R ~~arec- Just as co-3o d asm pby re for the Kdneys. If there le trouble lu reWnh'ng urine-If ycu ha,,eoo geV up three or four times or oltener durlng the nlght-tf he urine la b ot, and soaidng-Gin Plils vwlll quickiy relieve the trouble. They cure the kianeys and heal thii aedbiaýdder. 50c. a box; 6 o 25.AV ail dealers or se-nt on eei 01 pi-be. - TORONTG L si~rg Co., ;t. John and Halifax te Frosi Et John LIverpool Prais Haifax API. 17 May 1 Rates of Passage Yilrst, class 86750, $70 and $80 accordiil< to secnd iass $45, $47 60 and $50 rhlrd laBs82$7.e, $30sud J31.15 M. A. James, Allan LUne Agent, gewmanvllle YOUR COURSE ie Shorthand or Buoineas willi bring yen i est reeits If taken at or od.establish- ed aud thoroughly reilable school. Wiiier tai-m begios Jan. 4th, Cata- logue free. British Amnerican Business College Centrai Y. M. C. A Building. Toronto. CE NiRL BUSIru-SS COLLEGE STA?'jO5 ready te help youtng mien anti wolmen to Win ndependence anti uccess. It has given the start to thousends upon theusands of of yoengpecpie. It can belp ou. Writecfrcatalogue Enter any Une W. iM. SHAW, Yonge & Gerrard Sts , Toronte C. P. R. Atlantic Unes. FiAst LIVERPOOL West ,%p). 17 Lake Manitoba Mai-. 3 Apr-. U iEmpregs of BrItabe Apr. 9 May i Lake Ense Apr 14 May 7 Empre8s cf In'-art Api-. 23 May 15 Lake Champain May 7 May ï9 Lake Mss-iAtha May 12 RateF3 anti empileesaihogs. sud fuitSar bfor. matilin Aapplica ion tgeceai-est agent, or S. j. SHARP, 71 Yonge St., Toi-osto. BOWMANVILLE ÂOEINPIS. Domilnion Lino ROYAL MAIL STEA MSHIPS 1l'ilf)M PCRTTLAÀN D Ta TIVYERPDGL- Dominion Api. 17 WIESTAR-DOMINION LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LAURENTIC, MEGANTIC T ipi. Serov, Te-tu Serew Larget sud flregt steamers on the St. Lsw- i-i-ne? rcie. Latteproduetiru of the eip. buildela a r;passaugersalevator ,'arvbng four <ecks Evri- ydotai ior emfort sud iuxeuy cf pi-etext day i-aval xili be found on thse cbaeaners. Mer treal ieebec Livereici Cana"a ... May 8 Jne 12, Juiy 17 Laureit ie May 1,1 June 19, Juiy 24 Poln, on May 22, June 26, July si M egai'tic................ Juiy 3, Acg. 7 Ottawa .... ay 29, Jnhy 10 A ug,14 Vante ver ....................... Iulle)S The p-tu an Steamer "CANADA" la aise againîn eded t o carry itras classescf passe! g' is. W hile tihe fast- steamer* T TA %W A'and thae omfoîtai>le stcamer' DOJAIN- ION ' î s oee ciscs eabiinsteamter& (usled Seeýnd Cas.s] are vsry a'.ir9etive, t moderate rates. T'irlmtissaecarited os, ai steamers. Ses pans siCd rates aI local ageits, or Ccmrra,'y's offices. Fu vIr h nformation appiy te M. A. J.AMES, Agent. Notice to Creditors TNT THZ II TTEI? O ETHE ESTATF, 010JOHlN 6kVUD, of the tjwn of Boieî)aà,ivtfle, in t.'se fJ'unty of Du,,r- hem, builder, dýceascd. XTOTI CE IS;ErEBY G. EN -\ir- Fuant te S ýec. 55 "fc Lep -1 S.O_ 317 111 "Ia,, p EreonP hiaviun cainsr deManl 11g.a1It t 5e t f3 ste of !;i, ssid lJOHN CAUD, .ee~d, wto ied n tiiabout the twenty- ýitýi ý s'If F 1bruary: 1909. e, 're ir quiren tosend liy jorî p p1, d. r dsLq 'ivrth1e uwder(,d S i lhtrfTEiVT NF) UARAN- IRE OMPixYLin t-i rto Ihe c tider- cii- edecl-tur onor efor thdrt dy of Ma, 'e. har ehl5iiaai idriames and sder'eess uSfulýi paitieuairo ln writl g cf :,,1 4ie o s~rïîc f theIr 'ccouis j id i-e e alu', te scrie i aye d by 1 lem', u'3- veiedb-tauryearî And t;ek ntice thýat after ite s'id irrtds;y Zf 3AI ly. ý i, Feai;d 'Y""eIictor wi rcedte dis- tte hestt et fîthe si eesdameng 1i àetr olldteeo tavi g rard o ly1 litee î airn sc f ý l eh the.y sha thlen. baeo u- ~d tVa aid aexeuter wHIii i ee lis~ ~~~~i bl rsdtet ra'-y art llbe3-20elto il y p r u or î erilneof wliose aIm otI e cbs i a t 'av ý,jt sslEd Iby ih "l or Iheir pagid So, tOi-th1e time cf' euMS dýiribîto,,. TheTrua ud uaa,,eeCompany.Liie, i3 4-v1 e priiieg tae display madIe at the Franco- Brttishi exhibition ut London aset year, have reached Seattle aud thie big col- lection xiii receive additional dispîsys from British Columbia sud other sections cf the Domitnion. IV je proposcd te îuake the minerai, egriculturai and hocticul- turai display ut the fair the most c,,tu- plate ever atteîepted hy Canada at an international exposition. Thare xiii aise ha numerous fish anti game exhibits. The Canudian building xiii ha suitable for exposition purpocos andt hse itaiic arrangement je such as to show hs ex- hîhits off te ithe hast possibîle advani-age. Adjoining the Cnnadian building xiii ho au atti-active structure art-otan hy he Gi-snd Trunk railrcad. The building je now in he course cf construction and xiii hca a eplica cf hs Parthanon at Athene. The landscaping features of the two buildings xiii ha heauti ied by expert gardencrs. MACGREGOR PROPERTIES. The anucuneemant cf Vhs Mac- Gi-egor Mines Syndicats is attruet- ing mueb attention frum investoîs n ho have basa waiîing for au op- pcrtnnity Vo gel in ou the grouud fluor in the wouderfni Gowganda Silver, field. It is noV offl tat Vhs i ootc f emalmeanushuf Vh oppcrtnt Vogel in o0t11 cta puehseetpropeërt-iesas spTiý)IlT!_ 1 ;- -,cated saeVh reerisc Vh uergor MinesSydicts as xell as au oportniy cf ie ceiviugVhprftthtualyg Vo romter. Atogthe itwouild sem e a p-pstc that HxDTO')PLEASEi,. "'No ma ounatbi goeog for£ a woman," aslsidpsîi-ey "tbat's right, Iges"h e mail. " ee 5 eric GUARDING UIIILDREN'S REALTIL. Mlîitons o! Children Hav'e Deetive Vii, Ileuring and Other Physical Abnormalities. (Fi-om April Cii-de Magazine.) Defeetive eyesight, writcs Willi- amn Allen Johuston, calling atten- lion te Vhse necessity cf guarding Vhe heaVb t helittie people. is cvenii ore-comînn han;dfeie hearing andI usually moi-e disas-1 trous in resulte. A Chicago physician states thati the number cf "sboi--sightedc" chul- dren in Ibis country te day i-uns away up into IbeP millions. AndI Ibis gi-sat army of littie weakling-s may be macle heulthy, robust chul- drien by the timely and proper fit- ting cf glasses! üi Besicles defective cyeseandI cars there ara many ýother uerx eus irri- tante wbich cither escape Vhe par- ents' eyes altogether-whicb. is al- most aiways hs case-or aise Vbey are vôt-dt toc trivial Vo need corý rection. The skilied physician ean flud Ihem; ha- knows, too, that wbile there are quioker xvays delib- eralely Vo wreek a cbild's heaitb there ic ne aurai- aud moi-c deadly course than hs, negleet of these "trivial" abuormalities. A erooked tooth sounde unimport- unt enougli, but iu a young child il may complsteiy disarrange ils bodily, mental antI moral deveiop- ment. Proper mastication is pi-e- vented antI impai-etI digestion with ail its resultant il and its -promise- cf permanent weakuess naturally follows. The case is citcd cf a litIle girl wbo bad growu Vo hea a opeles "liai-." She was anemnie, vcry de- licate, sud freqîiantiy ill. A cure- fu niexamination reveaied constant fermentation in ber stemnach antI tbis wus caused, il was fouud, by a single crooked ooîh which pi-avant- edtI hs grinding motion so neces- sary Vo proper mastication. The fermentation cf food- in the stomacbh caused unnaînral nerx eus reflexes wbich in lui-n overslimýu- lated the hrin and rssulted in a disordered imagination. The cbilcl "day dreamed" antI cxaggerated. The straigbteuiug cf hs baoth madIe ber normal in evary way. In Vhs medicai inspection of the New York City sehools, it was fonnd that Ibirty par cent. weretý backward. Putting the matter in1 Vths light cf ccooy, Vhs city wa s wasting Ibree million dollars a yeai- ta teaehiug chiidren who wvers phy- sically unfit te receive an dua lion. Eaiainrevealed Vths fact thiat of the smal I-m of backward childreu overnityfv per cnt. wers 'StInl" because c ,f physical dafeets. And of Ibiscosdrb, almost otai, nmber rmore than niuety-five, per cent. wex-e cbanged fi-cm dullards jute normally brightý seholars by simiple operation or ph3 sical treatmeut, LITER kRY NOTES. Tht American Itý,e-e; cf Rexiews for -April cuaisthe foliowing- interesting articles: Record of Cur- i-eut Events, wt portraits andI other illustrations ; Cartoons of the Montb, The LaVe- Cari-cil D. Wright, portrait[; -Ei-ope's Tariff Laws andI Policies, by Fi-ederie Au- stin Ogg; PlotltingihL-te Upper Air, by Paul P. Fote, ith illustra- tions; The Waste from Soil Erosion in the South, byý W. W. Ache, with ilustrations; >Saxinig Am1erica' s Plant FoodI, by, Guy Eliiott Mit- chell, with ilsrtos The Trutb About Dry Frîg by Chai-les Moi-eau fiai-gsi-, with illuistrations;I The Situation at, Panama, by Foi-bas Lindsay, wýith mýap and other illustrations; A Phiase cf the'Rus- Sian Spy Sys-te, .by erman fies- enthul; The flules -of Vhseflouse cf iRepiesentatives: A Criticismn, by Claude A. Swausoni; The finies of Vhs, flouse of fietpr1eseulatives: A Defeuse, -by Frede(ricýk C. Stevens; Leading Articlesý of the Mouth, wi'th portraits and ohrillustra- tions; Lsading Finauicial Aiticles, The New Bocks, wt portraits andI other illustrationis. Addreas,» The -American fiesiew- of-feis-j-I3 Aster Place, New York. Amoag other articles in "The WorltI To-day" are the following: "flunting Wolves by Automobile, by Chai-les Moi-eau ilauiger; "A Rag-Fuir Dey in Rome," by Gaui- uer Teall; "The Fuir That Will ba Ready," by Louis P. Zimmerman, refcrring t, that iu Se-attie, May] Vo October, 1909;, "Inuciig Vhs Masses," by William J. Graham, deals with industrial life insurance; "Yeilow Prophecy"-an editoriai; "Iuauguîrating a Presidant in a Blizzard," by Hugli C. Weir, is a t-cachant cîiticism worth raig "The Sardine Fisheries cf Passa- maquoddy," by Grace A. Thomp- olla, Vhs Painter cf Sea andI Sun- light," by James William Pattison; 'The Opium Crusade in China,"j by John Stuart Thomson; "Mak- ing Erring Girls Jute Self-Reliant Women," by Percy H. Bcynton. Ncariy al hs above ui-. illustrat- cd. Addrese, The World To-day, Chicago, 111. VIrglias salis API 18 Tuisiau sabl A pl. 24 'Vcbaian ,Apr., W tro frshcod.s' lvers -Diutoofi. Vioïs m-1 a patent micn.Eey tlgil contaIns Is nandon oie POOR BLOOD Elderly people feledthe eôoid- keeasly, because thes' blood 19 thln,siugglsh and watery.Vînol ln the IdealI biood tonie and strengih maker. Il creaies a beartyappetite,proniotesdlges- lion, pOtÏlies and enriches the blood and invigoraies the entire body. 76 YEARS OLD The grand-nlece of Alexander Hamliton says s - 641 am 76 years old, Lave a hearty appe- flte, sleep soundly, andfIcle active and weii. Thanks to Vinol, whlcL Is the fliest tonte and sirengthereator 1 cverused. Vinai is a Goa send I0o la peo.- pie."1 COUGHS AN» COLDS EiderliypeoEPZi-e aeverY susep- tible I. oug e nd *eolds, Wblch no oCaen deveiop pneu' monta. Don't loeUlme exper- limcnting I11L other remedies when we guaiantcc Vînot Io cure. VinoiL as carrled many an old person through a Lard winter wlethout a cold or cougb. 80 VEARS OL» ,11 Wa8 so leb2eI ad Io bc wheeied albout tu-aU invalid's chair, and tok oid ai tLe siighlest cause. VinotL ult up may strength so 1 eouid waikî a quarter ol a mile. 1 arn de- Ilghted.ll - MRS,. M. RL'"ÎOOM, Lewletown, Pa. VINOL QUICKLY CURES A COLD AND STOPS A COUGH VOU MNEV~M«- I6Y~~f..-NbHI.-VLP "L14 JURY AnO C, thie Leang D mg Et ore ln every Town and City in Canada. EASTER MORNING. Revalation 1: 4-6, 17, 18. To hea- say evsry tribe antI race Haiielujuh. To These siug ail who know Thy gi-use Hallelujab. To Thea ci-y ail the beaveuly bost 1 Halielujah. Te Father, Sou and lcily Gbost 1 flleinjali. EDITORIAL iJOTTINGS. Most of uis whoc livo in this favored land of Canada. do noV f ully ieaize how well off we are. P leacet, p]enty and pros- perity are oulo ýt. \Veý are so accustomi- edto it ail hat we take .itas amatter of course. WcV, wax fat anJ kick. It is only whon we, begin to study the con- dition of affatirs ini other lands that wo feo1 lie sensation of gratitude tickling. our moral senses. And jr; is well Vo cou- aider he industrial conditions of- distant lands-because the time will coma when we shaîl have toexercise a siinilar thrift and cconomy. If thé surroundinga of every dwelling were kept lu good condition the appearâ ance of the whole town would bc vastly improved There are in town man.y beautiful lawns and gardens, but thiere are, too, spots which offend the eyeý by their unsightly appearanca A littla foresight, a littee plsniinug, very trifliag expense, and a lfl-hour's work occasion- ally wvould noV be 'a grea)t deal for uyoue to g iud he hoe own-would, bene- fit. Let the citizens> make an early start this yesr, and co b n oake the streets and lawus a suc of pleasure Vo thema- selves and to he visitor-s who wiil corne to visit here thiis sýummour. The Times prods tho town fathers say- ing tha)t i)o one seeme o know exactly what is goping to be doue about that agri- cultura)lsehlool for Port Hope, and it, may safely be said that two more monthls of inaction sud here will ha uo sehool. 0f course, a loud noise would ltev eriy oua kuow whst was being done in he matter, and that would not ba wise in view of Cobourz's noted speed when anythixig is to be had The same applies té Newcwstle, Bowmauville and éther places. StilI. it'e a business Proposition, and if Port Hope wants the school aV ail, somo one bas to' geV out and hustle. Thera are certain factors to remember, cert;ain facte Vo collect, certain people to Se, and the reet is easy. But the work bas te ha dons. The character of an advertisement counits. A marchant muet have regard Vo trutb and honor ini addressing bis customers through tha newspaper quite as mnch as the minîster or othier public speaker, He muer; put hearr; and sorti into hie week]y addresses. No fo-m of advertising le btter than the business thonglite Vhatspring direct from he bearr;. If advertlslng bas seemed profit- bass the merchant isjerihaps like a preacher dlshing out an old wornt-out sermon, which meagra ln gray matter produet aI flrst commnande no interest in 'basb" foi-m. But supposa a merchanl recognizes that hle about Vo addrese many Vosands in bis advertisement it shonld cause hlm Vto think bard and concetrate- bis Vongbts into Soins- Ving "worth wbile." Sncb advertising caunot faili o produce splendid recuite. The Canadian building at the Alaska Ynkon Pacific Exposition, Seattle WiLsh., is fast ueariug coropletion aud by the end of April the work of installing the axhjh- its wil ha takan up by William H utchison, Canadian conmsioner. The structure to repreacent the Dominion of Canada at h P5acifie Exhibition occupies a central location and wîll ha oneacf hs most handsonie builings at the fair. More 6l if-ý-1 w:~~3 e ~ -- i te production ef puresosed sud aslit 1 "amers whose fieldsa-are well kept 'Iho graàin selected for this year Is white ease Coinpittinen liited tte smemberë of tha Society wîtii fitteen mi as off O8hawe Pilzee wilil hooffered tcf $15, S12, MO0 88 and $5, provlded lte ferma- ei-s balte the mat ai-up sud ruake their entries turing the month of Api-li s,) that the application eau boasent on te Dopartmanç et Agriculture. The Secre tai-y, Mr. VW. E. N. Sinclair o ýhawa, will be giad ta answer auy mainle, sud lb le h')ped a large nuis- brullf f4rimers xiii mal-e tisr entries nt euce. Bermarr Mscf-edden in April Pht-sical Culture sayr: AIl the mu-clts cf tht' bodyi- ust te usedtVo a coitain oxteul in order Vo deveiop thein hlgbest degra et strength, but. remember Vitîtibs stiengtit depeads mien increablng the vîger and vitaiitv eo!the spinal regiou. Titis represeuts hs humma power-house H.ýre le whsrs hs nervou3 cinergy le toed, herîm s where lb le givea eut te hs varions ergaus and muscles efthe, body, and by sti-eugthenisg tos parts, you thiereby are able te add vi-er sud vitality taeovery part cf te organ- ism. -1- For Fi-oct Bites andI Ciibais- Chiibiaias corne fi-cm undu e ex- pos8ure to slusb andI coltI and fi-est- ia Ibe treatuient cf ither Ieei neo 'be[ttrpreparationhua r Thoia' cietre uas il oi- tsi-ac steVsi ;IInflmmtionai i-s- lie- .s the pain _The action cf Vhs c-i icinsuatnscs ud ils a ppli- caton s ctreeiysimple. ALL, HE HATD. fi-cm poor ptet. edMO lit meifI-bany! m oney, ant I s1d 'ys o f! "X elh-s suid : l'THtake i'tý - 'i~ or ]Infants an('-Ohïlidroît. To Thee wbose ýprecicus ,ýbîcod xxas shed To'Tbee, Vhs Firstborn cf the dead, flalielijah - To Thes in whom ail life is formed HaileIujah. To Thee, the King, in gloi-y crowned flalleiujab. To Thees who Thine own Sou didt give0 H1alleiujuh. To Thee in whom we risc and iive Hallslujah. To Thes by whom oui- Lord we ses, Hlilelujah.. To The-Etai-nal On-- in Thi-e- Hiallelujah. T. WAT"SON. Ci-authuret, Ont., 1909. DURHAÂM BOYS COMINO IHOME. As wil ba seen bv an article fi-rn oui- Toronto correspondent Toronto Dur- ham 0d Boys,' Association have aceopt. ed the Invitation of Clar-ke Township Vrugh WaPrden Powers Vo excurt te O:j oue Som etine ln July or August as may buj arra-r'ged. Ciarke people have LcWUuitv ot-making a grand- sîceess eft everythluig hey unâsi-taLie aud It was a happy lhought ,Cf Mr. C. G Ar-mstrong Vn exteud an luvitaticn this yesr wheu Chi ks townhlp has thte houer ef having the Warden cf tbese Uioited Counties te j)An bauds with ifeeve Col. John Hughes who lis brother f-f the ir.defatgable President ef the D. O. B. Assotîation. Sursly these cireumestauces censtîtute a mo -t happv augury for a moniâter Home Coming of Dn-rhamites for a grand i-e union Ciai-keresîdeuts haven'tbhad a chanzce like ibis for mauy yesrs te exploit thei hoépital-tv sud we mise aur guess if they do4'& use as oee ai-menions tam- Iy to off aor sucb a we!ccme tu the lieme- Isuti as the Old B-oye and Youngj Girls have net rectied asir theîr laEt ex- cursion borne. Ws hope the union comm t'ee wil malte choie cf a date hetween h 7,3iig and ha-t est when te fa. mer-f olk cau attend e masse We just fai,cy wae se that proces3icu giling tut fi-ou NewCsstle Ftfttltf head- ed bj Oreno Baud. Ileoray l Ce n thero over be j; gain Dalys so glorlous as thon, Down In dear oid Dirm Ever dear old Du hRm? Oaalun Etrery Home Any article i-bat helps maktes work et women sasier la alwavs gladly i-e- cemmeuded, Mi-, Wni Fice of thîs towa bas the agency for Vhs Tl'us Sevîng Machine Darning Attachient- a caJtrivance that sverv wnman wbe bus a i-swing machine will waat wheu ase sees how neful it lo More anti botter darniiag cinho doue with the Fitus Damner In 5 minutes titan in an, heur by hanti, Cari ho used (q'aih iveil for darniog stockiugs, lace curtaîns table lHues. underwean-an3 bhlng te ha darned Ca be used on sny sewing .moachine. Price only385 centî; bv ma-h 398j. Agents waniedl everîwber0 Appiy te A. JAMEs CeîaeHzst, Box F,91. Port Hope, Ont 8-tf FIELD CROP CUMPETITION The South (Outarlo Agricutural Scci- ety bas dïecidàd Vo fer pr!zis titis Neat in hs staint Field Crop Gem netition inaugurated iy Vte Ontarie Goveru- Part II.-Goi-don Far-ell, Haroild Sumersford. B I.-Fi-eddie Lindsay, Chai-lie Adnum. A I.--eue Weri-y, Walter- luai, Mary Richards, Lottie Adnum, Earl Byham. W'INNIFRED CURRAN, Teacher. A DESPERITE STIIUGÇILE. Expeî'iei of a C-en- Wrcûeked lu the Polar liegions. The sîoýry cf Vhse. rexv cf a wbai- ,iag-vessel wi-eeked off Cape Pari-y in a drifling fog is given in Mi-. A. IH. Harrisoai's book, "ln Searcb cf, a Polar Continent." The Alexan- der ut the time xvas ateaming at full speed, and when fi-st il strttck, Vhs crexv, noV seeing anytbiug in front cf Vbem, tbougbt thcy bad col- licled with a piece cf driftiu' g ice; but on striking aguin, tbe vessel immediately filletI xitb water. so they hardiy bud lime Vo rush te Vhs bouts, wbieb Vbey had gi-sut cii- culty in owerng. It n'as thpa that Captan ilo neuariy lesýt is life. Ha -'was thie last nman Vo ieav-e_ the sbip, andI just us1 hejunpe fi-cm Vhe\essel, but missd thAstru cf Vhs bout,ani feumb be ea Lueki, hob,%wti, ie nIanalged V-uctch a ro.(pemtu pas tunnelwu Vohm, but il was no(ti xitbouitdifficuity that ho cwas pu)îllcie intothe bou 1)1"t wehe bad beeCL!n drugged alougaide. Thie misl wa~ es e tihaitthiey hiad n ideacf oi i- caliybu on i-eaciug shore thsy sari Vhs vccky bedian o',iCaps Pri- loomiu OVCi-themant tlli- iîe kns li u lhy adut ieahýýsr four hundrdmils Votrave beire - gainitu~ Hersobel lalautI, this, toc, uloag a bar-eî a-ad tIcuerted ecast- lina in op.z~î boaV~, antI prohabi3 in a îag îîg sou. ~,1-r -k octîîrr 'J ou Anguat I au a swer for il ht utu ashore bei-e is ne easy malter, for; there are many miles cf cutln aloug which il isalotipsbe Vo fiud a place for laudiug inia stroug wind. These meu doggedly held on their course, eroccing two large baye, Franklin Bay aud Liverpool Bay, untîl aI lad V hey reached Vhe Mac- kenzie Delta, and keeping xxell te seaward cf this, they arrivedi a storm which prevcnted chips rei puttng Vo sea. Thfey lad muade a finue, bioe fot. Vhad beau "I a case'icf do or die with every eue cf thenii,an Vhey lhad carried ou adepre and uuceacing struggle, aitIha accomhliched au axerage aiyju v-ey cf forty miles in a_!u opje' oa For sale bDY Quîiek & M4.Mllry, RovwavPlIe. OnLt This 19 because Vinol containron "y and ail of the inedIeInal bod'y-uildU10-' A package of seed cf tbe D. IlH. Colossal White Sugar Beet will ha given you free if you write for oui- handsorne new 1909 SCatalogue. ihis beet grows Vo au immense size, je easily bar- Svested, and yields 1,500 to 2,000 busbels te the acre in ordinary Ssoil. Makes cows yield more mnilk. IFattens hoge quicker. If Spreferred we will seud you a package cf oui- Russian Giant Let- ~.5e tuce or Ostritcb Feather Aster seed instead of the sugar hast eeed. - Write to-day andi namne your choice, raies ention name of thia paper. Darch &z Hunter Seed Co., Ltd,, Londoný, Ont. TYRONE.Coks oto RotCmo& Standing of pupils in S S.Ut1inoTonl,1s, ! 1 1 Aonlysafeeffectuai MlonVhiA Darlington, for March: 'Regùiatgron w1lici womeii üan Senir Hom.-For V.-Lioel ~ ,~.depend. Soid Ia thi-ce dlegreesa Senir Rom.-For V. Lioel 4ý f strength-No. 1, Si;1; .o. Byam, Mabel Wî'igtit, Loi-ne Saun- 10degrece stronger 2:~; Noil for e ecial cases, $5,prlx~ ders. ~Sold hial drUggL1cts, or Senior IV.-Lewis Philip, Albert prepa on recoi)tof_,ri. Mor ris, Lorne Phare. Co ,~roeC. ON&T. tfer5tWido Junior IV.-Percy McCoy, Velma --- Staples, GarueV McCoy, Harold l6th; yet on Auguet 26th thýey ai- Skinner. rived at Herschel Island, every eue Senior III.-Ceeil Hahm, John of them stroug and well. andI no Hilîls, Lance Phare. whit the worse for hic adventure. NONA BURNHAM (Teacher.) They made Vhe whole jure thi-ougli rough ceas and thiougli Junior Room.-Junior gaiescf wind. Every stitch on; hei Roma Phare, Maggie Higgius, backs wns censtnntiy drenched. Myrte, Moor, OVho Staples, Everett 0f supplies lhe.y carried onfly' that Vu-tue, W illie Lindsay, MilVon scanty portion wbich a wha]ie-boal always has on bau-c for an errer- Thomp.son.. geucy; nor are the emrergencies cn Junior Il.-Elgin Higgins, Cedric tcmplated cf suob duration. Congdon, BraVa Hawkey, Loi-ne Every now antI then tboy had Voa McCoy, Irene Farrell, Milton Vii- put ashore Vo fiud fresh water and tue, George Rahm, -Harold -±,. nach , fr,. _e r .na D. B Simpeon, Be" matîvilie. Culai-le, Soileltor, for 15e saîti exatutor. &x LOVELL, BOWMIVANVII-LL, ~gatPAs You Pjough The lima te kilI Motu, Sig ÀAunts, Plias, Beetles,Lie Midges, Caterpillar auJ theýr dtructive insect - je beor Kiithem t Vhsgi-olud. et uigateVhs su wit whlicb live, or xvintr i u APIEITE ', a -xondrfil destroyer cf pesd t sd gei-mls In t'le sou-sd meues big ci-opa of soýnnd fý-iansd vegeýtables. F~~~~~c R~ rdote 5Plant I~L, Prel -Creaif Y.11 ~j lui rprincir; ai and meni on ti,isptIer g, neraii or' direct fro'm ~ M.OPf &NP~S UO - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - ' 1 thttn fitteen carloads of exhibibý, colix- 1 "Il ignadu e -F ' v- -1 -1--l --u -U-- ý-r -ýw -9-1 - -ý-M te 1 A jwý-qlauL ýWJL M%ýju JL raiLiLà.-V &XY amaiàwa AL'WVý# 1