteudance at the fuanerai Menday wbich toak plae te Union cemetery. Ber busband d!ed twelve , ears3 ago, and sbe la survivei by oeeion and three daugbtera. She was a member ol tuie Methodiat Church ....Mr G Cohian ad famùlly bave been afilhîted with la Rrippe. NEW STRENGTI"H Nature Needs Aid in Makîng New, Hoai th-Giving Blood. In thie prin- the s: steni nooda teing Up. In the spring ce bo bealtby andl atroug -yen must have now blod, just as thetreos must have uow rap. Nature demnanda t and wthout thia uew blood yeu will feel weak and langulil. Yen may bave twinges t! rheuinatlsm or the sharp stabbing pains of seuiaigia. .fin hr(3are disflaurinx- rimr,1ea- <&r cruptions on the skini. l T 1 ýher cases there la merely a feeling o! tireduesa and a variable appetico. Aay 7ef those are signa that the bloed la eut o! order- that the ludoor Mle of wiutor lbas told upon youn. Wbat Is needeil te put son riglit la a tenle, andin lUah tho world teesnotenl"ian-equl Dr IWWlastns P'ink Pilla Thoe Pilla actnnhlly matie new, rich, red b1od-- oui- greatest neo iiiluthe Spring. Thîs uew bWood drveout lisease, c'oarYs the kn and maties wCah, esim-ienm and wema- on aud chi!dren bright, aciv nd strog. rs.J C MI-es, Brotiton, N. S, sys:' tSat Spnring M,'d/u-11ý2 tei- was eoILple3teývlyiuown, ab VIs wa vei-y paie id baiýdLne appOtîte, am beca1mo vo- nervo'us, RaW2 wewre aiarmel abnut beýr We defeldiLte give bher Dr. V iiais'Pik Pilla, and s;Oon aftcer sbo began tak-Ieh stheroý was A decidied impraveiment. Sheý g>aîneil in wight anid l igor., ber cele!r returucd, anil ber w:holeeyajtem séemod ail who neci a mnedîc ine," Sld by alil modîIclue coaers or Iby mai at 50 týnts a boxe, r six boxes fUr $2.5 -i The Dr. ' liimi' MedIcne CO ,Brockvillo, Ont. a I i I ZION Sunla>' Bebeol neoeos on Apnîl 4, George Nortbett, rupeintendeut.. The Ladies' Ald wil bel [heIn aunual concert on Apnil 7tb. A gaoil tbme la expoctel; program gi-en by local anul outatie talent; coe anil enjory onr- selves. advt.... .Foilowbng ni-e [ho new Iton Division Sous e! Tempernce: W P, IArthur Laungmail; W A, Wl lma Leach; J ec Sec, Bila Sharp; A Scribe, A Chai- Iwill; F Scribe, D MGrcg-or; Treasune, A hCou. Lulu Blair; Cbp, Byron Taylor, I Sent, Fiera Sharp; O Sent, Russell Robins; Organiat, I-eue Glas- rohl- P W P, Grtru-le Laugmail, il Dü net auLr ci- f i-essck beadacho a moment longer. 1h la net necessar>'. Carter's Little tii-en Pilla wIlll cure you. Dose, eue littie pill. Smali price, Small lose. Small publ. SOLIN A. Don't ferget [he choir concert at Tsi-eue Gooti Friday. Micent, 715t0i-a:Misses Louaanul 3 roieSc-ggie, Oshawa, vkit tolahMn Walter Vice's ..,.. Mi- Clarence anul Miss Muriel Penfounu, Countico, and Mrs Jas McKonzie, Columbus, ah J T Ruulle's; NIrs E GPascos anulEva, Bewmau- ville, ah Jobs Pnseee's; Mr. Jes. anul Miss Lillie Penfounci, Mepie Gi-ove, ah WV C Werry'e-; Mn anul MsaJohn Bail, EnfilJ, Mrs S Trevai, Conritce, Mre. Goa Blair anul Miss tUa, Taunton,' ah MNI A L Pascoc's; Miss Lita, Blair at Hampton... Mr E Argue bas been VII but la lmprovlng. Mn.A.î Sidney ffcekala, e>' waabrasid amibe. 1h lsaa youug' so ... Svenal ni-ans i bore lu- tonud patroniing an Inlopeudeut tel- sip ise..,,. Bveral additions taoDui- choir o! late ... Tiurala>' nlght El- dadites wlll lecide If we aris ho have an annivorsan>'. (O! course, yen wil.- El.CS) d.aensnttt _i ah ibe borne e! Mrs J T Bunille Thurs. day, Ais-il 8, ah 2 3J p mýs-nubjeets fora discussion: "Dibisient waya cisropar- iug ciseese for table," b>' Mra Rturdle;r "W bah dishes te prepn-e whou tise ap-a petite neels ceaýxing," by imrs Wma Westlake; "Blow tei beautif v thee home,"1i b>' Mrs '1 oa Baker; "Hints on bouset cîeaning," b>' MrsaGa Vice Ail ladies f cordiaîly invihte tt end, Te bo atroug yeu n mibave a geai, goal digestion anul gool assimilation. Mller's CmipaunulItou Pilla bring ail these. SlI hy R M. Mitchell &Ce. Di-uggists. HAMPTON. Don't farget [lie choir concert at Tyrone Goal Friday. Junior Longue wlil gii-e an enter- talument GeaI Pnila>' eventng April iols; rossi-vo tho date...Tise W MS8 wiîl bave charge o! tise service Enster Bandas' ovsning. The choir wll iur- nis suitable muste .... Mn D Yellowleea bas movel ote isefrs receniti>'vacatel b>' Mr J QicIri near Mt Vernion, nul Mr J F Taïlor, late o! Tai-nte, bas taken pseusion o! tis arim vacatel b>' NI Yellowices . -.At choir practice Sat- v enîng itieledern I tL Browun calbel upon Mrs J E L Colo wh11 rend a neatiy-wordied anulapprepniate adi-oe te Mliss Alice Creeper, nul Miss B11lda Crydermas ou behunif o! [ho choir, pros- euted hon witb a euilul byma and hune bcak pibr tc eroie-ovni te Tor- ante.1 miss Creeper is-as beea a efflicit vears and will be greatly mised i- and Mrs Thos reepersud -là move to Toronto this week. Màay s 6uc cess attend them lin their new home.. Pleased-to -see Mr J T- Coleo-ont agaîn Sunday.... Mr and Mrs Cieve clemence, Kirby, vlsited wth friends bore Sunday ...Mr W AUin iauno btter at trne of writing. .... Mr H Elliett attended the funerai of the late R Trlck at Cobourg .... Miss Katerson, Toronto, la homxte caring fer ber father who bas been suffering with sciatica during the past two mnths.. .. Rov T H P Anderson conducted a vory interasting song ser- vice Sundav'evening giving the origin of the hymus u-ed ..... Canvassers for the proposed telephone servie are to meet at Jeuning 's Temporauce Bouse utext Saturday afternoon to report prog- resa. Indications are favorable for a ownsbip system. Bas noe qual as a prompt and posi- tive Pure for sick headachei, bliiouanes constipation, pain In the aide, and ail' liver troubles. Carter's Littie Pilla Try them _______ NEWCASTLE A W Carveth has purchased T Hl Evorson's Intorest 1h the flour and feed business In this village ....Mrs IH W LuL&iA5y 15 VI ilUinO ireS Sin --..t5UtrloWU ..... ev A V Brown lias reslgned the pastorate 0f Newcastle andl Newtonville Presbi toiian cangregations andl inteuils ta;ilng a post gradua te course at Edus bus-gb, Scotland ..Thomas Quinian bas sold bis farm te Stephen Dundley, Coiborne .. .. M,ýs James Parker bas beon uf ering fiom muscular i-bouma- tism ..r E Hl Meteau at*eonded the meeting cf tise Orange Grand Lodge at Napanee. ... Mrs Alorzo Cowau was cailed te Gardenvilie, ne>.r Trenton, by the serions flinoeani ber father, Mi- Taft ....MNrs Metcalfe vi-ited ber aister, Mra Lescombo, Bowmauvilei. . .. Mra Il ý -. . .UM m u n fllu V~AtjZ !tor visiting ber peoîo!e at IsnIhuras") .....Miss Lovetin has purchaseil a lot frein real estate agent Baskervilla lu the rear of the appl eovaporator.... Mi-s Christepher Anderson f ei and injureil herse!f a few days age, ines whieb she bas licou feling very peorlv ... Rv -&B-m". -l Ihdte- services lu cennection witb thse conse- eratton of Arcbhblsbep Sweeny ,... Mrs Meîntosh anIl. daugliter viBlted la the thecit... MsaFIocrene Bouathan la homo from Bawmauýville fer a few daya * -. Mi- a11l Mra ,Ed Pattinson andl Mrs W DlnmanBowmanvilio, viÈtel at W Pare' unlay week ... Mr Mu-y Elibrc bas eete Owen Soil whý 'ere hohassocureil a position ..Mesdamer, Alcoruasnd Vars have been vs,ïsitiog lu Oshawa.'ý . . ., A party was beld at Wllm'Grove Mai-eh 19 in himoerof Mrs hoGibson'a s72ad birtb- day . F .. cksonwill lbave for- tdby Toa eaitadfailïy wha wvi' seek tbtilýr frtunes on tho Weste3rn praris.... rustee oard et the bMetho- ditCu hi ave awai-ded ta John Halli tIue centract fer repaira upanl thei- cb-ureh), exeept the metallie ceIIlgý wheh gces te the Poilai- Pecp'o of THE TREASURE 0F HEALTII FOR YOUNG CI1LDREN Diseaso attacks the littIe eues tbrougb thse digestive organa. Baby'a Own Tab- lots are the beat tuslng lu the world f ai all stomaeb andl bowel troubles cf babies anilyeung childi-en. They net quickiy give anv child. Mrs. B. E. Green, Dunnvihle, Ont, san>'.: 'I woull smot ho witbout Bnhî'a Own Tablots lu tise bouse for 1 tbiuk [bey ai-oau tuvaluable modlile for alt ittis eue," Bel b> melleine deniers or bv mail ah 25e a box from Tse Dr. Williamis' Medielue Ce, Broctiville, Ont. MAPLE GROVEý IFiioula nulrelatives ef MrnanulMs Chris Coi gatiscred ah [hein homie Mon- day eveulug te bld fareweli bo!ore [bel- dopa-hune fi-en oui- usidst. The com- pas>' wns callel ho ci-don b>' 1ev Jos Barins, ehairman, anul anexcellent pregramiwns given consishing of roci tations by Messrs, R, Rl. Steveusanul ,Bewnnl Foie>'; moutis orgnu solos. Ms- Richard Trituble; soles, Misses Edue Snowleu, Olive Bic'kei anul Mn J (Jear- ing. Mn AàJ Bickell was cailel spon anul rondan ns-s-I-ste Mi-anulMrs Cox, anul MesssHowand Paley'anul Leslie Snewdeu prosontol [hem with twe rocklug chairs. MrnlMtrs Coi roplied thanking [ho fîleuls for thein kinînesa, Speeches wono maIn b>' Mossns El A Farrow, John Bnowden, A J Biekeli aul 11v Jos Bai-nos. Lunch wnssoi-vol and an onjoyable Us-no spent b>' ail sinerent.- .Miss Glalys Bnowden vis fced ber cousin, Mrs Norman Tisiokeon, Oahawa, Iat week..ýMr Wm Blair, s-vis bas been foremn wlth Mn Fari-cw, lîa hlred witi Mr- Samuel Everson, Ebenezen. IN Atiozi' WITII PILES. Mr. G, W.7 Corne[l, wlth tise Shanw Mjlinsg Ce , St, Catharines, Ont, wrltss:-' For sixsoni- 1 was ni-ictirnof ltciig ps-trndiog pilea anI was in droadtn1 ago layanul nigist, Doctes- woe able te help menul I was âbout s misenablo ns- ans ceatre ou!d,, e. My li-uggish advlsel me te n Dr. Cbasss Oint- ment, wbicb I nud obtainel relief fi-rm tise firat 8nuldcomrplota cure withs [he second. This eluttueut wouid bo cbeap ah fifty dollars a box, lu view of wbat it dld for me. DENTAL LAVATORIES IN SLEEPING CARS. Borne o! tise Western railaIs bave been calliug attoution te doutai inva- tories wbich bave necostl>' been Intro- ducel lu sleeping cars 1ou [hein linos. A.s a matteof cfet, tise Puillman Cern- f panv bai-e decidel to prevido lu ail UOw ( sleeping cars [bat [bey buili, anul [n ill thse present sleeping- cana when th[lierie next put thraugZh the abopa dentalI 1avatorics wblcus, will laoubtleassho muci i apprteînteil by the'in patrons. Aireal>' nso cf the Pl b3-. eeepIng cars aprRt91 aven [he Grand Trunk hz ail- wavy BystQm are provilci with t[isa ew and spoini anita-y feaaturo. HAYDONa The sian>' fnieuds lu Darligton o!f Mrn. Jes. A. NtU U1tjey, Hewand, Saa' s- wullb hor- v o 1bantînt lie as o c atel on lu tise hoapital ah Winn1e- en, faroh)flfaah,,,nnsk,,...,,,,, 'In.. %~test accountas ay ho is doièn very1 jl;" frget the Qhoir qonc?t ati rs roue Good Friday, Mauy neigbbors and frIeuds invaded the homeofa Mr Jolin Siemon Monday evening te show ln sosie tangibe foi-m Lhe higb esteem lu which thoy are bold, prier te thoir removal te Enniskillen. Rev H S Spence calleil the assembly te ordor and oxplained the renson cf the gathering. Mr W H Creoper waa calle.] oul te read a uieuiy worded address and at the propor tamo Mrs T McGili pros- ented Mr aud Mra Siemon with a hand - sosie caiving rot and a slver pudding disb, and te Miss Grace a maulcure set and amorocco bouud hvmu book by MJiss Aunie Creeper. Mfr Slemon i-e- plied ln a few well cboson words tbank- Ing the people for -their hindaess, Speeches were made by NIeisrs J Rundle, Thos, SiemonU, T MeGîll, R Sloemon, J ,Monitgomery, Mr T Goodman, Tyroae, W G Rlundie, Bethesda, A lunchoon1 waqs served and the rema.iLder of tht, evonlng was apentilusocial geames. The1 beat wiabes of the commuaity follow Mr- aud Mrs Sionson and family te thoir1 uow hoe. owelcome Mr- Theoi 'iornon and bride te oui- midt .. .. Dr lil C Viindle. Brighton, recontly viL;itod bis1 bawh en qntte fl--- Once, More the SProof is Given That Dodd's Kidney Pis wiIl cure the Deadly Bright's Disease Martin O'Grady Sisffered frons Brights Disease for a Year, but thse old Reliable Kidney Remedy Cured EMIMENT, Renf-ew Ce.. Ont. Mai-28 -(Spectal) - That the eue sure Ieadlvoefalilkidneydliseassa laDodi's Kldne7 Pilla la ag-ain provoil tu th,, caff o! Martdn O'Gracïy of this place. And 1er the bouet c f ethor sufferer-a, Mi-. O'Grady basgitvon the folloing stat- mont for publication: "For over a yoar I suffei-ed frtom lright's disease andi I was attendeil by a doctor-, but lie dtd me ne gond. My appetite was fit! ul, Iuy aieop bs okeu and uurefsesh-lng. My memory filed mel nid I was awastii-cilandlnres I bil a sharp pain anil pressure at the top of! my beail "Belug ade;iseilte ti-y Dodd'a Kldnîe? Pilla, Ibo1 b a ceuple e! boxes andl Icalrelief soon a, Ler I starteil taking thons', Thiasla onlv eue e! bhundreds e! cases lun whiicedd'Kidniey Pfilla bave con- qucil hie woist forme! kiduey lisease. '1bey n fover fail te ueBi-b'idiseasýe. Diatbetes, Rbeurnatiîm, Lumbago or OBITUARY. -offleera-for-the zomiu£-quatter-at service. A fine quartette sang two beautiful selections and one of the gen- tlemen sang a 'ery sweet s"lo. 'fhe -rîbuites wrea grý-q-14lh-te behal-d1 Threeromsuthrough which tho assernbly pasEed wero banked on cither sîdle witb the most. magnificent onutribution of ficrai emblems-Easter Lilis, Roses, Orehklis, Vilets, Sweet Peas. and every other flower one can tbink of. A thous- and dollars would bar i y caver the coat, The plain black casket rested acros one corneir oî the front parler and was cavered with flhwera and foliage-a veritablo bower o!fi bral beauty. The arrangement of the room wao a roal1 work of an artiat This lady said, 11I nover saa corpse llo cslovoly ilaua onvireument of Nature's btot. Alter thereiginsservice thefriehnda passod zbrougli the parler and vlewad the re. mains. The fuera! took place on S-unday at tiiecouvenienco of thefamiiy. Mr- and Mrs. Schweyor had boked passage for Europe the ceming aummer. Tho monits of Blekle's Anti-Consnrnp- tivo Syrnp as a sure remedy for cougbs and colds are atte ted b;r scores who knowrits power in giviug almost Instant relief wa-on thse throat lo sore with cougiurg and the whole pulmonary re- -,ion disoýrderîa in consequence. A savo doctoE r'azbUisan arot ea o sufferlng. Price 25 cents, at ail dealers. TYRONE, Don'!f forget the Easter Thankofforlng, Sunday April 4th. Morning soi-vice whilba eonéucted by membera cf En- ulakillen WiM S; in the eveuing Mrs (Riev) J ER Real wiil doiver an add-oa lExcellenot music la expectei f rom Miss Joweil, Enniaklhie, and Miss Bragg, Providence. A grand concert uuder the anîpiees of Frid-iy Apil U, lu the church, wbon a g-eood pregram will b4e gîven bv the fol- lowing: Mlus by Mer-iso)n'a Orchestra, Bowmanville, atnglng by the chair, necitatlans Ilv local amcd Cther talent an excellent program la lu preparatien andl ais ejoyale cime la promlsed te ai wh-aU attd.--Dbors o poin a-t 710 -p -ny program ah 8 Admissions aduits 2)e; chilci-en 10c. Misa P Collacutt, ergan- let; A H Brouat, Leader. Mra Besale Hawkey la vilttiug frI-ends iu Güelph,. . . Rv M 8 Sponce atteudeil the funerai e! his s-dter ln Norwood Friday Misa S pence returnei borne witih hlm Saturday alter spensdlug a wet lhber sister duriug uer ffineas. Wai-mest s,. mpathy la f eh foi- them iu thoir bere%,,emot.., . Mr and Mrs John Sanders, Uxbridce, recently visiteil f deuilsanulattenldeilthe Siemon-San- lers wedingi... . Wsloy R. Closions bins boe)oniuposel with a aoseee oeld ...Byron M'Aoore anil wifo vsi1il Boçwmanville Sunday, gnest c! ber abs- ter Miss EýMrs0n Who, vie are soi-i-j te bear. bro re ber ai-m, .. -J HB Mutcon la haviug part o! the interior of bis rosi- douce ieoelo .rhrVirtuFe bail a .ilrely wood boo MIonday. _ Miss 7Ethel Broek, Bo)wmanvilie, waa recent guest cf Mis Bla Ban.derS, DEERIPIO HARVESTING MACRINERY1 -1 havlng speut, the winter ln St Louis Meossi-s J Sutcliffe & Son are leaving town about May lat for Barrie, whore fhoy have purchased a large Dry Goods business.- Mr Albert Hlaiiett bas returnod ta bis home in Montana af toi spending the past three montha with relatives in towa and vlity. Mi- Gardon Conant, B A> la to give an address on the life of George Brown te the Young Luberai Olub at the Opera,' Bouse thie (Tburaday) evening. Rev W B Taci<er, B A, B D, proached an excellent sermon te yonng mon, in the Moilcaîf St ehurch Sanday evening taking for bis text 1113 the youug rman Absolam sale? Bradley Bros Big Rink opened fer relier skating Friday nl.uht. The floor was in gouil condition, the baud waa lu attessdanceanad thore wero a large number of spectators andl akaters pres- Roy. Jag Badges, B A, preachefi splendid sermons ln the Prosbyterian Cburch Suuday. Mr Robt Bondorson son sang a solo at the eveuing service wbieh was greatl? appreclateil. Many regretteil that tbis waa Miss Dilllen's last Sunday as erganist, wbich position she bas filueilta faithfulv and efficiently. Bimcoe St League Mouday night was ln charge cf tise Juniors, when the President, Master Moi-i-oit Mctaggart, occupleilthe chair and couducteil the foiiewlug interestIng program: plano solo, Bai-oid Guillq reaclinga, P Themp- son, A Cooper, W Froucli, i Harrison and J Dinuey, foliewed bv a most lu. structive adi-oas bv' Mi- L Stevenson, BA, on" The 111e of the mosquit1.e'which ho illustratod with lisme ligbs viewa, The system 13 over;0aded with poison- ous waste matter. Yen expecétatebe tireil 'ninyen bave been workin1g bard, for the nactiv- ities of the muscles or brin c(ause a brealking down of oeils, or buirniag up, -we -miglit say,-nnd afte-r whlhe--sys- tem bcomescloggeil with this, waste s-atter or ashes anil yenge tired. u are offen tiroil whe yVau have nlot been working bard and la this case the cndton iremch the sanie but the pre-serta o! th poisoaious waste matter ls due te tthe raeet cf thie eccayorgants-thIe lvr kidacs niv bwes Undo(r siich circumwstancesý you cnn possibl Y dolbtter than:Use Pr. Cae' Kçidaeýy-Li\vr Pis- for the nhve a di- rect mpeifcad ocd atootii-e1l liver, kýidaye.s ai bowels, thioroigly, Cieainlg Ithe excýretory sstmandl ie- storiag bealthiful digepstion. Thlere Lia n medicine of more fre- quent or effective iUse jan the faiiily th1a Dr. Cliaise's KdayLierPis for Ithey bave no equal as a cu--re lfoe onstipatïin. bilioliises liver troubles ail daey doranigemuents. One pilîl«i dose, 25 cents a bx at ail dlealers of Ediuansorn, Bates & Co., Toronto, - 1 -1 Mua, NOAiiBATES9. iMrs, Mary Jane, Bates, wha lied Mai-ch17 at [horesidence (inf bon son, Ira Bates, cf the fi-m o! Ecmausos & eBates 7 Couacs-I Avenue, Toi-ente, was the wilow cf [he lace Noah Bates, o! 2he o nhi"iLIIeAclL.fleceasedw-ho I wns lu ber 8-5th ycar. bai been li fer sevon weeks before ber deatb,' For [hoe Pnst ttDy ý ours she bail live in Tr- ente maUing lber home wltb [ho above son. Bsheila surviveil by five sons, Ezr-a Bates, o! Sydnev, B C; Dr J W Baies, Cerfu, N Y; Dr Frank Bates, Port Huron, MieChrles, cf Lignite, North Dakota, nul Ira Bates o! Tarante. Decenssil was a sister of [lie late Jeel E MaeWaiu o! [bis town anlwas knewn ta many bei-o. FRED GIBBARD, PRESTONi, Fiioul lu [bis district will ho soi-iy toelears o! [ho beath cf Frederick Gib- bard aht Preston ou Buudny. Decoasol was n son of tho inte Alex. H. Gibbard, Tyrone, ndi recelvel bis education thsre anulah BowmauvIlle He learneil bis traIe as carrnage wool werker lu Robes-t Cas-nage- Works, Welcorneanul workel fer sDme yenssIluRochester. The pasi six years ho wns employel as fereman lu tise weed Ivork braucs cf t McLaughlin Cari-ingsWenlis, Oshawa,- lenvlng there last fail for Prestos. Be was a firat-cas worksuan. He bas i beeu lu deliento bealth fon soma years I He beaves a wilow, eue son anul[hnee daugisters taes-nurn bis eas-ly lemise. Hiiaegel mctber who residea with ber son Mn. George E in Tes-auto nl bis brotisers aul sisters bave [ho aympahhy if ali lu [hein bereavemeut. lutermout toek place at Pre.stes. ' MR S. HENRY PEARCEt Tise cld ploneors o! Darlingtou ai-o 0ew now. Tise mat ho pasa awnv wnst Fanny Tyler, s-elict o!f[lie lata euniv P0ai-ce of South Dar-lington -who lied 1 on Fnida>', Mas-ch 26, ah tho beautiful as-m home e!flier son Mn. George A. C Pcarco, South Vtew Villa. She hnd been vos-vfeeble fer cver tw e aais A0 very larze cencourseo orelatives, fifodse and neigiheors assemblel a t thse uneral on Monda>'a!tteonu espitthe [ovos-y 'a s-ad cnadition cf [ho ronds. Rey T. W. Joluffe, bof former paston wbeu saho g livei ln Bowmanvibe, ceuilucteil tise erioassis1e1 b>' gev. Jos. Ba-mses, a- B. A ,Coile who apelce briofly a! cor whil b Mn. Joiliffe deliverdol'a ver>',- s3autiful adI-osa payiug a wortby t[ib.'- nie te ber Chisitian 11e anul ta ber i-et love fur flhwera. Meusbei-s e! JO EbBnezar church chair le lu [ho sing- Ig wlch plane accemnpaulment b>' n AnhLur J. Gay', e! Coui-t'ce. er mi- sons, Messrs William Hî., James, w Ueorge nul Ira Peance weretise pali-, canera, bMajor A. G Benderson, Ton- p uta, wa among [ho mournora. M- T Morts &Son were- [ho fuseraIi.- tr Mr. Schweye-, a pi-as-nnent and, 'enits> citizen e! Sew York City', diel a lai-ch 17 on bis only dnugiher'à binth- B ny Last St Patnick's Day ho and bis imiable wife were hast anul osts ata in exceedingl>' pleasant dinner pnnty. s 'ho funeralrivice wnsbell Bnturlnv Pl 5veuing anul was attendel b>' a Bow. nan ville madv who la a particules- fricul cl 3f ho Ïaail>', Bey, Dr MeArthur, Si )astor o! Sch Avenue- Baptist -Chunch,- fiiatuol ialg tise chus-ch bu-ml -t, Mi-. Fred T. Habbs, agent for Dei a asop for ail parts o! repair, nl prepanel ho suppiy !armnesinl ah requîing same. Two doons eat JefferY & Son'o Star Bonne, King Si BowmanvIlle, 13 sy RETUEN TICKETS AT SINGLE FAR On aeeônt o!fiCaster. Tise Gi-at Tnunk Bailwav System wili issue retu tickets at single f are between ail statie: lu Canada, aise te Detroit'-and Po: Huren. Micb,, Buffalo, andl Niaga Falls, N.Y. Goal getug April 8, 9, V il and 12tb. Boturu himit April 18,1 1909. Pull information frem Gras Trunti Agents, Jury & Loveil. DARLINOTON FOOTBALL LEAGUI An outhusiastle meeting e! the Dar llngton Football Longue was bell i Dr J. C. Devltt'a office Sahurlay ove- 'n when the followiug efficers wer, olectel: Bon Pi-es-Chas B Anlero- Pi-sident-Dr j C Doyltt; lot Vice- Fi-anki We-i- ; 2 id Vîce-Bil'gar Bei-i Soc-. 'nons--F-ail C Vanstono; Clul repreontativo. --Tyrone, Leslie Cnt tii Hampton, Norman Deldge; l3ewmau ville, Frnk B Kersinke. Besides thi teams ontenedlau [holongue at yeari IR cipocteil [bat Enfoie nul Moue Vernes wllhl ave a teasi. OSHAWA Mayor James was iu Cobeu rg lat Miss Lyla7Staiýnton, Zion, visitol roIs tives bei-e. Mr O Gei-iy, Qi-oua, is vislting reIn, Lyvs lu towu. Misa Anderson, Eglinten, la guest ei tIrs B A Porter. Mn W J Tricki speut a few laya in Ottawa recently. lMiss Melitia Maoment, Oreno, la guest f Mi-s T B Everson. Ms-s W F Cewau iiiapoullug sons- weekin l New York City. Mrs W Guodaîl, Cobalt, la vlaitiugbe- 'ranîmotse-Mrs Gai-linon. Miss MailauBurns la visiting bot %unt Mrs S Aicorn, Newcastle. Miss E Luke la vlsihlng lier sister Mrs :ev) C W Beynolds, Boul Bead. Miss A Chatterson le! t secently te uln ber parents lu [ho Nortbwost.> Ms- W B Moore, Hampton, visîtel bis inie Mr Jas Gregory oeor Suuday. Mn W P Bias, SalImon Ai-n, B C, as i-cent guest of Mrs Rlis, Albert St, Mn Fi-el Carswehi, Trnity Cahlege, 7ont Hope, lR visltlug bis father, Mn Bl rCarswell. Mn anul MnsWalten Daniels bave s-e- ii-soi from their weddiug [trip ,te De- -oit anlAuroai-a Mies Grace Bock le! t Mondny te take course lun ursiug lu [ho Genoral eospital, Toi-onte, Mn Clareuce Batty, Manager o! [ho audard Baisk. Pickerng, visitol bis mornts aven Sunda>', The meu's meetings lu Simcoe St 'ni-ch- Sunday a!teruos are witb- nrwn foi-tho pi-osent. The-ýMisges -H-an-A-King ai e Notice to Creditors INTHE MATTEl? OFTHE E8TATE1,1 0F JOHN IL4UD, of the towcn of Bowman vsle, in the Gounty of Dur- harn, builder, decensed. INTTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pr -isTOuant ta sec. 58 of Chap. 129, R. S. 0.. ,.897, that ail persons h aving dlaims or demands agzaiust the esate of the saiti JOHN GAUD, deceased, who) dieti on (.r about the twenty- f dbh day of February 1909, are required ta send by pest, prepaid. or deliver to the undersigned Solsciter, for THE TRUSTS AND GUARAN.- TEE COMPA.NY, Limited, or tao the under- sigrieds olie-itor, on or before the.i-*st day of i aigay , 0,thei- chrhstian and aos-rne, and- addresse& with fis-l parts-culai-s b wvriting of their dlaims, andi statement ofitheir acýcounts avdtï, the ntu, e of the secu;ritses vs- any, 1heM by themn duly verifeS by statnto,,ry dcaain Alid take notice that after the saitiSistday of .cLayj 50,saiS exýecutor wI lpoet tedis- iribute the asets0fthle siSdcj,(easeýd amfon)g the parties enitltled thiet'o. avIng regard wýoI c l aims of ýihich they shail then have ntcandt te lad exevutor willielot C iable for saiS assets. or ry pa rt th'ereof, ta any person 1or pesns01fwhos-e dcaýImnotice skis-i nt Cave Ibeau reeeived by tshem o r thleir said Sols-iter at the time eft sncb distribLtion, Dateti Ma-c h 29tb, 1909. TuLe Trus.ts anti Giiaiantce ops--,Lliited, T, P. Odle, Mainager. fomssvlIe, Onfi, Sollellor, fer itse sas-S ezecistor, 13-4w1 iEED GR~AIN FOR SALE-I ara get. K tigaquantity or reed Bar'ey and Oat&' from SunnY Alberta to arrive abc ut March 20. Sainple of seed mnay be ,een aud orders tajken at W M Tv'rc ~ a, ~ T) UM S-Haiug al coniledrabIe eLaxprence i ithe pump ilbus3ines sian prepar eS b Se al, întis Gosi- up repa"iing and ilistallfing cf newpuspatraeaepi-es 1 hanele botIs wooti ant oi lon pnmps un S wheu atigo11a give ime a eailu.1J.BUTSONs- Chus-Ch St, BDwmianîlle. phonie 14. 1111 M EN aiy anti expanses. One gocti nsana. o! handling oreadaiverisei n0 introduice oui- uaralnteed Royal Porpiýe Stck nna,, Pouitri- Soacifles. No «xperience necessary- We la>' eut your work for you, $25 a wvuk alàs leensas. Position permïanent, Write W.A. JENRINS MANI"O CO., Leon, Ontari" "ARU FOR SALE-200j acres, lot 3, FO con 12, Tuwîîship of Manivars. 150)ieeý tillable(, about 50 acrescýof aew SanSlu asýtore- wihStreamlrunîiig throt-sgh it ; blne bush cf hardwooa, Iheioek, hi-ch and rce Gooti bildings with st«,e wallisfo al'.. - b, iek homse; tSi-te acres of o'bt;5mlsu Jan'etvila Sýtation whvIere are elevator ai sitock yartI. ; two mi-slias te Jas-s-tviîte vi111111 are Metls-edist anti Pi«-esbteiian isli. as; V, imles toe hiloI l,", vleave afrli-aive3t. Appt>' te , îc ci, BOX5, Janetville, Onlt 12-4.wt Cý AL S Dm 4c» M? X a.g Beargls th hOD»9 SB <i W- Spring'Ar i h t doesn't matter how sinil, how big, or whether yen have oe room or a dezen te paper, we've neyer been able te give yen better Wall Paper than this Spring. The Values and Varîety Await Your Personal Inspection' ei-- lel iran o!s RE Mls 'i-t ,r ild 'r- s-- Lb SI [l. *it j 2th 't New S-"pring Fu'rnishng r For Men anid BOYSa Our Spring display o! Clothing, Funnishings, Hat8 and Caps, !à ready, exehling in quality and eompleteness, anything we have ever 3before attempted. The styles we ai-o showing, differeut from these yon, wiisee oisewhere, are [he representative njedels o! the moat succassfîul designers. The mateniais have ait been perseually soleeteil by us and when yon consiler .'hat baek e! this, la our gitanantee, Money cheerfully refunded on ail purchases flot satisfactory- yen absolutey [alt o e hanelu deaing with us. Men's Suits $6.5u to $22.00 In oui- immense range o! Men's suite we are seowing aill that is- clever and now, ail [bat mer ent he approval e! mon who wish te Ires. earefuily and !ashionabiy, and at every price [he value is the greateat we have ever ehows, Our- suite are tailored lu [he lateat styles, [ho deep lapel, long dlip front with caffs on &leeves, and ail the 5IOw knacks, [bat go [p inake s[ylish elethos, and well dressed-mue-a The -pictes are 86 ý1 $7.50, i&~0 ~T0O, 12.0~815.00,_81650,$1[8.00,8$20.00, and $22.00. Men's Spring Overcoats and Raincoats $7-050 to -$15,---00_ We have ail that la new aleng this lino, The black Chesterfie- ,with silk lapeis $7.50, $1[0.00, 812.50, $15.00. Topper Coats $8 50, $810.00, $12,50. Bain Coats in [ho long Chesterfield with erdinary co'lai- aul apld and the new motor ceat with Prusslan celiar, Boys' Clothing. For the itUe, mas wo have made îstrennous offerbts o eut do any proviens seasen, We have a gi-eater range o! styles and a gi-eater range- o! pihes. Beys' 2 pioce suits, $2.50, $2,75, Î03.083.50,' 04.00. Beys' 3 pioco suite, cingle ,nd double breasted $2.95, $.0 40, $c,50, ?5,00, $6.00 te C8,00, We ha-ve al [he new shadles, brewn, green gre'y and blue. Men's and Boys' Hats'and Caps. We haveal u s l tdasu ad---hy-are -eertIlny- well wor th seing. Yen have to ueo oui- shapes in stiîfi and soft as te cee the latest, modela, $1,50, 8$2,0), $2 50, and 8$3.00,1 Grocers' Duo Buis% takeu as cash The f'lason Clothingy CoM CLeTuING AND FGRu',Sn1Mue a GESTLEMEN ANSD TïRIZ aSONS. Aev t t Rý bouse, 18 incis shadel frbeze nil Ceiinga, dbaigna entlsnelal -oI c0oloringa o! green, mcrn, hI j anul i-e, single s-al,. A I2Cin - ow gre>' backgrounds_ shadeil with othen geel blonds. for dîiig-neemse lous, halls anul sitting-rooms, aIde1 Wnll anly, singlbei-cii 2 cHigis Grade Wal A t Papers, lnu ilo, las-k Coienringa,i (er libraes, halls, diigreorns nuld drus, red, 'uellew, woolI ades gi-cen, ete,, ae Wall oeuh,osingle s-olh WTe T.ALLE N, Big 20O. '-'J- M ff?--ý Witll corIls and 1 niAgnljpmm nf fhp plrdr f- th. 1- f-- 1 ý Z-ýe- T lr XM L-1 -r 1- n -L -r -L ir -L -P .!Çyh;u...u "!Wulua Li! . - - '. 1 - 1 - . j .1 r 1 -L -r. 9-L 5 1 1 nLi 5A Attractive Wall Pn. Atecs .tÎpfli-al andl set figure patters-n, goa1 colouings, iiez[ 9-lucli shade borei-li-snul Match celings, single rail. ,à t Papers for bedrooma A lialavs anul ki[ch- At7C cilinvarlot>' of designsa nudcOnlours, sos-ne have 9- Inch bordons, otisera 15-is hfriezes, 15 Embossel parleur At C pens, lu eneasi, gi-son, browu, nieb coienra. ni-tistie Patterns,13 inchi shaedlfriezeanul ceiîg fer e-ach, single i-ail. A t 25 C Sen odra shaealoluarni-lot>'e!colouns, mount- na nul ferest scenes, just ans-qua-- ter tise usual pnice,,aingle ro'l,

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