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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1909, p. 1

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a je tten $1.00 a year in advance; $1.50 to United States. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, TIIIRSDAY, APRIL 15, 1909. VOLUME LV. No. 15 M. A. JAMES & SONSPopitos 'T'he J~me Paper--XJ--t-mh-r--fiveundrd-Ho es-W-k-y DoYou Own a Morse? If yon are thinklng of, buying a ne w set of harness this Spring eall on us before going else- where. We are sure we eau satisfy you as to quâlity, durability, appearance, higli.elass work- manship and price that cannot be found any other place in this district, We have what you want in any line of home' furnishings-whips, combs, brushes, sweat pads, blankets, etc. Harness repairing and cleaning wlll be given our special attention and aise neatly and quickly attended to, Don't pass us by when yen are con. sidering harness values. J. lie MARTYN PHONE 36, BOWMA NVILLE *1 *ORANGES ORANGES Another lot of choice, sweet, jniey, Mexican oranges,f * good size, 12e per dozen. eavel oranges, seedless and sweet, the best value in * town, 20e, 25c, 35c, and 45e per doz, Humbugs....... 10a 1b. Butter scotchb.. . . 15c lb, Orange suices...... 10e lb. 'Satinettes ...... .... 15e lb. * Gnm drops ...... ...10e lb. Creams...... .....16e lb. Choice mixed ....... 10e lb. Rests............ 15p, lb. Pejppermints...... . 153 lb. or 2 Ibs. for .... ......... 25e, SFrui't Biscuits .......100 lb. Choice mlxed .... .... ne lb,. Vanlia btr ,.. .......10e lb. jSeedi Biscuits .......10e lb. S Lemon Biscutits ...10a lb. Mfash mnalle -w.. ...10c lb. Rtemember Ideal Tea when yenu are ordering groceries. CHOIE BUTTER AND EGGS WVANTED China Hall Uracery The Gainer Shoe Siare The Burns' Price isý Lowest. New Farm Knockabouts. iu buyiug for spring oaur aim wae te secune gond wearing noots for oun custemans. lu nep reviens jear did w bny so large a proportion o! our stock f nom bigh-class factories. Sncb factor- les use first-laEs le'ither anid good strong thread, aud do net incor- perate card-board or ground leather board ia the sales We cantraeted for good quantitias, sud theraby secured alose prices sud liberal discount. We bave aise arrauged with Mr. Tonkin to sali hie wbole ont-put of baud made buekie sud iaced farm bools, Specials. n ýMen' best grain Gaiters, 'seamless Aunera make, The 82 kind-...81,89 Men'Is 011 Split Bineher, Berliu make, good fitter sud strong . $.., 140 Men's heavy 011 Splt Blucher extra stroug. The $2 kind-------...S$175 Thesa are flot heavy ana srne-the trousers. A Uin of, water proof dnbbin tbrown iu. For Tender Feet Me'isof t mparted klp Bluchers' shapeli' last, good yvear sewn soles, beavy ......................88326 The heighth of comf ot for outaida workers. Bends with the foot, No page ta bothen. Fashionable SPring Footwear. Ofur tour windows tell the tory o! our eff ort ta gather for vour Inspection the eboice o! tha newest styles sud best values for adulte as weli as eidren. Net a poor wearen lu the bunch. Many pretty shoes at low prices nsualIF pald foi, einmsy shoes. OSHAWAZ: Main Fo-tr-Jornere. -I R Rather a qneer, statement. but if 3 ounIgure the grea-"ter wear à sou wouid get out of that kitehena flo.ntatespeak of the ian- fnesbea tv and general conrven- 0 nc,0y u '1-dcerin1 crn right down and get a can cf Peo"y &"'oW ' loor"i nt 8 * Then the antry sevethe baelk poreh, the barn , the whole honse, any part or ai', how much better they weould lo ,hew niuch batt*.r wear theij wouid give, and how manch lab'tor would bu saved,if thev were pnated wlth Pearcy & Co. PÉIS in We bave just rcivdour Ispring shipmnent, and weI invite Inspection'. Just look aroundU j our place, and eouut up those 8shabby places, It will pay Fou ta paint thern, butyou must be cure- fui to get good peints, and yonu eau get thern frorn IChas. L. Brown Dealerin ail sheit hardware, etc ThIree Docro East of 1Bennett Ho[usýe. S Ilng Helps* We can help yeu- in your houseeleanlng by suppi ing Yeu with articles te make work e9sV. Cnt ont this hst and bringu it with von when ,yon comae shopping-. that's the firet help-and here are a few of the other hol pers: Oid Duteb Cleanser. pe- 'la-. .10c Gilletts LF,, tins for~, Handy Amonia pqwdeý, 2 xbs 10er Household ,, <iquidl) l-ttle.15 Sa polia, per cake......0 Seouring Soap, 2 bars fr. 25c Powdered Borax, box........ 5c Washing Peda. 10 l13es. . ..211 Snap. anticeptic cleaner, 2 tins 25a Bon Ami-... ............. 13, Sernb Brushes ........5c to 25e Brooms........ ...... 25e to 45e White Wash Brushes,. .5z to 40e 1This le just a few articles that are usefti for the Spring bouse- e1eanigig. Don'c forget to bring the list with yn or phone y our wants te Ne. 44. BOWMA NVILLE T'he %Be-st Vet Have You Tried It ? lu this age of advanced knowledge It le no longer Impossible to be rid of burdensome skin diseases which troubled oui' ancestors.I erLLJO. JkllVl * f~CfU . Top br UULeb &UII.. ,tO 7 perimenats have brougbt te our venv doorF, remedies, most efficient lu theln curative propenties. une o! the lateat diseovenies by an aminant chemIet lp YUCCA OINTMENT 15 lot Eczemate. Rashes, itchIngs, scalinga o! the skinansd scalp, sait rheinm sud blçmishes. Tbis remedy bas beau th oroughly tested and bas proven its efficiency by tue satlsfactory results obtained. Every box la guaranteeLd. Il seu sufer-procure a box at once sud giva it a faim trial, If nat satIsfscteny yonr mnonay wËii be cheerftaily refundefi. Pnice large box 50c or thmeie bD xes fo 12. Rodk . Mtooi McGILL vs. BOWMANVILLE We 13eartily congratulae the Mayor aud Counceil and Solicitor, Mr. Robert Rusmseil Loscombe, K. C., who has beau acting from the first ju connection with the bequest of the late Mr. James H. MeGill ef Washington, D, C., on having had passed by the Ontario Goverument amendments te the Mortinain Act that enables the Corporation of Bewmanville te take, hold and enjoy the said beqnestj er the proceas therenof 'upon the terms expressed therein. The amendinec tion applies te gifts, grants, devisbe- quests and conveyances heretefore made as well as te snch as may hereafter be made, The amended Act is a general ene. but it was engineered ini the inter- est of the Town of Bowmanville by Mr. Losýcomube, and citizens have great reas- on te feel grateful for the good werk that bas been aocomplished in bebaîf of this Corporation ln the case cf McGill vs. Bewmnanville. A TÂLK TO ADVERTISERS, Jh .ames' Papers have been estab- lishieil over 50 and thirty years, respect- ively, andl the boys and girls of the pres ent generation have grown familiar with thmand havei read thein sixice ever tliey couid readi. Indeed, one or other of these papers visits iearl97 every home in the trading district of Bowmanville. Thirty-five hundred copies are printed weekly and while a considerable number go to outside subscribers, the homies of West Durham are pretty generally served by either TihE NEws or TuEF STATESMAN. It is impossible te reach the majority of the homes of this district through any oýther! papar or papers. The James' Papers do net over-lap to any appreciable extent. We do net expect people te suhecrihe for both papers because the news is se much the samne. The adver- tiser, therefore, who advertises in our two papers reaches ail the families worth consideration. We devote our best efforts to inake our papers newsy and it is local news thiat the people want in a local papers. THIS WEEK'S STATESMAN Every page except one is a local page in this paper-so read ail. Surprise, is expressed how we get se mucli news every week. The answer is this: Our country news staff and our office news staff keep their eyes anad ears open con- stantly, and their united -work produces the splendid news service of tbis popular famnily journal. It is the kind ef news thàat our readers want thaýt we'publiali We conld easily fil our colunins witb aidi of scissors and paste. Bnt this paper is an epiteme of the preduet of pen, pencil and braina, Our readers want puren news-red hot and all of it. It costs us more than double wbat mest other papers cest to prodnce tbe newsy paper we send ont. Ours is net a 50e paper issued at a dollar. It is a $1 50 pager issned te Canadian subscribers at $1. We bave decided te accept new snbscriptions fer balance of 1909 at 50c. Dear reader, if yen appreciate oui efforts te preduce a geed, live, newsy, local paper, do us the favor of telling yonr friends ef tbis offer--consîderabiy less than 2c a copy, A DISTINGUISIIED VISITOR. FATHER OF LAvmEN's MISSIONÂ,RY MovEMENar HoNons BownANVILLE WITH A VISIT. It is net generally known that Dur- ham county bas more than a passing in- terest la tbe Laymen's Missienary Movement, the objeet of whieh is te evangelize the worid la 25 years. Mr. John B. Sieman, Jir., of Washington, D. C., who received one of the most en- tbusiastic receptions accerded any speaker at the National Missionary Congress in Toronto reeentiy la a son of a fermer resident e! Darlington and a clerk in F. Y. Oowle's store-Mr. John B. Sleman o! the Government Civil Service at Washiaigton-brother of the late Mr, Wm . Siemon o!fllaydon, Ont. Mr. John B. Sleman, Jr., wbe is the feunder of the Laymen's Missionary Mevement visited bis cousin Mr. John Slemon, Hayden, for a day or twe and a few citizens were given tbhe nleasnre e! meeting him la Bewmanville on1 Wednesday April 7 wben Mr. 'and Mrs Wm, Trewin, Wellington, St., gave a dinner ia honor e! their cousla'e vîsit te thia town. Those present were Mn. John B, Sieman, Jr., Washington; Mn. John Siemon, Hayden; Hie Worsblp Mayor Masen, Bey. John Garbutt, Principal John Elllott, Messs. C. M. Oawker, T. 01. Jewell aud M. A. James. Mr. Sleman is a gentleman ef broad vision snd is full of miesionary enthue- iasm. Hle was one of the fifty Americans who went at their ewn expense te China, Japan, Jadis and ether countnies te study the missionary problem and being an intelligent observer and well versed in national affaire it was an cpportunity highly prized to meet Mr Siýemon and1 spend an evening in hie comnpany. Dyl request of Pastor Garbutt he b as promis- ed te visit Cnada again at hiis esleet covei ncsu address our citizens on the subjeeiet on which he le au acknfowv- ledged atthiority and leader. Iii its notes on the CengresHe Ton- otite Globe ey:"' was remarked thiat John B[. Siemnan, juti., eoWf hngonsl a very youlng 1ma1t tebe tbe fther of such s big youngester as thec Laymen's Missionary Movenient It was a gr!eat mromlent when theCongr-essetood seant cheered t ising yeunlg businiess man whe fret suggested fo-rin a Lxyimen's,- BASTER VISITORS 1 BASTER VISITORS. Mise Ada Tyler, Toronto, at home. Miss Edra Grigg, Toronto, at borne. Miss Nita Desman, Toronto,.at bûee Miss Bea Joness, Deseronto, at home. Mr. S. W Saunders, Toronto, wlth friends, Mn. William Kane, Toronto, with friands. Miss Leah Entebinson with friands ia Toronto. Mr C, M. Scott, Seaferth, at Dr. R Young's. Mr J T Nuan, Coibonne, witi' rela- tives here. Mise McClelan, Peterboro, at J A. MoClelan'a. Miss Amy McKowau, Stnatfomd, with ber mother. Miss Ccra Scott, Wbitb"-, with Miss Aima Foliard. Misses Stella aud Fie A. Ylason, Ton- enta, at homne, Mmr. and Mme. JoscaB, Haldiinand, at Mn W. M. IveS'. Mr Edward WV Basse3tt, Barrie, with bhis aunt Miss Bassett. Mn Wm Chapana, Toroute,-,wlth bIs- sister, Mna. J, R. Psea Miss Margaret Pascea, Hamipton, wlrh Miss Eva Pascoe, Mr. S. Hf Jefferv. Torouto, with bts mother, Mns E. Jeffery. Mr Gcorge Sherin, Essex, with bis father, Mr Thos Sherin. Miss Elsie Brown, Port Hope, with MissStelia Metjrimmon. Mns W. D MeKar, Bradford, with ber anut, Mme A. Buekien. Mr. Frank Joilow, Taronto, with bis unele, Mr. Lewis Jollow. Mr. sud Mrs. Reuben Cox, Toronto, et bis father's, Mr C. Cex. Mn. and Mrs T. E. Knowlton, Tor onto, at Majar W. C. Klng'a. Miss Winnio Jollow, Toronto, with ber mother, Mns. F red Tolaw, Mrs W. Bishop aud son Trenton, Toronto, at Mr. Geo. Power's. Miss Ida aud Vr. WiIbur Trewin, Toronto. at Mn. J. T. Trewln's, Miss Dollie Greenswav. Port Hope, with be r uncle Mr Thos- Sherlu. Mn. Howell Rowland and Miss Holmes, Newcastle, wtth friands. Mn. sud Mrs. John James. Columbus, with bis father, Mn, John James. Mr. R, L. Werrv cf The Witaess, Montreal. at Mrs John VanNest's. Misses Miaule Martin sud Florence Byems, Toronto, atMn. B. Martln's. Mr. A E Giles, Mr. Percal sud Miss iRuby Crago,, at 'il reR. Crago's. Dr. Julia R. Thomas, 59 Avenue Road, Toronto, with Mns. M. A James. Mm. and Mrs. T B, Tueker and sou Rasilq Oshawa, st Mn. Thos. Bottreli's. Mr. and Mns. Luther N MeNal. Port Hope, at their daughter's, Mns. Archie Tait. Mua sNellie Cotter aad Mn JasLapante, Oihawa, gueste of Miss Miidred John. ston. Miss Annie Westaway and Miss Cum.1 mer, Port Hope, at Mn, Jerry Wests- way e Mr. C. C. Wasbingtou, Toronto, at his father's. 11ev. W. C. Washington, M. A. Mr. Allen Coiwill et the Bell Tale. phone Ce., Whtsby, at Mn. W. R.- Wil- lliams'. 1MNI. and Mrs K. N. Mitchell, Toronto, witb ber parents, Dr. and Mme, W, E. Tiley. Mrs. W. P. Prowan and Mr Wili Prower, Toronto, with Mr Blakte Mc- Murtry. Mrs. Thompeon sud son Shanloek, Peterboro, with ber sister, Mrs. W, B Tapson. Messrs. -Jas. Gale, Alliston, snd Fred Gale snd Robent Adams, Toronto, with friands here. Mme S Noble, Rochester, N Y, ta vIsit- inz ber aunt Miss M S R)we aud othen relatives liera. Mrs J, C. Vaustone, Mn B S. sud Miss May Vaustone, Toronto, at Mr F. C. Vanstoees. Mr snd Mrs Frel W Spaniing, Tom-i onto, aud Mn sud Mns T J Sowdeu,j Elizabethvllle, st Mr J W Sparliig's. Dr. and Mrs. F.OC. Trabi'cock and dauzbter, Messrs. Paul sud A. J. Trebilccin Toronto. at P. C. Trebili Mrs, W. J. Webster and bon George, Oshawa, Miss Lena Keyà. Toronto, and Miss Aileen V. Keys, Detroit, at Mr., W. L. Ke~S '. Messrs, Herehell Dareb, Daiton Morrow. Fred Pattinson, Carl Maynard, Harley Perey, and Harry '£3 1er, Tor- onto. at their home?. Hood's Sarsapari lia Purifies sud caniches the blood aud builds up the whele system. It radicaily cures ail biood diseases, inom pimpies te serofula. It le the best emedy for cstarrh, nheurnstism s nd dyspepsia. At ail times o! the yeam It le the meat widely usetul medicina. Thema statamente are couifirmed deiy .)y cured aienansd woinen. Over 40,000 testirmonial. receivedlu twe years -enaunneqnlad record i Insist ou havlng Hood's sund Cet à toa.100 DoeusOu. Dollar, Mlr. Ed. F Weekes, Toronto, at borne. Mr. Wesley Souch, Toronto, at home, Miss Edua lamley, Osbawa, at home. MisEthel Brittain, Toronto, at home, MiEa Kathleen Mreatb, Toronto, at home. Mr. H. Gordon Mhicte 1. Toronto, nt berne. Mr. Norman Jenuings, Port Ho;e, at Miss SykeE, Oshawa, with rsJ.. Gibson, Mr. Hughi Wileox, Broekviile, çwith friends. Mr W T Gree-îawar, w1fe and famlly at Mr J O LaBlie's. Mr. George W. Mc9ill, Toronto University, a'. home. Miss Jeanlep Thompacu W'h!tby, with bier cou la Miss A Tnompsan. Mirs F C Bennvcastie, Carupbeilford, witb ber son Dr G C BornnYcas>1ýj, Mis Baughmaaaud isIl Andiir' son, Toronto, with Mfrs 3 H Jury. Mr S A McMdurtr, Mýoitreal, with biis brother, Mr John McM-'ýurtrv, P M. Mra 'Chas Dopcas'ý_- anï d dsghte-r Etva, Toronto, at Mr Egin Wight's. Misses Frankle Wilev and Ina Cern. Isb, Toronto, with the-Ir cousin, Mliss Ella Melntyre. Mr. Nei and Miss Mutten, Caae anùd Misa Ilennessey, Brighton, At Mr W. W Dickinson's Miss Margaret Fletcher and Master Elward Anglin,. soa of Judge Angliu, Toronto, at Mr, Jos. Fletcetr's. Misses Carnie Hawkins, annie Coulter, Macle Rehder and Mr. Rupert Hamlyn, Toronto University, at, their homes, Messrs. Glen Case, Wiil McKennedy and Byron and Charles Haddy, Ton- onto, ar.d Miss Mamie Thompsorp, Peters bero, at Mr. F., A, Jaddy's. Miss Violette Osborne, Reaina, Rask, and Miss Pearl Osborne of the teaching staff of Westminster Ladies' Colege, and Misq Adams, Toronte, at C Os- borne'ai. Messrs. Robent Eliiott and Maitiand McOonald, Toronto, aud Aiek Lyle, Ro,ýal Banik, Cornwal. and Misses Alcea Pope and Madge Tees, Tenonto, at Mr John Lyle's. Dr. W T F Tamblyn of the Western University, London, Miss Beatnice Tamn. biy oafe the Household Science Dept, Toronto University, Mr. Ches. Tamblyn, o! the Standard Bank, Toronto, at their father's, Mn. W W Tamblynu. BRIGHIT EASTER CONCERT, 'hîo E aster entertalament glven by the 3 oung people of the Methodist Sun-~ day Sehool Tuesday evening- in theg o)pera Hewýe was a splendid success. The littie folk, ail of thern, took their parts exceedlngly well and the audience was-de ichtcd.with their efforts. ¶ he Sunday Sebool Orchestra unden leader- ship of Mr. Wesley Kerr, wlth Miss Lena Horne, pianiste, rendered several Introdnctory numbers. As the curtain rose the happy faces o! the Prnmary Ciassa greeted the audience. They sanir the Eneter besson. An Easter recita- tiori by eigbt suiall bo3 s was nicely given. Miss Rhea Deyman recited Why Betsy did flot laugh"' Master Lorue Plummer recited "'A Boy's Opin- ion" veny manfnhly. ihe, grouplug ef fiago by sixteen girls, ail dressed la white snd cannjing twe amail Union Jacks coasisted of a drill and the sing. Ing of -Under the Grand OId Flag"l by Miss Florence VanNest. This exercise merited an encore and thèy repeated the drill. Little Miss Alleen, Jeffery sang a solo very nieeiy with bier brother Harold as pianist. Misses Gertrude Goodman and Greta Densema sang a duet, 1 God le Love," w1th autoharp accompaniment and responded ta an encore. An exercise by six littIe gira, with a collection of butterflies was- very pretty, Miss Gertrude Hsmley gling thq recitation, Natume's Easter was sang by a chorus o! sixteeli girls. after wbièh the orchestra rendened a selea- tien, and a chorus "The Fine Brigade," hy twelve bave la costume iwas given splendidl5; the bandiing of the hose aud ladden as tbey sang was very ln. spirlng snd the audience cheered iustily for the scung brigade Miss Marlon VaiNestrecited--At WInnlpeg Station," contaiirg five dtalects, by J. W. BenJ geugh. Eigbt amail b2ys. each with a di fferent nation al fi -g recited the merits Westawa3 'e embiem, "Jesus Shahl Reigu," ' was ralsed wbile she recIted, sud the bois bowcd lu losalty to it. Little Misces Thelda sud Anleen Hiazie- weed sang a duet veny sweetly and twelve email girls gave an exerciseansd chorus. "-Wake Up " wbich was very pieasing and nlceiy performed. A nnm- ber of the 111gb Sebool pupils gave a zood exhibition o! lub-swlnglng. Miks B. Jonees recited "The Raggies Dinnr Party" sud, respouded to an encoire, A chorus, I"Ester Day," b-v sixteen girls waB well buiig. A daisartan axer- cisc, I'Nearer My (bd ta Thea," by Misses Wanifned Brittain, Florence Allia. Margaret Allin, Auna Caldwel AIma Pol ard suad ILeZ Mason wss graeefully presanted sud graatly appreciated. The accoxnpanIsts were:- Misses Lana Homne, May Shaw, Aura Caldwell and Mînula Trabileck, sud, mrs. Hszzlewocd sud Elmer Eiott, ,lGrd Save the King"l concluded thîs very enjoyable sud well-presetd programe The program iwlll ha me- peaated Mouda-y evenlng naxt. Admis- C-ol 1(c 10The committea whe trained the icung foiks; sud who are daservlng cf hiph9st pralse for the suecees of the ententainaient, were: --Euperintendeant W Trewin, Misses Lillian sud Jeane MeLean, Mrs Wamnica, Misses MIV Shaw sud Aura Caldwell. Messrs. T. 1R, Foiik aud T. E fllggimbotham, M.sei Ward sud bMn. F. A. lladdy. -l -r lu eli- -E IL

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